view level2/modules/kernel/fsrqmem.asm @ 3286:b9d9e3e53107

rules.mak: Whitespace fixes
author Tormod Volden <>
date Thu, 18 Jun 2020 23:55:13 +0200
parents 18306d646f71
line wrap: on
line source

* System Call: F$SRqMem
* Function: Request memory
* F$SRqMem allocates memory from the system's 64K address space in 256 byte 'pages.'
* There are 256 of these '256 byte pages' in the system's RAM area (256*256=64K).
* The allocation map, pointed to by D.SysMem holds one byte per page, making the
* allocation map itself 256 bytes in size.
* Memory is allocated from the top of the system RAM map downwards.  Rel/Boot/Krn
* also reside in this area, and are loaded from $ED00-$FFFF.  Since this area is
* always allocated, we start searching for free pages from page $EC downward.
* F$SRqMem also updates the system memory map according to 8K DAT blocks. If an
* empty block is found, this routine re-does the 32 entries in the SMAP table to
* indicate that they are free.
* Input:  D = Byte count
* Output: U = Address of allocated memory area
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
FSRqMem  ldd   R$D,u        get memory allocation size requested
         addd  #$00FF       round it up to nearest 256 byte page (e.g. $1FF = $2FE)
         clrb               just keep # of pages (and start 8K block #, e.g. $2FE = $200)
         std   R$D,u        save rounded version back to user
*         leay  Bt.Start/256,y
*         leay  $20,y        skip Block 0 (always reserved for system)
* Change to pshs a,b:use 1,s for block # to check, and ,s for TFM spot
*         incb               skip block 0 (always reserved for system)
         pshs  d            reserve a byte & put 0 byte on stack

* The following code was put in some time back to fix a problem.  That problem was not documented
* so I cannot recall why this code was in place.  What it appears to do is reset the system page
* memory map based upon the state of the system DAT image.
* This code really slows down F$SRqMem and since that system call is used quite often in the system,
* I am commenting it out in the hopes that I can remember what the hell I put it in for. -- Boisy
         IFEQ  1
         ldy   <D.SysMem    get ptr to SMAP table
* This loop updates the SMAP table if anything can be marked as unused
L082F    ldx   <D.SysDAT    get pointer to system DAT block list
         lslb               adjust block offset for 2 bytes/entry
         ldd   b,x          get block type/# from system DAT
         cmpd  #DAT.Free    Unused block?
         beq   L0847        yes, mark it free in SMAP table
         ldx   <D.BlkMap    No, get ptr to MMAP table
         lda   d,x          Get block marker for 2 meg mem map
         cmpa  #RAMinUse    Is it in use (not free, ROM or used by module)?
         bne   L0848        No, mark it as type it is in SMAP table
         leay  32,y         Yes, move to next block in pages
         bra   L084F        move to next block & try again
* Free RAM:
L0847    clra               Byte to fill system page map with (0=Not in use)
* NOT! RAMinUse:
         IFNE   H6309
L0848    sta   ,s           Put it on stack
         ldw   #$0020       Get size of 8K block in pages
         tfm   s,y+         Mark entire block's worth of pages with A
L0848    ldb   #32          count = 32 pages
L084A    sta   ,y+          mark the RAM
         bne    L084A
L084F    inc   1,s          Bump up to next block to check
         ldb   1,s          Get it
         cmpb  #DAT.BlCt    Done whole 64k system space?
         blo   L082F        no, keep checking

* Now we can actually attempt to allocate the system RAM requested
* NOTE: Opt for CoCo/TC9 OS9 ONLY: skip last 256 - Bt.Start pages since
* they are: Kernel (REL/BOOT/KRN - 17 pages), vector RAM & I/O (2 pages)
* (Already permanently marked @ L01D2)
* At the start, Y is pointing to the end of the SMAP table+1
         ldx   <D.SysMem    Get start of table ptr
         leay  Bt.Start/256,x
         ldb   #32          skip block 0: it's always full
         abx                same size, but faster than leax $20,x
*         leay  -(256-(Bt.Start>>8)),y  skip Kernel, Vector RAM & I/O (Can't be free)
L0857    ldb   R$A,u        Get # 256 byte pages requested
* Loop (from end of system mem map) to look for # continuous pages requested
L0859    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         cmpr  x,y          We still have any system RAM left to try?
         pshs  x
         cmpy  ,s++
         bhi   L0863        Yes, continue
         comb               Exit with No System RAM Error
         ldb   #E$NoRAM
         bra   L0894        Eat stack & exit

