view defs/os9.d @ 2763:c03464c24b14

Fixed a minor typo in the arcadepak's makefile related to DriveWire3 and Becker. Updated makefile with new option nightlytest. Run option is "make nightlytest". You also need to test environment variable TESTSSHDIR and TESTSSHSERVER before using it. Also updated the nightly option so if the SOURCEUSER environment variable is not set it will report it.
author drencor-xeen
date Wed, 16 Jan 2013 17:33:46 -0600
parents 9e9ed6d6b4c2
children 482a547d5155
line wrap: on
line source

               IFNE      OS9.D-1

OS9.D        SET       1

* os9.d - NitrOS-9 System Definitions
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          1985/08/29  KMZ
* Fixed DT.SBF/NFM values to 3/4
*          1985/09/01  KMZ
* Added SS.FDInf, SS.Attr to accept 68K request thru NET.
*          1985/09/03  KMZ/Robert F. Doggett
* Eliminated E$BPrcID, made Error #238 become E$DNE for
* 68000 compatability.
*          1986/04/15  Mark G. Hawkins
* F$AlHRAM System call added for COCO.
*          1986/09/08  Mark G. Hawkins
* F$Alarm for COCO Clock Module.
*          1986/09/17  Mark G. Hawkins
* SS.Tone For COCO.
*          1986/09/23  Mark G. Hawkins
* Added F$NMLink and F$NMLoad for COCO.
*          1986/09/30  Mark G. Hawkins
* Added Reserved User $70 to $7f in sytem calls.
*          1986/09/30  Mark G. Hawkins
* Created Color Computer 3 Version of OS9Defs.
*          1998/10/03  Boisy G. Pitre
* Consoldated Level 1/Level 2 os9defs.
*          2002/04/04  Boisy G. Pitre
* Consoldated Level 2/Level 2 V3 os9defs.
*          2002/04/30  Boisy G. Pitre
* Added NitrOS-9 definitions.
*          2003/05/30  Boisy G. Pitre
* Added WD1002 sys vars to Level One section.
*          2003/06/02  Boisy G. Pitre
* Fixed incorrectly ordered D.X*** system globals for OS-9 Level One and
* changed the sizes from 2 to 3 bytes.
* DT.NFM is now the same for both Level One and Level Two.
* Added DT.CDFM type for future CD-ROM file manager
*          2003/11/05  Robert Gault
* Fixed MouseInf. Made it rmb 2 as it should be. Also changes to init and cc3io.
*	       2005/11/02  P.Harvey-Smith
* Added definitions for boot areas on Dragon computers.
*	       2006/03/03  Boisy G. Pitre
* Added F$Debug and D.DbgMem areas, common to all levels of NitrOS-9

               NAM       os9.d
               IFEQ      Level-1
               TTL       NitrOS-9 Level 1 System Symbol Definitions
               IFEQ      Level-2
               TTL       NitrOS-9 Level 2 System Symbol Definitions
               TTL       NitrOS-9 Level 3 System Symbol Definitions

* Common definitions
true           EQU       1                   useful name
false          EQU       0                   useful name

* System Service Request Code Definitions
               ORG       0
F$Link         RMB       1                   Link to Module
F$Load         RMB       1                   Load Module from File
F$UnLink       RMB       1                   Unlink Module
F$Fork         RMB       1                   Start New Process
F$Wait         RMB       1                   Wait for Child Process to Die
F$Chain        RMB       1                   Chain Process to New Module
F$Exit         RMB       1                   Terminate Process
F$Mem          RMB       1                   Set Memory Size
F$Send         RMB       1                   Send Signal to Process
F$Icpt         RMB       1                   Set Signal Intercept
F$Sleep        RMB       1                   Suspend Process
F$SSpd         RMB       1                   Suspend Process
F$ID           RMB       1                   Return Process ID
F$SPrior       RMB       1                   Set Process Priority
F$SSWI         RMB       1                   Set Software Interrupt
F$PErr         RMB       1                   Print Error
F$PrsNam       RMB       1                   Parse Pathlist Name
F$CmpNam       RMB       1                   Compare Two Names
F$SchBit       RMB       1                   Search Bit Map
F$AllBit       RMB       1                   Allocate in Bit Map
F$DelBit       RMB       1                   Deallocate in Bit Map
F$Time         RMB       1                   Get Current Time
F$STime        RMB       1                   Set Current Time
F$CRC          RMB       1                   Generate CRC ($17)

               IFGT      Level-1

* NitrOS-9 Level 2 system calls
F$GPrDsc       RMB       1                   Get Process Descriptor copy ($18)
F$GBlkMp       RMB       1                   Get System Block Map copy ($19)
F$GModDr       RMB       1                   Get Module Directory copy ($1A)
F$CpyMem       RMB       1                   Copy External Memory ($1B)
F$SUser        RMB       1                   Set User ID number ($1C)
F$UnLoad       RMB       1                   Unlink Module by name ($1D)
F$Alarm        RMB       1                   Color Computer 3 Alarm Call ($1E)
               RMB       2                   Reserved - For overlap of other systems ($1F)
F$NMLink       RMB       1                   Color Computer 3 Non-Mapping Link ($21)
F$NMLoad       RMB       1                   Color Computer 3 Non-Mapping Load ($22)


* NitrOS-9 Level 1 system call padding
               RMB       11


F$Debug        RMB       1                   Drop the system into the debugger ($23)

               IFGT      Level-1

               ORG       $25
F$TPS          RMB       1                   Return System's Ticks Per Second
F$TimAlm       RMB       1                   CoCo individual process alarm call


               ORG       $27                 Beginning of System Reserved Calls
* NitrOS-9 common system calls
F$VIRQ         RMB       1                   Install/Delete Virtual IRQ
F$SRqMem       RMB       1                   System Memory Request
F$SRtMem       RMB       1                   System Memory Return
F$IRQ          RMB       1                   Enter IRQ Polling Table
F$IOQu         RMB       1                   Enter I/O Queue
F$AProc        RMB       1                   Enter Active Process Queue
F$NProc        RMB       1                   Start Next Process
F$VModul       RMB       1                   Validate Module
F$Find64       RMB       1                   Find Process/Path Descriptor
F$All64        RMB       1                   Allocate Process/Path Descriptor
F$Ret64        RMB       1                   Return Process/Path Descriptor
F$SSvc         RMB       1                   Service Request Table Initialization
F$IODel        RMB       1                   Delete I/O Module

