view 3rdparty/utils/sleuth3/sleuth3.asm @ 3222:c086a5d69b78

Corrected ,pc should have been ,pcr in KRNP3.asm
author David Ladd <>
date Wed, 20 Dec 2017 23:28:18 -0600
parents afd0f7d9b514
line wrap: on
line source

 nam CSC OS/9 Super Sleuth c1982
**                                      **
**   CSC OS/9 Super Sleuth    c1982     **
**                                      **
** Computer Systems Consultants, Inc.   **
** E. M. Pass, Ph.D.                    **
** 1454 Latta Lane NW                   **
** Conyers, GA 30207                    **
**                                      **
** Updates for OS9 Level 2 1990-1995
** M. E. (Gene) Heskett
** 291 Garton Avenue
** Weston, WV 26452
** More Updates for NitrOS9 Level 2
** Bill Pierce 04/2016
vn equ $04 version number
********************** OS/9 uses *************************
* this module is for OS/9 library definitions
 use defsfile
 mod endmod,namemd,Prgrm+Objct,ReEnt+vn,start,endmem
namemd fcs "Sleuth3"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "CSC OS/9 Super Sleuth  c1982 v"
 fcb vn+$30
 fcb $0d
 fcc "All Rights Reserved by"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "E. M. (Bud) Pass, Ph.D."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "Computer Systems Consultants, Inc."
 fcb $0d
 fcc "1454 Latta Lane, Conyers, GA 30207"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "Telephone Number 404-483-1717/4570"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "Updates for OS9 level 2 by Gene Heskett"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "291 Garton Avenue, Weston, WV 26452"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "Telephone Number 304-269-4295/623-5555"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "Updates for NitrOS9 level 2 by Bill Pierce"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "570 Sandy Bend Rd., Rocky Point, North Carolina 28457"
 fcb $0d
 fcc "Email:"
 fcb $0d
******************** cssvarbl ****************************
* this module contains variables used by the disassembler
* in performing its requested operations; of the entire
* disassembler, the only portions which should vary during
* execution are the variables in this module.
 ttl *** cssvarbl ***
 org $0000
tabsiz equ $4000 default table space
prermb equ . see cssconst for these variables
fcbxx rmb 7
fccxx rmb 6
inst1 rmb 1
inst2 rmb 1
inst3 rmb 1
inst4 rmb 1
inst5 rmb 33
fdbxx rmb 6
zlabel rmb 2
ulabel rmb 2
xlabel rmb 2
lnames rmb 10
names rmb 37
loptes rmb 10
optes rmb 37
pshpul rmb 16
prelen equ (.-prermb)
temps equ . start of work areas
baddr rmb 2 output of xbadr
caddr rmb 2 current addr
daddr rmb 2 hold addr
eaddr rmb 2 end addr
gaddr rmb 2 hold addr
iaddr rmb 2 instr save area ptr
maddr rmb 2 hold addr
oaddr rmb 2 offset addr
paddr rmb 2 hold addr
qaddr rmb 2 hold addr
raddr rmb 2 hold addr
saddr rmb 2 curr mem addr
xaddr rmb 2 xfer addr
zaddr rmb 2 hold addr
rmblth rmb 2 rmb length
faddr rmb 2 start addr
taddr rmb 2 end addr
types rmb 2 type table start
typee rmb 2 type table end
typem rmb 2 map table end
addre rmb 2 addr table end
stkadr rmb 2 stack hold addr
saves rmb 2 s-reg hold area
savew rmb 2 hold area for write routine
savex rmb 2 x-reg hold area
aoptab rmb 2 optabx addr
aintab rmb 2 intabx addr
asuftb rmb 2 suftbx addr
adrptr rmb 2 address ptr
alimit rmb 2 limit addr ptr
mystk rmb 2 top of stack
insbeg equ . first instr field
fllth rmb 1 length
fllts rmb 1 length from table
flopc rmb 1 instr
flsuf rmb 1 suffix
flmod rmb 1 mode
flspc rmb 1 special flag
flimm rmb 1 immediate
flinx rmb 1 indexed
flind rmb 1 indirect
flpls rmb 1 plus count
flmin rmb 1 minus count
flreg rmb 1 reg id
flamf rmb 1 addr mode field
floff rmb 1 offset id
flisw rmb 1 instr save switch
flabl rmb 1 labelled
flpos rmb 1 pos-ind flag
worka rmb 1 work area
instd rmb 1 default type
instr rmb 1 instr byte
instx rmb 1 type
insty rmb 1 type
instz rmb 1 type hold
insxx equ . name
inam0 rmb 1 name letter 0
inam1 rmb 1 name letter 1
inam2 rmb 1 name letter 2
inam3 rmb 1 name letter 3
inam4 rmb 1 name letter 4
inam5 rmb 1 name letter 5
insend equ . last instr field
inamx rmb 1 eot
cchar rmb 1 curr char
horptr rmb 1 horizontal pos
vrtptr rmb 1 vertical pos
phase rmb 1 phase number
pmode rmb 1 cpu mode
maxln rmb 1 max number items/line
escswt rmb 1 escape return switch
modmsk rmb 1 mode mask
posfl rmb 1 pos-ind switch
crtfl rmb 1 console switch
prnfl rmb 1 printer switch
disif rmb 1 disk input switch
disof rmb 1 disk output switch
getfl rmb 1 alt input switch
noecho rmb 1 no-echo flag
confl rmb 1 console flag
prtfl rmb 1 printer flag
dskfl rmb 1 disk flag
equfl rmb 1 equ flag
crofl rmb 1 cross-assembler flag
dorgs rmb 1 org flag
comand rmb 1 command character
column rmb 1 column number
defalt rmb 1 default memory type
objhdr equ . object module header
obiden rmb 2 ident ($87cd)
obsize rmb 2 size
obname rmb 2 name offset
obtyla rmb 1 type and language
obatre rmb 1 attributes and revision
obpari rmb 1 header parity check (xor)
obxfer rmb 2 xfer address
obstor rmb 2 storage address
objlth equ .-objhdr object header length
crcacc rmb 3 crc accumulator
svcflg rmb 1 svc(ff)/none(00) indicator
os9flx rmb 1 os9(ff)/flex(00) indicator
lauorz rmb 1 u/z temp label name prefix
zulabe rmb 1 u/z label name prefix
objos9 equ .-objhdr object header length
inlrec rmb 3 random record index
curmod rmb 3 index of current module
nxtmod rmb 3 index of next module
scfopg rmb 1 pause flag
scfopp rmb 1 pause flag
ttyswt rmb 1 tty initialization switch
* buffers and I/O blocks
iobfc equ 0 function code
iobba equ 1 buffer address
iobbl equ 3 buffer length
iobfd equ 5 path descriptor
iobca equ 7 next char address
iobcc equ 9 char counter
ioblen equ 16 length of i/o block
buflen equ 512 length of i/o buffer
bufaux equ 256 length of auxiliary i/o buffer
buftrm equ 256 length of terminal i/o buffer
fnmlen equ 128 length of path name
read equ 1 read block raw
rdln equ 2 read block edited
write equ 3 write block raw
wrln equ 4 write block edited
 rmb ((((.+$00ff)/$100)*$100)-.) round to 256 bytes
inbuff rmb buflen input buffer
oarea equ . temp screen area
otbuff rmb buflen output buffer
harea equ . temp screen area
prbuff rmb buflen printer buffer
axbuff rmb bufaux auxiliary input buffer
tibuff rmb buftrm terminal input buffer
tobuff rmb buftrm terminal output buffer
infile rmb fnmlen input path name
inblok rmb ioblen input path rb
otfile rmb fnmlen output path name
otblok rmb ioblen output path rb
prfile rmb fnmlen printer path name
prblok rmb ioblen printer path rb
axfile rmb fnmlen auxiliary path name
axblok rmb ioblen auxiliary path rb
tiblok rmb ioblen terminal input rb
toblok rmb ioblen terminal output rb
scfolg rmb 32 scfman orig get options
scfolp rmb 32 scfman orig put options
scfwkg rmb 32 scfman work get options
scfwkp rmb 32 scfman work put options
locstk rmb 512 local save area
endpr equ . end program storage
 rmb tabsiz reserve area for tables
tempe equ . end of tables
endprg equ . end of program
scrnwd equ 12+4 screen width 4,8,16
scrbyt equ (scrnwd*16) screen byte count
scrwid equ scrnwd screen data width
scrhex equ (scrnwd*2-1) screen hex end
scrals equ (scrnwd*2) screen alpha start
scrale equ (scrnwd*3-2) screen alpha end

endmem equ .
******************** cssinitz ****************************
* this module contains the external address table,
* the initialization routines, the command interpreter.
 ttl *** cssinitz ***
 fcc "*** cssinitz ***"
start equ * starting address
initz leax temps,u clear work area
 ldy #(tempe-temps)
clear clr ,x+
 leay -$01,y
 bne clear
 leax predef,pcr init data
 leay prermb,u
 ldb #prelen
cleard lda ,x+
 sta ,y+
 bne cleard
clears sts mystk,u beginning stack pointer
 leax -$0200,s table address limit
 stx alimit,u
 lbsr fixesc fix escape addr, pg 7
 lbsr initty initialize tty paras, pg 7
 lbsr inifil initialize file buffers, pg 8
 lda #$09 set 6809 mode
 lbsr setmoi set cpu mode, pg 10
 lbsr maprt fix addrs, pg 10
 inc confl,u set crt flag
 lbsr xcrlf print heading, pg 83
 leax clrscn,pcr
 lbsr outcur clear the screen, pg24
 leax idlin,pcr
 lbsr xpdat output logo, pg 83
 lda #$30+vn
 lbsr xoute output version, pg 83
 lbsr helpyu output rest of heading, pg 10
askin lds mystk,u look at input
 tst ttyswt,u check tty switch
 beq askin0
 bsr initty initialize tty params, pg 7
askin0 lbsr inrtty reset tty paras
 lbsr xcrlf ,pg 83 
 leax beeps,pcr beep bell
 lbsr xpdat , pg 83
 lda #$3f print a ?
 lbsr xoute , pg 83
askin1 lbsr xinee read command, pg 81
 cmpa #$20 chk cntrl char
 bgt askin2 its printable
 cmpa #$0d chk cr
 bne askin
 tst getfl,u chk get flag
 bne askin1 ignore if so
 bra askin
askin2 leax coman,pcr command table
 anda #$5f to upper case
 sta comand,u
 pshs a offset
 cmpa #'A A?
 blo rdjmp
 cmpa #'Z Z?
 bhi rdjmp
 tfr a,b
 subb #$40 sub ascii bias
 aslb dbl it
rdjmp ldd b,x jump to routine
 leax d,x
 puls a get offset back
 jsr ,x
 bra askin end of this routine
fixesc equ * fix escape action
 leax xcrlr,pcr interrupt handler
 os9 F$Icpt catch interrupts
initty ldd #$0000 set up tty paras
 leax scfolg,u point to scf orig area
 os9 I$GetStt get tty info
 ldd #$0100 set up tty paras
 leax scfolp,u point to scf orig area
 os9 I$GetStt get tty info
 lda scfolg+PD.PAU-PD.OPT,u
 ldb scfolp+PD.PAU-PD.OPT,u
 sta scfopg,u
 stb scfopp,u
 clr scfolg+PD.PAU-PD.OPT,u
 clr scfolp+PD.PAU-PD.OPT,u
 clr ttyswt,u clear tty switch
 bra inrtty set up tty paras
wtftty lda #write reset write paras
 sta toblok+iobfc,u
wlftty lda #wrln reset write paras
 sta toblok+iobfc,u
scstty lda #write reset write paras
 sta toblok+iobfc,u
 bra fcstty
csctty bsr ingtty copy tty paras
 clr scfwkg+PD.BSP-PD.OPT,u
 clr scfwkg+PD.DEL-PD.OPT,u
 clr scfwkg+PD.EOF-PD.OPT,u
 clr scfwkg+PD.RPR-PD.OPT,u
 clr scfwkg+PD.DUP-PD.OPT,u
 clr scfwkg+PD.INT-PD.OPT,u
 clr scfwkg+PD.QUT-PD.OPT,u
 clr scfwkg+PD.EKO-PD.OPT,u echo
 lda #wrln reset write paras
 sta toblok+iobfc,u
fcstty com scfwkg+PD.EKO-PD.OPT,u echo
instty ldd #$0000 set tty paras
 leax scfwkg,u point to scf work
 os9 I$SetStt set tty info
lastty lda scfopg,u restore pause
 ldb scfopp,u
 sta scfolg+PD.PAU-PD.OPT,u
 stb scfolp+PD.PAU-PD.OPT,u
 lda #$ff set tty switch
 sta ttyswt,u
inrtty lda #read reset read paras
 sta tiblok+iobfc,u
inftty lda #wrln reset write paras
 sta toblok+iobfc,u
fintty ldd #$0000 final reset tty paras
 leax scfolg,u point to scf orig area
 os9 I$SetStt set tty info
 ldd #$0100 reset tty paras
 leax scfolp,u point to scf orig
 os9 I$SetStt set tty info
ingtty ldd #$0000 get tty paras
 leax scfwkg,u point to scf work
 os9 I$GetStt get tty info
 ldd #$0100 get tty paras
 leax scfwkp,u point to scf work
 os9 I$GetStt get tty info
inbtty lda #rdln set tty paras for buffer
 sta tiblok+iobfc,u
 bra inftty
inifil lda #read set up i/o blocks
 sta inblok+iobfc,u
 sta tiblok+iobfc,u
 lda #write
 sta otblok+iobfc,u
 lda #wrln
 sta prblok+iobfc,u
 sta toblok+iobfc,u
 ldd #buftrm
 std tiblok+iobbl,u
 std toblok+iobbl,u
 std toblok+iobcc,u
 ldd #buflen
 std inblok+iobbl,u
 std otblok+iobbl,u
 std otblok+iobcc,u
 std prblok+iobbl,u
 std prblok+iobcc,u
 ldd #$0001
 std toblok+iobfd,u
 leax inbuff,u
 stx inblok+iobba,u
 stx inblok+iobca,u
 leax otbuff,u
 stx otblok+iobba,u
 stx otblok+iobca,u
 leax tibuff,u
 stx tiblok+iobba,u
 stx tiblok+iobca,u
 leax tobuff,u
 stx toblok+iobba,u
 stx toblok+iobca,u
 leax prbuff,u
 stx prblok+iobba,u
 stx prblok+iobca,u
 ldd #$0000
 std inlrec,u
 sta inlrec+2,u
 ldd #$ffff
 std curmod,u
 std nxtmod,u
 sta curmod+2,u
 sta nxtmod+2,u
******************** cssmiscl ****************************
* this module contains several utility-type routines,
* generally called from the command interpreter.
 ttl *** cssmiscl ***
 fcc "*** cssmiscl ***"
helpme lbsr stopin help routine
 leax clrscn,pcr clear screen
 lbsr outcur
 leax helps,pcr
helpyu stx baddr,u
 lbsr xcrlf
 ldx baddr,u
 lbsr xpdat
 tst ,x
 bne helpyu
fcrof lbsr xinee flip cross-assembler flag
 com crofl,u
fequf lbsr xinee flip equ flag
 com equfl,u
fposf lbsr xinee flip pos-ind flag
 com posfl,u
setmod lbsr xcrlf set cpu mode
 leax lmode,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xnhex
setmoi ldb #$07 mode mask
 tsta allow only 0,1,2,3,5,8,9
 bne setmo0
setmo1 leax intab0,pcr
 stx aintab,u
 leax optab0,pcr
 stx aoptab,u
 leax suftb9,pcr
 stx asuftb,u
 anda #$01
 bra setmox
setmo0 cmpa #$01
 beq setmo1
 cmpa #$02
 bne setmo2
 leax intab2,pcr
 stx aintab,u
 leax optab2,pcr
 stx aoptab,u
 leax suftb5,pcr
 stx asuftb,u
 bra setmom
setmo2 cmpa #$03
 beq setmo1
 cmpa #$05
 bne setmo5
 leax intab5,pcr
 stx aintab,u
 leax optab5,pcr
 stx aoptab,u
 leax suftb5,pcr
 stx asuftb,u
 bra setmom
setmo5 cmpa #$08
 beq setmo1
 cmpa #$09
 bne setmod
 leax intab9,pcr addr 6809 table
 stx aintab,u save pointer to
 leax optab9,pcr addr 6809 table
 stx aoptab,u save pointer to
 leax suftb9,pcr addr 6809 table
 stx asuftb,u save pointer to
 lda #$ff
 bra setmox
setmom ldb #$0f set mask
setmox sta pmode,u
 stb modmsk,u
newrng tst os9flx,u set dis range
 beq newnos
 tst infile,u chk for file
 beq newnos
 lbra badrg can't change OS/9 disk module addr
newnos leax inam0,u
 lbsr gadrs
 bls newrag
 lbsr badrg
 bra newnos
newrag ldd inam2,u
 std taddr,u
 ldx inam0,u
 stx faddr,u
 bne newaok check for bad range
 cmpd #$ffff
 bne newaok
 ldd #$fff0 fix bad upper bound
 std taddr,u
newaok clr os9flx,u determine if OS/9 or flex
 ldx #$0000 clear offset
 stx oaddr,u
 subd faddr,u
 cmpd #objlth+3
 lbls sxfer chk too short
 leay objhdr,u point to header
 ldx faddr,u
 stx saddr,u
 ldb #objlth
newhdr pshs b
 lbsr getin
 puls b
 sta ,y+
 bne newhdr
 leax objhdr,u
 ldd M$ID,x chk second byte of header
 cmpd #M$ID12 $87CD
 lbne sxfer
 ldy M$Size,x chk module length
 lbeq sxfer
 cmpy M$Name,x chk name offset > length
 lblo sxfer
 cmpy M$Exec,x
 lbls sxfer chk xfer > length
 exg d,y
 addd M$Mem,x was m$stak,x
 exg d,y
 lbcs sxfer chk prog + data > 65k
 ldb M$Type,x
 andb #LangMask was lanmsk chk language
 cmpb #Objct
 lbne sxfer
 ldb ,x+ chk header parity
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 bne sxfer
 ldy ,x++ get xfer addr
 sty xaddr,u set xfer addr
 ldx faddr,u get module start addr
 stx oaddr,u set offset addr
 ldx #$0000
 stx faddr,u set start addr
 ldx obsize,u
 leax -$04,x
 stx taddr,u
 dec os9flx,u set OS/9 flag
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax endpr,u reset table pointers
 stx types,u
 stx typem,u
 stx typee,u
 lbsr dmptae print table
 ldx obstor,u chk storage size
 beq newstx
 lbsr xouts
 leax ldata,pcr storage
 lbsr xpdat
 leax lstar,pcr x-->" start="
 lbsr xpdat
 ldx #$0000
 pshs x
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 leax lendr,pcr x-->" end="
 lbsr xpdat
 ldx obstor,u
 leax -$01,x
 stx ,s
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 puls x
newstx rts
sxfer tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 lbne badrg can't change OS/9 xfer addr
 leax lxfer,pcr set xfer addr
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xbadr
sxfet stx xaddr,u
oload tst os9flx,u set load offset
 lbne badrg can't change OS/9 offset
 leax offil,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xouts
 lbsr xbadr
 stx oaddr,u
fexit lbsr xinee exit
fexeof leax clrscn,pcr
 lbsr outcur
 bsr fmsclo
 lbsr lastty reset tty parameters
 ldd #$0000
 os9 F$Exit exit
doscom lbsr stopin send message to OS/9
 lbsr xouts print prompt
 lda #$2b a "+" sign
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xoute
 sts stkadr,u
 ldx typee,u
 clr ,x+
 lbsr inbufd get input line
 cmpa #$0d
 beq doscox skip if null
 lda #$03
 sta escswt,u set escape switch
 pshs x
 lbsr lastty reset tty parameters
 puls x
 bsr doxcom call OS/9
doscoy lbsr fixesc restore escape
 lbsr initty set up tty parametes
doscox clr escswt,u
fmsclo leax prblok,u close open files
 lbsr fob
fmscl0 tst disif,u check input file
 beq fmscl1
 clr infile,u
 lda inblok+iobfd+1,u
 os9 I$Close
 bcc fmscl1
 lda #$02 error
 leax errirz,pcr
 ldy #errirl
 os9 I$WritLn
fmscl1 lbsr ende3 close printer and disk
fmsclx rts
doxcom equ * call OS/9
 sts saves,u remember stack
 pshs x,y,u set up fork
 tfr x,u parameter area
 tfr x,y
doxpas tst ,y+ check for end
 bne doxpas
 ldd #$0d0d cr cr
 std -$01,y
 tfr y,d 
 subd ,s
 tfr d,y parameter area size
 leax vshell,pcr "shell"
 clra language/type
 clrb size
 os9 F$Fork spawn new task
 puls x,y,u
 bcs doxcer check for error
 pshs a save new id
doxcwt os9 F$Wait wait for child task
 bcs doxcer
 cmpa ,s right task?
