view level1/modules/cohr.asm @ 3246:be3446f758ca

Updated dwread.asm and dwwrite.asm so that the 6551 routines could have specially defined flags so that some of the addresses could be overridden by the make files if needed.
author David Ladd <>
date Sun, 11 Mar 2018 01:30:30 -0600
parents 799037203bef
line wrap: on
line source

* CoHR - Hi-Res 51x24 Graphics Console Output Subroutine for VTIO
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      ????/??/??
* Original Dragon distribution version
*          2003/09/22  Rodney Hamilton
* Recoded fcb arrays, added labels & some comments
*          2004/11/15  P.Harvey-Smith
* Added code to turn off the drives on the Dragon Alpha.
*	   2004/12/01  P.Harvey-Smith
* Began converting drvr51 to CoHR, removed all keyboard
* related code, added symbolic defines for a lot of things.
*          2004/12/02  P.Harvey-Smith
* Finished converting to c051 driver, moved all variable 
* storage into ccio module (defined in cciodefs).
*          2005/04/09  P.Harvey-Smith
* Replaced all ; comment chars with * for benefit of native 
* asm. Re-implemented (hopefully) non-destructive cursor which
* is XORed onto the screen. Commented character drawing routines
* and replaced the V51xx names with more meaningful ones.
*          2005/04/24  P.Harvey-Smith
* Addded routines to flash the cursor, this is as it was in the 
* Dragon Data 51 column driver.
         nam   CoHR      
         ttl   Hi-Res 51x24 Graphics Console Output Subroutine for VTIO
         use   defsfile
         use   cocovtio.d  
tylg     set   Systm+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev 
rev      set   $00       
edition  set   1         
         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
size     equ   .         
         fcb   UPDAT.    
ScreenSize equ   $1800      * Screen Size in Bytes
name     fcs   /CoHR/    
         fcb   edition   
start    lbra  Init      
         lbra  Write     
         lbra  GetStat   
         lbra  SetStat   
         lbra  Term      
         pshs  u,a       
         ldd   #ScreenSize+$100 * Request a screenful of ram + $100 bytes
         os9   F$SRqMem  
         bcs   InitExit   * Error : exit
         tfr   u,d       
         ldu   $01,s      * Restore saved u
         tfr   d,x       
         bita  #$01       * Check that memory block starts at even page
         beq   L0066      * Yes base of screen = base of memory block
         leax  >$0100,x   * no Move to next page
         bra   L0068     
L0066    adda  #$18      
L0068    stx   V.51ScrnA,u
         tfr   d,u       
         ldd   #$0100    
         os9   F$SRtMem   * Return unneeded page to OS 
         ldu   $01,s     
         clr   V.51CursorOn,u * Flag cursor off
         lbsr  DoHome    
         lbsr  DoReverseOff
         lbsr  DoCLS     
         ldb   V.COLoad,u
         orb   #ModCoHR   * set to CoHR found (?)
         leax  FlashCursor,pcr * Get address of cursor flash routine
         stx   V.Flash,u 
         stb   V.COLoad,u
         lda   #$FF
         sta   V.CColr,u  * Flag Cursor as not hidden
         puls  pc,u,a    
InitFlag fcb   $00       
Term     pshs  y,x       
         pshs  u          * save U
         ldd   #ScreenSize * Graphics memory size
         ldu   V.51ScrnA,u * get pointer to memory
         os9   F$SRtMem   * return to system
         puls  u          * restore U
         ldb   V.COLoad,u
         andb  #~ModCoHR  * Set CoHR unot loaded
         bra   InitSaveExit
* Write
* Entry: A = char to write
*        Y = path desc ptr
L012C    inc   V.Noflash,u * Flag do not flash cursor
         ldb   V.51EscSeq,u
         bne   L0165     
         cmpa  #$1B       * escape?
         bne   CheckForNormal
         inc   V.51EscSeq,u * flag ESC seq
         clr   V.NoFlash,u * Allow cursor to flash
L0139    rts             
         cmpa  #$20      
         bcs   DoCtrlChar * Control charater ?
