view level1/modules/sysgo.asm @ 2677:c58baa9276c8 lwtools-port

Fix string constants used as numbers More cases of string constants being used instead of ascii constants.
author William Astle <>
date Sun, 10 Jun 2012 14:33:53 -0600
parents 41313184bd78
children 5944d79e3fe5
line wrap: on
line source

* SysGo - Kickstart program module
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   5      1998/10/12  Boisy G. Pitre
* Taken from OS-9 L2 Tandy distribution and modified banner for V3.
*   5r2    2003/01/08  Boisy G. Pitre
* Fixed fork behavior so that if 'shell startup' fails, system doesn't
* jmp to Crash, but tries AutoEx instead.  Also changed /DD back to /H0
* for certain boot floppy cases.
*          2003/09/04  Boisy G. Pitre
* Back-ported to OS-9 Level One.
*   5r3    2003/12/14  Boisy G. Pitre
* Added SHIFT key check to prevent startup/autoex from starting if
* held down.  Gene Heskett, this Bud's for you.

         nam   SysGo
         ttl   Kickstart program module

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $03
edition  set   $05

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

         org   0
InitAddr rmb   2
         rmb   250
size     equ   .

name     fcs   /SysGo/
         fcb  edition

* Default process priority
DefPrior set   128         

Banner   equ   *
         fcc   /(C) 2012 The NitrOS-9 Project/
CrRtn    fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         IFEQ  ROM
         IFNE  NOS9DBG
         fcc   "**   DEVELOPMENT BUILD   **"
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   "** NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION! **"
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   !!
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcb   C$LF
BannLen  equ   *-Banner

         IFEQ  ROM
DefDev   equ   *
         IFNE  DD
         fcc   "/DD"
         fcc   "/H0"
         fcb   C$CR
HDDev    equ   *
         IFNE  DD
         fcc   "/DD/"
         fcc   "/H0/"
ExecDir  fcc   "CMDS"
         fcb   C$CR

Shell    fcc   "Shell"
         fcb   C$CR
AutoEx   fcc   "AutoEx"
         fcb   C$CR
AutoExPr fcc   ""
         fcb   C$CR
AutoExPrL equ  *-AutoExPr

         IFEQ  ROM
Startup  fcc   "startup -p"
         fcb   C$CR
StartupL equ  *-Startup

ShellPrm equ   *
         IFGT  Level-1
         fcc   "i=/1"
CRtn     fcb   C$CR
ShellPL  equ   *-ShellPrm

* Default time packet
DefTime  dtb

         IFEQ  atari
         IFEQ  Level-1
* BASIC reset code (CoCo port only)
BasicRst fcb   $55
         neg   <$0074
         clr   >PIA0Base+3
         sta   >$FFDF           turn off ROM mode
         jmp   >Bt.Start+2      jump to boot
BasicRL  equ   *-BasicRst

Init     fcs   /Init/

* Entry: X = pointer to start of nul terminated string
* Exit:  D = length of string
strlen   pshs  x
         ldd   #-1
go@      addd  #$0001
         tst   ,x+
         bne   go@
         puls  x,pc

WriteCR  pshs  y
         leax  CrRtn,pcr
         ldy   #$0001
         os9   I$WritLn
         puls  y,pc
* SysGo Entry Point
start    leax  >IcptRtn,pcr
         os9   F$Icpt
* Set priority of this process
         os9   F$ID
         ldb   #DefPrior
         os9   F$SPrior

* Write OS name and Machine name strings
         leax  Init,pcr
         pshs  u
         os9   F$Link
         bcs   SignOn
         stx   <InitAddr
         ldd   OSName,u					point to OS name in INIT module
         leax  d,u						point to install name in INIT module
         bsr   strlen         
         tfr   d,y
         lda   #$01
         os9   I$Write
         bsr   WriteCR
         ldd   InstallName,u
         leax  d,u						point to install name in INIT module
         bsr   strlen         
         tfr   d,y
         lda   #$01
         os9   I$Write
         bsr   WriteCR
* Show rest of banner
         puls  u
         leax  >Banner,pcr
         ldy   #BannLen
         lda   #$01                    standard output
         os9   I$Write                 write out banner

* Set default time
         leax  >DefTime,pcr
         os9   F$STime                 set time to default
         IFEQ  ROM
* Change EXEC and DATA dirs
         leax  >ExecDir,pcr
         lda   #EXEC.
         os9   I$ChgDir                change exec. dir
         leax  >DefDev,pcr
* Made READ. so that no write occurs at boot (Boisy on Feb 5, 2012)
*         lda   #READ.+WRITE.
         lda   #READ.
         os9   I$ChgDir                change data dir.
         bcs   L0125
         leax  >HDDev,pcr
         lda   #EXEC.
         os9   I$ChgDir                change exec. dir to HD

L0125    equ   *
         pshs  u,y
         IFEQ  atari
         IFEQ  Level-1
* Setup BASIC code (CoCo port only)
         leax  >BasicRst,pcr
         ldu   #D.CBStrt
         ldb   #BasicRL
CopyLoop lda   ,x+   
         sta   ,u+
         bne   CopyLoop
         os9   F$ID
         lbcs  L01A9
         leax  ,u
         os9   F$GPrDsc
         lbcs  L01A9
         leay  ,u
         ldx   #$0000
         ldb   #$01
         os9   F$MapBlk
         bcs   L01A9

         lda   #$55	set flag for Color BASIC
         sta   <D.CBStrt,u
* Copy our default I/O ptrs to the system process
         ldd   <D.SysPrc,u
         leau  d,u
         leau  <P$DIO,u
         leay  <P$DIO,y
         ldb   #DefIOSiz-1
L0151    lda   b,y
         sta   b,u
         bpl   L0151

         IFEQ  ROM
* Fork shell startup here
		IFEQ	atari
* Added 12/14/03: If SHIFT is held down, startup is not run (CoCo only)
         lda   #$01			standard output
         ldb   #SS.KySns
         os9   I$GetStt
         bcs   DoStartup
         bita  #SHIFTBIT		SHIFT key down?
         bne   L0186			Yes, don't to startup or autoex
DoStartup leax  >Shell,pcr
         leau  >Startup,pcr
         ldd   #256
         ldy   #StartupL
         os9   F$Fork
         bcs   DoAuto
         os9   F$Wait
* Fork AutoEx here
DoAuto   leax  >AutoEx,pcr
         leau  >CRtn,pcr
         ldd   #$0100
         ldy   #$0001
         os9   F$Fork
         bcs   L0186
         os9   F$Wait
L0186    equ   *
         puls  u,y
FrkShell leax  >ShellPrm,pcr
         leay  ,u
         ldb   #ShellPL
L0190    lda   ,x+
         sta   ,y+
         bne   L0190
* Fork final shell here
         leax  >Shell,pcr
         lda   #$01		D = 256 (B already 0 from above)
         ldy   #ShellPL
         IFGT  Level-1
         os9   F$Chain
         ldb   #$06
         bra   Crash
L01A9    ldb   #$04
Crash    clr   >DPort+$08	turn off disk motor
         jmp   <D.Crash
         os9   F$Fork
         bcs   DeadEnd
         os9   F$Wait
         bcc   FrkShell
DeadEnd  bra   DeadEnd

IcptRtn  rti

eom      equ   *