view level1/modules/clock2_soft.asm @ 2763:c03464c24b14

Fixed a minor typo in the arcadepak's makefile related to DriveWire3 and Becker. Updated makefile with new option nightlytest. Run option is "make nightlytest". You also need to test environment variable TESTSSHDIR and TESTSSHSERVER before using it. Also updated the nightly option so if the SOURCEUSER environment variable is not set it will report it.
author drencor-xeen
date Wed, 16 Jan 2013 17:33:46 -0600
parents f389c6bca482
children 3244c2e1b6ed
line wrap: on
line source

* Clock2 - Software Clock Driver
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      2003/08/18  Boisy G. Pitre
* Separated clock2 modules for source clarity.

         nam   Clock2    
         ttl   Software Clock Driver

         use   defsfile  

tylg     set   Sbrtn+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
edition  set   1

RTC.Base equ   0          Have to have one defined.

         mod   len,name,Sbrtn+Objct,ReEnt+0,JmpTable,RTC.Base

name     fcs   "Clock2"  
         fcb   edition

         bra   GetTime   

GetTime  lda   <D.Min     grab current minute
         inca             minute+1
         cmpa  #60        End of hour?
         blo   UpdMin     no, Set start of minute
         ldd   <D.Day     get day, hour
         incb             hour+1
         cmpb  #24        End of Day?
         blo   UpdHour
         inca             day+1
         leax  <months-1,pcr point to months table with offset-1: Jan = +1
         ldb   <D.Month   this month
         cmpa  b,x        end of month?
         bls   UpdDay, update the day
         cmpb  #2         yes, is it Feb?
         bne   NoLeap, ok
         ldb   <D.Year    else get year
         andb  #$03       check for leap year: good until 2099
         cmpd  #$1D00     29th on leap year?
         beq   UpdDay     ..yes, skip it
NoLeap   ldd   <D.Year    else month+1
         incb             month+1
         cmpb  #13        end of year?
         blo   UpdMonth
         inca             year+1
         ldb   #$01       set month to jan
UpdMonth std   <D.Year    save year, month
         lda   #$01       day=1st
UpdDay   clrb             hour=midnite
UpdHour  std   <D.Day     save day,hour
         clra             minute=00
UpdMin   clrb             seconds=00
         std   <D.Min     save min,secs
UpdTExit rts             

months   fcb   31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 Days in each month

len      equ   *         