view level1/modules/clock2_elim.asm @ 3246:be3446f758ca

Updated dwread.asm and dwwrite.asm so that the 6551 routines could have specially defined flags so that some of the addresses could be overridden by the make files if needed.
author David Ladd <>
date Sun, 11 Mar 2018 01:30:30 -0600
parents f389c6bca482
line wrap: on
line source

* Clock2 - Eliminator RTC Driver
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      2004/08/18  Boisy G. Pitre
* Separated clock2 modules for source clarity.

         nam   Clock2    
         ttl   Eliminator RTC Driver

         use   defsfile  

tylg     set   Sbrtn+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
edition  set   1

RTC.Sped equ   $20        32.768 KHz, rate=0
RTC.Strt equ   $06        binary, 24 Hour, DST disabled
RTC.Stop equ   $86        bit 7 set stops clock to allow setting time
RTC.Base equ   $FF72      I don't know base for this chip.

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,JmpTable,RTC.Base

name     fcs   "Clock2"
         fcb   edition

         lbra  Init      
         bra   GetTime   
         lbra  SetTime   

GetTime  ldx   M$Mem,pcr  get RTC base address from fake memory requirement
         ldb   #$0A       UIP status register address
         stb   ,x         generate address strobe
         lda   1,x        get UIP status
         bpl   NoUIP      Update In Progress, go shift next RTC read
         lda   #TkPerSec/2 set up next RTC read attempt in 1/2 second
         sta   <D.Tick    save tick
         bra   UpdTExit   and return

NoUIP    decb             year register address
         stb   ,x         generate address strobe
         lda   1,x        get year
         sta   <D.Year   
         decb             month register address
         stb   ,x        
         lda   1,x       
         sta   <D.Month  
         decb             day of month register address
         stb   ,x        
         lda   1,x       
         sta   <D.Day    
         ldb   #4         hour register address
         stb   ,x        
         lda   1,x       
         sta   <D.Hour   
         ldb   #2         minute register address
         stb   ,x        
         lda   1,x       
         sta   <D.Min    
         clrb             second register address
         stb   ,x        
         lda   1,x       
SaveSec  sta   <D.Sec    
UpdTExit rts             

SetTime  pshs  cc         save interrupt status
         orcc  #IntMasks  disable IRQs
         ldx   M$Mem,pcr  get RTC base address from fake memory requirement
         ldy   #D.Time    point [Y] to time variables in DP
         ldd   #$0B*256+RTC.Stop
         bsr   UpdatCk0   stop clock before setting it
         ldb   #RTC.Sped 
         bsr   UpdatCk0   set crystal speed, output rate
         bsr   UpdatClk   go set year
         bsr   UpdatClk   go set month
         bsr   UpdatClk   go set day of month
         bsr   UpdatCk0   go set day of week (value doesn't matter)
         bsr   UpdatCk0   go set hours alarm (value doesn't matter)
         bsr   UpdatClk   go set hour
         bsr   UpdatCk0   go set minutes alarm (value doesn't matter)
         bsr   UpdatClk   go set minute
         bsr   UpdatCk0   go set seconds alarm (value doesn't matter)
         bsr   UpdatClk   go set second
         ldd   #$0B*256+RTC.Strt
         bsr   UpdatCk0   go start clock
         puls  cc         Recover IRQ status

UpdatClk ldb   ,y+        get data from D.Time variables in DP
UpdatCk0 std   ,x         generate address strobe, save data
         deca             set [A] to next register down

         IFGT  Level-1
* OS-9 Level Two code only (for now)
NewSvc   fcb   F$NVRAM    Eliminator adds one new service call
         fdb   F.NVRAM-*-2
         fcb   $80        end of service call installation table

