view 3rdparty/utils/sleuth3/cssshowc3.asm @ 3149:afd0f7d9b514

Add the Sleuth multipass disassembler from Bud Pass Added new directory "3rdparty/utiles/sleuth3" and source files to build "sleuth3" and its utilities. Also added "sleuth3" to the Directories section of "3rdparty/utils/makefile" to faciliate the inclusion of the sleuth3 build.
author Bill Pierce <>
date Sat, 04 Feb 2017 18:55:39 +0100
line wrap: on
line source

showaa ldx faddr,u show object program
 stx saddr,u
 leax $01,x
 bne showab
showab lbsr stopin clear aux input
 clr saddr+1,u
 lda #$04
 sta inst1+scrnwd,u
 sta flisw,u
showac lbsr csctty set tty parameters
showad lbsr wlftty change function code
 lbsr xcrlf print heading
 leax oarea-1,u init pointers
 stx iaddr,u
 leax harea-1,u
 stx gaddr,u
 leax clrscn,pcr
 lbsr outcur clear screen
 ldb #scrwid format screen
 cmpb #$08
 blt showa2
 leax shotab,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 cmpb #$08
 beq showa1
 lbsr xpdat
showa1 leax shota1,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 cmpb #$08
 beq showa2
 lbsr xpdat
showa2 leax shota2,pcr
 stx eaddr,u
showae ldx eaddr,u get next byte
 lda ,x
 bne showaf
 lbsr wtftty change function code
 lbra showba null=end
showaf leax $01,x
 stx eaddr,u
 cmpa #$2f
 beq showaj /=line
 cmpa #$3c
 bne showag <=start
 leax faddr,u
 bra showah
showag cmpa #$3e
 bne showai >=end
 leax taddr,u
showah lbsr xot4h xxxx
 bra showae
showai lbsr xoute
 bra showae
showaj leax shota2+1,pcr print data line
 cmpx eaddr,u
 bne showja
 ldb #scrwid
 cmpb #$04
 beq showjj
showja lbsr xcrlf
showjj leax saddr,u
 lbsr xot4s
 leax inst1,u
 stx raddr,u
 ldb #scrwid loop scrwid times
showak pshs b print hex
 lbsr getin
 ldx gaddr,u
 leax $01,x
 sta ,x
 stx gaddr,u
 leax instr,u
 lbsr xot2h
 lda insty,u
 ora #$40
 suba #$20
 cmpa #$32 chk for rmb
 bne showal
 lda #$22 change to "
showal lbsr xoute
 lda instr,u
 anda #$7f
 ldx raddr,u
 cmpa #$1f
 bls showam
 cmpa #maxprn
 bls showao
showam lda #$2e .
showao sta ,x+
 stx raddr,u
 puls b
 bne showak
 lbsr xouts
 leax inst1,u
 lbsr xpdat print alpha
 lbsr xouts
 lbra showae
showba lbsr xinee get command
 cmpa #$5f
 bls showby
 anda #$5f fix case
showby cmpa #$51
 bne showbc q=quit
showbz clr flisw,u clear switch
 lbra inrtty reset paras and exit
showbc cmpa #$50
 bne showbd p=prev
 ldd saddr,u
 subd #(scrbyt*2)
 bra showbq
showbd cmpa #$53
 bne showbg s=screen
 ldd saddr,u
 subd #scrbyt
 std saddr,u
 leax toblok,u force output
 lbsr fob
 lbsr fulscr full screen edit
 lbra showac
showbg cmpa #$2f
 bhi showbj space=next
showbi ldd saddr,u chk for end
 cmpd taddr,u
 bhi showbz
 lbra showad back for more
showbj cmpa #$3a
 blo showbl num
 cmpa #$41
 blo showbi :-@
 cmpa #$47
 blo showbl alpha
showbk bra showbi rest
showbl lbsr xnhe9 addr
 tfr a,b
 lbsr xnhex
 pshs b
 adda ,s+
showbq cmpa faddr,u chk addr
 bcs showbi
 cmpa taddr,u
 bhi showbi
 sta saddr,u change addr
 lbra showad back for more
* output cursor control string (1-3 chars)
outcur pshs b,x save b
 ldb #$03 set counter
outcr1 lda ,x+ get char
 lbsr xoutet output char
 decb dec the count
 bne outcr1 loop til done
 leax clrscn,pcr chk clr screen
 cmpx $01,s
 bne outcr2
 lda ,x chk for adm-3
 cmpa #$1a
 bne outcr2
 lda #$80 delay
 lbsr xoutet
 lbsr xoutet
 lbsr xoutet
 lbsr xoutet
outcr2 leax toblok,u force output
 lbsr fob
 puls b,x,pc restore and return
* find start of cursor control string
cmpcur pshs b save b-reg
 leax clrscn+leadin,pcr point into table
cmp1 cmpa ,x correct entry?
