view 3rdparty/packages/sierra/objs/mnln.asm @ 2869:cfa6222348f7

makefiles: Separate OS9COPY and CP macros
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sun, 24 Nov 2013 11:18:28 +0100
parents 9440c9fcf5e9
line wrap: on
line source

* MNLN - Kings Quest III main line module
* $Id$
*        Header for : mnln
*        Module size: $602E  #24622
*        Module CRC : $4A3F24 (Good)
*        Hdr parity : $66
*        Exec. off  : $0012  #18
*        Data size  : $0000  #0
*        Edition    : $00  #0
*        Ty/La At/Rv: $11 $81
*        Prog mod, 6809 Obj, re-ent, R/O
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   0      2003/03/06  Paul W. Zibaila
* Disassembly of original distribution; assembles to original mnln.

*  >$0154  flag for using extended lookups
*  >$0541  joystick button status
*  >$0532  vol_handle_table
*  >$05B9  input_edit_disabled

StdIn  equ 0
StdOut equ 1
StdErr equ 2

*  equates for direct page vars
*  shared with sierra module
u0000 equ $00    holds size of data block
u0009 equ $09    sierra - offset from entry to the routine for the remap call
u000A equ $0A 
u0019 equ $19    scrn - offset from entry to the routine for the remap call 
u0021 equ $21    shdw - offset from entry to the routine for the remap call
u0022 equ $22    sierra remap value holder
u0026 equ $26    scrn remap value holder 
u0028 equ $28    shdw remap value holder 
u002C equ $2C 
u002E equ $2E 
u0030 equ $30 
u0032 equ $32 
u0034 equ $34 
u0036 equ $36 
u0038 equ $38 
u003A equ $3A 
u003C equ $3C 
u003E equ $3E 
u0040 equ $40 
u0041 equ $41 
u0042 equ $42 
u0043 equ $43 
u0045 equ $45 
u004B equ $4B 
u004D equ $4D 
u004F equ $4F 
u0051 equ $51 
u0053 equ $53 
u0055 equ $55 
u0057 equ $57 
u0058 equ $58 
u005C equ $5C 
u005F equ $5F 
u0062 equ $62 
u0064 equ $64 
u0066 equ $66 
u0068 equ $68 
u0069 equ $69 
u006A equ $6A 
u006C equ $6C 
u006E equ $6E 
u006F equ $6F 
u0070 equ $70 
u0071 equ $71 
u0072 equ $72 
u0073 equ $73 
u0074 equ $74 
u0075 equ $75 
u0076 equ $76 
u0077 equ $77   open path counter
u0078 equ $78   path number holder
u0079 equ $79 
u007B equ $7B 
u007D equ $7D 
u007E equ $7E 
u0080 equ $80 
u0081 equ $81 
u0083 equ $83 
u0084 equ $84    seek MSW
u0086 equ $86    seek LSW
u0088 equ $88 
u0089 equ $89 
u008B equ $8B 
u008C equ $8C 
u008D equ $8D 
u008E equ $8E 
u0090 equ $90 
u0092 equ $92 
u0094 equ $94 
u0096 equ $96    holds joystick number
u0097 equ $97 
u0098 equ $98 
u0099 equ $99 
u009A equ $9A 
u009C equ $9C 
u009D equ $9D 

X0089 equ $0089  ???

X0100 equ $0100   pic_visible
X0101 equ $0101
X0102 equ $0102   clock_state

X0154 equ $0154   flag for extended table look up
X0155 equ $0155

X0157 equ $0157
X0158 equ $0158
X0159 equ $0159
X015A equ $015A
X015B equ $015B
X015C equ $015C

X0167 equ $0167

X0172 equ $0172
X0173 equ $0173
X0176 equ $0176
X0177 equ $0177
X0178 equ $0178
X0179 equ $0179
X017B equ $017B
X017C equ $017C
X017D equ $017D
X017E equ $017E
X017F equ $017F
X0180 equ $0180
X01A9 equ $01A9
X01AB equ $01AB
X01AD equ $01AD    state.block_state
X01AE equ $01AE    state.cursor
X01AF equ $01AF    state.flag
X01B0 equ $01B0    state.flag
X01B1 equ $01B1
X01D6 equ $01D6
X01D7 equ $01D7
X01D8 equ $01D8
X023D equ $023D    state.block_x2
X023E equ $023E    state.block_y2
X0240 equ $0240
X0241 equ $0241    state.pic_num
X0242 equ $0242
X0244 equ $0244    state.script_saved
X0245 equ $0245    state.script_count
X0246 equ $0246
X0247 equ $0247    state.status_state
X0248 equ $0248
X0249 equ $0249
X024B equ $024B

X024D equ $024D    state.text_fg
X024E equ $024E    state.text_bg

X024F equ $024F    state.block_x1
X0250 equ $0250    state.block_y1
X0251 equ $0251    state.ego_control_state

X0252 equ $0252    state.string

X0432 equ $0432    state.var[] 
X0433 equ $0433    
X0434 equ $0434    
X0435 equ $0435    
X0436 equ $0436    
X0437 equ $0437
X0438 equ $0438
X0439 equ $0439
X043A equ $043A
X043B equ $043B
X043C equ $043C
X043D equ $043D
X043E equ $043E
X043F equ $043F
X0440 equ $0440
X0441 equ $0441
X0442 equ $0442
X0443 equ $0443
X0444 equ $0444
X0445 equ $0445
X0446 equ $0446
X0447 equ $0447
X0448 equ $0448
X044A equ $044A
X044B equ $044B
X044C equ $044C

X0532 equ $0532
X0541 equ $0541
X0542 equ $0542
X0543 equ $0543
X0545 equ $0545
X0547 equ $0547

X0550 equ $0550   gfx_picbuffrotate
X0551 equ $0551   given_pic_data
X0553 equ $0553   display_type

X05AE equ $05AE
X05AF equ $05AF
X05B1 equ $05B1   obj_displayed in obj_show()
X05B8 equ $05B8
X05B9 equ $05B9   input_edit_disabled
X05EC equ $05EC   chgen_textmode
X05ED equ $05ED
X0659 equ $0659

XFF01 equ $FF01  hsync control
XFF02 equ $FF02  keyboard col
XFF03 equ $FF03  vsync control
XFF20 equ $FF20  d/a, cassette & rs232 out
XFF22 equ $FF22  vdg control and rs-232 in
XFF23 equ $FF23  control reg

XFFA9 equ $FFA9   task 1 block 2

* Program equates
*  Cycle Types
CY_NORM   equ   0
CY_END    equ   1
CY_REVEND equ   2
CY_REV    equ   3

*  Motion Types
MT_NORM   equ   0
MT_WANDER equ   1
MT_FOLLOW equ   2
MT_MOVE   equ   3
MT_EGO    equ   4

*  Loop Directions
RIGHT     equ   $00
LEFT      equ   $01
DOWN      equ   $02
UP        equ   $03
IGNORE    equ   $04


O_DRAWN        equ $01   * 0  - object has been drawn
O_BLKIGNORE    equ $02   * 1  - ignore blocks and condition lines
O_PRIFIXED     equ $04   * 2  - fixes priority agi cannot change it based on position
O_HRZNIGNORE   equ $08   * 3  - ignore horizon
O_UPDATE       equ $10   * 4  - update every cycle
O_CYCLE        equ $20   * 5  - the object cycles
O_ANIMATE      equ $40   * 6  - animated
O_BLOCK        equ $80   * 7  - resting on a block
O_WATER        equ $100  * 8  - only allowed on water
O_OBJIGNORE    equ $200  * 9  - ignore other objects when determining contacts
O_REPOS        equ $400  * 10 - set whenever a obj is repositioned
*                                that way the interpeter doesn't check it's next movement for one cycle
O_LAND         equ $800  * 11 - only allowed on land
O_SKIPUPDATE   equ $1000 * 12 - does not update obj for one cycle
O_LOOPFIXED    equ $2000 * 13 - agi cannot set the loop depending on direction
O_MOTIONLESS   equ $4000 * 14 - no movement.  
*                                if position is same as position in last cycle then this flag is set.
*                                follow/wander code can then create a new direction
*                                (ie, if it hits a wall or something)
O_UNUSED       equ $8000

         nam   mnln
         ttl   program module

* Disassembled 03/02/06 21:32:32 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $01
         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
size     equ   .
name     equ   *
         fcs   /mnln/
         fcb   $00

* This module is linked to in sierra
* upon entry
*   a -> type language
*   b -> attributes / revision level
*   x -> address of the last byte of the module name + 1
*   y -> module entry point absolute address
*   u -> module header absolute address

start    equ   *
         lbra  L00B9      jump over strings

* Text strings think this was probably an Info thing
L0015    fcc   'AGI (c) copyright 1988 SIERRA On-Line'
         fcc   'CoCo3 version by Chris Iden'
         fcb   C$NULL

L0056    fcc   '      Game paused.'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'Press ENTER to continue.'
         fcb   C$NULL

L0082    fcc   'Press ENTER to quit.'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'Press CTRL-BREAK to keep playing.'
         fcb   C$NULL

L00B9    leas  -$06,s     make room on the stack 
         lbsr  L0478      modifies table values at 1B0
         lbsr  L0D55      modifies table values at D09
         lbsr  L2132      calls the mmu twiddler at >$659
*                         uses toc and words.tok`

L00C4    clra
         ldb   >$043C     ** who loads me with ??
         std   ,s

L00CA    lbsr  L12A8
L00CD    ldd   <u003E
         cmpd  ,s
         bcc   L00DD
         cmpd  $04,s
         beq   L00CD
         std   $04,s
         bra   L00CA
L00DD    ldd   #$0000
         std   <u003E
         lbsr  L0952       self contained call to clear 50 bytes 05BA
         lda   >$01AF
         anda  #$DF
         sta   >$01AF
         lda   >$01AF
         anda  #$F7
         sta   >$01AF
         lbsr  L5A4C
         ldx   <u0030
         lda   >$0251
         beq   L0107
         lda   >$0438
         sta   <$21,x
         bra   L010D
L0107    lda   <$21,x
         sta   >$0438
L010D    lbsr  L0733
         lda   >$01B0
         anda  #$40
         sta   $03,s
         lbsr  L4E26
L011A    lda   >$0435
         sta   $02,s
         lbsr  L2612
         leay  ,y
         bne   L013B
         sta   >$043B
         sta   >$0437
         sta   >$0436
         lda   >$01AF
         anda  #$DF
         sta   >$01AF
         bra   L011A
L013B    lda   >$0438
         ldx   <u0030
         sta   <$21,x
         lda   $02,s
         cmpa  >$0435
         bne   L0153
         lda   >$01B0
         anda  #$40
         cmpa  $03,s
         beq   L0156
L0153    lbsr  L54F7
L0156    clra
         sta   >$0437
         sta   >$0436
         lda   >$01AF
         anda  #$FB
         sta   >$01AF
         lda   >$01AF
         anda  #$FD
         sta   >$01AF
         lda   >$01B0
         anda  #$F7
         sta   >$01B0
         lda   >$05EC
         cmpa  #$00
         lbne  L00C4
         lbsr  L068C
         lbra  L00C4

L0184    lda   #$01
         sta   >X0102      set clock_state = 1
         lbsr  L129A       events_clear
         leau  >L0056,pcr  get addr of game paused msg
         lbsr  L37F2       pass it to message_box()
         clr   >X0102      set clock_state = 0

L0197    lda   ,y+          get the arg passed and bump y
         cmpa  #$01         was it a 1?
         beq   L01A6        if so time to exit
         leau  >L0082,pcr   get addr of quit / continue msg
         lbsr  L37F2        pass it to message_box()
         beq   L01AF        if we didn't get a one back play on
*                           otherwise time to close down the game         
L01A6    lda   #$03         load the offset to exit_agi()
         sta   <u0009       save the offset
         ldx   <u0022       set up to jump to sierra
         jsr   >$0659       mmu twiddle
L01AF    rts

* every other word gets added to by a value saved in sierra
* when this module is loaded. I assume it's a mem offset
* Jump table of some kind  but what are the second words used 
* to do ????

* the first word is the pointer to the function
* the second word holds two items
*   MSB = number of parameters
*   LSB = parameter flag

L01B0    fdb   cmd_do_nothing,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_increment,$0180  
         fdb   cmd_decrement,$0180  
         fdb   cmd_assignn,$0280  
         fdb   cmd_assignv,$02C0  
         fdb   cmd_addn,$0280  
         fdb   cmd_addv,$02C0  
         fdb   cmd_subn,$0280  
         fdb   cmd_subv,$02C0  
         fdb   cmd_lindirectv,$02C0  
         fdb   cmd_rindirect,$02C0  
         fdb   cmd_lindirectn,$0280  
         fdb   cmd_set,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_reset,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_toggle,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_set_v,$0180  
         fdb   cmd_reset_v,$0180  
         fdb   cmd_toggle_v,$0180  
         fdb   cmd_new_room,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_new_room_v,$0180  
         fdb   cmd_load_logics,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_load_logics_v,$0180   
         fdb   cmd_call,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_call_v,$0180  
         fdb   cmd_load_pic,$0180  
         fdb   cmd_draw_pic,$0180  
         fdb   cmd_show_pic,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_discard_pic,$0180  
         fdb   cmd_overlay_pic,$0180  
         fdb   cmd_show_pri,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_load_view,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_load_view_v,$0180  
         fdb   cmd_discard_view,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_animate_obj,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_unanimate_all,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_draw,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_erase,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_position,$0300  
         fdb   cmd_position_v,$0360  
         fdb   cmd_get_position,$0360  
         fdb   cmd_reposition,$0360  
         fdb   cmd_set_view,$0200  
         fdb   cmd_set_view_v,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_set_loop,$0200  
         fdb   cmd_set_loop_v,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_fix_loop,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_release_loop,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_set_cel,$0200  
         fdb   cmd_set_cel_v,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_last_cel,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_current_cel,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_current_loop,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_current_view,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_number_of_loops,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_set_priority,$0200  
         fdb   cmd_set_priority_v,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_release_priority,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_get_priority,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_stop_update,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_start_update,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_force_update,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_ignore_horizon,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_observe_horizon,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_set_horizon,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_obj_on_water,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_obj_on_land,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_obj_on_anything,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_ignore_objects,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_observe_objects,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_distance,$0320  
         fdb   cmd_stop_cycling,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_start_cycling,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_normal_cycle,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_end_of_loop,$0200  
         fdb   cmd_reverse_cycle,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_reverse_loop,$0200  
         fdb   cmd_cycle_time,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_stop_motion,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_start_motion,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_step_size,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_step_time,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_move_obj,$0500  
         fdb   cmd_move_obj_v,$0570  
         fdb   cmd_follow_ego,$0300  
         fdb   cmd_wander,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_normal_motion,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_set_dir,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_get_dir,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_ignore_blocks,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_observe_blocks,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_block,$0400  
         fdb   cmd_unblock,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_get,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_get_v,$0180  
         fdb   cmd_drop,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_put,$0200  
         fdb   cmd_put_v,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_get_room_v,$02C0  

*              are these really sound commands in ours ?         
         fdb   cmd_load_sound,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_sound,$0200  
         fdb   cmd_stop_sound,$0000    (cmd_do_nothing)
         fdb   cmd_print,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_print_v,$0180  
         fdb   cmd_display,$0300  
         fdb   cmd_display_v,$03E0  
         fdb   cmd_clear_lines,$0300  
         fdb   cmd_text_screen,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_graphics,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_set_cursor_char,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_set_text_attribute,$0200  
         fdb   cmd_shake_screen,$0100   ( bump a byte and cmd_do_nothing)
         fdb   cmd_config_screen,$0300  
         fdb   cmd_status_line_on,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_status_line_off,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_set_string,$0200  
         fdb   cmd_get_string,$0500  
         fdb   cmd_word_to_string,$0200  
         fdb   cmd_parse,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_get_num,$0240  
         fdb   cmd_prevent_input,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_accept_input,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_set_key,$0300  
         fdb   cmd_add_to_pic,$0700  
         fdb   cmd_add_to_pic_v,$07FE  
         fdb   cmd_status,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_save_game,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_restore_game,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_init_disk,$0000    (cmd_do_nothing)
         fdb   cmd_restart_game,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_show_obj,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_random,$0320  
         fdb   cmd_program_control,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_player_control,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_obj_status_v,$0180   ( nagi has as donothing)
         fdb   cmd_quit,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_show_mem,$0000       ( nagi has as do nothing)
         fdb   cmd_pause,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_echo_line,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_cancel_line,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_init_joy,$0000       ( nagi has as do nothing)
         fdb   cmd_toggle_monitor,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_version,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_script_size,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_set_game_id,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_log,$0100            ( an almost do nothing, we may want to implement)
         fdb   cmd_set_scan_start,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_reset_scan_start,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_reposition_to,$0300  
         fdb   cmd_reposition_to_v,$0360  

         fdb   cmd_trace_on,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_trace_info,$0300  
         fdb   cmd_print_at,$0400  
         fdb   cmd_print_at_v,$0480  
         fdb   cmd_discard_view_v,$0180  
         fdb   cmd_clear_text_rect,$0500  
         fdb   cmd_set_upper_left,$0200    almost a do nothing
         fdb   cmd_set_menu,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_set_menu_item,$0200  
         fdb   cmd_submit_menu,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_enable_item,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_disable_item,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_menu_input,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_show_obj_v,$0100  
         fdb   cmd_open_dialogue,$0000         (cmd_do_nothing)
         fdb   cmd_close_dialogue,$0000        (cmd_do_nothing)
         fdb   cmd_multn,$0280  
         fdb   cmd_multv,$02C0  
         fdb   cmd_divn,$0280  
         fdb   cmd_divv,$02C0  
         fdb   cmd_close_window,$0000  
         fdb   cmd_set_simple,$0100      (unknown_170)
         fdb   cmd_push_script,$0000     (unknown_171)
         fdb   cmd_pop_script,$0000      (unknown_172)
         fdb   cmd_hold_key,$0000        (unknown_173)  (cmd_do_nothing)
         fdb   cmd_set_pri_base,$0000    (unknown_174)  (cmd_do_nothing)
         fdb   cmd_discard_sound,$0000                  (cmd_do_nothing)
         fdb   cmd_hide_mouse,$0400      might be fence  almost do nothing
         fdb   cmd_allow_menu,$02C0      might be mouse posn  almost do nothing

*  This is interesting but stupid
*  seems to use some value saved at load time of this module in sierra
*  add it to every other word here (2bytes) and stow it back in place.

