view 3rdparty/utils/gene/bootlink.asm @ 3222:c086a5d69b78

Corrected ,pc should have been ,pcr in KRNP3.asm
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 23:28:18 -0600
parents 2e740da2088e
line wrap: on
line source

* bootlink.asm, boot selection utility
* Copyright (C) 2012-2014  Gene Heskett
* License: GPLv2
* See bootlink.doc for more licensing information
* A utility to facilitate using different boot vdisk images on
* a hard drive as the next default vdisk to boot from.
* HDB-DOS 1.1a or I assume newer.
* The boot sequence is this:
* load the boottrack from the default vdisk 128 image coded into
* That tracks boot module, if a boot from the hard drive module
* will then interogate LSN0 of the selected disk, and will
* then use that data to locate the selected OS9Boot file
* from anyplace on the disk, well beyond the basic partitions
* end address if it is one of the 256 HDB-DOS vdisks.
* The only reason to change this boottrack is if one wanted to
* change the rel module to change the default boot screen from
* what is being used in the default vdisk 128. I like rel_80
* myself.
* Getting LSN0 from that drive, reading DD.BT, and DD.SIZ, it knows
* where on the disks surface to get, and how much to get, to fetch
* the OS9Boot file from ANYPLACE on the hard drive.  This means
* that by re-writing the DD.BT and DD.SIZ values in the selected by
* the boot module drive, we can effectively do exactly the same as
* I believe that LINK.BAS is doing but which is hard to get to without
* doing a full reset into rsdos. Something I rarely do.
* The intention is to be able to do something like:
* >bootlink 129;reboot
* choose 1 or let it time out and it will reboot using the boottrack
* from HDB-DOS vdisk 128, but then get the OS9Boot file from vdisk 129
* instead of the default 128.  Repeat the selection of which OS9Boot
* for any HDB-DOS vdisk.
* Caveat: be sure there is an OS9Boot file on that vdisk, else you will
* need to find that LINK.BAS and rerun it to restore your boot drives
* LSN0 DD.BT and DD.SIZ to valid values.
* The code for bootlink follows:
* various bits of the code can be traced by setting the debug level
* IF the machine has a 6309 in it, I use those registers to mark where
* the dump came from.
* DEBUG set 1 traces the LSN0 file creation process for the boot device
* DEBUG set 2 traces the LSN0 file creation process for the stp selected vdisk
* DEBUG set 3 will trace the offset calcs
* DEBUG set 4 traces new boot address additions
* DEBUG set 5 traces LSN0 edits
* DEBUG set 6 traces the decimal or ascii to hex conversions
* DEBUG set 7 traces the math for the $276*HEXB function
* DEBUG set 8 will check last coded display lines exit
* Any non-zero traces entry state
DEBUG   set 0
        ttl bootlink - method of effecting reboots to different bootfiles
        use os9.d
        use rbf.d
tylg    set Prgrm+Objct
atrv    set ReEnt+rev
rev     set 1
ed      set 1
srchcli set 8 amount of cli to search
shdeflt set $80
MkUpper set $DF

        mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,msiz

name    fcs /bootlink/
        fcb ed
* All internally used strings here
DNAME   fcc  '/DD@'
        fdb  $0d
SHNAME  fcc  '/SH@'
        fdb  $0d
SHDIR   fcc  '/sh'
        fdb  $0d
SHMOD   fcc  'SH'
        fdb  $0d
SHBoot  fcc  '/sh/OS9Boot' have that file?
        fdb  $0d
LSN0Sav fcc  '/DD/SRC/bootlink.LSN0'
        fdb  $0d
LSN0tar fcc  '/DD/SRC/targetlink.LSN0'
        fdb  $0d
bootmin fcb $60 only check high byte
hextbll fcb $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0E,$0F
hextblh fcb $00,$10,$20,$30,$40,$50,$60,$70,$80,$90,$A0,$B0,$C0,$D0,$E0,$F0

vdpream fcc 'next, will do the equ of '
vdmode$ fcc 'dmode' a printable string
dmodpar fcc ' /sh stp=$'
dmodevd fcc '00'
        fcb $0a
dmodend fcb $0d

