view level1/modules/sc6551dragon.asm @ 2677:c58baa9276c8 lwtools-port

Fix string constants used as numbers More cases of string constants being used instead of ascii constants.
author William Astle <>
date Sun, 10 Jun 2012 14:33:53 -0600
parents d3b51489cb58
line wrap: on
line source

* Dragon 64/Alpha 6551 serial port driver 
* Disassembled 2005/04/25 00:12:02 by Disasm v1.5 (C) 1988 by RML
* The Dragon 64 and Dragon Alpha have a hardware serial port driven
* by a Rockwell 6551, mapped from $FF04-$FF07.
* Communication between the read/write routines and the ACIA, is buffered
* using a pair of ring buffers, when disassembling labels have been assigned
* so that bytes are placed into the Rx/Tx queue Tail, and removed from the 
* head. When the queues become full the calling process is put to sleep
* while it awiaits Rx/Tx from the remote device.
* 2005-05-01, P.Harvey-Smith.
*	Initial disassembly.
* 2005-10-24, P.Harvey-Smith.
*	Code clean up/commenting.

	nam   sc6551
        ttl   os9 device driver    

        use   	defsfile
* Following definitions borrowed from sc6551.asm	

* Status bit definitions
Stat.IRQ	equ   %10000000      IRQ occurred
Stat.DSR	equ   %01000000      DSR level (clear = active)
Stat.DCD	equ   %00100000      DCD level (clear = active)
Stat.TxE   	equ   %00010000      Tx data register Empty
Stat.RxF   	equ   %00001000      Rx data register Full
Stat.Ovr   	equ   %00000100      Rx data Overrun error
Stat.Frm   	equ   %00000010      Rx data Framing error
Stat.Par   	equ   %00000001      Rx data Parity error

Stat.Err   	equ   Stat.Ovr!Stat.Frm!Stat.Par Status error bits
Stat.Flp   	equ   $00            all Status bits active when set
Stat.Msk   	equ   Stat.IRQ!Stat.RxF active IRQs

* Control bit definitions
Ctl.Stop   	equ   %10000000      stop bits (set=two, clear=one)
Ctl.DBit   	equ   %01100000      see data bit table below
Ctl.RxCS   	equ   %00010000      Rx clock source (set=baud rate, clear=external)
Ctl.Baud   	equ   %00001111      see baud rate table below

* data bit table
DB.8       	equ   %00000000      eight data bits per character
DB.7       	equ   %00100000      seven data bits per character
DB.6       	equ   %01000000      six data bits per character
DB.5       	equ   %01100000      five data bits per character

* baud rate table
		org   $00
BR.ExClk   	rmb   1              16x external clock (not supported)
		org   $11
BR.00050   	rmb   1              50 baud (not supported)
BR.00075   	rmb   1              75 baud (not supported)
BR.00110   	rmb   1              109.92 baud
BR.00135   	rmb   1              134.58 baud (not supported)
BR.00150   	rmb   1              150 baud (not supported)
BR.00300   	rmb   1              300 baud
BR.00600   	rmb   1              600 baud
BR.01200   	rmb   1              1200 baud
BR.01800   	rmb   1              1800 baud (not supported)
BR.02400   	rmb   1              2400 baud
BR.03600   	rmb   1              3600 baud (not supported)
BR.04800   	rmb   1              4800 baud
BR.07200   	rmb   1              7200 baud (not supported)
BR.09600   	rmb   1              9600 baud
BR.19200   	rmb   1              19200 baud

* Command bit definitions
Cmd.Par    	equ   %11100000      see parity table below
Cmd.Echo   	equ   %00010000      local echo (set=activated)
Cmd.TIRB   	equ   %00001100      see Tx IRQ/RTS/Break table below
Cmd.RxI    	equ   %00000010      Rx IRQ (set=disabled)
Cmd.DTR    	equ   %00000001      DTR output (set=enabled)

* parity table
Par.None   	equ   %00000000
Par.Odd    	equ   %00100000
Par.Even   	equ   %01100000
Par.Mark   	equ   %10100000
Par.Spac   	equ   %11100000

* Tx IRQ/RTS/Break table
TIRB.Off   	equ   %00000000      RTS & Tx IRQs disabled
TIRB.On    	equ   %00000100      RTS & Tx IRQs enabled
TIRB.RTS   	equ   %00001000      RTS enabled, Tx IRQs disabled
TIRB.Brk   	equ   %00001100      RTS enabled, Tx IRQs disabled, Tx line Break

