view defs/drivewire.d @ 2763:c03464c24b14

Fixed a minor typo in the arcadepak's makefile related to DriveWire3 and Becker. Updated makefile with new option nightlytest. Run option is "make nightlytest". You also need to test environment variable TESTSSHDIR and TESTSSHSERVER before using it. Also updated the nightly option so if the SOURCEUSER environment variable is not set it will report it.
author drencor-xeen
date Wed, 16 Jan 2013 17:33:46 -0600
parents 07cc32e3d96f
children 9ffe2daeb011
line wrap: on
line source

          IFNE      DRIVEWIRE.D-1
* drivewire.d - DriveWire Definitions File
* $Id$
* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1    Started                                        BGP 03/04/03
*   2    Added DWGLOBS area                             BGP 09/12/27

         nam   drivewire.d
         ttl   DriveWire Definitions File

* Addresses
BBOUT       equ    $FF20
BBIN        equ    $FF22

* Opcodes
OP_NAMEOBJ_MOUNT   equ    $01 Named Object Mount
OP_NAMEOBJ_CREATE  equ    $02 Named Object Create
OP_NOP      equ    $00		No-Op
OP_RESET1   equ    $FE		Server Reset
OP_RESET2   equ    $FF		Server Reset
OP_RESET3   equ    $F8		Server Reset
OP_DWINIT	  equ    'Z		DriveWire dw3 init/OS9 boot
OP_TIME     equ    '#	 	Current time requested
OP_SETTIME  equ    '$	 	Current time requested
OP_INIT     equ    'I		Init routine called
OP_READ     equ    'R		Read one sector
OP_REREAD   equ    'r		Re-read one sector
OP_READEX   equ    'R+128	Read one sector
OP_REREADEX equ    'r+128	Re-read one sector
OP_WRITE    equ    'W		Write one sector
OP_REWRIT   equ    'w		Re-write one sector
OP_GETSTA   equ    'G		GetStat routine called
OP_SETSTA   equ    'S		SetStat routine called
OP_TERM     equ    'T		Term routine called
OP_SERINIT  equ    'E
OP_SERTERM  equ    'E+128

* Printer opcodes
OP_PRINT    equ    'P		Print byte to the print buffer
OP_PRINTFLUSH equ  'F		Flush the server print buffer

* Serial opcodes
OP_SERWRITE equ 'C+128

* for dw vfm
OP_VFM equ 'V+128

* WireBug opcodes (Server-initiated)
* WireBug opcodes (Server-initiated)
OP_WIREBUG_READREGS   equ  'R	Read the CoCo's registers
OP_WIREBUG_WRITEREGS  equ  'r	Write the CoCo's registers
OP_WIREBUG_READMEM    equ  'M	Read the CoCo's memory
OP_WIREBUG_WRITEMEM   equ  'm	Write the CoCo's memory
OP_WIREBUG_GO         equ  'G	Tell CoCo to get out of WireBug mode and continue execution

* VPort opcodes (CoCo-initiated)
OP_VPORT_READ         equ  'V
OP_VPORT_WRITE        equ  'v

* Error definitions
E_CRC      equ   $F3            Same as NitrOS-9 E$CRC

* DW Globals Page Definitions (must be 256 bytes max)
DW.StatCnt equ   15+16
           org   $00
DW.StatTbl rmb   DW.StatCnt     page pointers for terminal device static storage
DW.VIRQPkt rmb   Vi.PkSz
DW.VIRQNOP rmb   1

* dw3 subroutine module entry points
DW$Init   equ  0
DW$Read   equ  3
DW$Write  equ  6
DW$Term   equ  9

* SCF Multi Terminal Driver Definitions
         	org   	        V.SCF      	;V.SCF: free memory for driver to use
SSigID          rmb             1              ;process ID for signal on data ready
SSigSg          rmb             1              ;signal on data ready code
RxDatLen	rmb		1              ;current length of data in Rx buffer
RxBufSiz	rmb		1              ;Rx buffer size
RxBufEnd	rmb		2              ;end of Rx buffer
RxBufGet	rmb		2              ;Rx buffer output pointer
RxBufPut	rmb		2              ;Rx buffer input pointer
RxGrab		rmb		1              ;bytes to grab in multiread
RxBufPtr	rmb		2              ;pointer to Rx buffer
RxBufDSz	equ		256-.          ;default Rx buffer gets remainder of page...
RxBuff		rmb		RxBufDSz       ;default Rx buffer
SCFDrvMemSz     equ             .