               IFGT      Level-1

F$SLink        RMB       1                   System Link
F$Boot         RMB       1                   Bootstrap System
F$BtMem        RMB       1                   Bootstrap Memory Request
F$GProcP       RMB       1                   Get Process ptr
F$Move         RMB       1                   Move Data (low bound first)
F$AllRAM       RMB       1                   Allocate RAM blocks
F$AllImg       RMB       1                   Allocate Image RAM blocks
F$DelImg       RMB       1                   Deallocate Image RAM blocks
F$SetImg       RMB       1                   Set Process DAT Image
F$FreeLB       RMB       1                   Get Free Low Block
F$FreeHB       RMB       1                   Get Free High Block
F$AllTsk       RMB       1                   Allocate Process Task number
F$DelTsk       RMB       1                   Deallocate Process Task number
F$SetTsk       RMB       1                   Set Process Task DAT registers
F$ResTsk       RMB       1                   Reserve Task number
F$RelTsk       RMB       1                   Release Task number
F$DATLog       RMB       1                   Convert DAT Block/Offset to Logical
F$DATTmp       RMB       1                   Make temporary DAT image (Obsolete)
F$LDAXY        RMB       1                   Load A [X,[Y]]
F$LDAXYP       RMB       1                   Load A [X+,[Y]]
F$LDDDXY       RMB       1                   Load D [D+X,[Y]]
F$LDABX        RMB       1                   Load A from 0,X in task B
F$STABX        RMB       1                   Store A at 0,X in task B
F$AllPrc       RMB       1                   Allocate Process Descriptor
F$DelPrc       RMB       1                   Deallocate Process Descriptor
F$ELink        RMB       1                   Link using Module Directory Entry
F$FModul       RMB       1                   Find Module Directory Entry
F$MapBlk       RMB       1                   Map Specific Block
F$ClrBlk       RMB       1                   Clear Specific Block
F$DelRAM       RMB       1                   Deallocate RAM blocks
F$GCMDir       RMB       1                   Pack module directory
F$AlHRAM       RMB       1                   Allocate HIGH RAM Blocks

* Alan DeKok additions
F$ReBoot       RMB       1                   Reboot machine (reload OS9Boot) or drop to RSDOS
F$CRCMod       RMB       1                   CRC mode, toggle or report current status
F$XTime        RMB       1                   Get Extended time packet from RTC (fractions of second)
F$VBlock       RMB       1                   Verify modules in a block of memory, add to module directory


* Numbers $70 through $7F are reserved for user definitions
               ORG       $70

               IFEQ      Level-1

               RMB       16                  Reserved for user definition


F$RegDmp       RMB       1                   Ron Lammardo's debugging register dump
F$NVRAM        RMB       1                   Non Volatile RAM (RTC battery backed static) read/write

               RMB       $80-.               Reserved for user definitions

* I/O Service Request Code Definitions
               ORG       $80
I$Attach       RMB       1                   Attach I/O Device
I$Detach       RMB       1                   Detach I/O Device
I$Dup          RMB       1                   Duplicate Path
I$Create       RMB       1                   Create New File
I$Open         RMB       1                   Open Existing File
I$MakDir       RMB       1                   Make Directory File
I$ChgDir       RMB       1                   Change Default Directory
I$Delete       RMB       1                   Delete File
I$Seek         RMB       1                   Change Current Position
I$Read         RMB       1                   Read Data
I$Write        RMB       1                   Write Data
I$ReadLn       RMB       1                   Read Line of ASCII Data
I$WritLn       RMB       1                   Write Line of ASCII Data
I$GetStt       RMB       1                   Get Path Status
I$SetStt       RMB       1                   Set Path Status
I$Close        RMB       1                   Close Path
I$DeletX       RMB       1                   Delete from current exec dir

* File Access Modes
READ.          EQU       %00000001
WRITE.         EQU       %00000010
UPDAT.         EQU       READ.+WRITE.
EXEC.          EQU       %00000100
PREAD.         EQU       %00001000
PWRIT.         EQU       %00010000
PEXEC.         EQU       %00100000
SHARE.         EQU       %01000000
DIR.           EQU       %10000000
ISIZ.          EQU       %00100000

* Signal Codes
               ORG       0
S$Kill         RMB       1                   Non-Interceptable Abort
S$Wake         RMB       1                   Wake-up Sleeping Process
S$Abort        RMB       1                   Keyboard Abort
S$Intrpt       RMB       1                   Keyboard Interrupt
S$Window       RMB       1                   Window Change
S$HUP          EQU       S$Window            Hang Up
S$Alarm        RMB       1                   CoCo individual process' alarm signal

* Status Codes for GetStat/GetStat
               ORG       0
SS.Opt         RMB       1                   Read/Write PD Options
SS.Ready       RMB       1                   Check for Device Ready
SS.Size        RMB       1                   Read/Write File Size
SS.Reset       RMB       1                   Device Restore
SS.WTrk        RMB       1                   Device Write Track
SS.Pos         RMB       1                   Get File Current Position
SS.EOF         RMB       1                   Test for End of File
SS.Link        RMB       1                   Link to Status routines
SS.ULink       RMB       1                   Unlink Status routines
SS.Feed        RMB       1                   Issue form feed
SS.Frz         RMB       1                   Freeze DD. information
SS.SPT         RMB       1                   Set DD.TKS to given value
SS.SQD         RMB       1                   Sequence down hard disk
SS.DCmd        RMB       1                   Send direct command to disk
SS.DevNm       RMB       1                   Return Device name (32-bytes at [X])
SS.FD          RMB       1                   Return File Descriptor (Y-bytes at [X])
SS.Ticks       RMB       1                   Set Lockout honor duration
SS.Lock        RMB       1                   Lock/Release record
SS.DStat       RMB       1                   Return Display Status (CoCo)
SS.Joy         RMB       1                   Return Joystick Value (CoCo)
SS.BlkRd       RMB       1                   Block Read
SS.BlkWr       RMB       1                   Block Write
SS.Reten       RMB       1                   Retension cycle
SS.WFM         RMB       1                   Write File Mark
SS.RFM         RMB       1                   Read past File Mark
SS.ELog        RMB       1                   Read Error Log
SS.SSig        RMB       1                   Send signal on data ready
SS.Relea       RMB       1                   Release device
SS.AlfaS       RMB       1                   Return Alfa Display Status (CoCo, SCF/GetStat)
SS.Attr        EQU       SS.AlfaS            To serve 68K/RBF/SetStat only, thru NET
SS.Break       RMB       1                   Send break signal out acia
SS.RsBit       RMB       1                   Reserve bitmap sector (do not allocate in) LSB(X)=sct#
               RMB       1                   Reserved
SS.FDInf       EQU       $20                 To serve 68K/RBF/GetStat only, thru NET
SS.DirEnt      RMB       1                   Reserve bitmap sector (do not allocate in) LSB(X)=sct#
               RMB       3                   Reserve $20-$23 for Japanese version (Hoshi)
SS.SetMF       RMB       1                   Reserve $24 for Gimix G68 (Flex compatability?)
SS.Cursr       RMB       1                   Cursor information for COCO
SS.ScSiz       RMB       1                   Return screen size for COCO
SS.KySns       RMB       1                   Getstat/SetStat for COCO keyboard
SS.ComSt       RMB       1                   Getstat/SetStat for Baud/Parity
SS.Open        RMB       1                   SetStat to tell driver a path was opened
SS.Close       RMB       1                   SetStat to tell driver a path was closed
SS.HngUp       RMB       1                   SetStat to tell driver to hangup phone
SS.FSig        RMB       1                   New signal for temp locked files
SS.DSize       EQU       SS.ScSiz            Return disk size (RBF GetStat)
SS.VarSect     EQU       SS.DStat            Variable Sector Size (RBF GetStat)

