view level1/modules/clock.asm @ 2763:c03464c24b14

Fixed a minor typo in the arcadepak's makefile related to DriveWire3 and Becker. Updated makefile with new option nightlytest. Run option is "make nightlytest". You also need to test environment variable TESTSSHDIR and TESTSSHSERVER before using it. Also updated the nightly option so if the SOURCEUSER environment variable is not set it will report it.
author drencor-xeen
date Wed, 16 Jan 2013 17:33:46 -0600
parents 90d13dbd887a
children 8399491c0821
line wrap: on
line source

* Clock - NitrOS-9 System Clock
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          ????/??/??
* NitrOS-9 2.00 distribution.
*   9r4    2003/01/01  Boisy G. Pitre
* Back-ported to OS-9 Level Two.
*   9r5    2003/08/18  Boisy G. Pitre
* Separated clock into Clock and Clock2 for modularity.
*   9r6    2003/09/04  Boisy G. Pitre
* Combined Level One and Level Two sources
*   9r7    2004/11/27  Phill Harvey-Smith
* Fixed bug in init routine that was causing DP and CC to
* be pulled off the stack and stored in D.Proc under Level 1
*   9r7    2005/01/17  Boisy G. Pitre
* Fixed incorrect value for PIA initialization.  Robert indicated
* that it should be $3434, not $3435.
*   9r7    2005/04/08  Phill Harvey-Smith
* Made the above level dependent as having PIAs inited with $3434
* will disable the IRQ from them, this is ok for Level 2/CoCo 3 as the
* IRQ is later enabled from the GIME, however the CoCo 1,2 and Dragon
* do not posses a GIME so anything dependent on the clock tick will 
* hang. So changed to conditionaly compile based on level :-
*   9r8    2005/12/04  Boisy G. Pitre
* Minor code optimizations, fixed issue in Level 1 where clock ran slow
* due to improper initialization of certain system globals.
         nam   Clock     
         ttl   NitrOS-9 System Clock
         use   defsfile  
tylg     set   Systm+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev 
rev      set   8
edition  set   9         
* Start of module
         mod   len,name,tylg,atrv,init,0
name     fcs   "Clock"   
         fcb   edition   
TkPerTS  equ   TkPerSec/10 ticks per time slice
* Table to set up Service Calls
NewSvc   fcb   F$Time    
         fdb   FTime-*-2 
         fcb   F$VIRQ    
         fdb   FVIRQ-*-2 
         fcb   F$STime   
         fdb   FSTime-*-2
         fcb   $80        end of service call installation table

* Handle F$STime system call
* First, copy time packet from user address space to system time
* variables, then fall through to code to update RTC.
FSTime   equ   *         
         ldx   R$X,u     
         ldd   ,x        
         std   <D.Year   
         ldd   2,x       
         std   <D.Day    
         ldd   4,x       
         std   <D.Min    
         lda   #TkPerSec  reset to start of second
         sta   <D.Tick   
         ldx   <D.Clock2  get entry point to Clock2
         clra             clear carry
         jmp   $06,x      and call SetTime entry point
* Clock Initialization
* This vector is called by the kernel to service the first F$STime
* call.  F$STime is usually called by SysGo (with a dummy argument)
* in order to initialize the clock.  F$STime is re-vectored to the
* service code above to handle future F$STime calls.
Clock2   fcs   "Clock2"  
         pshs  dp,cc      save DP and CC
         tfr   a,dp       set DP to zero
         leax  <Clock2,pcr
         lda   #Sbrtn+Objct
         os9   F$Link    
         bcc   LinkOk    
         jmp   >$FFFE     level 1: jump to reset vector
         puls  cc,dp      ; Restore saved dp and cc
         sty   <D.Clock2  save entry point
* Do not need to explicitly read RTC during initialization
         ldd   #59*256+$01 last second and last tick
         std   <D.Sec     will prompt RTC read at next time slice
         ldb   #TkPerSec
         stb   <D.TSec    set ticks per second
         ldb   #TkPerTS   get ticks per time slice
         stb   <D.TSlice  set ticks per time slice
         stb   <D.Slice   set first time slice
         IFNE  atari
* Atari gets its clock source from the NMI
         leax  SvcIRQ,pcr set NMI handler
         stx   <D.NMI    
         leax  SvcIRQ,pcr set IRQ handler
         stx   <D.IRQ    
         leay  NewSvc,pcr insert syscalls
         os9   F$SSvc    
* Call Clock2 init routine
         ldy   <D.Clock2  get entry point to Clock2
         jsr   ,y         call init entry point of Clock2