 bne doxcwt wait some more if not
 puls a restore child task id
 tstb check for child task error
 beq doxcox exit
doxcer lda #$02 error path
 os9 F$PErr
doxcox lds saves,u recall stack
******************** cssauxil ****************************
* this module contains routines which control auxiliary
* input and output; auxiliary input is handled by fooling
* the character input routine by making it read from the
* auxiliary file rather than from the terminal; auxiliary
* output is handled by formatting a file with data
* simulating command interpreter input.
 ttl *** cssauxil ***
 fcc "*** cssauxil ***"
auxino lbsr xcrlf get aux file info
 leax altnm,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 leax disim,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 leax axfile,u
 lbsr inbufr get file name to line buffer
 cmpa #$0d
 bne strtin process input aux file
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax altnm,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 leax disom,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 leax otfile,u
 lbsr inbufr get file name to line buffer
 cmpa #$0d
 lbne statoa process output aux file
strtin bsr stopin start aux input file
 lda #READ. open input axfile
 leax axfile,u
 os9 I$Open
 bcs strtie
 exg a,b
 std axblok+iobfd,u file desc
 ldd #bufaux buffer length
 std axblok+iobbl,u
 ldd #$0000
 std axblok+iobcc,u
 leax axbuff,u
 stx axblok+iobba,u
 stx axblok+iobca,u
 lda #READ. mode
 sta axblok+iobfc,u
 inc getfl,u set aux flag
 bra strtix
strtie lda #$02 error
 leax errarz,pcr
 ldy #errarl
 os9 I$WritLn
 clr axfile,u
 ldd #$0000
 std axblok+iobfd,u file desc
strtix rts
stopin pshs x stop aux input
 tst getfl,u
 beq stopix
 clr getfl,u reset aux flag
 clr axfile,u close file
 lda axblok+iobfd+1,u file desc
 os9 I$Close
 bcc stopie
 lda #$02 error
 leax errarz,pcr
 ldy #errarl
 os9 I$WritLn
stopie ldd #$0000
 std axblok+iobfd,u
stopix puls x,pc
statoa leax otfile,u open output otfile
 ldd #(WRITE.*256)+(READ.+WRITE.+PREAD.) access and attributes
 os9 I$Create
 bcc statof
 cmpb #218 files exists?
 bne stater
 ldd #(WRITE.*256)+(UPDAT.+PREAD.) about the same attr's
 os9 I$Open
 bcc statof
* lda #$02 error
* leax errarz,pcr
* ldy #errarl
* os9 I$WritLn
stater os9 F$PErr
 clr otfile,u
statof clrb file desc
 exg a,b
 std otblok+iobfd,u
 ldd #buflen buffer length
 std otblok+iobbl,u
 std otblok+iobcc,u
 ldd otblok+iobba,u buffer addr
 std otblok+iobca,u
 clr confl,u don't output to console
 inc dskfl,u output to disk
statra lda #$73 #'s=partial reset
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xouts
 lbsr xcrlf
 lda #$6f #'o offset
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xouts
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq stata1
 lda #$30 #'0
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xoute
 bra stata2
stata1 leax oaddr,u
 lbsr xot4h
stata2 tst disif,u chk for input file
 beq statrb
 lbsr xcrlf
 lda #$73 an s
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xouts
 leax infile,u
 lbsr dmptav
statrb ldx typem,u
statrc cmpx typee,u
 bhs statre
statrd stx caddr,u output a line
 lbsr xcrlf
 ldx caddr,u
 lda ,x
 cmpa #'Z was #$5a chk 'Z
 beq statr2
 ora #$20
 lbsr xoute type
 lbsr xouts space
 leax $01,x
 lbsr xot4s start
 lbsr xot4s end
 leax $01,x
statr1 leax $02,x
 bra statrc
statr2 ldd $01,x chk start/end
 cmpd $03,x
 bne statr4
 lda #$6d make 'm
 lbsr xoute type
 lbsr xouts space
 leax $03,x
statr3 lbsr xot4s end
 lbsr xot2s value
 bra statr1
statr4 lda #$74 make 't
 lbsr xoute type
 lbsr xouts space
 leax $01,x
 lbsr xot4s start
 bra statr3
statre lbsr xcrlf print parms
 ldx faddr,u
 leax $01,x
 beq statrf
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq state1
 tst infile,u chk for file
 bne statrf
state1 lda #$6e make 'n
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xouts
 tst os9flx,u
 beq state2
 leax oaddr,u OS/9
 lbsr xot4s
 ldd taddr,u
 addd oaddr,u
 pshs d
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4s
 puls d
 bra state9
state2 leax faddr,u flex
 lbsr xot4s
 lbsr xot4s
 leax xaddr,u
 lbsr xot4h
state9 lbsr xcrlf
statrf tst equfl,u
 beq statrh
 lda #$65 #'e
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xcrlf
statrh tst posfl,u
 beq statri
 lda #$70 #'p
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xcrlf
statri lda #$7a #'z
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xouts
 lda pmode,u
 bpl statrj
 lda #$09
statrj adda #$30 #'0
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xcrlf
statrk tst crofl,u
 bne statcl
 lda #$62 b
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xcrlf
statcl inc confl,u output to console
 clr dskfl,u don't output to disk
 leax otblok,u force output
 lbsr fob
 bcc static
 lda #$02 error
 leax errarz,pcr
 ldy #errarl
 os9 I$WritLn
static lda otblok+iobfd+1,u file desc
 os9 I$Close
 bcc statie
 lda #$02 error
 leax errarz,pcr
 ldy #errarl
 os9 I$WritLn
statie ldd #$0000
 std otblok+iobfd,u
statrx rts
******************** cssdmptb ****************************
* this module contains the routine which lists internal
* control tables to the output device.
 ttl *** cssdmptb ***
 fcc "*** cssdmptb ***"
dmptab lbsr xcrlf dump tables
 ldx typem,u
dmptac cmpx typee,u
 bhs dmptae
dmptad stx caddr,u print a line
 lbsr xcrlf
 ldx caddr,u
 lda ,x
 cmpa #$5a chk 'Z
 beq dmpta2
 ora #$20
 lbsr xoute type
 lbsr xouts space
 leax $01,x
 lbsr xot4s start
 lbsr xot4s end
 leax $01,x
dmpta1 leax $02,x
 bra dmptac
dmpta2 ldd $01,x chk start/end
 cmpd $03,x
 bne dmpta4
 lda #$6d make m
 lbsr xoute type
 lbsr xouts space
 leax $03,x
dmpta3 lbsr xot4s end
 lbsr xot2s value
 bra dmpta1
dmpta4 lda #$74 make 't
 lbsr xoute type
 lbsr xouts space
 leax $01,x
 lbsr xot4s start
 bra dmpta3
dmptae lbsr xcrlf print parms
 ldx faddr,u
 leax $01,x
 beq dmptag
 leax loss9,pcr OS/9 or Flex
 tst os9flx,u
 bne dmpte1
 leax lflex,pcr
dmpte1 lbsr xpdat
 leax lstar,pcr x-->" start="
 lbsr xpdat
 leax faddr,u
 lbsr xot4h
 leax lendr,pcr x-->" end="
 lbsr xpdat
 leax taddr,u
 lbsr xot4h
dmptaf ldx xaddr,u
 leax $01,x
 beq dmptag
 leax lxfer,pcr x-->" xfer="
 lbsr xpdat
 leax xaddr,u
 lbsr xot4h
dmptag lbsr xcrlf
 ldx oaddr,u
 beq dmptah
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 bne dmptah
 leax offil,pcr offset
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xouts
 leax oaddr,u
 lbsr xot4h
 lbsr xcrlf
dmptah leax equil,pcr equ flag
 lbsr xpdat
 leax lon,pcr
 tst equfl,u
 bne dmptai
 leax loff,pcr
dmptai lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax cpuil,pcr cpu mode
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xouts
 lda #$36
 lbsr xoute
 ldb pmode,u
 bpl dmptaj
 ldb #$09
dmptaj addb #$30
 lda #$38
 cmpb #$32 chk 2
 bne dmptak
 lda #$35
dmptak lbsr xoute
 lda #$30
 lbsr xoute
 tfr b,a
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax posil,pcr position flag
 lbsr xpdat
 leax lon,pcr
 tst posfl,u
 bne dmptal
 leax loff,pcr
dmptal lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax croil,pcr cross-assembler flag
 lbsr xpdat
 leax lon,pcr
 tst crofl,u
 bne dmptan
 leax loff,pcr
dmptan lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xcrlf
 tst disif,u chk for input file
 beq dmptaw
 leax disim,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 leax infile,u
dmptav lda ,x+ print file info
 cmpa #$20
 blo dmptaw
 lbsr xoute
 bra dmptav
dmptaw rts exit
******************** cssshowc ****************************
* this module contains routines which implement the full
* screen display and modification of object program code;
* the specific nature of a given system and terminal is
* provided by other library files which must be included
* by the user to suit a given situation.
 ttl *** cssshowc ***
 fcc "*** cssshowc ***"
showaa ldx faddr,u show object program
 stx saddr,u
 leax $01,x
 bne showab
showab lbsr stopin clear aux input
 clr saddr+1,u
 lda #$04
 sta inst1+scrnwd,u
 sta flisw,u
showac lbsr csctty set tty parameters
showad lbsr wlftty change function code
 lbsr xcrlf print heading
 leax oarea-1,u init pointers
 stx iaddr,u
 leax harea-1,u
 stx gaddr,u
 leax clrscn,pcr
 lbsr outcur clear screen
 ldb #scrwid format screen
 cmpb #$08
 blt showa2
 leax shotab,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 cmpb #$08
 beq showa1
 lbsr xpdat
showa1 leax shota1,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 cmpb #$08
 beq showa2
 lbsr xpdat
showa2 leax shota2,pcr
 stx eaddr,u
showae ldx eaddr,u get next byte
 lda ,x
 bne showaf
 lbsr wtftty change function code
 lbra showba null=end
showaf leax $01,x
 stx eaddr,u
 cmpa #$2f
 beq showaj /=line
 cmpa #$3c
 bne showag <=start
 leax faddr,u
 bra showah
showag cmpa #$3e
 bne showai >=end
 leax taddr,u
showah lbsr xot4h xxxx
 bra showae
showai lbsr xoute
 bra showae
showaj leax shota2+1,pcr print data line
 cmpx eaddr,u
 bne showja
 ldb #scrwid
 cmpb #$04
 beq showjj
showja lbsr xcrlf
showjj leax saddr,u
 lbsr xot4s
 leax inst1,u
 stx raddr,u
 ldb #scrwid loop scrwid times
showak pshs b print hex
 lbsr getin
 ldx gaddr,u
 leax $01,x
 sta ,x
 stx gaddr,u
 leax instr,u
 lbsr xot2h
 lda insty,u
 ora #$40
 suba #$20
 cmpa #$32 chk for rmb
 bne showal
 lda #$22 change to "
showal lbsr xoute
 lda instr,u
 anda #$7f
 ldx raddr,u
 cmpa #$1f
 bls showam
 cmpa #maxprn
 bls showao
showam lda #$2e .
showao sta ,x+
 stx raddr,u
 puls b
 bne showak
 lbsr xouts
 leax inst1,u
 lbsr xpdat print alpha
 lbsr xouts
 lbra showae
showba lbsr xinee get command
 cmpa #$5f
 bls showby
 anda #$5f fix case
showby cmpa #$51
 bne showbc q=quit
showbz clr flisw,u clear switch
 lbra inrtty reset paras and exit
showbc cmpa #$50
 bne showbd p=prev
 ldd saddr,u
 subd #(scrbyt*2)
 bra showbq
showbd cmpa #$53
 bne showbg s=screen
 ldd saddr,u
 subd #scrbyt
 std saddr,u
 leax toblok,u force output
 lbsr fob
 lbsr fulscr full screen edit
 lbra showac
showbg cmpa #$2f
 bhi showbj space=next
showbi ldd saddr,u chk for end
 cmpd taddr,u
 bhi showbz
 lbra showad back for more
showbj cmpa #$3a
 blo showbl num
 cmpa #$41
 blo showbi :-@
 cmpa #$47
 blo showbl alpha
showbk bra showbi rest
showbl lbsr xnhe9 addr
 tfr a,b
 lbsr xnhex
 pshs b
 adda ,s+
showbq cmpa faddr,u chk addr
 bcs showbi
 cmpa taddr,u
 bhi showbi
 sta saddr,u change addr
 lbra showad back for more
* output cursor control string (1-3 chars)
outcur pshs b,x save b
 ldb #$03 set counter
outcr1 lda ,x+ get char
 lbsr xoutet output char
 decb dec the count
 bne outcr1 loop til done
 leax clrscn,pcr chk clr screen
 cmpx $01,s
 bne outcr2
 lda ,x chk for adm-3
 cmpa #$1a
 bne outcr2
 lda #$80 delay
 lbsr xoutet
 lbsr xoutet
 lbsr xoutet
 lbsr xoutet
outcr2 leax toblok,u force output
 lbsr fob
 puls b,x,pc restore and return
* find start of cursor control string
cmpcur pshs b save b-reg
 leax clrscn+leadin,pcr point into table
cmp1 cmpa ,x correct entry?
 beq cmp2 yes
 leax $03,x no, bump to next entry
 bra cmp1 and try again
cmp2 ldb #leadin
 beq cmp4
cmp3 leax -$01,x backup to 1st byte
 bne cmp3
cmp4 puls b,pc restore and return
fulscr lbsr scstty full screen edit
fulsc1 clr horptr,u reset parameters
 clr vrtptr,u
 leax harea,u init screen
 stx adrptr,u
 leax homeup,pcr
 bsr outcur
 leax rtcur,pcr
 bsr outcur
 bsr outcur
 bsr outcur
 bsr outcur
 bsr outcur
 ldb #scrwid
 cmpb #$04
 beq fulsrc
 leax dncur,pcr
 bsr outcur
fulsrc leax curson,pcr turn on cursor if off
 lbsr outcur
fulbel lda beeps,pcr bell
fulout lbsr xoutet
fulgnx clrb use b as flag register
fulg1 lbsr inchrt get a character
 sta cchar,u save it
 cmpa #lead1 is it leadin char #1
 bne fulg2 no, see if it's 2nd or 3rd char in sequence
 incb count as first char
 bra fulg1 and go get another
fulg2 tstb is this the 1st char?
 beq fulg4 yes, then it's not an escape sequence
 cmpa #lead2 no, then is it 2nd leadin char
 bne fulctl no, then it must bea 2-char control sequence
 incb count as 2nd char
 bra fulg1 and go geta 3rd char
fulg4 cmpa #$80 is it an 8-bit control character?
 bls fulg5 no, check for 7-bit control char
 bra fulctl go process
fulg5 cmpa #$1f is it a 7-bit control char
 bls fulctl yes, go process
 lbra fulnct no, then process as alpha
fulctl cmpa homeup+leadin,pcr check home
 beq fulsc1
fulnhm cmpa clrscn+leadin,pcr check clear
 beq fulsc1
fulncl ldb vrtptr,u
 cmpa upcur+leadin,pcr check up-cursor
 bne fulnup
 beq fulbel
 dec vrtptr,u
 ldd adrptr,u
 subd #scrwid
 std adrptr,u
 leax upcur,pcr point to cursor string
 bra fulecc
fulnup cmpa dncur+leadin,pcr check down-cursor
 bne fulndn
 cmpb #$0e
 bhi fulbeb
 inc vrtptr,u
 ldd adrptr,u
 addd #scrwid
 std adrptr,u
 leax dncur,pcr point to string
fulecc lbsr outcur
 bra fulgnx
fulbeb bra fulbel bell
fulndn ldb horptr,u
 cmpa lfcur+leadin,pcr check left-cursor
 bne fulnlf
fullf1 tstb
 beq fulbeb
 pshs b
 stb horptr,u
 cmpb #scrhex
 bne fullf3
 ldd adrptr,u
 addd #scrwid
fullf2 std adrptr,u
fullf3 puls b
 cmpb #scrhex
 bhi fulinx
 bitb #$01
 bne fulecb
 lbsr cmpcur get start of cursor string to x
 bra fulecc
fulecb lda cchar,u
 lbsr cmpcur find table entry
 lbsr outcur
 cmpb #scrhex
 bne fulinx
 lbsr outcur
fulinx ldx adrptr,u
 lda cchar,u
 cmpa rtcur+leadin,pcr
 bne fuldex
 leax $01,x
 bra fulxix
fuldex leax -$01,x
fulxix stx adrptr,u
 lbsr cmpcur get start of cursor string to x
fulech bra fulecc
fulnlf cmpa rtcur+leadin,pcr check right-cursor
 bne fulnrt
fulrt1 cmpb #scrale
 bhi fulbeb
 pshs b
 stb horptr,u
 cmpb #scrals
 bne fullf3
 ldd adrptr,u
 subd #scrwid
 bra fullf2
fulnrt cmpa #$0d
 beq fulcre chk cr
fulbec lbra fulbel bell
fulcre ldx saddr,u chk for changes
 stx eaddr,u
 ldx #scrbyt
 stx savew,u
 leax harea,u
 stx daddr,u
 leax oarea-1,u
 stx iaddr,u
fulnxc ldx daddr,u
 lda ,x+
 stx daddr,u
 ldx iaddr,u
 leax $01,x
 stx iaddr,u
 cmpa ,x
 beq fulnxn
 ldx typee,u
 ldb #$5a z
 stb ,x+
 ldy eaddr,u
 sty ,x++ xxxx
 sty ,x++ xxxx
 sta ,x+ cc
 ldd #$0000
 std ,x++
 stx typee,u
fulnxn inc eaddr+1,u next byte
 ldx savew,u
 leax -$01,x
 stx savew,u
 bne fulnxc
 leax toblok,u force output
 lbra fob and exit
fulbed lbra fulbel bell
fulnct ldx adrptr,u non-controls
 anda #$7f remove parity
 ldb horptr,u
 cmpb #scrhex
 bhi fulalp
 cmpa #$5f
 bls fullow
 anda #$5f change case
fullow suba #$30 chk hex
 blo fulbed
 cmpa #$09
 bls fulhex
 cmpa #$11
 blo fulbed
 cmpa #$16
 bgt fulbed
 suba #$07
fulhex andb #$01
 beq fulhev
 ldb ,x
 andb #$f0
 bra fulhez
fulhev ldb ,x
 andb #$0f
fulhez pshs b
 adda ,s+
fulalp sta ,x store char
 lda cchar,u
 lbsr xoutet echo it
 leax lfcur,pcr cursor left
 lbsr outcur
 lda rtcur+leadin,pcr correct cursor
 sta cchar,u
 ldb horptr,u
 lbra fulrt1
inchrt pshs x input routine
 leax toblok,u force output
 lbsr fob
 leax tiblok,u get a char
 lbsr gnc
 bcc inchr1
 lda #$0d cr if error
inchr1 equ *
**** delete next line if terminal requires 8 bit ascii
 anda #$7f masks parity
 puls x,pc
******************** cssdkdsk ****************************
* this module provides routines which obtain the input
* and output file names from the input device.
 ttl *** cssdkdsk ***
 fcc "*** cssdkdsk ***"
diskd lbsr xcrlf input file name
 leax disim,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 leax locstk,u
 lbsr inbufr get file name
 cmpa #$2a chk for *
 bne dikkd
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq dikkd
 tst disif,u chk input flag
 beq dikkd
 ldy nxtmod+1,u set up seek
 sty curmod+1,u
 ldb nxtmod,u
 stb curmod,u
 tfr d,x
 lda inblok+iobfd+1,u file desc
 pshs u
 tfr y,u
 os9 I$Seek seek
 puls u reset stack
 lbcc dikib get next module
 lda #$02 error
 leax errirz,pcr
 ldy #errirl
 os9 I$WritLn
 lbra dikfc error exit
dikkd pshs a
 clr defalt,u
 ldd #$ffff reset indices
 std curmod,u
 std nxtmod,u
 std inlrec,u
 sta curmod+2,u
 sta nxtmod+2,u
 sta inlrec+2,u
 lbsr maprt
 puls a
 cmpa #$0d chk first char in buffer
 lbeq dikii no file name entered
 tst disif,u chk input flag
 beq dikia already open?
 clr disif,u clr input flag
 lda inblok+iobfd+1,u
 os9 I$Close
dikia leax locstk,u copy file name
 leay infile,u
dikco lda ,x+
 sta ,y+
 bne dikco
 leax infile,u open input infile
 lda #READ. was #(read.+exec.)=error
 os9 I$Open
 bcc dikok
 pshs d,cc
 os9 F$PErr
 pshs x
 ldx #$00FF
 os9 F$Sleep
 puls x
 puls d,cc restore it too
dikok exg a,b
 bcc dikib
 clr infile,u error
 lda #$02
 leax errirz,pcr
 ldy #errirl
 os9 I$WritLn
 ldd #$0000
 std inblok+iobfd,u
dikib std inblok+iobfd,u file desc
 ldd #buflen buffer length
 std inblok+iobbl,u
 ldd #$0000
 std inblok+iobcc,u
 ldd inblok+iobba,u buffer addr
 std inblok+iobca,u
 ldd curmod,u reset log rec ctr
 std inlrec,u
 lda curmod+2,u
 sta inlrec+2,u
dikre lbsr mapdk open, map it
 bcc dikti chk error
dikfc lbsr fmsclo close it and exit
dikie lbra stopin turn off aux input
dikti lda #$4b default type=k
 sta defalt,u
 inc disif,u
 ldx typee,u set map addr
 stx typem,u
dikii rts
dikni lbsr xcrlf output file name
 clr disof,u
 leax disom,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 leax otfile,u
 lbsr inbufr get file name into line buffer
 cmpa #$0d get first char in buffer
 beq dikno no file name was entered
 ldd #$0000
 sta -$01,y change cr to null
 std otblok+iobfd,u file desc
 inc disof,u
dikno rts
******************** cssinput ****************************
* this module provides a routine which stores an address
* range and type in a table, a routine which scans and
* verifies such a range, and a routine which obtains an
* entire input line from an input device.