         cmpa  #$7F      
         bcc   DoCtrlChar * or upper bit set	
         bra   DoNormalChar
         leax  >CtrlCharDispatch,pcr
L0148    tst   ,x        
         bne   L0150     
         clr   V.51EscSeq,u
         clr   V.NoFlash,u
L0150    cmpa  ,x+       
         bne   L0161     
         ldd   ,x        
         leax  >CtrlCharDispatch,pcr
         leax  d,x       
         stx   V.51CtrlDispatch,u
         jsr   ,x        
         bra   WriteExit 
L0161    leax  $02,x     
         bra   L0148     
L0165    inc   V.51EscSeq,u
         leax  >EscCharDispatch,pcr
         cmpb  #$01      
         beq   L0148     
         jmp   [V.51CtrlDispatch,u]
         pshs  y,a       
*         lbsr  DoEraseCursor
         puls  y,a       
         inc   V.51CursorChanged,u
         bsr   DrawCharacter
         tst   V.51UnderlineFlag,u * Are we underlining ?
         beq   L0185      * no : update cursor
         lda   #$F8       * Yes : do underline, then update cursor
         leay  <-$40,y   
         lbsr  L0236     
L0185    lda   V.51XPos,u * Get current X pos
         inca             * increment it
         cmpa  #$33       * past end of line ?
         bcs   L01A2      * no : continue
         clr   V.51XPos,u * Yes reset x=0
         lda   V.51YPos,u * increment y pos
         cmpa  #$18       * Past last line ?
         bcs   L019D      * No : continue
         lbsr  SoScrollScreen * Yes : scroll screen one line
         bra   L01A5     
L019D    sta   V.51YPos,u * Ypdate Y pos
         bra   L01A5     
L01A2    sta   V.51XPos,u * Update X pos
         ldd   V.51XPos,u * Update old Cursor pos
         std   V.51OldCursorPosX,u
         dec   V.51CursorChanged,u
         clr   V.51CursorOn,u
*         lbsr  DoDisplayCursor * Display cursor
         lbra  WriteExit2
         clrb             * Flag no error
         rts              * Return to caller
* Draw the normal character $20..$7f, in the a register
* at position stored in V.51Xpos,V.51Ypos
         tfr   a,b       
         subb  #$20       * Make b an offset into table
         leax  >CharacterShapes,pcr * point to character shape table
         lslb             * Multiply b by 4 into d (4 bytes/character) 
         leax  d,x        * Point X at required character's bitmap
         ldb   #$05       * Work out pixel X co-ordinate of current cursor
         lda   V.51XPos,u
         pshs  b          * Save pixel x
         lsra             * Divide pixel-x by 8, to get byte offset into line 
         puls  a          * restore pixel X
         anda  #$07       * Calculate offset within byte where character begins
         pshs  b         
         sta   V.51BytePixOffset,u
         tst   V.51XORFlag,u
         bne   L01FF     
         tfr   a,b        * Calculate a mask for character data 
         lda   #$F8       * shifts $f8 right b times
         beq   L01FA      * Done all bits ?	
L01E5    lsra             * shift mask right
         decb             * decrement count
         bhi   L01E5      * done all ?
         bne   L01EE      * have we shifted any mask bits off right hand end ?
         bra   L01FA     
L01EE    pshs  b          * Save count on stack
         ldb   #$80       * start to build mask for second byte as well
L01F2    lsra             * shift bits from bottom of a to top of b
         dec   ,s         * decrement count
         bne   L01F2      * if any shifts left loop again
         leas  $01,s      * drop count
* When we reach here we should have a pair of bytes in d which indicate where exactly the
* character should be drawn, this may be partly in each
L01FA    coma            
         std   V.51ScreenMask1,u * Save screen mask
* The code below works out the offset of the character cell to be updated, this works because
* the y co ordinate is loaded into the high byte of d, effectivley multiplying it by 256, since
* each screen line is 32 bytes wide, and each character is 8 pixels tall this works out as 8x32=256 
L01FF    ldy   V.51ScrnA,u * Point y at screen memory address
         lda   V.51YPos,u
         ldb   ,s+        * Retrieve byte offset from stack 
         leay  d,y        * calculate screen address.
         lda   #$04       * get character data byte count, 4 bytes of 8 nibbles
         pshs  a         
         inc   V.51CursorChanged,u * flag character at cursor being changed
L0211    lda   ,x         * get a byte from character data
         anda  #$F0       * mask out even line 
         bsr   L0236      * update screen
         lda   ,x+        * Get again
         anda  #$0F       * mask out odd line
         bsr   L0227      * update screen
         dec   ,s         * Decrement character data byte counter
         bne   L0211      * all done ?
