view level1/modules/dwcheck.asm @ 2763:c03464c24b14

Fixed a minor typo in the arcadepak's makefile related to DriveWire3 and Becker. Updated makefile with new option nightlytest. Run option is "make nightlytest". You also need to test environment variable TESTSSHDIR and TESTSSHSERVER before using it. Also updated the nightly option so if the SOURCEUSER environment variable is not set it will report it.
author drencor-xeen
date Wed, 16 Jan 2013 17:33:46 -0600
parents 660cc987e18d
line wrap: on
line source

         IFNE  1

* Checksum routine - D returns as the sum of all bytes of the sector
* Entry: X = address of sector
* Exit : D = checksum value
DoCSum   equ   *
         clr   ,-s
c2@      addb  ,x+
         adca  #0
         dec   ,s
         bne   c2@
         leas  1,s
*         exg   a,b		do endian conversion to match Server's checksum

* Weak but fast CRC Computation Routine
* Entry: X = address of sector
* Exit : D = crc value
*DoCRC    equ   *
*         IFNE  H6309
*         clrd
*         clre
*CRC2     eord  ,x++
*         ince
*         bpl   CRC2
*         ELSE
*         clr   ,-s
*         clra
*         clrb
*CRC2     eora  ,x+
*         eorb  ,x+
*         inc   ,s
*         bpl   CRC2
*         leas  1,s
*         ENDC
*         exg   a,b		do endian conversion to match PC's CRC
*         rts


* CCITT CRC-16 Computation Routine
* Provided by Tim Lindner - 02/12/2003
* Entry: X = address of sector
* Exit : D = crc value
*CRC16    equ   *
*         IFNE  H6309
*         clrd
*         clre
*         ELSE
*         clra
*         clrb
*         pshs  b		save as counter of 256 bytes
*         ENDC
*CRCLP    eora  ,x+
*         IFNE  H6309
*         lsld
*         ELSE
*         lslb
*         rola
*         ENDC
*         bcc   CRCLp0
*         IFNE  H6309
*         eord  #$1021
*         ELSE
*         eora  #$10
*         eorb  #$21
*         ENDC
*CRCLp0   equ   *
*         IFNE  H6309
*         lsld
*         ELSE
*         lslb
*         rola
*         ENDC
*         bcc   CRCLp1
*         IFNE  H6309
*         eord  #$1021
*         ELSE
*         eora  #$10
*         eorb  #$21
*         ENDC
*CRCLp1   equ   *
*         IFNE  H6309
*         lsld
*         ELSE
*         lslb
*         rola
*         ENDC
*         bcc   CRCLp2
*         IFNE  H6309
*         eord  #$1021
*         ELSE
*         eora  #$10
*         eorb  #$21
*         ENDC
*CRCLp2   equ   *
*         IFNE  H6309
*         lsld
*         ELSE
*         lslb
*         rola
*         ENDC
*         bcc   CRCLp3
*         IFNE  H6309
*         eord  #$1021
*         ELSE
*         eora  #$10
*         eorb  #$21
*         ENDC
*CRCLp3   equ   *
*         IFNE  H6309
*         lsld
*         ELSE
*         lslb
*         rola
*         ENDC
*         bcc   CRCLp4
**         IFNE  H6309
**         eord  #$1021
*         ELSE
*         eora  #$10
*         eorb  #$21
*         ENDC
*CRCLp4   equ   *
*         IFNE  H6309
*         lsld
*         ELSE
*         lslb
*         rola
*         ENDC
*         bcc   CRCLp5
*         IFNE  H6309
*         eord  #$1021
*         ELSE
*         eora  #$10
*         eorb  #$21
*         ENDC
*CRCLp5   equ   *
*         IFNE  H6309
*         lsld
*         ELSE
*         lslb
*         rola
*         ENDC
*         bcc   CRCLp6
*         IFNE  H6309
*         eord  #$1021
*         ELSE
*         eora  #$10
*         eorb  #$21
*         ENDC
*CRCLp6   equ   *
*         IFNE  H6309
*         lsld
*         ELSE
*         lslb
*         rola
*         ENDC
*         bcc   CRCLp7
*         IFNE  H6309
*         eord  #$1021
*         ELSE
*         eora  #$10
*         eorb  #$21
*         ENDC
*CRCLp7   equ   *
*         IFNE  H6309
*         dece
*         ELSE
*         dec   ,s
*         ENDC
*         bne   CRCLp
*         IFEQ  H6309
*         leas  1,s		eat counter on stack
*         ENDC
*         rts
*         ENDC

* calculate CCITT CRC 16
* input:  X - Address of block
*       Block is assumed to be 256 bytes
* output: D - 16 bit CRC
* uses: X, D, CC, and two bytes of stack

DoCRC    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309

nextbyte ldf   #8
         eora  ,x+
nextbit  lsld
         bcc   loop
         eord  #$1021
loop     decf
         bne   nextbit
         bne   nextbyte


         pshs  y,b
nextbyte ldy   #8
         eora  ,x+
nextbit  lslb
         bcc   loop
         eora  #$10
         eorb  #$21
loop     leay  -1,y
         bne   nextbit
         dec   ,s
         bne   nextbyte
         leas  1,s
         puls  y,pc