* Initialize clock hardware
          IFNE atari
* Atari - Tell ANTIC to assert NMI on Vertical Blank
     	lda     #$40
     	sta     NMIEN		enable VBlank NMI
         ldx   #PIA0Base  point to PIA0
         clra             no error for return...
         pshs  cc         save IRQ enable status (and Carry clear)
         orcc  #IntMasks  stop interrupts
         sta   1,x        enable DDRA
         sta   ,x         set port A all inputs
         sta   3,x        enable DDRB
         sta   2,x        set port B all outputs
;	ldd	#$343C		[A]=PIA0 CRA contents, [B]=PIA0 CRB contents
         ldd   #$3435     IRQ needs to be left enabled for Level1, as no GIME generated IRQ
         sta   1,x        CA2 (MUX0) out low, port A, disable HBORD high-to-low IRQs
         stb   3,x        CB2 (MUX1) out low, port B, disable VBORD low-to-high IRQs
         lda   2,x        clear possible pending PIA0 VBORD IRQ
          puls  cc,pc      recover IRQ enable status and return
* Clock IRQ Entry Point
* For CoCo 1/2, called once every 16.667 milliseconds
         tfr   a,dp       set direct page to zero
         IFNE  atari
         sta   NMIRES     clear NMI interrupt
         tst   PIA0Base+3 get hw byte
         bmi   L0032      branch if sync flag on
         jmp   [>D.SvcIRQ] else service other possible IRQ
L0032    tst   PIA0Base+2 clear interrupt
         dec   <D.Tick    decrement tick counter
         bne   L007F      go around if not zero
         ldb   <D.Sec     get minutes/seconds
* Seconds increment
         incb             increment seconds
         cmpb  #60        full minute?
         bcs   L0079      nope...
* Call GetTime entry point in Clock2
         ldx   <D.Clock2  get entry point to Clock2
         jsr   $03,x      call GetTime entry point
         fcb   $8C        skip next 2 bytes
L0079    stb   <D.Sec     update sec
L007B    lda   <D.TSec    get ticks per second value
         sta   <D.Tick    and repopulate tick decrement counter
L007F    clra             clear A
         pshs  a          and save it on the stack
         ldy   <D.CLTb    get pointer to VIRQ Polling Entries
         bra   L009E      go to the processing portion of the loop
L0087    ldd   Vi.Cnt,x   get count down counter
         subd  #$0001     subtract tick count
         bne   L009C      branch if not at terminal count ($0000)
         lda   #$01      
         sta   ,s         set flag on stack to 1
         lda   Vi.Stat,x  get status byte
         beq   DelEntry   branch if zero (one shot, so delete)
L0096    ora   #Vi.IFlag  set interrupted flag
         sta   Vi.Stat,x  save in packet
         ldd   Vi.Rst,x   get reset count
L009C    std   Vi.Cnt,x   save tick count back
L009E    ldx   ,y++       get two bytes at Y
         bne   L0087      if not zero, branch
         lda   ,s+        else get byte off stack
         beq   GoAltIRQ   branch if zero
         ldx   <D.Proc    else get pointer to current process descriptor
         beq   L00AE      branch if none
         tst   P$State,x  test process state
         bpl   UsrPoll    branch if system state not set
L00AE    jsr   [>D.Poll]  poll ISRs
         bcc   L00AE      keep polling until carry set
         jmp   [>D.AltIRQ] jump into an alternate IRQ if available
         bsr   DelVIRQ    delete the VIRQ entry
         bra   L0096     
UsrPoll  leay  >up@,pcr   point to routine to execute
         jmp   [>D.URtoSs] User to System
up@      jsr   [>D.Poll]  call polling routine
         bcc   up@        keep polling until carry set
         ldx   <D.Proc    get current process descriptor
         ldb   P$State,x  and its state
         andb  #^SysState turn off sysstate bit
         stb   P$State,x  save new state
         ldd   <P$SWI2,x 
         std   <D.SWI2   
         ldd   <D.UsrIRQ 
         std   <D.SvcIRQ 
         bra   GoAltIRQ  
DelVIRQ  pshs  y,x        save off Y,X
dl@      ldx   ,y++       get next entry
         stx   -$04,y     move up
         bne   dl@        continue until all are moved
         puls  y,x        restore
         leay  -2,y       move back 2 from Y (points to last entry)
         rts              return
* Install or Remove VIRQ Entry
FVIRQ    pshs  cc        
         orcc  #IntMasks  mask all interrupts
         ldy   <D.CLTb    get pointer to VIRQ polling table
         ldx   <D.Init    get pointer to init module
         ldb   PollCnt,x  get poll count
         ldx   R$X,u      get pointer to caller's X
         beq   L0118      branch if removing
         tst   ,y         entry available?
         beq   L010C     
         subb  #$02      
         leay  b,y       
         tst   ,y        
         bne   PTblFul    polling table full
L0106    tst   ,--y      
         beq   L0106     
         leay  $02,y     
L010C    ldx   R$Y,u     
         stx   ,y        
         ldy   R$D,u     
         sty   ,x        
         bra   L0124     
L0118    leax  R$Y,u      X = caller's Y
L011A    tst   ,y         end of VIRQ table
         beq   L0124      branch if so
         cmpx  ,y++       else compare to current VIRQ entry and inc Y
         bne   L011A      continue searching if not matched
         bsr   DelVIRQ    else delete entry
L0124    puls  cc        
PTblFul  puls  cc        
         ldb   #E$Poll   
* F$Time system call code
FTime    ldx   R$X,u     
         ldd   <D.Year   
         std   ,x        
         ldd   <D.Day    
         std   2,x       
         ldd   <D.Min    
         std   4,x       
len      equ   *         