* System Specific and User defined codes above $80
               ORG       $80
SS.AAGBf       RMB       1                   SetStat to Allocate Additional Graphic Buffer
SS.SLGBf       RMB       1                   SetStat to Select a different Graphic Buffer
SS.Mount       RMB       1                   Network 4 Mount Setstat
SS.RdNet       RMB       1                   Read Raw Sector from Network 4 Omnidrive
SS.MpGPB       RMB       1                   SetStat to request a Get/Put Buffer be mapped in workspace
SS.Slots       RMB       1                   Network 4 slots? getstat

*               IFGT      Level-1
               IFNE      1
* Level 2 Windowing
SS.WnSet       RMB       1                   Set up High Level Windowing Information
SS.MnSel       RMB       1                   Request High level Menu Handler take determine next event
SS.SBar        RMB       1                   SetStat to set position block on Window scroll bars
SS.Mouse       RMB       1                   Return Mouse information packet (COCO)
SS.MsSig       RMB       1                   SetStat to tell driver to send signal on mouse event
SS.AScrn       RMB       1                   Allocate a screen for application poking
SS.DScrn       RMB       1                   Display a screen allocated by SS.AScrn
SS.FScrn       RMB       1                   Free a screen allocated by SS.AScrn
SS.PScrn       RMB       1                   Polymorph Screen into different screen type
SS.ScInf       RMB       1                   Get Current screen info for direct writes
               RMB       1                   Reserved
SS.Palet       RMB       1                   Return palette information
SS.Montr       RMB       1                   Get and Set Monitor Type
SS.ScTyp       RMB       1                   Get screen type information
SS.GIP         RMB       1                   Global Input Parameters (SetStat)
SS.UMBar       RMB       1                   update menu bar (SetStat)
SS.FBRgs       RMB       1                   return color registers (GetStat)
SS.DfPal       RMB       1                   set/return default palette registers (Getstat/Setstat)
SS.Tone        RMB       1                   Generate a tone using 6 bit sound
SS.GIP2        RMB       1                   Global Input Params #2 (L2V3)
SS.AnPal       RMB       1                   Animate palettes (L2V3)
SS.FndBf       RMB       1                   Find named buffer (L2V3)

* sc6551 defined
SS.CDSta       EQU       SS.GIP2
SS.CDSig       EQU       SS.AnPal
SS.CDRel       EQU       SS.FndBf
* These are wide open in Level 1
               RMB       19

* sc6551 defined
SS.CDSta       RMB       1
SS.CDSig       RMB       1
SS.CDRel       RMB       1

               ORG       $A0
* New Default SCF input buffer Set status call
SS.Fill        RMB       1                   Pre-load SCF device input buffer
SS.Hist        RMB       1                   Enable command-line history easily

               ORG       $B0
* New WDDisk get/set status calls
SS.ECC         RMB       1                   ECC corrected data error enable/disable (GetStat/SetStat)

               IFGT      Level-1

* VRN get/set status calls.  Named by Alan DeKok.
SS.VCtr        EQU       $80                 Return FS2 total VIRQ counter
SS.VSig        EQU       $81                 Return FS2 number of signals sent

SS.FClr        EQU       $81                 Set/clear FS2 VIRQ
SS.FSet        EQU       $C7                 Set FS2+ VIRQ
SS.KSet        EQU       $C8                 Set KQ3 VIRQ
SS.KClr        EQU       $C9                 Clr KQ3 VIRQ
SS.ARAM        EQU       $CA                 Allocate RAM blocks
SS.DRAM        EQU       $CB                 De-allocate RAM blocks

* SDisk 3 Definition Equates
SS.DRead       EQU       SS.AAGBf            SDisk3 Direct Sector Read ($80)
SS.DWrit       EQU       SS.DRead            SDisk3 Direct sector Write ($80)
SS.UnFrz       EQU       SS.SLGBf            SDisk3 UNFreeze DD info ($81)
SS.MOFF        EQU       SS.Mount            SDisk3 fast motor off call ($82)
SS.MoTim       EQU       SS.RdNet            SDisk3 Set motor shut off time ($83)
SS.SDRD        EQU       SS.MpGPB            SDisk3 System direct read ($84)
SS.SDWRT       EQU       SS.SDRD             SDisk3 System direct writes ($84)
SS.Sleep       EQU       SS.Slots            SDisk3 (DMC ONLY) Enable/disable F$Sleep calls in read/write 1773 I/O ($85)
SS.DrvCh       EQU       SS.WnSet            SDisk3 (DMC ONLY) Set drive number to cache, or return drive number being cached ($86)


               TTL       Direct Page Definitions

* Direct Page Variable Definitions
               ORG       $00
D.WDAddr       RMB       2                   FHL/Isted WD1002-05 interface base address
D.WDBtDr       RMB       1                   FHL/Isted WD1002-05 boot physical device drive num.
D.SWPage       RMB       1                   SmartWatch page # (see clock2_smart)
               RMB       5
D.COCOXT       RMB       1                   Busy flag for CoCo-XT driver (one drive at a time)
D.DbgMem       RMB       2                   Debug memory pointer
D.DWSubAddr    RMB  	 2                   DriveWire subroutine module pointer
D.DWStat       RMB  	 2                   DriveWire statics page

