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view level1/modules/boot_burke.asm @ 2430:a4be2dd00218
Fixed hanging ENDC
author | boisy |
date | Fri, 12 Feb 2010 22:33:02 +0000 |
parents | d669aab7d6d8 |
children | e0614e08fa5e |
line wrap: on
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******************************************************************** * Boot - Burke & Burke Boot Module * * $Id$ * * Burke & Burke boot module... needs to be patched for OS9Boots that are * far into the device. * Track is the literal cylinder #, Cylinder would be including all heads * of that track * * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by * Comment * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * 2 ????/??/?? * Initial version. nam Boot ttl Burke & Burke Boot Module org 0 buffptr rmb 2 Pointer to sector buffer in memory numcyl rmb 2 Number of tracks for drive geometry init sechead rmb 2 # of logical sectors/physical sector numhead rmb 1 # of heads (sides) seccyl rmb 2 # of sectors/cylinder (# of heads*sectors per head) track rmb 2 Cylinder number last calculated ($9 - $A) head rmb 1 Drive/head number (drive always 0) sector rmb 1 Sector number (0-63) vars equ 13-buffptr Size of stack variables buffer IFP1 use defsfile ENDC tylg set Systm+Objct atrv set ReEnt+rev rev set $00 edition set 2 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size u0000 rmb 0 size equ . name fcs /Boot/ fcb edition start ldb >MPI.Slct Set up Multipak properly for us lda #$10 mul ldb #$11 mul stb >MPI.Slct leas -vars,s Reserve work area on stack of 13 bytes tfr s,u U points to beginning of 13 byte buffer pshs u,y,x,b,a Preserve registers ldd #$0200 512 bytes for each read from XT-GEN std numcyl,u # of cyls on drive sta sechead+1,u # of sectors/head sta numhead,u # of heads on drive os9 F$SRqMem Request 512 byte buffer from OS9P1 lbcs L00B6 Error tfr u,d d=Starting address of 512 byte block ldu $06,s Get back pointer to 13 byte buffer std buffptr,u Preserve buffer pointer clr >$FF51 Reset controller clr >$FF53 Set controller mode to 0 (part of init) lbsr drvtype Set drive geometry (type of drive) clrb Set initial LSN to 0 ldx #$0000 lbsr GetSect Figure out track/head/sector for LSN0 bcs L00B6 Error occured in read ldy buffptr,u Get buffer pointer ldd DD.NAM+PD.CYL,y Get real # cylinders on drive std numcyl,u Preserve ldd DD.NAM+PD.SCT,y Get real # sectors/track std sechead,u Preserve lda DD.NAM+PD.SID,y Get real # heads sta numhead,u Preserve leay DD.BT,y Point to OS9Boot information ldd DD.BSZ-DD.BT,y Get size of OS9Boot std ,s Preserve on stack ldb DD.BT-DD.BT,y Get MSB of starting LSN of OS9Boot ldx DD.BT-DD.BT+1,y Get LSW of starting LSN of OS9Boot pshs x,b Push on stack lbsr drvtype Set up drive for real drive specs ldd #$0200 Get size of our buffer ldu buffptr,u Get pointer to our 512 byte buffer os9 F$SRtMem Deallocate our old sector buffer ldd $03,s Get back size of OS9Boot inca Increase size by 1 block (256 bytes) IFEQ Level-1 os9 F$SRqMem ELSE os9 F$BtMem Allocate memory for boot file ENDC bcs L00B0 Error stu $05,s Preserve pointer to start of OS9boot memory ldu $09,s Get back pointer to local variables ldd $05,s Get pointer to start of OS9Boot memory std buffptr,u Move disk buffer pointer to there ldd $03,s Get size of bootfile beq L00A9 If zero, do someting pshs b,a Otherwise push on stack ReadBt std ,s Store # bytes left in boot on stack ldb $02,s Get MSB of start sector of boot ldx $03,s Get LSW of start sector of boot bsr GetSect Convert to track/head/sector bcs L00B4 If an error in getting, do something inc buffptr,u Bump up buffer pointer by a page ldx $03,s Bump up LSW of sector number leax $01,x stx $03,s And put it back bne L00A0 If no carry over needed, proceed inc $02,s Bump up MSB of sector number L00A0 ldd ,s Get current boot size left to do subd #$0100 Subtract 256 from it bhi ReadBt If not zero yet, keep reading leas $02,s Eat our temporary size left L00A9 leas $03,s Eat our current LSN to get clrb Clear carry (No error) puls b,a pull off multipak settings (?) bra BtExit L00B0 leas $03,s Purge stack bra L00B6 L00B4 leas $05,s Purge stack L00B6 leas $02,s Purge stack BtExit pshs a lda #$FF sta >$FF51 Reset controller sta >MPI.Slct Reset multipak sta >$FFD9 Double speed on puls u,y,x,a Get exit parameters for Boot leas vars,s Reset stack rts Exit from Boot * Get 512 byte sector from controller * Entry X:B = 24 bit Logical sector number to get GetSect pshs x,b Preserve registers ldx #$FFFF (Init X so it will be 0 in loop) * 24 bit divide routine. Stack=LSN (3 bytes) * Entry: u=pointer to our local variable list cyldiv leax $01,x # of loops through subtract ldd $01,s Get original x (0) subd seccyl,u Subtract # sector/cylinder std $01,s Preserve it back ldb ,s Continue subtract with borrow for 24 bit sbcb #$00 stb ,s bcc cyldiv If not trying to borrow again, continue stx track,u Got track # ldd $01,s Reset value to last in loop addd seccyl,u clr head,u Set head # to 0? hddiv inc head,u Increase head #? subd sechead,u Subtract # sectors/head? bcc hddiv Continue subtracting until it wraps dec head,u Adjust head to not include wrap addd sechead,u Adjust leftover to not include wrap lsrb Divide b by 2 (256 byte sector to 512) stb sector,u Preserve sector # leas $03,s