 ttl *** cssinput ***
 fcc "*** cssinput ***"
gtype9 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9 rmb/kill
 bne badrg
gtype ldx typee,u get type and range
 cmpx alimit,u chk for overflow
 bhs tabovf
 sta ,x+
 bsr gadrs get range
 bhi badrg
 lda comand,u chk for t
 cmpa #$54 check for a T
 beq gotyx
gotyp lbsr xinee end of line
gotyx ldx eaddr,u update pointer
 clr ,x+ clear map locns
 clr ,x+
 clr ,x+
 stx typee,u
tablab lbsr ende3 terminate disassembly
tabovf lbsr xcrlf table overflow
 leax tabov,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr stopin reset get flag
 lbsr xcrlf
 lbra askin
badrg lbsr xcrlf bad range
 leax invrg,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr stopin reset get flag
 lbra xcrlf
gadrs stx eaddr,u get addr range
 leax lstar,pcr print start=
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xbadr read low limit
 ldx eaddr,u
 ldd baddr,u
 std ,x++
 stx eaddr,u
 pshs d
 leax lendr,pcr print end=
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xbadr read high limit
 ldx eaddr,u
 ldd baddr,u
 std ,x++
 stx eaddr,u
 puls d chk negative range
 cmpd -$02,x
rdline bsr inbufr get input line
rdlinx lda #$04 put eot after input
 leax -$01,y
 sta ,x
 stx raddr,u
inbufr tfr x,y input buffer
 lbsr inbtty set tty parameters
 tfr y,x
 ldb #fnmlen was $1e
 bra inbuf1
inbufd tfr x,y input command
 lbsr inbtty set tty parameters
 tfr y,x
 ldb #$fe
inbuf1 lbsr xinee drop leading spaces
 cmpa #$20
 beq inbuf1
 bra inbuf5
inbuf3 lbsr xinee scan test to cr
inbuf5 cmpa #$0d
 beq inbufx
 cmpa #$03 chk for cntrl-c
 beq inbuf7
 cmpa #$20
 blo inbuf3
 beq inbuf3
 sta ,y+
 bra inbuf3
inbuf7 tfr x,y reset buffer
inbufx clr ,y+ ending null
 pshs x
 lbsr inrtty reset tty parameters
 puls x
 lda ,x
 bne inbufz
 lda #$0d fake a cr
inbufz rts
******************** csszapcd ****************************
* this module contains routines to assist in the editing
* and decoding an object module; two routines allow the
* inquiry and modification of the object program contents;
* modifications are stored in a table, rather than being
* actually applied to the program; one routine allows the
* locating of strings of hex characters within the object
* program; another routine outputs a OS/9-formatted
* object program from the current object program, possibly
* with user-specified modifications.
 ttl *** csszapcd ***
 fcc "*** csszapcd ***"
fillup lda #$5a fill program code
 ldy typee,u save table pointer
 pshs y
 lbsr gtype get range
 puls y
 sty typee,u
 pshs x
 leax lvalue,pcr value=
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xbyte
 sta [eaddr,u] store it
 lbsr xinee
 puls x restore pointer
 stx typee,u
 lbhs tabovf
writem ldx faddr,u write new program code file
 leax $01,x
 bne writxf
 lbsr newrng get range
writxf ldx xaddr,u chk xfer addr
 leax $01,x
 bne writfx
 lbsr sxfer get xfer addr
writfx lbsr dikni get output file name
 tst disof,u
 bne writgf
 rts return if no file name
writgf clr flabl,u reset flag
 lbsr xcrlf
writop leax otfile,u open output otfile
 ldd #(WRITE.*256)+(READ.+WRITE.+EXEC.+PEXEC.) access and attributes
 os9 I$Create
 lbcs writer error
 exg a,b
 std otblok+iobfd,u file desc
 ldd #buflen buffer length
 std otblok+iobbl,u
 std otblok+iobcc,u
 ldd otblok+iobba,u buffer addr
 std otblok+iobca,u
 ldx faddr,u set addrs
 stx saddr,u
 tst disif,u chk for input file
 bne writft
 ldd obsize,u chk for OS/9
 bne wrios9 OS/9
writft tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9 format
 lbeq writst flex
wrios9 ldb #objlth save header
 leay locstk,u
 leax objhdr,u
wriuhd lda ,x+
 sta ,y+
 bne wriuhd
 ldd #$ffff init crc accum
 std crcacc,u
 sta crcacc+2,u
 leay objhdr,u
wriusa lda b,y output header
 leax otblok,u
 lbsr crcalc crc
 lbsr pnc
 lbcs writur
 cmpb #objlth
 blo wriusa
 leax ltext,pcr module
 lbsr xpdat
 leax lstar,pcr start=
 lbsr xpdat
 ldd #$0000
 pshs d
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 leax lendr,pcr end=
 lbsr xpdat
 ldd obsize,u
 subd #$0004
 std savew,u
 leax savew,u
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax toblok,u
 lbsr fob
 ldd obstor,u chk storage length
 beq wriusc
 leax ldata,pcr storage
 lbsr xpdat
 leax lstar,pcr start=
 lbsr xpdat
 ldd #$0000
 std ,s
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 leax lendr,pcr end=
 lbsr xpdat
 ldd obstor,u
 subd #$0001
 std ,s
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax toblok,u
 lbsr fob
wriusc puls d
 ldx #objlth first program address
 stx saddr,u
wriusr lbsr getin get a byte
 leax otblok,u
 lbsr crcalc crc
 lbsr pnc put contiguous bytes
 lbcs writur
 ldx daddr,u
 cmpx savew,u
 bne wriusr
 leax otblok,u
 lda crcacc,u output crc
 lbsr pnc
 lbcs writur
 lda crcacc+1,u output crc
 lbsr pnc
 lbcs writur
 lda crcacc+2,u output crc
 lbsr pnc
 lbcs writur
 leax lxfer+1,pcr xfer=
 lbsr xpdat
 leax obxfer,u
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax toblok,u
 lbsr fob
 lbsr writrh restore header
 lbra writcl
writst ldx typee,u set up flex segment
 lda #$02
 sta ,x
 ldd saddr,u
 std $01,x
 std savew,u
 stx caddr,u
 clr worka,u
writgc ldd saddr,u chk addrs
 cmpd taddr,u
writca bhi writeb skip if end
 lbsr getin get next byte
 ldb insty,u get type
 cmpb #$4b chk ign
 beq writeb
 cmpb #$52 chk rmb
 beq writeb
 ldx caddr,u store it
 sta $04,x
 leax $01,x
 stx caddr,u
 lda worka,u
 sta worka,u
 cmpa #$f8 check number of bytes
 bne writgc
writeb lda worka,u write segment
 beq writlt
 leax lxtnt,pcr extent start=
 lbsr xpdat
 leax savew,u
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 ldx saddr,u
 leax -$01,x
 stx savew,u
 leax lendr,pcr end=
 lbsr xpdat
 leax savew,u
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax toblok,u
 lbsr fob
 ldx typee,u
 lda worka,u
 sta $03,x set count
 adda #$04
 sta worka,u
 stx caddr,u
writby ldx caddr,u output segment
 lda ,x+
 stx caddr,u
 leax otblok,u put a bute
 lbsr pnc
 lbcs writer
 dec worka,u
 bne writby
 lda #$01 set flag
 sta flabl,u
writlt ldd saddr,u chk addrs
 cmpd taddr,u
writla bhi writxa skip if end
 lbra writst
writxa ldx xaddr,u output xfer addr
 leax $01,x
 beq writcl skip if $ffff
 tst flabl,u
 beq writcl skip if no code
 leax lxfer+1,pcr xfer=
 lbsr xpdat
 leax xaddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 lbsr xcrlf
 ldx typee,u
 lda #$16
 sta ,x
 ldd xaddr,u
 std $01,x
 lda #$03
 sta worka,u
 stx caddr,u
writta ldx caddr,u
 lda ,x+
 stx caddr,u
 leax otblok,u put a byte
 lbsr pnc
 bcs writer
 dec worka,u
 bne writta
 bra writcl
writrh ldb #objlth restore header
 leax locstk,u
 leay objhdr,u
writri lda ,x+
 sta ,y+
 bne writri
writur bsr writrh restore header
writer lda #$02 report error
 leax errorz,pcr
 ldy #errorl
 os9 I$WritLn
writcl leax otblok,u force output
 lbsr fob
 bcc writcx
 lda #$02 report error
 leax errorz,pcr
 ldy #errorl
 os9 I$WritLn
writcx lda otblok+iobfd+1,u close file
 os9 I$Close
 bcc writex
 lda #$02 report error
 leax errorz,pcr
 ldy #errorl
 os9 I$WritLn
writex clr disof,u reset flag
 clr otfile,u
crcalc pshs cc,d,dp,x,y,u calc OS/9 crc
 leax $01,s
 ldy #$0001
 leau crcacc,u
 os9 F$CRC
findst leax inam0,u find hex string
 lbsr gadrs
 lbhi badrg bad range
findar leax lvalue,pcr value=
 lbsr xpdat
 clr worka,u get pattern
 leax inst1,u point to match area
findhx lbsr xinee get char
 cmpa #$5f
 bls findxh
 anda #$5f change case
findxh cmpa #$2f check for hex
 bls findot
 cmpa #$39
 bls findin
 cmpa #$40
 bls findot
 cmpa #$46
 bhi findot
findin lbsr xnhe9
 tfr a,b
 lbsr xnhex
 pshs b
 adda ,s+
 sta ,x+ save it
 lda worka,u
 sta worka,u
 cmpa #$1f
 bls findhx
findot tst worka,u got string
 beq findxt
findsr ldx inam0,u set up search
 stx saddr,u
 ldx inam2,u end addr
 leax $01,x
 bne findrs
 leax -$02,x fix if $ffff
 stx inam2,u
findrs lbsr xcrlf
 lda #$0b 10 addrs per line
 sta flabl,u
 ldx typee,u establish circular buffer
 stx baddr,u
 inc baddr,u
 ldx baddr,u
 stx caddr,u
findiz clr baddr+1,u reset addrs
 clr caddr+1,u
 lda worka,u load buffer
 sta inam5,u
findrd ldd saddr,u chk end addr
 cmpd inam2,u
findre bls findra
findxt bra findex found end
findra lbsr getin get instr
 ldb insty,u get type
 cmpb #$4b chk ign
 beq findiz
 cmpb #$52 chk rmb
 beq findiz
 sta [caddr,u] save instr
 inc caddr+1,u
 dec inam5,u
 bgt findrd
findoc ldb worka,u set up compare
 ldx baddr,u
 stx raddr,u
 leax inst1,u
findcl lda [raddr,u] compare data
 cmpa ,x+
 bne findne skip if no match
 inc raddr+1,u
 bne findcl
findma dec flabl,u print address
 bne findnl
 lbsr xcrlf new line
 lda #$0a 10 addrs per line
 sta flabl,u
findnl ldb worka,u back up addr
 ldx saddr,u
 leax d,x
 stx inam4,u
 leax inam4,u output addr
 lbsr xot4s
 leax toblok,u force output
 lbsr fob
findne inc baddr+1,u get next instr
 clr inam5,u
 bra findrd
findex rts
examin leax lstar,pcr examine/change program code
 lbsr xpdat start=
 lbsr xbadr xxxx
 stx saddr,u
examcr lbsr xcrlf
 leax saddr,u
 lbsr xot4s print addr
 lbsr getin get instr
 leax instr,u
 lbsr xot2s print byte
examhx lbsr xinee get char
 cmpa #$5f
 bls examxh
 anda #$5f change case
examxh cmpa #$20 chk space
 beq examhx
 cmpa #$0d chk cr
 bne examnc
 rts return
examnc cmpa #$5e up arrow
 bne examna
 ldx saddr,u back up
 leax -$02,x
 stx saddr,u
examot bra examcr go back for more
examna cmpa #$2f check for hex
 bls examot
 cmpa #$39
 bls examto
 cmpa #$40
 bls examot
 cmpa #$46
 bhi examot
examto lbsr xnhe9
 tfr a,b
 lbsr xnhex
 pshs b
 adda ,s+
 ldx typee,u store in table
 cmpx alimit,u chk for overflow
 lbhs tabovf
 ldb #$5a z
 stb ,x+
 ldy daddr,u xxxx
 sty ,x++
 sty ,x++
 sta ,x+ xx
 ldd #$0000
 std ,x++
 stx typee,u
 bra examcr go back for more
******************** cssdisas ****************************
* this module contains routines which disassemble the
* object program; the source of the object program must
* already be known; the destination is determined by these
* routines; actual formatting of the disassembled listing
* and disk output is done by other modules.
 ttl *** cssdisas ***
 fcc "*** cssdisas ***"
disas ldx faddr,u disassemble program code
 leax $01,x
 bne disro
 lbsr newrng get range
disro lda #$24 $
 sta ulabel,u
 sta xlabel,u
 sta zlabel,u
 sta zulabe,u
 lda comand,u chk view
 cmpa #$56 v
 beq disvx
 lda #$75 u
 sta ulabel,u
 lda #$7a z
 sta zlabel,u
 sta zulabe,u
 sta xlabel,u
 lda pmode,u chk for 6809
 bpl disxz
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq disxz
 lda #$78 x
 sta xlabel,u
disxz ldx xaddr,u chk xfer addr
 leax $01,x
 bne disxf
 lbsr sxfer get xfer addr
disxf lbsr dikni get output file name
disvx lda #$04 fix nam and opt
 sta names+5,u
 sta optes+5,u
 lbsr xcrlf get options
 clr crtfl,u
 clr prnfl,u
 leax lenter,pcr enter p(printer), etc.
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xinee
 anda #$5f
 cmpa #$42 b
 beq disqb
 cmpa #$50 p
 beq disqp
 cmpa #$54 t
 beq disqt
 tst disof,u chk disk output
 beq disqt t by default
 bra disor
disqb inc crtfl,u both t and p
disqp inc prnfl,u p
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax prtnm,pcr get printer file name
 lbsr xpdat
 leax prfile,u
 lbsr inbufr
 cmpa #$0d
 bne disor
 clr prnfl,u no file name
 clr prfile,u
 bra disor
disqt inc crtfl,u t
disor lbsr xcrlf get nam and opt
 tst disof,u chk disk output
 bne disxn
 lda comand,u chk view
 cmpa #$56 v
 beq disp0
 tst prnfl,u chk printer
 beq disp0
disxn leax lnames,u
 lbsr xpdat
 leax names+5,u
 lbsr rdline
 lbsr xcrlf
disxo leax loptes,u
 lbsr xpdat
 leax optes+5,u
 lbsr rdline
 lbsr xcrlf
disp0 ldx taddr,u set addrs
 stx eaddr,u
 ldx typee,u
 stx addre,u
 sts stkadr,u
 lbsr dmptae print parms
 tst disof,u chk output file
 beq dis0b
 leax otfile,u open output otfile
 ldd #(WRITE.*256)+(READ.+WRITE.+PREAD.) access and attributes
 os9 I$Create
 bcc dis0a
 lda #$02 error
 leax errorz,pcr
 ldy #errorl
 os9 I$WritLn
 clr otfile,u
 clr disof,u
 clr prfile,u
 clr prtfl,u
 rts could not open
dis0a clrb file desc
 exg a,b
 std otblok+iobfd,u file desc
 ldd #buflen buffer length
 std otblok+iobbl,u
 std otblok+iobcc,u
 ldd otblok+iobba,u buffer addr
 std otblok+iobca,u
dis0b tst prnfl,u chk printer file
 beq disp1
 leax prfile,u open output prfile
 ldd #(WRITE.*256)+(READ.+WRITE.+PREAD.) access and attributes
 os9 I$Create
 bcc dis0d
 lda #$02 error
 leax errprz,pcr
 ldy #errprl
 os9 I$WritLn
 tst disof,u chk output file
 beq dis0c
 lda otblok+iobfd+1,u
 clr otblok+iobfd,u
 clr otblok+iobfd+1,u
 os9 I$Close
 clr otfile,u
 clr disof,u
dis0c clr prfile,u
 clr prnfl,u
 rts could not open
dis0d clrb file desc
 exg a,b
 std prblok+iobfd,u file desc
 ldd #buflen buffer length
 std prblok+iobbl,u
 std prblok+iobcc,u
 ldd prblok+iobba,u buffer addr
 std prblok+iobca,u
disp1 clr phase,u phase 1
 clr svcflg,u
 lbsr lastty restore pause option
 lda comand,u chk view
 cmpa #$56 v
 beq disp2
 lbsr reset
 ldd faddr,u label program entry addr
 lbsr adal0
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq dis1a
 ldd #$0000 label program start addr
 lbsr adal0
 ldd obstor,u chk for storage
 beq dis1a
 ldd #$0000 label storage start addr
 lbsr adalu
dis1a bsr ckend chk end
 bhi dis1b
 bsr decod decode instruction
 tst flabl,u chk label
 beq dis1a
 lbsr adald add a label
 bra dis1a
dis1b ldd xaddr,u chk xfer addr
 cmpd #$ffff
 beq disp2
 lbsr adal0 enter into label table
disp2 inc phase,u phase 2
 lbsr reset
 lbsr headr output nam/opt/data/mod
dis2a bsr ckend chk end
 bhi disp3
 bsr decod decode instruction
 lbsr ckequ chk equ's
 lbsr outpt print instruction
 bra dis2a
disp3 lbra ender put out end
ckend ldd daddr,u chk for higher than end
 cmpd eaddr,u
 bhi ckenz
 ldd faddr,u chk for less than start
 cmpd daddr,u
ckenz rts
decod leax insbeg,u decode instruction
 lda instr,u remember instr
 ldb insty,u remember type
 ldy #(insend-insbeg)
decoe clr ,x+ clear variables
 leay -$01,y
 bne decoe
 sta instr,u restore instr
 sta inst1,u
 sta flopc,u
 stb insty,u restore type
 stb instx,u
 leax inst1,u
 stx iaddr,u
 ldx saddr,u
 leax -$01,x
 stx caddr,u current instruction addr
 cmpb #$43 chk fcc
 bne pnfcc
 ldb #$20 32 byte limit
 lbra iafcc
pnfcc cmpb #$48 chk fcb
 bne pnfcb
 ldb #$08 8 byte limit
 lbra iafcc
pnfcb cmpb #$4b chk ign
 lbeq next2
 cmpb #$52 chk rmb
 lbeq iafcc
pnins inc flisw,u start saving bytes
 cmpb #$41 chk fdb
 bne pnfdb
 lbsr getin
 lbra inpie
pnfdb tfr a,b compute addr of opcode
 addd aintab,u
 std raddr,u
 tfr d,x
 lda zlabel,u init label prefix z
 sta zulabe,u
insp9 lda ,x get table entry
 beq yecc9 chk for invalid optr
 cmpa #$ff chk for page 2/3
 beq inspg
 tfr a,b
 anda #$7e
 sta worka,u optabx pointer
 andb #$03
 tst pmode,u chk cpu mode
 bpl insx9
 lda inst1,u chk for page 2/3
 anda #$fe
 cmpa #$10
 bne insx9
insx9 stb fllts,u length
 lda $01,x
 tfr a,b
 sta flsuf,u suffix
 tfr b,a
 anda modmsk,u
 sta flmod,u mode
 tst pmode,u chk cpu mode
 bne insnv
 andb #$08 chk 6801 instruction
 bne yecc9
 bra insnv
inspg ldb $01,x page 2/3
 andb #$08
 stb flmod,u
 lbsr getin next instruction
 sta flopc,u
 leax intpg9,pcr point to page 2/3 table
 ldy #(intpx9-intpg9)
inpal cmpa $02,x look up in page 2/3 table
 bne inpar
 ldb $01,x chk page 2/3