               ORG       $20

               IFEQ      Level-1

* Level 1 DP vars
D.FMBM         RMB       4                   Free memory bit map pointers
D.MLIM         RMB       2                   Memory limit $24
D.ModDir       RMB       4                   Module directory $26
D.Init         RMB       2                   Rom base address $2A
D.SWI3         RMB       2                   Swi3 vector $2C
D.SWI2         RMB       2                   Swi2 vector $2E
D.FIRQ         RMB       2                   Firq vector $30
D.IRQ          RMB       2                   Irq vector $32
D.SWI          RMB       2                   Swi vector $34
D.NMI          RMB       2                   Nmi vector $36
D.SvcIRQ       RMB       2                   Interrupt service entry $38
D.Poll         RMB       2                   Interrupt polling routine $3A
D.UsrIRQ       RMB       2                   User irq routine $3C
D.SysIRQ       RMB       2                   System irq routine $3E
D.UsrSvc       RMB       2                   User service request routine $40
D.SysSvc       RMB       2                   System service request routine $42
D.UsrDis       RMB       2                   User service request dispatch table
D.SysDis       RMB       2                   System service reuest dispatch table
D.Slice        RMB       1                   Process time slice count $48
D.PrcDBT       RMB       2                   Process descriptor block address  $49
D.Proc         RMB       2                   Process descriptor address $4B
D.AProcQ       RMB       2                   Active process queue $4D
D.WProcQ       RMB       2                   Waiting process queue $4F
D.SProcQ       RMB       2                   Sleeping process queue $51
D.Time         EQU       .                   Time
D.Year         RMB       1                   $53
D.Month        RMB       1                   $54
D.Day          RMB       1                   $55
D.Hour         RMB       1                   $56
D.Min          RMB       1                   $57
D.Sec          RMB       1                   $58
D.Tick         RMB       1                   $59
D.TSec         RMB       1                   Ticks / second $5A
D.TSlice       RMB       1                   Ticks / time-slice $5B
D.IOML         RMB       2                   I/O mgr free memory low bound $5C
D.IOMH         RMB       2                   I/O mgr free memory hi  bound $5E
D.DevTbl       RMB       2                   Device driver table addr $60
D.PolTbl       RMB       2                   Irq polling table addr $62
D.PthDBT       RMB       2                   Path descriptor block table addr $64
D.BTLO         RMB       2                   Bootstrap low address $66
D.BTHI         RMB       2                   Bootstrap hi address $68
D.DMAReq       RMB       1                   DMA in use flag $6A
D.AltIRQ       RMB       2                   Alternate IRQ vector (CC) $6B
D.KbdSta       RMB       2                   Keyboard scanner static storage (CC) $6D
D.DskTmr       RMB       2                   Disk Motor Timer (CC) $6F
D.CBStrt       RMB       16                  reserved for CC warmstart ($71)
D.Clock        RMB       2                   Address of Clock Tick Routine (CC) $81
D.Boot         RMB       1                   Bootstrap attempted flag
D.URtoSs       RMB       2                   address of user to system routine (VIRQ) $84
D.CLTb         RMB       2                   Pointer to clock interrupt table (VIRQ) $86
D.MDREG        RMB       1                   6309 MD (mode) shadow register $88 (added in V2.01.00)
D.CRC          RMB       1                   CRC checking mode flag $89 (added in V2.01.00)
D.Clock2       RMB       2                   CC Clock2 entry address

               ORG       $100
*D.XSWI3        RMB       3
*D.XSWI2        RMB       3
*D.XFIRQ        RMB       3
*D.XIRQ         RMB       3
*D.XSWI         RMB       3
*D.XNMI         RMB       3

D.XSWI3        RMB       3
D.XSWI2        RMB       3
D.XSWI         RMB       3
D.XNMI         RMB       3
D.XIRQ         RMB       3
D.XFIRQ        RMB       3

* Table Sizes
BMAPSZ         EQU       32                  Bitmap table size
SVCTNM         EQU       2                   Number of service request tables
SVCTSZ         EQU       (256-BMAPSZ)/SVCTNM-2 Service request table size


* Level 2 DP vars
D.Tasks        RMB       2                   Task User Table
D.TmpDAT       RMB       2                   Temporary DAT Image stack
D.Init         RMB       2                   Initialization Module ptr
D.Poll         RMB       2                   Interrupt Polling Routine ptr
D.Time         EQU       .                   System Time
D.Year         RMB       1
D.Month        RMB       1
D.Day          RMB       1
D.Hour         RMB       1
D.Min          RMB       1
D.Sec          RMB       1
D.Tick         RMB       1
D.Slice        RMB       1                   current slice remaining
D.TSlice       RMB       1                   Ticks per Slice
D.Boot         RMB       1                   Bootstrap attempted flag
D.MotOn        RMB       1                   Floppy Disk Motor-On time out
D.ErrCod       RMB       1                   Reset Error Code
D.Daywk        RMB       1                   day of week, com-trol clock
D.TkCnt        RMB       1                   Tick Counter
D.BtPtr        RMB       2                   Address of Boot in System Address space
D.BtSz         RMB       2                   Size of Boot

               IFNE      H6309
D.MDREG        RMB       1                   6309 MD (mode) shadow register
               RMB       1                   Currently unused in NitrOS-9/6809

D.CRC          RMB       1                   CRC checking mode flag

D.Tenths       RMB       1                   Tenths and hundredths of second for F$Xtime
D.Task1N       RMB       1                   Map type 1 task number*2 - offset into [D.TskIPt]
D.Quick        RMB       1                   Quick system call return flag - 0 =stack is at $FEE1
D.QIRQ         RMB       1                   Quick IRQ flag - 0 =IRQ wasn't clock, so quick return

               ORG       $40
D.BlkMap       RMB       4                   Memory Block Map ptr
D.ModDir       RMB       4                   Module Directory ptrs
D.PrcDBT       RMB       2                   Process Descriptor Block Table ptr
D.SysPrc       RMB       2                   System Process Descriptor ptr
D.SysDAT       RMB       2                   System DAT Image ptr
D.SysMem       RMB       2                   System Memory Map ptr
D.Proc         RMB       2                   Current Process ptr
D.AProcQ       RMB       2                   Active Process Queue
D.WProcQ       RMB       2                   Waiting Process Queue
D.SProcQ       RMB       2                   Sleeping Process Queue
D.ModEnd       RMB       2                   Module Directory end ptr
D.ModDAT       RMB       2                   Module Dir DAT image end ptr
D.CldRes       RMB       2                   Cold Restart vector
D.BtBug        RMB       3                   Boot debug information
D.Pipe         RMB       2

               ORG       $6B
D.Crash        RMB       6                   Pointer to CC Crash Routine
D.CBStrt       RMB       $B                  Reserved for CC warmstart ($71)
D.QCnt         RMB       1                   Count of number of quick system calls performed

               ORG       $80
D.DevTbl       RMB       2                   I/O Device Table
D.PolTbl       RMB       2                   I/O Polling Table
               RMB       4                   reserved
D.PthDBT       RMB       2                   Path Descriptor Block Table ptr
D.DMAReq       RMB       1                   DMA Request flag