         dec   V.51CursorChanged,u * Flag character update finished
         clrb             * flag no error
         puls  pc,b       * return to caller
L0227    ldb   V.51BytePixOffset,u
         subb  #$04      
         bhi   L023B     
         beq   L0250     
L0230    lsla            
         bne   L0230     
         bra   L0250     
L0236    ldb   V.51BytePixOffset,u * Retrieve byte pixel offset
         beq   L0250     
L023B    lsra             * manipulate character data into correct position
         decb             * in a similar way to the mask above
         bhi   L023B     
         bne   L0244     
         bra   L0250     
L0244    pshs  b         
         ldb   #$80      
L0248    lsra            
         dec   ,s        
         bne   L0248     
         leas  $01,s     
L0250    tst   V.51XORFlag,u * are we XORing data direct to screen ?
         bne   L0273      * Yes : just do it
         tst   V.51ReverseFlag,u * are we in reverse mode ?
         beq   L0262      * no : just output data
         coma             * set mask up for reverse mode
         eora  V.51ScreenMask1,u
         eorb  V.51ScreenMask2,u
L0262    pshs  b,a        * combine mask and screen data
         ldd   V.51ScreenMask1,u
         anda  ,y        
         andb  $01,y     
         addd  ,s++      
L026D    std   ,y         * screen update
         leay  <$20,y    
L0273    eora  ,y         * XOR onto screen
         eorb  $01,y     
         bra   L026D     
* $07 - BEL (ding!)
         ldx   #$FF20    
         ldb   #$64      
L027E    lda   ,x        
         eora  #$C0      
         sta   ,x        
         lda   #$19      
L0286    deca            
         bne   L0286     
         bne   L027E     
         lbra  CancelEscSequence
* $08 - BS (left arrow)
         lbsr  DoEraseCursor
         dec   V.51XPos,u
         bpl   DoBSUpdateCursor
         lda   #$32      
         sta   V.51XPos,u
         bra   DoCursorUp1
* $1b44 - (cursor up)
         lbsr  DoEraseCursor
         dec   V.51YPos,u
         bpl   L02A6     
         clr   V.51YPos,u
         lbsr  L035E     
L02A6    lbsr  L0484     
         lbra  CancelEscSequence
         lbsr  L0484    
         clr   V.51CursorOn,u 
*         lbsr  DoDisplayCursor
* $0a, $1b45 - LF, (cursor down)
         lbsr  DoEraseCursor
         lda   V.51YPos,u
         cmpa  #$18      
         bcs   L02B9     
         lbsr  SoScrollScreen
         bra   L02BC     
L02B9    sta   V.51YPos,u
         clr   V.51CursorOn,u
*        lbsr  DoDisplayCursor
         bra   L02A6     
* $0d - CR (return)
         lbsr  DoEraseCursor
         clr   V.51XPos,u
         bra   L02A6     
* $0c - FF (clear screen)
         ldy   V.51ScrnA,u
         leay  >$0080,y  
         lda   #$18      
         pshs  a         
         inc   V.51CursorChanged,u
L02D2    bsr   L0314     
         dec   ,s        
         bne   L02D2     
         leas  $01,s     
         std   V.51OldCursorPosX,u
         std   V.51XPos,u
         dec   V.51CursorChanged,u
         ldx   #$FF20    
         lda   $02,x     
         ora   #$F0      
         sta   $02,x     
         ldx   #$FFC0    
         lda   #$06      
         ldb   #$03      
         bsr   L0305     
         lda   V.51ScrnA,u
         ldb   #$07      
         bsr   L0305     
         clr   V.51CursorOn,u * Flag cursor is off
*         lbsr  DoDisplayCursor * Display cursor
         lbra  CancelEscSequence
L0305    lsra            
         bcc   L030E     
         leax  $01,x     
         sta   ,x+       
         bra   L0310     
L030E    sta   ,x++      
L0310    decb            
         bne   L0305     
L0314    lda   #$10      
L0316    pshs  a         
         lda   V.51ReverseFlag,u
         tfr   a,b       
L031D    std   <-$80,y   