 andb #$08
 cmpb flmod,u check for proper page
 bne inpar
 bra insp9 found match
inpar leax $03,x
 leay -$03,y
 bne inpal
yecc9 lbra yecch invalid optr
insnv lbsr insnm get instruction name
 tst pmode,u chk for 6809
 bpl inpww
 ldd inam3,u chk for swi2
 cmpd #$6932 i2
 bne inpww
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq inpww
 ldb #$ff
 stb svcflg,u set svc flag
 inc fllts,u get call number
inpww ldb fllts,u get fixed portion of instruction
 cmpb fllth,u
 beq inpwx
 lbsr getin
 bra inpww
inpwx ldx iaddr,u point to last instruction byte
 ldb ,x
 stb flinx,u
 tst svcflg,u check for OS/9 call
 lbmi inswi3 handle it
 lda flmod,u chk addr mode
inpn0 cmpa #$01 chk inh
 bne inpn1
 tst flspc,u chk special flag
 beq inpwz
 lda flopc,u retrieve op code
 cmpa #$20
 bpl inpwz not tfr or exg
 tfr b,a
 anda #$88 chk reg numbers
 beq inpi1
 cmpa #$88
 beq inpi1
inpyc lbra yecch bad codes
inpi1 tfr b,a chk dest reg
 anda #$0f
 cmpa #$06
 bmi inpi2
 cmpa #$08
 bmi inpyc
 cmpa #$0c
 bpl inpyc
inpi2 tfr b,a chk source regs
 anda #$f0
 cmpa #$60
 bmi inpwz
 cmpa #$80
 bmi inpyc
 cmpa #$c0
 bpl inpyc
inpwz lbra next2 ok, exit
inpn1 cmpa #$02 chk dir
 bne inpn2
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq inp1x
 tst pmode,u chk for 6809
 bpl inp1x
 lda xlabel,u change to x
 sta zulabe,u
inp1x lbra dirct
inpn2 cmpa #$03 chk ext
 bne inpn3
inpie leax -$01,x point to addr
 lda pmode,u chk cpu mode
 cmpa #$02
 bne inpif
 ldd ,x rev ext addr for 6502
 exg a,b
 bra inpih
inpif bpl inpig chk for 6809
 lda os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq inpig
 lda xlabel,u change to x
 sta zulabe,u
inpig ldd ,x get ext addr
inpih lbra nextd
inpn3 cmpa #$04 chk imm
 bne inpn4
 lda pmode,u chk cpu mode
 cmpa #$05
 beq inpq4
 lda inam4,u chk suffix
 cmpa #$64 for 'd'
 blt inpq4
 bne inpie
 dec flabl,u
 bra inpie
inpq4 tfr b,a
 dec flabl,u
 lbra nextd
inpn4 cmpa #$05 chk inx
 beq inpx1
 lbra inpn5
inpx1 lda pmode,u chk cpu mode
 bmi inpx5
 cmpa #$05 chk 6805
 bne inpxy
 lbra dirct force direct
inpx5 tfr b,a addr mode
 anda #$0f
 sta flamf,u
 tfr b,a indir addr
 anda #$10
 sta flind,u
 tfr b,a reg
 anda #$60
 sta flreg,u reg*2
 cmpa #$04 chk for u
 bne inpxu
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq inpxu
 ldb flamf,u chk addr mode
 cmpb #$0c
 beq inpxu
 cmpb #$0d
 beq inpxu
 ldb ulabel,u set label prefix u
 stb zulabe,u
inpxu ldb ,x chk postfix first bit
 bmi inpx2
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq inpxy
 andb #$f0
 cmpb #$40 chk for +n,u
 bne inpxy
 ldb flamf,u get offset
 lbra nextd label it
inpx2 lda flind,u
 andb #$0f chk amf
 cmpb #$07
 bne inpx7
inpxg lbra yecch bad amf
inpx7 cmpb #$0a
 beq inpxg
 cmpb #$0e
 beq inpxg
 cmpb #$01
 beq inpxy
 cmpb #$03
 bne inpx3
 tsta chk indir
 bne inpxg
inpxy lbra next2 ok, exit
inpx3 cmpb #$0f
 bne inpxf
 tsta chk indir
 beq inpxg
 tst flreg,u chk register
 bne inpxg
inpxf cmpb #$08 chk for more bytes
 bmi inpxy
 beq inpx8
 cmpb #$0b
 beq inpxy
 cmpb #$0c
 beq inpx8
 pshs b
 lbsr getin need two
 puls b
inpx8 pshs b
 lbsr getin need one or two
 puls b
 cmpb #$0f
 lbeq inpie ext addr
inpxe cmpb #$0c
 bne inpxc
 tfr a,b pc+-8bits
 lbra reltv
inpxc cmpb #$0d
 bne inpxd
 tfr a,b pc+-16bits
 lda ,-x
 lbra relad
inpxd cmpb #$09
 bne inpx9
 tfr a,b r+-16bits
 lda ,-x
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq inpxz
 tst pmode,u chk for 6809
 bpl inpxz
 pshs a
 lda flreg,u chk for u-reg
 cmpa #$04
 puls a
 lbeq nextd label it
inpxz dec flabl,u don't label it
 lbra nextd
inpx9 cmpb #$08
 bne inpxh
 tfr a,b r+-8bits
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq inpxz
 tst pmode,u chk for 6809
 bpl inpxz
 tstb chk for positive
 bmi inpxz
 pshs a
 lda flreg,u chk for u-reg
 cmpa #$04
 puls a
 bne inpxz
 lbra nextd label it
inpxh bra yecch bad
inpn5 cmpa #$06 chk rel
 beq relat
 ldb pmode,u chk cpu mode
 cmpb #$02
 bmi yecch
 bne inpn7
 lda inst1,u check for lbra (ind)
 cmpa #$6c
 bne inpyd 6502 ixi,ini
 lbra inpie
inpn7 cmpb #$05
 bne yecch
 cmpa #$07 chk ix0
 beq next2
 cmpa #$08 chk ix2
 bne inpn8
 lbra inpie
inpn8 cmpa #$09 chk btb
 bne inpn9
 ldb inst3,u comp rel addr
inpyr addd saddr,u
 std zaddr,u save it
 lda comand,u chk for view only
 cmpa #$56 v
 beq inpyd
 tst phase,u chk phase
 bne inpyd
 ldd zaddr,u
 lbsr adal0 add label
inpyd ldb inst2,u restore dir addr
 bra dirct
inpn9 cmpa #$0a chk bsc
 beq inpyd
yecch com instx,u invalid opcode
yeccc clr fllth,u back pointers up
 ldx caddr,u
 stx daddr,u
 leax $01,x
 stx saddr,u
 bra next2 make inv optr into fcb
dirct clra dir
 bra nextd
relat lda inam0,u chk long branch
 cmpa #$6c l
 bne reltv
 ldx iaddr,u long branch
 lda ,-x
 bra relad
reltv sex compute rel addr
relad addd saddr,u
nextd std raddr,u
nextl inc flabl,u labelled
next2 clr flisw,u reset instruction save switch
 lbra getin get next instruction
insnm ldd aoptab,u get instruction name
 addb worka,u
 adca #$00
 tfr d,x
 lda ,x
 ora #$60
 sta inam1,u
 ldd ,x
 andb #$03
 anda #$1f
 ora #$60
 pshs b
 adda ,s+
 sta inam2,u
 lda $01,x
 stb flspc,u special flag
 anda #$1f
 beq insns
 ora #$60
 sta inam3,u
insns ldb flsuf,u get suffix
 addd asuftb,u
 tfr d,x
 ldd ,x
 std inam4,u
 ldb pmode,u chk cpu mode
 bpl inpwk
 cmpa #$6c chk 6809 l.branch
 bne inpkw
 clr inam4,u
 sta inam0,u put l first
 bra inpkw
inpwk cmpb #$02 chk 6502
 bne inpkl
 sta inam5,u fix 6502 suffix
 suba #$78 x
 sta flreg,u
 lda #$04
 sta inam4,u
 bra inpkw
inpkl cmpb #$05 chk 6805
 bne inpkw
 lda inst1,u fix 6805 instructions
 cmpa #$1f
 bhi inpkw
 ldb #$62 b
 stb inam0,u
 cmpa #$0f
 bhi inpkw
 ldx inam2,u
 stx inam3,u
 lda inam1,u
 sta inam2,u
 lda #$72 r
 sta inam1,u
inpkw lda #$04
 sta inamx,u
inswi3 ldb #(4+(2*2)) handle os9 call
 mul get index into table
 leax svctab,pcr
 leax d,x
 clr flmod,u remember count
 stx flinx,u remember pointer to name
inswr3 ldd #$6f73 change swi2 to os9
 std inam1,u
 ldd #$3904
 std inam3,u
 tst phase,u chk phase
 bne inswx3
 ldb #$0f fix svc flag
 stb svcflg,u
inswx3 lbra next2 get next instruction
reset ldx faddr,u reset addrs
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq resos
 leax M$Mem+2,x was m$stak+2,x skip module header
resos stx saddr,u
 stx daddr,u
 clr dorgs,u
 clr flisw,u
 lbsr xcrlf
 lda comand,u chk view
 cmpa #$56 v
 beq resex
 leax phace,pcr print phase
 lbsr xpdat
 lda phase,u
 adda #$31
 lbsr xoute
resex leax toblok,u force text out
 lbsr fob
 bra getin
******************** cssgetcd ****************************
* this module contains routines which return the object
* program byte and type at a given address; if the address
* is outside of the specified address range or is in an
* ignored range of addresses, zero is returned.
 ttl *** cssgetcd ***
 fcc "*** cssgetcd ***"
getin pshs y get next instr
 ldx #$ffff
 stx maddr,u
 lbsr getty get type
 clra clear instr
 cmpb #$4b chk ign
 lbeq getjk
 cmpb #$52 chk rmb
 lbeq getjk
 ldx maddr,u chk for m/z
 tst disif,u chk source
 bne getdk
 cmpx #$ffff from memory
 beq getmz
 lda $05,x get desired data
 ldb ,x chk type
 cmpb #$5a for z
 lbeq getjk
getmz ldd saddr,u compute addr
 addd oaddr,u offset
 lbra getid
getdk cmpx #$ffff from disk
 lbeq getjk
 lda $05,x get desired locn/data
 ldb ,x chk type
 cmpb #$5a
 lbeq getjk skip if z
 ldd saddr,u data addr
 subd $01,x start addr
 addd $06,x add extent byte address
 tfr a,b
 lda $05,x
 adca #$00
 andb #$fe truncate to 512 bytes
 cmpd inlrec,u chk curr locn
 beq getsl
getss std inlrec,u set curr locn
 pshs y,u
 exg a,b
 tfr d,x
 clrb byte addr=0
 tfr d,y
 tfr x,d
 tfr d,x
 lda inblok+iobfd+1,u file desc
 tfr y,u
 os9 I$Seek seek
 puls u,y reset stack
 bcc getts
geter lda #$02 return error
 leax errirz,pcr
 ldy #errirl
 os9 I$WritLn
 lbsr ende3 close files
 lbsr stopin stop input
 clr escswt,u
 lbra askin abort
getts ldx inblok+iobba,u read the block
 ldy #buflen
 lda inblok+iobfd+1,u
 os9 I$Read
 bcs geter error
 cmpy #$0000
 bcs geter eof
 ldx maddr,u restore map ptr
getsl ldd saddr,u data addr
 subd $01,x start addr
 addd $06,x disk byte address
 anda #$01 mask to 512 bytes
 leax inbuff,u input buffer addr
 pshs x
 addd ,s++
getid std maddr,u disk and memory
 lda [maddr,u]
getjk ldx saddr,u update pointers
 stx daddr,u
 leax $01,x
 stx saddr,u
 sta instr,u
 inc fllth,u update length
 tst flisw,u save instrs?
 beq getxx
 ldx iaddr,u
 leax $01,x
 sta ,x
 stx iaddr,u
getxx puls y,pc
getty pshs y return memory type
 ldx types,u
 lda defalt,u default type
 sta insty,u
 ldd saddr,u
getnx cmpx typee,u
 beq gettx
 cmpd $01,x
 beq getn4
getn1 bls getix
getn2 cmpd $03,x
 beq getn4
getn3 bhi getix
getn4 pshs b have table hit
 ldb ,x
 cmpb #$4d chk m
 bne getn5
 stx maddr,u save table location
 clrb and set type
 bra getn9
getn5 cmpb #$5a chk z
 bne getn9
 stx maddr,u save table location
 ldb insty,u chk type
 cmpb #$4b
 bne getn9
getn9 stb insty,u
 puls b
getix leax $08,x
 bra getnx
gettx ldb insty,u
 puls y,pc
******************** cssiafcb ****************************
* this module contains routines used by the disassembler
* routine to assist in disassembly of the object program;
* one handles case of memory with character and hex types;
* two determine if a given address has been or is to be
* labelled; several routines handle equ and org statements
* as required by object program code and memory types;
* two routines provide logic to handle the beginning and
* ending of the disassembly output.
 ttl *** cssiafcb ***
 fcc "*** cssiafcb ***"
iafcc stb maxln,u fcc,fcb,rmb
 tst phase,u chk phase and
 beq iafcx exit if 1
 leax inst1,u
 stx gaddr,u
iafc0 ldb instx,u
 cmpb #$43 fcc
 bne iafc5
 anda #$7f mask off parity bit
 cmpa #$1f control chars
 bls iafc2
 cmpa #maxprn max printable
 bhi iafc2
 cmpa #$22 "
 bne iafc8
iafc2 ldb instx,u
 leax inst1,u
 cmpx gaddr,u
 bne iafc3
 cmpb #$43 c
 bne iafcx
 ldb #$48 fcc->fcb
 stb instx,u
iafcx lbra next2 get next and return
iafc3 ldx gaddr,u
 cmpb #$43
 bne iafc4
 ldd #$2204 fcc/fcs "..."
 std ,x
iafc4 rts return for fcc
iafc5 cmpb #$52 r
 bne iafc8
 ldd saddr,u
 pshs d
iafc6 lbsr getin get next byte
 ldb insty,u
 cmpb #$52 r
 bne iafc7
 ldy daddr,u chk labeled
 lbsr adalx
 bcs iafc7
 lbsr ckend chk end of program
 bls iafc6
iafc7 ldd saddr,u end of rmb range
 subd ,s++
 std rmblth,u set rmb length
iafc8 leax inst1,u
 cmpx gaddr,u
 beq iafc9
 ldy daddr,u
 lbsr adalx chk label
 bcs iafc2
iafc9 ldx gaddr,u
 sta ,x+
 stx gaddr,u
 cmpa instr,u check for fcs
 beq iafca
 lda fccxx+3,u c->s
 ora #$10
 sta fccxx+3,u fcs
 lbsr getin
 lbra iafc2
iafca lbsr getin
 ldb fllth,u
 cmpb maxln,u
 lbeq iafc2
 ldb instx,u
 cmpb insty,u
 lbne iafc2
 lbra iafc0
adald ldd raddr,u add a data label
adale pshs a flag as data
 lda zulabe,u prefix u/z
 sta lauorz,u
 puls a
 bra adalv
adalw ldd raddr,u add a data label
adalu pshs a flag as data
 lda ulabel,u prefix u
 sta lauorz,u
 puls a
 bra adalv
adalb ldd raddr,u add a prog label
adal0 pshs a flag as label
 lda zlabel,u prefix z
 sta lauorz,u
 puls a
adalv pshs d,y
 tfr d,y
 bsr adall chk labels
 bcs adatx branch if there
 lda lauorz,u
 ldx addre,u
 cmpx alimit,u chk for overflow
 lbhs tablab
 sty ,x++ add to list
 sta ,x+
 stx addre,u
 leax -$03,x bubble sort
adal1 cmpx typee,u back up
 bls adatx
 leax -$03,x
adal2 ldy ,x compare
 lda $02,x
 cmpy $03,x
 bls adatx
 pshs a,y
 ldy $03,x swap
 lda $05,x
 sty ,x
 sta $02,x
 puls a,y
 sty $03,x
 sta $05,x
 bra adal1
adatx puls d,y,pc
adalx pshs a chk prog labels
 lda zlabel,u prefix z
 sta lauorz,u
 puls a
 bra adall
adaly pshs a chk data labels
 lda ulabel,u prefix u
 sta lauorz,u
 puls a
adall ldx typee,u chk labels
 pshs d
 lda lauorz,u
adalp cmpx addre,u
 bhs adanf
 leax $03,x
 cmpy -$03,x
 bne adaix
 cmpa -$01,x
 bne adalp
adafo orcc #$01 successful, c=1
 leax -$03,x back up
 puls d,pc
adaix bhi adalp
adanf andcc #$fe unsuccessful, c=0
 puls d,pc
ckequ lda instx,u chk org's
 cmpa #$4b
 beq cktno
 tst dorgs,u
 beq cktno
 clr dorgs,u
ckeqw tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 bne cktno
 leax caddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 leax orges,pcr org $
 lbsr xpdat
 leax caddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 lbsr xcrlf
cktno ldx daddr,u chk equ's
 clr baddr,u
 dec fllth,u
 lda fllth,u
 ldb instx,u
 cmpb #$43 c
 beq ckeqa
 cmpb #$48 h
 beq ckeqa
 cmpb #$52 r
 bne ckeso
ckeqa ldx caddr,u
ckesx stx gaddr,u
 sta worka,u
 ldy gaddr,u
 lbsr adalx
 bcc ckenf
 tst worka,u chk offset
 beq ckexo
 leax gaddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 lda #$02
 lbsr xoute
 lda zlabel,u z
 lbsr xoute
 leax gaddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 leax bequb,pcr equ
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xpdat *+
 lda worka,u x
 adda #$30
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xcrlf
ckenf lda worka,u
 beq ckext
 ldx gaddr,u
ckeso leax -$01,x
 bra ckesx
ckexo ldb instx,u chk ign
 cmpb #$4b
 bne ckexe
 leax gaddr,u
 lda zlabel,u prefix z
 lbra gnpea xxxx zxxxx equ $xxxx
ckexe tst equfl,u check equ flag
 beq ckexs
 leax caddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 lda #$02
 lbsr xoute
 lda zlabel,u z
 lbsr xoute
 leax caddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 leax bequb,pcr equ
 lbsr xpdat
 lda #$2a *
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xcrlf
 bra ckext
ckexs inc baddr,u
ckext lda instx,u chk ign
 cmpa #$4b k
 beq ckexz
 leax caddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 lda instx,u chk rmb
 cmpa #$52 r
 beq ckexy
 lda #$01 hex object
 lbsr xoute
 lda fllth,u
 beq ckexy
 cmpa #$06
 blo ckexu
 lda #$05
ckexu sta worka,u
 leax inst1,u
ckexv lbsr xot2h
 dec worka,u
 bne ckexv
ckexy lda #$02 label tab
 lbsr xoute
 tst baddr,u
 beq ckexz
 lda zlabel,u z
 lbsr xoute
 leax caddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
ckexz rts
headr lbsr xcrlf start program file
 ldx crtfl,u
 stx confl,u
 lda disof,u
 sta dskfl,u
 lda names+5,u chk nam
 cmpa #$04
 beq headc
 leax names,u nam
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xcrlf
headc lda optes+5,u chk opt
 cmpa #$04
 beq headg
 leax optes,u opt
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xcrlf
headg clr column,u
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 lbeq headt
 lda comand,u chk view
 cmpa #$56 v
 lbeq headt
 leax sysdef,pcr system definitions
 lbsr xpdat
 lda obatre,u version
 lbsr xothr
 lbsr xcrlf
 ldd obname,u module name offset
 lbsr adal0
 leax lmodul,pcr mod endmod,namemd,
 lbsr xpdat
 lda obtyla,u type and language
 anda #$f0
 leax ltypes,pcr type
 leax a,x
 lbsr xpdat
 leax llangs,pcr +objct,
 lbsr xpdat
 lda obatre,u attributes and version
 bpl headq
 leax lreent,pcr reent+
 lbsr xpdat
headq leax lversi,pcr version,xferad,endmem
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xcrlf
 ldd #$0000 xxxx
 pshs d
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h
 leax orges,pcr org $0000 for storage
 lbsr xpdat
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 puls d
 lbsr xcrlf
 lbsr gendat generate data rmb's and equ's
headh leax lemmod,pcr module header
 lbsr xpdat endmem
 lbsr xpdat equ .
