view docs/os9sysprog/docbook-utils.dsl @ 813:a931c27458ff

More disassembly
author boisy
date Mon, 13 Jan 2003 05:21:28 +0000 (2003-01-13)
parents b304b9aab9f0
line wrap: on
line source
<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [
<!ENTITY % html "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % print "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY docbook.dsl PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook HTML Stylesheet//EN" CDATA dsssl>
<!ENTITY % print "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY docbook.dsl PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook Print Stylesheet//EN" CDATA dsssl>

;;#                                                                     #
;;#                 The GNOME Documentation Project's                   #
;;#                  Custion DocBook Stylesheet Layer                   #
;;#                    by Dave Mason                     #
;;#            Based on Norman Walsh's Modular Stylesheets              #
;;#                                                                     #
;;#            This is intended as a drop-in replacement for            #
;;#            the cygnus-both.dsl file in DocBook Tools.               #
;;#           Just copy it to the location dbtools created              #
;;#                   and rename it cygnus-both.dsl                     #
;;#                                                                     #
;;#                       This is Version 1.0-4                         #


<style-specification id="print" use="docbook">

;;                               PRINT

;;General Options

;;Do you want to print on both sides of the paper?
(define %two-side% 

;;Do you want enumerated sections? (E.g, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, etc.)
(define %section-autolabel% 

;;What is the default extension for graphics?
(define %graphic-default-extension% 

;;Show URL links? If the text of the link and the URL are identical,
;;the parenthetical URL is suppressed.
(define %show-ulinks%

;Make Ulinks footnotes to stop bleeding in the edges - this increases
;'jade --> print' time tremendously keep this in mind before
(define %footnote-ulinks%

;;Tex Backend on
(define tex-backend 

;;Define Line Spacing
(define %line-spacing-factor% 1.1)

;;Define the Paragraph Style
(define para-style
   font-size: %bf-size%
   font-weight: 'medium
   font-posture: 'upright
   font-family-name: %body-font-family%
   line-spacing: (* %bf-size% %line-spacing-factor%)))

(define ($object-titles-after$)
  (list (normalize "figure")))

;;Book Options

;;Do you want a title page for a Book?
(define %generate-book-titlepage%

;;Do you want a separate page for the title?
(define %generate-book-titlepage-on-separate-page%

;;Generate Book TOC?
(define %generate-book-toc% 

;;What depth should the TOC generate?
;;!Only top level of appendixes!
(define (toc-depth nd)
  (if (string=? (gi nd) (normalize "book"))
      (if (string=? (gi nd) (normalize "appendix"))

;;Do you want a TOC for the element part?
(define %generate-part-toc% 

;;Do you want the part toc on the part titlepage or separate?
(define %generate-part-toc-on-titlepage%

;;Generate Part Title Page?
(define %generate-part-titlepage% 

;;Do you want the Part intro on the part title page?
(define %generate-partintro-on-titlepage%

;;What elements should have a LOT?
(define ($generate-book-lot-list$)
  (list (normalize "equation")))

;;Do you want chapters enumerated?
(define %chapter-autolabel% 

;;Do you want Chapter's and Appendix's 
;;to have automatic labels?
(define %chap-app-running-head-autolabel% 

;;Article Options

;;Do you want a title page for an Article?
(define %generate-article-titlepage%

;;Generate Article TOC?
(define %generate-article-toc% 

;;Do you want a separate page for the title?
(define %generate-article-titlepage-on-separate-page%

;;Do you want the article toc on the titlepage or separate?
(define %generate-article-toc-on-titlepage%

;;Do you want to start new page numbers with each article?
(define %article-page-number-restart%

;;Titlepage Separate?
(define (chunk-skip-first-element-list)

;;Titlepage Not Separate
;(define (chunk-skip-first-element-list)
;  (list (normalize "sect1")
;	(normalize "section")))


;;How many columns do you want?
(define %page-n-columns%

;;How much space between columns?
(define %page-column-sep%

;;How many Columns on the titlepage?
(define %titlepage-n-columns%

;;Balance columns?
(define %page-balance-colums%


;;Defines the general size of the text in the document. normal(10),
;;presbyopic(12), and large-type(24). 
(define %visual-acuity%