* This area is used for the CoCo Hardware Registers
               ORG       $90
D.HINIT        RMB       1                   GIME INIT0 register (hardware setup $FF90)
D.TINIT        RMB       1                   GIME INIT1 register (timer/task register $FF91)
D.IRQER        RMB       1                   Interrupt enable regsiter ($FF92)
D.FRQER        RMB       1                   Fast Interrupt enable register ($FF93)
D.TIMMS        RMB       1                   Timer most significant nibble ($FF94)
D.TIMLS        RMB       1                   Timer least significant byte ($FF95)
D.RESV1        RMB       1                   reserved register ($FF96)
D.RESV2        RMB       1                   reserved register ($FF97)
D.VIDMD        RMB       1                   video mode register ($FF98)
D.VIDRS        RMB       1                   video resolution register ($FF99)
D.BORDR        RMB       1                   border register ($FF9A)
D.RESV3        RMB       1                   reserved register ($FF9B)
D.VOFF2        RMB       1                   vertical scroll/offset 2 register ($FF9C)
D.VOFF1        RMB       1                   vertical offset 1 register ($FF9D)
D.VOFF0        RMB       1                   vertical offset 0 register ($FF9E)
D.HOFF0        RMB       1                   horizontal offset 0 register ($FF9F)
D.Speed        RMB       1                   Speed of COCO CPU 0=slow,1=fast ($A0)
D.TskIPt       RMB       2                   Task image Pointer table (CC) ($A1)
D.MemSz        RMB       1                   128/512K memory flag (CC) ($A3)
D.SSTskN       RMB       1                   System State Task Number (COCO) ($A4)
D.CCMem        RMB       2                   Pointer to beginning of CC Memory ($A5)
D.CCStk        RMB       2                   Pointer to top of CC Memory ($A7)
D.Flip0        RMB       2                   Change to Task 0 ($A9)
D.Flip1        RMB       2                   Change to reserved Task 1 ($AB)
D.VIRQ         RMB       2                   VIRQ Polling routine ($AD)
D.IRQS         RMB       1                   IRQ shadow register (CC Temporary) ($AF)
D.CLTb         RMB       2                   VIRQ Table address ($B0)
D.AltIRQ       RMB       2                   Alternate IRQ Vector (CC) ($B2)
D.GPoll        RMB       2                   CC GIME IRQ enable/disable toggle
D.Clock2       RMB       2                   CC Clock2 entry address
               ORG       $C0
D.SysSvc       RMB       2                   System Service Routine entry
D.SysDis       RMB       2                   System Service Dispatch Table ptr
D.SysIRQ       RMB       2                   System IRQ Routine entry
D.UsrSvc       RMB       2                   User Service Routine entry
D.UsrDis       RMB       2                   User Service Dispatch Table ptr
D.UsrIRQ       RMB       2                   User IRQ Routine entry
D.SysStk       RMB       2                   System stack
D.SvcIRQ       RMB       2                   In-System IRQ service
D.SysTsk       RMB       1                   System Task number
               ORG       $E0
D.Clock        RMB       2
D.XSWI3        RMB       2
D.XSWI2        RMB       2
D.XFIRQ        RMB       2
D.XIRQ         RMB       2
D.XSWI         RMB       2
D.XNMI         RMB       2
D.ErrRst       RMB       2
D.SysVec       RMB       2                   F$xxx system call vector for NitrOS-9 Level 3
D.SWI3         RMB       2
D.SWI2         RMB       2
D.FIRQ         RMB       2
D.IRQ          RMB       2
D.SWI          RMB       2
D.NMI          RMB       2

* Level 2 Block Map flags
NotRAM         EQU       %10000000           Block Not RAM flag
VidRAM         EQU       %00000100           Block is being used as Video RAM
ModBlock       EQU       %00000010           Module in Block
RAMinUse       EQU       %00000001           RAM Block in use flag
* Service Dispatch Table special entries
IOEntry        EQU       254


               TTL       Structure Formats
* Module Directory Entry Definitions
               ORG       0
               IFGT      Level-1
MD$MPDAT       RMB       2                   Module DAT Image ptr
MD$MBSiz       RMB       2                   Memory Block size
MD$MPtr        RMB       2                   Module ptr
MD$Link        RMB       2                   Module Link count
MD$ESize       EQU       .                   Module Directory Entry size

* Module Definitions
* Universal Module Offsets
               ORG       0
M$ID           RMB       2                   ID Code
M$Size         RMB       2                   Module Size
M$Name         RMB       2                   Module Name
M$Type         RMB       1                   Type / Language
M$Revs         RMB       1                   Attributes / Revision Level
M$Parity       RMB       1                   Header Parity
M$IDSize       EQU       .                   Module ID Size
* Type-Dependent Module Offsets
* System, File Manager, Device Driver, Program Module
M$Exec         RMB       2                   Execution Entry Offset
* Device Driver, Program Module
M$Mem          RMB       2                   Stack Requirement
* Device Driver, Device Descriptor Module
M$Mode         RMB       1                   Device Driver Mode Capabilities
* Device Descriptor Module
               ORG       M$IDSize
M$FMgr         RMB       2                   File Manager Name Offset
M$PDev         RMB       2                   Device Driver Name Offset
               RMB       1                   M$Mode (defined above)
M$Port         RMB       3                   Port Address
M$Opt          RMB       1                   Device Default Options
M$DTyp         RMB       1                   Device Type
IT.DTP         EQU       M$DTyp              Descriptor type offset
* Configuration Module Entry Offsets
               ORG       M$IDSize
MaxMem         RMB       3                   Maximum Free Memory
PollCnt        RMB       1                   Entries in Interrupt Polling Table
DevCnt         RMB       1                   Entries in Device Table
InitStr        RMB       2                   Initial Module Name
SysStr         RMB       2                   System Device Name
StdStr         RMB       2                   Standard I/O Pathlist
BootStr        RMB       2                   Bootstrap Module name
ProtFlag       RMB       1                   Write protect enable flag

OSLevel        RMB       1                   OS level
OSVer          RMB       1                   OS version
OSMajor        RMB       1                   OS major
OSMinor        RMB       1                   OS minor
Feature1       RMB       1                   feature byte 1
Feature2       RMB       1                   feature byte 2
OSName         RMB       2                   OS revision name string (nul terminated)
InstallName    RMB       2                   installation name string (nul terminated)
               RMB       4                   reserved for future use

               IFGT      Level-1
* -- VTIO area -- (NitrOS-9 Level 2 and above) *
MonType        RMB       1                   Monitor type (0=CMP,1=RGB,2=MONO)
MouseInf       RMB       2                   Mouse resolution/Mouse port; was 1, major error RG.
KeyRptS        RMB       1                   Key repeat start constant
KeyRptD        RMB       1                   Key repeat delay constant

* Feature1 byte definitions
CRCOn          EQU       %00000001           CRC checking on
CRCOff         EQU       %00000000           CRC checking off
Proc6809       EQU       %00000000           6809 procesor
Proc6309       EQU       %00000010           6309 procesor

* Module Field Definitions
* ID Field - First two bytes of a NitrOS-9 module
M$ID1          EQU       $87                 Module ID code byte one
M$ID2          EQU       $CD                 Module ID code byte two
M$ID12         EQU       M$ID1*256+M$ID2

* Module Type/Language Field Masks
TypeMask       EQU       %11110000           Type Field
LangMask       EQU       %00001111           Language Field

* Module Type Values
Devic          EQU       $F0                 Device Descriptor Module
Drivr          EQU       $E0                 Physical Device Driver
FlMgr          EQU       $D0                 File Manager
Systm          EQU       $C0                 System Module
ShellSub       EQU       $50                 Shell+ shell sub module
Data           EQU       $40                 Data Module
Multi          EQU       $30                 Multi-Module
Sbrtn          EQU       $20                 Subroutine Module
Prgrm          EQU       $10                 Program Module

* Module Language Values
Objct          EQU       1                   6809 Object Code Module
ICode          EQU       2                   Basic09 I-code
PCode          EQU       3                   Pascal P-code
CCode          EQU       4                   C I-code
CblCode        EQU       5                   Cobol I-code
FrtnCode       EQU       6                   Fortran I-code
Obj6309        EQU       7                   6309 object code
* Module Attributes / Revision byte
* Field Masks
AttrMask       EQU       %11110000           Attributes Field
RevsMask       EQU       %00001111           Revision Level Field
* Attribute Flags
ReEnt          EQU       %10000000           Re-Entrant Module
ModProt        EQU       %01000000           Gimix Module protect bit (0=protected, 1=write enable)
ModNat         EQU       %00100000           6309 native mode attribute