 lbsr xcrlf
 lda names+5,u chk nam
 cmpa #$04
 beq headn
 leax names,u nam
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xcrlf
headn ldx #$ffff gen absolute equ's
 stx caddr,u
 ldx #$0000
 stx raddr,u
 lda xlabel,u prefiz x
 sta zulabe,u
 lbsr gnequ
 ldx #$000c gen equ's in header
 stx caddr,u
 ldx #$0000
 stx raddr,u
 lda zlabel,u prefiz z
 sta zulabe,u
 lbsr gnequ
 lda ulabel,u prefiz u
 sta zulabe,u
headt ldd curmod,u reset curr locn
 std inlrec,u zap curr locn
 lda curmod+2,u
 sta inlrec+2,u
 ldx faddr,u gen out-of-range equ's
 beq headx
 leax -$01,x
 stx caddr,u
 ldx #$0000
 stx raddr,u
 lda zlabel,u prefiz z
 sta zulabe,u
 lbsr gnequ
headx inc dorgs,u
gendat equ * generate data rmb's and equ's
 lda ulabel,u prefix u
 sta zulabe,u
 ldx obstor,u
 lbeq gendeq
 leax -$01,x
 stx caddr,u
 ldx #$0000
 stx raddr,u
 stx zaddr,u
 ldx typee,u gen data rmb's
genrm1 stx gaddr,u
 cmpx addre,u
 beq genrm5
 bhi gendeq
 ldy $00,x
 cmpy raddr,u
 beq genrm6
genrm2 blo genrm4
 cmpy caddr,u
genrm3 bls genrm6
genrm4 leax $03,x
 bra genrm1
genrm5 ldy obstor,u force last rmb
 bra genrm7
genrm6 lda zulabe,u prefix u/z
 cmpa $02,x
 bne genrm8
genrm7 stx gaddr,u
 tfr y,d
 subd zaddr,u compute rmb offset
 bls genrm8 chk for non-positive
 pshs d
 leax zaddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 lda #$02
 lbsr xoute
 lda zulabe,u prefix u
 lbsr xoute
 leax zaddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 leax rmbes,pcr rmb $
 lbsr xpdat
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h
 lbsr xcrlf
 puls d
 sty zaddr,u remember current address
genrm8 ldx gaddr,u get next label
 bra genrm4
gendeq ldx obstor,u gen out-of-range data equ's
 stx raddr,u
 ldx #$ffff
 stx caddr,u
 lbsr gnequ
ender ldx daddr,u end text file
 beq ende0 gen out-of-range equ's
 stx raddr,u
 ldx #$ffff
 stx caddr,u
 lda zlabel,u prefix z
 sta zulabe,u
 lbsr gnequ
ende0 lda comand,u chk view
 cmpa #$56 v
 beq ende3
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq ende1
 leax endos9,pcr emod
 lbsr xpdat endmod equ *
 leax lnamem,pcr namemd equ
 lbsr xpdat
 lda zlabel,u z
 lbsr xoute z/$
 leax obname,u
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax lxfera,pcr xferad equ
 lbsr xpdat
 lda zlabel,u z
 lbsr xoute z/$
 leax obxfer,u xfer offset
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 lbsr xcrlf
ende1 leax endes,pcr end
 lbsr xpdat
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 bne ende2
 ldx xaddr,u chk xfer addr
 leax $01,x
 beq ende2
 lda zlabel,u z
 lbsr xoute
 leax xaddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
ende2 lbsr xcrlf
ende3 lda #$01 reset flags and close files
 sta confl,u
 clr phase,u
 tst prtfl,u chk for printer output
 beq endep
 clr prtfl,u close printer file
 clr prfile,u
 leax prblok,u force last block
 lbsr fob
 bcc endpe
 lda #$02 error
 leax errprz,pcr
 ldy #errprl
 os9 I$WritLn
endpe lda prblok+iobfd+1,u close it
 clr prblok+iobfd,u
 clr prblok+iobfd+1,u
 os9 I$Close
 bcc endep
 lda #$02
 leax errprz,pcr
 ldy #errprl
 os9 I$WritLn
endep tst dskfl,u chk for disk output
 beq endex
 clr disof,u close output file
 clr dskfl,u
 clr otfile,u
 leax otblok,u force last block
 lbsr fob
 bcc endxe
 lda #$02 error
 leax errorz,pcr
 ldy #errorl
 os9 I$WritLn
endxe lda otblok+iobfd+1,u close it
 clr otblok+iobfd,u
 clr otblok+iobfd+1,u
 os9 I$Close
 bcc endex
 lda #$02
 leax errorz,pcr
 ldy #errorl
 os9 I$WritLn
endex lbra xcrlf
gnequ ldx typee,u out-of-range equ's
gneq1 stx gaddr,u
 cmpx addre,u
 beq gneqx
 ldd $00,x
 cmpd raddr,u
 beq gneq6
gneq2 blo gneq4
 cmpd caddr,u
gneq3 bls gneq6
gneq4 leax $03,x
 bra gneq1
gneq6 stx gaddr,u
 lda zulabe,u prefix u/z
 cmpa $02,x
 bne gneq7
 bsr gnpea
gneq7 ldx gaddr,u
 bra gneq4
gneqx rts
gnpea pshs a gen xxxx zxxxx equ $xxxx
 stx baddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 lda #$02
 lbsr xoute
 puls a label prefix
 lbsr xoute
 ldx baddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 leax bequb,pcr equ
 lbsr xpdat
 lda #$24 $
 lbsr xoute
 ldx baddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 lbra xcrlf
******************** cssmapdk ****************************
* this module maps an input object program on disk; the
* program code is not brought into memory from disk except
* one sector at a time; this routine builds the table
* entries to allow the location of any byte of a program
* in terms of relative byte displacement in file.
 ttl *** cssmapdk ***
 fcc "*** cssmapdk ***"
mapdk lbsr maprt map flex or OS/9 binary file
 lbsr xcrlf
mapnx leax inblok,u look for leadin code
 lbsr gnc
 lbcs maper
 lbvs mapef
 cmpa #$02 chk $02
 lbeq mapmt
 cmpa #$16 chk $16
 lbeq mapmt
 cmpa #M$ID12/256 chk $87
 bne mapnx
map87 leax inbuff,u look at buffer
 ldb M$ID+1,x chk second byte of header
 cmpd #M$ID12 chk $87cd
 lbne mapmt
 ldy M$Size,x chk module length
 lbeq mapmt
 cmpy M$Name,x chk name offset > length
 lblo mapmt
 cmpy M$Exec,x
 lbls mapmt chk xfer > length
 exg d,y
 addd M$Mem,x
 exg d,y
 lbcs mapmt chk prog + data > 64k
 ldb M$Type,x
 andb #LangMask was lanmsk chk language
 cmpb #Objct
 lbne mapmt
 ldb ,x+ chk header parity
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 eorb ,x+
 lbne mapmt
mapun dec os9flx,u OS9 binary file
 leay objhdr,u get OS9 header
 ldb #objlth
maphh sta ,y+
 leax inblok,u get a char
 lbsr gnc
 lbcs maper
 lbvs mapef
 bne maphh
 ldx obxfer,u xfer address
 stx xaddr,u
 ldx typee,u put module into table
 lda #$4d m
 sta ,x
 ldd #$0000 module start addr
 std $01,x
 std faddr,u
 std oaddr,u zero offset addr
 ldd obsize,u module end addr
 subd #$0004
 std taddr,u
 std $03,x end addr
 ldd curmod+1,u curr module start
 addd #$0001
 std $06,x
 lda curmod,u
 adca #$00
 sta $05,x
 pshs x
 leax ltext,pcr module
 lbsr xpdat
 leax lstar,pcr start=
 lbsr xpdat
 puls x
 leax $01,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 pshs x
 leax lendr,pcr end=
 lbsr xpdat
 puls x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 leax $03,x
 stx typee,u
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax ldata,pcr storage
 lbsr xpdat
 leax lstar,pcr start=
 lbsr xpdat
 ldx #$0000
 pshs x
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 leax lendr,pcr end=
 lbsr xpdat
 ldx obstor,u
 beq mapst
 leax -$01,x
mapst stx ,s
 tfr s,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 puls x
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax toblok,u
 lbsr fob
 ldy obsize,u length
 leay -(objlth+1),y
mapue leax inblok,u scan extent contents
 lbsr gnc
 lbcs maper
 lbvs mapim eof means short extent
 leay -$01,y
 bne mapue
 ldd inlrec+1,u disk address of next module
 std nxtmod+1,u
 lda inlrec,u
 sta nxtmod,u
 lbra mapef
maprd leax inblok,u look for $02 or $16 - flex
 lbsr gnc
 lbcs maper
 lbvs mapef
 cmpa #$02 chk $02
 beq mapmt
 cmpa #$16 chk $16
 bne maprd
mapmt sta worka,u have $02 or $16
 leax inblok,u get hi addr
 lbsr gnc
 lbcs maper
 lbvs mapef
 sta baddr,u hold it
 leax inblok,u get lo addr
 lbsr gnc
 lbcs maper
 lbvs mapef
 tfr a,b
 lda worka,u chk for xfer addr
 cmpa #$02
 beq map02
map16 lda baddr,u xfer addr
 std xaddr,u
 bra maprd
map02 lda baddr,u offset addr
 addd oaddr,u
 std baddr,u
 leax inblok,u
 lbsr gnc get length
 lbcs maper
 lbvs mapef
 sta worka,u
 leax inblok,u get a byte
 lbsr gnc
 lbcs maper
 lbvs mapef
 ldx typee,u put into table
 lda #$4d m
 sta ,x type
 ldd baddr,u start=end addr in table
 std $01,x
 std $03,x
 ldd inlrec,u curr locn
 std $05,x
 std caddr,u
 lda inlrec+2,u
 sta $07,x
 ldd baddr,u update start addr
mapnb cmpd faddr,u
 bhi mapff
 std faddr,u
mapff cmpd taddr,u update end addr
 bls mapgg
 std taddr,u
mapgg dec worka,u count data bytes
 beq mapmm
 leax inblok,u get a byte
 lbsr gnc
 bcs maper
 lbvs mapim eof means short extent
 ldd baddr,u
 addd #$0001
 std baddr,u
 ldx typee,u update end addr in table
 std $03,x
 bra mapnb
mapmm leax lxtnt,pcr extent start=
 lbsr xpdat
 ldx typee,u
 leax $01,x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 pshs x
 leax lendr,pcr end=
 lbsr xpdat
 puls x
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 leax $03,x
 stx typee,u complete table entry
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax toblok,u
 lbsr fob
 ldx typee,u chk for table overflow
 cmpx alimit,u
 lblo maprd
 lbsr xcrlf
 leax tabov,pcr table overflow
 lbsr xpdat
 lbsr xcrlf
 bra maprt
maper lda #$02 error
 leax errirz,pcr
 ldy #errirl
 os9 I$WritLn
maprt leax endpr,u reset table pointers
 stx types,u
 stx typee,u
 stx typem,u
 ldb #objos9 clear OS/9 header info
 leax objhdr,u
mapri clr ,x+
 bne mapri
 ldd #$ffff
 std crcacc,u
 sta crcacc+2,u
 std maddr,u
 std xaddr,u
 std faddr,u
 sta crofl,u
 addd #$0001
 std taddr,u reset end addr
 sta posfl,u clear switches
 sta equfl,u
 orcc #$01 set error flag
mapex rts
mapef ldx typee,u eof - chk for valid map
 cmpx types,u
 bne mapok
mapim leax badfil,pcr not a valid binary file
 lbsr xpdat
 bra maprt
mapok leax -$08,x chk for rmb only
 cmpx types,u
 bne map0f
 lda ,x
 cmpa #$52 r
 beq mapim
map0f ldx faddr,u check for $0000-$ffff
 bne mapko
 ldx taddr,u
 leax $01,x
 bne mapko
 ldx #$fff0 change upper bound
 stx taddr,u
mapko lbsr dmptae valid map
 andcc #$fe reset error flag
******************** cssoutcd ****************************
* this module formats the disassembled output listing and
* disk file; although the listing contains hex address,
* object code, and formatting spaces, only the actual
* disassembled source code is placed on the disk output.
 ttl *** cssoutcd ***
 fcc "*** cssoutcd ***"
outpt lda instx,u output instr
 cmpa #$4b chk ign
 bne outor
 sta dorgs,u set org flag
outor lda instx,u chk type
 bmi outfc
 cmpa #$48 h
 bne outnh
outfc leax fcbxx,u gen fcb stmt
 lbsr xpdat
 leax inst1,u
 ldb fllth,u
outhw beq outhx
 lbsr xot2h xx
 lda #$2c ,
 lbsr xoute
 lda #$24 $
 lbsr xoute
 bra outhw
outhx lbsr xot2h xx
 tst instx,u
 bpl outhy
 lbra outi7
outhy lbra xcrlf
outnh cmpa #$41
 bne outnb
 leax fdbxx,u gen fdb stmt
 lbsr xpdat
 lda zlabel,u prefix z
 tst pmode,u chk for 6809
 bpl outzx
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq outzx
 lda xlabel,u prefix x
outzx lbsr xoute z/x
 leax raddr,u
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
 bra outhy
outnb cmpa #$43 c
 bne outna
 leax fccxx,u gen fcc stmt
 lbsr xpdat
 lda fccxx+3,u fcs->fcc
 anda #$ef
 sta fccxx+3,u
 bra outhy
outna cmpa #$52 r
 bne outnr
 leax rmbes,pcr gen rmb stmt
 lbsr xpdat
 leax rmblth,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 bra outhy
outnr lda #$03 gen instruction
 lbsr xoute
 tst posfl,u chk pos-ind switch
 beq outad
 tst flabl,u chk labelled
 beq outad
 lda pmode,u chk cpu mode
 cmpa #$05
 beq outad
 cmpa #$02
 beq outad
 ldd raddr,u chk addr for within range
 cmpd eaddr,u
outab bhi outad
 cmpd faddr,u
outac bls outag
outad lbra outgi not pos-ind
outag lda flmod,u addr mode
 cmpa #$02
 blt outad
 cmpa #$04
 bgt outad
 beq outaj
outai inc flpos,u set pos-ind flag
 bra outad
outaj ldb inam4,u chk suffix
 cmpb #$73 for s,u,x,y
 blt outad
 lda inam1,u chk name
 cmpa #$63 for 'c'
 beq outam
 cmpa #$6c for 'l'
 bne outad
 ldx #$6561 ld? #addr -> lea? addr,pcr
 stx inam2,u (cc affected)
 bra outai
outam cmpb #$73 chk for suffix 's'
 beq outas
 leax lposr,pcr suffix u,x,y
 bra outat
outas leax lposs,pcr suffix s
outat lda ,x gen pos-ind code for imm
 beq outaz null=quit
 stx baddr,u save place
 cmpa #$2a *=reg
 beq outau
 cmpa #$21 !=zxxxx
 beq outav
 cmpa #$25 %=crlf
 beq outaw
 cmpa #$5b [=$03
 bne outan
 lda #$03
 bra outax
outan cmpa #$5d ]=$05
 bne outax
 lda #$05
outax lbsr xoute output
outay ldx baddr,u remember place
 leax $01,x
 bra outat
outau tfr b,a reg name
 bra outax
outav lda zulabe,u z/u
 lbsr xoute
 leax raddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 bra outay
outaw lbsr xcrlf crlf
 bra outay
outaz lbra outi6 exit
outgi leax insxx,u instr name
 lbsr xpdat
 lda #$05 tab
 lbsr xoute
 tst svcflg,u check for OS/9 call
 bpl ousw3
 leax svcend,pcr check for table overflow
 cmpx flinx,u
 bhi ousb3
ousa3 lda #$24 $ invalid
 leax inst3,u second byte
 lbsr xot2h xx
 bra ousd3
ousb3 ldx flinx,u point to name table
 lda ,x
 cmpa #$20 check validity
 beq ousa3
 ldb #(4+(2*2))
ousc3 lda ,x+
 cmpa #$20
 bls ousd3
 lbsr xoute
 bne ousc3
ousd3 lda svcflg,u reset flag
 anda #$0f
 sta svcflg,u
 lbra outi6 exit
ousw3 lda flmod,u addr mode
 ldb flinx,u instr variant byte
 cmpa #$01 chk inh
 lbne outb1
outa1 tst flspc,u chk special
 beq outj1
 lda flopc,u instr
 cmpa #$20 chk exg/tfr
 bpl outf1
 pshs b
 andb #$f0 source reg
 pshs u
 leau tfrexc,pcr
 pshs u
 addd ,s++
 puls u
 tfr d,x
 ldx ,x
 stx inam1,u
 puls b
 andb #$0f dest reg
 pshs u
 leau tfrexc,pcr
 pshs u
 addd ,s++
 puls u
 tfr d,x
 ldx ,x
 stx inam4,u
 lda #$2c ,
 sta inam3,u
 leax inam1,u output source,dest
 lbsr xpdat
 bra outh1
outj1 lda pmode,u chk cpu mode
 cmpa #$02
 bne outh1 exit if not 6502
 lda inst1,u chk instr
 anda #$9f
 cmpa #$0a
 bne outh1 for $0a,$2a,$4a,$6a
 lda #$61 accum instr
 lbsr xoute
outh1 lbra outi6 exit
outf1 cmpa #$3c chk cwai
 bne outk1
 clr inam4,u fake 8-bit imm
 stb raddr,u
 lbra outd4
outk1 lda inam4,u psh/pul
 eora #$06 exg s and u
 leax pshpul,u
 sta $02,x fix table
outl1 aslb carry=sign bit
 bcc outm1
 stx raddr,u
 ldx ,x
 stx inam4,u reg name
 leax inam4,u
 lbsr xpdat output name
 ldx raddr,u
 beq outx1
 lda #$2c ,
 lbsr xoute
outm1 leax $02,x chk for more
 bne outl1
outx1 lbra outi6 exit
outb1 cmpa #$02 chk dir
 bne outb2
outa2 tst flpos,u chk pos-ind flag
 bne outd2
 lda #$3c force dir with <
outc2 ldb pmode,u chk cpu mode
 orb crofl,u and x-asmb flag
 bpl outd2
 lbsr xoute force mode
outd2 lda zulabe,u z/u
 lbsr xoute
 leax raddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 tst flpos,u chk pos-ind flag
 beq outx2
 leax lcpcr,pcr ,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 bra outz2
outx2 lda pmode,u chk cpu mode
 cmpa #$02
 bne outz2
outw2 ldb flmod,u chk mode
 cmpb #$08
 bne outy2
 lda #$29 )
 lbsr xoute
outy2 tst inam5,u chk x/y
 beq outz2
 lda #$2c ,
 lbsr xoute
 lda inam5,u x/y
 lbsr xoute
 cmpb #$07
 bne outz2
 lda #$29 )
 lbsr xoute
outz2 lbra outi6 exit
outb2 cmpa #$03 chk ext
 bne outb3
 tst posfl,u chk pos-ind switch
 bne outd3
 lda #$3e force ext with >
outc3 bra outc2
outd3 bra outd2
outb3 cmpa #$04 chk imm
 bne outb4
outa4 tst flpos,u chk pos-ind flag
 bne outd3
outd4 lda #$23 #
 lbsr xoute
 ldb inam4,u chk suffix
 cmpb #$73 for 's'
 bge outd3
 lda #$24 $
 lbsr xoute
 leax raddr,u
 lbsr xot2h xx
 cmpb #$64 chk for 'd'
 bne outf4
 lbsr xot2h xx
outf4 lbra outi6 exit
outb4 cmpa #$05 chk inx
 lbne outb5
outa5 tst pmode,u chk cpu mode
 bpl outc5
 lbmi outd5 chk inx type
 andb #$1f r+-5bits
 bitb #$10 chk neg
 bne outg5
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq outc5
 tst pmode,u chk for 6809
 bpl outc5
 lda flreg,u chk for u-reg
 cmpa #$04
 bne outc5
 lda #$3c <
 lbra oux3v
outg5 lda #$2d -
 lbsr xoute
 orb #$f0
 andb #$0f
 bne outc5 chk $10
 ldb #$10
outc5 stb raddr,u
 clr flind,u
 lda pmode,u chk cpu mode
 cmpa #$05
 bne oupt0
 tst crofl,u chk x-asmb flag
 beq outf5
 lda #$3c <
 lbsr xoute
outf5 lda zulabe,u z/u
 lbsr xoute
 lda #$30 0
 lbsr xoute
 bra oupta
oupt0 lda #$24 $
oupta lbsr xoute
 leax raddr,u xx
 lbsr xot2h
oupt1 lda #$2c ,
 lbsr xoute
 tst flmin,u chk auto-decr
 beq oupt3
oupt2 lda #$2d -
 lbsr xoute
 dec flmin,u
 bne oupt2
oupt3 ldb flreg,u reg name
 pshs u
 leau tfrexc,pcr
 pshs u
 addd ,s++
 puls u
 tfr d,x
 ldx $02,x
 stx inam4,u
oupt4 leax inam4,u
 lbsr xpdat output reg name
 tst flpls,u chk auto-incr
 beq oupt6
oupt5 lda #$2b +
 lbsr xoute
 dec flpls,u
 bne oupt5
oupt6 tst flind,u chk indir
 beq oupt9
 lda #$5d ]
 lbsr xoute
oupt9 lbra outi6 exit
outd5 tst flind,u chk indir
 beq oute5
 lda #$5b [
 lbsr xoute
oute5 andb #$0f addr mode field
 bne oux0z ,r+
oux0a inc flpls,u
 bra oupt1
oux0z cmpb #$01
 bne oux1z ,r++
oux1a inc flpls,u
 bra oux0a
oux1z cmpb #$02
 bne oux2z ,-r
oux2a inc flmin,u
 bra oupt1
oux2z cmpb #$03
 bne oux3z ,--r
oux3a inc flmin,u
 bra oux2a
oux3z cmpb #$04
 bne oux4z ,r
 ldx #$0000
 stx raddr,u
 lda #$3c <
oux3u tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq oux3y
 tst pmode,u chk for 6809
 bpl oux3y
 ldb flreg,u chk for u-reg
 cmpb #$04
 bne oux3y
oux3v tst crofl,u chk x-asmb flag
 beq oux3x
 tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq oux3x
 tst pmode,u chk for 6809
 bpl oux3x
 ldb flreg,u chk for u-reg
 cmpb #$04
 beq oux3x
 tst flind,u chk for [ and </>
 bne oux3x
 lbsr xoute < or >
oux3x lda zulabe,u z/u
 lbsr xoute
 leax raddr,u
 lbsr xot4h xxxx
oux3y lbra oupt1
oux4z cmpb #$05
 bne oux5z b,r
oux5a lda #$62
oux5b lbsr xoute
 lbra oupt1
oux5z cmpb #$06
 bne oux6z a,r
oux6a lda #$61
 bra oux5b
oux6z cmpb #$08
 bne oux8z r+-8bits
oux8a tst raddr,u chk neg
 bpl oux8c
 lda #$2d -
 lbsr xoute
 neg raddr,u
oux8b lbra oupt0
oux8c tst os9flx,u chk for OS/9
 beq oux8b
 tst pmode,u chk for 6809
 bpl oux8b
 lda flreg,u chk for u-reg
 cmpa #$04
 bne oux8b
 lda #$3c <
 bra oux3v
oux8z cmpb #$09
 bne oux9z r+-16bits
oux9c tst os9flx,u chk for os/9
 beq oux9a
 tst pmode,u chk for 6809
 bpl oux9a
 lda flreg,u chk for u-reg
 cmpa #$04
 bne oux9a
 lda #$3e >
 lbra oux3v
oux9a lda #$24 $
oux9b lbsr xoute
 leax raddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 lbra oupt1
oux9z cmpb #$0b
 bne ouxbz d,r
ouxba lda #$64 d
 bra oux5b
ouxbz cmpb #$0c
 bne ouxcz pcr+-8bits
 lda #$3c <
ouxca tst crofl,u chk x-asmb flag
 beq ouxcb
 tst posfl,u chk pos-ind flag
 bne ouxcb
 lbsr xoute
ouxcb lda zulabe,u z/u
 lbsr xoute
 leax raddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 leax lcpcr,pcr ,pcr
 lbsr xpdat
 lbra oupt6
ouxcz cmpb #$0d
 bne ouxdz pcr+-16bits
 lda #$3e >
 bra ouxca
ouxdz cmpb #$0f
 bne ouxfz ext ind
ouxfa lda zulabe,u z/u
 lbsr xoute
 leax raddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
 lbra oupt6
ouxfz bra outi6 exit
outb5 cmpa #$06 chk rel
 lbeq outd2
outb6 ldb pmode,u chk cpu mode
 cmpb #$02
 bne outc6
 lda #$28 (
 lbsr xoute
 lbra outd2
outc6 cmpa #$07 chk ix0
 lbeq oupt1
outb7 cmpa #$08 chk ix2
 bne outb8
 tst crofl,u chk x-asmb flag
 beq outf7
 lda #$3e >
 lbsr xoute
outf7 lda zulabe,u z/u
 lbra oux9b
outb8 cmpa #$0b chk btb,bsc
 bpl outi6
 tfr a,b
 lda flopc,u get bit number
 anda #$0f
 adda #$30 add ascii 0
 lbsr xoute
 lda #$2c ,
 lbsr xoute
 lda zulabe,u z/u
 lbsr xoute
 lda #$30 00
 lbsr xoute
 lbsr xoute
 leax inst2,u xx
 lbsr xot2h
 lda flmod,u chk mode
 cmpa #$0a
 beq outi6
 lda #$2c ,
 lbsr xoute
 lda zulabe,u z/u
 lbsr xoute
 leax zaddr,u xxxx
 lbsr xot4h
outi6 lda instx,u chk print ascii
 cmpa #$4a
 bne outi9
outi7 lda #$06 print characters
 lbsr xoute
 leax inst1,u
 ldb fllth,u
outi8 lda ,x+ print printables
 anda #$7f
 cmpa #$1f
 bls pral1
 cmpa #maxprn
 bls pral2
pral1 lda #$2e .