;;What font would you like for titles?
(define %title-font-family% 

;;What font would you like for the body?
(define %body-font-family% 

;;What font would you like for mono-seq?
(define %mono-font-family% 
 "Courier New")

;;If the base fontsize is 10pt, and '%hsize-bump-factor%' is
;; 1.2, hsize 1 is 12pt, hsize 2 is 14.4pt, hsize 3 is 17.28pt, etc
(define %hsize-bump-factor% 

;;What size do you want the body fonts?
(define %bf-size%
 (case %visual-acuity%
    (("tiny") 8pt)
    (("normal") 10pt)
    (("presbyopic") 12pt)
    (("large-type") 24pt)))

(define-unit em %bf-size%)


(define %left-right-margin% 6pi)

;;How much indentation for the body?
(define %body-start-indent% 

;;How big is the left margin? (relative to physical page)
(define %left-margin% 
 8pi) ;white-paper-column

;;How big is the right margin? (relative to physical page)
(define %right-margin% 
 8pi) ;white-paper-column

;;How big do you want the margin at the top?
(define %top-margin%
(if (equal? %visual-acuity% "large-type")

;;How big do you want the margin at the bottom?
(define %bottom-margin% 
 (if (equal? %visual-acuity% "large-type")

;;Define the text width. (Change the elements in the formula rather
;;than the formula itself)
;(define %text-width% (- %page-width% (* %left-right-margin% 2)))
(define %text-width%  (- %page-width% (+ %left-margin% %right-margin%)))

;;Define the body width. (Change the elements in the formula rather
;;than the formula itself)
(define %body-width% 
 (- %text-width% %body-start-indent%))

;;Define distance between paragraphs
(define %para-sep% 
 (/ %bf-size% 2.0))

;;Define distance between block elements (figures, tables, etc.).
(define %block-sep% 
 (* %para-sep% 2.0))

;;Indent block elements?
(define %block-start-indent% 

;;Admon Graphics

;;Do you want admon graohics on?
(define %admon-graphics%

;;Where are the admon graphics?
(define %admon-graphics-path%


;;What quadding do you want by default; start, center, justify, or end?
(define %default-quadding%

;;What quadding for component titles(Chapter, Appendix, etc)?
(define %component-title-quadding% 

;;What quadding for section titles?
(define %section-title-quadding% 

;;What quadding for section sub-titles?
(define %section-subtitle-quadding%

;;What quadding for article title?
(define %article-title-quadding% 

;;What quadding for article sub-titles?
(define %article-subtitle-quadding%

;;What quadding for division subtitles?
(define %division-subtitle-quadding% 

;;What quadding for component subtitles?
(define %component-subtitle-quadding% 

;;Paper Options

;;What size paper do you need? A4, USletter, USlandscape, or RedHat?
(define %paper-type%

;;Now define those paper types' width
(define %page-width%
 (case %paper-type%
    (("A4") 210mm)
    (("USletter") 8.5in)
    (("USlandscape") 11in)))

;;Now define those paper types' height
(define %page-height%
 (case %paper-type%
    (("A4") 297mm)
    (("USletter") 11in)
    (("USlandscape") 8.5in)))


(define (OLSTEP)
   (modulo (length (hierarchical-number-recursive "ORDEREDLIST")) 4)
	((1) 1.2em)
	((2) 1.2em)
	((3) 1.6em)
	((0) 1.4em)))

(define (ILSTEP) 1.0em)

(define (PROCSTEP ilvl)
  (if (> ilvl 1) 1.8em 1.4em))

(define (PROCWID ilvl)
  (if (> ilvl 1) 1.8em 1.4em))

(define ($comptitle$)
  (make paragraph
	font-family-name: %title-font-family%
	font-weight: 'bold
	font-size: (HSIZE 2)
	line-spacing: (* (HSIZE 2) %line-spacing-factor%)
	space-before: (* (HSIZE 2) %head-before-factor%)
	space-after: (* (HSIZE 2) %head-after-factor%)
	start-indent: 0pt
	first-line-start-indent: 0pt
	quadding: 'start
	keep-with-next?: #t

