view 3rdparty/utils/winfo/winfodefs @ 1693:b75cb7ca03a6

Added TYP.SBO to rbfdefs (used by rb1773)
author boisy
date Tue, 03 Aug 2004 00:16:31 +0000
parents 00b1c751fad7
line wrap: on
line source

*  WInfo subroutine return packet definitions
*  11/22/87 - First Edition (Ron Lammardo)

WInfoBuf equ  .
WI$Stat  rmb  1 status from WInfo call
WI$VDG   rmb  1 VDG screen flag (1=yes)
WI$Sty   rmb  1 screen type
WI$Block rmb  1 first block containing window
WI$BlCnt rmb  1 number of blocks in screen
WI$Offst rmb  2 screen start offset within block
WI$Cpx   rmb  1 x coordinate of window start on screen
WI$Cpy   rmb  1 y coordinate of window start on screen
WI$Szx   rmb  1 screen width (x coord)
WI$Szy   rmb  1 screen hight (y coord)
WI$CWCpx rmb  1 working area - x coordinate of window start on screen
WI$CWCpy rmb  1 working area - y coordinate of window start on screen
WI$CWSzx rmb  1 working area - screen width (x coord)
WI$CWSzy rmb  1 working area - screen hight (y coord)
WI$Curx  rmb  1 x coordinate of cursor
WI$Cury  rmb  1 y coordinate of cursor
WI$BPR   rmb  2 number of bytes/row
WI$CBsw  rmb  1 character binary switch bits
WI$FGPRN rmb  1 Foreground palette register number
WI$BGPRN rmb  1 Background palette register number
WI$BDPRN rmb  1 Border palette register number
WI$Lset  rmb  1 Logic set code
WI$FntGr rmb  1 Font group number
WI$FntBf rmb  1 Font buffer number
WI$PstGr rmb  1 Pattern set group number
WI$PstBf rmb  1 Pattern set buffer number
WI$GcrGr rmb  1 Gfx cursor group number
WI$GcrBf rmb  1 Gfx cursor buffer number
WI$DrCrx rmb  2 x coordinate of draw cursor
WI$DrCry rmb  2 y coordinate of draw cursor
WI$Edtn  rmb  1 Edition # of Winfo subroutine
WI$WEAdr rmb  2 logical address of window entry in sys map (debug only)
WI$Devm  rmb  2 logical address of window device static storage debug only)
         rmb  33 reserved for future expansion
WI$PRegs rmb  16 Palette registers
WI$ErMsg rmb  40 Error Message
WI$Size  equ  .-WInfobuf size of this buffer (should be $80 !!)

* WI$CBsw defined as follows
* TChr    equ  #%10000000
* Under   equ  #%01000000
* Bold    equ  #%00100000
* Prop    equ  #%00010000
* Scale   equ  #%00001000
* Invers  equ  #%00000100
* NoCurs  equ  #%00000010
* Protect equ  #%00000001