* V.ERR bit definitions
DCDLstEr   	equ   %00100000      DCD lost error
OvrFloEr   	equ   %00000100      Rx data overrun or Rx buffer overflow error
FrmingEr   	equ   %00000010      Rx data framing error
ParityEr   	equ   %00000001      Rx data parity error

* FloCtlRx bit definitions
FCRxSend   	equ   %10000000      send flow control character
FCRxSent   	equ   %00010000      Rx disabled due to XOFF sent
FCRxDTR    	equ   %00000010      Rx disabled due to DTR
FCRxRTS    	equ   %00000001      Rx disabled due to RTS

* FloCtlTx bit definitions
FCTxXOff   	equ   %10000000      due to XOFF received
FCTxBrk    	equ   %00000010      due to currently transmitting Break

* Wrk.Type bit definitions
Parity     	equ   %11100000      parity bits
MdmKill    	equ   %00010000      modem kill option
RxSwFlow   	equ   %00001000      Rx data software (XON/XOFF) flow control
TxSwFlow   	equ   %00000100      Tx data software (XON/XOFF) flow control
RTSFlow    	equ   %00000010      CTS/RTS hardware flow control
DSRFlow    	equ   %00000001      DSR/DTR hardware flow control

* Wrk.Baud bit definitions
StopBits   	equ   %10000000      number of stop bits code
WordLen    	equ   %01100000      word length code
BaudRate   	equ   %00001111      baud rate code

* Wrk.XTyp bit definitions
SwpDCDSR   	equ   %10000000      swap DCD+DSR bits (valid for 6551 only)
ForceDTR   	equ   %01000000      don't drop DTR in term routine
RxBufPag   	equ   %00001111      input buffer page count
* End of borrowed stuff :)
tylg    set   	Drivr+Objct   
atrv    set   	ReEnt+rev
rev     set   	$01
        mod   	eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

RxQueueTailOffset	rmb   	1		; Tail of Rx queue, Rx inturrupt inserts here
RxQueueHeadOffset   	rmb	1		; Head of Rx queue, read call fetches from here
u001F   rmb   	1
TxQueueTailOffset   	rmb   	1		; Tail of Tx queue, write call inserts here
TxQueueHeadOffset   	rmb   	1		; Head of Tx queue, Tx inturrupt fetches here
u0022   rmb   	1
u0023   rmb   	1		; something to do with XON/XOFF
u0024   rmb   	2
SavedDSRDCD   		rmb   	1		; Saved DSR and DCD ststus
RxQueue 		rmb   	80		; Rx Queue
RxQueueLen		EQU	*-RxQueue	; Rx queue length
TxQueue 		rmb   	140		; Tx Queue
TxQueueLen		EQU	*-TxQueue	; Tx Queue length

size    equ   	.

        fcb   	$03 
name    equ   	*
        fcs   	/sc6551/
        fcb   	$04 

start   equ   	*

        lbra  	Init
        lbra  	Read
        lbra  	Write
        lbra  	GetSta
        lbra  	SetSta
        lbra  	Term

	FCB	$00		; Normal bits (flip byte)
	FCB	$80		; Bit 1 is interrupt request flag (Mask byte)
	FCB	$0A		; Priority byte

* Init
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of device descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code

Init	LDX	V.PORT,U		; 1,U Get port address $FF04
        stb   	AciaStat,x		; Write to status reg, this resets ACIA
        ldb   	#$02
        stb   	<u0022,u
        ldd   	<IT.PAR,y		; Get parity & baud rate <$26,y
	andb  	#$0F			
        leax  	<BaudRateTable,pcr	; Calculate baud rate values for Acia
        ldb   	b,x
        anda  	#$F0
        sta   	V.TYPE,u		; Save parity bits for later use
        ldx   	V.PORT,u		; Get port address $FF04
        std   	AciaCmd,x		; Setup Command (A), Control (B,Baud rates).
        lda   	,x			
        lda   	,x
        tst   	AciaStat,x		; Get status
        lbmi  	ErrorExit		; Error if int occoured
        clra  				; Init some static storage
        std   	<RxQueueTailOffset,u	; Init Rx queue
        std   	<TxQueueTailOffset,u	; Init Tx queue
        sta   	<u0023,u
        sta   	<u001F,u
        std   	<u0024,u

        ldd   	V.PORT,u		; Get port address $FF04
        addd  	#$0001			; Setup V$IRQ on status reg changes
        leax  	>IRQPkt,pcr		; Point to packet
        leay  	>IRQService,pcr		; Point to handler
        os9   	F$IRQ    		; Install it !
        bcs   	InitExit		; Error : Exit
        ldx   	V.PORT,u		; Get port address $FF04
        ldb   	V.TYPE,u		; Get device parity settings
        orb   	#Cmd.DTR		; SET DTR, flag us as ready
        stb   	AciaCmd,x
        clrb  				; Flag no error