;;Callouts are confusing in Postscript... fix them.
(define %callout-fancy-bug% 

;;By default perils are centered and dropped into a box with a really
;;big border - I have simply decreased the border thickness -
;;unfortunately it takes all this to do it - sigh.
(define ($peril$)
  (let* ((title     (select-elements 
		     (children (current-node)) (normalize "title")))
	 (has-title (not (node-list-empty? title)))
	 (adm-title (if has-title 
			(make sequence
			  (with-mode title-sosofo-mode
			    (process-node-list (node-list-first title))))
	 (hs (HSIZE 2)))
  (if %admon-graphics%
      (make display-group
	space-before: %block-sep%
	space-after: %block-sep%
	font-family-name: %admon-font-family%
	font-size: (- %bf-size% 1pt)
	font-weight: 'medium
	font-posture: 'upright
	line-spacing: (* (- %bf-size% 1pt) %line-spacing-factor%)
	(make box
	  display?: #t
	  box-type: 'border
	  line-thickness: .5pt
	  start-indent: (+ (inherited-start-indent) (* 2 (ILSTEP)) 2pt)
	  end-indent: (inherited-end-indent)
	  (make paragraph
	    space-before: %para-sep%
	    space-after: %para-sep%
	    start-indent: 1em
	    end-indent: 1em
	    font-family-name: %title-font-family%
	    font-weight: 'bold
	    font-size: hs
	    line-spacing: (* hs %line-spacing-factor%)
	    quadding: 'center
	    keep-with-next?: #t

;;Non-printing Elements
(element TITLEABBREV (empty-sosofo))
(element SUBTITLE (empty-sosofo))
(element SETINFO (empty-sosofo))
(element BOOKINFO (empty-sosofo))
(element BIBLIOENTRY (empty-sosofo))
(element BIBLIOMISC (empty-sosofo))
(element BOOKBIBLIO (empty-sosofo))
(element SERIESINFO (empty-sosofo))
(element DOCINFO (empty-sosofo))
(element ARTHEADER (empty-sosofo))
(element ADDRESS (empty-sosofo))

;;Show comment element?
(define %show-comments%

;;Redefine comment for LSB
(element comment
  (if %show-comments%
      (make paragraph
	start-indent: 0pt
	first-line-start-indent: -10pt
	font-posture: 'italic
	font-size: (* (inherited-font-size) 0.9)
	(make sequence
	  (make line-field 
	    field-width: 10pt
	    quadding: 'center
	    (literal "BEGIN RATIONALE:   "))
	(literal "END RATIONALE:   "))

;; In DocBook V4.0 comment became remark
(element remark
  (if %show-comments%
      (make paragraph
	start-indent: 0pt
	first-line-start-indent: -10pt
	font-posture: 'italic
	font-size: (* (inherited-font-size) 0.9)
	(make sequence
	  (make line-field 
	    field-width: 10pt
	    quadding: 'center
	    (literal "BEGIN RATIONALE:   "))
	(literal "END RATIONALE:   "))

;;Formalpara titles

;;Change the way Formal Paragraph titles are displayed. The commented
;;out section will run the titles in the paragraphs. 
(element (formalpara title)
  ;(make sequence
  ;font-weight: 'bold
  ($lowtitle$ 5))


(element application ($mono-seq$))
(element command ($bold-seq$))
(element filename ($mono-seq$))
(element function ($mono-seq$))
(element guibutton ($bold-seq$))
(element guiicon ($bold-seq$))
(element guilabel ($italic-seq$))
(element guimenu ($bold-seq$))
(element guimenuitem ($bold-seq$))
(element hardware ($bold-mono-seq$))
(element keycap ($bold-seq$))
(element literal ($mono-seq$))
(element parameter ($italic-mono-seq$))
(element prompt ($mono-seq$))
(element symbol ($charseq$))
(element emphasis ($italic-seq$))


;;                                HTML

<style-specification id="html" use="docbook">

;; this is necessary because right now jadetex does not understand
;; symbolic entities, whereas things work well with numeric entities.
(declare-characteristic preserve-sdata?
          "UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Characteristic::preserve-sdata?"

