view level1/modules/clock2_smart.asm @ 1882:c96f594fe098

Added fragmented boot support... needs additional testing.
author boisy
date Tue, 11 Oct 2005 11:10:25 +0000
parents f389c6bca482
line wrap: on
line source

* Clock2 - Dallas Semiconductor 1216 RTC Driver
* $Id$
* Dallas Semiconductor DS1216 SmartWatch
* Wakeup sequence $C5 3A A3 5C C5 3A A3 5C
* Time byte sequence in Binary Coded Decimal
* byte	bit 7     6     5     4     3     2     1      0
* 0        |       0.1 sec MSB       |        0.1 sec LSB     |
* 1        |  0  |   10 sec          |        seconds         |
* 2        |  0  |   10 min          |        minutes         |	
* 3        |12/24|  0   | AM/PM | HR |        Hour            |
*                       |  10 HR     |        Hour            |
*        0=12, 1=24       0=AM, 1=PM
* 4        | 0   |  0   |  OSC |RESET|  0  |  Weekday         |
* 5        | 0   |  0   |  10  Date  |        Date            |
* 6        | 0   |  0   |   0  |10 Month|     Month           |
* 7        |        10 Year          |        Year            |
* OSC = 1;  turns off clock to save battery. RESET not used in Coco circuit.
* When inserted in external ROM socket, the clock is addressed at:
* $C000     bit = 0
* $C001     bit = 1
* $C004     read byte to wakeup then send wakeup sequence to bit toggles.
*           Then either read or send time.
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          2004/07/28  Robert Gault
* Complete rewrite of SmartWatch segment which would never have worked.
* See previous versions for old code if desired. Routine now will search
* through all MPI slots to find clock and accept either AM/PM or military
* time. User notified if clock not found or data memory not available.
* Initialization routine contains code that bypasses OS-9 system calls to
* acquire needed low RAM that can't become ROM. This type of code is not
* recommended in most cases but nothing else was usable.
*          2004/07/31  Robert Gault
* Added a settime routine and changed "no clock found" routine. If the
* clock is not found, the D.Time entries are cleared but no message is sent.
* Date -t will never get passed one minute.
*          2004/07/31  Rodney Hamilton
* Improved RTCJVEmu code, conditionalized RTC type comments.
*          2004/08/2   Robert Gault
* Alphabetized all clock listings so things can be found much more easily.
* Placed list of clock types at beginning of source for record keeping.
*   1      2004/08/18  Boisy G. Pitre
* Separated clock2 modules for source clarity.

         nam   Clock2    
         ttl   Dallas Semiconductor 1216 RTC Driver

         use   defsfile  

tylg     set   Sbrtn+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
edition  set   1

RTC.Base equ   $C000      clock mapped to $C000-$DFFF; $FFA6 MMU slot
RTC.Zero equ   0          Send zero bit
RTC.One  equ   1          Send ones bit
RTC.Read equ   4
*D.SWPage                 on system DP; Refer to os9defs.
D.RTCSlt equ   0          on SmartWatch ?data? page
D.RTCFlg equ   1          on SW page
D.RTCMod equ   2
D.Temp   equ   3          on SW page, holds "clock" data
D.Start  equ   4          on SW page, code starts here

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,JmpTable,RTC.Base

name     fcs   "Clock2"
         fcb   edition

         IFNE  MPIFlag   
SlotSlct fcb   MPI.Slot-1 Slot constant for MPI select code

         lbra  Init      
         bra   GetTime   
         lbra  SetTime   

GetTime  pshs  cc,d,x,y,u
         orcc  #$50
         lda   D.SWPage
         tfr   d,u         point to working space
         lda   $FF7F
         pshs  a
         lda   D.RTCSlt,u  info for MPI slot
         sta   $FF7F
         clr   D.RTCMod,u  set for read time
         jsr   D.Start,u   jsr to it
         lbra  exit