* all allocated memory here
DBUF1   rmb 256 at 0,u drives base LSN0 when read in
DBUF2   rmb 256 at 256,u drives target LSN0
CMDL    rmb 2 READONLY pointer to command line args
OSID    rmb 2 holds 1st two bytes of OS9Boot
HEXB    rmb 1 scratchpad
STPHEX  rmb 3 storage for $276*HEXB
BFADR   rmb 3 size DD.BT
BFSIZ   rmb 2 size DD.SIZ
NBFADR  rmb 3 size new HDB-DOS DD.BT
NEWBTAD rmb 3 final addr move so 5 byte move works, is absolute addr
NBFSIZ  rmb 2 size new DD.SIZ
PATHN   rmb 1 pathnx I$Open returns
PATH2   rmb 1 pathno to sh@
DPRTSZ  rmb 3 size of device root part
OLDBTAD rmb 3 addr old boot file from LSN0 DD.BT
HEXASC  rmb 1 controls treatment of input, dec or hex
DLRPTR  rmb 2 save pointer to $ sign
ynumptr rmb 2 place to save x while getting input
stackp  rmb 2 place to hold stack at launch
ParamD  rmb 1 size of parameters passed at F$Fork that starts us
msiz    equ .
* any other strings are defined within the code as needed
* We run everything from here
start   sts stackp,u re-init the sp for exits!
        stx CMDL,u save for whatever ;)
        stb ParamD,u assume never over 256 bytes!
        sta HEXASC,u assume always 0 here
        std  DLRPTR,u zero these
        lda  ,x what char is x pointed at right now?
* Ok, we have an argument, handle it
whatgot cmpa  #'$ what sort of an argument do we have?
* is it a hex value, or a decimal, no leading $ sign?
        bne not$
        lbsr itshex
        bra  GotHEX
not$    lbsr numconv
GotHEX  lbsr shomd got it show it
        pshs u,y,x
        lbsr domode Link and UnLink screw with lots of stuff
        puls u,y,x
        lbcs nodevic
        lbsr GetLSNs works
        lbcs baddat
        lbsr GetDin
        lbcs baddat
        lbsr cklgimg
        lbcs baddat
        lbsr CalOfst
        lbcs baddat
        lbsr ShoRslt
        bsr  Cmitit actually do it!
        lbra end All done folks!

Cmitit  leax DBUF1,u
        leax DD.BT,u
        leay NEWBTAD,u
        ldb  #5 bytes to move
Comit   lda  ,y+
        sta  ,x+
        bne  Comit
        leax DNAME,pcr point at /sh@
        lda  #WRITE.
        os9  I$Open
        ifeq DEBUG-5
        pshs cc
        lde  #'O
        ldf  #'P
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        bcs  Comitnd
        sta  PATHN,u
        ldy  #256   one sector
        leax DBUF1,u
        lda  PATHN,u
        os9  I$Write put the sector back
        ifeq DEBUG-5
        pshs cc
        lde  #'W
        ldf  #'R
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        bcs  Comitnd
        lda  PATHN,u
        os9  I$Close
        ifeq DEBUG-5
        pshs cc
        lde  #'C
        ldf  #'L
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc
Comitnd rts
* we should have the HDBDOS disk number in HEXB now
* so show the equ dmode line but thats not how we'll do it
shomd   lda  HEXB,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        leax dmodevd,pcr
        std  ,x
        leax vdpream,pcr
        lda  #1
        ldy  #1+dmodend-vdpream
        os9  I$Write should show it on screen

* now, set to fork dmode but crashes above
domode  clrb clr any carry
        leax SHMOD,pcr point at /sh\r string
        lda  #$f1
        pshs u save it
        os9  F$Link
        ifeq DEBUG-9
        lde  #'F
        ldf  #'L
        pshs cc
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc

* U now points at Header absolute address, but may not exist!
        lbcs nodevic and this didn't work!
* now, lets play here a bit
        tfr  u,y so we can use it
        puls u  which should clean the stack
        lda  HEXB,u
        sta  IT.STP,y which should do it but screws the crc. do we care?
        rts  done here, works!        