;;Header HTML 4.0.1

(define %html-pubid% "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN")

;;Common Stuff

;;Should there be a link to the legalnotice?
(define %generate-legalnotice-link%

;;What graphics extensions allowed?
(define %graphic-extensions% 
'("gif" "png" "jpg" "jpeg" "tif" "tiff" "eps" "epsf" ))

;;What is the default extension for images?
(define %graphic-default-extension% "png")

;;Use element ids as filenames?
(define %use-id-as-filename%

;;Book Stuff

;;Do you want a TOC for Books?
(define %generate-book-toc% 

;;What depth should the TOC generate?
;;!Only top level of appendixes!
(define (toc-depth nd)
  (if (string=? (gi nd) (normalize "book"))
      (if (string=? (gi nd) (normalize "appendix"))

;;What elements should have an LOT?
(define ($generate-book-lot-list$)
  (list (normalize "equation")))

;;Do you want a title page for your Book?
(define %generate-book-titlepage%

;;Part Stuff

;;Should parts have TOCs?
(define %generate-part-toc% 

;;Should part TOCs be on their titlepages?
(define %generate-part-toc-on-titlepage%

;;Do you want a title page for your part?
(define %generate-part-titlepage% 

;;Should the Part intro be on the part title page?
(define %generate-partintro-on-titlepage%

(define %para-autolabel%

;;Chapter Stuff

;;No TOCs in Chapters
(define $generate-chapter-toc$
 (lambda ()


;;Should there be navigation at top?
(define %header-navigation%

;;Should there be navigation at bottom?
(define %footer-navigation%

;;Use tables to create the navigation?
(define %gentext-nav-use-tables%

;;If tables are used for navigation, 
;;how wide should they be? 
(define %gentext-nav-tblwidth% 

;;Add arrows to navigation (comment these 
;;out if you want admon graphics here)
(define (gentext-en-nav-prev prev) 
  (make sequence (literal "<<< Previous")))

;;Add arrows to navigation (comment these 
;;out if you want admon graphics here)
(define (gentext-en-nav-next next)
  (make sequence (literal "Next >>>")))

;;Tables and Lists

;;Should Variable lists be tables?
(define %always-format-variablelist-as-table%

;;What is the length of the 'Term' in a variablelist?
(define %default-variablelist-termlength%

;;When true | If the terms are shorter than 
;;the termlength above then the variablelist 
;;will be formatted as a table.
(define %may-format-variablelist-as-table%

;;This overrides the tgroup definition 
;;(copied from 1.20, dbtable.dsl).
;;It changes the table background color, 
;;cell spacing and cell padding.
;;This is based on gtk-doc additions - thanks!

(element tgroup
  (let* ((wrapper   (parent (current-node)))
	 (frameattr (attribute-string (normalize "frame") wrapper))
	 (pgwide    (attribute-string (normalize "pgwide") wrapper))
	 (footnotes (select-elements (descendants (current-node)) 
				     (normalize "footnote")))
	 (border (if (equal? frameattr (normalize "none"))
		     '(("BORDER" "0"))
		     '(("BORDER" "1"))))
	 (bgcolor '(("BGCOLOR" "#E0E0E0")))
	 (width (if (equal? pgwide "1")
		    (list (list "WIDTH" ($table-width$)))
	 (head (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "thead")))
	 (body (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "tbody")))
	 (feet (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "tfoot"))))
    (make element gi: "TABLE"
	  attributes: (append
		       '(("CELLSPACING" "0"))
		       '(("CELLPADDING" "4"))
		       (if %cals-table-class%
			   (list (list "CLASS" %cals-table-class%))
	  (process-node-list head)
	  (process-node-list body)
	  (process-node-list feet)

;; Admon Graphics

;;Should Admon Graphics be used?
(define %admon-graphics%

;;Where are those admon graphics?
(define %admon-graphics-path%

;;Given an admonition node, returns the 
;;name of the graphic that should
;;be used for that admonition.
;;Define admon graphics usage
;;NOTE these will change to pngs 
;;soon in the GDP when Tigert gets 
;;the time to make special ones for us!
(define ($admon-graphic$ #!optional (nd (current-node)))
  (cond ((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "tip"))
	 (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "tip.gif"))
	((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "note"))
	 (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "note.gif"))
	((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "important"))
	 (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "important.gif"))
	((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "caution"))
	 (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "caution.gif"))
	((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "warning"))
	 (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "warning.gif"))
	(else (error (string-append (gi nd) " is not an admonition.")))))