* Device Type Values
* These values define various classes of devices, which are
* managed by a file manager module.  The Device Type is embedded
* in a device's device descriptor.
DT.SCF         EQU       0                   Sequential Character File Manager
DT.RBF         EQU       1                   Random Block File Manager
DT.Pipe        EQU       2                   Pipe File Manager
DT.SBF         EQU       3                   Sequential Block File Manager
DT.NFM         EQU       4                   Network File Manager
DT.CDFM        EQU       5                   CD-ROM File Manager
DT.RFM			EQU		6					Remote File Manager

* CRC Result Constant
CRCCon1        EQU       $80
CRCCon23       EQU       $0FE3

               TTL       Process Information
* Process Descriptor Definitions
               IFEQ      Level-1

* Level 1 process descriptor defs
DefIOSiz       EQU       12
NumPaths       EQU       16                  Number of Local Paths

               ORG       0
P$ID           RMB       1                   Process ID
P$PID          RMB       1                   Parent's ID
P$SID          RMB       1                   Sibling's ID
P$CID          RMB       1                   Child's ID
P$SP           RMB       2                   Stack ptr
P$CHAP         RMB       1                   process chapter number
P$ADDR         RMB       1                   user address beginning page number
P$PagCnt       RMB       1                   Memory Page Count
P$User         RMB       2                   User Index $09
P$Prior        RMB       1                   Priority $0B
P$Age          RMB       1                   Age $0C
P$State        RMB       1                   Status $0D
P$Queue        RMB       2                   Queue Link (Process ptr) $0E
P$IOQP         RMB       1                   Previous I/O Queue Link (Process ID) $10
P$IOQN         RMB       1                   Next     I/O Queue Link (Process ID)
P$PModul       RMB       2                   Primary Module
P$SWI          RMB       2                   SWI Entry Point
P$SWI2         RMB       2                   SWI2 Entry Point
P$SWI3         RMB       2                   SWI3 Entry Point $18
P$DIO          RMB       DefIOSiz            default I/O ptrs $1A
P$PATH         RMB       NumPaths            I/O path table $26
P$Signal       RMB       1                   Signal Code $36
P$SigVec       RMB       2                   Signal Intercept Vector
P$SigDat       RMB       2                   Signal Intercept Data Address
P$NIO          RMB       4                   additional dio pointers for net
               RMB       $40-.               unused
P$Size         EQU       .                   Size of Process Descriptor

* Process State Flags
SysState       EQU       %10000000
TimSleep       EQU       %01000000
TimOut         EQU       %00100000
ImgChg         EQU       %00010000
Condem         EQU       %00000010
Dead           EQU       %00000001


* Level 2 process descriptor defs
DefIOSiz       EQU       16                  Default I/O Data Length
NefIOSiz       EQU       12                  On-Net Default I/O Data Length
NumPaths       EQU       16                  Number of Local Paths

               ORG       0
P$ID           RMB       1                   Process ID
P$PID          RMB       1                   Parent's ID
P$SID          RMB       1                   Sibling's ID
P$CID          RMB       1                   Child's ID
P$SP           RMB       2                   Stack ptr
P$Task         RMB       1                   Task Number
P$PagCnt       RMB       1                   Memory Page Count
P$User         RMB       2                   User Index
P$Prior        RMB       1                   Priority
P$Age          RMB       1                   Age
P$State        RMB       1                   Status
P$Queue        RMB       2                   Queue Link (Process ptr)
P$IOQP         RMB       1                   Previous I/O Queue Link (Process ID)
P$IOQN         RMB       1                   Next I/O Queue Link (Process ID)
P$PModul       RMB       2                   Primary Module
P$SWI          RMB       2                   SWI Entry Point
P$SWI2         RMB       2                   SWI2 Entry Point
P$SWI3         RMB       2                   SWI3 Entry Point
P$Signal       RMB       1                   Signal Code
P$SigVec       RMB       2                   Signal Intercept Vector
P$SigDat       RMB       2                   Signal Intercept Data Address
P$DeadLk       RMB       1                   Dominant proc ID if I/O locked
               RMB       $20-.               unused
P$DIO          RMB       DefIOSiz            Default I/O ptrs
P$Path         RMB       NumPaths            I/O Path Table
P$DATImg       RMB       64                  DAT Image
P$Links        RMB       32                  Block Link counts
P$NIO          RMB       6*2                 additional DIO ptrs for net, compatible  with 68k
P$SelP         RMB       1                   Selected Path for COCO Windows (Default 0)
P$UTicks       RMB       4                   proc User Tick counter        (L2V3)
P$STicks       RMB       4                   proc System Tick counter      (L2V3)
P$FCalls       RMB       4                   proc F$ call counter          (L2V3)
P$ICalls       RMB       4                   proc I$ call counter          (L2V3)
P$DatBeg       RMB       3                   proc Date of creation (Y/M/D) (L2V3)
P$TimBeg       RMB       3                   proc Time of creation (H/M/S) (L2V3)
P$Alarm        RMB       6
               RMB       $200-.              Local stack
P$Stack        EQU       .                   Top of Stack
P$Size         EQU       .                   Size of Process Descriptor

* Process State Flags
SysState       EQU       %10000000
TimSleep       EQU       %01000000
TimOut         EQU       %00100000
ImgChg         EQU       %00010000
Suspend        EQU       %00001000
Condem         EQU       %00000010
Dead           EQU       %00000001


               TTL       NitrOS-9 I/O Symbolic Definitions
* Path Descriptor Offsets
               ORG       0
PD.PD          RMB       1                   Path Number
PD.MOD         RMB       1                   Mode (Read/Write/Update)
PD.CNT         RMB       1                   Number of Open Images
PD.DEV         RMB       2                   Device Table Entry Address
PD.CPR         RMB       1                   Current Process
PD.RGS         RMB       2                   Caller's Register Stack
PD.BUF         RMB       2                   Buffer Address
PD.FST         RMB       32-.                File Manager's Storage
PD.OPT         EQU       .                   PD GetSts(0) Options
PD.DTP         RMB       1                   Device Type
               RMB       64-.                Path options
PDSIZE         EQU       .