* This set time routine forces military time. It can't turn off clock but can
* be used as a timer if time set to 0:0:0  hr:min:sec
SetTime  pshs  cc,d,x,y,u
         orcc  #$50
         lda   D.SWPage
         tfr   d,u         point to working space
         lda   $FF7F
         pshs  a
         lda   D.RTCSlt,u  info for MPI slot
         sta   $FF7F
         lda   #-1
         sta   D.RTCMod,u  indicate set time rather than read
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldx   #D.Slice
         ldx   #D.TSec
         tfr   u,y                          get location of safe region
         leay  >D.Start+alrtend-reloc,y     point to end of wakeup code
         lda   ,-x                          get D.Time data and store it
         ldb   #4                           convert tenths sec, sec, min, hours
         bsr   binbcd                       to binary coded decimal
         IFGT  Level-1
         lda   D.Daywk
         sta  ,y+                           set day of week if present
         lda  ,x
         ldb  #3                            convert day of month, month, year
         bsr  binbcd                        to BCD
         jsr   >D.Start,u                   send data to clock
         lbra  exit
binbcd   pshs b
bcd3     clrb
bcd1     cmpa #10
         bcs  bcd2
         addd #$f610      decrease bin regA by 10 add bcd $10 to regB
         bra  bcd1
bcd2     pshs a
         addb ,s+         add in remainder; BCD = binary when less than 10
         stb  ,y+         place in message to clock
         lda  ,-x         get next byte of D.Time
         dec  ,s          decrease counter
         bne  bcd3
         puls b,pc

* This becomes D.Start
reloc    equ   *
         IFGT  Level-1
         lda   D.HINIT
         anda  #$CC
         sta   $FF90
         ldb   $FFA6       choose to use normal location
         pshs  b
         ldb   #$3E
         stb   $FFA6       reset MMU for clock
         sta   $FFDE
         ldd   #RTC.Base
         tfr   a,dp        DP now points to clock
         tst   D.RTCMod,u  are we reading the clock or setting it?
         beq   findclk     go if reading
         lbsr  wakeup      we are setting a found clock
         lbra  found
findclk  lda   #-1
         sta   alrtend,pcr
         lbsr  wakeup      wakeup the clock
         ldx   #D.Sec      one incoming byte dropped
         lda   #8          bytes to get
         pshs  a
L0050    ldb   #8          bits to get
L0052    lsr   <RTC.Read   get a bit
         bne   L0052
         tst   D.RTCFlg,u
         bne   maybe
         cmpa  D.Temp,u
         beq   maybe       clock might look like ROM
         inc   D.RTCFlg,u  found the clock
maybe    sta   ,x          transfer it to time
         lda   ,s          check loop counter
         cmpa  #8
         beq   L006F       skip if 0.1 sec
         cmpa  #4
         bne   L006B       skip if not day of week
         IFGT  Level-1
         lda   ,x          move to correct location
         anda  #7
         sta   D.Daywk
         bra   L006F
L006B    cmpa  #5          hour byte
         bne   wd
         lda   ,x
         bita  #%10000000  12/24hr
         beq   wd
         bita  #%00100000  AM/PM
         pshs  cc
         anda  #%00011111  keep only time
         puls  cc
         bne   pm
         cmpa  #$12        these are BCD tests
         bne   am
         clr   ,x          12AM=0hr military
         bra   wd
pm       cmpa  #$12        12PM=12hr military
         beq   wd
         adda  #$12        1-11PM add 12 for military
am       sta   ,x
wd       leax  -1,x        update time slot
         bsr   L0087       convert from BCD to binary
L006F    dec   ,s
         bne   L0050       get the next byte from clock
         lda   1,x         get year
         cmpa  #50         half assed test for century
         bhs   c19
         adda  #100        make it 20th
c19      sta   1,x
         leas  1,s
         tst   D.RTCFlg,u
         bne   found
         ldb   D.RTCSlt,u
         bitb  #$30
         beq   found
         subb  #$10        not found so move to next slot
         stb   D.RTCSlt,u
         stb   $FF7F
         lbra  findclk
found    clra              system DP is always 0
         tfr   a,dp
         IFGT  Level-1
         lda   D.HINIT     reset system before rts
         sta   $FF90
         sta   $FFDF
         puls  a
         sta   $FFA6
         rts               go back to normal code location
* Convert BCD to binary
L0087    lda   1,x
L008A    cmpa  #$10        BCD 10
         bcs   L0094
         addd  #$F00A      decrease BCD by $10 and add binary 10
         bra   L008A
L0094    pshs  a
         addb  ,s+
         stb   1,x
term     rts   

wakeup   lda   <RTC.Read   clear the clock for input
* When getting time data, bit0 is rotated into a full byte. This
* means the result is $00 or $FF for ROM. Any other value used for a test
* will give a false positive for the clock.
         bita  #1
         beq   w1
w1       stb   D.Temp,u
         leax  alert,pcr   point to message
nxtbyte  ldb   #8          8 bytes to send
         lda   ,x+
         cmpa  #-1         changed from 0 to -1 to accommodate settime
         beq   term
nxtbit   lsra              bits sent to clock by toggling
         bcs   high        Zero and One
         cmpa  <RTC.Zero   faster than tst
         bra   nxtbit2
high     cmpa  <RTC.One
nxtbit2  decb  
         bne   nxtbit
         bra   nxtbyte