GetLSNs lbsr BaseLSN Get LSN0 from /DD@
        lbcs end nothing on stack here
        lbsr SHLSN0 Get LSN0 from /sh@
        lbcs end nothing on stack
        ifne DEBUG if no debug, don't create check files
        lbsr Creat1 make test files that can be dumped
        lbcs end nothing on stack if we are here
        lbsr Creat2 ditto
        lbcs end stack s/b ok

* we have all the data, so we need to calculate
* the additional LSN offset for the HEXB (stp) value we should have
* this will be $276*HEXB, and will store the result in STPHEX,u
* First, clear var holder & make some space on stack
CalOfst clra
        sta  STPHEX,u
        sta  STPHEX+1,u
        sta  STPHEX+2,u
        leas -4,s
        lda  HEXB,u
        ldb  #$76
        std  2,s
        lda  HEXB,u
        ldb  #$02
        std  ,s
        lda  1,s
        addd 2,s
        std  2,s
        bcc missinc
        inc  ,s
missinc lda  ,s
        sta  1,s
        ldd  2,s
        addd STPHEX+1,u
        std  STPHEX+1,u
        lda  1,s
        adca STPHEX,u
        sta  STPHEX,u
        leas 4,s restore stack
        ifeq DEBUG-3
        ldd  HEXB,u
        ldw  STPHEX+1,u
        pshs cc
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc
* here we do straight additions with carry for 3 bytes
        ldb  DPRTSZ+2,u get low byte of partition end
        addb STPHEX+2,u  add low byte of calculated vdisk
        adca #0 handle carry if
        addb NBFADR+2,u
        adca #0 handle any carry's
        stb  NEWBTAD+2,u
        tfr  a,b do 2nd byte of 3, carry added above, now in b
        addb NBFADR+1,u very slim chance of carry, but not 0
        adca #0 transfer the carry to a
        addb STPHEX+1,u
        adca #0 chance of carry, handle
        addb DPRTSZ+1,u
        adca #0 chance of carry, handle
        stb  NEWBTAD+1,u
        tfr  a,b potential carry's in b now
        addb NBFADR,u add to potential carry
        addb STPHEX,u astronomical chance of carry here
        addb DPRTSZ,u or here, no place to put it anyway
        stb  NEWBTAD,u
        ifeq DEBUG-4
        ldw  NEWBTAD+1,u
        pshs cc
        os9 F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        rts  All done!!