* read/write RTC Non Volatile RAM (NVRAM)
* INPUT:  [U] = pointer to caller's register stack
*         R$A = access mode (1 = read, 2 = write, other = error)
*         R$B = byte count (1 through 50 here, but in other implementations
*               may be 1 through 256 where 0 implies 256)
*         R$X = address of buffer in user map
*         R$Y = start address in NVRAM
* OUTPUT:  RTC NVRAM read/written
* ERROR OUTPUT:  [CC] = Carry set
*                [B] = error code
F.NVRAM  tfr   u,y        copy caller's register stack pointer
         ldd   #$0100     ask for one page
         os9   F$SRqMem  
         bcs   NVR.Exit   go report error...
         pshs  y,u        save caller's stack and data buffer pointers
         ldx   R$Y,y      get NVRAM start address
         cmpx  #50        too high?
         bhs   Arg.Err    yes, go return error...
         ldb   R$B,y      get NVRAM byte count
         beq   Arg.Err   
         abx              check end address
         cmpx  #50        too high?
         bhi   Arg.Err    yes, go return error...
         lda   R$A,y      get direction flag
         cmpa  #WRITE.    put caller's data into NVRAM?
         bne   ChkRead    no, go check if read...
         clra             [D]=byte count
         pshs  d          save it...
         ldx   <D.Proc    get caller's process descriptor address
         lda   P$Task,x   caller is source task
         ldb   <D.SysTsk  system is destination task
         ldx   R$X,y      get caller's source pointer
         puls  y          recover byte count
         os9   F$Move     go MOVE data
         bcs   NVR.Err   
         ldy   ,s         get caller's register stack pointer from stack
         lda   R$Y+1,y    get NVRAM start address
         adda  #$0E       add offset to first RTC NVRAM address
         ldb   R$B,y      get byte count
         ldx   M$Mem,pcr  get clock base address from fake memory requirement
         pshs  cc,b       save IRQ enable status and byte counter
         orcc  #IntMasks  disable IRQs
WrNVR.Lp ldb   ,u+        get caller's data
         std   ,x         generate RTC address strobe and save data to NVRAM
         inca             next NVRAM address
         dec   1,s        done yet?
         bne   WrNVR.Lp   no, go save another byte
         puls  cc,b       recover IRQ enable status and clean up stack
NVR.RtM  puls  y,u        recover register stack & data buffer pointers
         ldd   #$0100     return one page
         os9   F$SRtMem  
NVR.Exit rts             

Arg.Err  ldb   #E$IllArg  Illegal Argument error
         bra   NVR.Err   

ChkRead  cmpa  #READ.     return NVRAM data to caller?
         bne   Arg.Err    illegal access mode, go return error...
         lda   R$Y+1,y    get NVRAM start address
         adda  #$0E       add offset to first RTC NVRAM address
         ldx   M$Mem,pcr  get clock base address from fake memory requirement
         pshs  cc,b       save IRQ enable status and byte counter
         orcc  #IntMasks  disable IRQs
RdNVR.Lp sta   ,x         generate RTC address strobe
         ldb   1,x        get NVRAM data
         stb   ,u+        save it to buffer
         inca             next NVRAM address
         dec   1,s        done yet?
         bne   RdNVR.Lp   no, go get another byte
         puls  cc,a       recover IRQ enable status, clean up stack ([A]=0)
         ldb   R$B,y      [D]=byte count
         pshs  d          save it...
         ldx   <D.Proc    get caller's process descriptor address
         ldb   P$Task,x   caller is source task
         lda   <D.SysTsk  system is destination task
         ldu   R$X,y      get caller's source pointer
         puls  y          recover byte count
         ldx   2,s        get data buffer (source) pointer
         os9   F$Move     go MOVE data
         bcc   NVR.RtM   
NVR.Err  puls  y,u        recover caller's stack and data pointers       
         pshs  b          save error code
         ldd   #$0100     return one page
         os9   F$SRtMem  
         comb             set       Carry for error
         puls  b,pc       recover error code, return...

Init     equ   *   
         IFGT  Level-1
* Eliminator will install specific system calls
         leay  NewSvc,pcr insert syscalls
         os9   F$SSvc    

eom      equ   *         