pral2 lbsr xoute
 bpl outi8
outi9 lbra xcrlf
******************** cssxiort ****************************
* this module contains the i/o handlers which interface
* with the primitive OS/9 i/o routines; they are
* necessary in order to control the diversion of input and
* output from and to disk terminal.
 ttl *** cssxiort ***
 fcc "*** cssxiort ***"
xbadr bsr xbyte input four hex char into x
 sta baddr,u
 bsr xbyte
 sta baddr+1,u
 ldx baddr,u
xbyte pshs b input 2 hex char into a
 lbsr xnhex
 pshs a
 lbsr xnhex
 adda ,s+
 puls b,pc
xinee lda #$01 normal input (getchr)
 sta escswt,u
 sts saves,u
 bsr xinpt
 clr escswt,u
xinpt pshs b,x,y input one char to a
 tst getfl,u chk get flag
 beq xinen
xinpg leax axblok,u get a char from disk
 lbsr gnc
 bcs xinpe chk error
 bvs xineo chk eof
 bra xineg ok
xinpe lda #$02 error
 leax errarz,pcr
 ldy #errarl
 os9 I$WritLn
xineo lbsr stopin reset get flag
 lda #$0d cr for eof
xineg anda #$7f strip parity
 cmpa #$0d chk cr
 beq xinef
 cmpa #$20 chk printable
 bls xinpg ignore cntrl
 cmpa #maxprn
 bhi xinef
 lbsr xoutet echo input
 bra xinef
xinen leax toblok,u from terminal
 lbsr fob force output
 leax tiblok,u
 lbsr gnc
 bcs xinep chk error
 bvs xineq chk eof
 bra xinek ok
xinep lda #$02 error
 leax errirz,pcr
 ldy #errirl
 os9 I$WritLn
 bra xineq
xinek cmpa #$03 chk ctrl-c
 bne xinef
 tst scfwkg+PD.EKO-PD.OPT,u chk for screen I/O
 beq xinef
 tst noecho,u chk echo flag
 bne xinef
 clr escswt,u
 lbra askin
xineq clr escswt,u abort
 lbra fexeof force exit
xinef puls b,x,y,pc restore and return
xnhex lbsr xinee input 1 hex char to a
xnhe9 cmpa #$5f
 bls xnhe8
 anda #$5f change case
xnhe8 cmpa #$20 chk for space
 beq xnhex ignore
 suba #$30
 blo xnhe2
 cmpa #$09
 ble xnhe1
 cmpa #$11
 blo xnhe2
 cmpa #$16
 bgt xnhe2
 suba #$07
xnhe1 rts
xnhe2 clr escswt,u invalid hex
 lbsr stopin reset get flag
 lbra askin get out
xpdaa bsr xoute
xpdat lda ,x+ print to $04 from x
 cmpa #$04
 bne xpdaa
xothl lsra print left hex digit in a
xothr anda #$0f print right hex digit in a
 adda #$30
 cmpa #$39
 bls xoth1
 adda #$07
xoth1 bra xoute
xot4h bsr xot2h print 4 hex char from x
xot2h lda ,x print 2 hex char from x
 bsr xothl
 lda ,x+
 bra xothr
xot4s bsr xot2h print 4 hex from x & space
xot2s bsr xot2h print 2 hex from x & space
xouts lda #$20 print 1 space
xoute pshs d,x,y normal output (putchr)
 ldb #$02 set escape switch
 stb escswt,u
 sts saves,u
 bsr xoutp
xoutex clr escswt,u
 puls d,x,y,pc
xcrlf clr column,u crlf
 lda #$0d cr
 bra xoute
xoutp pshs d output char in a
 tst noecho,u chk echo flag
 bne xotpx
 beq xotpx nulls
 anda #$7f
 cmpa #$20 chk for cntl
 blo xotpd
 inc column,u count printables
xotpa bsr xouted output to disk
xotpb lbsr xoutep output to printer
xotpc lbsr xoutet output to terminal
 bra xotpx
xotpd cmpa #$0d chk cr
 bne xotpe
 clr column,u clear column number
 bra xotpa
xotpe tsta chk ctrls
 beq xotpb nulls ($80)
 cmpa #$0a chk lf
 beq xotpc
 cmpa #$07 chk bell
 beq xotpc
 bpl xotpx other cntls
 ldb #$05 chk tabs
 beq xotpt
 ldb #$11
 beq xotpt
 ldb #$17
 beq xotpt
 ldb #$21
 beq xotpt
 beq xotpt
 ldb #$2e
xotpt lda #$20 space
xotpu inc column,u
 lbsr xoutep
 bsr xoutet
 cmpb column,u
 bhi xotpu
 bsr xouted
xotpx puls d,pc
xouted tst dskfl,u output to disk
 beq xoutxd
 pshs d,x
 ldb comand,u
 cmpb #$44 chk d
 bne xoutdo
 cmpa #$0d cr
 beq xoutdo
 ldb column,u
 cmpb #$12 chk column
 blo xoutdx
xoutdo leax otblok,u put a char
 lbsr pnc
 bcc xoutdx chk error
 lda #$02 error
 leax errorz,pcr
 ldy #errorl
 os9 I$WritLn
 clr dskfl,u stop disk output
 ldb comand,u
 cmpb #$44 chk d
 bne xoutdx
 lds stkadr,u abort
 lbra ende3
xoutdx puls d,x
xoutxd rts
xoutet pshs d,x output to terminal
 tst confl,u
 beq xoutxt
 leax toblok,u terminal output
 lbsr pnc
 bcc xouttx
 lda #$02 error
 leax errorz,pcr
 ldy #errorl
 os9 I$WritLn
 lbsr ende3 close files
 lbsr stopin stop auxiliary input
 clr escswt,u
 lbra askin abort
xouttx cmpa scfwkg+PD.EOR-PD.OPT,u cr
 bne xoutxt
 lbsr fob
xoutxt puls d,x,pc
xoutep pshs d,x output to terminal
 tst prtfl,u
 beq xoutxp
 leax prblok,u printer output
 lbsr pnc
 bcc xoutpx
 lda #$02 error
 leax errprz,pcr
 ldy #errprl
 os9 I$WritLn
 lbsr ende3 close files
 lbsr stopin stop auxiliary input
 clr escswt,u
 lbra askin abort
xoutpx cmpa scfwkg+PD.EOR-PD.OPT,u cr
 bne xoutxp
 lbsr fob force output
xoutxp puls d,x,pc
xcrlr tst escswt,u esc return point
 bne xcrrr
xcrlra leax xcrlrb,pcr
 stx $0a,s
 clr escswt,u reset escape switch
xcrlrb lbsr fixesc fix escape
 lbra askin esc from most places
xcrrr dec escswt,u
 bne xcrr2
 leax xcrrra,pcr
 stx $0a,s
xcrrra lbsr fixesc fix escape
 lbra askin esc from input
xcrr2 dec escswt,u
 bne xcrr3
 tst phase,u check phase
 beq xcrr2b
 clr confl,u reset terminal flag
 leax xcrr2a,pcr abort
 stx $0a,s
xcrr2a lbsr fixesc fix escape
 lds stkadr,u reset stack
 lbra ende3 close files
xcrr2b lbra xoutex esc from output
xcrr3 dec escswt,u
 bne xcrlra
 leax xcrr3a,pcr abort
 stx $0a,s
xcrr3a lbsr fixesc fix escape
 lds stkadr,u reset stack
 lbra doscoy esc from OS/9 call
* blocked i/o routines
* gnc - get next char
* entry - x=i/o block pointer
* exit - cs if error, d=error
*        cc if no error
*        vs if eof
*        if cc and vc, a=char
* preserves all other registers
gnc pshs b,y
 ldd iobcc,x get remaining char count
 bne gnc1 if chars left
gnc0 lda iobfd+1,x a=file descriptor
 ldy iobbl,x buffer length
 ldb iobfc,x function code
 pshs x
 ldx iobba,x buffer address
 cmpb #read
 beq gncrw
 os9 I$ReadLn reload buffer edited
 bra gncrd
gncrw tsta check for terminal read
 bne gncrt
 ldy #$0001 one byte only
gncrt os9 I$Read reload buffer raw
gncrd puls x
 bcs gnc4 if error
 sty iobcc,x save char count
 beq gnc3 if eof
 ldd iobba,x reset char pointer
 std iobca,x
 ldd iobcc,x d=char count
gnc1 subd #$0001 count chars
 std iobcc,x
 leay inblok,u chk for macro file
 pshs y
 cmpx ,s++
 bne gnc2
 ldd inlrec+1,u compute relative byte address
 addd #$0001
 std inlrec+1,u
 lda inlrec,u
 adca #$00
 sta inlrec,u
gnc2 ldy iobca,x get char
 lda ,y+
 sty iobca,x update char pointer
 clrb cc, vc
 puls b,y,pc
gnc3 orcc #$02 vs for eof
 puls b,y,pc
gnc4 cmpb #E$EOF check error
 beq gnc3 for eof
 orcc #$01 cs
 leas $01,s remove b
 puls y,pc cs, d=error
* pnc - put next character
* entry - a=char,x=i/o block pointer
* exit - cc if no error, a=char
*        cs if error, d=error
pnc pshs a,b,y
 ldd iobcc,x get remaining count
 bne pnc1 if room
 lda iobfd+1,x a=file descriptor
 ldb iobfc,x function code
 ldy iobbl,x buffer length
 pshs x
 ldx iobba,x buffer address
 cmpb #write
 beq pncrw
 os9 I$WritLn dump buffer edited
 bra pncwt
pncrw os9 I$Write dump buffer raw
pncwt puls x
 bcs pnc3 if error
pnc0 ldd iobba,x update char pointer
 std iobca,x
 ldd iobbl,x d=new size
pnc1 subd #$0001 count chars
 std iobcc,x update count
 ldy iobca,x store char
 puls a
 sta ,y+
 sty iobca,x update char pointer
pnc2 puls b,y,pc
pnc3 leas 2,s remove a and b
 orcc #$01 cs, error
 puls y,pc cs, d=error
* fob - flush output buffer
* entry - x=i/o block pointer
* exit - cs if error
fob pshs d,y
 ldd iobbl,x get buffer size
 subd iobcc,x determine char count
 beq fob1 if empty
 tfr d,y set char count to write
 lda iobfd+1,x a=file descriptor
 ldb iobfc,x function code
 pshs x
 ldx iobba,x buffer address
 cmpb #write
 beq fobrw
 os9 I$WritLn dump buffer edited
 bra fobwt
fobrw os9 I$Write dump buffer raw
fobwt puls x
 bcs fob2 if error
fob0 ldd iobba,x update char pointer
 std iobca,x
fob1 ldd iobbl,x restore buffer size
 std iobcc,x reset avail counter
 clra clear errors
 puls d,y,pc return
fob2 leas 2,s remove a and b
 orcc #$01 cs, error
 puls y,pc cs, d=error
******************** cssconst ****************************
* this module consists of most constants used by the
* disassembler during its processing of object code; it
* also contains text for the menu and the address table
* used by the command interpreter to vector single-letter
* commands to the corresponding routines.
 ttl *** cssconst ***
 fcc "*** cssconst ***"
idlin fcc "OS/9 Super Sleuth (CC) "
 fcb $04
 fcc " c1982 by CSC, Conyers GA 30207"
 fcb $04
 fcc " enter ? for help"
 fcb $04,$00
helps fcc " operational commands:"
 fcb $04
 fcc "  d/v-disassemble/view program"
 fcb $04
 fcc "  f-exit to OS/9"
 fcb $04
 fcc "  q/m-query/modify object code"
 fcb $04
 fcc "  t-fill addresses with value"
 fcb $04
 fcc "  u-enter OS/9 command"
 fcb $04
 fcc "  w-write new object code path"
 fcb $04
 fcc "  y-find hex string in code"
 fcb $04
 fcc " address range commands:"
 fcb $04
 fcc "  a=fdb,c=fcc,h=fcb,i=instr,"
 fcc "j=instr+chr,k=kill,r=rmb"
 fcb $04
 fcc " mode change commands:"
 fcb $04
croil equ *+8
 fcc "  b-flip x-assembler switch"
 fcb $04
equil equ *+8
 fcc "  e-flip separate-label switch"
 fcb $04
posil equ *+8
 fcc "  p-flip position-ind. switch"
 fcb $04
cpuil equ *+10
 fcc "  z-change cpu mode"
 fcb $04
 fcc " miscellaneous commands:"
 fcb $04
 fcc "  g-specify auxiliary i/o path"
 fcb $04
 fcc "  l-list control information"
 fcb $04
 fcc "  n-new range or memory module"
 fcb $04
offil equ *+7
 fcc "  o-set offset load value "
 fcb $04
disim equ *+11
 fcc "  s-specify input path "
 fcb $07,$04
lxfer equ *+7
 fcc "  x-set xfer-address "
 fcb $07,$04,$00
shotab fcc "     "
 fcc ".0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 "
 fcb $04
 fcc ".8 .9 .a .b .c .d .e .f "
 fcb $04
shota1 fcc " 01234567"
 fcb $04
 fcc "89abcdef"
 fcb $04
shota2 fcc "/start/=</end/=>"
 fcc "/adr=!/chr=#/hex=(/ins=)/inc=*/kil=+/rmb="
 fcb $22
 fcc "/scrn/quit/prev/addr/ ?"
 fcb $00
loss9 fcc " OS/9"
 fcb $04
lflex fcc " Flex"
 fcb $04
phace fcc " Phase "
 fcb $07,$04
disom fcc " output path name "
 fcb $07,$04
prtnm fcc " printer path name "
 fcb $07,$04
altnm fcc " auxiliary"
 fcb $07,$04
lenter fcc " enter"
 fcc " p(printer), t(terminal),"
 fcc " b(both), n(no output) "
 fcb $07,$04
lmode fcc " 0=6800/2/8,1=6801/3,2=6502,5=[14]6805,9=6809 "
 fcb $04
lon fcc " on"
 fcb $04
loff fcc " off"
 fcb $04
ltext fcc "module "
 fcb $04
ldata fcc "storage"
 fcb $04
lxtnt fcc "extent "
lstar fcc " start="
 fcb $04
lendr fcc " end="
 fcb $04
lvalue fcc " value="
 fcb $04
vshell fcs "shell"
badfil fcc " bad format!"
 fcb $07,$04
tabov fcc " table overflow!"
 fcb $07,$04
invrg fcc " bad range!"
beeps fcb $07,$04 bell
errirz fcc "error on input path"
errirl equ *-errirz+1
 fcb $07,$04
errorz fcc "error on output path"
errorl equ *-errorz+1
 fcb $07,$04
errarz fcc "error on auxiliary path"
errarl equ *-errarz+1
 fcb $07,$04
errprz fcc "error on printer path"
errprl equ *-errprz+1
 fcb $07,$04
errexc fcc "error in OS/9 call"
errexl equ *-errexc+1
 fcb $07,$04
bequb fcb $03
 fcc "equ"
 fcb $05,$04
bequa fcc "*+"
 fcb $04
orges fcb $03
 fcc "org"
 fcb $05,$24,$04 $
rmbes fcb $03
 fcc "rmb"
 fcb $05,$24,$04 $
sysdef fcb $03
 fcc "ifp1"
 fcb $0d,$03
 fcc "use"
 fcb $05
 fcc "/DD/DEFS/"
 fcc "defsfile" level 1.2/2.x
 fcb $0d,$03
 fcc "endc"
 fcb $0d,$03
 fcc "ttl Code by CSC OS/9 Super Sleuth3 "
 fcb $0d
lverso fcb $02
 fcc "verson"
 fcb $03
 fcc "equ"
 fcb $05,$24,$30,$04 $0
lnamem fcb $02
 fcc "namemd"
 fcb $03
 fcc "equ"
 fcb $05,$04
lxfera fcb $02
 fcc "xferad"
 fcb $03
 fcc "equ"
 fcb $05,$04
lmodul fcc "0000"
 fcb $03
 fcc "mod"
 fcb $05
 fcc "endmod,namemd,"
 fcb $04
llangs fcc "+Objct,"
 fcb $04
lreent fcc "ReEnt+"
 fcb $04
lversi fcc "verson,xferad,endmem"
 fcb $04
lemmod fcb $02
 fcc "endmem"
 fcb $04,$03
 fcc "equ"
 fcb $05,$2e,$04 .
endos9 fcb $03
 fcc "emod"
 fcb $0d,$02
 fcc "endmod equ"
 fcb $05,$2a,$0d,$04 *
endes fcb $03
 fcc "end"
 fcb $05,$04
lcpcr fcc ",pcr" ,pcr
 fcb $04
lposr fcc "pshs]*,a,b%"
 fcc "[lea*](($ffff-(!))+1),pcr%"
 fcc "[tfr]*,d%"
 fcc "[addd]2,s%"
 fcc "[puls]*,a,b"
 fcb $00
lposs fcc "pshs]u,a,b%"
 fcc "[leau]($fffa-(!)),pcr%"
 fcc "[pshs]u%"
 fcc "[tfr]s,d%"
 fcc "[addd],s++%"
 fcc "[puls]u,a,b"
 fcb $00
ltypes fcb $04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04
 fcc "Prgrm"
 fcb $04,$04,$04
 fcc "Sbrtn"
 fcb $04,$04,$04
 fcc "Multi"
 fcb $04,$04,$04
 fcc "Data"
 fcb $04,$04,$04,$04
 fcb $04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04
 fcb $04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04
 fcb $04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04
 fcb $04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04
 fcb $04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04
 fcb $04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04
 fcb $04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04
 fcc "Systm"
 fcb $04,$04,$04
 fcc "FlMgr"
 fcb $04,$04,$04
 fcc "Drivr"
 fcb $04,$04,$04
 fcc "Devic"
 fcb $04
predef equ *
pfcbxx fcb $03
 fcc "fcb"
 fcb $05,$24,$04 $
pfccxx fcb $03
 fcc "fcc"
 fcb $05,$22 "
pinst1 fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00
 fcc "                                "
pfdbxx fcb $03
 fcc "fdb"
 fcb $05,$04
pzlabel fcb $7a,$04 z
pulabel fcb $75,$04 u
pxlabel fcb $78,$04 x
plnames fcc " title   "
 fcb $04
pnames fcb $03
 fcc "nam"
 fcb $05
 fcc "                                "
ploptes fcc " options "
 fcb $04
poptes fcb $03
 fcc "opt"
 fcb $05
 fcc "                                "
* pshpul contains 6809 reg names for psh and pul
ppshpu fcb $70,$63,$73,$00,$79,$00,$78,$00 pc s  y  x
 fcb $64,$70,$62,$00,$61,$00,$63,$63 dp b  a  cc
preend equ *
* ifeq h6309-1
* wpshpu cintains 6309 reg name for pshxw and pulxw
* fcb $77,$00 w 
*wpshend equ *
* ldst309 contains reg names for 6309 load store ops
*ldst309 fcb $77,$00,$71,$00,$66,$00,$65,$00 w q f e
*ldstend equ *
* endc
** command table for command interpreter
coman equ * command table
 fdb helpme-coman ?
 fdb gtype-coman a
 fdb fcrof-coman b
 fdb gtype-coman c
 fdb disas-coman d
 fdb fequf-coman e
 fdb fexit-coman f
 fdb auxino-coman g
 fdb gtype-coman h
 fdb gtype-coman i
 fdb gtype-coman j
 fdb gtype9-coman k
 fdb dmptab-coman l
 fdb examin-coman m
 fdb newrng-coman n
 fdb oload-coman o
 fdb fposf-coman p
 fdb showaa-coman q
 fdb gtype9-coman r
 fdb diskd-coman s
 fdb fillup-coman t
 fdb doscom-coman u
 fdb disas-coman v
 fdb writem-coman w
 fdb sxfer-coman x
 fdb findst-coman y
 fdb setmod-coman z
******************** cssparam ****************************
* this module must be selected by the user to provide the
* details of the terminal to be used; comments in the
* module provide the required information to be entered.
 ttl *** cssparam ***
 fcc "*** cssparam ***"
* lead1 & lead2 should contain the hex ascii
* value of the leadin character(s) of multiple
* character control sequences such as those used
* on heath h-19 or swtpc ct-82 terminals.
