view defs/l51.defs @ 2763:c03464c24b14

Fixed a minor typo in the arcadepak's makefile related to DriveWire3 and Becker. Updated makefile with new option nightlytest. Run option is "make nightlytest". You also need to test environment variable TESTSSHDIR and TESTSSHSERVER before using it. Also updated the nightly option so if the SOURCEUSER environment variable is not set it will report it.
author drencor-xeen
date Wed, 16 Jan 2013 17:33:46 -0600
parents 1317b044e8bf
line wrap: on
line source

* miscellaneous definitions
HResMaxX equ   639        high resolution X limit
HResMaxY equ   191        high resolution Y limit
MousData equ   $0008      arbitrary choice for mouse data area ($0008-$000F)
*PcktSize equ  5	  wrong for M$, Logitek mice
PcktSize equ   4          number of bytes in mouse data packet, wrong. max 4, usually 3
*SyncData equ   %10000000  initial mouse data byte pattern- wrong
SyncData equ   %01000000  initial mouse data byte pattern, d7 is NOT used
*SyncMask equ   %11111000  mask for initial mouse data byte pattern-wrong
SyncMask equ   %01111000  mask for initial mouse data byte pattern
* 6551 register definitions
         org   0
DataReg  rmb   1          receive/transmit data
StatReg  rmb   1          IRQ/DSR/DCD/error status (read only)
PRstReg  equ   StatReg    programmed reset (write only)
CmdReg   rmb   1          command (parity/echo/Tx IRQ/Rx IRQ/DTR)
CtrlReg  rmb   1          control (stop bits/word length/Rx clock/baud rate)

* Status bit definitions
Stat.IRQ equ   %10000000  IRQ occurred
Stat.DSR equ   %01000000  current DSR input level (0=enabled, 1=disabled)
Stat.DCD equ   %00100000  current DCD input level (0=enabled, 1=disabled)
Stat.TxE equ   %00010000  Tx register empty
Stat.RxF equ   %00001000  Rx register full
Stat.Ovn equ   %00000100  overrun error
Stat.Frm equ   %00000010  framing error
Stat.Par equ   %00000001  parity error

Stat.Err equ   Stat.Ovn!Stat.Frm!Stat.Par status error bits
Stat.Flp equ   $00        all status bits active when set
Stat.Msk equ   Stat.RxF!Stat.Ovn!Stat.Frm!Stat.Par active IRQ bits

* Command bit definitions
Cmd.Par  equ   %11100000  see parity table below
Cmd.Echo equ   %00010000  Rx echo (0=disabled, 1=enabled)
Cmd.TxIC equ   %00001100  see Tx IRQ control table below
Cmd.RxIE equ   %00000010  Rx IRQ enable (0=enabled, 1=disabled)
Cmd.DTR  equ   %00000001  DTR output (0=disabled, 1=enabled)

* parity table
Par.None equ   %00000000
Par.Odd  equ   %00100000
Par.Even equ   %01100000
Par.Mark equ   %10100000
Par.Spac equ   %11100000

* Tx IRQ control table
TIC.Off  equ   %00000000  RTS disabled, Tx IRQ disabled
TIC.On   equ   %00000100  RTS enabled, Tx IRQ enabled
TIC.RTS  equ   %00001000  RTS enabled, Tx IRQ disabled
TIC.Brk  equ   %00001100  RTS enabled, Tx line break

* Control bit definitions
Ctl.Stop equ   %10000000  stop bits (clear=1, set=2)
Ctl.DBit equ   %01100000  see data bit table below
Ctl.RClk equ   %00010000  Rx clock source (0=external, 1=internal)
Ctl.Baud equ   %00001111  see baud rate table below

* data bit table
DB.5     equ   %01100000  five data bits per character
DB.6     equ   %01000000  six data bits per character
DB.7     equ   %00100000  seven data bits per character
DB.8     equ   %00000000  eight data bits per character
* GH 28/06/2008 Note, data format is only 7 bits
* but most mice send 8 bits with the last bit,
* MSB set which=extra stop bit, so use DB.7
* baud rate table
         org   0
BR.ExClk rmb   1          16x external clock
BR.00050 rmb   1          50 baud
BR.00075 rmb   1          75 baud
BR.00110 rmb   1          109.92 baud
BR.00135 rmb   1          134.58 baud
BR.00150 rmb   1          150 baud
BR.00300 rmb   1          300 baud
BR.00600 rmb   1          600 baud
BR.01200 rmb   1          1200 baud
BR.01800 rmb   1          1800 baud
BR.02400 rmb   1          2400 baud
BR.03600 rmb   1          3600 baud
BR.04800 rmb   1          4800 baud
BR.07200 rmb   1          7200 baud
BR.09600 rmb   1          9600 baud
BR.19200 rmb   1          19200 baud

* Btn.Cntr bit definitions
BC.ButnL equ   %00100000  button #1 (left, 1 = pressed=$20)
BC.ButnR equ   %00010000  button #2 (right, 1 = pressed=$10)
BC.ButnC equ   %00001000  button #3 (center, 1 = pressed=$08)
BC.RxCnt equ   %00000111  Rx data byte count
BC.Butns equ   BC.ButnL!BC.ButnR!BC.ButnC mask for all buttons

* added 06/21/2008 GH some defines for button up
BU.ButnL equ   %00011111  to clear button #1 left
BU.ButnR equ   %00101111  to clear button #2 right
BU.ButnC equ   %00110111  to clear button #3 center

* Added 06/21/2008 GH more possibly handy defines
* here is a good place to define mouse buttons
* as the mouse output data delivers them to us
MD.Sync  equ %01000000 never set unless sync byte
MD.ButnL equ %00100000 left, in first 'sync' byte of logitek mouse
MD.ButnR equ %00010000 right, in first 'sync' byte of logitek mouse
MD.ButnC equ %00100000 center, but in 4th byte only
MskYYXX  equ  %11000000 for use after shifted to msbits
* mouse static data area definitions
         org   0
Btn.Cntr rmb   1          mouse button status and Rx data counter
Buffer   rmb   3          Rx buffer for 1st 3 bytes of XY mouse data (must start at 1,u)
CrntXPos rmb   2          mouse X position (0 to HResMaxX)
CrntYPos rmb   2          mouse Y position (0 to HResMaxY*2)

* added, may, may not be usefull, GH
* logitek mouse data defs, almost same as M$, bit D7 of any byte is don't care
* Assume Btn.Cntr will be inc'd as last processing op of each byte rx'd here.
LkMsMask equ	%01111111 d7 ignored
LkMsSync equ	%01000000 only set for first byte of packet, set Btn.Cntr=0
LkMsLBtn equ	%00100000 if left button pushed, in sync byte
LkMsRbtn equ	%00010000 if right button pushed, in sync byte
* except this one in 4th byte
LgtkCBtn equ	%00100000 if center button pushed, and Btn.Cntr=3
* sign bits
LkMsYSgn equ	%00001000 direction of current move, in sync byte
LkMsXSgn equ	%00000010 direction of current move, in sync byte
* direction since last packet bits
LkMsYMsb equ	%00000100 MSB of current Y move, in sync byte
LkMsXMsb equ	%00000001 MSB of current X move, in sync byte
LkMsXMov equ	%00111111 the rest of an 7 bit value, when Btn.Cntr=1 (second byte)
LkMsYMov equ	%00111111 the rest of an 7 bit value, when Btn.Cntr=2

* Microsoft sends the center button down as a no data packet
* sync bit only in first byte
* ANYTHING else is a center button up event.