view defs/coco.d @ 3286:b9d9e3e53107

rules.mak: Whitespace fixes
author Tormod Volden <>
date Thu, 18 Jun 2020 23:55:13 +0200
parents f248546159b7
line wrap: on
line source

               IFNE      COCO.D-1
COCO.D         SET       1

* CoCoDefs - NitrOS-9 System Definitions for the Tandy Color Computer
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          1998/10/13  Boisy G. Pitre
* Added defs by Bruce Isted from his Eliminator archive.
*          1998/10/31  Boisy G. Pitre
* Merged cc3global.defs into this file.
*          2002/04/30  Boisy G. Pitre
* Merged Level One and Level Two sysdefs.
*          2002/06/22  Boisy G. Pitre
* Removed PIA.U4 and PIA.U8, improved comments
*          2003/11/05  Robert Gault
* Made changes in window globals and grfdrv memory to handle regW
* in 6809 systems.
*          2003/11/30  Boisy G. Pitre
* Statics now are prefaced with V. to identify them easier in source.
*          2004/07/18  Boisy G. Pitre
* Moved CoCo 3 Window stuff into cc3iodefs
*          2012/02/24  Boisy G. Pitre
* Consolidated all CoCo-specific defs files into here.

               NAM       CoCoDefs
               IFEQ      Level-1
               TTL       NitrOS-9 System Definitions for the Tandy Color Computer
               IFEQ      Level-2
               TTL       NitrOS-9 Level 2 System Type Definitions
               IFEQ      Level-3
               TTL       NitrOS-9 Level 3 System Type Definitions

* CPU Type Definitions
Color          SET       1
Color3         SET       2
               IFEQ      Level-1
CPUType        SET       Color
CPUType        SET       Color3

* Clock Speed Type Definitions
OneMHz         EQU       1
TwoMHz         EQU       2
               IFEQ      CPUType-Color
CPUSpeed       SET       OneMHz
CPUSpeed       SET       TwoMHz

* Power Line Frequency Definitions
Hz50           EQU       1                   Assemble clock for 50 hz power
Hz60           EQU       2                   Assemble clock for 60 hz power
               IFNDEF    PwrLnFrq
PwrLnFrq       SET       Hz60                Set to Appropriate freq

* Ticks per second
               IFNDEF    TkPerSec
               IFEQ      PwrLnFrq-Hz50
TkPerSec       SET       50
TkPerSec       SET       60

* ACIA type set up
               ORG       1
ACIA6850       RMB       1                   MC6850 acia.
ACIA6551       RMB       1                   SY6551 acia.
ACIA2661       RMB       1                   SC2661 acia.
ACIATYPE       SET       ACIA6551

* Special character Bit position equates
SHIFTBIT       EQU       %00000001
CNTRLBIT       EQU       %00000010
ALTERBIT       EQU       %00000100
UPBIT          EQU       %00001000
DOWNBIT        EQU       %00010000
LEFTBIT        EQU       %00100000
RIGHTBIT       EQU       %01000000
SPACEBIT       EQU       %10000000

* Device addresses for miscellaneous hardware
A.AciaP        SET       $FF68               Aciapak Address
A.ModP         SET       $FF6C               ModPak Address
DPort          SET       $FF40               Disk controller base address
MPI.Slct       SET       $FF7F               Multi-Pak slot select
MPI.Slot       SET       $03                 Multi-Pak default slot
PIA0Base       EQU       $FF00
PIA1Base       EQU       $FF20

* VDG Devices
A.TermV        SET       $FFC0               VDG Term
A.V1           SET       $FFC1               Possible additional VDG Devices
A.V2           SET       $FFC2
A.V3           SET       $FFC3
A.V4           SET       $FFC4
A.V5           SET       $FFC5
A.V6           SET       $FFC6
A.V7           SET       $FFC7

               IFEQ      Level-1

* Boot defs for NitrOS-9 Level 1
* These defs are not strictly for 'Boot', but are for booting the
* system.
Bt.Start       EQU       $EE00               Start address of the boot track in memory