* if multiple char. sequences are not required
* set leadin, lead1, & lead2 all to zero.
* if only one leadin char is required, set lead2 to zero.
leadin equ 0 number of leadin char in control sequence
lead1 equ $00 leadin char 1
lead2 equ $00 leadin char 2
maxprn equ $7e max printable char
clrscn fcb $0c,$00,$00
homeup fcb $01,$00,$00
upcur fcb $09,$00,$00
dncur fcb $0a,$00,$00
lfcur fcb $08,$00,$00
rtcur fcb $06,$00,$00
curson fcb $00,$00,$00
******************** csstable ****************************
* this module contains the tables used by the disassembler
* in order to decode the operation codes and to associate
* the mnemonic names with them.
 ttl *** csstable ***
 fcc "*** csstable ***"
* optabx represents 680x&6502 opcode names as three
* 5-bit fields packed together and also contains
* a 1-bit flag for special operations.
optab0 equ * 6800/1 opcodes
 fcb $08,$80,$09,$06,$09,$08,$0b,$88
 fcb $0c,$c0,$0c,$d8,$0c,$e4,$10,$c0
 fcb $11,$62,$11,$ca,$11,$e8,$12,$00
 fcb $12,$68,$13,$00,$13,$0a,$13,$28
 fcb $13,$40,$13,$8a,$14,$00,$14,$80
 fcb $14,$e4,$15,$80,$18,$80,$1b,$00
 fcb $1b,$24,$1b,$60,$1b,$da,$1c,$00
 fcb $20,$40,$21,$40,$21,$46,$2b,$e4
 fcb $4b,$80,$4b,$86,$53,$60,$54,$e4
 fcb $61,$00,$61,$02,$64,$e4,$6d,$40
 fcb $71,$4e,$73,$e0,$7c,$82,$84,$d0
 fcb $85,$58,$93,$c0,$93,$d8,$93,$e4
 fcb $95,$00,$98,$80,$98,$86,$99,$40
 fcb $9d,$00,$9d,$02,$9d,$44,$9d,$c0
 fcb $a0,$40,$a0,$60,$a0,$80,$a4,$00
 fcb $a4,$c0,$a4,$e8,$a6,$00,$b8,$40
optab2 equ * 6502 opcodes
 fcb $09,$06,$0b,$88,$0c,$d8,$10,$c6
 fcb $10,$e6,$11,$62,$12,$68,$13,$52
 fcb $13,$8a,$14,$18,$14,$96,$15,$86
 fcb $15,$a6,$1b,$06,$1b,$08,$1b,$12
 fcb $1b,$2c,$1b,$60,$1c,$30,$1c,$32
 fcb $21,$46,$21,$70,$21,$72,$2b,$e4
 fcb $4b,$86,$4b,$b0,$4b,$b2,$53,$60
 fcb $54,$e4,$61,$02,$61,$30,$61,$32
 fcb $64,$e4,$73,$e0,$7c,$82,$82,$02
 fcb $82,$20,$83,$02,$83,$20,$93,$d8
 fcb $93,$e4,$95,$12,$95,$26,$98,$86
 fcb $99,$46,$99,$48,$99,$52,$9d,$02
 fcb $9d,$30,$9d,$32,$a0,$70,$a0,$72
 fcb $a4,$f0,$a6,$02,$a6,$26,$a6,$42
optab5 equ * [14]6805 opcodes
 fcb $09,$06,$09,$08,$0b,$88,$0c,$e4
 fcb $10,$c6,$10,$e6,$11,$62,$12,$06
 fcb $12,$12,$12,$50,$12,$58,$12,$68
 fcb $13,$26,$13,$46,$13,$52,$13,$66
 fcb $13,$8a,$14,$18,$14,$82,$14,$9c
 fcb $14,$e4,$1b,$06,$1b,$12,$1b,$24
 fcb $1b,$60,$1b,$da,$1c,$30,$21,$46
 fcb $2b,$e4,$4b,$86,$53,$60,$54,$e4
 fcb $61,$02,$61,$30,$64,$d8,$64,$e4
 fcb $71,$4e,$73,$e0,$7c,$82,$93,$d8
 fcb $93,$e4,$94,$e0,$95,$12,$95,$26
 fcb $98,$86,$99,$46,$99,$52,$99,$68
 fcb $9d,$02,$9d,$1e,$9d,$30,$9d,$44
 fcb $9d,$d2,$a0,$70,$a4,$e8,$a6,$02
 fcb $b8,$52
optab9 equ * 6809 opcodes
 fcb $08,$b0,$09,$06,$09,$08,$0b,$88
 fcb $0c,$d8,$0c,$e4,$10,$c6,$10,$e6
 fcb $11,$62,$11,$ca,$11,$e8,$12,$12
 fcb $12,$68,$13,$0a,$13,$26,$13,$28
 fcb $13,$52,$13,$8a,$14,$18,$14,$82
 fcb $14,$9c,$14,$e4,$15,$86,$15,$a6
 fcb $1b,$24,$1b,$60,$1b,$da,$1d,$c3
 fcb $20,$42,$21,$46,$2b,$e4,$2e,$0f
 fcb $4b,$86,$53,$60,$54,$e4,$61,$00
 fcb $61,$42,$64,$e4,$6d,$58,$71,$4e
 fcb $73,$e0,$7c,$80,$84,$d1,$85,$59
 fcb $93,$d8,$93,$e4,$95,$12,$95,$26
 fcb $98,$86,$99,$70,$9d,$00,$9d,$44
 fcb $9d,$d2,$9e,$5c,$a1,$a5,$a4,$e8
* suftax contains 680x suffixes for instr names
suftb5 fcb $00,$00,$61,$00,$63,$00,$73,$00 nu a  c  s
 fcb $70,$00,$74,$00,$78,$00,$79,$00 p  t  x  y
suftb9 fcb $00,$00,$61,$00,$62,$00,$63,$00 nu a  b  c
 fcb $63,$63,$64,$00,$69,$00,$6c,$00 cc d  i  l
 fcb $73,$00,$75,$00,$78,$00,$79,$00 s  u  x  y
 fcb $4e,$00,$32,$00,$33,$00,$76,$00 n  2  3  v
* tfrexc contains 6809 reg names for tfr and exc
tfrexc fcb $64,$00,$78,$00,$79,$00,$75,$00 d  x  y  u
 fcb $73,$00,$70,$63,$00,$00,$00,$00 s  pc nu nu
 fcb $61,$00,$62,$00,$63,$63,$64,$70 a  b  cc dp
* intab0 represents 6800 instructions
* as 2-byte fields, as followso
* byte 1 bits 0-5: pointer to optab0
*        bits 6-7  length
* byte 2 bits 0-3: suffix
*                  (sp,a,b,cc,d,i,l,s,u,x,y,1,2,3)
*        bit 4:    6801 flag
*        bits 5-7: mode (inh,dir,ext,imm,inx,rel)
intab0 equ *
 fcb $00,$00,$a5,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00 00
 fcb $99,$59,$15,$59,$e5,$01,$ed,$11 04
 fcb $81,$a1,$75,$a1,$5d,$f1,$cd,$f1 08
 fcb $5d,$31,$cd,$31,$5d,$61,$cd,$61 0c
 fcb $c5,$11,$59,$11,$00,$00,$00,$00 10
 fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$e1,$21,$e9,$11 14
 fcb $00,$00,$71,$11,$00,$00,$01,$11 18
 fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 1c
 fcb $4e,$16,$4e,$ce,$2e,$66,$36,$86 20
 fcb $1e,$36,$1e,$86,$46,$06,$22,$06 24
 fcb $56,$36,$56,$86,$4a,$76,$42,$66 28
 fcb $26,$06,$3e,$06,$2a,$06,$3a,$06 2c
 fcb $f1,$a1,$81,$81,$b1,$11,$b1,$21 30
 fcb $75,$81,$f9,$81,$ad,$11,$ad,$21 34
 fcb $b1,$a9,$c1,$81,$01,$a9,$c1,$61 38
 fcb $ad,$a9,$9d,$79,$fd,$61,$dd,$61 3c
 fcb $a1,$11,$00,$00,$00,$00,$69,$11 40
 fcb $99,$11,$00,$00,$bd,$11,$19,$11 44
 fcb $15,$11,$b9,$11,$79,$11,$00,$00 48
 fcb $85,$11,$f5,$11,$00,$00,$61,$11 4c
 fcb $a1,$21,$00,$00,$00,$00,$69,$21 50
 fcb $99,$21,$00,$00,$bd,$21,$19,$21 54
 fcb $15,$21,$b9,$21,$79,$21,$00,$00 58
 fcb $85,$21,$f5,$21,$00,$00,$61,$21 5c
 fcb $a2,$05,$00,$00,$00,$00,$6a,$05 60
 fcb $9a,$05,$00,$00,$be,$05,$1a,$05 64
 fcb $12,$75,$b6,$75,$76,$35,$00,$00 68
 fcb $82,$35,$f6,$05,$8a,$05,$62,$05 6c
 fcb $a3,$03,$00,$00,$00,$00,$6b,$03 70
 fcb $9b,$03,$00,$00,$bf,$03,$1b,$03 74
 fcb $13,$73,$b7,$73,$77,$33,$00,$00 78
 fcb $83,$33,$f7,$03,$8b,$03,$63,$03 7c
 fcb $da,$14,$66,$14,$ca,$14,$db,$54 80
 fcb $0e,$14,$32,$14,$96,$14,$00,$00 84
 fcb $7e,$14,$06,$14,$aa,$14,$0a,$14 88
 fcb $6f,$a4,$52,$06,$93,$84,$00,$00 8c
 fcb $da,$12,$66,$12,$ca,$12,$da,$5a 90
 fcb $0e,$12,$32,$12,$96,$12,$d6,$12 94
 fcb $7e,$12,$06,$12,$aa,$12,$0a,$12 98
 fcb $6e,$a2,$8e,$0a,$92,$82,$d2,$82 9c
 fcb $da,$15,$66,$15,$ca,$15,$da,$5d a0
 fcb $0e,$15,$32,$15,$96,$15,$d6,$15 a4
 fcb $7e,$15,$06,$15,$aa,$15,$0a,$15 a8
 fcb $6e,$a5,$8e,$05,$92,$85,$d2,$85 ac
 fcb $db,$13,$67,$13,$cb,$13,$db,$5b b0
 fcb $0f,$13,$33,$13,$97,$13,$d7,$13 b4
 fcb $7f,$13,$07,$13,$ab,$13,$0b,$13 b8
 fcb $6f,$a3,$8f,$03,$93,$83,$d3,$83 bc
 fcb $da,$24,$66,$24,$ca,$24,$0b,$5c c0
 fcb $0e,$24,$32,$24,$96,$24,$00,$00 c4
 fcb $7e,$24,$06,$24,$aa,$24,$0a,$24 c8
 fcb $93,$5c,$00,$00,$93,$a4,$00,$00 cc
 fcb $da,$22,$66,$22,$ca,$22,$0a,$5a d0
 fcb $0e,$22,$32,$22,$96,$22,$d6,$22 d4
 fcb $7e,$22,$06,$22,$aa,$22,$0a,$22 d8
 fcb $92,$5a,$d2,$5a,$92,$a2,$d2,$a2 dc
 fcb $da,$25,$66,$25,$ca,$25,$0a,$5d e0
 fcb $0e,$25,$32,$25,$96,$25,$d6,$25 e4
 fcb $7e,$25,$06,$25,$aa,$25,$0a,$25 e8
 fcb $92,$5d,$d2,$5d,$92,$a5,$d2,$a5 ec
 fcb $db,$23,$67,$23,$cb,$23,$0b,$53 f0
 fcb $0f,$23,$33,$23,$97,$23,$d7,$23 f4
 fcb $7f,$23,$07,$23,$ab,$23,$0b,$23 f8
 fcb $93,$5b,$d3,$5b,$93,$a3,$d3,$a3 fc
* intab2 represents 6502 instructions
* as 2-byte fields, as follows:
* byte 1 bits 0-5: pointer to optab2
*        bits 6-7  length
* byte 2 bits 0-3: suffix (sp,a,c,s,p,t,x,y)
*        bits 5-7: mode (inh,dir,ext,imm,
*                        inx,rel,ixi,ini)
intab2 equ *
 fcb $29,$01,$8a,$67,$00,$00,$00,$00 00
 fcb $00,$00,$8a,$02,$0a,$02,$00,$00 04
 fcb $91,$01,$8a,$04,$09,$01,$00,$00 08
 fcb $00,$00,$8b,$03,$0b,$03,$00,$00 0c
 fcb $26,$06,$8a,$78,$00,$00,$00,$00 10
 fcb $00,$00,$8a,$62,$0a,$62,$00,$00 14
 fcb $35,$01,$8b,$73,$00,$00,$00,$00 18
 fcb $00,$00,$8b,$63,$0b,$63,$00,$00 1c
 fcb $73,$03,$06,$67,$00,$00,$00,$00 20
 fcb $1a,$02,$06,$02,$9e,$02,$00,$00 24
 fcb $99,$01,$06,$04,$9d,$01,$00,$00 28
 fcb $1b,$03,$07,$03,$9f,$03,$00,$00 2c
 fcb $1e,$06,$06,$78,$00,$00,$00,$00 30
 fcb $00,$00,$06,$62,$9e,$62,$00,$00 34
 fcb $b1,$01,$07,$73,$00,$00,$00,$00 38
 fcb $00,$00,$07,$63,$9f,$63,$00,$00 3c
 fcb $a5,$01,$5e,$67,$00,$00,$00,$00 40
 fcb $00,$00,$5e,$02,$82,$02,$00,$00 44
 fcb $8d,$01,$5e,$04,$81,$01,$00,$00 48
 fcb $6f,$03,$5f,$03,$83,$03,$00,$00 4c
 fcb $2e,$06,$5e,$78,$00,$00,$00,$00 50
 fcb $00,$00,$5e,$62,$82,$62,$00,$00 54
 fcb $3d,$01,$5f,$73,$00,$00,$00,$00 58
 fcb $00,$00,$5f,$63,$83,$63,$00,$00 5c
 fcb $a9,$01,$02,$67,$00,$00,$00,$00 60
 fcb $00,$00,$02,$02,$a2,$02,$00,$00 64
 fcb $95,$01,$02,$04,$a1,$01,$00,$00 68
 fcb $6f,$08,$03,$03,$a3,$03,$00,$00 6c
 fcb $32,$06,$02,$78,$00,$00,$00,$00 70
 fcb $00,$00,$02,$62,$a2,$62,$00,$00 74
 fcb $b9,$01,$03,$73,$00,$00,$00,$00 78
 fcb $00,$00,$03,$63,$a3,$63,$00,$00 7c
 fcb $00,$00,$be,$67,$00,$00,$00,$00 80
 fcb $c6,$02,$be,$02,$c2,$02,$00,$00 84
 fcb $59,$01,$00,$00,$d5,$01,$00,$00 88
 fcb $c7,$03,$bf,$03,$c3,$03,$00,$00 8c
 fcb $0e,$06,$be,$78,$00,$00,$00,$00 90
 fcb $c6,$62,$be,$62,$c2,$72,$00,$00 94
 fcb $dd,$01,$bf,$73,$d9,$01,$00,$00 98
 fcb $00,$00,$bf,$63,$00,$00,$00,$00 9c
 fcb $7e,$04,$76,$67,$7a,$04,$00,$00 a0
 fcb $7e,$02,$76,$02,$7a,$02,$00,$00 a4
 fcb $cd,$01,$76,$04,$c9,$01,$00,$00 a8
 fcb $7f,$03,$77,$03,$7b,$03,$00,$00 ac
 fcb $12,$06,$76,$78,$00,$00,$00,$00 b0
 fcb $7e,$62,$76,$62,$7a,$72,$00,$00 b4
 fcb $41,$01,$77,$73,$d1,$01,$00,$00 b8
 fcb $7f,$63,$77,$63,$7b,$73,$00,$00 bc
 fcb $4e,$04,$46,$67,$00,$00,$00,$00 c0
 fcb $4e,$02,$46,$02,$52,$02,$00,$00 c4
 fcb $69,$01,$46,$04,$55,$01,$00,$00 c8
 fcb $4f,$03,$47,$03,$53,$03,$00,$00 cc
 fcb $22,$06,$46,$78,$00,$00,$00,$00 d0
 fcb $00,$00,$46,$62,$52,$62,$00,$00 d4
 fcb $39,$01,$47,$73,$00,$00,$00,$00 d8
 fcb $00,$00,$47,$63,$53,$63,$00,$00 dc
 fcb $4a,$04,$ae,$67,$00,$00,$00,$00 e0
 fcb $4a,$02,$ae,$02,$62,$02,$00,$00 e4
 fcb $65,$01,$ae,$04,$85,$01,$00,$00 e8
 fcb $4b,$03,$af,$03,$63,$03,$00,$00 ec
 fcb $16,$06,$ae,$78,$00,$00,$00,$00 f0
 fcb $00,$00,$ae,$62,$62,$62,$00,$00 f4
 fcb $b5,$01,$af,$73,$00,$00,$00,$00 f8
 fcb $00,$00,$af,$63,$63,$63,$00,$00 fc
* intab5 represents [14]6805 instructions
* as 2-byte fields, as follows:
* byte 1 bits 0-5: pointer to optab5
*        bits 6-7  length
* byte 2 bits 0-3: suffix (sp,a,c,s,p,t,x,y)
*        bits 4-7: mode (inh,dir,ext,imm,ixi,
*                        rel,ix0,ix2,btb,bsc)
intab5 equ *
 fcb $bf,$09,$5f,$09,$bf,$09,$5f,$09 00
 fcb $bf,$09,$5f,$09,$bf,$09,$5f,$09 04
 fcb $bf,$09,$5f,$09,$bf,$09,$5f,$09 08
 fcb $bf,$09,$5f,$09,$bf,$09,$5f,$09 0c
 fcb $be,$0a,$5e,$0a,$be,$0a,$5e,$0a 10
 fcb $be,$0a,$5e,$0a,$be,$0a,$5e,$0a 14
 fcb $be,$0a,$5e,$0a,$be,$0a,$5e,$0a 18
 fcb $be,$0a,$5e,$0a,$be,$0a,$5e,$0a 1c
 fcb $4a,$06,$4e,$06,$22,$06,$32,$06 20
 fcb $12,$06,$16,$06,$42,$06,$1a,$06 24
 fcb $1e,$26,$1e,$36,$46,$06,$3a,$06 28
 fcb $36,$06,$3e,$06,$2a,$06,$26,$06 2c
 fcb $92,$02,$00,$00,$00,$00,$66,$02 30
 fcb $8e,$02,$00,$00,$a2,$02,$0e,$02 34
 fcb $8a,$02,$9e,$02,$6e,$02,$00,$00 38
 fcb $76,$02,$da,$02,$00,$00,$5e,$02 3c
 fcb $91,$11,$00,$00,$00,$00,$65,$11 40
 fcb $8d,$11,$00,$00,$a1,$11,$0d,$11 44
 fcb $89,$11,$9d,$11,$6d,$11,$00,$00 48
 fcb $75,$11,$d9,$11,$00,$00,$5d,$11 4c
 fcb $91,$61,$00,$00,$00,$00,$65,$61 50
 fcb $8d,$61,$00,$00,$a1,$61,$0d,$61 54
 fcb $89,$61,$9d,$61,$6d,$61,$00,$00 58
 fcb $75,$61,$d9,$61,$00,$00,$5d,$61 5c
 fcb $92,$05,$00,$00,$00,$00,$66,$05 60
 fcb $8e,$05,$00,$00,$a2,$05,$0e,$05 64
 fcb $8a,$05,$9e,$05,$6e,$05,$00,$00 68
 fcb $76,$05,$da,$05,$00,$00,$5e,$05 6c
 fcb $91,$07,$00,$00,$00,$00,$65,$07 70
 fcb $8d,$07,$00,$00,$a1,$07,$0d,$07 74
 fcb $89,$07,$9d,$07,$6d,$07,$00,$00 78
 fcb $75,$07,$d9,$07,$00,$00,$5d,$07 7c
 fcb $a9,$01,$ad,$01,$00,$00,$d1,$01 80
 fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 84
 fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 88
 fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$c5,$41,$e1,$51 8c
 fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 90
 fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$d5,$01 94
 fcb $55,$01,$b5,$01,$59,$01,$b9,$01 98
 fcb $a5,$01,$95,$01,$00,$00,$dd,$01 9c
 fcb $ce,$04,$62,$04,$b2,$04,$6a,$04 a0
 fcb $0a,$04,$2e,$04,$82,$04,$00,$00 a4
 fcb $72,$04,$02,$04,$9a,$04,$06,$04 a8
 fcb $00,$00,$52,$06,$86,$04,$00,$00 ac
 fcb $ce,$02,$62,$02,$b2,$02,$6a,$02 b0
 fcb $0a,$02,$2e,$02,$82,$02,$c2,$02 b4
 fcb $72,$02,$02,$02,$9a,$02,$06,$02 b8
 fcb $7a,$02,$7e,$02,$86,$02,$ca,$02 bc
 fcb $cf,$03,$63,$03,$b3,$03,$6b,$03 c0
 fcb $0b,$03,$2f,$03,$83,$03,$c3,$03 c4
 fcb $73,$03,$03,$03,$9b,$03,$07,$03 c8
 fcb $7b,$03,$7f,$03,$87,$03,$cb,$03 cc
 fcb $cf,$08,$63,$08,$b3,$08,$6b,$08 d0
