view level1/modules/rbdw3.asm @ 2763:c03464c24b14

Fixed a minor typo in the arcadepak's makefile related to DriveWire3 and Becker. Updated makefile with new option nightlytest. Run option is "make nightlytest". You also need to test environment variable TESTSSHDIR and TESTSSHSERVER before using it. Also updated the nightly option so if the SOURCEUSER environment variable is not set it will report it.
author drencor-xeen
date Wed, 16 Jan 2013 17:33:46 -0600
parents 2ebf5e737ceb
children 37d3ee1458b6
line wrap: on
line source

* rbdw3 - DriveWire 3 driver
* $Id$
* This driver works in conjuction with the DriveWire Server on Linux,
* Mac or Windows, providing the CoCo with pseudo-disk access through
* the serial port.
* It adheres to the DriveWire Version 3 Protocol.
* The baud rate is set at 115200 and the communications requirements
* are set to 8-N-1.  For OS-9 Level One on a CoCo 2, the baud rate
* is 57600.
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      2008/02/08  Boisy G. Pitre
* Started from drivewire.asm in DriveWire 2 Product folder.
*   2      2008/04/22  Boisy G. Pitre
* Verified working operation on a CoCo 3 running NitrOS-9/6809 Level 1 @ 57.6Kbps
*   3      2009/03/09  Boisy G. Pitre
* Added checks for size after reading as noted by Darren A's email.
*   4      2009/12/31  Boisy G. Pitre
* Fixed a crash in Term by adding a check for DWSubAddr of $0000 
* (possible if Init fails due to subroutine module not being in
*  memory and I$Detach calls Term)

         nam   rbdw3
         ttl   DriveWire 3 driver


         use   defsfile
         use   drivewire.d

NumDrvs  set   4

tylg     set   Drivr+Objct   
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $01
edition  set   4

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

         rmb   DRVBEG+(DRVMEM*NumDrvs)
driveno  rmb   1
retries  rmb   1
size     equ   .


name     fcs   /rbdw3/
         fcb   edition

start    bra   Init
         bra   Read
         lbra  Write
         lbra  GetStat
         lbra  SetStat

* Term
* Entry:
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
         pshs cc
* Send OP_TERM to the server
          IFGT  LEVEL-1
         ldu   <D.DWSubAddr
         ldu   >D.DWSubAddr
* Fix crash in certain cases
         beq   no@
         ldy   #$0001
         IFNE  atari
         lda   D.ATARIFLAGS
         ora   #DWIOSEMA
         sta   D.ATARIFLAGS
         lda   #OP_TERM
         pshs a
         leax ,s
         orcc  #IntMasks
         jsr   DW$Write,u
         IFNE  atari
         lda   D.ATARIFLAGS
         anda  #^DWIOSEMA
         sta   D.ATARIFLAGS
         puls a
no@      puls cc,pc

* Init
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of device descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
         IFGT  Level-1
* Perform this so we can successfully do F$Link below
         ldx   <D.Proc
         pshs  a,x
         ldx   <D.SysPrc
         stx   <D.Proc 
         pshs  a

         ldb   #NumDrvs
         stb   V.NDRV,u
         leax  DRVBEG,u
         lda   #$FF
Init2    sta   DD.TOT,x			invalidate drive tables
         sta   DD.TOT+1,x
         sta   DD.TOT+2,x
         leax  DRVMEM,x
         bne   Init2

* Check if subroutine module has already been linked
         IFGT  LEVEL-1
         ldu   <D.DWSubAddr
         ldu   >D.DWSubAddr
         bne   InitEx
* Link to subroutine module
         leax  name+2,pcr
         os9   F$Link
         bcs   InitEx 
         tfr   y,u		 
         IFGT  LEVEL-1
         stu   <D.DWSubAddr
         stu   >D.DWSubAddr
* Initialize the low level device
         IFNE  atari
         lda   D.ATARIFLAGS
         ora   #DWIOSEMA
         sta   D.ATARIFLAGS
         jsr   DW$Init,u
         lda   #OP_INIT
         sta   ,s
         leax  ,s
         ldy   #$0001
         jsr   DW$Write,u
         IFNE  atari
         lda   D.ATARIFLAGS
         anda  #^DWIOSEMA
         sta   D.ATARIFLAGS

         IFGT  Level-1
         puls  a,x
         stx   <D.Proc
         puls  a,pc

* Read
* Entry:
*    B  = MSB of LSN
*    X  = LSB of LSN
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
         lda   #NUMRETRIES
         sta   retries,u
         cmpx  #$0000			LSN 0?
         bne   ReadSect			branch if not
         tstb	   			LSN 0?
         bne   ReadSect			branch if not
* At this point we are reading LSN0
         bsr   ReadSect			read the sector
         bcs   CpyLSNEx			if error, exit
         leax  DRVBEG,u			point to start of drive table
         ldb   <PD.DRV,y		get drive number
NextDrv  beq   CopyLSN0			branch if terminal count
         leax  <DRVMEM,x		else move to next drive table entry
         decb				decrement counter
         bra   NextDrv			and continue
CopyLSN0 ldb   #DD.SIZ			get size to copy
         ldy   PD.BUF,y			point to buffer
CpyLSNLp lda   ,y+			get byte from buffer
         sta   ,x+			and save in drive table
         bne   CpyLSNLp
CpyLSNEx rts

