view level2/modules/kernel/ffreehb.asm @ 2887:a1296ceb6797

boot_scsi.asm: Remove misplaced # in CntrSlot FCB constant
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sun, 24 Nov 2013 17:03:01 +0100
parents 1451bc7ef0b9
children 039ddb7c8ad7
line wrap: on
line source

* System Call: F$FreeHB
* Function: Get free high block
* Called from F$MapBlk and from SS.MpGPB)
* Input:  B = Block count
*         Y = DAT image pointer
* Output: A = High block number
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
FFreeHB  ldb   R$B,u          Get # blocks requested
         ldy   R$Y,u          Get DAT Img ptr
         bsr   L0A31          Go find free blocks in high part of DAT
L0A2C    bcs   L0A30          Couldn't find any, exit with error
         sta   R$A,u          Save starting block #
L0A30    rts                  Return

L0A31    tfr   b,a            Copy # blocks requested to A
* This gets called directly from within F$Link
L0A33    suba  #$09           Invert within 8
         pshs  x,d            Save X, block # & block count
         ldd   #$FFFF         -1'
L0A56    pshs  d

* Move to next block - SHOULD OPTIMIZE WITH W
L0A58    clra                 # free blocks found so far=0
         ldb   2,s            Get block #
         addb  ,s             Add block increment (point to next block)
         stb   2,s            Save new block # to check
         cmpb  1,s            Same as block count?
         bne   L0A75          No, skip ahead
         ldb   #E$MemFul      Preset error for 207 (Process mem full)
         cmpy  <D.SysDAT      Is it the system process?
         bne   L0A6C          No, exit with error 207
         ldb   #E$NoRAM       System Mem full (237)
L0A6C    stb   3,s            Save error code
         comb                 set carry
         bra   L0A82          Exit with error

L0A71    tfr   a,b            Copy # blocks to B
         addb  2,s            Add to current start block #
L0A75    lslb                 Multiply block # by 2
         ldx   b,y            Get DAT marker for that block
         cmpx  #DAT.Free      Empty block?
         bne   L0A58          No, move to next block
         inca                 Bump up # blocks free counter
         cmpa  3,s            Have we got enough?
         bne   L0A71          No, keep looking
L0A82    leas  2,s            Eat temporary stack
         puls  d,x,pc         Restore reg, error code & return

* Rodney says: "It's called via os9p1 syscall vector in line 393"
FSFreeLB ldb   R$B,u          Get block count
         ldy   R$Y,u          Get ptr to DAT Image
         bsr   L0A4B          Go find block #'s
         bra   L0A2C          Do error checking & exit (since never called,
* not worried about speed)          

L0A4B    lda   #$FF           Value to start loop at block 0
         pshs  x,d            Preserve X,flag & block count
*         lda   #$01           # to add to go to next block (positive here)
         nega             -(-1)=+1
         subb  #9             Drop block count to -8 to -1 (invert within 8)
         negb                 Negate so it is a positive # again
         bra   L0A56          Go into main find loop

* System Call: F$FreeLB
* Function: Get free low block
* Input:  B = Block count
*         Y = DAT image pointer
* Output: A = Low block number
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
FFreeLB  ldd   R$D,u
         ldx   R$X,u
         ldu   R$U,u
L0A8C    pshs  d,x,y,u
         leay  <P$DATImg,x
         leay  a,y
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   d,w
         tfm   u+,y+
         oim   #ImgChg,P$State,x
L0ALoop  lda   ,u+
         sta   ,y+
         bne   L0ALoop
         lda   P$State,x
         ora   #ImgChg
         sta   P$State,x
         puls  d,x,y,u,pc