* Pathlist Special Symbols
PDELIM         EQU       '/                  Pathlist Name Separator
PDIR           EQU       '.                  Directory
PENTIR         EQU       '@                  Entire Device

* File Manager Entry Offsets
               ORG       0
FMCREA         RMB       3                   Create (Open New) File
FMOPEN         RMB       3                   Open File
FMMDIR         RMB       3                   Make Directory
FMCDIR         RMB       3                   Change Directory
FMDLET         RMB       3                   Delete File
FMSEEK         RMB       3                   Position File
FMREAD         RMB       3                   Read from File
FMWRIT         RMB       3                   Write to File
FMRDLN         RMB       3                   ReadLn
FMWRLN         RMB       3                   WritLn
FMGSTA         RMB       3                   Get File Status
FMSSTA         RMB       3                   Set File Status
FMCLOS         RMB       3                   Close File

* Device Driver Entry Offsets
               ORG       0
D$INIT         RMB       3                   Device Initialization
D$READ         RMB       3                   Read from Device
D$WRIT         RMB       3                   Write to Device
D$GSTA         RMB       3                   Get Device Status
D$PSTA         RMB       3                   Put Device Status
D$TERM         RMB       3                   Device Termination

* Device Table Format
               ORG       0
V$DRIV         RMB       2                   Device Driver module
V$STAT         RMB       2                   Device Driver Static storage
V$DESC         RMB       2                   Device Descriptor module
V$FMGR         RMB       2                   File Manager module
V$USRS         RMB       1                   use count
               IFGT      Level-1
V$DRIVEX       RMB       2                   Device Driver execution address
V$FMGREX       RMB       2                   File Manager execution address
DEVSIZ         EQU       .

* Device Static Storage Offsets
               ORG       0
V.PAGE         RMB       1                   Port Extended Address
V.PORT         RMB       2                   Device 'Base' Port Address
V.LPRC         RMB       1                   Last Active Process ID
V.BUSY         RMB       1                   Active Process ID (0=UnBusy)
V.WAKE         RMB       1                   Active PD if Driver MUST Wake-up
V.USER         EQU       .                   Driver Allocation Origin

* Interrupt Polling Table Format
               ORG       0
Q$POLL         RMB       2                   Absolute Polling Address
Q$FLIP         RMB       1                   Flip (EOR) Byte ..normally Zero
Q$MASK         RMB       1                   Polling Mask (after Flip)
Q$SERV         RMB       2                   Absolute Service routine Address
Q$STAT         RMB       2                   Static Storage Address
Q$PRTY         RMB       1                   Priority (Low Numbers=Top Priority)
               IFGT      Level-1
Q$MAP          RMB       2                   NitrOS-9 Level 2 and above
POLSIZ         EQU       .

* VIRQ packet format
               ORG       0
Vi.Cnt         RMB       2                   count down counter
Vi.Rst         RMB       2                   reset value for counter
Vi.Stat        RMB       1                   status byte
Vi.PkSz        EQU       .

Vi.IFlag       EQU       %00000001           status byte virq flag

* Machine Characteristics Definitions
R$CC           EQU       0                   Condition Codes register
R$A            EQU       1                   A Accumulator
R$B            EQU       2                   B Accumulator
R$D            EQU       R$A                 Combined A:B Accumulator
               IFNE      H6309
R$E            EQU       3                   E Accumulator
R$F            EQU       4                   F Accumulator
R$W            EQU       R$E                 Combined E:F Accumulator
R$Q            EQU       R$A                 Combined A:B:E:F Accumulator
R$DP           EQU       5                   Direct Page register
R$X            EQU       6                   X Index register
R$Y            EQU       8                   Y Index register
R$U            EQU       10                  User Stack register
R$PC           EQU       12                  Program Counter register
R$Size         EQU       14                  Total register package size
R$DP           EQU       3                   Direct Page register
R$X            EQU       4                   X Index register
R$Y            EQU       6                   Y Index register
R$U            EQU       8                   User Stack register
R$PC           EQU       10                  Program Counter register
R$Size         EQU       12                  Total register package size

* MD register masks
* 6309 definitions
DIV0           EQU       %10000000           division by 0 trap flag       : 1 = trap occured
badinstr       EQU       %01000000           illegal instruction trap flag : 1 = trap occured

Entire         EQU       %10000000           Full Register Stack flag
FIRQMask       EQU       %01000000           Fast-Interrupt Mask bit
HalfCrry       EQU       %00100000           Half Carry flag
IRQMask        EQU       %00010000           Interrupt Mask bit
Negative       EQU       %00001000           Negative flag
Zero           EQU       %00000100           Zero flag
TwosOvfl       EQU       %00000010           Two's Comp Overflow flag
Carry          EQU       %00000001           Carry bit
IntMasks       EQU       IRQMask+FIRQMask
Sign           EQU       %10000000           sign bit

               TTL       Error Code Definitions
* Error Code Definitions
* Basic09 Error Codes
               ORG       10
E$UnkSym       RMB       1                   Unknown symbol
E$ExcVrb       RMB       1                   Excessive verbage
E$IllStC       RMB       1                   Illegal statement construction
E$ICOvf        RMB       1                   I-code overflow
E$IChRef       RMB       1                   Illegal channel reference
E$IllMod       RMB       1                   Illegal mode
E$IllNum       RMB       1                   Illegal number
E$IllPrf       RMB       1                   Illegal prefix
E$IllOpd       RMB       1                   Illegal operand
E$IllOpr       RMB       1                   Illegal operator
E$IllRFN       RMB       1                   Illegal record field name
E$IllDim       RMB       1                   Illegal dimension
E$IllLit       RMB       1                   Illegal literal
E$IllRet       RMB       1                   Illegal relational
E$IllSfx       RMB       1                   Illegal type suffix
E$DimLrg       RMB       1                   Dimension too large
E$LinLrg       RMB       1                   Line number too large
E$NoAssg       RMB       1                   Missing assignment statement
E$NoPath       RMB       1                   Missing path number
E$NoComa       RMB       1                   Missing coma
E$NoDim        RMB       1                   Missing dimension
E$NoDO         RMB       1                   Missing DO statement
E$MFull        RMB       1                   Memory full
E$NoGoto       RMB       1                   Missing GOTO
E$NoLPar       RMB       1                   Missing left parenthesis
E$NoLRef       RMB       1                   Missing line reference
E$NoOprd       RMB       1                   Missing operand
E$NoRPar       RMB       1                   Missing right parenthesis
E$NoTHEN       RMB       1                   Missing THEN statement
E$NoTO         RMB       1                   Missing TO statement
E$NoVRef       RMB       1                   Missing variable reference
E$EndQou       RMB       1                   Missing end quote
E$SubLrg       RMB       1                   Too many subscripts
E$UnkPrc       RMB       1                   Unknown procedure
E$MulPrc       RMB       1                   Multiply defined procedure
E$DivZer       RMB       1                   Divice by zero
E$TypMis       RMB       1                   Operand type mismatch
E$StrOvf       RMB       1                   String stack overflow
E$NoRout       RMB       1                   Unimplemented routine
E$UndVar       RMB       1                   Undefined variable
E$FltOvf       RMB       1                   Floating Overflow
E$LnComp       RMB       1                   Line with compiler error
E$ValRng       RMB       1                   Value out of range for destination
E$SubOvf       RMB       1                   Subroutine stack overflow
E$SubUnd       RMB       1                   Subroutine stack underflow
E$SubRng       RMB       1                   Subscript out of range
E$ParmEr       RMB       1                   Paraemter error
E$SysOvf       RMB       1                   System stack overflow
E$IOMism       RMB       1                   I/O type mismatch
E$IONum        RMB       1                   I/O numeric input format bad
E$IOConv       RMB       1                   I/O conversion: number out of range
E$IllInp       RMB       1                   Illegal input format
E$IOFRpt       RMB       1                   I/O format repeat error
E$IOFSyn       RMB       1                   I/O format syntax error
E$IllPNm       RMB       1                   Illegal path number
E$WrSub        RMB       1                   Wrong number of subscripts
E$NonRcO       RMB       1                   Non-record type operand
E$IllA         RMB       1                   Illegal argument
E$IllCnt       RMB       1                   Illegal control structure
E$UnmCnt       RMB       1                   Unmatched control structure
E$IllFOR       RMB       1                   Illegal FOR variable
E$IllExp       RMB       1                   Illegal expression type
E$IllDec       RMB       1                   Illegal declarative statement
E$ArrOvf       RMB       1                   Array size overflow
E$UndLin       RMB       1                   Undefined line number
E$MltLin       RMB       1                   Multiply defined line number
E$MltVar       RMB       1                   Multiply defined variable
E$IllIVr       RMB       1                   Illegal input variable
E$SeekRg       RMB       1                   Seek out of range
E$NoData       RMB       1                   Missing data statement