L0478    leas  -$01,s         Make temp storage on stack for one byte
         lda   #$B2           load the counter for the move 178
         sta   ,s             store the value on the stack
*        leau  >$01B0,pcr     --- disassembly
         leau  >L01B0,pcr     point u at the beginning of the data block

L0482    ldd   <u002E         value set in sierra at nmload of mnln
         addd  ,u             add that to current u and stow in u
         std   ,u             now stow that back at u
         leau  $04,u          next u will move 4 bytes
         dec   ,s             drop the counter by 1 and go again
         bne   L0482
         leas  $01,s

* Uses the value stored at u0068 in A and
*      the value passed in B
*      to select a value to jump to

L0491    cmpb  #$B1        compare input value
         bls   L049A       less than or equal
         lda   #$10        greater than load and go into never land
         lbsr  L10CE
L049A    lda   <u0068
         cmpa  #$01
         bne   L04A7
         pshs  y
         lbsr  L5802
         puls  y
L04A7    leax  >L01B0,pcr  big jump table address
         lda   #$04
         jsr   [d,x]
         leay  ,y
         beq   L04BC      is zero ?? leave
         ldb   ,y+
         beq   L04BC      is the next byte zero leave
         cmpb  #$FC
         bcs   L0491      start again 
L04BC    rts

L04BD    lda   <$25,u
         bita  #$10
         beq   L04CB
         anda  #$EF
         sta   <$25,u
         bra   L0528     your done so leave
L04CB    ldd   $0E,u
         std   <u0074
         lda   <$23,u
         cmpa  #$00      is it zero?
         bne   L04E1     no test for next num
         ldb   <u0074
         cmpb  <u0075
         bls   L0525     head for exit
         bra   L0525     head for exit
L04E1    cmpa  #$03      is it a 3?
         bne   L04EE     no test for next num
         ldb   <u0074
         bpl   L0525     head for exit
         ldb   <u0075
         bra   L0525     head for exit
L04EE    cmpa  #$02      is it a 2?
         bne   L04FD     no test for next number
         ldb   <u0074
         beq   L050E
         bne   L0525     head for exit
         stb   <u0074
         bra   L050E
L04FD    cmpa  #$01      is it a 1?
         bne   L0525     head for exit
         ldb   <u0074
         cmpb  <u0075
         bcc   L050E
         cmpb  <u0075
         bne   L0525     head for exit
         stb   <u0074
L050E    lda   <$27,u
         lbsr  L16D5
         lda   <$26,u
         anda  #$DF
         sta   <$26,u
         sta   <$21,u
         sta   <$23,u
         ldb   <u0074
L0525    lbsr  L5EBB
L0528    rts

* The bulk of this string of subs called thru the jump table
* use the value passed thru y and the value stowed at u0030
* to resolve a pointer for use in manipulating the rest of the
* data handled
* These could be consolidated to reduce program size

L0529    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,x
         lda   <$25,x
         ora   #$20
         sta   <$25,x

L053B    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,x
         lda   <$25,x
         anda  #$DF
         sta   <$25,x

L054D    lda   #$01
         ldb   <$26,u
         andb  #$51
         cmpb  #$51
         beq   L0559
L0559    rts

L055A    lda   #$01
         ldb   <$26,u
         andb  #$51
         cmpb  #$41
         beq   L0566
L0566    rts

L0567    ldx   #$0548
         leau  >L054D,pcr  routine above ($51,$51)
         lbsr  L3113

L0572    ldx   #$054C
         leau  >L055A,pcr  routine above ($51,$41)
         lbsr  L3113

L057D    ldx   #$0548
         lbsr  L30DE        twiddle mmu
         ldx   #$054C
         lbsr  L30DE        twiddle mmu

L058A    bsr   L0572

         pshs  x
         lda   #$1E        blitlist_erase()
         sta   <u0021      save the offset
         ldx   <u0028      set up remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up the stack
         bsr   L0567
         pshs  x
         lda   #$1E        blitlist_erase()
         sta   <u0021      save the offset
         ldx   <u0028      setup remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up stack

L05A9    ldx   #$054C
         pshs  x
         lda   #$18
         sta   <u0019      save the offset 
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up stack
         ldx   #$0548
         pshs  x
         lda   #$18
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up stack

L05CA    ldx   #$0548
         lbsr  L30F6
         ldx   #$054C
         lbsr  L30F6

L05D7    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         bsr   L05F8

L05E3    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         bsr   L0612

L05EF    lda   ,y+
         bsr   L057D
         bsr   L058A
         bsr   L05A9

L05F8    lda   <$26,u
         bita  #$10
         beq   L0611
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L057D
         puls  u
         lda   <$26,u
         anda  #$EF
         sta   <$26,u
         lbsr  L058A
L0611    rts

L0612    lda   <$26,u
         bita  #$10
         bne   L062B
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L057D
         puls  u
         lda   <$26,u
         ora   #$10
         sta   <$26,u
         lbsr  L058A
L062B    rts

* from obj_base.c of nagi 2002_11_14 except those have one more right turn at the end.
L062C     fcb   IGNORE,IGNORE
          fcb   RIGHT,RIGHT,RIGHT
          fcb   IGNORE
          fcb   LEFT,LEFT,LEFT
L0635     fcb   IGNORE,UP
          fcb   RIGHT,RIGHT,RIGHT
          fcb   DOWN
          fcb   LEFT,LEFT,LEFT

L063E    lda   ,y+
         bsr   L0643

L0643    leas  -$01,s
         sta   ,s
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         cmpu  <u0032
         bcs   L065A
         lda   #$0D
         ldb   ,s
         lbsr  L10CE
L065A    lda   <$26,u
         bita  #$40
         bne   L0671
         lda   #$70
         sta   <$26,u
         lda   #$00
         sta   <$22,u
         sta   <$23,u
         sta   <$21,u
L0671    leas  $01,s

L0674    lbsr  L057D
         ldu   <u0030
L0679    cmpu  <u0032
         bcc   L068B
         lda   <$26,u
         anda  #$BE
         sta   <$26,u
         leau  <$2B,u
         bra   L0679
L068B    rts

L068C    leas  -$01,s
         clr   ,s
         ldu   <u0030
L0692    cmpu  <u0032
         bcc   L06F9
         lda   <$26,u
         anda  #$51
         cmpa  #$51
         bne   L06F4
         inc   ,s
         ldb   #$04
         lda   <$25,u
         bita  #$20
         bne   L06DA
         lda   $0B,u
         cmpa  #$03
         bhi   L06C0
         cmpa  #$02
         bcs   L06DA
         lda   <$21,u
         leay  >L062C,pcr  loop_small data address
         ldb   a,y
         bra   L06C9
L06C0    lda   <$21,u
         leay  >L0635,pcr  loop_large data address
         ldb   a,y
L06C9    lda   $01,u
         cmpa  #$01
         bne   L06DA
         cmpb  #$04
         beq   L06DA
         cmpb  $0A,u
         beq   L06DA
         lbsr  L5E3D
L06DA    lda   <$26,u
         bita  #$20
         beq   L06F4
         lda   <$20,u
         beq   L06F4
         dec   <$20,u
         bne   L06F4
         lbsr  L04BD
         lda   <$1F,u
         sta   <$20,u
L06F4    leau  <$2B,u
         bra   L0692
L06F9    lda   ,s
         beq   L0730
         ldx   #$0548
         lbsr  L30DE        twiddle mmu
         lbsr  L2DCD
         lbsr  L0567
         pshs  x
         lda   #$1E        blitlist_erase()
         sta   <u0021      save the offset
         ldx   <u0028      set up remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up the stack
         ldx   #$0548
         pshs  x
         lda   #$18
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up stack
         ldu   <u0030
         lda   <$25,u
         anda  #$F6
         sta   <$25,u
L0730    leas  $01,s

L0733    ldu   <u0030
L0735    cmpu  <u0032
         bcc   L0786
         lda   <$26,u
         anda  #$51
         cmpa  #$51
         bne   L0781
         lda   $01,u
         cmpa  #$01
         bne   L0781
         lda   <$22,u
         beq   L0767
         cmpa  #$01
         bne   L0757
         lbsr  L5FE7
         bra   L0767
L0757    cmpa  #$02
         bne   L0760
         lbsr  L1702
         bra   L0767
L0760    cmpa  #$03
         bhi   L0767
         lbsr  L2F0A
L0767    lda   <$26,u
         ldb   >X01AD      state.block_state
         bne   L0776
         anda  #$7F
         sta   <$26,u
         bra   L0781
L0776    bita  #$02
         bne   L0781
         lda   <$21,u
         beq   L0781
         bsr   L0787
L0781    leau  <$2B,u
         bra   L0735
L0786    rts

L0787    leas  -$03,s
         ldd   $03,u
         std   $01,s
         lbsr  L0866
         sta   ,s
         lda   <$21,u
         beq   L0804
         cmpa  #$01
         bne   L07A4
         ldb   $02,s
         subb  <$1E,u
         lda   $01,s
         bra   L07FD
L07A4    cmpa  #$02
         bne   L07B2
         ldd   $01,s
         adda  <$1E,u
         subb  <$1E,u
         bra   L07FD
L07B2    cmpa  #$03
         bne   L07BF
         lda   $01,s
         adda  <$1E,u
         ldb   $02,s
         bra   L07FD
L07BF    cmpa  #$04
         bne   L07CD
         ldd   $01,s
         adda  <$1E,u
         addb  <$1E,u
         bra   L07FD
L07CD    cmpa  #$05
         bne   L07DA
         ldb   $02,s
         addb  <$1E,u
         lda   $01,s
         bra   L07FD
L07DA    cmpa  #$06
         bne   L07E8
         ldd   $01,s
         suba  <$1E,u
         addb  <$1E,u
         bra   L07FD
L07E8    cmpa  #$07
         bne   L07F5
         lda   $01,s
         suba  <$1E,u
         ldb   $02,s
         bra   L07FD
L07F5    ldd   $01,s
         suba  <$1E,u
         subb  <$1E,u
L07FD    lbsr  L0866
         cmpa  ,s
         bne   L080E
L0804    lda   <$26,u
         anda  #$7F
         sta   <$26,u
         bra   L0821
L080E    lda   <$26,u
         ora   #$80
         sta   <$26,u
         clr   <$21,u
         cmpu  <u0030
         bne   L0821
         clr   >$0438
L0821    leas  $03,s

L0824    lda   #$01
         sta   >X01AD        state.block_state = 1
         lda   ,y+
         sta   >X024F        state.block_x1
         lda   ,y+
         sta   >X0250        state.block_y1
         lda   ,y+
         sta   >X023D        state.block_x2
         lda   ,y+
         sta   >X023E        state.block_y2

L083E    clr   >X01AD        state.block_state = 0

L0842    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <$26,u          load objtable[*(c++)]flags
         ora   #O_BLKIGNORE  set the ignore flag $02
         sta   <$26,u          stow it back

L0854    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <$26,u
         anda  #^O_BLKIGNORE  $FD
         sta   <$26,u

L0866    leas  -$01,s
         clr   ,s
         cmpa  >X024F      state.block_x1
         bls   L0880
         cmpa  >X023D      state.block_x2
         bcc   L0880
         cmpb  >X0250      state.block_y1
         bls   L0880
         cmpb  >X023E      state.block_y2
         bcc   L0880
         inc   ,s
L0880    lda   ,s
         leas  $01,s

L0885    clra
         ldb   <$25,u
         bitb  #$02
         bne   L08DC
         ldx   <u0030
L088F    cmpx  <u0032
         bcc   L08DC
         ldb   <$26,x
         andb  #$41
         cmpb  #$41
         bne   L08D5
         ldb   <$25,x
         bitb  #$02
         bne   L08D5
         ldb   $02,x
         cmpb  $02,u
         beq   L08D5
         ldb   $03,u
         addb  <$1C,u
         cmpb  $03,x
         bcs   L08D5
         ldb   $03,x
         addb  <$1C,x
         cmpb  $03,u
         bcs   L08D5
         ldb   $04,x
         cmpb  $04,u
         beq   L08DA
         bhi   L08CD
         ldb   <$1B,x
         cmpb  <$1B,u
         bhi   L08DA
         bra   L08D5
L08CD    ldb   <$1B,x
         cmpb  <$1B,u
         bcs   L08DA
L08D5    leax  <$2B,x
         bra   L088F
L08DA    lda   #$01
L08DC    rts

L08DD    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <$25,u
         ora   #$02
         sta   <$25,u

L08EF    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <$25,u
         anda  #$FD
         sta   <$25,u

L0901    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,x
         lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   #$FF
         ldb   <$26,x
         bitb  #$01
         beq   L0949
         ldb   <$26,u
         bitb  #$01
         beq   L0949
         lda   <$1C,u
         adda  $03,u
         ldb   <$1C,x
         addb  $03,x
         stb   <u0076
         suba  <u0076
         bcc   L0936
L0936    sta   <u0076
         lda   $04,u
         suba  $04,x
         bcc   L093F
L093F    adda  <u0076
         bcs   L0947
         cmpa  #$FF
         bne   L0949
L0947    lda   #$FE
L0949    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         sta   ,x

* clears 50 bytes at 05BA
L0952    ldu   #$05BA    set address of bytes to be cleared
         ldx   #$0032    set number of bytes to clear to 50
         clrb            set value of store there to 00
         lbsr  L2BF6     go clear them

L095D    ldx   #$01D9
         lda   #$32
L0962    tst   ,x
         beq   L0972
         bne   L096E
         ldx   #$0000
         bra   L0972
L096E    leax  $02,x
         bra   L0962
L0972    lda   ,y+
         ldb   ,y+
         beq   L097C
         tfr   b,a
         adda  #$FB
L097C    ldb   ,y+
         leax  ,x
         beq   L0984
         std   ,x
L0984    rts

L0985    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   #$00
         sta   <$23,u
         lda   <$26,u
         ora   #$20
         sta   <$26,u

L099C    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   #$01
         sta   <$23,u
         ldd   <$25,u
         ora   #$10
         orb   #$30
         std   <$25,u
         lda   ,y+
         sta   <$27,u
         lbsr  L16DC

L09BD    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   #$03
         sta   <$23,u
         lda   <$26,u
         ora   #$20
         sta   <$26,u

L09D4    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   #$02
         sta   <$23,u
         ldd   <$25,u
         ora   #$10
         orb   #$30
         std   <$25,u
         lda   ,y+
         sta   <$27,u
         lbsr  L16DC

L09F5    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         sta   <$1F,u
         sta   <$20,u

L0A0D    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <$26,u
         anda  #$DF
         sta   <$26,u

L0A1F    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <$26,u
         ora   #$20
         sta   <$26,u

L0A31    fcc   'normal cycle'
         fcb   C$NULL

L0A3E    fcc   'end of loop'
         fcb   C$NULL

L0A4A    fcc   'reverse loop'
         fcb   C$NULL

L0A57    fcc   'reverse cycle'
         fcb   C$NULL

L0A65    fcc   'normal motion'
         fcb   C$NULL

L0A73    fcc   'wander'
         fcb   C$NULL

L0A7A    fcc   'follow'
         fcb   C$NULL

L0A81    fcc   'move to (%d, %d)'
         fcb   C$NULL

L0A92    fcc   'Object %d:'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'x: %d  xsize: %d'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'y: %d  ysize: %d'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'pri: %d'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'stepsize: %d'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'control: %x'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   '%s'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   '%s'
         fcb   C$NULL

L0AE6    fcc   'Adventure Game Interpreter'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   '      Version 2.023'
         fcb   $00

L0B15    fcc   'room: %u'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'heap size: %u'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'now: %u  max: %u'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'rm.0, etc.: %u'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'common size: %u'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'now: %u  max: %u'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'tables, etc.: %u'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'max script: %u'
         fcb   C$NULL

L0B8D    leas  -$54,s
         lbsr  L5B7A        input_edit_on
         lda   >$01D8
         std   <u0040
         ldb   ,y+
         lbsr  L3B58
         ldd   #$0028
L0BA1    pshs  d
         pshs  u
         ldd   $08,s
         pshs  d
         lbsr  L39B5
         leas  $06,s
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $02,s
         clr   ,s
         ldb   #$04
         leax  ,s
         lbsr  L5613
         lbsr  L5BAD
         leax  ,s
         lbsr  L113E
         beq   L0BCB
         lbsr  L1199
L0BCB    ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
L0BD0    abx
         sta   ,x
         leas  <$54,s

L0BD7    leas  >-$0194,s
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         lda   ,x
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         std   >$0192,s
         lda   <$23,u
         cmpa  #CY_NORM       $00
         bne   L0BFB
         leax  >L0A31,pcr     normal cycle
         bra   L0C13
L0BFB    cmpa  #CY_END        $01
         bne   L0C05
         leax  >L0A3E,pcr     end of loop
         bra   L0C13
L0C05    cmpa  #CY_REVEND     $02
         bne   L0C0F
         leax  >L0A4A,pcr     reverse loop
         bra   L0C13          ** default must be CY_REV #$03
L0C0F    leax  >L0A57,pcr     reverse cycle
L0C13    stx   >$0190,s
         lda   <$22,u
         cmpa  #MT_NORM       $00
         bne   L0C24
         leax  >L0A65,pcr     normal motion
         bra   L0C54
L0C24    cmpa  #MT_WANDER     $01
         bne   L0C2E
         leax  >L0A73,pcr     wander
         bra   L0C54
L0C2E    cmpa  #MT_FOLLOW     $02
         bne   L0C38
         leax  >L0A7A,pcr     follow
         bra   L0C54
L0C38    clra
         ldb   <$28,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   <$27,u
         pshs  b,a
         leax  >L0A81,pcr     move to 
         pshs  x
         leax  >$0132,s
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $08,s
L0C54    pshs  u
         leax  >$0192,s
         pshs  x
         ldu   >$0196,s
         ldd   <$25,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   <$1E,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   <$24,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   <$1D,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $04,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   <$1C,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $03,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $02,u
         pshs  b,a
         leau  >L0A92,pcr     Object descript
         pshs  u
         leax  <$16,s
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  <$18,s
         lbsr  L37F2
         leas  >$0194,s

* gfx_picbuff_update() is in the shdw module
* L2C01 sets up MMU swaps to get it mapped in
L0C9F    inc   >X0550     sets gfx_picbuffrotate = 1 (>0)
         lbsr  L2C01      calls gfx_picbuff_update()
         lbsr  L1361      calls user_bolean_poll()
         lbsr  L2C01      calls gfx_picbuff_update()
         clr   >X0550     sets gfx_picbuffrotate = 0     

L0CAF    leau  >L0AE6,pcr      version banner
         lbsr  L37F2           message_box()

L0CB7    leas  >-$00C8,s
         ldd   <u0057
         pshs  d
         ldd   <u0053
         subd  #$06CE
         pshs  d
         ldd   <u0051
         subd  <u0053
         pshs  d
         ldd   <u0055
         subd  <u0053
         pshs  d
         ldd   <u0000
         subd  #$06CE
         pshs  d
         ldd   <u004D
         pshs  d
         ldd   <u004B
         pshs  d
         ldd   <u004F
         pshs  d
         ldd   #$FFFF
         pshs  d
         ldb   >$0432
         leax  >L0B15,pcr    room heap, common etc msg
         leau  <$12,s
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  x
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  <$18,s
         lbsr  L37F2           message_box()
         leas  >$00C8,s

L0D09    fdb   cmd_ret_false,$0000     
         fdb   cmd_equal_n,$0280     
         fdb   cmd_equal_v,$02C0     
         fdb   cmd_less_n,$0280     
         fdb   cmd_less_v,$02C0     
         fdb   cmd_greater_n,$0280     
         fdb   cmd_greater_v,$02C0     
         fdb   cmd_isset,$0100     
         fdb   cmd_isset_v,$0180     
         fdb   cmd_has,$0100     
         fdb   cmd_obj_in_room,$0240     
         fdb   cmd_posn,$0500     
         fdb   cmd_controller,$0100     
         fdb   cmd_have_key,$0000     
         fdb   cmd_said,$0000     
         fdb   cmd_compare_strings,$0200     
         fdb   cmd_obj_in_box,$0500     
         fdb   cmd_center_posn,$0500     
         fdb   cmd_right_posn,$0500     
*        not in our table "unknown 19" cmd_ret_false

* Same function as sub at L0478 just different table
L0D55    leas  -01,s            make room on stack for counter
         lda    #$13            load the count
         sta   ,s               to it on the stack
         leau  >L0D09,pcr       get table addr
L0D5F    ldd   <u002E           get the bias value
         addd  ,u               add em
         std   ,u               stow it
         leau  $04,u            skip a word
         dec   ,s               drop the count
         bne   L0D5F            branch till we finish
         leas  $01,s            clean up stack
         rts                    return

L0D6E    leax  -$01,y
         stx   <u006C
         cmpa  #$12
         bhi   L0D93            leave
         leax  >L0D09,pcr       jump table 2 address
         jsr   [a,x]
         ldb   <u0068
         cmpb  #$01
         bne   L0D9A            leave
         pshs  y
         sta   <u006E
         ldu   <u006C
         lbsr  L582A
         puls  y
         lda   <u006E
         bra   L0D9A            leave
L0D93    tfr   a,b
         lda   #$0F
         lbsr  L10CE
L0D9A    rts

L0D9B    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         cmpa  ,y+
         lbne  L0F4E          clr a and return
         lbra  L0F4B          load a with #$01 and return

L0DAC    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         cmpa  ,x
         lbne  L0F4E          clr a and return
         lbra  L0F4B          load a with #$01 and return

L0DC3    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         cmpa  ,y+
         lbcc  L0F4E          clr a and return
         lbra  L0F4B          load a with #$01 and return

L0DD4    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x

         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         cmpa  ,x
         lbcc  L0F4E          clr a and return
         lbra  L0F4B          load a with #$01 and return

L0DEB    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         cmpa  ,y+
         lbls  L0F4E          clr a and return
         lbra  L0F4B          load a with #$01 and return

L0DFC    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x

         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         cmpa  ,x
         lbls  L0F4E          clr a and return
         lbra  L0F4B          load a with #$01 and return

L0E13         lda   ,y+
         lbsr  L16EB
         lbeq  L0F4E          clr a and return
         lbra  L0F4B          load a with #$01 and return

L0E1F    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         lbsr  L16EB
         lbeq  L0F4E          clr a and return
         lbra  L0F4B          load a with #$01 and return

L0E32    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   <u0038
         lda   #$FF
         cmpa  $02,x
         lbne  L0F4E          clr a and return
         lbra  L0F4B          load a with #$01 and return