; Baud rate table, all baud rates use external clock.

	fcb	Ctl.RxCS+BR.00110
	fcb	Ctl.RxCS+BR.00300
	fcb	Ctl.RxCS+BR.00600
	fcb	Ctl.RxCS+BR.01200
	fcb	Ctl.RxCS+BR.02400
	fcb	Ctl.RxCS+BR.04800
	fcb	Ctl.RxCS+BR.09600
	fcb	Ctl.RxCS+BR.19200

	bsr   	DoPutProcToSleep

* Input	U = Address of device static data storage
*	Y = Address of path descriptor module
* Output
*	A = Character read
*	CC = carry set on error, clear on none
*	B = error code if CC.C set.

Read    lda   	<u0023,u
        ble   	L00A1
        ldb   	<u001F,u
        cmpb  	#$0A
        bhi   	L00A1
	ldb   	V.XON,u
        orb   	#$80
        stb   	<u0023,u
        ldb   	V.TYPE,u		; Get prity settings
        orb   	#TIRB.On+Cmd.DTR	; Enable tranmitter inturrupt & DTR ($05)
        ldx   	V.PORT,u		; Get port address $FF04
        stb   	AciaCmd,x		; Write to ACIA
L00A1   tst   	<u0024,u
        bne   	ErrorExit

        ldb   	<RxQueueHeadOffset,u	; Get queue head ptr
        leax  	<RxQueue,u		; Get Rx Queue address

        orcc  	#$50			; Disable Inturrupts
        cmpb  	<RxQueueTailOffset,u	; Is Head=Tail, and therefore queue empty ?
        beq   	PutProcToSleep		; Yes : sleep and await input from remote device
        abx   				; Calculate pos in queue for next char
        lda   	,x			; Get byte from read queue 
        dec   	<u001F,u
        cmpb  	#RxQueueLen-1		; Reached end of queue area ?
        bls   	L00BF			; no : continue
        clrb  				; Wrap tail pointer to the beginning of queue space
L00BF   stb   	<RxQueueHeadOffset,u	; save new queue pointer
        ldb   	V.ERR,u
        beq   	L00CF			; No error : exit
        stb   	<$3A,y
        clr   	V.ERR,u
        comb  				; Flag and return error
        ldb   	#$F4		
L00CF   andcc 	#$AF			; Enable inturrupts
	comb  				; Flag error & return
        ldb   	#$F6
; Put calling process to sleep while we await input or output from remote device.
	pshs  	x,b,a
        lda   	V.BUSY,u		; Get busy process
        sta   	V.WAKE,u		; Store in proc to wake
        andcc 	#$AF			; Enable inturrupts
        ldx  	#$0000			; Sleep indefinatly
        os9   	F$Sleep			; Put caller to sleep
        ldx   	<D.Proc			; Get current proces descriptor addr
        ldb   	<P$Signal,x		; Get signal code of proc
        beq   	L00EF
        cmpb  	#$03
        bls   	L00F8

L00EF   clra  
        lda   	P$State,x		; Get process state
        bita  	#Condem			; Process condemed ? (being killed ?)
        bne   	L00F8			; yes : error, exit
        puls  	pc,x,b,a		; Return
L00F8   leas  	$06,s

L00FC   bsr   	DoPutProcToSleep

* Input	U = Address of device static data storage
*	Y = Address of path descriptor module
*	A = Character to write
* Output
*	CC = carry set on error, clear on none
*	B = error code if CC.C set.