* support strings for ShoRslt

Shopart fcc 'Disk has an os9 partition size of = $'
partsiz fcc '000000'
        fdb $0a0d works
Shoddbt fcc 'Original OS9Boot file location = $' fcc '000000'
        fdb $0a0d works
Shorsiz fcc 'Original OS9Boot file size is = $'
Oldbsiz fcc '0000'
        fdb $0a0d works
Shonbad fcc 'The new bootfile location in /sh is = $'
nblocat fcc '000000'
        fdb $0a0d works
Shabslo fcc 'This will be at actual $'
absolut fcc '000000'
        fcc ' sector on the drive'
        fdb  $0a0d works
Shnbsiz fcc 'The new OS9Boot file size is = $'
nbsize  fcc '0000'
        fdb $0a0d
Shhdbvd fcc 'Which is located in HDB-DOS disk $'
Shdbdos fcc '00'
        fdb $0a0d
Sendstr equ * need ending data marker
ShoRslt leax partsiz,pcr
        lda  DPRTSZ,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std  ,x++ first 2 ascii digits
        lda  DPRTSZ+1,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std  ,x++ next 2 ascii digits
        lda  DPRTSZ+2,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std  ,x last 2 ascii digits
        leax Shopart,pcr now print it
        ldy  #Shoddbt-Shopart
        lda  #1
        os9  I$Write
ShDD.BT leax,pcr
        lda  OLDBTAD,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std  ,x++
        lda  OLDBTAD+1,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std  ,x++
        lda  OLDBTAD+2,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std  ,x
        leax Shoddbt,pcr
        ldy  #Shorsiz-Shoddbt
        lda #1
        os9 I$Write
oldbtsz leax  Oldbsiz,pcr
        lda  BFSIZ,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std  ,x++
        lda  BFSIZ+1,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std  ,x
        leax Shorsiz,pcr
        ldy  #Shonbad-Shorsiz
        lda  #1 stdout
        os9  I$Write
        leax nblocat,pcr
        lda NBFADR,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std  ,x++
        lda  NBFADR+1,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std  ,x++
        lda  NBFADR+2,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std  ,x last byte
        leax Shonbad,pcr
        ldy  #Shabslo-Shonbad
        lda #1
        os9  I$Write
* now show its size
        leax nbsize,pcr
        lda  NBFSIZ,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std  ,x++
        lda  NBFSIZ+1,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std ,x
        leax Shnbsiz,pcr
        ldy  #Shhdbvd-Shnbsiz
        lda #1
        os9  I$Write
abslutA leax absolut,pcr
        lda  NEWBTAD,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std  ,x++
        lda  NEWBTAD+1,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std  ,x++
        lda  NEWBTAD+2,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std  ,x
        leax Shabslo,pcr
        ldy  #Shnbsiz-Shabslo
        lda  #1
        os9  I$Write
        leax  Shdbdos,pcr
        lda   HEXB,u
        lbsr hxb2asc
        std  ,x
        leax Shhdbvd,pcr
        ldy #Sendstr-Shhdbvd
        lda  #1
        os9  I$Write
ShoEnd  rts

* Get the LSN0 data from /DD
* arrive here with 1 bsr on stack
BaseLSN lda  #READ. Read mode
        leax DNAME,pcr point at device name
        os9  I$Open open it raw
        bcs  Basend  report the error
        sta  PATHN,u Save path#
        leax DBUF1,u point x at DBUF,u
        ldy  #256    size of buffer
        lda  PATHN,u get path# back in case regs.a wrong
        os9  I$Read and read 256 byte of /dd@ LSN0
        bcs  Basend report the error
* got the sector, save the interesting data
        pshs x
        leax DD.BT,x
        ifeq DEBUG-1
        pshs cc
        lde  #'O
        ldf  #'A
        os9  F$RegDmp look at x
        puls cc
        ldd  ,x++
        std  OLDBTAD,u
        ldb  ,x+
        stb  OLDBTAD+2,u
        ldd  ,x
        std  BFSIZ,u
        ldd  DBUF1,u get partition size
        std  DPRTSZ,u
        lda  DBUF1+2,u last byte
        sta  DPRTSZ+2,u
        ifeq DEBUG-1
        ldf #'B
        pshs cc
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        puls x clean up the stack & restore x
        lda  PATHN,u restore regs.a in case
        os9  I$Close and close path to /dd@
        bcs  Basend
Basend  rts

* Get the LSN0 data from /sh@
* should arrive here with 1 bsr on stack
SHLSN0  lda  #READ.  read mode
        leax SHNAME,pcr
        os9 I$Open open it raw
        bcs SHCKend report the error
        sta PATH2,u  save the path number
        leax DBUF2,u
        ldy #256
        lda PATH2,u get our pathno back
        os9 I$Read  and read the 256 bytes of /sh@
        bcs SHCKend report the error
        pshs x
        leax DBUF2,u get the location & size of this bootfile
        leax DD.BT,x
        ldd  ,x++
        std  NBFADR,u
        lda  ,x+
        sta  NBFADR+2,u
        ldd  ,x
        std  NBFSIZ,u
        ifeq DEBUG-1
        pshs cc
        lde  #'2
        ldf  #'A
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        puls x
        lda PATH2,u
        os9 I$Close
* we have added nothing to the stack
SHCKend rts if err, report