L0E44    ldb   $01,y
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         ldb   ,y++
         ldx   <u0038
         cmpa  $02,x
         lbne  L0F4E          clr a and return
         lbra  L0F4B          load a with #$01 and return

L0E5C    lda   ,y+
         ldx   #$05BA
         lda   a,x

L0E64    ldx   #$0432
         lda   <$13,x
         lbne  L0F4B          load a with #$01 and return
L0E6E    lbsr  L132C
         cmpa  #$FF
         beq   L0E6E
         lbeq  L0F4E          clr a and return
         sta   <$13,x
         lbra  L0F4B          load a with #$01 and return

L0E80    lda   ,y+
         sta   <u0072
         lda   >$015A
         beq   L0ECE
         sta   <u0073
         lda   >$01AF
         anda  #$08
         bne   L0ECE
         lda   >$01AF
         anda  #$20
         beq   L0ECE
         ldx   #$0195
L0E9C    lda   <u0072
         beq   L0ECE
         ldb   ,y+
         lda   ,y+
         dec   <u0072
         cmpd  #$270F
         bne   L0EB6
         lda   <u0072
         beq   L0ED2
         leay  a,y
         lbra  L0ED2
L0EB6    tst   <u0073
         bne   L0EBF
         inc   <u0073
         lbra  L0ECE
L0EBF    cmpd  ,x++
         beq   L0ECA
         cmpd  #$0001
         bne   L0ECE
L0ECA    dec   <u0073
         bra   L0E9C
L0ECE    ldd   <u0072
         bne   L0EDD
L0ED2    lda   >$01AF
         ora   #$08
         sta   >$01AF
         lbra  L0F4B          load a with #$01 and return
L0EDD    lsla
         leay  a,y
         lbra  L0F4E          clr a and return
L0EE3    lda   ,y+
         ldb   ,y+
         lbsr  L56AF

L0EEB    bsr   L0F1B
         sta   <u006F
         sta   <u0071
         bra   L0F29

L0EF3    bsr   L0F1B
         sta   <u006F
         lda   <$1C,u
         adda  <u006F
         sta   <u006F
         sta   <u0071
         bra   L0F29
L0F03    bsr   L0F1B
         adda  <$1C,u
         sta   <u006F
         sta   <u0071
         bra   L0F29

L0F0F    bsr   L0F1B
         sta   <u006F
         adda  <$1C,u
         sta   <u0071
         bra   L0F29
L0F1B    ldb   ,y+
         lda   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldd   $03,u
         stb   <u0070

L0F29    ldd   <u006F
         cmpa  ,y+
         bcc   L0F33
         leay  $03,y
         bra   L0F4E          clr a and return
L0F33    cmpb  ,y+
         bcc   L0F3B
         leay  $02,y
         bra   L0F4E          clr a and return
L0F3B    lda   <u0071
         cmpa  ,y+
         bls   L0F45
         leay  $01,y
         bra   L0F4E          clr a and return
L0F45    cmpb  ,y+
         bls   L0F4B          load a with #$01 and return
         bra   L0F4E          clr a and return

L0F4B    lda   #$01

L0F4E    clra

L0F4F    rts               called from eval_table cmd_return_false

L0F50    lda   ,y+
         pshs  y
         bsr   L0F59
         puls  y

L0F59    leas  -$03,s
         sta   ,s
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         cmpu  <u0032
         bcs   L0F70
         lda   #$13
         ldb   ,s
         lbsr  L10CE
L0F70    ldd   <$10,u
         bne   L0F7A
         lda   #$14
         lbsr  L10CE
L0F7A    lda   <$26,u
         bita  #$01
         bne   L0FD2
         stu   $01,s
         ora   #$10
         sta   <$26,u
         lbsr  L15F5
         ldd   <$10,u
         std   <$12,u
         ldd   $08,u
         std   <$14,u
         ldd   $03,u
         std   <$1A,u
         ldx   #$0548
         lbsr  L30DE        twiddle mmu
         ldu   $01,s
         lda   <$26,u
         ora   #$01
         sta   <$26,u
         lbsr  L0567
         pshs  x
         lda   #$1E       blitlist_erase()
         sta   <u0021     save the offset
         ldx   <u0028     setup remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659     mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s      cleanup the stack
         ldu   $01,s
         lda   <$25,u
         anda  #$EF
         sta   <$25,u
         pshs  u
         lda   #$1B
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up stack
L0FD2    leas  $03,s

L0FD5    lda   ,y+
         pshs  y
         bsr   L0FDE
         puls  y

L0FDE    leas  -$04,s
         sta   ,s
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         cmpu  <u0032
         bcs   L0FF5
         lda   #$0C
         ldb   ,s
         lbsr  L10CE
L0FF5    lda   <$26,u
         bita  #$01
         beq   L1052
         stu   $01,s
         ldx   #$0548
         lbsr  L30DE        twiddle mmu
         ldu   $01,s
         lda   <$26,u
         anda  #$10
         sta   $03,s
         bne   L1017
         ldx   #$054C
         lbsr  L30DE        twiddle mmu
         ldu   $01,s
L1017    lda   <$26,u
         anda  #$FE
         sta   <$26,u
         lda   $03,s
         bne   L1033
         lbsr  L0572
         pshs  x
         lda   #$1E       blitlist_erase()
         sta   <u0021     save the offset
         ldx   <u0028     setup remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659     mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s      clean up the stack
L1033    lbsr  L0567   
         pshs  x
         lda   #$1E       blitlist_erase()
         sta   <u0021     save the offset 
         ldx   <u0028     set up remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659     mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s      clean up the stack
         ldu   $01,s
         pshs  u
         lda   #$1B
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up stack
L1052    leas  $04,s

L1055    fcc   'Avis Durgan'
L1060    fcb   C$NULL

L1061    leas  -$02,s
         stu   ,s
         leau  >L1055,pcr      Avis msg
L1069    cmpx  ,s
         bcc   L107D           leave
         tst   ,u
         bne   L1075
         leau  >L1055,pcr      Avis msg
L1075    lda   ,x
         eora  ,u+
         sta   ,x+
         bra   L1069
L107D    leas  $02,s

L1080    fcb   C$BELL,C$NULL

L1082    fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'Press CTRL-BREAK to quit.'
         fcb   C$NULL

L109D    fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'Press ENTER to try again.'
         fcb   C$NULL

L10B8    fcc   'System error #%u.%s%s'
         fcb   C$NULL

L10CE    sta   >$0443
L10D1    stb   >$0444
         lbsr  L2778
         lbsr  L129A
         lbsr  L229D
         bsr   L1118         ring the bell
         bsr   L1118         ring the bell
         lbsr  L4E2F

L10E4    leas  >-$00B1,s
         lbsr  L5B7A         input_edit_on
         bsr   L1118         ring the bell
         bsr   L1118         ring the bell
L10EF    leau  >L1082,pcr    quit msg
         pshs  u
         leau  >L109D,pcr    try again msg
         pshs  u
         ldb   >$015B
         leau  >L10B8,pcr    sys error msg
         leax  $04,s
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
L1109    pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $0A,s
         lbsr  L37F2           message_box()
L1113    leas  >$00B1,s

*  I$Write Writes to a file or device
* entry:
*       a -> path number
*       x -> start address of the data to write
*       y -> number of bytes to write
* exit:
*       y -> number of bytes written
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

L1118    pshs  y                  save current y
         ldy   #$0002             two bytes bell $07 and null
         lda   #StdOut            $01
         leax  >L1080,pcr         load the addr
         os9   I$Write            send it (ring the bell)
         puls  y                  retrieve our y
         rts                      return

L112A    fcb $00,$00
         fcb $00,$00
         fcb $00,$00
         fcb $00,$00
         fcb $00

L1133    fcb $00

L1134    fcb $00,$00
         fcb $00,$00
         fcb $00,$00
         fcb $00,$00
         fcb $00,$00

L113E    leas  -$02,s
         stx   ,s
L1142    lda   ,x+
         bne   L1142
         tfr   x,d
         ldx   ,s
         subd  ,s
         subd  #$0001
         leas  $02,s

L1152    pshs  u
L1154    lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
         bne   L1154
         puls  x

* copy routine terminates on null value transfer
* entry:
*       d -> number of bytes to move
*       x -> from address
*       y -> unused
*       u -> to address
*       s -> used as buffer
* exit:
*       d -> should contain a zero value
*       y -> unchanged
*       x -> contains address of moved info
*       u -> cleared
*       s -> restored

L115D    leas  -$04,s    make room on stack
         std   ,s        save counter value on stack
         stu   $02,s     save to address on the stack
L1163    lda   ,x+       copy byte at a time
         sta   ,u+
         beq   L1174     if we move a null value were done
         ldd   ,s        move the counter back to d
         subd  #$0001    decrement it
         std   ,s        save it again
         bne   L1163     if not zero loop again
         clr   ,u        clear u orig to address
L1174    ldx   $02,s     put destination address in x
         leas  $04,s     clean up stack
         rts             return

* append copy routine checks for data and copies to end
* entry:
*       a -> 
*       b -> 
*       x -> from address
*       y -> unused
*       u -> to address
*       s -> used as buffer
* exit:
*       a -> destroyed
*       b -> unchanged
*       y -> unchanged
*       x -> contains address of moved info
*       u -> end of stored data + 1
*       s -> restored

L1179    pshs  u          save to address
L117B    lda   ,u+        get byte and increment
         bne   L117B      if not null loop again
         leau  -$01,u     found a null back up to it
L1181    lda   ,x+        load byte to move and bump pointer
         sta   ,u+        stow it and bump to pointer
         bne   L1181      loop again if it wasn't a null
         puls  x

* Compares 2 sets of input byte for byte
* entry:
*       a -> don't care 
*       b -> don't care
*       x -> address 1
*       y -> unused
*       u -> address 2
*       s -> used as buffer
* exit:
*       a -> last tested value
*       b -> unchanged
*       y -> unchanged
*       x -> restored
*       u -> restored
*       s -> restored

L118A    pshs  u,x      save original addresses
L118C    lda   ,x       get byte of at x
         suba  ,u+      compare against byte at u and bump u pointer
         bne   L1196    not a match exit routine
         tst   ,x+      test for null and bump x pointer
         bne   L118C    not a null loop again
L1196    puls  u,x      pull originals and
         rts            return

* converts 0-9 string to decimal number
* x contains the address of the string

L1199    leas  -$02,s    make a little room on the stack
         clra            zero a
         sta   ,s        stow it on the stack twice
         sta   $01,s     so the current stack word = $0000
L11A0    ldb   ,x+       get the first byte and bump ptr
         cmpb  #C$SPAC   $20   is it a space
         beq   L11A0     yes get next char
L11A6    cmpb  #'0       $30  is it a "0"
         blo   L11BF     if lower clean up stack and leave
         cmpb  #'9       $39 is it a "9"
         bhi   L11BF     if greater clean up stack and leave
         subb  #'0       $30 subtract the ascii value of 0
         stb   $01,s     save that value
         lda   #10       $0A load a with ten
         ldb   ,s        load b with number accumulated so far
         mul             multiply
         addb  $01,s     add in the last digit resolved
         stb   ,s        save new number
         ldb   ,x+       go fetch the next digit
         bne   L11A6     if not null resolve it
L11BF    lda   ,s        move the number to a
         leas  $02,s     clean up stack 

L11C4    leax  >L1133,pcr      data byte
         clr   ,x
L11CA    ldu   #$000A
         bsr   L11FA
         addb  #$30       add ascii value for 0
         stb   ,-x
         tfr   u,d
         cmpd  #$0000
         bhi   L11CA

L11DC    leax  >L1133,pcr      data byte
         clr   ,x
L11E2    ldu   #$0010
         bsr   L11FA
         addb  #$30       add ascii value for 0
         cmpb  #$39       compare to ascii value for 9
         ble   L11EF
         addb  #$07
L11EF    stb   ,-x
         tfr   u,d
         cmpd  #$0000
         bhi   L11E2

L11FA    leas  -$05,s
         std   ,s
         stu   $02,s
         lda   #$10
         sta   $04,s
         ldd   #$0000
L1207    lsl   $01,s
         rol   ,s
         cmpd  $02,s
         bcs   L1216
         subd  $02,s
         inc   $01,s
L1216    dec   $04,s
         bne   L1207
         ldu   ,s
         leas  $05,s

L121F    leas  -$0B,s
         pshs  x,b           save x and b on entry
         tfr   u,x           transfer u to x
         leau  $04,s
         lbsr  L1152
         lbsr  L113E
         stb   $03,s
         leau  >L1134,pcr    10 byte data table
         ldx   #$000A        set x to 10
         ldb   #$30          set value to store there to ASCII 0
         lbsr  L2BF6         go set the bytes
         puls  b             grab orig b value
         subb  $02,s
         bpl   L1242
L1242    clr   b,u
         leax  $03,s      from address for append
         lbsr  L1179      append routine
         tfr   x,u        to address back in u
         puls  x          restore orig x
         leas  $0B,s      clean up stack

* tests for A-Z in accumulator a
* and if found returns a-z
L1250    cmpa  #'A        $41  compare to Cap A
         blo   L125A      less than exit
         cmpa  #'Z        $5A  compare to cap Z
         bhi   L125A      greater exit
         ora   #$20       was between A-Z make lowercase
L125A    rts

L125B    lbsr  L3D7D
         lda   $01,y
         suba  ,y++
         bne   L1269
         tfr   b,a
         bra   L126E
L1269    lbsr  L5CEF
         adda  -$02,y
L126E    ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         sta   ,x

L1277    tst   ,x
         bne   L1280
         ldx   #$0000
         bra   L1286
L1280    cmpa  ,x+
         bne   L1277
         leax  -$01,x
L1286    rts

* upper to lower case string conversion
* address of string passed in u

L1287    tfr   u,x        move  addr passed in u to x
L1289    lda   ,x         load a with value
         beq   L1293      if zero exit if not do an
         bsr   L1250      upper to lower case conversion
         sta   ,x+        stow that value back at x and bump the pointer
         bra   L1289      go again
L1293    rts              we found a null so leave

L1294    lbsr  L2311      prompt for joysticks and get results
         bsr   L129A      branch below discard stdin & read joysticks

L129A    lbsr  L24D8      go read stdin and discard values ?? clear_key_queue
         lbsr  L235F      set up call to joysticks            reset_joy

         ldx   #$0103     load and store the value $0103
         stx   <u0092     in these memory locations
         stx   <u0094

L12A8    lbsr  L2365      set up call to joysticks
         lbsr  L24DF      read input and check table

L12AF    ldu   <u0092
         stb   ,u+
         sta   ,u+
         stu   <u0092
         ldx   #$012B
         cmpx  <u0092
         bhi   L12C3
         ldx   #$0103
         stx   <u0092
L12C3    ldx   <u0092
         cmpx  <u0094
         bne   L12CD
         leau  -$02,u
         stu   <u0092
L12CD    rts

L12CE    ldd   <u0094
         cmpd  <u0092
         bne   L12DA
         ldx   #$0000
         bra   L12EF
L12DA    ldx   #$0002
         leax  d,x
         stx   <u0094
         ldx   #$012B
         cmpx  <u0094
         bhi   L12ED
         ldx   #$0103
         stx   <u0094
L12ED    tfr   d,x
L12EF    rts

L12F0    leas  -$02,s
L12F2    ldd   >$024B
         std   ,s
         bsr   L12CE
         leax  ,x
         bne   L130A
L12FD    ldd   ,s
         cmpd  >$024B
         beq   L12FD
         lbsr  L12A8
         bra   L12F2
L130A    lbsr  L1369
         leas  $02,s

L1310    leax  ,x
         beq   L132B
         ldb   ,x
         cmpb  #$01
         bne   L132B
         ldu   #$01D9
L131D    ldb   ,u++
         beq   L132B     leave
         cmpb  $01,x
         bne   L131D
         lda   #$03
         ldb   -$01,u
         std   ,x
L132B    rts

L132C    lbsr  L12A8
         bsr   L12CE
         tfr   x,d
         leax  ,x
         beq   L1341      leave
         bsr   L1369
         lda   ,x
         cmpa  #$01
         bne   L1342
         lda   $01,x
L1341    rts

L1342    lda   #$FF

L1345    bsr   L132C
         beq   L1345
         cmpa  #$FF
         beq   L1345

L134E    bsr   L132C
         tfr   a,b
         lda   #$01
         cmpb  #$0D
         beq   L1360       leave
         lda   #$00
         cmpb  #$1B
         beq   L1360       leave
         lda   #$FF
L1360    rts

L1361    lbsr  L129A       events_clear
L1364    bsr   L134E
         bmi   L1364

L1369    lda   ,x
         cmpa  #$01
         bne   L1381        leave
         lda   $01,x
         cmpa  #$FC
         bne   L1379
         lda   #$0D
         bra   L137F
L1379    cmpa  #$FE
         bne   L1381        leave
         lda   #$1B
L137F    sta   $01,x
L1381    rts

* these get accessed for a getstat call
* if a call to the Seek routine contained a value in b
         fcb   SS.Pos     $05
         fcb   SS.Size    $02

*        Think these values have no significance
*        and are just junk place holders ??
L1384    fcb   $2E
L1385    fcb   $2E,$0D
L1387    fcb   $00   

* Create File - Creates and opens a disk file
* entry:
*       a -> access mode (write or update)
*       b -> file attributes
*       x -> address of the path list 
* exit:
*       a -> path number
*       x -> address of the last byte of the path list + 1;
*            trailing blanks are skipped. 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

L1388    pshs  x,d
         bsr   L13CA       delete call first
         clr   >$015B      clear error code holder
         puls  x,b,a
         os9   I$Create
L1394    bcc   L1399       ok then leave
         lbsr  L15E6       error go to error handler
L1399    rts

* Open Path - Opens a path to the an existing file or device
*             as specified by the path list
* entry:
*       a -> access mode (D S PE PW PR E W R) 
*       x -> address of the path list 
* exit:
*       a -> path number 
*       x -> address of the last byte of the path list + 1 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

L139A    clr   >$015B      clear error code holder
         os9   I$Open
         bcc   L13A5       no error return
         lbsr  L15E6       error go to error handler
L13A5    rts

* Read  - Reads N bytes from the specified path
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       x -> number of bytes to read
*       y -> adderess in which to store the data
* exit:
*       y -> number of bytes to be read
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

L13A6    clr   >$015B      clear error code holder
         os9   I$Read
         bcc   L13B5       ok leave
         lbsr  L15E6       error go to error handler
         ldy   #$0000      clr y
L13B5    tfr   y,d         number of bytes read 

* Write - Writes to a file or device
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       x -> starting address of data to write
*       y -> number of bytes to be written
* exit:
*       y -> number of bytes written
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

L13B8    clr   >$015B      clear error code holder
         os9   I$Write
         bcc   L13C7       ok leave
         lbsr  L15E6       error go to error handler
         ldy   #$0000      clr y
L13C7    tfr   y,d         number of bytes written

* Delete File - deletes a specific disk file
* entry:
*       x -> address of path list
* exit:
*       x -> address of path list + 1
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

L13CA    clr   >$015B      clear error code holder
         os9   I$Delete
         bcc   L13D5       ok leave
         lbsr  L15E6       error go to error handler
L13D5    rts

* Close Path - terminates an I/O path
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

L13D6    clr   >$015B      clear error code holder
         os9   I$Close
         bcc   L13E1       ok leave
         lbsr  L15E6       error go to error handler
L13E1    rts

* Seek - repositions the file pointer
*        seeks to address 0 is the same as rewind
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       x -> most significant 16 bits of the desired file position 
*       u -> least significant 16 bits of the desired file position 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

* I am assuming that a clear b signals a rewind

L13E2    clr   >$015B      clear error code holder
         tstb              is there a value in b?
         bne   L13F6       if so do other processing first
         os9   I$Seek      if b=0 do the seek
         bcc   L141E       no error leave
L13ED    lbsr  L15E6       error go to error handler
         ldy   #$0000      clear y but why ?
         bra   L141E       and now leave

* if b contained value use it 
* to determine seek from current pos or end of file
* Get status - Returns the status of a file or device
*              Wildcard call exit status differs based on cal code
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       b -> function code (SS.Size or SS.Pos)
* exit:
*       x -> most significant 16 bits of the current file size 
*       u -> least significant 16 bits of the current file size 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