         std   <-$60,y   
         std   <-$40,y   
         std   <-$20,y   
         std   <$20,y    
         std   <$40,y    
         std   <$60,y    
         std   ,y++      
         dec   ,s        
         bne   L031D     
         leay  >$00E0,y  
         puls  pc,b      
         ldy   V.51ScrnA,u
         inc   V.51CursorChanged,u
         pshs  u         
         leau  >$0100,y  
         lda   #$10      
         bsr   L037C     
         puls  u         
         dec   V.51OldCursorPosY,u
L0354    leay  >$0080,y  
         bsr   L0314     
         dec   V.51CursorChanged,u
L035E    ldy   V.51ScrnA,u
         leay  >$17F0,y  
         inc   V.51CursorChanged,u
         pshs  u         
         leau  >-$0100,y 
         lda   #$F0      
         bsr   L037C     
         leay  ,u        
         puls  u         
         inc   V.51OldCursorPosY,u
         bra   L0354     
L037C    ldb   #$17      
         pshs  b         
L0380    ldb   #$10      
L0382    ldx   ,u        
         stx   ,y        
         ldx   $02,u     
         stx   $02,y     
         ldx   $04,u     
         stx   $04,y     
         ldx   $06,u     
         stx   $06,y     
         ldx   $08,u     
         stx   $08,y     
         ldx   $0A,u     
         stx   $0A,y     
         ldx   $0C,u     
         stx   $0C,y     
         ldx   $0E,u     
         stx   $0E,y     
         leay  a,y       
         leau  a,u       
         bne   L0382     
         dec   ,s        
         bne   L0380     
         puls  pc,b      
         stb   V.51XPos,u
         clr   V.51CursorOn,u
*         lbsr  DoDisplayCursor
* $1b42 - clear to end of line
         inc   V.51CursorChanged,u
         bsr   L03BA     
         dec   V.51CursorChanged,u
         lbra  CancelEscSequence
         ldb   V.51XPos,u
         pshs  b         
         bitb  #$07      
         bne   L03CB     
         lda   #$05      
         bra   L03F3     
L03CB    lda   #$01      
         pshs  a         
L03CF    lda   #$20      
         lbsr  DrawCharacter
         lda   V.51XPos,u
         sta   V.51XPos,u
         cmpa  #$33      
         bcs   L03E3     
         leas  $01,s     
         bra   L040D     
L03E3    dec   ,s        
         bpl   L03CF     
         lda   V.51XPos,u
         ldb   #$05      
         bitb  #$08      
         bne   L03CF     
         leas  $01,s     
L03F3    lsrb            
         ldy   V.51ScrnA,u
         lda   V.51YPos,u
         leay  d,y       
         leay  >$0080,y  
         lda   #$20      
         pshs  b         
         suba  ,s+       
         lbsr  L0316     
L040D    puls  a         
         sta   V.51XPos,u
         clr   V.51CursorOn,u
*         lbsr  DoDisplayCursor
* $1b4A - clear to end of screen
         inc   V.51CursorChanged,u
         bsr   L03BA     
         lda   #$17      
         suba  V.51YPos,u
         bls   L042A     
         pshs  a         
L0421    lbsr  L0314     
         dec   ,s        
         bne   L0421     
         leas  $01,s     
L042A    dec   V.51CursorChanged,u
         clr   V.51CursorOn,u
 *        lbsr  DoDisplayCursor
         lbra  CancelEscSequence
*$0b - (cursor home)
         lbsr  DoEraseCursor
         clr   V.51XPos,u
         clr   V.51YPos,u
         clr   V.51CursorOn,u
         clr   V.51CursorOn,u
*         lbsr  DoDisplayCursor
         lbra  L02A6

* $05 XX - set cursor off/on/color per XX-32 from COVDG (only on/off supported)
SetCrsr  ldb   #$01		need additional byte
         leax  <CrsrSw,pcr	
         bra   L01E5V
CrsrSw   lda   <V.NChr2,u 	get next char
         suba  #C$SPAC		take out ASCII space
         bne   L01BBV		branch if not zero - show cursor
         clr   V.CColr,u
         lbra  CancelEscSequence
         ldb   #$FF
         stb   V.CColr,u
