view level1/modules/boot_scsi.asm @ 2677:c58baa9276c8 lwtools-port

Fix string constants used as numbers More cases of string constants being used instead of ascii constants.
author William Astle <>
date Sun, 10 Jun 2012 14:33:53 -0600
parents 17d43fd29ee2
children 6bd6e348665d bfe3de781ddf
line wrap: on
line source

* Boot - SCSI Boot Module
* $Id$
* This module allows booting from a hard drive that uses HDB-DOS
* and is controlled by a TC^3, Ken-Ton or Disto SCSI controller.
* It was later modified to handle hard drives with sector sizes
* larger than 256 bytes, and works on both 256 byte and larger drives,
* so it should totally replace the old SCSI boot module.
* Instructions followed by +++ in the comment field were added for this fix.
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      ????/??/??  Roger Krupski
* Original Roger Krupski distribution version
*   1r1    1996/??/??  Boisy G. Pitre
* Added code to allow booting from any sector size hard drive
*   1r2    2002/05/01  Boisy G. Pitre
* Merged Ken-Ton and TC^3 module source
*   1r3    2002/07/22  Boisy G. Pitre
* Outputs '.' for each sector read when booting under NitrOS-9
*   2      2004/07/30  Boisy G. Pitre
* SCSI ID 0-7 now modifiable at end of module as well as base address
*   3      2005/10/09  Boisy G. Pitre
* Fixed stupid mistake where SCSIDATA was set to base address.  Now
* baseaddr is the base address set at the end of the module and SCSIDATA
* is 0 for the data offset.
* Also SCSI-3 compatible SCSI IDs (with hi-bit set) are now sent to bus which
* causes the booter to work with IBM-DPES31080 and other newer hard drives.
* Fragmented bootfiles are now supported.
*   4      2008/02/17  Boisy G. Pitre
* Message phase code was broken, now fixed and the booter now works.

               NAM       Boot                
               TTL       SCSI Boot Module    

               USE       defsfile
               USE       rbsuper.d
               USE       scsi.d

tylg           SET       Systm+Objct
atrv           SET       ReEnt+rev
rev            SET       0
edition        SET       4

               MOD       eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

SCSIEX         EQU       1

* Data equates; subroutines must keep data in stack
               IFNE      SCSIEX
v$cmd          RMB       1
v$extra        RMB       1
v$addr0        RMB       1
v$addr1        RMB       1
v$addr2        RMB       1
v$addr3        RMB       1
v$resv         RMB       1
v$blks0        RMB       1
v$blks1        RMB       1
v$ctrl         RMB       1
v$cmd          RMB       1
v$addr0        RMB       1
v$addr1        RMB       2
v$blks         RMB       1
v$opts         RMB       1
seglist        RMB       2                   pointer to segment list
blockloc       RMB       2                   pointer to memory requested
blockimg       RMB       2                   duplicate of the above
bootloc        RMB       3                   sector pointer; not byte pointer
bootsize       RMB       2                   size in bytes
LSN0Ptr        RMB       2                   LSN0 pointer (used by boot_common.asm)
size           EQU       .

name           FCS       /Boot/
               FCB       edition

* Common booter-required defines
LSN24BIT       EQU       1
FLOPPY         EQU       0

               USE       boot_common.asm

*              Hardware-Specific Booter Area               *

* HWInit - Initialize the device
*   Entry: Y = hardware address
*   Exit:  Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
*          B = error (Carry Set)
               clr       >$FF40              stop the disk motors
               IFNE      D4N1+HDII
               leax      CntlSlot,pcr
               lda       ,x
               sta       MPI.Slct
               ldd       #S$SEEK*256
               ldx       #0
               bsr       setup
               IFEQ      SCSIEX
			   clr       v$blks,u
               bra       command
* Sets up the SCSI packet to send
* Destroys B
setup          sta       v$cmd,u
               IFNE      SCSIEX
			   clr       v$extra,u
               clr       v$addr0,u
               stb       v$addr1,u
               stx       v$addr2,u
               clr       v$resv,u
               clr       v$blks0,u
               ldb       #1
               stb       v$blks1,u
               clr       v$ctrl,u
               stb       v$addr0,u
               stx       v$addr1,u
               ldb       #1
               stb       v$blks,u
               clr       v$opts,u