L13F6    stx   <u0084      stow current MSW value 
         stu   <u0086      stow current LSW value
         leau  >L1381,pcr  points to rts address above values
         ldb   b,u         use value of b to point to getsta param
         os9   I$GetStt    make the getsta call
         bcs   L13ED       error go to error handler
         pshs  a           save our path number

         tfr   u,d         resolve LSW first
         addd  <u0086      add value passed in to getsta value
         tfr   d,u         return it to u

         tfr   x,d         resolve MSW next

         adcb  #$00        don't think these do anything sometimes used
         adca  #$00        to test for before begin of file no test of results

         addd  <u0084      add value passed in to getsta value
         tfr   d,x         return it to u

         puls  a           retrieve the path number
         os9   I$Seek      make the seek
         bcs   L13ED       error go to error handler
L141E    rts

* Duplicate path  -  Returns a synonymous path number
* entry:
*       a -> old path number (one to be duplicated)
* exit:
*       a ->new path number (if no error)
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code if any

L141F    clr   >$015B      clear error code holder
         os9   I$Dup
         bcc   L142A       good dup ? leave
         lbsr  L15E6       error go to error handler
L142A    rts

L142B    leas  <-$22,s     make room on the stack 
*                          2 bytes for y and 32 for buffer
         sty   ,s          save the current y
         clra              zero a
         sta   ,y          clear at y
         sta   <u0077      clear open path counter
         leax  >L1385,pcr  load x with address to store path num
         lbsr  L155F       open path 
         bcs   L145D       error on open go close the path 
         sta   <u0078      save open path number

         ldb   #SS.DevNm   Returns a device name $0E
         leax  $02,s       address of 32 byte buffer to hold name 
         os9   I$GetStt
         bcs   L145D       close open path
         ldy   ,s
         ldb   #'/         slash $2F
         stb   ,y+
         ldd   ,x++
         andb  #$7F
         std   ,y++
         ldb   #'/         slash $2F
         stb   ,y+
         clr   ,y
L145D    lbsr  L1572       close open path
         leas  <$22,s      clean up stack

* lib_get_disk (state_info.c)
L1464    leas  -$0A,s
         leay  ,s          
         bsr   L142B       opens a path and gets device name
         leax  $01,s
         ldd   #$0002      number of bytes to copy
         lbsr  L115D       copy routine
         tfr   x,u         move copy destination back to u
         lbsr  L1287       upper to lower string conversion
         ldd   ,u          load d with our converted value
         subb  #'0         #$30 subtract ascii zero from b (second letter)
         cmpa  #'d         #$64  test first letter for a d  
         beq   L1481       if it is stow the difference between 0 and orig b
         orb   #$10        else add $10 to b then save it
L1481    stb   $03,u       save value of b in u
         leas  $0A,s       clean up stack

L1486    leas  >-$00C2,s
         stu   ,s
         sta   <u0077
         leax  >$00A1,s
         sta   ,x
         stx   <u0079
         leax  >L1385,pcr   load x with address to store path number
         lbsr  L155F        open path
         sta   <u0078       save open path number
         leax  >$00A2,s
         lbsr  L153A
L14A7    ldd   <u0081
         std   <u007B
         lda   <u0083
         sta   <u007D
         ldx   #$0081       address of values to compare
         ldy   #$007E       address of values to compare
         lbsr  L1553        call compare 3 byte routine
         beq   L14F4        if equal close the path
         leax  >L1384,pcr   data byte that is init to period 
         lbsr  L157C         change dir routine
         lbsr  L1572         close open path
         bcs   L1510
         leax  >L1385,pcr    load x with address to store path num
         lbsr  L155F         open path
         leax  >$00A2,s
         bsr   L153A
L14D4    leax  >$00A2,s
         lda   <u0078
         lbsr  L1569
         bcs   L1510
         leax  <$1D,x         address of values to compare
         ldy   #$007B         address of values to compare
         bsr   L1553          call 3 byte compare routine
         bne   L14D4
         leax  >$00A2,s
         bsr   L151D
         bcs   L1510
         bra   L14A7
L14F4    lbsr  L1572        close open path
         leay  >$00A2,s
         lbsr  L142B
         leax  >$00A2,s
         bsr   L151D
         bcs   L1510
         ldu   ,s
         ldx   <u0079
         lbsr  L1152
         lbsr  L157C         change dir routine
L1510    ldu   ,s           load u for call to string conversion
         lbsr  L1287        upper to lower string conversion
         lbsr  L1572        close open path
         leas  >$00C2,s

L151D    os9   F$PrsNam
         bcs   L1539
         ldx   <u0079
L1524    lda   ,-y
         anda  #$7F
         sta   ,-x
         bne   L1524
         cmpa  #$2F
         beq   L1537
         lda   #$2F
         sta   ,-x
         andcc #$FE
L1537    stx   <u0079
L1539    rts

L153A    bsr   L1569
         ldd   <$1D,x
         std   <u007E
         lda   <$1F,x
         sta   <u0080
         bsr   L1569
         ldd   <$1D,x
         std   <u0081
         lda   <$1F,x
         sta   <u0083

* compares three bytes 
* called with address of values to compare in x & y
L1553    ldd   ,x++
         cmpd  ,y++
         bne   L155E leave not equal
         lda   ,x
         cmpa  ,y
L155E    rts

L155F    lda   #READ.+DIR.   $81 
         lbsr  L139A       Open path routine
         bcs   L1568       if error leave
         inc   <u0077      increment open file counter
L1568    rts

L1569    lda   <u0078      load path number
         ldy   #$0020      number of bytes to read
         lbra  L13A6       Read routine
L1572    lda   <u0078      load path number
         lbsr  L13D6       Close path routine
         bcs   L157B       leave
         clr   <u0077      clear open file counter
L157B    rts

L157C    clr   >$015B
         lda   #READ.+DIR.   $81
         os9   I$ChgDir
         bcc   L1589       return on successful change
         lbsr  L15E6       error go to error handler
L1589    rts

L158A    lda   $05,s
         ldy   $02,s
         lbsr  L139A       Open path routine
         bcs   L1598        leave
         ldx   $06,s
         bsr   L159C
L1598    lda   >$015B

L159C    clr   >$015B
         ldb   #$0F
         ldy   #$0010
         os9   I$GetStt
         bcc   L15AC        leave
         bsr   L15E6       error go to error handler
L15AC    rts

L15AD    leas  <-$14,s
         leax  ,s
         bsr   L159C
         leax  $03,x
         lda   ,x
         suba  #$50
         std   <$10,s
         ldb   $01,x
         lda   #$20
         addd  <$10,s
         addb  $02,x
         adca  #$00
         std   <$10,s
         lda   $03,x
         std   <$12,s
         ldb   $04,x
         lda   #$20
         addd  <$12,s
         ldx   <$10,s
         leas  <$14,s

*  error handler for os9 calls
L15E6    pshs  cc
         cmpb  #E$PNNF      error $D8 path name not found
         bne   L15EF        any other error 
         lda   #$FF
L15EF    stb   >$015B        store error 
         puls  cc

L15F5    leas  -$05,s
         stu   ,s
         sta   $03,s
         sta   $02,s
         sta   $04,s
         lda   >$01D7
         cmpa  $04,u
         bcs   L1612
         ldb   <$26,u
         bitb  #$08
         bne   L1612
         sta   $04,u
L1612    lbsr  L167C
         beq   L1631
         lbsr  L0885
         bne   L1631
         pshs  u
         lda   #$03         obj_chk_control()
         sta   <u0021       save the offset
         ldx   <u0028       set up the remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659       mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s        clean up the stack
         ldu   ,s
         lda   <u005C
         bne   L1679
L1631    lda   $03,s
         bne   L1643
         dec   $03,u
         dec   $04,s
         bne   L1612
         inc   $03,s
         lda   $02,s
         sta   $04,s
         bra   L1612
L1643    cmpa  #$01
         bne   L1657
         inc   $04,u
         dec   $04,s
         bne   L1612
         inc   $03,s
         inc   $02,s
         lda   $02,s
         sta   $04,s
         bra   L1612
L1657    cmpa  #$02
         bne   L1669
         inc   $03,u
         dec   $04,s
         bne   L1612
         inc   $03,s
         lda   $02,s
         sta   $04,s
         bra   L1612
L1669    dec   $04,u
         dec   $04,s
         bne   L1612
         clr   $03,s
         inc   $02,s
         lda   $02,s
         sta   $04,s
         bra   L1612
L1679    leas  $05,s

L167C    clra
         ldb   $03,u
         addb  <$1C,u
         bcs   L16A2
         cmpb  #$A0
         bhi   L16A2
         ldb   $04,u
         cmpb  #$A7
         bhi   L16A2
         cmpb  <$1D,u
         bcs   L16A2
         cmpb  >$01D7
         bhi   L16A1
         ldb   <$26,u
         bitb  #$08
         beq   L16A2
L16A1    inca
L16A2    rts

L16A3    fcb   $80,$40,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$01

L16AB    lda   ,y+
         bra   L16D5

L16AF    lda   ,y+
         bra   L16DC

L16B3    lda   ,y+
         bra   L16E4

L16B7    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         bra   L16D5

L16C1    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         bra   L16DC
L16CB    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         bra   L16E4
L16D5    bsr   L16F0
         ora   ,x
         sta   ,x

L16DC    bsr   L16F0
         anda  ,x
         sta   ,x

L16E4    bsr   L16F0
         eora  ,x
         sta   ,x
L16EB    bsr   L16F0
         anda  ,x

L16F0    tfr   a,b
         leax  >L16A3,pcr   data table above
         anda  #$07
         lda   a,x
         ldx   #$01AF

L1702    leas  -$05,s
         ldb   <$27,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldx   <u0030
         lda   <$1C,x
         adda  $03,x
         ldb   $04,x
         std   $03,s
         pshs  b,a
         lda   <$1C,u
         adda  $03,u
         sta   $07,s
         ldb   $04,u
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L2F4C
         leas  $06,s
         sta   ,s
         bne   L173A
         sta   <$21,u
         sta   <$22,u
         lda   <$28,u
         lbsr  L16D5
         bra   L17A7
L173A    lda   <$29,u
         cmpa  #$FF
         bne   L1746
         clr   <$29,u
         bra   L17A2
L1746    lda   <$25,u
         bita  #$40
         beq   L1790
L174D    lbsr  L3D7D
         lda   #$09
         lbsr  L5CEF
         sta   <$21,u
         beq   L174D
         ldb   $03,s
         subb  $01,s
         bcc   L1761
L1761    stb   $04,s
         ldb   $04,u
         subb  $02,s
         bcc   L176A
L176A    clra
         addb  $04,s
         adca  #$00
         stb   $04,s
         lda   <$1E,u
         sta   <$29,u
         cmpa  $04,s
         bcc   L17A7
L177E    lbsr  L3D7D
         lda   $04,s
         lbsr  L5CEF
         cmpa  <$1E,u
         bcs   L177E
         sta   <$29,u
         bra   L17A7
L1790    lda   <$29,u
         beq   L17A2
         clr   <$29,u
         suba  <$1E,u
         bcs   L17A7
         sta   <$29,u
         bra   L17A7
L17A2    lda   ,s
         sta   <$21,u
L17A7    leas  $05,s

L17AA    fcb   $01

L17AB    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00

L17CA    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00

L17E9    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00

* save_disk_check (state_info.c)
L1829    fcc   'save'
         fcb   C$NULL

* save_disk_check (state_info.c)
L182E    fcc   'restore'
         fcb   C$NULL

L1836    fcc   ' - %s'
         fcb   C$NULL

* state_get_info strings (state_info.c)
L183C    fcc   'How would you like to describe this saved game?'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF,C$NULL

* save_disk_check strings (state_info.c)
L186E    fcc   'Please put your save game'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'disk in drive %s.'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcc   'Press ENTER to continue.'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'Press CTRL-BREAK to not'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   '%s a game.'
         fcb   C$NULL

* state_get_path strings (state_info.c)
L18D7    fcc   '(For example, "/d1" or "/h0/savegame")'
         fcb   C$NULL

* state_get_path strings (state_info.c)
L18FE    fcc   '         SAVE GAME'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcc   'On which disk or in which directory do you '
         fcc   'wish to save this game?'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcc   '%s'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcb   C$NULL

* state_get_path strings (state_info.c)
L195B    fcc   '        RESTORE GAME'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcc   'On which disk or in which directory is the '
         fcc   'game that you want to restore?'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcc   '%s'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcb   C$NULL

* state_get_filename strings (state_info.c)
L19C1    fcc   'Use the arrow keys to move'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   '     the pointer to your name.'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'Then press ENTER.'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcb   C$NULL

* state_get_path strings (state_info.c)
L1A0E    fcc   'There is no directory named:'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   '%s.'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'Press ENTER to try again.'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'Press CTRL-BREAK to cancel.'
         fcb   C$NULL

* state_get_filename strings (state_info.c)
L1A65    fcc   'There are no games to'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'restore in:'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcc   '%s'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcc   'Press ENTER to continue.'
         fcb   C$NULL

* state_get_filename strings (state_info.c)
L1AA5    fcc   'Use the arrow keys to select the slot '
         fcc   'in which you wish to save the game. '
         fcc   'Press ENTER to save in the slot, '
         fcc   'CTRL-BREAK to not save a game.'
         fcb    C$NULL

* state_get_filename strings (state_info.c)
L1B2F    fcc   'Use the arrow keys to select the game which you '
         fcc   'wish to restore. Press ENTER to restore the game, '
         fcc   'CTRL-BREAK to not restore a game.'
         fcb    C$NULL

* state_get_filename strings (state_info.c)
L1BB3    fcc   '   Sorry, this disk is full.'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'Position pointer and press ENTER'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   '    to overwrite a saved game'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'or press CTRL-BREAK and try again'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   '    with another disk.'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcb   C$NULL

* state_get_info  (state_info.c)
L1C49    leas  -$02,s
         clr   $01,s
         lda   >$05B9    input_edit_disabled
         sta   ,s
         lbsr  L5B7A     input_edit_on
         lbsr  L464E
         lbsr  L47AA
         ldd   #$000F
         lbsr  L45BA
         ldd   $04,s
         pshs  d
         lbsr  L1D10
         leas  $02,s
L1C6A    beq   L1CAB
         ldd   $04,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L1CBD        save_disk_check
         leas  $02,s
         beq   L1CAB
         ldd   $04,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L1DE0
         leas  $02,s
         sta   $01,s
         beq   L1CAB
         lda   $05,s
         cmpa  #$73
         bne   L1CA2
         lda   >L41E5,pcr     FILE struct datablock ???
         bne   L1CA2
         leax  >L17CA,pcr     31 byte data block
         leau  >L183C,pcr     describe game msg
         lbsr  L1D83
L1C9C    bne   L1CA2
         clr   $01,s
         bra   L1CAB
L1CA2    leax  >L17E9,pcr     64 byte data block
         ldb   $01,s
         lbsr  L4430
L1CAB    lbsr  L47BE
         lbsr  L4663
         lda   ,s
         beq   L1CB8
         lbsr  L5B69
L1CB8    lda   $01,s
         leas  $02,s
* save_disk_check
* passed in  state_type for checking
L1CBD    leas  >-$00A5,s
         lda   #$01
         sta   ,s            tempa2
         leau  >$00A1,s
         lbsr  L1464         lib_get_disk
         lda   >L4423,pcr    save_drive
         cmpa  >$00A4,s
         bne   L1D09         clean up and return
         cmpa  #$10
         bcc   L1D09         clean up and return 
         lbsr  L4BBA         volumes_close
         leau  >L1829,pcr    load the "save" string
         lda   >$00A8,s      load the state_type passed to function
         cmpa  #'s           is it an 's' for save? $73
         beq   L1CED         it was s so don't load the restore string
         leau  >L182E,pcr    restore string
L1CED    pshs  u             push state_type string on stack
         leau  >$00A3,s      address of out temp buffer
         pshs  u             push on stack
         leau  >L186E,pcr    save game disk in drive msg
         leax  $05,s
         pshs  u
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C21         ???         
         leas  $08,s
         lbsr  L37F2           message_box()
         sta   ,s
L1D09    lda   ,s
         leas  >$00A5,s

L1D10    leas  >-$00C8,s
         lda   >L17AB,pcr   31 byte data block
         bne   L1D23
         leau  >L17AB,pcr   31 byte data block
         lbsr  L1486
         leas  ,s
L1D23    tst   >L41E5,pcr   FILE struct data block ???
         bne   L1D7E
L1D29    leau  >L18D7,pcr   example msg
         pshs  u
         leau  >L18FE,pcr    SAVE GAME msg
         ldb   >$00CD,s
         cmpb  #$73
         beq   L1D3F
         leau  >L195B,pcr    RESTORE GAME msg
L1D3F    leax  $02,s
         pshs  u
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $06,s
         leax  >L17AB,pcr   31 byte data block
         lbsr  L1D83
         beq   L1D7E
         leau  >L17AB,pcr  31 byte data block  string to convert
         lbsr  L1287       upper to lower string conversion
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L4478
         leas  $02,s
         bne   L1D7E
         leau  >L17AB,pcr   31 byte data block
         pshs  u
         leau  >L1A0E,pcr   No Directory msg
         leax  $02,s
         pshs  u
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $06,s
         lbsr  L37F2           message_box()
         bne   L1D29
L1D7E    leas  >$00C8,s

L1D83    leas  -$03,s
         stx   ,s
         ldd   #$0001
         pshs  d
         ldd   #$001F
         pshs  d
         ldd   #$0000
         pshs  d
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L3868         message_box_draw
         leas  $08,s
         ldd   #$0000
         pshs  d
         lda   >$0178
         ldb   >$0177
         std   <u0040
         ldb   >$0179
         pshs  d
         ldb   >$0177
         pshs  d
         lbsr  L48A1
         leas  $06,s
         lbsr  L464E
         lda   #$0F
         lbsr  L45BA
         ldb   #$1F
         ldx   ,s
         lbsr  L5613
         sta   $02,s
         lbsr  L4663
         lbsr  L3997       cmd_close_window
         lda   #$01
         ldb   $02,s
         cmpb  #$0D
         beq   L1DDB
L1DDB    ldx   ,s
         leas  $03,s