* Boot defs for NitrOS-9 Level 2 and above
* These defs are not strictly for 'Boot', but are for booting the
* system.
Bt.Start       SET       $ED00               Start address of the boot track in memory
Bt.Block       EQU       $3B                 Block to map in for the 'OS9BOOT' screen
Bt.Flag        EQU       $8A34               Flag in Bt.Block to verify that it's unchanged
Bt.Offst       EQU       2                   Offset into the screen where the current ptr is


* On the CoCo, the boot track is all of track 34

Bt.Track       EQU       34                  Boot track
Bt.Sec         EQU       0                   Start LSN of boot area on boot track

Bt.Size        EQU       $1080               Maximum size of bootfile

               IFEQ      Level-1

* NitrOS-9 Level 1 Section

HW.Page        SET       $FF                 Device descriptor hardware page


* NitrOS-9 Level 2 Section

* Dynamic Address Translator Definitions
DAT.BlCt       EQU       8                   D.A.T. blocks/address space
DAT.BlSz       EQU       (256/DAT.BlCt)*256  D.A.T. block size
DAT.ImSz       EQU       DAT.BlCt*2          D.A.T. Image size
DAT.Addr       EQU       -(DAT.BlSz/256)     D.A.T. MSB Address bits
DAT.Task       EQU       $FF91               Task Register address
DAT.TkCt       EQU       32                  Number of DAT Tasks
DAT.Regs       EQU       $FFA0               DAT Block Registers base address
DAT.Free       EQU       $333E               Free Block Number
DAT.BlMx       EQU       $3F                 Maximum Block number
DAT.BMSz       EQU       $40                 Memory Block Map size
DAT.WrPr       EQU       0                   no write protect
DAT.WrEn       EQU       0                   no write enable
SysTask        EQU       0                   Coco System Task number
IOBlock        EQU       $3F
ROMBlock       EQU       $3F
IOAddr         EQU       $7F
ROMCount       EQU       1                   number of blocks of ROM (High RAM Block)
RAMCount       EQU       1                   initial blocks of RAM
MoveBlks       EQU       DAT.BlCt-ROMCount-2 Block numbers used for copies
BlockTyp       EQU       1                   chk only first bytes of RAM block
ByteType       EQU       2                   chk entire block of RAM
Limited        EQU       1                   chk only upper memory for ROM modules
UnLimitd       EQU       2                   chk all NotRAM for modules
* NOTE: this check assumes any NotRAM with a module will
*       always start with $87CD in first two bytes of block
RAMCheck       EQU       BlockTyp            chk only beg bytes of block
ROMCheck       EQU       Limited             chk only upper few blocks for ROM
LastRAM        EQU       IOBlock             maximum RAM block number

* Color Computer 3 Specific
MappedIO       EQU       true                (Actually False but it works better this way)

* Hardware addresses
GIMERegs       EQU       $FF00               Base address of GIME registers
IrqEnR         EQU       $FF92               GIME IRQ enable/status register
BordReg        EQU       $FF9A               Border color register
PalAdr         EQU       $FFB0               Palette registers

HW.Page        SET       $07                 Device descriptor hardware page

* KrnBlk defines the block number of the 8K RAM block that is mapped to
* the top of CPU address space ($E000-$FFFF) for the system process, and
* which holds the Kernel. The top 2 pages of this CPU address space ($FFE0-
* $FFFF) has two special properties. Firstly, it contains the I/O space.
* Secondly, the parts that contain RAM map are not affected by the DAT
* mappings but, instead, *always* map that RAM to a fixed RAM block
* (KrnBlk). When a user process is mapped in, and requests enough memory,
* it will end up with its own block assigned for CPU address space $E000-
* $FFFF but the top of the address space is unusable by the user process:
* it still contains the I/O and the bit of RAM that's mapped to KrnBlk.
* Usually, the value of KrnBlk is fixed for a particular hardware design;
* For the COCO GIME, it's always $3F.
KrnBlk         SET       $3F