;;Given an admonition node, returns 
;;the width of the graphic that will
;;be used for that admonition.
(define ($admon-graphic-width$ #!optional (nd (current-node)))


;;Enumerate Chapters?
(define %chapter-autolabel% 

;;Enumerate Sections?
(define %section-autolabel%

;;    HTML Attributes

;;What attributes should be hung off 
;;of 'body'?
(define %body-attr%
   (list "BGCOLOR" "#FFFFFF")
   (list "TEXT" "#000000")
   (list "LINK" "#0000FF")
   (list "VLINK" "#840084")
   (list "ALINK" "#0000FF")))

;;Default extension for filenames?
(define %html-ext% 

;;Use a CSS stylesheet?
;;Which one? Should work on 
;;this one soon
;(define %stylesheet% 
;        "./gnome.css")

;;Use it
;(define %stylesheet-type% 

;;Title Pages for Books

(define (book-titlepage-recto-elements)
  (list (normalize "title")
	(normalize "subtitle")
	(normalize "corpauthor")
	(normalize "authorgroup")
	(normalize "author")
	(normalize "orgname")
	(normalize "graphic")
	(normalize "copyright")
	(normalize "legalnotice")
	(normalize "releaseinfo")
	(normalize "publisher")
	(normalize "isbn")))

;;Title Pages for Articles

;;Should Articles have a TOC?
(define %generate-article-toc% 

;;Which elements should appear 
;;on title page?
(define (article-titlepage-recto-elements)
  (list (normalize "title")
	(normalize "subtitle")
        (normalize "authorgroup")
        (normalize "copyright")
        (normalize "legalnotice")
        (normalize "abstract")))

;;How should elements on title page look?
(mode article-titlepage-recto-mode

;;Author name is too big - change it!
  (element author
    (let ((author-name  (author-string))
	  (author-affil (select-elements (children (current-node)) 
					 (normalize "affiliation"))))
      (make sequence      
	(make element gi: "H4"
	      attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))
	      (make element gi: "A"
		    attributes: (list (list "NAME" (element-id)))
		    (literal author-name)))
	(process-node-list author-affil))))

  (element address 
    (make sequence
      (make element gi: "DIV"
            attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))

;;Get rid of spam-producing "mailto" links
;;and get rid of email indentation  
  (element email
    (make sequence
      (make element gi: "DIV"
            attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))

;;Point Abstract to custom table function 
;;(See $dcm-abstract-object$ below. For default
;;use $semiformal-object$
  (element abstract
    (make element gi: "DIV"

  (element (abstract title) (empty-sosofo))

;;subtitle sizing
(element subtitle 
  (make element gi: "H4"
        attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))


;Define my own series of fonts for various elements
(element application ($mono-seq$))
(element command ($bold-seq$))
(element filename ($mono-seq$))
(element function ($mono-seq$))
(element guibutton ($bold-seq$))
(element guiicon ($bold-seq$))
(element guilabel ($bold-mono-seq$))
(element guimenu ($bold-seq$))
(element guimenuitem ($bold-seq$))
(element guisubmenu ($bold-seq$))
(element hardware ($bold-mono-seq$))
(element keycap ($bold-seq$))
(element literal ($mono-seq$))
(element parameter ($italic-mono-seq$))
(element prompt ($mono-seq$))
(element symbol ($charseq$))
(element emphasis ($italic-seq$))

;;Show comment element?
(define %show-comments%

;;Redefine comment element for LSB
(element comment
  (if %show-comments%
      (make element gi: "TABLE"
	    attributes: ($shade-verbatim-attr$)
	    (make element gi: "TR"
		  (make element gi: "TD"
			(literal "RATIONALE:")
			(make element gi: "P"

;;In DocBook V4.0 comment became remark
(element remark
  (if %show-comments%
      (make element gi: "TABLE"
	    attributes: ($shade-verbatim-attr$)
	    (make element gi: "TR"
		  (make element gi: "TD"
			(literal "RATIONALE:")
			(make element gi: "P"

;; General Formatting

;;Formal Paras are ugly by default!
;;Make the title run in - otherwise 
;;you should use a sect!
(element formalpara
  (make element gi: "DIV"
	attributes: (list
		     (list "CLASS" (gi)))
  	(make element gi: "P"