Clear stack of 24 bit number pshs cc Preserve odd sector flag (carry bit) bsr cmdstrt Set up controller for new command lda #$08 Read sector command ldb head,u Drive/head byte (Drive always 0) bsr dblsend Send to controller ldd track,u Get msb of track lsra Move right 2 bits into left two for the rora controller rora ora sector,u mask in the sector number into remaining 6 bits * ldb track+1,u Get LSB of track bsr dblsend Send to controller ldd #$0100 1 sector to read/no error correction/3 ms step bsr dblsend Send that to controller ldx buffptr,u Get pointer to sector buffer * new code is here puls cc Get back odd sector 1/2 indicator bcc normal Even sector, use 1st half bsr Eat256 Odd sector, use 2nd half bsr Read256 Read 256 bytes off of controller lbra chkcmplt See if command is complete normal bsr Read256 Read 1/2 of sector bsr Eat256 Eat half of sector lbra chkcmplt See if command is complete Eat256 clrb Eat 256 bytes off of controller Eatlp lbsr nxtready Get byte from controller decb counter bne Eatlp Keep eating until 256 bytes done clrb rts * Read 256 bytes from controller * Entry: X=Pointer to current position in 512 physical sector buffer Read256 clrb Set counter for 256 byte read ReadLp lbsr nxtready Go get a byte from controller sta ,x+ Put in buffer decb keep doing until all 256 are read bne ReadLp middle clrb Clear carry for no error & return rts * Send 2 bytes to the controller * Entry: a=1st byte to send * b=2nd byte to send dblsend pshs b,a Preserve d for a moment bsr sendbyte Go send what is in a to controller tfr b,a Send what was in b to the controller bsr sendbyte puls pc,b,a Return with a and b intact * Sends a byte to the controller when it is ready for it * Entry: a=byte to send sendbyte pshs a Preserve a for a moment waitsend bsr stable Make sure status register is stable and get it anda #%00001011 Mask out bits cmpa #$09 Is it expecting next byte of data packet? bne waitsend puls a Yes, get the byte we are sending next sta >$FF50 Store in data register rts * Sends out command packet (6 bytes). Hard coded for drive 0, head 0, * track 0, sector 0, interleave 0, no error correction, 3 ms step rate cmdpckt pshs a Preserve command for a moment bsr cmdstrt Go initialize controller for command start puls a Get back command byte clrb 1st option byte to 0 bsr dblsend Send both to controller clra bsr dblsend Send 4 more 0's to controller bsr dblsend (sent command byte and 5 zero bytes for command rts packet) cmdstrt bsr stable anda #%00001001 Mask out all but bits 0 and 3 bne cmdstrt If controller command is not complete or expecting clr >$FF52 data, keep reading status register until it is ready rts Otherwise initialize command start * Make sure controller's status register is stable stable lda >$FF51 Get status from controller cmpa >$FF51 Keep getting until it stabilizes bne stable rts * Set the drive type (set to 512 track - may be the error) * Using the initialize drive geometry command * Exit: Carry set if non-recoverable error drvtype lda #$0C Initialize drive geometry command bsr cmdpckt Go init ldd numcyl,u Get # of cylinders on media bsr dblsend Send it out (indicates drive has 512 tracks) ldb sechead+1,u Get # of sectors/head lda numhead,u Get # of heads on media lsrb Divide OS9 sectors by 2 bsr sendbyte Send out # of heads for drive geometry lslb Multiply WD sectors by 2 to get OS9 sectors again. mul std seccyl,u # sectors per cylinder (all heads on a track) ldd numcyl,u Get # of tracks back subd #$0001 Reduce write track=last track-1 bsr dblsend Send out reduced write track # bsr dblsend Also use as write precomp track # lda #$04 Maximum ECC burst length correctable=4 bsr sendbyte Send it out * Make sure command has completed * Exit: Carry set if controller reported a non-recoverable error * Carry clear if everything went fine chkcmplt bsr stable When status register is stable get it anda #%00000111 Keep checking until controller indicates that cmpa #%00000111 command completion code is ready to be read bne chkcmplt lda >$FF50 Get command completion code bita #%00000010 Was there in error in completing the command? beq noerror Nope, everything fine setting drive geometry lda #$03 Error, Request Sense Status from the drive bsr cmdpckt send Request Sense Status code bsr nxtready Go get response from controller anda #%00111111 Mask out all but error type and error code pshs a Preserve it for a second bsr eat2 Go eat next 4 bytes from controller (remaining 3 bsr eat2 from Sense Status & command completion code) puls a Get back original error byte tsta No error occured? beq noerror No error; exit without error cmpa #%00011000 Type 1, error 8 (correctable data error)? beq noerror Yes, return without error comb Set carry to indicate error rts return noerror clrb rts * Reads two byte from controller without caring what they are eat2 bsr nxtready * Waits until next byte coming from controller is ready, then gets it * Exit: a=byte from controller nxtready bsr stable Make sure status register is stable and get it anda #%00001011 Controller ready to send me next byte? cmpa #%00001011 bne nxtready Nope, keep waiting lda >$FF50 Yes, get byte and return rts Padding to get $1D0 Size IFGT Level-1 * Pad to $1D0 bytes exactly Pad fill $39,$1D0-3-* ENDC emod eom equ * end