view level2/modules/kernel/fssvc.asm @ 1145:ca83286ded5b

Start of new OS-9 L2 Kernel
author boisy
date Tue, 22 Apr 2003 19:35:48 +0000
children 90bad6d8388c
line wrap: on
line source

* System Call: F$SSVC
* Function: Allocate a 64 byte memory block
* Input:  Y = Address of service request init table
* Output: None
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
FSSvc    ldy    R$Y,u       get pointer to table
         bra    L037F       start moving
* Main move loop
L036D    clra               clear MSB of table offset
         lslb               multiply function # by 2 to get offset into table
         tfr    d,u         copy it to U
         ldd    ,y++        get vector to function handler
         leax   d,y         offset X from current Y
         ldd    <D.SysDis   get system dispatch table pointer
         stx    d,u         save vector into place
         bcs    L037F       it was a privliged call, skip ahead
         ldd    <D.UsrDis   get user displat table pointer
         stx    d,u         save vector into place
L037F    ldb    ,y+         get callcode
         cmpb   #$80        done?
         bne    L036D       no, keep going
         rts                return