L1DE0    leas  >-$0256,s
         lda   #$01
         sta   >X0154       flag for extended table lookup
         lda   #$06
         sta   >$0547
         ldd   #$0000
         sta   >$024C,s
         std   >$024E,s
         std   >$0250,s     state.block_y1
         lda   >$0259,s
         suba  #$72
         beq   L1E07
         lda   #$0C
L1E07    std   >$024A,s
L1E0B    cmpb  #$0C
         lbcc  L1EB3
         leau  >$0252,s     state.string
         pshs  u
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   >$025D,s
         lda   >$024E,s
         cmpb  #$73
         bne   L1E2A
         lda   >$024F,s     state.block_x1??
L1E2A    ldb   #$20
         leau  $06,s
         leau  d,u
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L209C
         leas  $06,s
         beq   L1EA8
         ldb   >$0259,s
         cmpb  #$73
         bne   L1E74
         ldd   >$0252,s      state.string
         cmpd  >$024E,s
         bhi   L1E5A
         bcs   L1EA8
         ldd   >$0254,s
         cmpd  >$0250,s     state.block_y1
         bls   L1EA8
L1E5A    ldd   >$0254,s
         std   >$0250,s     state.block_y1
         ldd   >$0252,s     state.string
         std   >$024E,s
         lda   >$024B,s
         sta   >$024C,s
         bra   L1EA8
L1E74    ldd   >$0252,s      state.string
         cmpd  >$024E,s
         bhi   L1E8C
         bcs   L1EA4
         ldd   >$0254,s
         cmpd  >$0250,s     state.block_y1
         bls   L1EA4
L1E8C    ldd   >$0254,s
         std   >$0250,s     state.block_y1
         ldd   >$0252,s     state.string
         std   >$024E,s
         lda   >$024A,s
         sta   >$024C,s
L1EA4    inc   >$024A,s
L1EA8    inc   >$024B,s
         ldb   >$024B,s
         lbra  L1E0B
L1EB3    lda   >$024A,s
         bne   L1EDD
         lda   >L41E5,pcr   FILE struct data block
         bne   L1EE5
         leau  >L17AB,pcr   31 byte data block
         pshs  u
         leau  >L1A65,pcr   No games to restore
         leax  >$0184,s
         pshs  u
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $06,s
         lbsr  L37F2           message_box()
         lbra  L2091
L1EDD    lda   >L41E5,pcr    FILE struct datablock ???
         lbeq  L1F65
L1EE5    lda   >L17AA,pcr    data byte
         bne   L1F56
         leax  >L41E5,pcr    FILE struct datablock
         leau  >L17CA,pcr     31 byte data block
         lbsr  L1152
         stb   >$024B,s
L1EFB    cmpb  #$0C
         bcc   L1F1F
         leau  >L17CA,pcr     31 byte data block
         lda   #$20
         leax  $02,s
         leax  d,x
         leax  $01,x
         lbsr  L118A    compare routine
         tsta           test what was left in a
         lbeq  L208F    if it was a 0 then branch
         inc   >$024B,s
         ldb   >$024B,s
         lbra  L1EFB
L1F1F    lda   >$0259,s
         cmpa  #$73
         bne   L1F4A
         stb   >$024B,s
L1F2C    cmpb  #$0C
         bcc   L1F4A
         lda   #$20
         leax  $02,s
         leax  d,x
         ldb   ,x
         lda   $01,x
         lbeq  L208F
         inc   >$024B,s
         ldb   >$024B,s
         lbra  L1F2C
L1F4A    lda   >$0259,s
         suba  #$72
         lbeq  L2091
         bra   L1F65
L1F56    leau  >$0182,s
         lbsr  L1464         lib_get_disk
         lda   >$0185,s
         sta   >L4423,pcr    save_drive
L1F65    ldd   #$0001
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$0022
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   #$05
         stb   >$0251,s
         addb  >$024E,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   >L41E5,pcr    FILE struct datablock
         beq   L1F91
         leau  >L1BB3,pcr    disk full msg
         ldb   >L17AA,pcr    data byte
         beq   L1F65
         leau  >L19C1,pcr    arrow key message
         bra   L1F65
L1F91    lda   >$025F,s
         leau  >L1AA5,pcr    slot select msg
         cmpa  #$73
         beq   L1FA1
         leau  >L1B2F,pcr    game select msg
L1FA1    pshs  u
         lbsr  L3868         message_box_draw
         leas  $08,s
         lda   >$024D,s
         adda  >$0176
         sta   >$024D,s
         sta   >L17AA,pcr    data byte
         sta   >$024B,s
L1FBC    cmpa  >$024A,s
         bcc   L1FF0
         adda  >$024D,s
         ldb   >$0177
         std   <u0040
         lda   >$024B,s
         ldb   #$20
         leax  $02,s
         leax  d,x
         leax  $01,x
         pshs  x
         leax  >L1836,pcr    dash percent s
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $04,s
         inc   >$024B,s
         lda   >$024B,s
         lbra  L1FBC
L1FF0    lda   >$024C,s
         sta   >$024B,s
         adda  >$024D,s
         lbsr  L2107
L1FFF    lbsr  L12F0
         stx   ,s
         lda   ,x
         cmpa  #$01
         bne   L2041
         lda   $01,x
         cmpa  #$0D
         bne   L2037
         lbsr  L3997          cmd_close_window
         leau  >L17CA,pcr     31 byte data block
         lda   >L41E5,pcr     FILE struct data block ???
         beq   L2021
         leau  >L41E5,pcr     FILE struct datablock ???
L2021    lda   >$024B,s
         ldb   #$20
         leax  $02,s
         leax  d,x
         pshs  x
         leax  $01,x
         lbsr  L1152
         puls  x
         bra   L208F
L2037    cmpa  #$1B
         bne   L1FFF
         lbsr  L3997           cmd_close_window
         bra   L2091
L2041    cmpa  #$02
         bne   L1FFF
         lda   >$024D,s
         adda  >$024B,s
         ldb   $01,x
         cmpb  #$01
         bne   L206E
         lbsr  L2112
         lda   >$024B,s
         bne   L2060
         lda   >$024A,s
L2060    deca
         sta   >$024B,s
         adda  >$024D,s
         lbsr  L2107
         bra   L1FFF
L206E    cmpb  #$05
         bne   L1FFF
         lbsr  L2112
         lda   >$024B,s
         cmpa  >$024A,s
         bne   L2081
L2081    sta   >$024B,s
         adda  >$024D,s
         lbsr  L2107
         lbra  L1FFF
L208F    lda   ,x
L2091    clr   >X0154       flag for extended table lookup
         clr   >$0547
         leas  >$0256,s

L209C    leas  <-$48,s
         ldu   <$4A,s
         ldb   <$4D,s
         stb   ,u
         leax  ,s
         lbsr  L4430
         lda   #$01
         lbsr  L139A       Open path routine
         bcs   L20FD
         sta   <$47,s
         lbsr  L15AD
         ldy   <$4E,s
         stx   ,y++
         std   ,y
         ldy   #$001F
         ldx   <$4A,s
         leax  $01,x
         lda   <$47,s
         lbsr  L13A6       Read routine
         ldx   #$0000
         ldu   #$0024
         lda   <$47,s
         ldb   #$01
         lbsr  L13E2
         ldy   #$0007
         leax  <$40,s
         lda   <$47,s
         lbsr  L13A6       Read routine
         lda   <$47,s
         lbsr  L13D6       Close path routine
         ldu   #$01CF
         lbsr  L118A      compare routine
         bne   L20FD      not a match
         lda   #$01
         bra   L2103
L20FD    clra
         ldu   <$4A,s
         sta   $01,u
L2103    leas  <$48,s

L2107    ldb   >$0177
         std   <u0040
         lda   #$1A
         lbsr  L4734

L2112    ldb   >$0177
         std   <u0040
         lda   #$20
         lbsr  L4734

tOC      fcc   'toc'
         fcb   C$NULL

WordsTok fcc   'words.tok'
         fcb   C$NULL

Object   fcc   'object'
         fcb   C$NULL

L2132    ldd   #$E000   looks like our block 8 address boundary?
         std   <$002E   this is u002E slot ?
         ldd   #$4040   load the color for sbuff_fill()
         pshs  d        stuff it on the stack
         lda   #$18     offset for sbuff_fill()
         sta   <u0021   save the offset
         ldx   <u0028   setup remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659   mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s    clean up stack

         lbsr  L129A    events_clear
         lbsr  L4CD8
         lda   #$0F
         lbsr  L45BA
         lbsr  L5BAD
         lbsr  L1294
         leau  >tOC,pcr
         ldd   #$0000
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$0089
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$0000
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L4BDB
         leas  $08,s
         ldu   <u0089
         ldb   ,u+
         stb   >$05ED
         tfr   d,x
         stu   <u0089
L217F    ldd   <u0089
         addd  ,u
         std   ,u++
         leax  -$01,x
         bne   L217F
         leau  >WordsTok,pcr
         ldd   #$01AB
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$01A9
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$0000
         pshs  b,a
L219C    pshs  u
         lbsr  L4BDB
         leas  $08,s
         lbsr  L2529
         lbsr  L5D0D
         lbsr  L506C
         lbsr  L34CA
         bsr   L21CC
         lbsr  L2571
         ldd   <u004F
         std   <u004D
         ldd   <u0055
         std   <u0053
         lda   >$01B0 
         ora   #$40
         sta   >$01B0
         lbsr  L523B
         lbsr  L5265

L21CC    leas  -$01,s
         leau  >Object,pcr
         ldx   <u0038
         beq   L21DA
         leax  -$03,x
         stx   <u0038
L21DA    ldd   #$0000
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$0038
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  x
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L4BDB
         leas  $08,s
         ldx   <u0038
         ldd   <u0066
         leau  d,x
         lbsr  L1061
         ldd   <u0066
         subd  #$0003
         std   <u003A
         ldu   <u0038
         lda   $02,u
         sta   ,s
         lda   $01,u
         ldb   ,u
         leau  $03,u
         stu   <u0038
         leau  d,u
         stu   <u003C
         ldu   <u0038
L2211    cmpu  <u003C
         bcc   L2222
         lda   $01,u
         ldb   ,u
         addd  <u0038
         std   ,u
         leau  $03,u
         bra   L2211
L2222    inc   ,s
         ldu   <u0030
         bne   L2241
         lda   ,s
         ldb   #$2B
         std   <u0034
         lbsr  L2730
         stu   <u0030      this is where u0030 is set
         ldd   <u0034
         leau  d,u
         stu   <u0032
         leau  <-$2B,u
         stu   <u0036
         ldu   <u0030      load address of values to clear
L2241    ldx   <u0034      load number of bytes to clear
         clrb              set the value to store to 00
         lbsr  L2BF6       go clear them
L2248    cmpa  ,s
         bcc   L2254
         sta   $02,u
         leau  <$2B,u
         bra   L2248
L2254    ldu   #$0432      load address of the values to clear
         ldx   #$0100      load number of bytes to clear (256)
         clrb              set the value to store there to 00
         lbsr  L2BF6       go clear them
         ldu   #$01AF      load address of the values to clear
         ldx   #$0020      load the number of bytes to clear (64)
         lbsr  L2BF6       go clear them
         lbsr  L0952       self contained call to clear 50 bytes at 05BA
         bsr   L229D
         lbsr  L057D
         lda   #$09
         sta   >$0446
         lda   >$0553
         sta   >$044C
         lda   #$29
         sta   >$044A
         lda   >$01AF
         ora   #$04
         sta   >$01AF
         sta   >X0241      state.pic_num
         sta   >X01AD      state.block_state
         sta   >$0251
         tst   >$0173
         bne   L229A
         sta   >$0448
L229A    leas  $01,s

L229D    lbsr  L2533
         lbsr  L5D0D
         lbsr  L506C
         lbsr  L34CA

L22AA    fcb   $00     selected joystick x value set in L23DA
         fcb   $00     selected joystick y value set in L23DA
         fcb   $00     never set but used at L2481

L22AD    fcc   'If you have a joystick, and'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'wish to use it, press its'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'button.'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'If not, press CTRL-BREAK to'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'continue.'
         fcb   C$NULL

L2311    lda   <u0098
         eora  #$01
         sta   <u0098
         beq   L235B
         clr   <u0099
L231B    leau  >L22AD,pcr     joystick message
         ldd   #$0000        load the 4 arguments for message_box_draw
         pshs  d
         ldd   #$0020
         pshs  d
         ldd   #$0000
         pshs  d
         pshs  u             pointer to the string
         lbsr  L3868         message_box_draw
         leas  $08,s
         ldb   #$00
L2337    stb   <u0097
         lbsr  L132C
         ldb   >$0541         joystick button status
         bne   L2350
L2341    ldb   <u0097
         eorb  #$01
         cmpa  #$1B
         bne   L2337
         clr   <u0098
         lbsr  L3997          cmd_close_window
         bra   L235B
L2350    lbsr  L3997          cmd_close_window
L2353    lbsr  L23F3
         lda   >$0541         joystick button status
         bne   L2353
L235B    lbsr  L129A          events_clear

*  set up calls to joysticks
L235F    clr   >$0541      clear joystick button status
         clr   >$0542      clear memory location
L2365    lda   <u0098      get value here
         lbeq  L23D9       is zero branch leave and return
         ldb   >$0547      get mem location value
         beq   L23A7       branch to set up joystick call
         ldx   <u009C
         bne   L2394
         ldx   <u009A
         bne   L2394
L2379    orcc  #IntMasks         $50
         addd  >$024B
         std   <u009C
         ldd   >$0249
         andcc #^IntMasks        $AF
         bcc   L238A
         addd  #$0001
L238A    std   <u009A
         bne   L2394
         ldd   <u009C
         bne   L2394
         inc   <u009D
L2394    orcc  #IntMasks         $50
         ldx   >$024B
         ldd   >$0249
         andcc #^IntMasks        $AF
         cmpd  <u009A
         bhi   L23A7
         cmpx  <u009C
         bls   L23D7

L23A7    ldd   #$0000       clear d
         std   <u009A       clear mem location
         std   <u009C       clear mem location
         bsr   L23DA        get joystick x,y status
         lbsr  L2481        check values and mostly waste time see note there
         ldb   >X0154       flag for extended table lookup
         bne   L23BD
         ldb   >$0180
         beq   L23C2
L23BD    tsta
         beq   L23D7
         bra   L23D2
L23C2    cmpa  <u0099
         beq   L23D7
         ldb   >X0102
         bne   L23D7
         sta   <u0099
         cmpa  >$0438
         beq   L23D7
L23D2    ldb   #$02
         lbsr  L12AF
L23D7    bsr   L2404
L23D9    rts

* Get status - Returns the status of a file or device
*              Wildcard call exit status differs based on cal code
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       b -> function code (SS.Joy) $13
*       x -> joystick number
*            0 - right joystick
*            1 - left joystick
* exit:
*       a -> fire button down
*            0 - none
*            1 - Button 1
*            2 - Button 2
*            3 - Buttons 1 & 2
*       Note: in Level 1 a values as follows
*            $00 - button off
*            $FF - button on
*       x -> selected joystick x value (0-63)
*       y -> selected joystick y value (0-63) 

L23DA    pshs  y             save our y value
         lda   #StdIn        $00
         ldb   #SS.Joy       $13
         ldx   <u0096        joystick number
         os9   I$GetStt      make the call
         tfr   x,d           move x vale to d
         leax  >L22AA,pcr    point to joystick data
         sty   $01,x         store y value second byte
         std   ,x            store x value first byte
         puls  y             retrieve orig y value
         rts                 return

L23F3    pshs  y             save our y
         lda   #StdIn        $00
         ldb   #SS.Joy       $13
         ldx   <u0096        joystick number
         os9   I$GetStt      make the call
         sta   >$0541        joystick buttons status
         puls  y             restore our y

L2404    bsr   L23F3        get joystick button stat
         lda   >$0542       get byte after joy stat
         cmpa  #$02         is it 2?
         bne   L2430        not 2 branch below
         orcc  #IntMasks    mask interrupts  $50 but why
         ldx   >$024B       get some data
         ldd   >$0249       get some more
         andcc #^IntMasks   un mask      $AF
         cmpd  >$0543       
         blo   L2430
         bhi   L2424
         cmpx  >$0545
         bcs   L2430
L2424    clr   >$0542
         lda   #$FC
         ldb   #$01
         lbsr  L12AF
         bra   L2439
L2430    lda   >$0542
         beq   L2439
         cmpa  #$02
         bne   L2443
L2439    lda   >$0541
         beq   L2480
         inc   >$0542
         bra   L2480
L2443    cmpa  #$01
         bne   L2471
         lda   >$0541
         bne   L2480
         lda   >$01B0       state.flag
         anda  #$80
         beq   L2424
         ldb   >$0441
         orcc  #IntMasks    why      $50
         addd  >$024B
         std   >$0545
         ldd   >$0249
         andcc #^IntMasks        $AF
         bcc   L2469
         addd  #$0001
L2469    std   >$0543
         inc   >$0542
         bra   L2480
L2471    lda   >$0541
         bne   L2480
         clr   >$0542
         lda   #$FE
         ldb   #$01
         lbsr  L12AF
L2480    rts

* This does a check of the joystick values but I'm confused
* since at this point x points to L22AA the first of three bytes
* byte 0 (L22AA) = x co-ordinate
* byte 1 (L22AB) = y co-ordinate
* byte 2 (L22AC) = null since nobody set it
* Possible good old C-code off by one error ???

L2481    lda   $02,x    we get the third byte which is null ??
         ldb   $01,x    we get the second byte which is the y value
         cmpa  #$25      ** as I see it this will always
         bls   L2499     **  less or same branch here
*                           dead code ???
         lda   #$08
         cmpb  #$16
         blo   L24BB     less than leave
         lda   #$02
         cmpb  #$25
         bhi   L24BB     greater than leave
         lda   #$01
         bra   L24BB     always leave
*                          end of dead code  ???
L2499    cmpa  #$16      a still = 00 from initial load
         bcc   L24AD     will never happen
         lda   #$06      so we load a with 6
         cmpb  #$16      and test
         blo   L24BB     less than leave
         lda   #$04
         cmpb  #$25
         bhi   L24BB     greater than leave
         lda   #$05
         bra   L24BB     always leave
L24AD    lda   #$07
         cmpb  #$16
         blo   L24BB     leave
         lda   #$03
         cmpb  #$25
         bhi   L24BB     leave
         lda   #$00
L24BB    rts

L24BC    fcb   $1C,$01
         fcb   $10,$02
         fcb   $19,$03
         fcb   $11,$04
         fcb   $1A,$05
         fcb   $12,$06
         fcb   $18,$07
         fcb   $13,$08
         fcb   $00,$00

L24CE    fcb   $0C,$01
         fcb   $09,$03
         fcb   $0A,$05
         fcb   $08,$07
         fcb   $00,$00

*  reads input from stdin and discards it ???
L24D8    lbsr  L2BC0        go do getstat and read of stdin
         tsta               check a for value 
         bne   L24D8        if it has a value loop to read again

L24DF    lbsr  L2BC0        go do a getstat and read of input
         tsta               check for return value
         beq   L24F7        if zero leave else has a value so continue
         bsr   L24F8        use lookup table to match val in a
         tstb               check b value for match found
         bmi   L24EE        if b is neg i.e. hit L2515 below
         ldb   #$02         load b with 2
         bra   L24F4        branch to sub call
L24EE    cmpa  #$0C         b < 0 check a for first byte in second table
         beq   L24F7        it is then leave
         ldb   #$01         else load b with two
L24F4    lbsr  L12AF        make call to sub that uses u0092
L24F7    rts

* compares value passed in "a" to table vals
L24F8    leax  >L24BC,pcr   data table above 
L24FC    cmpa  ,x+          compare val in a with table and bump x
         beq   L2519        is it a match ? go load 2nd byte of x in a
         ldb   ,x+          load second byte in b 
         bne   L24FC        if not a zero more to test
         ldb   >X0154       it was zero get flag for table 2 use
         beq   L2515        that val zero go load b with FF and leave
         leax  >L24CE,pcr   otherwise load info from 2nd data table above
L250D    cmpa  ,x+          check and bump
         beq   L2519        match ?? go load second byte of the pair and leave
         ldb   ,x+          else load second byte in b and bump x
         bne   L250D        second byte not zero loop 
L2515    ldb   #$FF         was zero load b with FF and leave
         bra   L251C        exit if no match
L2519    lda   ,x           this is one byte after a match value
         clrb               clear b
L251C    rts

L251D    fdb  $0000
         fdb  $0000
         fdb  $0000
         fdb  $0000
         fdb  $0000
         fdb  $0000

L2529    leax  >L251D,pcr     load table address
         ldd   #$0000         clear d
         std   ,x             store at first word

* waste of time since you zero it out and don't save anything
L2533    leay  >L251D,pcr     load table address
         ldy   ,y             check value
         beq   L2541          is it zero
         ldd   #$0000         nope make it zero
         std   ,y
L2541    rts

L2542    leau  >L251D,pcr     load table address
L2546    stu   <u0064         save value 
         ldu   ,u             load it
         beq   L2550          if zero leave
         cmpb  $02,u          comp b to 2nd word
         bne   L2546          not zero leave
L2550    rts

L2551    ldb   ,y+
         bsr   L2561

L2556    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,x
         bsr   L2561

L2561    leas  -$01,s
         stb   ,s
         lda   #$00
         lbsr  L4699
         ldb   ,s
         bsr   L2571
         leas  $01,s

L2571    leas  -$07,s     make room on the stack
         stb   ,s         save b
         bsr   L2542      go test table at L251D
         cmpu  #$0000     did we find 0000
         bne   L25E3      nope clean up stack and leave
         ldd   <u000A
         std   $03,s
         lbsr  L057D
         ldd   #$000C
         lbsr  L2730
         ldx   <u0064
         stu   ,x
         ldd   #$0000
         std   ,u
         ldb   ,s
         stb   $02,u
         stu   $01,s
         lbsr  L4D55
         ldx   #$0000
         lbsr  L4966
         beq   L25D9
         ldx   $01,s
         std   $04,x
         leau  $02,u
         stu   $06,x
         stu   $08,x
         ldb   -$02,u
         lda   -$01,u
         leau  d,u
         lda   ,u+
         stu   $0A,x
         sta   $03,x
         beq   L25D9
         ldd   <u0062
         std   $05,s
         stx   <u0062
         lbsr  L3B58
         ldb   $03,x
         ldx   $0A,x
         addd  #$0001
         leax  d,x
         lbsr  L1061
         ldd   $05,s
         std   <u0062
L25D9    lbsr  L058A
         ldd   $03,s
         lbsr  L27AF
         ldu   $01,s
L25E3    leas  $07,s     clean up stack and leave

L25E6    leas  -$02,s
         ldb   ,y+
         sty   ,s
         bsr   L2612
         leay  ,y
         beq   L25F6
         ldy   ,s
L25F6    leas  $02,s

L25F9    leas  -$02,s
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,x
         sty   ,s
         bsr   L2612
         leay  ,y
         beq   L260F
         ldy   ,s
L260F    leas  $02,s

