view 3rdparty/utils/sleuth3/cssnames3.asm @ 3149:afd0f7d9b514

Add the Sleuth multipass disassembler from Bud Pass Added new directory "3rdparty/utiles/sleuth3" and source files to build "sleuth3" and its utilities. Also added "sleuth3" to the Directories section of "3rdparty/utils/makefile" to faciliate the inclusion of the sleuth3 build.
author Bill Pierce <>
date Sat, 04 Feb 2017 18:55:39 +0100
line wrap: on
line source

**                              **
**  CSC OS/9 Name Changer c1982 **
**                              **
** Computer Systems Consultants **
** E. M. (Bud) Pass, Ph.D.      **
** 1454 Latta Lane NW           **
** Conyers, GA 30207            **
**                              **
 nam CSC OS/9 Name Changer
vn equ $03 version number
os9lno equ $02 os9 level number ($01=1.1 or $02=1.2/2.x)
coco equ $00 ($00 for coco, $01 for other)

 use defsfile

 mod endmod,namemd,Prgrm+Objct,ReEnt+vn,start,endmem header
namemd fcs "Chgnam3"
 fcc "CSC OS/9 Name Changer c1982"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "All Rights Reserved by"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "E. M. (Bud) Pass, Ph.D."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "Computer Systems Consultants, Inc."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "1454 Latta Lane, Conyers, GA 30207"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "Telephone Number 404-483-1717/4570"
 fcb $0d
* name changer for OS/9
* performs a high speed character string
* replacement. word pairs to be swapped
* are read from a wordlist path. program
* is most useful for changes that must
* be done often, paths larger than memory,
* or when the number of pairs is large.
* the original paths are not destroyed.
* calling format:
*    chgnam oldpath newpath wordlist #nnK
* oldpath is the path to be processed.
* newpath is the destination path that
* will be created.
* wordlist contains substitution word list
* containing pairs of words separated by
* a period. alternately the word pair can be
* preceeded, separated, and followed by a
* non-alphanumeric delimiter. this allows
* swapping words that contain a period. the
* maximum total characters (not including
* delimiters) in a word pair is 32. this
* is set during assembly by wpsize equ xx.
* this number must be a power of two.
* a few wordlist examples follow:
*      (replace old with new)
* apple.pear   (lower case accepted)
* aPpLe.pear   (note case must be exact}
* " i " me "   (spaces isolate letter)
* .zB406.fms.  (used by super sleuth)
* /1.23/abcd/  (period part of word)
* eliminate    (change word to nothing)
* #nnK is an optional parameter used to
* increase the OS/9 allocation of memory
* for table space.  by default, about 10k
* is allocated.  the following message:
*   table overflow!
* is output to the terminal if insufficient
* space is allocated for the wordlist path.
* equates
wpsize equ $20 change with caution! (power of 2)
mask equ $100-wpsize
tabsiz equ $2000 table size default
iobfc equ 0 function code
iobba equ 1 buffer address
iobbl equ 3 buffer length
iobfd equ 5 path descriptor
iobca equ 7 next char address
iobcc equ 9 char counter
iobfn equ 16 path name
ioblen equ 64 length of i/o block
fnmlen equ ioblen-iobfn length of path name
buflen equ 256 length of i/o buffer
read equ 1 read block raw
rdln equ 2 read block edited
write equ 3 write block raw
wrln equ 4 write block edited
 org $0000
* temps
top rmb 2 lowest address entry
topmov rmb 2 moving top
middle rmb 2 current center
botmov rmb 2 moving bottom
bottom rmb 2 next empty location
txtend rmb 2 end of source text
ramend rmb 2 end of text buffer
temp1 rmb 2
temp2 rmb 2
donflg rmb 1 path done
dupflg rmb 1 duplicate word
delim rmb 1 word pair delimiter
dlmflg rmb 1 found delimiter
debugr rmb 1 debugging flag
count rmb 1 character count
wrdbuf rmb wpsize save word pair
wrdend rmb 2 word end - for overflow bytes
 rmb (((.+$00ff)/256)*256)-. round to 256 for buffers
tebuff rmb buflen err output buffer
inbuff rmb buflen input buffer
otbuff rmb buflen output buffer
wlbuff rmb buflen word list buffer
teblok rmb ioblen std err output iob
inblok rmb ioblen input iob
otblok rmb ioblen output iob
wlblok rmb ioblen word list iob
endprg rmb (tabsiz+$0100) table space
endmem equ .