Write   leax  	<TxQueue,u		; Get pointer to transmit queue
        ldb   	<TxQueueTailOffset,u	; Get offset of end of TX queue
        abx   				; Calculate next free queue slot
        sta   	,x			; Put byte to transmit in queue
        incb  				; Increment queue tail ptr
        cmpb  	#TxQueueLen-1		; End of Queue area ?
        bls   	L010D			; no, continue
        clrb  				; Point at begining of queue area
L010D   orcc  	#$50			; Disable inturrupts
        cmpb  	<TxQueueHeadOffset,u	; is Head=Tail therefore queue full ?
        beq   	L00FC			; Yes : sleep process until room in queue
        stb   	<TxQueueTailOffset,u	; Re-save tail pointer
        lda   	<u0022,u
        beq   	L012B
	anda  	#$FD
        sta   	<u0022,u
        bne   	L012B
        lda   	V.TYPE,u		; Get parity bits
        ora   	#TIRB.On+Cmd.DTR	; Enable tranmitter inturrupt & DTR ($05)
        ldx   	V.PORT,u		; Get port address $FF04
        sta   	AciaCmd,x		; Write to ACIA
L012B   andcc 	#$AF			; Enable Inturrupts
L012D   clrb  				; Flag no error
* Input	U = Address of device static data storage
*	Y = Address of path descriptor module
*	A = Status code
* Output
*	Depends on status code.
GetSta  cmpa  	#SS.Ready		; Device ready ? ($01)
        bne   	L013E
	ldb   	<u001F,u
        beq   	ErrorExit
	ldx   	$06,y
        stb   	$02,x
L013C   clrb  
L013E   cmpa  	#SS.EOF			; EOF ? ($06)
        beq   	L012D
L0142   comb  				; Flag error
        ldb   	#$D0

* Input	U = Address of device static data storage
*	Y = Address of path descriptor module
*	A = Status code
* Output
*	Depends on status code.

SetSta  cmpa  	#SS.SSig		; Send signal on data ready ? ($1A)
        bne   	L0161
        lda   	PD.CPR,y		; Get caller's process id
        ldx   	PD.RGS,y		; Get caller's Regs
        ldb   	$05,x			; Get lower half of X ????
        orcc  	#$50			; Disable inturrupts
        tst   	<u001F,u		
        bne   	L015C
        std   	<u0024,u
        bra   	L012B
L015C   andcc 	#$AF
        lbra  	L01F8
L0161   cmpa  	#SS.Relea		; Release device ? ($1B)
        bne   	L0142
        lda   	PD.CPR,y		; Get calling process ID
        cmpa  	<u0024,u		; Same process ?
        bne   	L013C			; no !
	clr   	<u0024,u		; Yes : release 
L0170   lbsr  	DoPutProcToSleep

* Input	U = Address of device static data storage
* Output
*	CC = carry set on error, clear on none
*	B = error code if CC.C set.

Term   	ldx   	<D.Proc			; Get current process descriptor addr
        lda   	P$ID,x			; Get process ID
        sta   	V.BUSY,u		; Save it in busy and last processs
        sta   	V.LPRC,u
        ldb   	<TxQueueTailOffset,u	; Check we have sent all bytes ?
        orcc  	#$50
        cmpb  	<TxQueueHeadOffset,u
        bne   	L0170			; Still bytes left to send, wait to send them
	lda   	V.TYPE,u		; Get Parity settings
        ldx   	V.PORT,u		; Get port address $FF04
        sta   	AciaCmd,x		; Set parity in ACIA
        andcc 	#$AF			; Enable inturrupts
        ldx   	#$0000			; Remove IRQ handler
        os9   	F$IRQ    

* F$IRQ handler,
* Input :
*	A	= Status byte XOR flip
*	U	= our data area
* In this case, since flip byte is zero, and any value XOR zero
* remains uncahanged, A contains the contents of the ACIA status
* register ($FF05)

	ldx   	V.PORT,u		; Get port address $FF04
        tfr   	a,b			; Take a copy of status
        andb  	#Stat.DSR+Stat.DCD	; Mask all but DSR & DCD ($60)
        cmpb  	<SavedDSRDCD,u		; Compare to saved
        beq   	L01AB			; not changed, check other bits
        stb   	<SavedDSRDCD,u		; Save DSR & DCD values
        bitb  	#$60			; Was either set ???
        lbne  	L02AE			; yes 
        lbra  	L029C

L01AB   bita  	#Stat.RxF		; Rx register full ? ($08)
        bne   	L01FD			; yes 
        lda   	<u0023,u
        bpl   	L01C4

        anda  	#$7F			
        sta   	,x
        eora  	V.XON,u
        sta   	<u0023,u
        lda   	<u0022,u
        bne   	L01EA