L0863    lda   ,-y          Get page marker (starting @ end of SMAP)
         bne   L0857        Used, try next lower page
         decb               Found 1 page, dec # pages we need to allocate
         bne   L0859        Still more pages needed, check if we can get more
         sty   ,s           Found free contiguous pages, save SMAP entry ptr
         lda   1,s          Get LSB of ptr
         lsra               Divide by 32 (Calculate start 8K block #)
         ldb   1,s          Get LSB of ptr again
         andb  #%00011111   Keep only within 8K block offset
         addb  R$A,u        Add # pages requested
         addb  #$1F         Round up to nearest 8K block
         lsrb               Divide by 32 (Calculate end 8K block #)
         ldx   <D.SysPrc    Get ptr to system proc. dsc.
         lbsr  L09BE        Allocate an image with our start/end block #'s
         bcs   L0894        Couldn't, exit with error
         ldb   R$A,u        Get # pages requested
*         lda   #RAMinUse    Get SMAP in use flag
*L088A    sta   ,y+          Mark all the pages requested as In Use
L088A    inc   ,y+          Since RAMinUse is 1, we can save space by INC'ing from 0->1
         bne   L088A
         lda   1,s          Get MSB of ptr to start of newly allocated Sys RAM
         std   R$U,u        Save for caller
         clrb               No error
L0894    puls  u,pc         Eat stack (U is changed after it exits) & return

* System Call: F$SRtMem
* Function: Return memory
* Input:  U = Address of memory to return
*         D = Number of bytes to return
* Output: None
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
FSRtMem  ldd   R$D,u        get # pages to free up
         beq   L08F2        nothing to free, return without error
         addd  #$00FF       round it up to nearest page
         ldb   R$U+1,u      get LSB of address
         beq   L08A6        it's a even page, skip ahead
         comb               set carry
         ldb   #E$BPAddr    get error code
         rts                return

L08A6    ldb   R$U,u        get MSB of page address
         beq   L08F2        not a legal page, return without error
         ldx   <D.SysMem    get pointer to system memory map
         abx                set pointer into map
L08AD    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         aim   #^RAMinUse,,x+
         ldb   ,x
         andb  #^RAMinUse
         stb   ,x+
         bne   L08AD
* Scan DAT image to find memory blocks to free up
         ldx   <D.SysDAT    get pointer to system DAT image
         IFNE  H6309
         lde   #DAT.BlCt    get # blocks to check
         ldy   #DAT.BlCt
L08BC    ldd   ,x           get block image
         cmpd  #DAT.Free    is it already free?
         beq   L08EC        yes, skip to next one
         ldu   <D.BlkMap    get pointer to MMU block map
         lda   d,u          get allocation flag for this block: 16-bit offset
         cmpa  #RAMinUse    being used?
         bne   L08EC        no, move to next block
         tfr   x,d
         subd  <D.SysDAT
         ldu   <D.SysMem    get pointer to system map
         IFNE   H6309
         addr   d,u
* Check if we can remove the entire memory block from system map
         ldf   #16          get # pages per block/2
L08DA    ldd   ,u++         Either of these 2 pages allocated?
         leau  d,u
         ldb   #32
L08DA    lda   ,u+          Either of these 2 pages allocated?
         bne   L08EC        yes, can't free block, skip to next one
         IFNE  H6309
         decf               checked all pages?
         bne   L08DA        no, keep looking
         ldd   ,x           get block # into B: could be >$80
         ldu   <D.BlkMap    point to allocation table
         IFNE  H6309
         sta   d,u          clear the block using 16-bit offset
         clr   d,u
         ldd   #DAT.Free    get free block marker
         std   ,x           save it into DAT image
L08EC    leax  2,x          move to next DAT block
         IFNE  H6309
         dece               done?
         leay  -1,y
         bne   L08BC        no, keep checking
L08F2    clrb               clear errors
L08F3    rts                return