* executive program calls subroutines
start equ * starting address
execut bsr init set up
 bsr parse read command line
 lbsr dummie insert dummy entries
 leax redmsg,pcr
 lbsr xstrng
 lbsr rdpair read word list path
 tst dupflg,u
 bne exit identical pairs?
newbuf leax txtmsg,pcr
 lbsr xstrng
 lbsr rdtext read first text buffer
 leax promsg,pcr
 lbsr xstrng
 lbsr process process output path
 tst donflg,u source path complete?
 beq newbuf read another buffer
 leax finmsg,pcr finished!
 bra pntmsg
helpim leax hlpmsg,pcr help
pntmsg lbsr xstrng print message
exit lbsr closef
exitrm ldd #$0000
 os9 F$Exit
* initial set up
init pshs x
 leax top,u
 ldy #(endprg-top+tabsiz)
init1 clr ,x+
 leay -$01,y
 bne init1
 puls x
 tfr x,d
 subd #$0200
 clrb even bounds for testing
 std ramend,u
 leay endprg,u
 tfr y,d
 addd #$01ff
 clrb even bounds for testing
 std top,u start of word pairs
* parse command line for paths to open
parse tfr x,y set up iob's
 lda #read
 sta inblok+iobfc,u
 sta wlblok+iobfc,u
 lda #wrln
 sta teblok+iobfc,u
 lda #write
 sta otblok+iobfc,u
 ldd #$0002
 std teblok+iobfd,u
 ldd #buflen
 std inblok+iobbl,u
 std teblok+iobbl,u
 std teblok+iobcc,u
 std otblok+iobbl,u
 std otblok+iobcc,u
 std wlblok+iobbl,u
 leax inbuff,u
 stx inblok+iobba,u
 stx inblok+iobca,u
 leax tebuff,u
 stx teblok+iobba,u
 stx teblok+iobca,u
 leax otbuff,u
 stx otblok+iobba,u
 stx otblok+iobca,u
 leax wlbuff,u
 stx wlblok+iobba,u
 stx wlblok+iobca,u
 lbsr xcrlf
 tfr y,x
 lda ,x help wanted?
 cmpa #$20
 lblo helpim
parse1 lda ,y+ look for ?
 cmpa #$20
 blo parse2
 cmpa #$3f ?
 bne parse1
 sta debugr,u set debugging switch
parse2 ldd #(READ.*256) open input oldpath
 os9 I$Open
 lbcs helpim
 exg a,b
 std inblok+iobfd,u
 ldd #(WRITE.*256)+(READ.+WRITE.+PREAD.) open output newpath
 os9 I$Create
 lbcs helpim
 exg a,b
 std otblok+iobfd,u
 ldd #(READ.*256) open input wordlist
 os9 I$Open
 lbcs helpim
 exg a,b
 std wlblok+iobfd,u
* preset dummy word list into ram
dummie ldx top,u
 lda #$20 space
 ldb #wpsize
filspc sta ,x+ dummy start
 bne filspc
 lda #$7f delete
 ldb #wpsize
fillz sta ,x+ dummy end
 bne fillz
 stx bottom,u
* read word pair and format
rdpair clr delim,u no delimiter defined
 clr dlmflg,u no delimiter found
 leay wrdbuf,u
 ldb #wpsize max size
 stb count,u
rpair pshs x word list
 leax wlblok,u
 lbsr gnc read char
 puls x
 bvs redeof
 bcc notdon
error3 lda #$02 error on wordlist path
 leax errlrz,pcr
 ldy #errlrl
 os9 I$WritLn
 lbra exit
redeof rts all pairs read
notdon tst delim,u set yet?