         lbra  CancelEscSequence

* $02 XX YY - move cursor to col XX-32, row YY-32 from COVDG
CurXY    ldb   #$02		we want to claim next two chars
         leax  <DoCurXY,pcr	point to processing routine
L01E5V   stx   <V.RTAdd,u	store routine to return to
         stb   <V.NGChr,u	get two more chars

DoCurXY  lbsr  DoEraseCursor	hide cursor
         ldb   <V.NChr2,u 	get ASCII Y-pos
         subb  #C$SPAC		take out ASCII space
         stb   V.51YPos,u
         ldb   <V.NChar,u 	get X-pos
         subb  #C$SPAC		take out ASCII space
         stb   V.51XPos,u
         clr   V.51CursorOn,u
*         lbsr  DoDisplayCursor
         lbra  L02A6     
* $1b41xxyy - move cursor to col xx (0-50) row yy (0-23)
         lbsr  DoEraseCursor
         ldb   V.51EscSeq,u
         subb  #$02      
         bne   L0442     
L0442    decb            
         bne   L0450     
         cmpa  #51       
         bcs   L044B     
         lda   #50       
L044B    sta   V.51XPos,u
L044D    clrb            
L0450    cmpa  #24       
         bcs   L0456     
         lda   #23       
L0456    sta   V.51YPos,u
L0459    clr   V.51CursorOn,u
*        lbsr  DoDisplayCursor
         lbra  L02A6     
* $1b43 - (cursor right)
         lbsr  DoEraseCursor
         inc   V.51XPos,u
         lda   V.51XPos,u
         cmpa  #$33      
         bcs   L0459     
         clr   V.51XPos,u
         lbra  DoLineFeed
* $1b46 - reverse on
         lda   #$FF      
L046F    sta   V.51ReverseFlag,u
         lbra  CancelEscSequence
* $1b47 - reverse off
         lda   #$FF      
         bra   L046F     
* $1b48 - underline on
         lda   #$FF      
L047B    sta   V.51UnderlineFlag,u
         lbra  CancelEscSequence
* $1b49 - underline off
         bra   L047B     
L0484    ldd   V.51XPos,u
         inc   V.51CursorChanged,u
         std   V.51OldCursorPosX,u
         bra   L04B9     
L0494    pshs  b,a       
         ldd   V.51OldCursorPosX,u
         inc   V.51XORFlag,u
         bmi   L04AB     
         cmpb  #$18      
         bcc   L04AB     
         std   V.51XPos,u
         lda   #$7F      
         lbsr  DrawCharacter
L04AB    puls  b,a       
         std   V.51XPos,u
         std   V.51OldCursorPosX,u
         dec   V.51XORFlag,u
L04B9    dec   V.51CursorChanged,u
* Display and Erase cursor routines, work by xoring cursor character onto the
* screen, the variable V.51CursorOn, is implemented such that it prevents
* multiple calls to these routines from acting as an inverse, so that they 
* may be called from any code, irispective of if the cursor is already on/off.
* Display Cursor.
         tst   V.CColr,u
         beq   NoCrsr
         inc   V.NoFlash,u * Flag in flash
         tst   V.51CursorOn,u * Get cursor on flag
         bne   DoCursorOnEnd * Yes : don't re-display
         bsr   DoCursorCommon * Display cursor
         inc   V.51CursorOn,u * Flag cursor on
         dec   V.NoFlash,u * Flag flash done
NoCrsr   rts
* Erase cursor
         inc   V.NoFlash,u * Flag in Flash
         tst   V.51Cursoron,u * Get cursor on flag
         beq   DoEraseCursorEnd * no : don't atempt to turn off
         bsr   DoCursorCommon * Hide cursor
         clr   V.51CursorOn,u * Flag cursor off
         dec   V.NoFlash,u * Flag Flash done
         lda   #$7f       * Cursor character $7f = block
         inc   V.51XORFlag,u * Flag xor on screen
         lbsr  DrawCharacter * Draw it
         dec   V.51XORFlag,u * Flag no xor on screen
L04CA    clrb            
         cmpa  #$06      
         beq   L04CA     
         cmpa  #$02      
         bne   SetStat   
         ldx   $06,y     
         ldd   V.51ScrnA,u
         std   $04,x     
SetStat  comb            
         ldb   #E$UnkSvc 
* Flash cursor, called by IRQ routine from VTIO
         tst   V.NoFlash,u * Should we flash ?