* System Dependent Error Codes

* Level 2 windowing error codes
               ORG       183
E$IWTyp        RMB       1                   Illegal window type
E$WADef        RMB       1                   Window already defined
E$NFont        RMB       1                   Font not found
E$StkOvf       RMB       1                   Stack overflow
E$IllArg       RMB       1                   Illegal argument
               RMB       1                   reserved
E$ICoord       RMB       1                   Illegal coordinates
E$Bug          RMB       1                   Bug (should never be returned)
E$BufSiz       RMB       1                   Buffer size is too small
E$IllCmd       RMB       1                   Illegal command
E$TblFul       RMB       1                   Screen or window table is full
E$BadBuf       RMB       1                   Bad/Undefined buffer number
E$IWDef        RMB       1                   Illegal window definition
E$WUndef       RMB       1                   Window undefined

E$Up           RMB       1                   Up arrow pressed on SCF I$ReadLn with PD.UP enabled
E$Dn           RMB       1                   Down arrow pressed on SCF I$ReadLn with PD.DOWN enabled
E$Alias        RMB       1

* Standard NitrOS-9 Error Codes
               ORG       200
E$PthFul       RMB       1                   Path Table full
E$BPNum        RMB       1                   Bad Path Number
E$Poll         RMB       1                   Polling Table Full
E$BMode        RMB       1                   Bad Mode
E$DevOvf       RMB       1                   Device Table Overflow
E$BMID         RMB       1                   Bad Module ID
E$DirFul       RMB       1                   Module Directory Full
E$MemFul       RMB       1                   Process Memory Full
E$UnkSvc       RMB       1                   Unknown Service Code
E$ModBsy       RMB       1                   Module Busy
E$BPAddr       RMB       1                   Bad Page Address
E$EOF          RMB       1                   End of File
               RMB       1
E$NES          RMB       1                   Non-Existing Segment
E$FNA          RMB       1                   File Not Accesible
E$BPNam        RMB       1                   Bad Path Name
E$PNNF         RMB       1                   Path Name Not Found
E$SLF          RMB       1                   Segment List Full
E$CEF          RMB       1                   Creating Existing File
E$IBA          RMB       1                   Illegal Block Address
E$HangUp       RMB       1                   Carrier Detect Lost
E$MNF          RMB       1                   Module Not Found
               RMB       1
E$DelSP        RMB       1                   Deleting Stack Pointer memory
E$IPrcID       RMB       1                   Illegal Process ID
E$BPrcID       EQU       E$IPrcID            Bad Process ID (formerly #238)
               RMB       1
E$NoChld       RMB       1                   No Children
E$ISWI         RMB       1                   Illegal SWI code
E$PrcAbt       RMB       1                   Process Aborted
E$PrcFul       RMB       1                   Process Table Full
E$IForkP       RMB       1                   Illegal Fork Parameter
E$KwnMod       RMB       1                   Known Module
E$BMCRC        RMB       1                   Bad Module CRC
E$USigP        RMB       1                   Unprocessed Signal Pending
E$NEMod        RMB       1                   Non Existing Module
E$BNam         RMB       1                   Bad Name
E$BMHP         RMB       1                   (bad module header parity)
E$NoRAM        RMB       1                   No (System) RAM Available
E$DNE          RMB       1                   Directory not empty
E$NoTask       RMB       1                   No available Task number
               RMB       $F0-.               reserved
E$Unit         RMB       1                   Illegal Unit (drive)
E$Sect         RMB       1                   Bad Sector number
E$WP           RMB       1                   Write Protect
E$CRC          RMB       1                   Bad Check Sum
E$Read         RMB       1                   Read Error
E$Write        RMB       1                   Write Error
E$NotRdy       RMB       1                   Device Not Ready
E$Seek         RMB       1                   Seek Error
E$Full         RMB       1                   Media Full
E$BTyp         RMB       1                   Bad Type (incompatable) media
E$DevBsy       RMB       1                   Device Busy
E$DIDC         RMB       1                   Disk ID Change
E$Lock         RMB       1                   Record is busy (locked out)
E$Share        RMB       1                   Non-sharable file busy
E$DeadLk       RMB       1                   I/O Deadlock error

               IFEQ      Level-1

* Boot defs for NitrOS-9 Level 1
* These defs are not strictly for 'Boot', but are for booting the
* system.
Bt.Start       EQU       $EE00               Start address of the boot track in memory

* Boot area size on Dragon is only 16 sectors=4K
               IFNE      DRAGON
Bt.Size        EQU       $1000               Max size of boot file
Bt.Size        EQU       $1080               Maximum size of bootfile


* Boot defs for NitrOS-9 Level 2 and above
* These defs are not strictly for 'Boot', but are for booting the
* system.
Bt.Block       EQU       $3B                 Block to map in for the 'OS9BOOT' screen
Bt.Flag        EQU       $8A34               Flag in Bt.Block to verify that it's unchanged
Bt.Offst       EQU       2                   Offset into the screen where the current ptr is
Bt.Start       EQU       $ED00               Start address of the boot track in memory


* Boot area on the Dragon starts on track 0 sector 2, imediatly 
* after the blockmap.
* On the CoCo, the boot track is all of track 34

               IFNE      DRAGON
Bt.Track       EQU       0                   Boot track
Bt.Sec         EQU       2                   Start LSN of boot area on boot track
Bt.Track       EQU       34                  Boot track
Bt.Sec         EQU       0                   Start LSN of boot area on boot track

               IFGT      Level-2
* Level 3 Defs
* These definitions apply to NitrOS-9 Level 3
L3.Start       EQU       $2000               Start off at slot 1
L3.Size        EQU       $40                 Go for 64 pages: 2 slots total
L3.Blks        EQU       L3.Size/$20         Number of slots
L3.End         EQU       L3.Start+L3.Size*$0100 end of L3 memory
L3.SCF         EQU       $0660               SCF block ptr
L3.RBF         EQU       L3.SCF+1            RBF block ptr