 bne delset
 cmpa #$0d null entry?
 beq rdpair ignore empty lines
 ldb #$2e . default
 stb delim,u set to period
 lbsr class alphanumeric?
 bcc delset char still in a
 sta delim,u set delimiter
 bra rpair
delset cmpa #$0d end of pair?
 beq wrdone
 cmpa delim,u
 bne notdlm not delimiter?
 inc dlmflg,u
 bra rpair get another char
notdlm tst dlmflg,u last char=delimiter?
 beq nopar
 ora #$80 set parity bit
nopar sta ,y+
 clr dlmflg,u
 dec count,u
 bpl rpair get another
 pshs x
 leax sizmsg,pcr entry too long
 lbsr xstrng
 puls x
long pshs x
 leax wlblok,u
 lbsr gnc finish word
 puls x
 bcs error3
 bvs redeof
 cmpa #$0d end of line?
 bne long
 ldb #$80
 stb ,y terminate
 bra badwrd print bad entry
wrdone clr ,y+ mark end of pair
 dec count,u fill out buffer
 bpl wrdone
* find hole for new word
 ldx top,u reset to full size
 stx topmov,u
 ldx bottom,u
 stx botmov,u
fhole ldd topmov,u
fhole2 addd botmov,u
 rora divide by two
 andb #mask round down
 std middle,u
 addd #wpsize next word
 std temp1,u
 addd #wpsize
 std temp2,u next after that
 ldx middle,u
 bsr compar wrdbuf vs middle
 bne notdup
dbl pshs x wrd = string
 leax double,pcr
 lbsr xstrng
badwrd inc dupflg,u
 leax wrdbuf,u
pntdup lda ,x+
 bmi pntdu2
 pshs x print duplicate
 leax teblok,u
 lbsr pnc
 puls x
 bra pntdup
pntdu2 puls x
 lbra rdpair
notdup bcs trynxt
 ldx middle,u wrd < string
 stx botmov,u
 bra fhole
higher ldd middle,u
 std topmov,u
 bra fhole2
trynxt ldx temp1,u next after middle
 bsr compar wrdbuf vs temp1
 beq dbl
 bcs higher wrd > temp1
 ldy bottom,u make hole in ram
 leay wpsize,y
 sty bottom,u new ram end
 cmpy ramend,u word list too long?
 blo fits
 leax overms,pcr
 lbsr xstrng print error
 lbra exit close paths
fits leay wpsize,y end of space
movdwn ldd -(wpsize+2),y
 std ,--y decrement+store
 cmpy temp2,u done?
 bne movdwn
 pshs x
 leax wrdend,u
 ldb #wpsize
movwrd lda ,-x read wrd backwards
 sta ,-y store in hole
 bne movwrd
 puls x
rdpar2 lbra rdpair
* compare string in x to wrdbuf
* enter --- x=string
*  exit --- equal set wrdbuf same
*           carry set wrdbuf larger
*           carry clr wrdbuf smaller
compar leay wrdbuf,u
compa2 lda ,x+ get string char
 bmi stdone string parity
 cmpa ,y+ get wrdbuf char
 beq compa2 match so far
 blt wlarge carry set
 andcc #$fe wrd smaller
stdone ldb ,y+ both parity?