L2612    leas  -$0A,s
         stb   ,s
         ldd   <u0062
         std   $01,s
         lda   #$01
         sta   $03,s
         ldb   ,s
         lbsr  L2542
         stu   <u0062
         beq   L262E
         ldd   $04,u
         lbsr  L27AF
         bra   L2648
L262E    ldd   <u0064
         std   $04,s
         ldb   ,s
         lbsr  L2571
         stu   <u0062
         stu   $06,s
         lda   $04,u
         ldu   $06,u
         leau  -$02,u
         lbsr  L278F
         stu   $08,s
         clr   $03,s
L2648    lda   <u0068
         cmpa  #$02
         bne   L2652
         lda   #$01
         sta   <u0068
L2652    lda   ,s
         bne   L265A
         lda   #$01
         sta   <u0069
L265A    lbsr  L44AE
         lda   $03,s
         bne   L2676
         ldd   #$0000
         ldx   $04,s
         std   ,x
         lbsr  L057D
         ldd   $08,s
         std   <u004F
         ldd   $06,s
         std   <u0055
         lbsr  L058A
L2676    ldu   $01,s
         stu   <u0062
         beq   L2681
         ldd   $04,u
         lbsr  L27AF
L2681    leas  $0A,s
L2684    ldx   <u0062
         sty   $08,x

L268A    ldx   <u0062
         ldd   $06,x
         std   $08,x

L2691    leau  >L251D,pcr     load 12 byte table address
         ldx   #$0554
L2698    lda   $02,u
         sta   ,x
         ldd   $08,u
         subd  $06,u
         std   $01,x
         leax  $03,x
         ldu   ,u
         bne   L2698
         lda   #$FF
         sta   ,x
         tfr   x,d
         subd  #$0553
         tfr   d,x

L26B4    ldx   #$0554
L26B7    lda   ,x
         cmpa  #$FF
         beq   L26CB
         cmpa  $02,u
         beq   L26C5
         leax  $03,x
         bra   L26B7
L26C5    ldd   $06,u
         addd  $01,x
         std   $08,u
L26CB    rts

L26CC    fcc   'Out of %s memory.'
         fcb    C$LF
         fcc   'Want: %d, Have: %d'
         fcb   C$NULL

L26F1    fcc   'heap'
         fcb   C$NULL

L26F6    fcc   'common'
         fcb   C$NULL

L26FD    leas  -$34,s
         std   ,s
         ldd   <u004F
         tfr   d,u
         addd  ,s
         bcc   L271E
L270A    ldd   #$FFFF
         subd  <u004F
         addd  #$0001
         pshs  b,a
L2714    ldd   $02,s
         pshs  b,a
         leax  >L26F1,pcr       heap
         bra   L2748
L271E    std   <u004F
         lbsr  L2786
         ldd   <u004F
         cmpd  <u004B
         bls   L272C
         std   <u004B
L272C    leas  <$34,s

L2730    leas  <-$34,s
         std   ,s
         ldd   <u0000
         subd  <u0055
         cmpd  ,s
         bcc   L2765
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $02,s
         pshs  b,a
L2744    leax  >L26F6,pcr        common
L2748    pshs  x
         leax  >L26CC,pcr        out of memory msg
         leau  $08,s
         pshs  x
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $0A,s
         lbsr  L37F2           message_box()
         lda   #$03          load the offset to exit_agi()
         sta   <u0009        save the value
         ldx   <u0022        set up call to sierra
         jsr   >$0659        mmu twiddle
L2765    ldd   <u0055
         tfr   d,u
         addd  ,s
         std   <u0055
         cmpd  <u0051
         bls   L2774
         std   <u0051
L2774    leas  <$34,s

L2778    lbsr  L05CA
         ldd   <u004D
         std   <u004F
         bsr   L2786
         ldd   <u0053
         std   <u0055

L2786    ldd   #$FFFF
         subd  <u004F
         sta   >$043A

L278F    suba  <u005F
         ldb   #$20
         exg   b,a
         subd  #$2000
         leau  d,u

L279C    tfr   u,d
         anda  #$1F
         adda  #$20
         exg   d,u
         adda  <u005F
         tfr   a,b

L27AF    cmpa  <u000A
         beq   L27C9
         orcc  #IntMasks         $50
         std   <u000A
         lda   <u0042
         sta   >$FFA9
         ldx   <u0043
         lda   <u000A
         sta   ,x
         stb   $02,x
         std   >$FFA9
         andcc #^IntMasks        $AF
L27C9    rts

L27CA    fdb  $0000
L27CC    fdb  $0000
L27CE    fcb  $00
L27CF    fcb  $00
L27D0    fdb  $0000
L27D2    fcb  $00
L27D3    fcb  $00
L27D4    fcb  $00
L27D5    fcb  $00
L27D6    fcb  $00
L27D7    fcb  $00

L27D8    leas  -$04,s
         ldb   ,y+
         lbsr  L3B58
         stu   ,s
         ldu   <u0062
         ldd   $04,u
         std   $02,s
         lda   >L27D7,pcr       data byte
         bne   L2853
         ldd   #$0010
         lbsr  L2730
         ldd   >L27D0,pcr       data word
         bne   L2805
         stu   >L27D0,pcr       data word
         lda   #$01
         sta   >L27D2,pcr       data byte
         bra   L2813
L2805    ldx   >L27CC,pcr       data word
         stu   ,x
         stx   $02,u
         ldd   $0B,x
         bne   L2813
         sta   $0A,x
L2813    ldx   >L27D0,pcr       data word
         stx   ,u
         stu   $02,x
         stu   >L27CC,pcr       data word
         ldd   #$0000
         std   $0B,u
         sta   $08,u
         sta   $0F,u
         lda   >L27D2,pcr       data byte
         sta   $09,u
         lda   #$01
         sta   $0A,u
         ldx   ,s
         stx   $04,u
         ldd   $02,s
         std   $06,u
         lbsr  L113E
         addb  >L27D2,pcr       data byte
         stb   >L27D2,pcr       data byte
         ldd   #$0000
         std   >L27CA,pcr       data word
         lda   #$01
         sta   >L27CE,pcr       data byte
L2853    leas  $04,s

L2856    leas  -$05,s
         ldb   ,y+
         lbsr  L3B58
         stu   ,s
         ldu   <u0062
         ldd   $04,u
         std   $02,s
         lda   ,y+
         sta   $04,s
         lda   >L27D7,pcr       data byte
         bne   L28D5
         ldd   #$000C
         lbsr  L2730
         ldx   >L27CA,pcr       data word
         bne   L2887
         ldx   >L27CC,pcr       data word
         stu   $0D,x
         stu   $0B,x
         stu   $02,u
         bra   L288F
L2887    stu   ,x
         stx   $02,u
         ldx   >L27CC,pcr       data word
L288F    ldx   $0B,x
         stx   ,u
         stu   $02,x
         stu   >L27CA,pcr       data word
         ldx   ,s
         stx   $04,u
         ldd   $02,s
         std   $06,u
         lda   >L27CE,pcr       data byte
         inc   >L27CE,pcr       data byte
         cmpa  #$01
         bne   L28C1
         lbsr  L113E
         addb  #$27
         ldx   >L27CC,pcr       data word
         cmpb  $09,x
         bls   L28BD
         ldb   $09,x
L28BD    stb   >L27CF,pcr
L28C1    ldd   >L27CE,pcr       data byte
         std   $08,u
         lda   #$01
         sta   $0A,u
         lda   $04,s
         sta   $0B,u
         ldx   >L27CC,pcr       data word
         inc   $0F,x
L28D5    leas  $05,s

L28D8    ldu   >L27CC,pcr       data word
         ldd   $0B,u
         bne   L28E2
         sta   $0A,u
L28E2    ldd   <u0055
         std   <u0053
         ldu   >L27D0,pcr       data word
         stu   >L27CC,pcr       data word
         ldd   $0B,u
         std   >L27CA,pcr       data word
         lda   #$01
         sta   >L27D7,pcr       data byte

L28FB    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$01
         bsr   L2929

L2902    ldu   >L27D0,pcr       data word
         beq   L2921
L2908    lda   $0A,u
         beq   L2918
         ldx   $0B,u
L290E    lda   #$01
         sta   $0A,x
         ldx   ,x
         cmpx  $0B,u
         bne   L290E
L2918    ldu   ,u
         cmpu  >L27D0,pcr       data word
         bne   L2908
L2921    rts

L2922    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$00
         bsr   L2929

L2929    leas  -$02,s
         std   ,s
         ldu   >L27D0,pcr       data word
L2931    lda   $0A,u
         beq   L2945
         ldx   $0B,u
         ldd   ,s
L2939    cmpa  $0B,x
         bne   L293F
         stb   $0A,x
L293F    ldx   ,x
         cmpx  $0B,u
         bne   L2939
L2945    ldu   ,u
         cmpu  >L27D0,pcr       data word
         bne   L2931
         leas  $02,s

L2951    lda   >$01B0         state.flag 
         anda  #$02
         beq   L295D
         lda   #$01
         sta   >$05AE
L295D    rts

L295E    leas  -$04,s
         lbsr  L47AA
         lbsr  L464E
         ldd   #$000F
         lbsr  L47D0
         ldu   >L27D0,pcr       data word
L2970    stu   ,s
         ldx   ,s
         lbsr  L2B58
         ldu   ,s
         ldu   ,u
         cmpu  >L27D0,pcr       data word
         bne   L2970
         ldd   >L27CA,pcr       data word
         std   $02,s
         ldu   >L27CC,pcr       data word
         stu   ,s
         lbsr  L2ACD
         lda   #$01
         sta   >X0154       flag for extended table lookup
         lda   #$03
         sta   >$0547
L299B    lbsr  L12F0
         lda   ,x
         cmpa  #$01
         bne   L29E3
         lda   $01,x
         cmpa  #$0D
         bne   L29B9
         ldu   $02,s
         lda   $0A,u
         beq   L299B
         lda   $0B,u
         ldb   #$03
         lbsr  L12AF
         bra   L29BF
L29B9    cmpa  #$1B
         lbne  L2AB0
L29BF    ldu   ,s
         ldx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2B13
         clr   >$0547
         lbsr  L4663
         lbsr  L47BE
         lda   >X0247      state.status_state
         beq   L29DA
         lbsr  L54F7
         lbra  L2ABF
L29DA    ldd   #$0000
         lbsr  L47D0
         lbra  L2ABF
L29E3    cmpa  #$02
         lbne  L2AB0
         lda   $01,x
         cmpa  #$01
         bne   L2A00
         ldx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2B58
         ldx   $02,s
         ldx   $02,x
         stx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2B31
         lbra  L2AB0
L2A00    cmpa  #$02
         bne   L2A15
         ldx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2B58
         ldu   ,s
         ldx   $0B,u
         stx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2B31
         lbra  L2AB0
L2A15    cmpa  #$03
         bne   L2A34
         ldu   ,s
         ldx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2B13
         ldu   ,s
L2A22    ldu   ,u
         lda   $0A,u
         beq   L2A22
         stu   ,s
         ldx   $0D,u
         stx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2ACD
         lbra  L2AB0
L2A34    cmpa  #$04
         bne   L2A4A
         ldx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2B58
         ldu   ,s
         ldx   $0B,u
         ldx   $02,x
         stx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2B31
         bra   L2AB0
L2A4A    cmpa  #$05
         bne   L2A5E
         ldx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2B58
         ldx   $02,s
         ldx   ,x
         stx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2B31
         bra   L2AB0
L2A5E    cmpa  #$06
         bne   L2A7A
         ldu   ,s
         ldx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2B13
         ldu   >L27D0,pcr      data word
         ldu   $02,u
         stu   ,s
         ldx   $0D,u
         stx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2ACD
         bra   L2AB0
L2A7A    cmpa  #$07
         bne   L2A98
         ldu   ,s
         ldx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2B13
         ldu   ,s
L2A87    ldu   $02,u
         lda   $0A,u
         beq   L2A87
         stu   ,s
         ldx   $0D,u
         stx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2ACD
         bra   L2AB0
L2A98    cmpa  #$08
         bne   L2AB0
         ldu   ,s
         ldx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2B13
         ldu   >L27D0,pcr      data word
         stu   ,s
         ldx   $0D,u
         stx   $02,s
         lbsr  L2ACD
L2AB0    ldd   ,s
         std   >L27CC,pcr      data word
         ldd   $02,s
         std   >L27CA,pcr    data word
         lbra  L299B
L2ABF    lda   #$00
         sta   >X0154       flag for extended table lookup
         sta   >$05AE
         sta   >$0547
         leas  $04,s

L2ACD    leas  -$04,s
         stu   ,s
         ldx   ,s
         bsr   L2B31
         ldu   ,s
         lbsr  L2B7F
         ldd   #$000F
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   >L27D3,pcr       data byte
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   >L27D5,pcr       data byte
         pshs  b,a
         lda   #$0C
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $06,s       clean up stack
         ldu   ,s
         ldx   $0B,u
L2AFA    stx   $02,s
         cmpx  $0D,u
         beq   L2B04
         bsr   L2B58
         bra   L2B06
L2B04    bsr   L2B31
L2B06    ldx   $02,s
         ldx   ,x
         ldu   ,s
         cmpx  $0B,u
         bne   L2AFA
         leas  $04,s

L2B13    stx   $0D,u
         tfr   u,x
         bsr   L2B58
         ldd   >L27D3,pcr       data byte
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   >L27D5,pcr       data byte
         pshs  b,a
         lda   #$03
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn          
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $04,s       clean up stack

L2B31    ldd   $08,x
         std   <u0040
         ldd   #$0F00
         lbsr  L45BA
         lda   $0A,x
         bne   L2B43
         lda   #$0F
         sta   <u0045
L2B43    pshs  x
         ldd   $06,x
         lbsr  L27AF
         puls  x
         ldd   $04,x
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $02,s
         clr   <u0045

L2B58    ldd   $08,x
         std   <u0040
         ldd   #$000F
         lbsr  L45BA
         lda   $0A,x
         bne   L2B6A
         lda   #$0F
         sta   <u0045
L2B6A    pshs  x
         ldd   $06,x
         lbsr  L27AF
         puls  x
         ldd   $04,x
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $02,s
         clr   <u0045

L2B7F    leas  -$01,s
         lda   $0F,u
         sta   ,s
         ldb   #$08
         addb  #$10
         stb   >L27D3,pcr       data byte
         ldu   $0B,u
         ldd   $06,u
         lbsr  L27AF
         ldx   $04,u
         lbsr  L113E
         lda   #$04
         addb  #$08
         stb   >L27D4,pcr       data byte
         lda   $09,u
         ldb   #$04
         stb   >L27D5,pcr       data byte
         lda   ,s
         adda  #$02
         suba  >$0242
         ldb   #$08
         addb  #$07
         stb   >L27D6,pcr       data byte
         leas  $01,s

* Reads a byte from Stdin and returns it in a
* clears a on getsta or read error
* saves y and s

L2BC0    leas  -$03,s        make room on the stack
         sty   ,s            stow current y since os9 calls may mod it

* Get status - Returns the status of a file or device
*              Wildcard call exit status differs based on cal code
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       b -> function code (SS.Ready) $01
*            tests for data available on SCF-supported device
* exit:
*     if device is ready:
*       CC -> carry clear
*       b  -> $00 ... see note
*     if not ready:
*       CC -> carry set
*       b  -> $F6 (E$SRNDY)
*      Note:
*      On devices that support it (both CC3IO and ACIAPAK
*      support this), the b register will return the number
*      of characters that are ready to be read.
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

         lda   #StdIn           $00
         ldb   #SS.Ready          $01
         os9   I$GetStt
         bcs   L2BEF            error during call go clear a,
*                               restore y, cleanup stack & leave

* Read  - Reads N bytes from the specified path
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       x -> number of bytes to read
*       y -> address in which to store the data
* exit:
*       y -> number of bytes to be read
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

         lda   #StdIn            $00
         ldy   #$0001            (1) number of bytes to read
         leax  $02,s             address to store the byte stack buff
         os9   I$Read            make the read call
         bcs   L2BEF             error during call clear a
*                                restore y, cleanup stack & leave
         lda   $02,s             clean read move byte to a
         bra   L2BF0             restore y, clean up stack and leave
*    Since the above inst is a bra this looks like dead code
*    unless he does something cute and uses a magic jump into this.

         cmpa  #$F4
         bne   L2BF0            
         lda   <u0068
         bne   L2BEC
         lbsr  L5757
         bra   L2BEF             
L2BEC    lbsr  L57E4
*    end dead code

L2BEF    clra                   if we had an error clear a
L2BF0    ldy   ,s               restore y 
         leas  $03,s            reset stack pointer
         rts                    return to caller

*  stores the value passed in b at address pointed to by u
*  the number of times held in x
* entry:
*       a -> unused
*       b -> value to store
*       x -> number of bytes to store
*       y -> unused
*       u -> to address
*       s -> unused
* exit:
*       a -> unchanged
*       b -> unchanged
*       y -> unchanged
*       x -> returns 0
*       u -> restored
*       s -> unchanged

L2BF6    pshs  u          save destination address
L2BF8    stb   ,u+        store value in b and bump pointer
         leax  -$01,x     count down index
         bne   L2BF8      test index and if more left go again
         puls  u          restore the destination address
         rts              return

* maps shdw into working space 
* and calls code that flips the screen byte nibbles

L2C01    tst   >X0550      test gfx_picbuffrotate
         beq   L2C0F       it's zero ? go
*                          not zero the do the byte flip flop         
         lda   #$00        gfx_picbuff_update remap
         sta   <u0021      save the offset
         ldx   <u0028      set up the remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler

L2C0F    ldd   #$A8A0      160,168
         pshs  d           push on the stack
         ldd   #$00A7      0,167
         pshs  d           push on stack
         lda   #$00
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $04,s       clean up stack

L2C25    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   #$03
         sta   <$22,u
         lda   ,y+
         sta   <$27,u
         lda   ,y+
         sta   <$28,u
         lda   <$1E,u
         sta   <$29,u
         lda   ,y+
         beq   L2C4A
         sta   <$1E,u
L2C4A    lda   ,y+
         sta   <$2A,u
         lbsr  L16DC
         lda   <$26,u
         ora   #$10
         sta   <$26,u
         cmpu  <u0030
         bne   L2C62
         clr   >$0251
L2C62    lbsr  L2F0A

L2C66    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   #$03
         sta   <$22,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         sta   <$27,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         sta   <$28,u
         lda   <$1E,u
         sta   <$29,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         beq   L2C9D
         sta   <$1E,u
L2C9D    lda   ,y+
         sta   <$2A,u
         lbsr  L16DC
         lda   <$26,u
         ora   #$10
         sta   <$26,u
         cmpu  <u0030
         bne   L2CB5
         clr   >$0251
L2CB5    lbsr  L2F0A

L2CB9    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   #$02
         sta   <$22,u
         lda   <$1E,u
         sta   <$27,u
         lda   ,y+
         cmpa  <$1E,u
         bls   L2CD7
         sta   <$27,u
L2CD7    lda   ,y+
         sta   <$28,u
         lbsr  L16DC
         lda   #$FF
         sta   <$29,u
         lda   <$26,u
         ora   #$10
         sta   <$26,u

L2CED    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   #$01
         sta   <$22,u
         lda   <$26,u
         ora   #$10
         sta   <$26,u
         cmpu  <u0030
         bne   L2D0B
         clr   >$0251
L2D0B    rts

L20DC    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   #$00
         sta   <$22,u
L2D1B    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   #$00
         sta   <$22,u
         sta   <$21,u
         cmpu  <u0030
         bne   L2D38
         sta   >$0438
         sta   >$0251
L2D38    rts

L2D39    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   #$00
         sta   <$22,u
         cmpu  <u0030
         bne   L2D54
         clr   >$0438
         lda   #$01
         sta   >$0251
L2D54    rts

L2D55    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         sta   <$1E,u

L2D6A    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         sta   ,u
         sta   $01,u

L2D80    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         sta   <$21,u

L2D95    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   <$21,u
         sta   ,x

L2DAA    clr   >$0251    state.ego_control_state = 0

L2DAE    lda   #$01
         sta   >$0251    state.ego_control_state = 1
         ldu   <u0030
         lda   #$00
         sta   <$22,u

* From nagi 2002_11_14 obj_motion.c
* x_dir_mult[] = {0,0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1};

L2DBB    fcb   $00,$00,$01,$01
         fcb   $01,$00,$FF,$FF
         fcb   $FF

* y_dir_mult[] = {0,-1,-1,0,1,1,1,0,-1};