* now create trace dumps
* this could be removed in final
* should arrive here with 1 bsr on stack
Creat1  leax LSN0Sav,pcr point x at filename to save LSN0 in
        ldb #UPDAT.+PREAD.+PWRIT. global read+write attr's
        lda #UPDAT.+PREAD.+PWRIT. real attr's go in regs.b dummy
        os9 I$Create and create it, s/b empty file
        bcs Cr1fix
cont1   sta PATHN,u save the path# returned
        lda PATHN,u
        leax DBUF1,u point x at buffer we read from /dd@
        ldy #256 amount to write
        os9 I$Write and write it to the file
        bcs Cr1end
        lda PATHN,u it could be played with, get it back
        clrb just in case
        os9 I$Close
Cr1end  rts should clean up the bsr on stack

Cr1fix  leax LSN0Sav,pcr
        os9  I$Delete
        bcs  Cr1end can't fix, some other error
        bra  Creat1 go back and try again

Creat2  equ * lets go make the 2nd file
        ifeq DEBUG-2
* Tally we got here
        lde #'C
        ldf #'2
        pshs cc
        os9 F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        leax LSN0tar,pcr
        lda #UPDAT.+PREAD.+PWRIT.
        ldb #UPDAT.+PREAD.+PWRIT.
        os9 I$Create s/b empty file
        bcs Cr2fix
cont2   sta PATH2,u
        leax DBUF2,u
        ldy #256
        os9 I$Write
        bcs Cr2end
        lda PATH2,u
        os9 I$Close
        clrb  successful, no?
Cr2end  rts should clean stack

Cr2fix  leax LSN0tar,pcr
        clrb clr error?
        os9  I$Delete
        bcs  Cr2end some other error, report
        bra  Creat2 else go back and try again
* eventually these fixes need to check the return err
* and if not 218, bail plumb out
* check legal image, do we have an os9
* spec LSN0 in DBUF2,u?
* should arrive here with 1 bsr on stack
cklgimg leax DBUF2,u
        clrb our error counter
        lda ,x+ sets z flag if $00
        ifeq DEBUG-9
        tfr  pc,w
        pshs cc
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        beq badbuf1
badbuf1 lda ,x+ get next byte, better be a $02
        cmpa #$02
        ifeq DEBUG-9
        pshs cc
        tfr pc,w
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        beq  badbuf2
badbuf2 lda ,x+ better be a $76
        cmpa #$76
        ifeq DEBUG-9
        pshs cc
        tfr  pc,w
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        beq badbuf3
badbuf3 leax DBUF2,u    reset x
        leax DD.BT,x point x at DD.BT
        lda ,x+ first byte of DD.BT
        beq bt1
bt1     lda ,x+ 2nd byte of DD.BT s/b a $00 too
        beq bt2
bt2     lda ,x+ last byte of DD.BT s/b non-zero     
        bne bt3 got something, skip the incb
bt3     tstb non zero? error!
        ifeq DEBUG-9
        pshs cc
        tfr  pc,w
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        lbne baddat
* got this far, what size is it?
        lda ,x+ get 1st byte of DD.BSZ
* now here, this is subjective, I've not seen a boot file
* that wasn't at least #$5000 long
        cmpa bootmin,pcr   abs minn length IMO
        ifeq DEBUG-9
        pshs cc
        tfr  pc,w
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        bcc  noBinc
* no illegal value to 2nd byte, don't bother