 bpl wlarge
 clrb set equal
wlarge orcc #$01
* read text path into ram
rdtext ldy bottom,u start of text
rdloop pshs x
 leax inblok,u
 lbsr gnc read char
 puls x
 bcc rdlook
errori lda #$02 error on input path
 leax errirz,pcr
 ldy #errirl
 os9 I$WritLn
 lbra exit
rdlook bvc noerr
 inc donflg,u source path complete
 sty txtend,u
noerr sta ,y+ save in buffer
 cmpy ramend,u
 blo rdloop read some more
 sty txtend,u source path still open
retrn2 rts
* process text
process ldx bottom,u start of source
matlop stx middle,u destroy old middle
 stx temp1,u save original position
 cmpx txtend,u
 beq retrn2 end of buffer
 ldy top,u reset to full size
 sty topmov,u
 ldy bottom,u
 sty botmov,u
fmatch ldx temp1,u start of text word
 ldd topmov,u
 addd botmov,u
 rora divide by two
 andb #mask round down
 cmpd middle,u
 beq notfnd same middle twice
 std middle,u
 ldy middle,u
 ldb #wpsize count chars
 stb count,u
matmor dec count,u
 bmi matlop change to nothing
 lda ,y+ get word pair
 bmi match found match
 cmpa ,x+
 beq matmor equal so far?
 blo down
 ldy middle,u
 sty botmov,u move up
 bra fmatch
down ldy middle,u
 sty topmov,u
 bra fmatch
* match not found
notfnd ldx temp1,u restore original
 lda ,x+
 pshs x
 leax otblok,u write original char
 lbsr pnc
 puls x
 bcc matlop
error2 lda #$02 error on output path
 leax errorz,pcr
 ldy #errorl
 os9 I$WritLn
 lbra exit
* match was found
match anda #$7f strip delim
 beq matlop
outlop pshs x write new char
 leax otblok,u
 lbsr pnc
 puls x
 bcs error2
 lda ,y+ get replacement
 bne outlop
 lbra matlop
* close all paths
closef ldy #$0000 close all paths
 leax teblok,u std error output
 lbsr fob
closes ldd inblok+iobfd,u source
 beq closei
 sty inblok+iobfd,u
 exg b,a
 os9 I$Close
 bcc closei
 lda #$02
 leax errirz,pcr
 ldy #errirl
 os9 I$WritLn
closei leax otblok,u destination
 ldd iobfd,x
 beq closed
 lbsr fob
 bcc closed
 lda #$02
 leax errorz,pcr
 ldy #errorl
 os9 I$WritLn
closed ldd otblok+iobfd,u
 beq closeo
 sty otblok+iobfd,u
 exg a,b
 os9 I$Close
 bcc closeo
 lda #$02
 leax errorz,pcr
 ldy #errorl
 os9 I$WritLn
closeo ldd wlblok+iobfd,u word list
 beq closew
 sty wlblok+iobfd,u
 exg a,b
 os9 I$Close
 bcc closew
 lda #$02
 leax errlrz,pcr
 ldy #errlrl
 os9 I$WritLn
closew rts
* classify character - c clear for alphanumeric
class cmpa #$30
 blo classs
 cmpa #$39
 bls classc
 cmpa #$41
 blo classs
 cmpa #$5a
 bls classc
 cmpa #$61
 blo classs
 cmpa #$7a
 bls classc
classs orcc #$01 not alphanumeric
classc andcc #$fe alphanumeric
* i/o routines
xpdaa bsr xoute print to $04 from a then x
xpdat lda ,x+ print to $04 from x
 cmpa #$04
 bne xpdaa
xcrlf lda #$0d crlf
xoute pshs d,x print char in a
 leax teblok,u
 bsr pnc
 cmpa #$0d
 bne xoutx
 lbsr fob
xoutx puls d,x,pc
xstrng pshs x,y output crlf and string
 bsr xcrlf
 ldx ,s
 bsr xpdat
 leax teblok,u
 lbsr fob
 puls x,y,pc
* blocked i/o routines
* gnc - get next char
* entry - x=i/o block pointer
* exit - cs if error, d=error
*        cc if no error
*        vs if eof