L2DC4    fcb   $00,$FF,$FF,$00
         fcb   $01,$01,$01,$00
         fcb   $FF

L2DCD    leas  -$0B,s
         sta   >$0434
         sta   >$0436
         sta   >$0437
         ldu   <u0030
L2DDB    cmpu  <u0032
         lbcc  L2EFE
         lda   <$26,u
         anda  #$51
         cmpa  #$51
         lbne  L2EF8
         lda   $01,u
         beq   L2DF9
         beq   L2DF9
         sta   $01,u
         lbra  L2EF8
L2DF9    lda   ,u
         sta   $01,u
         sta   $02,s
         ldb   <$1E,u
         std   $09,s
         ldb   $03,u
         std   $03,s
         stb   $07,s
         ldb   $04,u
         std   $05,s
         stb   $08,s
         lda   <$25,u
         bita  #$04
         bne   L2E4E
         leax  >L2DBB,pcr  x_dir_mult
         lda   <$21,u
         lda   a,x
         beq   L2E33
         bpl   L2E2D
         ldd   $03,s
         subd  $09,s
         std   $03,s
         bra   L2E33
L2E2D    ldd   $03,s
         addd  $09,s
         std   $03,s
L2E33    leax  >L2DC4,pcr  y_dir_mult
         lda   <$21,u
         lda   a,x
         beq   L2E4E
         bpl   L2E48
         ldd   $05,s
         subd  $09,s
         std   $05,s
         bra   L2E4E
L2E48    ldd   $05,s
         addd  $09,s
         std   $05,s
L2E4E    ldd   #$0000
         cmpd  $03,s
         ble   L2E5E
         std   $03,s
         lda   #$04
         sta   $02,s
         bra   L2E72
L2E5E    ldb   <$1C,u
         lda   #$FF
         addd  #$00A0
         cmpd  $03,s
         bge   L2E72
         std   $03,s
         lda   #$02
         sta   $02,s
L2E72    clra
         ldb   <$1D,u
         cmpd  $05,s
         ble   L2E84
         std   $05,s
         lda   #$01
         sta   $02,s
         bra   L2EA9
L2E84    ldd   #$00A7
         cmpd  $05,s
         bge   L2E94
         std   $05,s
         lda   #$03
         sta   $02,s
         bra   L2EA9
L2E94    lda   <$26,u
         bita  #$08
         bne   L2EA9
         lda   >$01D7
         cmpa  $06,s
         bls   L2EA9
         sta   $06,s
         lda   #$01
         sta   $02,s
L2EA9    lda   $04,s
         ldb   $06,s
         std   $03,u
         lbsr  L0885
         bne   L2ECA
         stu   ,s
         pshs  u
         lda   #$03        obj_chk_control
         sta   <u0021      save the offset
         ldx   <u0028      setup remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up the stack
         ldu   ,s
         lda   <u005C
         bne   L2ED3
L2ECA    ldd   $07,s
         std   $03,u
         clr   $02,s
         lbsr  L15F5
L2ED3    lda   $02,s
         beq   L2EF0
         ldb   $02,u
         bne   L2EE0
         sta   >$0434
         bra   L2EE6
L2EE0    stb   >$0436
         sta   >$0437
L2EE6    lda   <$22,u
         cmpa  #$03
         bne   L2EF0
         lbsr  L2F2D
L2EF0    lda   <$25,u
         anda  #$FB
         sta   <$25,u
L2EF8    leau  <$2B,u
         lbra  L2DDB
L2EFE    leas  $0B,s

L2F01    fcb   $08,$01,$02
         fcb   $07,$00,$03
         fcb   $06,$05,$04

L2F0A    ldb   $1E,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   <$27,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $03,u
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L2F4C
         leas  $06,s
         cmpu  <u0030
         bne   L2F25
         sta   >$0438
L2F25    sta   <$21,u
         bne   L2F2C
         bsr   L2F2D
L2F2C    rts

L2F2D    lda   <$29,u
         sta   <$1E,u
         lda   <$2A,u
         lbsr  L16D5
         lda   #$00
         sta   <$22,u
         cmpu  <u0030
         bne   L2F4B
         lda   #$01
         sta   >$0251       state.ego_control_state = 1
         clr   >$0438
L2F4B    rts

L2F4C    leas  -$03,s
         sta   $09,s
         ldb   $05,s
         std   ,s
         ldb   $07,s
         subd  ,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $0B,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L2F86
         leas  $04,s
         sta   $02,s
         sta   $05,s
         ldb   $08,s
         subd  $05,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $0B,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L2F86
         leas  $04,s
         leax  >L2F01,pcr   9 byte table
         ldb   #$03
         addb  $02,s
         lda   b,x
         leas  $03,s

L2F86    ldd   #$0000
         subd  $02,s
         cmpd  $04,s
         blt   L2F93
         bra   L2FA0
L2F93    ldd   $02,s
         cmpd  $04,s
         bgt   L2F9E
         lda   #$02
         bra   L2FA0
L2F9E    lda   #$01
L2FA0    rts

L2FA1    lda   ,y
         bsr   L2FB1

L2FA6    ldb   ,y
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         bsr   L2FB1

L2FB1    leas  -$01,s
         sta   ,s
         lbsr  L2778
         lbsr  L129A         events_clear
         lbsr  L467A
         lda   #$01
         sta   >$05B1
         ldu   <u0030
L2FC5    cmpu  <u0032
         bcc   L2FF5
         lda   <$26,u
         anda  #$BE
         ora   #$10
         sta   <$26,u
         ldd   #$0000
         sta   <$25,u
         std   <$10,u
         std   $06,u
         std   <$16,u
         sta   <$1E,u
         sta   <$1F,u
         sta   <$20,u
         sta   $01,u
         sta   ,u
         leau  <$2B,u
         bra   L2FC5
L2FF5    lbsr  L229D
         sta   >X01AD      state.block_state=0
         sta   >$0436
         sta   >$0437
         sta   >$0251      state.ego_control_state = 1
         lda   #$24
         sta   >$01D7
         lda   >$0432
         sta   >$0433
         ldb   ,s
         stb   >$0432
         lbsr  L2561
         ldb   <u006A
         beq   L3020
         lbsr  L2571
L3020    ldu   <u0030
         lda   $05,u
         sta   >$0442
         lda   >$0434
         beq   L3058
         cmpa  #$01
         bne   L3036
         lda   #$A7
         sta   $04,u
         bra   L3055
L3036    cmpa  #$02
         bne   L3040
         lda   #$00
         sta   $03,u
         bra   L3055
L3040    cmpa  #$03
         bne   L304A
         lda   #$25
         sta   $04,u
         bra   L3055
L304A    cmpa  #$04
         bne   L3055
         lda   #$A0
         suba  <$1C,u
         sta   $03,u
L3055    clr   >$0434
L3058    lda   >$01AF
         ora   #$04
         sta   >$01AF
         lbsr  L0952       self contained call to clear 50 bytes 05BA
         lbsr  L54F7
         lbsr  L5BAD
         ldy   #$0000
         leas  $01,s

L3070    bsr   L3085
         lda   #$FF
         sta   $02,u

L3077    bsr   L309B
         lda   #$FF
         sta   $02,u

L307E    bsr   L3085
         lda   #$00
         sta   $02,u

L3085    ldx   <u0038
         ldb   ,y+
         tfr   x,u
         cmpu  <u003C
         bcs   L309A
         lda   #$17
         ldb   -$01,y
         lbsr  L10CE
L309A    rts

L309B    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,x
         ldx   <u0038
         tfr   x,u
         cmpu  <u003C
         bcs   L30B6
         lda   #$17
         ldb   -$01,y
         lbsr  L10CE
L30B6    rts

L30B7    bsr   L3085
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         sta   $02,u
L30C4    bsr   L309B
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         sta   $02,u
L30D1    bsr   L309B
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   $02,u
         sta   ,x

L30DE    leas  -$02,s
         stx   ,s
         pshs  x
         lda   #$1B      blitlist_draw()
         sta   <u0021    save the offset
         ldx   <u0028    setup remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659    twiddle mmu
         leas  $02,s
         ldx   ,s
         bsr   L30F6
         leas  $02,s

*  called from above and L05CA twice
*  with different addresses in x

L30F6    ldu   ,x       load address in u
         beq   L3112    exit on zero
         ldd   #$0000   clear d
         std   ,x       clear the address held in x
         std   $02,x    clear the next word after x
         tfr   u,x      move saved value back to x
L3103    stx   <u0055   stow this value
         ldu   $0A,x
         lda   $0C,x
         lbsr  L278F
         stu   <u004F
         ldx   ,x
         bne   L3103
L3112    rts

*  called from L0567 and L0572
*  with x containing a hard coded address and u pointing to a subroutine
L3113    leas  >-$00C8,s
         stu   ,s        save the subroutine address
         stx   $02,s     save the address
         ldu   <u0030
         clr   $04,s     clear the word behind our saves
L311F    cmpu  <u0032
         bcc   L3152     if u0030 & u0032 = then branch around calls to sub
         jsr   [,s]      call the sub whose address was passed in
         tsta            check a set to 1 if cmp fails
         beq   L314D     found what we were looking for 
         leax  $05,s
         lda   $04,s
         stu   a,x
         ldb   $04,u
         lda   <$26,u
         bita  #$04
         beq   L3143
         lda   <$24,u
         suba  #$05
         ldb   #$0C
         addb  #$30
L3143    leax  >$0085,s
         lda   $04,s
         stb   a,x
         inc   $04,s
L314D    leau  <$2B,u
         bra   L311F
L3152    clra
L3153    sta   >$00C5,s
         cmpa  $04,s
         bcc   L3195
         leax  >$0085,s
         lda   #$FF
         sta   >$00C7,s
L3166    cmpa  $04,s
         bcc   L317D
         ldb   a,x
         cmpb  >$00C7,s
         bcc   L317A
         sta   >$00C6,s
         stb   >$00C7,s
L317A    inca
         bra   L3166
L317D    lda   #$FF
         ldb   >$00C6,s
         sta   b,x
         leau  $05,s
         ldx   b,u
         ldu   $02,s
         bsr   L319C
         lda   >$00C5,s
         bra   L3153
L3195    ldx   $02,s
         leas  >$00C8,s

L319C    leas  -$02,s
         stu   ,s
         lbsr  L41A6
         ldx   ,s
         ldx   ,x
         stx   ,u
         beq   L31AD
         stu   $02,x
L31AD    ldx   ,s
         stu   ,x
         ldd   $02,x
         bne   L31B7
         stu   $02,x
L31B7    leas  $02,s

L31BA    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00

L31E3    fdb   $0000

* although these are printing chars I think
* they are just junk place holders

L31E5    fcb   $20,$2C,$2E,$3F    ,.?
         fcb   $21,$28,$29,$3B   !();
         fcb   $3A,$5B,$5D,$7B   :[]{
         fcb   $7D,$00           }.

L31F3    fcb   $27,$60,$2D,$22   '`-".
         fcb   $00

L31F8    leas  -$07,s
         stx   ,s
*                       this seems stupid here since it clears two
*                       sets of twenty byte at sequential addresses
*                       must be two data structures of equal length
         clrb            clear b to 00
         ldu   #$0181    load address of destination to be cleared
         ldx   #$0014    set x to clear 20 bytes
         lbsr  L2BF6     go clear the bytes
         ldu   #$0195    load address of destination to be cleared
         ldx   #$0014    set x to clear 20 bytes
         lbsr  L2BF6     go clear bytes
         ldu   ,s
         lbsr  L32AE
         clr   $02,s
L3216    leau  >L31BA,pcr    41 byte table
         stu   >L31E3,pcr    data word
         ldd   <u000A
         std   $05,s
         ldd   >$01AB
         lbsr  L27AF
L3228    lda   ,u
         beq   L3275
         lda   $02,s
         cmpa  #$0A
         bcc   L3275
         lbsr  L330F
         std   $03,s
         beq   L326F
         bpl   L3255
         ldx   #$0181
         ldb   $02,s
         stu   ,x
         stb   >$015A
         stb   >$043B
         lda   >$01AF
         ora   #$20
         sta   >$01AF
         bra   L3284
L3255    ldb   $02,s
         ldx   #$0195
         ldd   $03,s
         std   ,x
         ldb   $02,s
         ldx   #$0181
         ldd   >L31E3,pcr    data word
         std   ,x
         inc   $02,s
L326F    stu   >L31E3,pcr    data word
         bra   L3228
L3275    lda   $02,s
         beq   L3284
         sta   >$015A
         lda   >$01AF
         ora   #$20
         sta   >$01AF
L3284    ldd   $05,s
         lbsr  L27AF
         leas  $07,s

L328C    lda   >X01AF  flag_reset(F02_PLAYERCMD)
         anda  #$DF
         sta   >X01AF
         lda   >X01AF   flag_reset(F04_SAIDACCEPT)
         anda  #$F7
         sta   >X01AF
         lda   ,y+      get the byte 
         cmpa  #$0C     compare it to 12
         bcc   L32AD    greater than 12 were out of here
*                       less than 12
         ldb   #$28
         ldx   #X0252     state.string
         leax  d,x
         lbsr  L31F8
L32AD    rts

L32AE    leas  -$02,s
         leax  >L31BA,pcr     41 byte table
         stx   ,s
L32B6    lda   ,u+
         beq   L32F6
         leax  >L31E5,pcr     14 byte table
         lbsr  L1277
         bne   L32B6
         leax  >L31F3,pcr     5 byte table
         lbsr  L1277
         bne   L32B6
         bra   L32E0
L32CE    leax  >L31E5,pcr     14 byte table
         lbsr  L1277
         bne   L32EC
         leax  >L31F3,pcr     5 byte table
         lbsr  L1277
         bne   L32E6
L32E0    ldx   ,s
         sta   ,x+
         stx   ,s
L32E6    lda   ,u+
         bne   L32CE
         bra   L32F6
L32EC    lda   #$20
         ldx   ,s
         sta   ,x+
         stx   ,s
         bra   L32B6
L32F6    leax  >L31BA,pcr     41 byte table
         cmpx  ,s
         bcc   L330A
         ldx   ,s
         lda   -$01,x
         cmpa  #$20
         bne   L330A
         leax  -$01,x
         stx   ,s
L330A    clr   [,s]
         leas  $02,s

L330F    leas  -$06,s
         ldd   #$FFFF
         std   ,s
         ldd   #$0000
         std   $02,s
         lda   ,u
         lbsr  L1250      single char upper to lower case conversion
         cmpa  #$61
         bcs   L3328
         cmpa  #$7A
         bls   L332E
L3328    lbsr  L33C6
         lbra  L33C1
L332E    ldb   $01,u
         cmpb  #$20
         beq   L3338
         cmpb  #$00
         bne   L3351
L3338    cmpa  #$61
         beq   L3340
         cmpa  #$69
         bne   L3351
L3340    clrb
         stb   ,s
         stb   $01,s
         leax  $01,u
         stx   $02,s
         ldb   ,x+
         cmpb  #$20
         bne   L3351
         stx   $02,s
L3351    suba  #$61
         ldx   >$01A9
         ldd   a,x
         beq   L3328
         leax  d,x
         clr   $04,s
L335F    lda   $04,s
         cmpa  ,x+
         bhi   L33B5
         bne   L33A5
L3367    lda   ,x
         anda  #$7F
         sta   $05,s
         lda   ,u
         lbsr  L1250      single char upper to lower case conversion
         eora  #$7F
         cmpa  $05,s
         bne   L33A5
         leau  $01,u
         inc   $04,s
         lda   ,x
         anda  #$80
         beq   L33A1
         lda   ,u
         cmpa  #$00
         beq   L338C
         cmpa  #$20
         bne   L33AB
L338C    ldd   $01,x
         std   ,s
         stu   $02,s
         lda   ,u
         cmpa  #$00
         beq   L33C1
         tfr   u,d
         addd  #$0001
         std   $02,s
         bra   L33AB
L33A1    leax  $01,x
         bra   L3367
L33A5    lda   ,u
         cmpa  #$00
         beq   L33B5
L33AB    lda   ,x+
         bpl   L33AB
         leax  $02,x
         cmpa  #$00
         bne   L335F
L33B5    ldu   $02,s
         lbeq  L3328
         lda   ,u
         beq   L33C1
         clr   -$01,u
L33C1    ldd   ,s
         leas  $06,s

L33C6    ldu   >L31E3,pcr    data word
         tfr   u,x
L33CC    lda   ,x+
         beq   L33D6
         cmpa  #$20
         bne   L33CC
         clr   -$01,x
L33D6    rts

L33D7    ldu   #$05B2
         lda   ,y+
         sta   ,u
         lda   ,y+
         sta   $01,u
         lda   ,y+
         sta   $02,u
         ldd   ,y++
         std   $03,u
         lda   $01,y
         ora   ,y++
         sta   $05,u
         bsr   L3431

L33F7    ldu   #$05B2
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   d,x
         stb   ,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   d,x
         stb   $01,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   d,x
         stb   $02,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   d,x
         stb   $03,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   d,x
         stb   $04,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   d,x
         stb   $05,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   d,x
         orb   $05,u
         stb   $05,u
         bsr   L3431

L3431    leas  -$02,s
         ldd   <u000A
         std   ,s
         lda   #$05
         lbsr  L4699
         ldx   #$05B2
         ldd   ,x
         lbsr  L4699
         ldd   $02,x
         lbsr  L4699
         ldd   $04,x
         lbsr  L4699
         ldu   <u0036
         ldb   $02,x
         stb   $0E,u
         ldb   $01,x
         stb   $0A,u
         ldb   ,x
         lbsr  L5DD8
         ldd   <$10,u
         std   <$12,u
         ldd   $08,u
         std   <$14,u
         ldx   #$05B2
         ldd   $03,x
         std   $03,u
         std   <$1A,u
         lda   #$02
         ldb   #$0C
         std   <$25,u
         lda   #$0F
         sta   <$24,u
         lbsr  L15F5
         ldx   #$05B2
         lda   $05,x
         anda  #$0F
         bne   L3490
         lda   #$08
         sta   <$26,u
L3490    lda   $05,x
         sta   <$24,u
         lbsr  L057D
         ldd   <u0036
         pshs  d
         lda   #$0F      obj_add_pic_pri
         sta   <u0021    save the offset
         ldx   <u0028    setup remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659    mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s     clean up the stack
         lbsr  L058A
         ldd   <u0036
         pshs  d
         lda   #$1B
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up stack
         ldd   ,s
         lbsr  L27AF
         leas  $02,s

L34C1    fcb $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb $00,$00,$00

L34C8    fdb $0000

L34CA    leau  >L34C1,pcr     7 byte table 
         ldd   #$0000
         std  ,u

L34D4    leau  >L34C1,pcr     7 byte table 
L34D8    stu   >L34C8,pcr     data word
         ldu   ,u
         beq   L34E4
         cmpb  $02,u
         bne   L34D8
L34E4    rts

L34E5    ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   ,x
         bsr   L34F0

L34F0    leas  -$05,s
         stb   ,s
         bsr   L34D4
         cmpu  #$0000
         bne   L3542
         ldd   <u000A
         std   $03,s
         lbsr  L057D
         lda   #$02
         ldb   ,s
         lbsr  L4699
         leau  >L34C1,pcr     7 byte table 
         ldx   >L34C8,pcr     data word
         beq   L3521
         ldd   #$0007
         lbsr  L2730
         stu   ,x
         ldd   #$0000
         std   ,u
L3521    ldb   ,s
         stb   $02,u
         stu   $01,s
         lbsr  L4DA8
         ldx   #$0000
         lbsr  L4966
         beq   L3538
         ldx   $01,s
         std   $05,x
         stu   $03,x
L3538    lbsr  L058A
         ldd   $03,s
         lbsr  L27AF
         ldu   $01,s
L3542    leas  $05,s

L3545    ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   ,x
         bsr   L3550

L3550    leas  -$01,s
         stb   ,s
         stb   >X0241      state.pic_num
         lbsr  L34D4
         cmpu  #$0000
         bne   L3567
         lda   #$12
         ldb   ,s
         lbsr  L10CE
L3567    ldd   $03,u
         std   >X0551      given_pic_data
         pshs  u
         lda   #$04
         ldb   $02,s
         lbsr  L4699
         lbsr  L057D
         lda   #$06        render_pic()
         sta   <u0021      save the offset
         ldx   <u0028      set up remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up the stack
         lbsr  L058A
         clr   >X0100      pic_visible = 0
         leas  $01,s

L358C    ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   ,x
         bsr   L3597

* args passed in d ?