ReadSect pshs  cc
         pshs  u,y,x,b,a,cc			then push CC and others on stack
* Send out op code and 3 byte LSN
         lda   PD.DRV,y			get drive number
         cmpa  #NumDrvs
         blo   Read1
         ldb   #E$Unit
         bra   ReadEr2
Read1    sta   driveno,u
         IFNE  atari
         lda   D.ATARIFLAGS
         ora   #DWIOSEMA
         sta   D.ATARIFLAGS
         lda   #OP_READEX		load A with READ opcode
         ldb   driveno,u
         leax  ,s
         std   ,x
         ldy   #5 
         IFGT  LEVEL-1
         ldu   <D.DWSubAddr
         ldu   >D.DWSubAddr
         orcc  #IntMasks
         jsr   DW$Write,u
* Get 256 bytes of sector data
         ldx   5,s
         ldx   PD.BUF,x			get buffer pointer into X
         ldy   #$0100
         jsr   DW$Read,u
         bcs   ReadEr1
         bne   ReadEr1
         pshs  y
         leax  ,s
         ldy   #$0002
         jsr   DW$Write,u				write checksum to server

* Get error code byte
         leax  ,s
         ldy   #$0001
         jsr   DW$Read,u
         puls  d
         bcs   ReadEr0			branch if we timed out
         bne   ReadEr0
         tfr   a,b				transfer byte to B (in case of error)
         tstb					is it zero?
         beq   ReadEx			if not, exit with error
         cmpb  #E$CRC
         bne   ReadEr2
         ldu   7,s				get U from stack
         dec   retries,u		decrement retries
         beq   ReadEr1
         lda   #OP_REREADEX		reread opcode
         bra   Read2			and try getting sector again
ReadEr1  ldb   #E$Read			read error
ReadEr2  lda   9,s
         ora   #Carry
         sta   9,s
ReadEx   leas  5,s
         IFNE  atari
         lda   D.ATARIFLAGS
         anda  #^DWIOSEMA
         sta   D.ATARIFLAGS
         puls  y,u
         puls  cc,pc

* Write
* Entry:
*    B  = MSB of LSN
*    X  = LSB of LSN
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
Write    lda   #NUMRETRIES
         sta   retries,u
         pshs  cc
         pshs  u,y,x,b,a,cc
         IFNE  atari
         lda   D.ATARIFLAGS
         ora   #DWIOSEMA
         sta   D.ATARIFLAGS
* Send out op code and 3 byte LSN
         lda   PD.DRV,y
         cmpa  #NumDrvs
         blo   Write1
         comb			set Carry
         ldb   #E$Unit
         bra   WritEx
Write1   sta   driveno,u
         lda   #OP_WRITE
         ldb   driveno,u
         leax  ,s
         std   ,x
         ldy   #$0005
         IFGT  LEVEL-1
         ldu   <D.DWSubAddr
         ldu   >D.DWSubAddr
         orcc  #IntMasks
         jsr   DW$Write,u

* Compute checksum on sector we just sent and send checksum to server
         ldy   5,s				get Y from stack
         ldx   PD.BUF,y			point to buffer
         ldy   #256
         jsr   6,u
         leax  -256,x
         bsr   DoCSum
         pshs  d
         leax  ,s
         ldy   #$0002
         jsr   DW$Write,u

* Await acknowledgement from server on receipt of sector
         leax  ,s
         ldy   #$0001
         jsr   DW$Read,u				read ack byte from server
         bcs   WritEx0
         bne   WritEx0
         puls  d				  
         beq   WritEx			yep
         tfr   a,b
         cmpb  #E$CRC			checksum error?
         bne   WritEx2
         ldu   7,s				get U from stack
         dec   retries,u		decrement retries
         beq   WritEx1			exit with error if no more
         lda   #OP_REWRIT		else resend
         bra   Write15
WritEx0  puls  d
WritEx1  ldb   #E$Write
WritEx2  lda   9,s
         ora   #Carry
         sta   9,s
WritEx   leas  5,s
         IFNE  atari
         lda   D.ATARIFLAGS
         anda  #^DWIOSEMA
         sta   D.ATARIFLAGS
         puls  y,u
         puls  cc,pc
         use   dwcheck.asm
* SetStat
* Entry:
*    R$B = function code
*    Y   = address of path descriptor
*    U   = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
SetStat  lda   #OP_SETSTA
* Size optimization
		 fcb   $8C  skip next two bytes

* GetStat
* Entry:
*    R$B = function code
*    Y   = address of path descriptor
*    U   = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
         IFNE  atari
         lda   D.ATARIFLAGS
         ora   #DWIOSEMA
         sta   D.ATARIFLAGS
         lda   #OP_GETSTA
         clrb				clear Carry
         pshs  cc			and push CC on stack
         leas  -3,s
         sta   ,s
         lda   PD.DRV,y			get drive number
         ldx   PD.RGS,y
         ldb   R$B,x
         std   1,s
         leax  ,s
         ldy   #$0003
         IFGT  LEVEL-1
         ldu   <D.DWSubAddr
         ldu   >D.DWSubAddr
         jsr   6,u
         leas  3,s
         IFNE  atari
         lda   D.ATARIFLAGS
         anda  #^DWIOSEMA
         sta   D.ATARIFLAGS
         puls  cc,pc
eom      equ   *