         bne   FlashExit  * No: just return
         tst   V.51CursorOn,u * Is cursor on ?
         bne   FlashOff   * Yep : turn off
         bra   DoDisplayCursor * Else turn it on
         bra   DoEraseCursor
* control characters dispatch table
         fcb   $01
         fdb   DoHome-CtrlCharDispatch		* COVDG CurHome
         fcb   $02
         fdb   CurXY-CtrlCharDispatch		* COVDG CURSOR XY
         fcb   $03
         fdb   DelLine-CtrlCharDispatch		* COVDG ERASE LINE
         fcb   $04
         fdb   DoClrEOL-CtrlCharDispatch	* COVDG ErEOLine
         fcb   $05
         fdb   SetCrsr-CtrlCharDispatch		* COVDG CURSOR ON/OFF
         fcb   $06
         fdb   DoCursorRight-CtrlCharDispatch	* COVDG CurRght
         fcb   $07        BEL 		* (beep)
         fdb   DoBell-CtrlCharDispatch $FC0B
         fcb   $08        BS 		* (left arrow)
         fdb   DoBackspace-CtrlCharDispatch * $FC23
         fcb   $09
         fdb   DoCursorUp-CtrlCharDispatch	* COVDG CurUp
         fcb   $0A        LF 		* (down arrow)
         fdb   DoLineFeed-CtrlCharDispatch * $FC3E
         fcb   $0D        CR 		* (return)
         fdb   DoCarrageReturn-CtrlCharDispatch *$FC50
         fcb   $0C        FF 		* (clear screen)
         fdb   DoCLS-CtrlCharDispatch $FC55
         fcb   $0B        * (cursor home)
* Since few applications use CoHR $0B, support COVDG $0B instead
*        fdb   DoHome-CtrlCharDispatch $FDC2    * Was CoHR DoHome
         fdb   DoClearEOS-CtrlCharDispatch	* COVDG ErEOScrn
         fcb   $00       
* escape sequences dispatch table
         fcb   $41        * cursor xy
         fdb   DoGotoXY-CtrlCharDispatch * $FDCB
         fcb   $42        * clear EOL
         fdb   DoClrEOL-CtrlCharDispatch * $FD41
         fcb   $43        * cursor right
         fdb   DoCursorRight-CtrlCharDispatch * $FDEE
         fcb   $44        * cursor up
         fdb   DoCursorUp-CtrlCharDispatch * $FC2D
         fcb   $45        * cursor down
         fdb   DoLineFeed-CtrlCharDispatch * $FC3E
         fcb   $46        * reverse on
         fdb   DoReverseOn-CtrlCharDispatch * $FDFE
         fcb   $47        * reverse off
         fdb   DoReverseOff-CtrlCharDispatch * $FE07
         fcb   $48        * underline on
         fdb   DoUnderlineOn-CtrlCharDispatch * $FE0B
         fcb   $49        * underline off
         fdb   DoUnderlineOff-CtrlCharDispatch * $FE13
         fcb   $4A        * clear EOS
         fdb   DoClearEOS-CtrlCharDispatch * $FDA5
         fcb   $00       
* 4x8 bitmap table for characters $20-$7f
* each nibble represents a row of 4 dots
* chars 20-27
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00 ....  .@..  .@.@  .@@.  ..@.  @..@  .@..  .@..
         fcb   $44,$40,$40,$00 ....  .@..  .@.@  @@@@  .@@@  ...@  @.@.  .@..
         fcb   $55,$00,$00,$00 ....  .@..  ....  .@@.  @...  ..@.  .@..  ....
         fcb   $6F,$6F,$60,$00 ....  ....  ....  @@@@  .@@.  .@..  @.@.  ....
         fcb   $27,$86,$1E,$20 ....  .@..  ....  .@@.  ...@  @...  @@.@  ....
         fcb   $91,$24,$89,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  @@@.  @..@  ....  ....
         fcb   $4A,$4A,$D0,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ..@.  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $44,$00,$00,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
* chars 29-2f
         fcb   $24,$44,$20,$00 ..@.  .@..  @..@  .@..  ....  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $42,$22,$40,$00 .@..  ..@.  .@@.  .@..  ....  ....  ....  ...@
         fcb   $96,$F6,$90,$00 .@..  ..@.  @@@@  @@@.  ....  @@@@  ....  ..@.