 fcb $0b,$08,$2f,$08,$83,$08,$c3,$08 d4
 fcb $73,$08,$03,$08,$9b,$08,$07,$08 d8
 fcb $7b,$08,$7f,$08,$87,$08,$cb,$08 dc
 fcb $ce,$05,$62,$05,$b2,$05,$6a,$05 e0
 fcb $0a,$05,$2e,$05,$82,$05,$c2,$05 e4
 fcb $72,$05,$02,$05,$9a,$05,$06,$05 e8
 fcb $7a,$05,$7e,$05,$86,$05,$ca,$05 ec
 fcb $cd,$07,$61,$07,$b1,$07,$69,$07 f0
 fcb $09,$07,$2d,$07,$81,$07,$c1,$07 f4
 fcb $71,$07,$01,$07,$99,$07,$05,$07 f8
 fcb $79,$07,$7d,$07,$85,$07,$c9,$07 fc
* intab9 represents 6809 instructions
* as 2- or 3-byte fields, as follows:
* byte 1 bits 0-5: pointer to optab9
*        bits 6-7  length (-1 for page 2/3)
* byte 2 bits 0-3: suffix
*                  (sp,a,b,cc,d,i,l,s,u,x,y,1,2,3)
*        bit 4:    page-3 flag
*        bits 5-7: mode (inh,dir,ext,imm,inx,rel)
* byte 3 bits 0-7: opcode (page 2/3 only)
intab9 equ *
 fcb $9e,$02,$00,$00,$00,$00,$6a,$02 00
 fcb $96,$02,$00,$00,$b6,$02,$16,$02 04
 fcb $12,$02,$b2,$02,$76,$02,$00,$00 08
 fcb $82,$02,$de,$02,$86,$02,$62,$02 0c
 fcb $ff,$00,$ff,$08,$a1,$01,$d5,$31 10
 fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$4f,$76,$57,$76 14
 fcb $00,$00,$71,$01,$a6,$44,$00,$00 18
 fcb $0e,$44,$c5,$01,$7e,$01,$da,$01 1c
 fcb $4e,$06,$52,$06,$2e,$06,$3a,$06 20
 fcb $1a,$06,$1e,$06,$46,$06,$22,$06 24
 fcb $5a,$06,$5e,$06,$4a,$06,$42,$06 28
 fcb $26,$06,$3e,$06,$2a,$06,$36,$06 2c
 fcb $92,$a5,$92,$b5,$92,$85,$92,$95 30
 fcb $aa,$81,$ae,$81,$aa,$91,$ae,$91 34
 fcb $00,$00,$bd,$01,$01,$01,$b9,$01 38
 fcb $6e,$61,$99,$01,$00,$00,$d1,$01 3c
 fcb $9d,$11,$00,$00,$00,$00,$69,$11 40
 fcb $95,$11,$00,$00,$b5,$11,$15,$11 44
 fcb $11,$11,$b1,$11,$75,$11,$00,$00 48
 fcb $81,$11,$dd,$11,$00,$00,$61,$11 4c
 fcb $9d,$21,$00,$00,$00,$00,$69,$21 50
 fcb $95,$21,$00,$00,$b5,$21,$15,$21 54
 fcb $11,$21,$b1,$21,$75,$21,$00,$00 58
 fcb $81,$21,$dd,$21,$00,$00,$61,$21 5c
 fcb $9e,$05,$00,$00,$00,$00,$6a,$05 60
 fcb $96,$05,$00,$00,$b6,$05,$16,$05 64
 fcb $12,$05,$b2,$05,$76,$05,$00,$00 68
 fcb $82,$05,$de,$05,$86,$05,$62,$05 6c
 fcb $9f,$03,$00,$00,$00,$00,$6b,$03 70
 fcb $97,$03,$00,$00,$b7,$03,$17,$03 74
 fcb $13,$03,$b3,$03,$77,$03,$00,$00 78
 fcb $83,$03,$df,$03,$87,$03,$63,$03 7c
 fcb $ce,$14,$66,$14,$c2,$14,$cf,$54 80
 fcb $0e,$14,$32,$14,$8e,$14,$00,$00 84
 fcb $7a,$14,$06,$14,$a6,$14,$0a,$14 88
 fcb $67,$a4,$56,$06,$8f,$a4,$00,$00 8c
 fcb $ce,$12,$66,$12,$c2,$12,$ce,$52 90
 fcb $0e,$12,$32,$12,$8e,$12,$ca,$12 94
 fcb $7a,$12,$06,$12,$a6,$12,$0a,$12 98
 fcb $66,$a2,$8a,$02,$8e,$a2,$ca,$a2 9c
 fcb $ce,$15,$66,$15,$c2,$15,$ce,$55 a0
 fcb $0e,$15,$32,$15,$8e,$15,$ca,$15 a4
 fcb $7a,$15,$06,$15,$a6,$15,$0a,$15 a8
 fcb $66,$a5,$8a,$05,$8e,$a5,$ca,$a5 ac
 fcb $cf,$13,$67,$13,$c3,$13,$cf,$53 b0
 fcb $0f,$13,$33,$13,$8f,$13,$cb,$13 b4
 fcb $7b,$13,$07,$13,$a7,$13,$0b,$13 b8
 fcb $67,$a3,$8b,$03,$8f,$a3,$cb,$a3 bc
 fcb $ce,$24,$66,$24,$c2,$24,$0b,$54 c0
 fcb $0e,$24,$32,$24,$8e,$24,$00,$00 c4
 fcb $7a,$24,$06,$24,$a6,$24,$0a,$24 c8
 fcb $8f,$54,$00,$00,$8f,$94,$00,$00 cc
 fcb $ce,$22,$66,$22,$c2,$22,$0a,$52 d0
 fcb $0e,$22,$32,$22,$8e,$22,$ca,$22 d4
 fcb $7a,$22,$06,$22,$a6,$22,$0a,$22 d8
 fcb $8e,$52,$ca,$52,$8e,$92,$ca,$92 dc
 fcb $ce,$25,$66,$25,$c2,$25,$0a,$55 e0
 fcb $0e,$25,$32,$25,$8e,$25,$ca,$25 e4
 fcb $7a,$25,$06,$25,$a6,$25,$0a,$25 e8
 fcb $8e,$55,$ca,$55,$8e,$95,$ca,$95 ec
 fcb $cf,$23,$67,$23,$c3,$23,$0b,$53 f0
 fcb $0f,$23,$33,$23,$8f,$23,$cb,$23 f4
 fcb $7b,$23,$07,$23,$a7,$23,$0b,$23 f8
 fcb $8f,$53,$cb,$53,$8f,$93,$cb,$93 fc
intpg9 equ *
 fcb $53,$76,$21,$2f,$76,$22 page 2
 fcb $3b,$76,$23,$1b,$76,$24
 fcb $1f,$76,$25,$47,$76,$26
 fcb $23,$76,$27,$5b,$76,$28
 fcb $5f,$76,$29,$4b,$76,$2a
 fcb $43,$76,$2b,$27,$76,$2c
 fcb $3f,$76,$2d,$2b,$76,$2e
 fcb $37,$76,$2f,$d1,$d1,$3f
 fcb $67,$54,$83,$67,$b4,$8c
 fcb $8f,$b4,$8e,$66,$52,$93
 fcb $66,$b2,$9c,$8e,$b2,$9e
 fcb $ca,$b2,$9f,$66,$55,$a3
 fcb $66,$b5,$ac,$8e,$b5,$ae
 fcb $ca,$b5,$af,$67,$53,$b3
 fcb $67,$b3,$bc,$8f,$b3,$be
 fcb $cb,$b3,$bf,$8f,$84,$ce
 fcb $8e,$82,$de,$ca,$82,$df
 fcb $8e,$85,$ee,$ca,$85,$ef
 fcb $8f,$83,$fe,$cb,$83,$ff
 fcb $d1,$e9,$3f,$67,$9c,$83 page 3
 fcb $67,$8c,$8c,$66,$9a,$93
 fcb $66,$8a,$9c,$66,$9d,$a3
 fcb $66,$8d,$ac,$67,$9b,$b3
 fcb $67,$8b,$bc
intpx9 equ *
* svctab contains OS/9 svc code names.
* if more codes are added, insert
*    them into the table, in the proper place.
* invalids are blank or beyond end of table.
svctab equ *
* ifeq (os9lno-$01)
* fcc 'F$Link  ' 00 link to module
* fcc 'F$Load  ' 01 load module
* fcc 'F$UnLink' 02 unlink module
* fcc 'F$Fork  ' 03 fork process
* fcc 'F$Wait  ' 04 wait for child
* fcc 'F$Chain ' 05 chain process
* fcc 'F$Exit  ' 06 exit process
* fcc 'F$Mem   ' 07 set memory size
* fcc 'F$Send  ' 08 send program intr
* fcc 'F$Icpt  ' 09 catch program intr
* fcc 'F$Sleep ' 0a sleep
* fcc 'F$SSpd  ' 0b suspend process
* fcc 'F$Id    ' 0c return process id
* fcc 'F$SPrior' 0d set priority
* fcc 'F$SSWI  ' 0e set swi vector
* fcc 'F$PErr  ' 0f print error message
* fcc 'F$PrsNam' 10 parse pathlist
* fcc 'F$CmpNam' 11 compare names
* fcc 'F$SchBit' 12 search bit map
* fcc 'F$AllBit' 13 allocate bit map
* fcc 'F$DelBit' 14 deallocate bit map
* fcc 'F$Time  ' 15 get time
* fcc 'F$STime ' 16 set current time
* fcc 'F$CRC   ' 17 generate crc
* fcc '                                ' 18-1b
* fcc '                                ' 1c-1f
* fcc '                                ' 20-23
* fcc '                                ' 24-27
* fcc 'F$SRqMem' 28 find sys memory
* fcc 'F$SRtMen' 29 release sys memory
* fcc 'F$IRQ   ' 2a enter irq queue
* fcc 'F$IOQu  ' 2b enter i/o queue
* fcc 'F$AProc ' 2c enter active queue
* fcc 'F$NProc ' 2d start process
* fcc 'F$VModul' 2e validate process
* fcc 'F$Find64' 2f find 64 byte block
* fcc 'F$All64 ' 30 alloc 64 byte block
* fcc 'F$Ret64 ' 31 return 64 byte block
* fcc 'F$SSvc  ' 32 install fcn request
* fcc 'F$IODel ' 33 delete i/o module
* fcc '                                ' 34-37
* fcc '                                ' 38-3b
* fcc '                                ' 3c-3f
* fcc '                                ' 40-43
* fcc '                                ' 44-47
* fcc '                                ' 48-4b
* fcc '                                ' 4c-4f
* fcc '                                ' 50-53
* fcc '                                ' 54-57
* fcc '                                ' 58-5b
* fcc '                                ' 5c-5f
* fcc '                                ' 60-63
* fcc '                                ' 64-67
* fcc '                                ' 68-6b
* fcc '                                ' 6c-6f
* fcc '                                ' 70-73
* fcc '                                ' 74-77
* fcc '                                ' 78-7b
* fcc '                                ' 7c-7f
* fcc 'I$Attach' 80 attach i/o device
* fcc 'I$Detach' 81 detach i/o device
* fcc 'I$Dup   ' 82 duplicate path
* fcc 'I$Create' 83 create new file
* fcc 'I$Open  ' 84 open path to file
* fcc 'I$MakDir' 85 make directory file
* fcc 'I$ChgDir' 86 change directory
* fcc 'I$Delete' 87 delete file
* fcc 'I$Seek  ' 88 seek to byte in file
* fcc 'I$Read  ' 89 read data
* fcc 'I$Write ' 8a write data
* fcc 'I$ReadLn' 8b read line
* fcc 'I$WritLn' 8c write line
* fcc 'I$GetStt' 8d get device status
* fcc 'I$SetStt' 8e set device status
* fcc 'I$Close ' 8f read line
* fcc 'I$DeletX' 90 delete from current exec dir
* endc
** ifeq (os9lno-$02)
 fcc 'F$Link  ' 00 link to module
 fcc 'F$Load  ' 01 load module
 fcc 'F$UnLink' 02 unlink module
 fcc 'F$Fork  ' 03 fork process
 fcc 'F$Wait  ' 04 wait for child
 fcc 'F$Chain ' 05 chain process
 fcc 'F$Exit  ' 06 exit process
 fcc 'F$Mem   ' 07 set memory size
 fcc 'F$Send  ' 08 send program intr
 fcc 'F$Icpt  ' 09 catch program intr
 fcc 'F$Sleep ' 0a sleep
 fcc 'F$SSpd  ' 0b suspend process
 fcc 'F$ID    ' 0c return process id
 fcc 'F$SPrior' 0d set priority
 fcc 'F$SSWI  ' 0e set swi vector
 fcc 'F$PErr  ' 0f print error message
 fcc 'F$PrsNam' 10 parse pathlist
 fcc 'F$CmpNam' 11 compare names
 fcc 'F$SchBit' 12 search bit map
 fcc 'F$AllBit' 13 allocate bit map
 fcc 'F$DelBit' 14 deallocate bit map
 fcc 'F$Time  ' 15 get time
 fcc 'F$STime ' 16 set current time
 fcc 'F$CRC   ' 17 generate crc
 fcc 'F$GPrDsc' 18 get processor descriptor copy
 fcc 'F$GBlkMp' 19 get system block map copy
 fcc 'F$GModDr' 1a get module directory copy
 fcc 'F$CpyMem' 1b copy external memory
 fcc 'F$SUser ' 1c set user id
 fcc 'F$UnLoad' 1d unlink module by name
 fcc 'F$Alarm ' 1e added by color comp level 2
 fcc '        ' 1f invalid
 fcc '        ' 20 invalid
 fcc 'F$NMLink' 21 added by color comp level 2
 fcc 'F$NMLoad' 22 added by color comp level 2
 fcc 'F$Debug ' 23 invalid
 fcc '        ' 24 invalid
 fcc 'F$TPS   ' 25 invalid
 fcc 'F$TimAlm' 26 invalid
 fcc 'F$VIRQ  ' 27 added by color comp level 2
 fcc 'F$SRqMem' 28 find sys memory
 fcc 'F$SRtMem' 29 release sys memory
 fcc 'F$IRQ   ' 2a enter irq queue
 fcc 'F$IOQu  ' 2b enter i/o queue
 fcc 'F$AProc ' 2c enter active queue
 fcc 'F$NProc ' 2d start process
 fcc 'F$VModul' 2e validate process
 fcc 'F$Find64' 2f find 64 byte block
 fcc 'F$All64 ' 30 alloc 64 byte block
 fcc 'F$Ret64 ' 31 rel 64 byte block
 fcc 'F$SSvc  ' 32 install fcn request
 fcc 'F$IODel ' 33 delete i/o module
 fcc 'F$SLink ' 34 system link
 fcc 'F$Boot  ' 35 bootstrap system
 fcc 'F$BtMem ' 36 bootstrap memory
 fcc 'F$GProcP' 37 get process ptr
 fcc 'F$Move  ' 38 move data low bound first
 fcc 'F$AllRAM' 39 allocate ram blocks
 fcc 'F$AllImg' 3a allocate image ram blocks
 fcc 'F$DelImg' 3b deallocate image ram blocks
 fcc 'F$SetImg' 3c set process dat image
 fcc 'F$FreeLB' 3d get free low block
 fcc 'F$FreeHB' 3e get free high block
 fcc 'F$AllTsk' 3f allocate process task number
 fcc 'F$DelTsk' 40 deallocate process task number
 fcc 'F$SetTsk' 41 set process dat registers
 fcc 'F$ResTsk' 42 reserve process task numbers
 fcc 'F$RelTsk' 43 release task number
 fcc 'F$DATLog' 44 convert data block/offset to logical
 fcc 'F$DATTmp' 45 make temporary dat image
 fcc 'F$LDAXY ' 46 load a,[x,[y]]
 fcc 'F$LDAXYP' 47 load a,[x+,[y]]
 fcc 'F$LDDDXY' 48 load d [d+x,[y]]
 fcc 'F$LDABX ' 49 load a from 0,x in task b
 fcc 'F$STABX ' 4a store a in 0,x in task b
 fcc 'F$AllPrc' 4b allocate process descriptor
 fcc 'F$DelPrc' 4c deallocate process descriptor
 fcc 'F$ELink ' 4d link using module directory entry
 fcc 'F$FModul' 4e find module directory entry
 fcc 'F$MapBlk' 4f added by color comp level 2
 fcc 'F$ClrBlk' 50 added by color comp level 2
 fcc 'F$DelRAM' 51 added by color comp level 2
 fcc 'F$GCMDir' 52 added by color comp level 2
 fcc 'F$AlHRAM' 53 added by color comp level 2
 fcc 'F$ReBoot' 54 Reboot machine (reload OS9Boot) or drop to RSDOS
 fcc 'F$CRCMod' 55 CRC mode, toggle or report current status
 fcc 'F$XTime ' 56 Get Extended time packet from RTC (fractions of second)
 fcc 'F$VBlock' 57 Verify modules in a block of memory, add to module directory
 fcc '                                ' 58-5b
 fcc '                                ' 5c-5f
 fcc '                                ' 60-63
 fcc '                                ' 64-67
 fcc '                                ' 68-6b
 fcc '                                ' 6c-6f
 fcc 'F$RegDmp' 70
 fcc 'F$NVRAM ' 71
 fcc '        ' 72
 fcc '        ' 73
 fcc '                                ' 74-77
 fcc '                                ' 78-7b
 fcc '                                ' 7c-7f
 fcc 'I$Attach' 80 attach i/o device
 fcc 'I$Detach' 81 detach i/o device
 fcc 'I$Dup   ' 82 duplicate path
 fcc 'I$Create' 83 create new file
 fcc 'I$Open  ' 84 open path to file
 fcc 'I$MakDir' 85 make directory file
 fcc 'I$ChgDir' 86 change directory
 fcc 'I$Delete' 87 delete file
 fcc 'I$Seek  ' 88 seek to byte in file
 fcc 'I$Read  ' 89 read data
 fcc 'I$Write ' 8a write data
 fcc 'I$ReadLn' 8b read line
 fcc 'I$WritLn' 8c write line
 fcc 'I$GetStt' 8d  get device status
 fcc 'I$SetStt' 8e set device status
 fcc 'I$Close ' 8f read line
 fcc 'I$DeletX' 90 added by color comp level 1.1 version 2.00
* endc
svcend equ * end of svc table
endmod equ *