view defs/vdgdefs @ 2763:c03464c24b14

Fixed a minor typo in the arcadepak's makefile related to DriveWire3 and Becker. Updated makefile with new option nightlytest. Run option is "make nightlytest". You also need to test environment variable TESTSSHDIR and TESTSSHSERVER before using it. Also updated the nightly option so if the SOURCEUSER environment variable is not set it will report it.
author drencor-xeen
date Wed, 16 Jan 2013 17:33:46 -0600
parents e396d4f24b27
line wrap: on
line source

               IFNE      VDGDEFS-1

VDGDEFS        SET       1

* VDGDefs - VDG Interface Definititions
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          1991/05/07  Alan DeKok
* Wrote original from VDGInt source.

               NAM       VDGDefs
               TTL       VDG Interface Definitions

* Notes:
* All offsets from 'U' (address of device memory area)
* (see p. 6-9, technical reference: U=start of driver data memory
* NOTE: There is LOTS of stuff which is only used once, and some which
* is not needed.  Here's a list of the un-needed, and un-used (other than
* once)
* It would probably be benificial to patch VDGint to fix these problems,
* unless anyone else has ideas as to why VDGint is doing things this way.
* Un-needed
* VD.EPlt1  - (2) set to VD.NChar, and then read only
* VD.EPlt2  - (2) set to same as VD.EPlt1, and then unused
* VD.Chr1   - (1) set to same as VD.CChar, and then unused
* VD.PlFlg  - (1) initialized to $08, and unused
* Un-used
* $1D       - (1) end of SCF memory requirements
* VD.Strt1  - (2) CLRed, and then read (LDD) - left as $0000
* $24-$2B   - (8)
* $33-$34   - (2)
* $7E-$FF   - (130)
* Total of 22 (150 in whole page) bytes unneeded or unused.

               ORG       $1E
VD.Start       RMB       1                   start of VD.XXXX data: number of VDG screens in use
VD.Strt1       RMB       2                   (2) and another start
VD.Caps        RMB       2                   caps lock info: $00=lower $FF=upper
VD.DFlag       RMB       1                   0=current screen is valid, $01-$FF = update video
* $24-$2B unused
               RMB       8
VD.NGChr       RMB       1                   number of additional characters to get
VD.RTAdd       RMB       2                   (2) return address after getting characters
VD.EPlt1       RMB       2                   (2) pointer to where to put next character
VD.EPlt2       RMB       2                   (2) as above.
* $33-$34 unused
               RMB       2
VD.CFlag       RMB       1                   true lowercase flag $10=true, $00=false
VD.CFlg1       RMB       1                   VDG display code values
VD.DGBuf       RMB       1                   number of currently displayed buffer
VD.ScrnA       RMB       2                   (2) screen start address in system memory
VD.ScrnE       RMB       2                   (2) address of end of screen
VD.CrsrA       RMB       1                   (2) cursor address
VD.CrsAL       RMB       1                   cursor address low
VD.CChar       RMB       1                   value of character under cursor
VD.Mode        RMB       1                   mode: 0=256x192 x2, 1=128x192 x4
VD.Chr1        RMB       1                   same as under cursor character
VD.CColr       RMB       1                   cursor color
VD.Col         RMB       1                   number of columns for this screen
VD.Row         RMB       1                   number of rows
VD.TFlg1       RMB       1                   see WRITE ($0E)
VD.Alpha       RMB       1                   0 when in alpha mode
VD.Rdy         RMB       1                   device ready (see SS.DStat 0=not ready)
VD.SBAdd       RMB       2                   (2) address of block screen is in
VD.Blk         RMB       1                   Block number of screen
VD.GBuff       RMB       1                   allocation for graphics buffers (block#)
VD.AGBuf       RMB       2                   (2) additional graphics buffer
VD.HiRes       RMB       1                   hi-res screen table (block value)
VD.NBlk        RMB       1                   number of blocks in this screen
VD.SType       RMB       1                   screen type 0-4
VD.HR2         RMB       3                   (3) for screen number 2
VD.HR3         RMB       3                   (3) for screen 3 (same 3 bytes as above)
VD.FFMem       RMB       2                   (2) bottom of stack for flood fill
VD.FFSPt       RMB       2                   (2) flood fill stack pointer
VD.FFSTp       RMB       2                   (2) flood fill stack top pointer
VD.FF6         RMB       1                   flood fill flag
VD.MTabl       RMB       2                   (2) address of mask table for pixels in byte
VD.PixBt       RMB       1                   bit mask for modes (0=$07, 1=$03 )#pixels/byte
VD.GCrsX       RMB       1                   graphics cursor X value
VD.GCrsY       RMB       1                   graphics cursor Y
VD.Msk1        RMB       1                   mask byte 1
VD.Msk2        RMB       1                   mask byte 2 (00,55,AA,FF)
VD.MCol        RMB       1                   color? (C003,8001)
VD.MCol2       RMB       1                   color
VD.PMask       RMB       1                   pixel mask for colors (i.e. $55, $CC etc)
VD.FF1         RMB       1                   data for flood fill
VD.FF2         RMB       1                   data for flood fill
VD.FFMsk       RMB       1                   flood fill mask
VD.FFFlg       RMB       1                   flood fill flag
VD.Palet       RMB       16                  (16) current palette values
VD.PlFlg       RMB       1                   initialized to $08 by L00DB, and then unused!
VD.NChar       RMB       1                   character to process
VD.NChr2       RMB       1                   and the next one

* and RMB until we get 256 bytes reserved