L01C4   leay  	<TxQueue,u		; Point to transmit queue
        ldb   	<TxQueueHeadOffset,u	; Check that there are bytes to transmit
        cmpb  	<TxQueueTailOffset,u
        beq   	L01E2			; no : skip

        lda   	d,y			; Get byte to transmit
        incb  				; Increment head offset ptr
        cmpb  	#TxQueueLen-1		; Head at end of Queue area ?
        bls   	L01D8

        clrb  				; Yes : point it at beginning
L01D8   stb   	<TxQueueHeadOffset,u	; Save it
        sta   	AciaData,x	; Transmit byte
        cmpb  	<TxQueueTailOffset,u	; Head=Tail therefore Tx queue empty ?
        bne   	L01F0			; no : skip ahead
L01E2   lda   	<u0022,u
        ora   	#$02
        sta   	<u0022,u
L01EA   ldb   	V.TYPE,u		; Get parity settings
        orb   	#Cmd.DTR		; Enable DTR, ready
        stb   	AciaCmd,x		; Write to ACIA
L01F0   ldb   	#S$Wake			; Wake up calling process
        lda   	V.WAKE,u		; Get proc ID to wake
L01F4   beq   	L01FB

        clr   	V.WAKE,u		; Clear saved wake proc ID
L01F8   os9   	F$Send   		; send wakeup signal
L01FB   clrb  				; Flag no error

L01FD   bita  	#Stat.Par+Stat.Frm+Stat.Ovr	; Check for Parity/Framing/Overrun errors ($07)
        beq   	L0213			; No Error detected, do read

        tfr   	a,b			; Copy status
        tst   	,x			
        anda  	#$07
        ora   	V.ERR,u
        sta   	V.ERR,u
        lda   	$02,x
        sta   	$01,x
        sta   	$02,x
        bra   	L01FB
L0213   lda   	,x			; Read byte from ACIA
        beq   	L022E			; zero, branch ahead

        cmpa  	V.INTR,u		; Inturrupt char ?
        beq   	L028B

        cmpa  	V.QUIT,u		; Quit char ?
        beq   	L028F

        cmpa  	V.PCHR,u		; Pause char ?
        beq   	L0283

        cmpa  	V.XON,u			; Xon char ?
        beq   	L029C

        cmpa  	<V.XOFF,u		; Xoff char ?
        lbeq  	L02AE

; If we reach here, char is nothing special, so just put it in queue

L022E   leax  	<RxQueue,u		; Point to receive queue
        ldb   	<RxQueueTailOffset,u	; Get tail offset
        abx   				; Calculate address
        sta   	,x			; Put char in queue
        incb  				; increment tail ptr
        cmpb  	#RxQueueLen-1		; End of queue area ?
        bls   	L023D			; no : continue

        clrb  				; point to begining of Rx queue area
L023D   cmpb  	<RxQueueHeadOffset,u	; Same as head of queue ?
        bne   	L024A			; no : 

        ldb   	#$04
        orb   	V.ERR,u			; accumulated errors
        stb   	V.ERR,u
        bra   	L01F0

L024A   stb   	<RxQueueTailOffset,u	; Save tail ptr
        inc   	<u001F,u
        tst   	<u0024,u
        beq   	L025D

        ldd   	<u0024,u
        clr   	<u0024,u
        bra   	L01F8

L025D   lda   	<V.XOFF,u
        beq   	L01F0

        ldb   	<u001F,u
        cmpb  	#$46
        bcs   	L01F0

        ldb   	<u0023,u
        bne   	L01F0

        anda  	#$7F
        sta   	<V.XOFF,u
        ora   	#$80
        sta   	<u0023,u
	ldb   	V.TYPE,u		; Get parity settings
        orb   	#TIRB.On+Cmd.DTR	; Enable tranmitter inturrupt & DTR ($05)
        ldx   	V.PORT,u		; Get port address $FF04
        stb   	AciaCmd,x		; Write to acia
        lbra  	L01F0
L0283   ldx   	V.DEV2,u
        beq   	L022E
        sta   	$08,x
        bra   	L022E

L028B   ldb   	#$03
        bra   	L0291

L028F   ldb   	#$02
L0291   pshs  	a

        lda   	V.LPRC,u		; Get last active proc ID
        lbsr  	L01F4			; Wake process
        puls  	a
        bra   	L022E
L029C   lda   	<u0022,u
        anda  	#$FE
        sta   	<u0022,u
        bne   	L02AC
        lda   	V.TYPE,u		; Get parity settings
        ora   	#TIRB.On+Cmd.DTR	; Enable tranmitter inturrupt & DTR ($05)
        sta   	AciaCmd,x		; Write to ACIA
L02AC   clrb  				; Flag no error

L02AE   lda   	<u0022,u
        bne   	L02B9
        ldb   	V.TYPE,u		; Get parity settings
        orb   	#Cmd.DTR		; Enable DTR 
        stb   	AciaCmd,x		; Write to ACIA
L02B9   ora   	#$01
        sta   	<u0022,u

eom     equ   	*