* SmartWatch wakeup sequence
alert    fcb   $c5,$3a,$a3,$5c,$c5,$3a,$a3,$5c
* The next 8 bytes become time data when setting the clock. Terminator is
* now $FF instead of $00 to permit $00 as data.
alrtend  fcb   $FF
alrtime  rmb   7
         fcb   $FF

exit     equ   *
         puls  a
         sta   $FF7F       restore MPI
         tst   D.RTCFlg,u  was clock found?
         beq   noclock
         puls  cc,d,x,y,u,pc

Init     equ   *   
         clr   <D.SWPage        safe location for Read
         pshs  d,x,y,u
         IFGT  Level-1
         ldx   <D.SysMem        get memory map
         ldy   <D.SysDAT        get MMU map
         ldb   #$20             first 20 pages always in use
         abx                    point to page
A1       tst  ,x+
         beq   A2               found free page so go
         incb                   update page counter
         bpl   A1               still in RAM only, then go
A4       lda   #2               can't find RAM only memory
         leax  mem_mes,pcr
         ldy   #40
         os9   I$WritLn
         puls  d,x,y,u,pc
A2       pshs  b                save page #
         andb  #%11100000       modulo MMU blocks
         lsrb                   convert to DAT byte value
         lsrb                   page# * $100 / $2000 = MMU #
         lsrb                   $2000/$100=$20 at 2 bytes per MMU
         lsrb                   then page#/$10 gives answer
         ldd   b,y              get the MMU value
         cmpd  #$333E           is DAT unused
         pshs  cc               save answer
         inc   1,s              update page # for a used page
         puls  cc,b             get back answer and page #
         beq   A1               if unused keep going
         lda   #RAMinUse
         sta   ,-x              flag the memory in use
         ldx   <$20        D.FMBM     free memory bit map
         ldy   <$22        top of memory bit map
         ldb   #-1         preset counter
A1       lda   ,x+         get bits
         incb              update $800 counter
         pshs  y           test for end of map
         cmpx  ,s+
         bhi   A4          send error message
         clr   -1,s        preset bit counter
A2       inc   ,s
         lsra              read left to right
         bcs   A2
         lda   ,s+
         deca              convert to number of shifts
         cmpa  #8          overflow value
         beq   A1          get more map on ov
         pshs  a           save the number of shifts
         lda   #8          bytes*8
         addb  ,s          add modulo $800
         cmpb  #$7E        need RAM not ROM for clock data
         bhs   A4
         lda   #%10000000  need to create mask to map the
A5       lsra              unused bit, so reverse the process
         dec   ,s          decrease shift counter
         bne   A5
         leas  1,s         yank counter
         ora   -1,x        mark bit used and
         sta   -1,x        tell the system
         bra   A3          
A4       leas  1,s            yank bit info
         lda   #2             error path #
         leax  mem_mes,pcr    good memory not found
         ldy   #200
         os9   I$WritLn
         puls  d,x,y,u,pc
A3       equ   *
         stb   <D.SWPage      keep the info for Read
         tfr   b,a
         tfr   d,x            regX now points to SW data page
         ldb   $FF7F          get MPI values
         andb  #3             keep IRQ info
         orb   #$30           force slot #4 to start search
         stb   D.RTCSlt,x     save the info
         clr   D.RTCFlg,x     set to no clock found
         clr   D.RTCMod,x     set to read time
         leax  D.Start,x      safe location for moved code
         IFNE  H6309
         leay  reloc,pcr
         ldw   #exit-reloc
         tfm   y+,x+
         leau  reloc,pcr       relocation routine to move code
         ldy   #exit-reloc     to a RAM only location
B3       lda   ,u+
         sta   ,x+
         leay -1,y
         bne   B3
         puls  d,x,y,u,pc

noclock  equ   *
         ldd   #7          seven time bytes to clear
         ldx   #D.Time
         IFGT  Level-1
         sta   D.Daywk
nc       sta   ,x+
         bne   nc
         puls  cc,d,x,y,u,pc

mem_mes  fcc   /There is no system memory for/
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /the SmartWatch. Please reduce/
         fcb   $0a
         fcc   /os9boot size or use soft clock./
         fcb   $0d

eom      equ   *         