 beq cmp2 yes
 leax $03,x no, bump to next entry
 bra cmp1 and try again
cmp2 ldb #leadin
 beq cmp4
cmp3 leax -$01,x backup to 1st byte
 bne cmp3
cmp4 puls b,pc restore and return
fulscr lbsr scstty full screen edit
fulsc1 clr horptr,u reset parameters
 clr vrtptr,u
 leax harea,u init screen
 stx adrptr,u
 leax homeup,pcr
 bsr outcur
 leax rtcur,pcr
 bsr outcur
 bsr outcur
 bsr outcur
 bsr outcur
 bsr outcur
 ldb #scrwid
 cmpb #$04
 beq fulsrc
 leax dncur,pcr
 bsr outcur
fulsrc leax curson,pcr turn on cursor if off
 lbsr outcur
fulbel lda beeps,pcr bell
fulout lbsr xoutet
fulgnx clrb use b as flag register
fulg1 lbsr inchrt get a character
 sta cchar,u save it
 cmpa #lead1 is it leadin char #1
 bne fulg2 no, see if it's 2nd or 3rd char in sequence
 incb count as first char
 bra fulg1 and go get another
fulg2 tstb is this the 1st char?
 beq fulg4 yes, then it's not an escape sequence
 cmpa #lead2 no, then is it 2nd leadin char
 bne fulctl no, then it must bea 2-char control sequence
 incb count as 2nd char
 bra fulg1 and go geta 3rd char
fulg4 cmpa #$80 is it an 8-bit control character?
 bls fulg5 no, check for 7-bit control char
 bra fulctl go process
fulg5 cmpa #$1f is it a 7-bit control char
 bls fulctl yes, go process
 lbra fulnct no, then process as alpha
fulctl cmpa homeup+leadin,pcr check home
 beq fulsc1
fulnhm cmpa clrscn+leadin,pcr check clear
 beq fulsc1
fulncl ldb vrtptr,u
 cmpa upcur+leadin,pcr check up-cursor
 bne fulnup
 beq fulbel
 dec vrtptr,u
 ldd adrptr,u
 subd #scrwid
 std adrptr,u
 leax upcur,pcr point to cursor string
 bra fulecc
fulnup cmpa dncur+leadin,pcr check down-cursor
 bne fulndn
 cmpb #$0e
 bhi fulbeb
 inc vrtptr,u
 ldd adrptr,u
 addd #scrwid
 std adrptr,u
 leax dncur,pcr point to string
fulecc lbsr outcur
 bra fulgnx
fulbeb bra fulbel bell
fulndn ldb horptr,u
 cmpa lfcur+leadin,pcr check left-cursor
 bne fulnlf
fullf1 tstb
 beq fulbeb
 pshs b
 stb horptr,u
 cmpb #scrhex
 bne fullf3
 ldd adrptr,u
 addd #scrwid
fullf2 std adrptr,u
fullf3 puls b
 cmpb #scrhex
 bhi fulinx
 bitb #$01
 bne fulecb
 lbsr cmpcur get start of cursor string to x
 bra fulecc
fulecb lda cchar,u
 lbsr cmpcur find table entry
 lbsr outcur
 cmpb #scrhex
 bne fulinx
 lbsr outcur
fulinx ldx adrptr,u
 lda cchar,u
 cmpa rtcur+leadin,pcr
 bne fuldex
 leax $01,x
 bra fulxix
fuldex leax -$01,x
fulxix stx adrptr,u
 lbsr cmpcur get start of cursor string to x
fulech bra fulecc
fulnlf cmpa rtcur+leadin,pcr check right-cursor
 bne fulnrt
fulrt1 cmpb #scrale
 bhi fulbeb
 pshs b
 stb horptr,u
 cmpb #scrals
 bne fullf3
 ldd adrptr,u
 subd #scrwid
 bra fullf2
fulnrt cmpa #$0d
 beq fulcre chk cr
fulbec lbra fulbel bell
fulcre ldx saddr,u chk for changes
 stx eaddr,u
 ldx #scrbyt
 stx savew,u
 leax harea,u
 stx daddr,u
 leax oarea-1,u
 stx iaddr,u
fulnxc ldx daddr,u
 lda ,x+
 stx daddr,u
 ldx iaddr,u
 leax $01,x
 stx iaddr,u
 cmpa ,x
 beq fulnxn
 ldx typee,u
 ldb #$5a z
 stb ,x+
 ldy eaddr,u
 sty ,x++ xxxx
 sty ,x++ xxxx
 sta ,x+ cc
 ldd #$0000
 std ,x++
 stx typee,u
fulnxn inc eaddr+1,u next byte
 ldx savew,u
 leax -$01,x
 stx savew,u
 bne fulnxc
 leax toblok,u force output
 lbra fob and exit
fulbed lbra fulbel bell
fulnct ldx adrptr,u non-controls
 anda #$7f remove parity
 ldb horptr,u
 cmpb #scrhex
 bhi fulalp
 cmpa #$5f
 bls fullow
 anda #$5f change case
fullow suba #$30 chk hex
 blo fulbed
 cmpa #$09
 bls fulhex
 cmpa #$11
 blo fulbed
 cmpa #$16
 bgt fulbed
 suba #$07
fulhex andb #$01
 beq fulhev
 ldb ,x
 andb #$f0
 bra fulhez
fulhev ldb ,x
 andb #$0f
fulhez pshs b
 adda ,s+
fulalp sta ,x store char
 lda cchar,u
 lbsr xoutet echo it
 leax lfcur,pcr cursor left
 lbsr outcur
 lda rtcur+leadin,pcr correct cursor
 sta cchar,u
 ldb horptr,u
 lbra fulrt1
inchrt pshs x input routine
 leax toblok,u force output
 lbsr fob
 leax tiblok,u get a char
 lbsr gnc
 bcc inchr1
 lda #$0d cr if error
inchr1 equ *
**** delete next line if terminal requires 8 bit ascii
 anda #$7f masks parity
 puls x,pc