* now check the DD.DIR & regs.b is still $00 if got here
noBinc  leax DBUF2,u point x at sh's buffer
        leax DD.DIR,x now point at 1st byte of DD.dir
        lda  ,x+ /sb $00, no floppy can be non-zero
        beq dir1
        incb opps, really bad data
dir1    lda ,x+ 2nd byte, for floppy s/b $00 if mb made the disk
        beq dir2 is legal
        incb not zero, tally as bad
dir2    lda ,x+ get 3rd byte, s/b a $02
        cmpa #$02 as it should be for a valid floppy
        beq dir3
        incb not a $02, tally it as bad
dir3    tstb
        ifeq DEBUG-9
        pshs cc
        tfr  pc,w
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        beq  getdrsh
getdrsh lda #READ.+DIR. open for read only
        leax SHDIR,pcr
        os9 I$Open see if is has a dir
        ifeq DEBUG-9
        pshs cc
        tfr  pc,w
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        bcc scapinc
scapinc os9 I$Close clean up the path table
* got here ok, can we open the OS9Boot file?
chkboot leax SHBoot,pcr
        lda  #READ.
        os9  I$Open
        ifeq DEBUG-9
        pshs cc
        tfr  pc,w
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        bcc scipinc
scipinc sta  PATH2,u file must exist
        leax OSID,u
        ldy  #0002 bytes to read
        os9  I$Read
        ifeq DEBUG-9
        pshs cc
        tfr  pc,w
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        bcc skpinc
skpinc  pshs d
        ldd  OSID,u
        cmpd #$87CD header bytes?
        ifeq DEBUG-9
        pshs cc
        lde  #'B
        ldf  #'F
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        puls d
        beq  closeup
closeup lda PATH2,u
        os9 I$Close clean up path table
* image looks good, we even have an OS9Boot file
* that looks good, so
        lbne baddat
BadImg  rts We've weeded it out to about a -8.0000-21 chance of bad=good

* got data, copy goodies to work buffers
GetDin  lda ,u get first byte of part size
        sta DPRTSZ,u
        ldd 1,u get other 2 bytes
        std DPRTSZ+1,u Should now have devices size
        ldd DD.SIZ,u current os9boot files size
        std BFSIZ,u and save it
        ldd DD.BT,u get 2 byte of its location
        std BFADR,u and save that for later
        lda DD.BT+2,u get last byte of addr
        sta BFADR+2,u and save it

* hxb2asc
* this routine was written up in the
* Rainbow (11/92) by Tim Kientzle.
* it will convert the value passed
* in the A register to a pair of
* ascii characters in A:B which
* are the directly printable ASCII
* representations of the original
* contents of regs.a. Load regs.A
* with byte of source number, call,
* store A nd B in order in the
* printable string on return.

hxb2asc tfr a,b Make copy of a in b
        anda #$0f mask off lower digit
        adda #$90 generates carry if a>9
        daa in this operation
        adca #$40 bring in the carry
        daa make final character
        exg a,b stash that in b, get a back
        lsra getting high nibble
        lsra into position to
        lsra convert it
        adda #$90 and repeat for high nibble
        daa and generate carry from a>9
        adca #$40
        rts returns with a:b=two hexidecimal characters

* a2h make 1 hex byte from two ascii chars
a2h     ldx  CMDL,u get arg pointer back
        lda ,x+ get the left hex char
        stx CMDL,u save for next byte
        suba #'0 reduce for decimal entries
        cmpa #$0A
        blo znine its 0-9
        anda #MkUpper
        suba #$07 else sub 7 more for A-F values
znine   pshs  x
        leax hextblh,pcr
        ldb a,x
        stb HEXB,u write high nibble
        puls  x restore it
        ifeq DEBUG-6
        lde #'a
        ldf #'h
        pshs cc
        os9 F$RegDmp
        puls cc
* now check, is there a high nibble?
        lda  ,x x already inc'd
        suba #'0 reduce to decimal
        cmpa #$0A
        blo  ninez
        anda #MkUpper
        suba #$07 else sub 7 more for A-F inputs
ninez   pshs  x
        leax hextbll,pcr
        ldb  a,x
        puls  x
        orb  HEXB,u
nineex  stb  HEXB,u
        ifeq DEBUG-6
        lde #'A
        ldf #'H   
        pshs cc
        os9  F$RegDmp
        puls cc

itshex  leax 1,x throw away the $ sign
        ifeq DEBUG-6
        pshs cc
        lde #'n
        ldf #'c
        os9 F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        stx  CMDL,u for a2h use
        lbsr a2h and convert to a hex byte