;;This is the old one 
;(element (formalpara title) 
;($lowtitle$ 5))

;;This is the new one
(element (formalpara title) 
  (make element gi: "B"

;;Make captions come after objects in the list
(define ($object-titles-after$)
  (list (normalize "figure")))

;; Handle qanda labelling with Q: A:
(define (qanda-defaultlabel)
  (normalize "qanda"))

;;From FreeBSD Sheets (Thanks!) Display Q and A in bigger bolder fonts

(element question
  (let* ((chlist   (children (current-node)))
	 (firstch  (node-list-first chlist))
	 (restch   (node-list-rest chlist)))
    (make element gi: "DIV"
	  attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))
	  (make element gi: "P" 
		(make element gi: "BIG"
		      (make element gi: "A"
			    attributes: (list
					 (list "NAME" (element-id)))
		      (make element gi: "B"
			    (literal (question-answer-label
				      (current-node)) " ")
			    (process-node-list (children firstch)))))
	  (process-node-list restch))))

;;Literal Elements

;;Indent Literal layouts?
(define %indent-literallayout-lines% 

;;Indent Programlistings?
(define %indent-programlisting-lines%

;;Number lines in Programlistings?
(define %number-programlisting-lines%

;;Should verbatim items be 'shaded' with a table?
(define %shade-verbatim% 

;;Define shade-verbatim attributes
(define ($shade-verbatim-attr$)
  (list "BORDER" "0")
  (list "BGCOLOR" "#E0E0E0")
  (list "WIDTH" ($table-width$))))

;;    Entities

;;Netscape doesn't handle trademark 
;;entity right at all!! Get rid of it.
;;Make a TM in a superscipt font.
(element trademark
  (make sequence
    (make element gi: "sup"
    (literal "TM"))))

;; New Definitions

(define ($dcm-abstract-object$)
   (make element gi: "TABLE"
        attributes: '(("BORDER" "0")
                      ("BGCOLOR" "#E0E0E0")
                      ("WIDTH" "50%")
                      ("CELLSPACING" "0")
                      ("CELLPADDING" "0")
                      ("ALIGN" "CENTER"))
        (make element gi: "TR"
              (make element gi: "TD"
                    attributes: '(("VALIGN" "TOP"))
                    (make element gi: "B"
                    (literal "Abstract"))))
        (make element gi: "TR"
              (make element gi: "TD"
                    attributes: '(("VALIGN" "TOP"))

;;Redefine Titlepage Separator on Articles

(define (article-titlepage-separator side)
  (make empty-element gi: "HR"
  attributes: '(("WIDTH" "75%")
                 ("ALIGN" "CENTER")
                 ("COLOR" "#000000")
                 ("SIZE" "1"))))

(define (chunk-element-list)
  (list (normalize "preface")
	(normalize "chapter")
	(normalize "appendix") 
	(normalize "article")
	(normalize "glossary")
	(normalize "bibliography")
	(normalize "index")
	(normalize "colophon")
	(normalize "setindex")
	(normalize "reference")
	(normalize "refentry")
	(normalize "part")
	(normalize "sect1") 
	(normalize "section") 
	(normalize "book") ;; just in case nothing else matches...
	(normalize "set")  ;; sets are definitely chunks...

;;Do you want Callouts to be graphics?
(define %callout-graphics%

;;Make Callout graphics PNGs
(define %callout-graphics-path%

  ;; Redefine $callout-bug$ to support the %callout-graphic-ext%
  ;; variable.
  (define ($callout-bug$ conumber)
    (let ((number (if conumber (format-number conumber "1") "0")))
      (if conumber
          (if %callout-graphics%
              (if (<= conumber %callout-graphics-number-limit%)
                  (make empty-element gi: "IMG"
                        attributes: (list (list "SRC"
                                          (list "HSPACE" "0")
                                          (list "VSPACE" "0")
                                          (list "BORDER" "0")
                                          (list "ALT"
                                                 "(" number ")"))))
                  (make element gi: "B"
                        (literal "(" (format-number conumber "1") ")")))
              (make element gi: "B"
                    (literal "(" (format-number conumber "1") ")")))
          (make element gi: "B"
         (literal "(??)")))))


<external-specification id="docbook" document="docbook.dsl">