*        if cc and vc, a=char
* preserves all other registers
gnc pshs b,x,y
 ldd iobcc,x get remaining char count
 bne gnc1 if chars left
gnc0 lda iobfd+1,x a=path descriptor
 ldy iobbl,x buffer length
 ldb iobfc,x function code
 pshs x
 ldx iobba,x buffer address
 cmpb #read
 beq gncrw
 os9 I$ReadLn reload buffer edited
 bra gncrd
gncrw os9 I$Read reload buffer raw
gncrd puls x
 bcs gnc4 if error
 sty iobcc,x save char count
 beq gnc3 if eof
 ldd iobba,x reset char pointer
 std iobca,x
 ldd iobcc,x d=char count
gnc1 subd #$0001 count chars
 std iobcc,x
gnc2 ldy iobca,x get char
 lda ,y+
 sty iobca,x update char pointer
 tst debugr,u check debugging switch
 beq gnc2d
 leax teblok,u output a character
 bsr pnc
 cmpa #$0d
 bne gnc2d
 leax teblok,u
 bsr fob
gnc2d clrb cc, vc
 puls b,x,y,pc
gnc3 orcc #$02 vs for eof
 puls b,x,y,pc
gnc4 cmpb #E$EOF check error
 beq gnc3 for eof
 orcc #$01 cs
 leas $01,s remove b
 puls x,y,pc cs, d=error
* pnc - put next character
* entry - a=char,x=i/o block pointer
* exit - cc if no error, a=char
*        cs if error, d=error
pnc pshs a,b,y
 ldd iobcc,x get remaining count
 bne pnc1 if room
 lda iobfd+1,x a=path descriptor
 ldb iobfc,x function code
 ldy iobbl,x buffer length
 pshs x
 ldx iobba,x buffer address
 cmpb #write
 beq pncrw
 os9 I$WritLn dump buffer edited
 bra pncwt
pncrw os9 I$Write dump buffer raw
pncwt puls x
 bcs pnc3 if error
pnc0 ldd iobba,x update char pointer
 std iobca,x
 ldd iobbl,x d=new size
pnc1 subd #$0001 count chars
 std iobcc,x update count
 ldy iobca,x store char
 puls a
 sta ,y+
 sty iobca,x update char pointer
pnc2 puls b,y,pc
pnc3 leas 2,s remove a and b
 orcc #$01 cs, error
 puls y,pc cs, d=error
* fob - flush output buffer
* entry - x=i/o block pointer
* exit - cs if error
fob pshs d,y
 ldd iobbl,x get buffer size
 subd iobcc,x determine char count
 beq fob1 if empty
 tfr d,y set char count to write
 lda iobfd+1,x a=path descriptor
 ldb iobfc,x function code
 pshs x
 ldx iobba,x buffer address
 cmpb #write
 beq fobrw
 os9 I$WritLn dump buffer edited
 bra fobwt
fobrw os9 I$Write dump buffer raw
fobwt puls x
 bcs fob2 if error
fob0 ldd iobba,x update char pointer
 std iobca,x
fob1 ldd iobbl,x restore buffer size
 std iobcc,x reset avail counter
 clra clear errors
 puls d,y,pc return
fob2 leas 2,s remove a and b
 orcc #$01 cs, error
 puls y,pc cs, d=error
errirz fcc "error on input path"
 fcb $07,$0d
errirl equ *-errirz
errlrz fcc "error on work list path"
 fcb $07,$0d
errlrl equ *-errlrz
errorz fcc "error on output path"
 fcb $07,$0d
errorl equ *-errorz
* messages
hlpmsg fcc 'order of parameters is: '
 fcc 'oldpath newpath wordlist #nnK'
 fcb $07,$0d,$04
redmsg fcc 'reading word list'
 fcb $07,$04
sizmsg fcc 'word pair is too long:  '
 fcb $07,$04
overms fcc 'table overflow!'
 fcb $07,$04
txtmsg fcc 'reading text path'
 fcb $07,$04
promsg fcc 'processing output path'
 fcb $07,$04
double fcc 'duplicate word in list: '
 fcb $07,$04
finmsg fcc 'finished!'
 fcb $07,$04
endmod equ *