         fcb   $44,$E4,$40,$00 .@..  ..@.  .@@.  .@..  ..@.  ....  .@@.  .@..
         fcb   $00,$02,$24,$00 ..@.  .@..  @..@  .@..  ..@.  ....  .@@.  @...
         fcb   $00,$F0,$00,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  .@..  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $00,$06,$60,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $01,$24,$80,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
* chars 30-37
         fcb   $69,$BD,$60,$00 .@@.  ..@.  .@@.  @@@.  ..@.  @@@@  .@@@  @@@@
         fcb   $26,$22,$70,$00 @..@  .@@.  @..@  ...@  .@@.  @...  @...  ...@
         fcb   $69,$2C,$F0,$00 @.@@  ..@.  ..@.  .@@.  @.@.  @@@.  @@@.  ..@.
         fcb   $E1,$61,$E0,$00 @@.@  ..@.  @@..  ...@  @@@@  ...@  @..@  .@..
         fcb   $26,$AF,$20,$00 .@@.  .@@@  @@@@  @@@.  ..@.  @@@.  .@@.  .@..
         fcb   $F8,$E1,$E0,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $78,$E9,$60,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $F1,$24,$40,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
* chars 38-3f
         fcb   $69,$69,$60,$00 .@@.  .@@.  ....  ....  ..@.  ....  .@..  .@@.
         fcb   $69,$71,$60,$00 @..@  @..@  ....  ....  .@..  @@@@  ..@.  @..@
         fcb   $00,$40,$40,$00 .@@.  .@@@  .@..  ..@.  @...  ....  ...@  ..@.
         fcb   $00,$20,$24,$00 @..@  ...@  ....  ....  .@..  @@@@  ..@.  ..@.
         fcb   $24,$84,$20,$00 .@@.  .@@.  .@..  ..@.  ..@.  ....  .@..  ....
         fcb   $0F,$0F,$00,$00 ....  ....  ....  .@..  ....  ....  ....  ..@.
         fcb   $42,$12,$40,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $69,$22,$02,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
* chars 40-47
         fcb   $69,$BB,$87,$00 .@@.  .@@.  @@@.  .@@@  @@@.  @@@@  @@@@  .@@@
         fcb   $69,$F9,$90,$00 @..@  @..@  @..@  @...  @..@  @...  @...  @...
         fcb   $E9,$E9,$E0,$00 @.@@  @@@@  @@@.  @...  @..@  @@@.  @@@.  @.@@
         fcb   $78,$88,$70,$00 @.@@  @..@  @..@  @...  @..@  @...  @...  @..@
         fcb   $E9,$99,$E0,$00 @...  @..@  @@@.  .@@@  @@@.  @@@@  @...  .@@@
         fcb   $F8,$E8,$F0,$00 .@@@  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $F8,$E8,$80,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $78,$B9,$70,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
* chars 48-4f
         fcb   $99,$F9,$90,$00 @..@  @@@.  @@@@  @..@  @...  @@@@  @..@  .@@.
         fcb   $E4,$44,$E0,$00 @..@  .@..  ..@.  @.@.  @...  @@.@  @@.@  @..@
         fcb   $F2,$2A,$40,$00 @@@@  .@..  ..@.  @@..  @...  @@.@  @.@@  @..@
         fcb   $9A,$CA,$90,$00 @..@  .@..  @.@.  @.@.  @...  @..@  @..@  @..@
         fcb   $88,$88,$F0,$00 @..@  @@@.  .@..  @..@  @@@@  @..@  @..@  .@@.
         fcb   $FD,$D9,$90,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $9D,$B9,$90,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $69,$99,$60,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
* chars 50-57
         fcb   $E9,$E8,$80,$00 @@@.  .@@.  @@@.  .@@@  @@@.  @..@  @..@  @..@
         fcb   $69,$9B,$70,$00 @..@  @..@  @..@  @...  .@..  @..@  @..@  @..@
         fcb   $E9,$EA,$90,$00 @@@.  @..@  @@@.  .@@.  .@..  @..@  @..@  @@.@
         fcb   $78,$61,$E0,$00 @...  @.@@  @.@.  ...@  .@..  @..@  .@@.  @@.@
         fcb   $E4,$44,$40,$00 @...  .@@@  @..@  @@@.  .@..  .@@.  .@@.  @@@@
         fcb   $99,$99,$60,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $99,$96,$60,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $99,$DD,$F0,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
* chars 58-5f
         fcb   $99,$69,$90,$00 @..@  @..@  @@@@  @@@.  ....  .@@@  .@@.  ....
