view 3rdparty/utils/sleuth3/cssmapdk3.asm @ 3222:c086a5d69b78

Corrected ,pc should have been ,pcr in KRNP3.asm
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 23:28:18 -0600
parents afd0f7d9b514
line wrap: on
line source

mapdk lbsr maprt map flex or OS/9 binary file
 lbsr xcrlf
mapnx leax inblok,u look for leadin code
 lbsr gnc
 lbcs maper
 lbvs mapef
 cmpa #$02 chk $02
 lbeq mapmt
 cmpa #$16 chk $16
 lbeq mapmt
 cmpa #M$ID12/256 chk $87
 bne mapnx
map87 leax inbuff,u look at buffer
 ldb M$ID+1,x chk second byte of header
 cmpd #M$ID12 chk $87cd
 lbne mapmt
 ldy M$Size,x chk module length
 lbeq mapmt
 cmpy M$Name,x chk name offset > length
 lblo mapmt
 cmpy M$Exec,x
 lbls mapmt chk xfer > length
 exg d,y
 addd M$Mem,x
 exg d,y
 lbcs mapmt chk prog + data > 64k
 ldb M$Type,x
 andb #LangMask was lanmsk chk language
 cmpb #Objct
 lbne mapmt
 ldb ,x+ chk header parity
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 lbne mapmt
mapun dec os9flx,u OS9 binary file
 leay objhdr,u get OS9 header
 ldb #objlth
maphh sta ,y+
 leax inblok,u get a char
 lbsr gnc
 lbcs maper
 lbvs mapef
 bne maphh
 ldx obxfer,u xfer address
 stx xaddr,u
 ldx typee,u put module into table
 lda #$4d m
 sta ,x
 ldd #$0000 module start addr
 std $01,x
 std faddr,u
 std oaddr,u zero offset addr
 ldd obsize,u module end addr
 subd #$0004
 std taddr,u
 std $03,x end addr
 ldd curmod+1,u curr module start
 addd #$0001
 std $06,x
 lda curmod,u
 adca #$00
 sta $05,x
 pshs x
 leax ltext,pcr module
 lbsr xpdat
 leax lstar,pcr start=
 lbsr xpdat
 puls x
 leax $01,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 pshs x
 leax lendr,pcr end=
 lbsr xpdat
 puls x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 leax $03,x
 stx typee,u
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax ldata,pcr storage
 lbsr xpdat
 leax lstar,pcr start=
 lbsr xpdat
 ldx #$0000
 pshs x
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 leax lendr,pcr end=
 lbsr xpdat
 ldx obstor,u
 beq mapst
 leax -$01,x
mapst stx ,s
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 puls x
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax toblok,u
 lbsr fob
 ldy obsize,u length
 leay -(objlth+1),y
mapue leax inblok,u scan extent contents
 lbsr gnc
 lbcs maper
 lbvs mapim eof means short extent
 leay -$01,y
 bne mapue
 ldd inlrec+1,u disk address of next module
 std nxtmod+1,u
 lda inlrec,u
 sta nxtmod,u
 lbra mapef
maprd leax inblok,u look for $02 or $16 - flex
 lbsr gnc
 lbcs maper
 lbvs mapef
 cmpa #$02 chk $02
 beq mapmt
 cmpa #$16 chk $16
 bne maprd
mapmt sta worka,u have $02 or $16
 leax inblok,u get hi addr
 lbsr gnc
 lbcs maper
 lbvs mapef
 sta baddr,u hold it
 leax inblok,u get lo addr
 lbsr gnc
 lbcs maper
 lbvs mapef
 tfr a,b
 lda worka,u chk for xfer addr
 cmpa #$02
 beq map02
map16 lda baddr,u xfer addr
 std xaddr,u
 bra maprd
map02 lda baddr,u offset addr
 addd oaddr,u
 std baddr,u
 leax inblok,u
 lbsr gnc get length
 lbcs maper
 lbvs mapef
 sta worka,u
 leax inblok,u get a byte
 lbsr gnc
 lbcs maper
 lbvs mapef
 ldx typee,u put into table
 lda #$4d m
 sta ,x type
 ldd baddr,u start=end addr in table
 std $01,x
 std $03,x
 ldd inlrec,u curr locn
 std $05,x
 std caddr,u
 lda inlrec+2,u
 sta $07,x
 ldd baddr,u update start addr
mapnb cmpd faddr,u
 bhi mapff
 std faddr,u
mapff cmpd taddr,u update end addr
 bls mapgg
 std taddr,u
mapgg dec worka,u count data bytes
 beq mapmm
 leax inblok,u get a byte
 lbsr gnc
 bcs maper
 lbvs mapim eof means short extent
 ldd baddr,u
 addd #$0001
 std baddr,u
 ldx typee,u update end addr in table
 std $03,x
 bra mapnb
mapmm leax lxtnt,pcr extent start=
 lbsr xpdat
 ldx typee,u
 leax $01,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 pshs x
 leax lendr,pcr end=
 lbsr xpdat
 puls x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 leax $03,x
 stx typee,u complete table entry
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax toblok,u
 lbsr fob
 ldx typee,u chk for table overflow
 cmpx alimit,u
 lblo maprd
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax tabov,pcr table overflow
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xcrlf
 bra maprt
maper lda #$02 error
 leax errirz,pcr
 ldy #errirl
 os9 I$WritLn
maprt leax endpr,u reset table pointers
 stx types,u
 stx typee,u
 stx typem,u
 ldb #objos9 clear OS/9 header info
 leax objhdr,u
mapri clr ,x+
 bne mapri
 ldd #$ffff
 std crcacc,u
 sta crcacc+2,u
 std maddr,u
 std xaddr,u
 std faddr,u
 sta crofl,u
 addd #$0001
 std taddr,u reset end addr
 sta posfl,u clear switches
 sta equfl,u
 orcc #$01 set error flag
mapex rts
mapef ldx typee,u eof - chk for valid map
 cmpx types,u
 bne mapok
mapim leax badfil,pcr not a valid binary file
 lbsr xpdat
 bra maprt
mapok leax -$08,x chk for rmb only
 cmpx types,u
 bne map0f
 lda ,x
 cmpa #$52 r
 beq mapim
map0f ldx faddr,u check for $0000-$ffff
 bne mapko
 ldx taddr,u
 leax $01,x
 bne mapko
 ldx #$fff0 change upper bound
 stx taddr,u
mapko lbsr dmptae valid map
 andcc #$fe reset error flag