view level1/atari/cmds/fuji.asm @ 2868:cfa46960b6bd

makefiles: Rename DW3 to DW all over Rename dw3*.sb to dwio*.sb This is part of getting default and lwtools-port branches together, trying to avoid things falling through the cracks.
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sun, 24 Nov 2013 11:13:40 +0100
parents 97ba1059a8ce
line wrap: on
line source

* Sample kick application for Liber809
* James Wilkinson
* v.2 - March 28, 2012

         nam   Fuji
         ttl   Fuji Demo

         use   defsfile
            use     atari.d

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
edition  set   0

* Here are some tweakable options
STACKSZ  set   128      estimated stack size in bytes
PARMSZ   set   256      estimated parameter size in bytes

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

GRSIZE      equ     40                  ;memory per graphics mode line
GRCOUNT     equ     80                  ;total graphics mode lines
TXTSIZE     equ     40                  ;memory per text mode line
TXTCOUNT    equ     4                   ;total lines of text

CLR0        equ     $10                 ;Fuji
CLR1        equ     $0E                 ;text foreground
CLR2        equ     $00                 ;text background

VOICES      equ     2                   ;number of sound channels to use

         org   0
CharRead  rmb  1
OrgNMI    rmb  2
Clr0Next  rmb   1
SndAddrs  rmb  VOICES*2
SndDurs   rmb  VOICES
* Finally the stack for any PSHS/PULS/BSR/LBSRs that we might do
         rmb   STACKSZ+PARMSZ
size     equ   .

name     fcs   /Merge/
         fcb   edition    change to 6, as merge 5 has problems?

* Screen display areas
            use     fujimem.asm

* Music data
            use     fujitune.asm

* Custom display list:
* - 3 empty mode lines, to prevent overscan
* - 2 mode lines of ANTIC mode $2 (text)
* - 80 mode lines of ANTIC mode $D (graphics) with display list interrupts
* - 2 mode lines of ANTIC mode $2 (text)
DList       fcb     AEMPTY8,AEMPTY8,AEMPTY8
            fcb     ALMS+AMODE2
DListT1     fdbs    FujiTxt1
            fcb     AMODE2
            fcb     ALMS+ADLI+AMODED
DListM      fdbs    FujiMem
            fill    ADLI+AMODED,$4e
            fcb     AMODED
            fcb     ALMS+AMODE2
DListT2     fdbs    FujiTxt2
            fcb     AMODE2
            fcb     AVB+AJMP
DListPtr    fdbs    DList

* Main entry point

start       equ     *
* Initialize POKEY sound
InitPokey   lda     #$03          
            sta     SKCTL               ;set POKEY 2-tone mode
            lda     #$00          
            sta     AUDCTL              ;set POKEY clock base to 15 KHz
            lbsr    InitSnd

* Initialize GTIA color registers
InitClr     lda     #CLR0
            sta     COLPF0
            lda     #CLR1
            sta     COLPF1
            lda     #CLR2
            sta     COLPF2

* Convert static text, using simplified conversion to ANTIC screen characters
InitTxt     leax    FujiTxt1,pcr
            ldy     #TXTSIZE*TXTCOUNT
loop@       lda     ,x
            suba    #$20
            sta     ,x+
            leay    -1,y
            bne     loop@

* Set up custom display list
InitDL      leax    DList,pcr
            tfr     x,d
            exg     a,b
            std     DLISTL              ;point ANTIC to custom display list
            std     DListPtr,pcr

            leax    FujiTxt1,pcr
            tfr     x,d
            exg     a,b
            std     DListT1,pcr

            leax    FujiMem,pcr
            tfr     x,d
            exg     a,b
            std     DListM,pcr

            leax    FujiTxt2,pcr
            tfr     x,d
            exg     a,b
            std     DListT2,pcr

* Set up and enable non-maskable interrupt
InitNMI     leax    NMIVect,pcr
            ldy     $FFFC
            sty     OrgNMI,u
            stx     $FFFC               ;point 6809 to custom interrupt vector
            lda     #$C0                
            sta     NMIEN               ;enable both display list and vertical blank interrupts

* Read one character
            ldy     #$0001
            leax    CharRead,u
            os9     I$Read
* Now awake, time to quit
            lda     #$00
            sta     NMIEN
            ldy     OrgNMI,u
            sty     D.NMI
            ldd     #$00F8
            std     DLISTL

            os9     F$Exit

* Initialize sound pointers
            ldx     #SndAddrs
            leay    Track0,pcr          ;initialize pointer to track 0
            sty     ,x++
            leay    Track1,pcr          ;initialize pointer to track 1
            sty     ,x  

* Single vector to handle all non-maskable interrupts
NMIVect     pshs    d,x,y               ;save register used during interrupt
            lda     NMIST
DLITest@    anda    #%10000000          ;was interrupt generated by display list?
            beq     VBITest@
            bsr     DLIVect             ;if so, run DLI routine
VBITest@    lda     NMIST
            anda    #%01000000          ;was interrupt generated by vertical blank?
            beq     done@
            bsr     VBIVect             ;if so, run VBI routine
done@       puls    d,x,y               ;restore register

DLIVect     lda     Clr0Next,u          ;get color for next mode line
            adda    #2                  ;adjust for rainbow effect
            cmpa    #CLR0               ;skip grey tones
            bhi     dcycle@
            adda    #CLR0
dcycle@     sta     Clr0Next,u          ;save shadow for next interrupt
            sta     WSYNC               ;wait for horizontal sync
            sta     COLPF0              ;update GTIA color register

VBIVect     bsr     SndVect
            lda     Clr0Next,u          ;get color for next mode line
            cmpa    #$af                ;adjust for skipped grey tones
            bhi     vcycle@
            suba    #CLR0
vcycle@     suba    #$a1                ;reset color for top line of Fuji
            sta     Clr0Next,u          ;save shadow
            bsr     DLIVect             ;chain to DLI routine

SndVect     ldd     #$0000        
            tfr     d,x                 ;start with voice #0
PlayVoice   lda     SndDurs,x  
            bne     UpdateDur           ;skip work if same note keeps playing

LoadNote    tfr     x,d
            tfr     d,x
            ldy     SndAddrs,x          ;load from word offset for current note
            tfr     d,x
            leay    2,y                 
            lda     ,y
            sta     SndDurs,x           ;save duration
            ora     ,y
            bne     PlayNote
            pshs    x
            bsr     InitSnd             ;loop back to beginning at end of tune
            puls    x
            bra     LoadNote

PlayNote    leay    -2,y
            lda     ,y+
            pshs    a                   ;save frequency
            lda     ,y
            pshs    a                   ;save volume
            tfr     x,d          
            tfr     d,y                 ;y = x * 2
            puls    a                   ;restore volume
            adda    #$a0
            sta     AUDC1,y             ;set pure tone and volume
            puls    a                   ;restore frequency
            sta     AUDF1,y             ;set frequency
            tfr     x,d
            tfr     d,x
            ldd     SndAddrs,x          ;load from word offset for current note
            addd    #$0003                
            std     SndAddrs,x          ;point to next note
            tfr     x,d
            tfr     d,x

UpdateDur   dec     SndDurs,x           ;decrement remaining duration
            leax    1,x
            cmpx    #VOICES
            bne     PlayVoice           ;play next voice

eom      equ   *