scsival        FCB       $80+1,$80+2,$80+4,$80+8,$80+16,$80+32,$80+64,$80

* SCSI Wake-Up Routine
* Destroys: X
wakeup         ldx       #0                  load X with 0 (counter)
* Step 1: Wait for BUSY+SEL to be clear
wake           lda       SCSISTAT,y          obtain SCSI status byte
               bita      #BUSY               BUSY clear?
               beq       wake1               branch if so
               leax      -1,x                else count down
               bne       wake                and try again if not timed out
               bra       wake4               else branch to timeout
* Step 2: Put our SCSI ID on the bus
wake1          bsr       wake3               small delay
               lda       WhichDrv,pcr        get SCSI ID
               leax      <scsival,pcr        point to SCSI value table
               lda       a,x                 get appropriate bitmask
               sta       SCSIDATA,y          put on SCSI bus
               bsr       wake3               small delay
               sta       SCSISEL,y           and select
               ldx       #0                  load X with 0 (counter)
wake2          lda       SCSISTAT,y          obtain SCSI status byte
               bita      #BUSY               BUSY set?
               bne       wake3               if so, exit without error
               leax      -1,x                else count down
               bne       wake2               and try again if not timed out
wake4          comb                          set carry
               ldb       #E$NotRdy           and load error
wake3          rts                           then return

* HWRead - Read a 256 byte sector from the device
*   Entry: Y = hardware address
*          B = bits 23-16 of LSN
*          X = bits 15-0  of LSN
*          blockloc,u = ptr to 256 byte sector
*   Exit:  X = ptr to data (i.e. ptr in blockloc,u)
HWRead         lda       #S$READEX
               bsr       setup
* SCSI Send Command Routine
command        bsr       wakeup              tell SCSI we want the bus
               bcs       wake3              return immediately if error
               leax      v$cmd,u
               bsr       SCSISend
               bcs       command
               bsr       Wait4REQ
               bita      #CMD
               bne       getsta
               ldx       blockloc,u
               bsr       read
getsta         bsr       Wait4REQ
               lda       SCSIDATA,y
               anda      #%00001111
               pshs      a
               bsr       Wait4REQ
               sta       SCSIDATA,y
               puls      a
               bita      #X$BUSY
               bne       command
               bita      #X$ERROR
               beq       HWTerm
reterr         comb      
               ldb       #E$Unit

* HWTerm - Terminate the device
*   Entry: Y = hardware address
*   Exit:  Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
*          B = error (Carry Set)
HWTerm         clrb      

SCSISend       bsr       Wait4REQ
               bita      #CMD
               beq       HWTerm
               bita      #INOUT
               bne       ckmsg
               lda       ,x+
               sta       SCSIDATA,y
               bra       SCSISend
ckmsg          bita      #MSG                MESSAGE IN (target->initiator)
			   beq       HWTerm
               lda       SCSIDATA,y          extended message?
* MESSAGE IN phase code
               bne       SCSISend
               ldb       SCSIDATA,y          get extended message length
l@             tst       SCSIDATA,y          read extended message
               bne       l@
               bra       reterr              return with carry set
loop@          lda       SCSISTAT,y
               bita      #REQ
               beq       loop@

* Patch to allow booting from sector sizes > 256 bytes - BGP 08/16/97
* We ignore any bytes beyond byte 256, but continue to read them from
* the SCSIDATA until the CMD bit is set.
* next 2 lines added
               clrb                          +++ use B as counter
               bsr       Wait4REQ
               bita      #CMD
               bne       HWTerm
               lda       SCSIDATA,y
               sta       ,x+
* next line commented out and next 8 lines added
* bra read
               incb                          +++
               bne       read2               +++
               leax      -256,x
               bsr       Wait4REQ            +++
               bita      #CMD                +++
               bne       HWTerm              +++
               lda       SCSIDATA,y          +++
               bra       read3               +++

               IFGT      Level-1
* Fillers to get to $1D0
Pad            FILL      $39,$1D0-3-1-2-1-*

* The default SCSI ID is here
CntlSlot       FCB       SDMPI
Address        FDB       SDAddr
WhichDrv       FCB       0

eom            EQU       *