* we supposedly have found the cr without unzeroing HEXASC,u
* so we use this conversion.
numconv ldx CMDL,u s/b first char of arg value
* find the end
        clrb find out how many chars we have
findeod lda ,x+
        ifeq DEBUG-6
        lde #'f
        ldf #'s
        pshs cc
        os9 F$RegDmp
        puls cc
        cmpa #$0D
        bne findeod
* we have the cr, so
foundcr leax -3,x  back to data?
        ldd ,x get 2 bytes of decimal cli
        ifeq DEBUG-6
        lde #'c
        ldf #'r found cr
        pshs cc
        os9 F$RegDmp lets see the data in A:B
        puls cc
decmode cmpa #'9 make a hex digit out of regs.a
        ble gigo1
        lda  #$30 load a zero
gigo1   cmpa #'0
        bhi gigo2
        lda  #$30 load a zero
gigo2   subb #'0 leave a hex nibble
        suba #'0 leave a hex nibble
        blo  add00 garbage, go
        cmpa #'9
        bhi  add00 garbage, go
        ifeq DEBUG-6
        lde  #'d
        ldf  #'r
        pshs cc
        os9  F$RegDmp check A[2]:B[8] again good
        puls cc
        stb  HEXB,u save lsnibble
        ldb  #$0A
        mul  multiply a:b
        addb HEXB,u
        stb  HEXB,u
* now lets see what we have in B
        ifeq DEBUG-6
        ldf  #'1 low nibble in B?
        pshs cc
        os9 F$RegDmp is $10 for a 28 input
        puls cc
* but we're not done, need to handle 1st digit if
        leax -1,x
        lda ,x
        ifeq DEBUG-6
        lde  #'d
        ldf  #'2
        pshs cc
        os9 F$RegDmp wft am I getting?
        puls cc
        cmpa #'2
        beq add200
        cmpa #'1 can we get garbage here?  yes
        beq  add100 else add 200
        bra  add00 else garbage, add nothing
add200  addb #$64
add100  addb #$64
add00   stb  HEXB,u
        ifeq DEBUG-6
        lde #'d
        ldf #'e
        pshs cc
        os9 F$RegDmp show HEXB in b
        puls cc
        clrb kill false error
numdone rts

* exit messages
FMTSTR  fcc  'Something is wrong, either with the hdb-dos disk chosen'
        fdb  $0a0d
        fcc  '    and set into the /sh descriptor'
        fdb  $0a0d
        fcc  '    or the format of the argument.'
        fdb  $0a0d        
        fcc  /bootlink needs a fixed size vdisk number argument/
        fdb  $0a0d
        fcc  /in a 3 digit format. If first char is a $ sign,/
        fdb  $0a0d
        fcc  /the next 2 nums are hex, else all 3 are decimal./
        fdb  $0a0d
        fcc  /example: $80 or 128. Result will be used to control/
        fdb  $0a0d
        fcc  'as in "dmode /sh stp=hex of above number.'
        fdb  $0a0d
ENDSTR  bra  forker1
ndevmsg fcc  'Named device /sh is not in memory.'
enddvmg fdb  $0a0d
nodevic leax ndevmsg,pcr
        ldy  #enddvmg-ndevmsg
        lda  #1 stdout
        os9  I$Write
        bra  forker1
numdun  equ  *
baddat  leax FMTSTR,pcr
        ldy  #ENDSTR-FMTSTR
        lda  #1 stdout
        os9  I$Write
forker1 clrb we just reported the error folks
* arriving here with possible bsr on stack - restore
* but make sure U is correct, a Link call screws it!
* and this sp reload with U fucked is my crash just like
* little green apples. GIGO of the hidden  sort. So...
        ldu  #$0000 this seems to be where we started
        lds  stackp,u  clear it for exit, leave b, cc as is
bigdec  equ *
end     os9 F$Exit
eom     equ *