         fcb   $99,$71,$E0,$00 @..@  @..@  ...@  @...  @...  ...@  @..@  ....
         fcb   $F1,$68,$F0,$00 .@@.  .@@@  .@@.  @...  .@..  ...@  ....  ....
         fcb   $E8,$88,$E0,$00 @..@  ...@  @...  @...  ..@.  ...@  ....  ....
         fcb   $08,$42,$10,$00 @..@  @@@.  @@@@  @@@.  ...@  .@@@  ....  ....
         fcb   $71,$11,$70,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  @@@@
         fcb   $69,$00,$00,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $00,$00,$0F,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
* chars 60-67
         fcb   $22,$00,$00,$00 ..@.  ....  @...  ....  ...@  ....  ..@@  ....
         fcb   $07,$99,$70,$00 ..@.  .@@@  @@@.  .@@@  .@@@  .@@@  .@..  .@@.
         fcb   $8E,$99,$E0,$00 ....  @..@  @..@  @...  @..@  @.@.  @@@@  @..@
         fcb   $07,$88,$70,$00 ....  @..@  @..@  @...  @..@  @@..  .@..  @..@
         fcb   $17,$99,$70,$00 ....  .@@@  @@@.  .@@@  .@@@  .@@@  .@..  .@@@
         fcb   $07,$AC,$70,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ...@
         fcb   $34,$F4,$40,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  @@@.
         fcb   $06,$99,$71,$E0 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
* chars 68-6f
         fcb   $8E,$99,$90,$00 @...  .@..  ..@.  @...  .@..  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $40,$44,$40,$00 @@@.  ....  ....  @.@.  .@..  .@@@  .@@@  .@@.
         fcb   $20,$22,$22,$C0 @..@  .@..  ..@.  @@..  .@..  @@.@  @..@  @..@
         fcb   $8A,$CA,$90,$00 @..@  .@..  ..@.  @.@.  .@..  @@.@  @..@  @..@
         fcb   $44,$44,$40,$00 @..@  .@..  ..@.  @..@  .@..  @..@  @..@  .@@.
         fcb   $0E,$DD,$90,$00 ....  ....  ..@.  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $0E,$99,$90,$00 ....  ....  @@..  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $06,$99,$60,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
* chars 70-77
         fcb   $0E,$99,$E8,$80 ....  ....  ....  ....  .@..  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $07,$99,$71,$10 @@@.  .@@@  .@@@  .@@@  @@@@  @..@  @..@  @..@
         fcb   $07,$88,$80,$00 @..@  @..@  @...  @@..  .@..  @..@  @..@  @@.@
         fcb   $07,$C3,$E0,$00 @..@  @..@  @...  ..@@  .@..  @..@  .@@.  @@.@
         fcb   $4F,$44,$30,$00 @@@.  .@@@  @...  @@@.  ..@@  .@@@  .@@.  .@@.
         fcb   $09,$99,$70,$00 @...  ...@  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $09,$96,$60,$00 @...  ...@  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
         fcb   $09,$DD,$60,$00 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
* chars 78-7f
         fcb   $09,$66,$90,$00 ....  ....  ....  ..@@  .@..  @@..  ....  @@@@
         fcb   $09,$99,$71,$E0 @..@  @..@  @@@@  .@..  .@..  ..@.  .@.@  @@@@
         fcb   $0F,$24,$F0,$00 .@@.  @..@  ..@.  @@..  ....  ..@@  @.@.  @@@@
         fcb   $34,$C4,$30,$00 .@@.  @..@  .@..  .@..  .@..  ..@.  ....  @@@@
         fcb   $44,$04,$40,$00 @..@  .@@@  @@@@  ..@@  .@..  @@..  ....  @@@@
         fcb   $C2,$32,$C0,$00 ....  ...@  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  @@@@
         fcb   $05,$A0,$00,$00 ....  @@@.  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  @@@@
         fcb   $FF,$FF,$FF,$F0 ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....
eom      equ   *         