* System Call: F$Boot
* Function: Bootstrap the system
* Optimized for size, as it's only called once...
* Input:  None
* Output: None
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
         lda   #'t          tried to boot
         jsr   <D.BtBug
         coma               Set boot flag
         lda   <D.Boot      we booted once before?
         bne   L08F3        Yes, return
         inc   <D.Boot      Set boot flag
         ldx   <D.Init      Get ptr to init module if it exists
         beq   L0908        it doesn't, point to boot name
         ldd   <BootStr,x   Get offset to text
         beq   L0908        Doesn't exist, get hard coded text
         leax   d,x         Adjust X to point to boot module
         bra   L090C        Try & link to module

boot     fcs   /Boot/

L0908    leax  <boot,pcr
* Link to module and execute
L090C    lda   #Systm+Objct
         os9   F$Link
         bcs   L08F3        return with error.
         lda   #'b          calling boot
         jsr   <D.BtBug
         jsr   ,y           load boot file
         bcs   L08F3
         std   <D.BtSz      save boot file size
         stx   <D.BtPtr     save start pointer of bootfile
         lda   #'b          boot returns OK
         jsr   <D.BtBug

* added for IOMan system memory extentions
         IFNE  H6309
         ldd   M$Name,x     grab the name offset
         ldd   d,x          find the first 2 bytes of the first module
         cmpd  #$4E69       'Ni' ? (NitrOS9 module?)
         bne   not.ext      no, not system memory extensions
         ldd   M$Exec,x     grab the execution ptr
         jmp   d,x          and go execute the system memory extension module

not.ext  ldd   <D.BtSz
         bsr   I.VBlock     internal verify block routine
         ldx   <D.SysDAT    get system DAT pointer
         ldb   $0D,x        get highest allocated block number
         incb               allocate block 0, too
         ldx   <D.BlkMap    point to the memory block map
         lbra  L01DF        and go mark the blocks as used.

* System Call: F$VBlock
* Function: ???
* Input:  D = Size of block to verify
*         X = Start address to verify
* Output: None
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
FVBlock  ldd   R$D,u        size of block to verify
         ldx   R$X,u        start address to verify

I.VBlock leau  d,x          point to end of bootfile
         tfr   x,d          transfer start of block to D
         anda  #$E0
         clrb               D is now block number
         pshs  d,u          save starting block and end of block
         lsra               A is now logical block * 2
         ldy   <D.SysDAT    get pointer to system DAT
         leay  a,y          offset to bootfile
L092D    ldd   M$ID,x       get module ID
         cmpd  #M$ID12      legal ID?
         bne   L0954        no, keep looking

         ldd   M$Name,x     find name offset pointer
         pshs  x
         leax  d,x
name.prt lda   ,x+          get first character of the name
         jsr   <D.BtBug     print it out
         bpl   name.prt
         lda   #C$SPAC      a space
         jsr   <D.BtBug
         puls  x            address of module header

         IFNE  H6309
         ldd   ,s           offset into block
         subr  d,x          make X=offset into block
         tfr   x,d
         subd  ,s
         tfr   d,x          offset into block of module header
         tfr   y,d
         os9   F$VModul
         IFNE  H6309
         ldw   ,s
         leax  w,x
         pshs  b
         ldd   1,s
         leax  d,x
         puls  b
         bcc   L094E        success
         cmpb  #E$KwnMod    Known module?
         bne   L0954        No. Assume a case of mistaken identity and continue
L094E    ldd   M$Size,x     get the module size
         leax  d,x          and step over it
         fcb   $8C          skip 2 bytes (continue at L0956)

L0954    leax  1,x          move to next byte
L0956    cmpx  2,s          gone thru whole bootfile?
         bcs   L092D        no, keep looking
         leas  4,s          purge stack