view 3rdparty/utils/sleuth3/cssmiscl3.asm @ 3222:c086a5d69b78

Corrected ,pc should have been ,pcr in KRNP3.asm
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 23:28:18 -0600
parents afd0f7d9b514
line wrap: on
line source

helpme lbsr stopin help routine
 leax clrscn,pcr clear screen
 lbsr outcur
 leax helps,pcr
helpyu stx baddr,u
 lbsr xcrlf
 ldx baddr,u
 lbsr xpdat
 tst ,x
 bne helpyu
fcrof lbsr xinee flip cross-assembler flag
 com crofl,u
fequf lbsr xinee flip equ flag
 com equfl,u
fposf lbsr xinee flip pos-ind flag
 com posfl,u
setmod lbsr xcrlf set cpu mode
 leax lmode,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xnhex
setmoi ldb #$07 mode mask
 tsta allow only 0,1,2,3,5,8,9
 bne setmo0
setmo1 leax intab0,pcr
 stx aintab,u
 leax optab0,pcr
 stx aoptab,u
 leax suftb9,pcr
 stx asuftb,u
 anda #$01
 bra setmox
setmo0 cmpa #$01
 beq setmo1
 cmpa #$02
 bne setmo2
 leax intab2,pcr
 stx aintab,u
 leax optab2,pcr
 stx aoptab,u
 leax suftb5,pcr
 stx asuftb,u
 bra setmom
setmo2 cmpa #$03
 beq setmo1
 cmpa #$05
 bne setmo5
 leax intab5,pcr
 stx aintab,u
 leax optab5,pcr
 stx aoptab,u
 leax suftb5,pcr
 stx asuftb,u
 bra setmom
setmo5 cmpa #$08
 beq setmo1
 cmpa #$09
 bne setmod
 leax intab9,pcr addr 6809 table
 stx aintab,u save pointer to
 leax optab9,pcr addr 6809 table
 stx aoptab,u save pointer to
 leax suftb9,pcr addr 6809 table
 stx asuftb,u save pointer to
 lda #$ff
 bra setmox
setmom ldb #$0f set mask
setmox sta pmode,u
 stb modmsk,u
newrng tst os9flx,u set dis range
 beq newnos
 tst infile,u chk for file
 beq newnos
 lbra badrg can't change OS/9 disk module addr
newnos leax inam0,u
 lbsr gadrs
 bls newrag
 lbsr badrg
 bra newnos
newrag ldd inam2,u
 std taddr,u
 ldx inam0,u
 stx faddr,u
 bne newaok check for bad range
 cmpd #$ffff
 bne newaok
 ldd #$fff0 fix bad upper bound
 std taddr,u
newaok clr os9flx,u determine if OS/9 or flex
 ldx #$0000 clear offset
 stx oaddr,u
 subd faddr,u
 cmpd #objlth+3
 lbls sxfer chk too short
 leay objhdr,u point to header
 ldx faddr,u
 stx saddr,u
 ldb #objlth
newhdr pshs b
 lbsr getin
 puls b
 sta ,y+
 bne newhdr
 leax objhdr,u
 ldd M$ID,x chk second byte of header
 cmpd #M$ID12 $87CD
 lbne sxfer
 ldy M$Size,x chk module length
 lbeq sxfer
 cmpy M$Name,x chk name offset > length
 lblo sxfer
 cmpy M$Exec,x
 lbls sxfer chk xfer > length
 exg d,y
 addd M$Mem,x was m$stak,x
 exg d,y
 lbcs sxfer chk prog + data > 65k
 ldb M$Type,x
 andb #LangMask was lanmsk chk language
 cmpb #Objct
 lbne sxfer
 ldb ,x+ chk header parity
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 bne sxfer
 ldy ,x++ get xfer addr
 sty xaddr,u set xfer addr
 ldx faddr,u get module start addr
 stx oaddr,u set offset addr
 ldx #$0000
 stx faddr,u set start addr
 ldx obsize,u
 leax -$04,x
 stx taddr,u
 dec os9flx,u set OS/9 flag
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax endpr,u reset table pointers
 stx types,u
 stx typem,u
 stx typee,u
 lbsr dmptae print table
 ldx obstor,u chk storage size
 beq newstx
 lbsr xouts
 leax ldata,pcr storage
 lbsr xpdat
 leax lstar,pcr x-->" start="
 lbsr xpdat
 ldx #$0000
 pshs x
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 leax lendr,pcr x-->" end="
 lbsr xpdat
 ldx obstor,u
 leax -$01,x
 stx ,s
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 puls x
newstx rts
sxfer tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 lbne badrg can't change OS/9 xfer addr
 leax lxfer,pcr set xfer addr
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xbadr
sxfet stx xaddr,u
oload tst os9flx,u set load offset
 lbne badrg can't change OS/9 offset
 leax offil,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xouts
 lbsr xbadr
 stx oaddr,u
fexit lbsr xinee exit
fexeof leax clrscn,pcr
 lbsr outcur
 bsr fmsclo
 lbsr lastty reset tty parameters
 ldd #$0000
 os9 F$Exit exit
doscom lbsr stopin send message to OS/9
 lbsr xouts print prompt
 lda #$2b a "+" sign
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xoute
 sts stkadr,u
 ldx typee,u
 clr ,x+
 lbsr inbufd get input line
 cmpa #$0d
 beq doscox skip if null
 lda #$03
 sta escswt,u set escape switch
 pshs x
 lbsr lastty reset tty parameters
 puls x
 bsr doxcom call OS/9
doscoy lbsr fixesc restore escape
 lbsr initty set up tty parametes
doscox clr escswt,u
fmsclo leax prblok,u close open files
 lbsr fob
fmscl0 tst disif,u check input file
 beq fmscl1
 clr infile,u
 lda inblok+iobfd+1,u
 os9 I$Close
 bcc fmscl1
 lda #$02 error
 leax errirz,pcr
 ldy #errirl
 os9 I$WritLn
fmscl1 lbsr ende3 close printer and disk
fmsclx rts
doxcom equ * call OS/9
 sts saves,u remember stack
 pshs x,y,u set up fork
 tfr x,u parameter area
 tfr x,y
doxpas tst ,y+ check for end
 bne doxpas
 ldd #$0d0d cr cr
 std -$01,y
 tfr y,d 
 subd ,s
 tfr d,y parameter area size
 leax vshell,pcr "shell"
 clra language/type
 clrb size
 os9 F$Fork spawn new task
 puls x,y,u
 bcs doxcer check for error
 pshs a save new id
doxcwt os9 F$Wait wait for child task
 bcs doxcer
 cmpa ,s right task?
 bne doxcwt wait some more if not
 puls a restore child task id
 tstb check for child task error
 beq doxcox exit
doxcer lda #$02 error path
 os9 F$PErr
doxcox lds saves,u recall stack