L3597    leas  -$01,s     make room on the stack
         stb   ,s         save pic_num on stack
         stb   >X0241     store at state.pic_num
         lbsr  L34D4      pic_find() returns a pointer in u
         cmpu  #$0000     did we find one?
         bne   L35AE      yes we found one move on
*                         did find one         
         lda   #$12       load the error code
         ldb   ,s         and the pic_num
         lbsr  L10CE      call set_agi_error
L35AE    ldd   $03,u      get the data      
         std   >X0551     stow at given_pic_data
         pshs  u
         lda   #$08
         ldb   $02,s      load pic_num
         lbsr  L4699      script_write 
         lbsr  L057D
         lda   #$09       render_pic()
         sta   <u0021     save the offset
         ldx   <u0028     set up the remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659     mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s      clean up stack
         lbsr  L058A
         lbsr  L05A9
         clr   >X0100     pic_visible = 0
         leas  $01,s

L35D6    lda   >X01B0    flag_reset(F15_PRINTMODE)     
         anda  #$FE
         sta   >X01B0   
         lbsr  L3997     cmd_close_window(0)
         lbsr  L2C01     gfx_picbuff_update()
         lda   #$01      
         sta   >X0100    set pic_visible to 1

L35EA    ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   ,x
         bsr   L35F5

L35F5    leas  -$03,s
         stb   ,s
         lbsr  L34D4
         ldb   ,s
         cmpu  #$0000
         bne   L3609
         lda   #$15
         lbsr  L10CE
L3609    stu   $01,s
         lda   #$06
         ldb   ,s
         lbsr  L4699
         ldu   >L34C8,pcr     data word
         ldd   #$0000
         std   ,u
         lbsr  L057D
         ldu   $01,s
         stu   <u0055
         lda   $05,u
         ldu   $03,u
         lbsr  L278F
         stu   <u004F
         lbsr  L058A
         lbsr  L2786
         leas  $03,s

L3634    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldd   ,y++
         std   $03,u
         std   <$1A,u

L3645    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         lda   ,x
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   ,x
         std   $03,u
         std   <$1A,u

L3664    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         lda   $03,u
         sta   ,x
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         lda   $04,u
         sta   ,x

L3682    leas  -$02,s
         lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <$25,u
         ora   #$04
         sta   <$25,u
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   ,x
         std   ,s
         ldb   $03,u
         addd  ,s
         bpl   L36A8
L36A8    stb   $03,u
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   ,x
         std   ,s
         ldb   $04,u
         addd  ,s
         bpl   L36BD
L36BD    stb   $04,u
         lbsr  L15F5
         leas  $02,s

L36C5    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldd   ,y++
         std   $03,u
         lda   <$25,u
         ora   #$04
         sta   <$25,u
         lbsr  L15F5

L36DE    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         lda   ,x
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   ,x
         std   $03,u
         lda   <$25,u
         ora   #$04
         sta   <$25,u
         lbsr  L15F5

L3705    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <$25,u
         ora   #$01
         sta   <$25,u

L3717    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <$25,u
         ora   #$08
         sta   <$25,u

L3729    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <$25,u
         anda  #$F6
         sta   <$25,u

L373B    lda   ,y+
         sta   >$01D7

L3741    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <$26,u
         ora   #$08
         sta   <$26,u

L3753    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <$26,u
         anda  #$F7
         sta   <$26,u

L3765    fcc   'Message too verbose:'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcc   '"%s..."'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcc   'Press CTRL-BREAK to continue.'
         fcb   C$NULL

L37A2    fcb   $FF
L37A3    fcb   $FF
L37A4    fcb   $FF

L37A5    ldb   ,y+
         lbsr  L3B58
         bsr   L37F2           message_box()

L37AD    ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   ,x
         lbsr  L3B58
         bsr   L37F2           message_box()

L37BB    ldb   ,y+
         bsr   L37CB

L37C0    ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   ,x
         bsr   L37CB

L37CB    lda   ,y+
         sta   >L37A3,pcr     data byte iniz to FF
         lda   ,y+
         sta   >L37A2,pcr     data byte iniz to FF
         lda   ,y+
         bne   L37DD
         lda   #$1E
L37DD    sta   >L37A4,pcr     data byte iniz to FF
         lbsr  L3B58
         bsr   L37F2           message_box()
         ldd   #$FFFF
         sta   >L37A4,pcr     data byte iniz to FF
         std   >L37A2,pcr     data byte iniz to FF
L37F1    rts

L37F2    leas  -$05,s         make room on stack
         ldd   #$0000         clear d and push on stack
         pshs  d              0
         ldd   #$0000         clear d and push on stack
         pshs  d   
         ldd   #$0000         clear d and push on stack
         pshs  d
         pshs  u              push ourcurrent u pntr
         lbsr  L3868          now the 4 argumnets are loaded call message_box_draw
         leas  $08,s          reset stack pntr
L380A    lda   >X01B0         load state.flag
         anda  #$01           flag_test(F15_PRINTMODE)
         beq   L381D          if not set move on
         lda   >X01B0         flag_reset(F15_PRINTMODE)      
         anda  #$FE
         sta   >X01B0 
         lda   #$01           set up a with a 1
         bra   L3865          go clean up stack and leave

L381D    lda   >$0447
         bne   L3832
         lda   #$01
         sta   ,s
         lbsr  L1361
         cmpa  #$01
         beq   L3860
         sta   ,s
         bra   L3860
L3832    ldb   #$0A
         orcc  #IntMasks         $50
         addd  >$024B
         std   $03,s
         ldd   >$0249
         andcc #^IntMasks        $AF
         bcc   L3846
         addd  #$0001
L3846    std   $01,s

L3848    ldd   $01,s
         cmpd  >$0249
         blt   L3860
         bgt   L385A
         ldd   $03,s
         cmpd  >$024B
         bls   L3860
L385A    lbsr  L134E
         bmi   L3848
L3860    lbsr  L3997        cmd_close_window
         lda   ,s
L3865    leas  $05,s        clean up stack

L3868    leas  >-$02BC,s
         lbsr  L3997         cmd_close_window
         lbsr  L464E
         lbsr  L47AA
         ldb   #$0F
         lbsr  L45BA
         ldb   >L37A4,pcr     data byte iniz to FF
         cmpb  #$FF
         bne   L3891
         tst   >$02C3,s
         bne   L3899
         ldb   #$1E
         stb   >$02C3,s
         bra   L3899
L3891    lda   >L37A4,pcr     data byte iniz to FF
         sta   >$02C3,s
L3899    leax  ,s
         ldd   >$02C2,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   >$02C0,s
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L39B5
         leas  $06,s
         tst   >$02C5,s
         beq   L38C4
         lda   >$02C3,s
         sta   >$0159
         lda   >$02C1,s
         beq   L38C4
         sta   >$015C
L38C4    lda   #$13
         cmpa  >$015C
         bcc   L38F9
         ldx   >$02BE,s
         lda   <$14,x
         clr   <$14,x
         pshs  x,a
         leau  >L3765,pcr  to verbose message
         leax  >$025B,s
         ldd   >$02C1,s
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $06,s
         puls  x,a
         sta   <$14,x
         stu   >$02BE,s
         bra   L3899
L38F9    lda   >$015C
         ldb   #$08
         addb  #$0A
         stb   >$017C
         lda   >$0159
         ldb   #$04
         addb  #$0A
         stb   >$017D
         lda   >L37A3,pcr     data byte iniz to FF
         bpl   L391D
         lda   #$13
         suba  >$015C
         adda  #$01
L391D    adda  >$0242
         sta   >$0176
         adda  >$015C
         sta   >$0178
         lda   >L37A2,pcr     data byte iniz to FF
         bpl   L3936
         lda   #$28
         suba  >$0159
L3936    sta   >$0177
         sta   >$017B
         adda  >$0159
         sta   >$0179
         lda   >$0176
         ldb   >$0177
         std   <u0040
         lda   #$04
         subb  #$05
         stb   >$017E
         lda   >$0178
         suba  >$0242
         ldb   #$08
         addb  #$04
         stb   >$017F
         ldd   #$040F
         pshs  d
         ldd   >$017C
         pshs  d
         ldd   >$017E
         pshs  d
         lda   #$0C
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $06,s       clean up stack
         lda   #$01
         sta   >$0180
         leax  ,s
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $02,s
         clr   >$017B
         lbsr  L47BE
         lbsr  L4663
         leas  >$02BC,s

L3997    tst   >$0180
         beq   L39B4
         ldd   >$017C
         pshs  d
         ldd   >$017E
         pshs  d
         lda   #$03
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn 
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $04,s       clean up the stack
         clr   >$0180
L39B4    rts

L39B5    ldd   #$0000
         sta   >$015C
         sta   >X0157
         sta   >$0159
         std   >X0155
         lda   $07,s
         sta   >$0158
         ldu   $04,s
         beq   L39DD
         ldd   $02,s
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L39E0
         leas  $04,s
         clr   ,u
         lbsr  L3C09
L39DD    ldx   $02,s

L39E0    leas  -$02,s
         pshs  x
         ldx   $06,s
         ldu   $08,s
         tst   ,x
         lbeq  L3B53
         lda   >$015C
         cmpa  #$13
         lbhi  L3B53
L39F7    lda   >X0157
         cmpa  >$0158
         lbcc  L3B00
         lda   ,x
         lbeq  L3B53
         cmpa  >X0101
         bne   L3A10
         tst   ,x+
         bra   L3A24
L3A10    cmpa  #$25
         beq   L3A2D
         cmpa  #$0A
         bne   L3A1D
         lbsr  L3C09
         bra   L3A27
L3A1D    cmpa  #$20
         bne   L3A24
         stu   >X0155
L3A24    inc   >X0157
L3A27    lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
         bra   L39F7
L3A2D    ldd   ,x++
         cmpb  #$77
         beq   L3A61
         cmpb  #$73
         beq   L3A77
         cmpb  #$6D
         beq   L3A86
         cmpb  #$67
         beq   L3A98
         cmpb  #$76
         lbeq  L3ACE
         cmpb  #$6F
         bne   L39F7
         stu   $08,s
         lbsr  L3BF4
         ldu   #$0432
         lda   d,u
         ldb   #$03
         addd  #$0000
         ldu   <u0038
         ldu   d,u
         lbra  L3AF0
L3A61    stu   $08,s
         lbsr  L3BF4
         bmi   L39F7
         cmpb  >$015A
         bcc   L39F7
         ldu   #$0181
         leau  [b,u]
         lbra  L3AF0
L3A77    stu   $08,s
         lbsr  L3BF4
         lda   #$28
         addd  #X0252     state.string
         tfr   d,u
         bra   L3AF0
L3A86    stu   $08,s
         lbsr  L3BF4
         lbsr  L3B58
         cmpu  #$0000
         lbeq  L39F7
         bra   L3AF0
L3A98    stu   $08,s
         ldd   <u0062
         std   $02,s
         lbsr  L2542
         stu   <u0062
         ldd   $04,u
         lbsr  L27AF
         lbsr  L3BF4
         lbsr  L3B58
         cmpu  #$0000
         beq   L3AC0
         ldd   $08,s
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L39E0
         leas  $04,s
L3AC0    ldu   $02,s
         stu   <u0062
         ldd   $04,u
         lbsr  L27AF
         ldu   $08,s
         lbra  L39F7
L3ACE    stu   $08,s
         lbsr  L3BF4
         ldu   #$0432
         ldb   d,u
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L11C4
         tfr   x,u
         puls  x
         lda   ,x
         cmpa  #$7C
         bne   L3AF0
         leax  $01,x
         lbsr  L3BF4
         lbsr  L121F
L3AF0    ldd   $08,s
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L39E0
         leas  $04,s
         stu   $08,s
         lbra  L39F7
L3B00    ldd   >X0155
         bne   L3B11
         lda   #$0A
         sta   ,u+
         stu   $08,s
         lbsr  L3C09
         lbra  L39F7
L3B11    clr   ,u
         tfr   u,d
         subd  >X0155
         addb  >X0157
         stb   >X0157
         lbsr  L3C09
         pshs  x
         ldx   >X0155
         lda   #$0A
         sta   ,x+
L3B2B    lda   ,x+
         cmpa  #$20
         beq   L3B2B
         leax  -$01,x
         ldu   >X0155
         leau  $01,u
         lbsr  L1152
         ldd   #$0000
         std   >X0155
L3B41    lda   ,x+
         beq   L3B4A
         inc   >X0157
         bra   L3B41
L3B4A    leau  -$01,x
         stu   $0A,s
         puls  x
         lbra  L39F7
L3B53    puls  x
         leas  $02,s

L3B58    leas  -$01,s
         ldu   <u0062
         cmpb  $03,u
         bls   L3B67
         ldd   #$0000
         tfr   d,u
         bra   L3B79
L3B67    ldu   $0A,u
         stb   ,s
         ldd   d,u
         bne   L3B79
         ldb   ,s
         lda   #$0E
         lbsr  L10CE
L3B79    exg   a,b
         leau  d,u
         leas  $01,s

L3B80    leas  >-$03E8,s   make room for a thousand bytes the message
         lbsr  L47AA       push_row_col
         ldd   ,y++        get the row and col from the input
         std   <u0040      stow it as row,col
         ldb   ,y+
         bsr   L3B58       goto_row_col
         leax  ,s
         ldd   #$0028      load a 40 
         pshs  d
         pshs  u
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L39B5       agi_printf ?? or str_wordwrap
         leas  $06,s       clean up the stack
         leax  ,s
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $02,s
         lbsr  L47BE       pop_row_col
         leas  >$03E8,s    cleanup the stack

L3BB0    leas  >-$03E8,s
         lbsr  L47AA
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         lda   ,x
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   ,x
         std   <u0040
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   ,x
         bsr   L3B58
         leax  ,s
         ldd   #$0028
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L39B5
         leas  $06,s
         leax  ,s
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $02,s
         lbsr  L47BE
         leas  >$03E8,s

L3BF4    clrb
L3BF5    lda   ,x
         cmpa  #$30
         bcs   L3C08
         cmpa  #$39
         bhi   L3C08
         lda   #$0A
         subb  #$30
         addb  ,x+
         bra   L3BF5
L3C08    rts

L3C09    inc   >$015C
         lda   >X0157
         clr   >X0157
         cmpa  >$0159
         bls   L3C1A
         sta   >$0159
L3C1A    rts

L3C1B    fdb  $0000
L3C1D    fcb  $00
L3C1E    fcb  $00
L3C1F    fdb  $0000

L3C21    clr   >L3C1D,pcr   clear data byte
         ldd   $02,s
         std   >L3C1B,pcr   store at data word
         ldx   $04,s
         leau  $06,s
         bsr   L3C57
         ldu   $02,s

L3C34    leas  <-$2A,s
         clr   >L3C1E,pcr   data byre
         lda   #$01
         sta   >L3C1D,pcr   data byte
         leax  ,s
         stx   >L3C1F,pcr   data word
         stx   >L3C1B,pcr   store at data word
         ldx   <$2C,s
         leau  <$2E,s
         bsr   L3C57
         leas  <$2A,s

L3C57    lda   ,x+
         beq   L3CCA
         cmpa  #$25
         beq   L3C63
         bsr   L3CCA
         bra   L3C57
L3C63    lda   ,x+
         cmpa  #$73
         bne   L3C6F
         ldd   ,u++
         pshs  u,x
         bra   L3CB9
L3C6F    cmpa  #$64
         bne   L3C89
         tst   ,u
         bpl   L3C9C
         lda   #$2D
         bsr   L3CCA
         ldd   #$0000
         subd  ,u++
         pshs  u,x
         lbsr  L11C4
         tfr   x,d
         bra   L3CB9
L3C89    cmpa  #$75
         beq   L3C9C
         cmpa  #$78
         bne   L3CA7
         ldd   ,u++
         pshs  u,x
         lbsr  L11DC
         tfr   x,d
         bra   L3CB9
L3C9C    ldd   ,u++
         pshs  u,x
         lbsr  L11C4
         tfr   x,d
         bra   L3CB9
L3CA7    cmpa  #$63
         bne   L3CB1
         ldd   ,u++
         bsr   L3CCA
         bra   L3C57
L3CB1    leax  -$01,x
         lda   -$01,x
         bsr   L3CCA
         bra   L3C57
L3CB9    tfr   d,x
L3CBB    lda   ,x+
         lbne  L3CC6
         puls  u,x
         lbra  L3C57
L3CC6    bsr   L3CCA
         bra   L3CBB
L3CCA    pshs  u,x
         ldu   >L3C1B,pcr   store at data word
         sta   ,u+
         stu   >L3C1B,pcr   store at data word
         tst   >L3C1D,pcr   data byte
         beq   L3D1F
         beq   L3CEF
         cmpa  #$0A
         beq   L3CEF
         cmpa  #$0D
         beq   L3CEF
         lda   #$01
         sta   >L3C1E,pcr   data byre
         bra   L3D1F
L3CEF    tst   >L3C1E,pcr   data byre
         beq   L3D11
         clr   ,-u
         pshs  a
         ldd   >L3C1F,pcr   data word
         pshs  d
         lda   #$0F
         sta   <u0019      save the offset 
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up stack
         sta   >L3C1E,pcr   data byre
         puls  a
L3D11    tsta
         beq   L3D17
         lbsr  L4734
L3D17    ldu   >L3C1F,pcr   data word
         stu   >L3C1B,pcr   store at data word
L3D1F    puls  u,x

L3D22    lda   ,y+          get the byet passed in and bump y
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u          u now is a pointer to a VIEW struct
         lda   <$26,u       load flag
         ora   #O_PRIFIXED  or that with the prifixed flag so agi can't change it
         sta   <$26,u       stow it back
         lda   ,y+          get the next byte bump y
         sta   <$24,u       stow that as the priority

L3D39    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <$26,u
         anda  #$FB
         sta   <$26,u

L394B    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <$24,u
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         sta   ,x

L3D60    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <$26,u
         ora   #$04
         sta   <$26,u
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         lda   ,x
         sta   <$24,u

L3D7D    leas  -$09,s
         clr   ,s
         ldd   <u008B
         bne   L3D94
         leax  $03,s
         os9   F$Time
         ldd   $07,s
         addd  $05,s
         addd  $03,s
         orb   #$01
         std   <u008B
L3D94    lda   #$4D
         std   $01,s
         ldb   <u008B
         lda   #$4D
         addd  ,s
         std   ,s
         lda   #$7C
         ldb   <u008C
         addd  ,s
         std   ,s
         ldd   $01,s
         addd  #$0001
         std   <u008B
         eorb  <u008B
         leas  $09,s

L3DB7    fcc   'Press ENTER to start a new'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'game.'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcc   'Press CTRL-BREAK to continue'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'with this game.'
         fcb   C$NULL

L3E06    leas  -$01,s
         lbsr  L5B7A        input_edit_on 
         lda   >$01B1
         anda  #$80
         bne   L3E1B
         leau  >L3DB7,pcr  new game message
         lbsr  L37F2
         beq   L3E5D
L3E1B    lbsr  L5B26
         lda   >$01B0
         anda  #$40
L3E23    sta   ,s
         lbsr  L2778
         lbsr  L21CC
         lbsr  L4BBA         volumes_close
         lda   >$01AF
         ora   #$02
         sta   >$01AF
         lda   ,s
L3E38    beq   L3E42
         lda   >$01B0 
L3E3D    ora   #$40
         sta   >$01B0 
L3E42    orcc  #IntMasks         $50
         ldd   #$0000
         std   >$0249
         std   >$024B
         andcc #^IntMasks        $AF
         ldb   <u006A
         beq   L3E56
         lbsr  L2571
L3E56    lbsr  L2902
         ldy   #$0000
L3E5D    lbsr  L5B69
         leas  $01,s

* cmd_restore_game text strings
L3E63    fcc   'About to restore the game'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'described as:'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcc   '%s'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcc   'from file:'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   '%s'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcc   '%s'
         fcb   C$NULL

L3EA2    fcc   "Can't open file:"
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   '%s'
         fcb   C$NULL

L3EB6    fcc   'Error in restoring game.'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'Press ENTER to quit.'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcb   C$NULL

L3EE5    fcc   'Press ENTER to continue.'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'Press CTRL-BREAK to cancel.'
         fcb   C$NULL

L3F1A    fcb   $00

* cmd_restore_game (state_io.c)

L3F1B    leas  >-$00FD,s
         sty   ,s        code_ret (arg passed in)
         lda   #$01
         sta   >X0102    clock_state? 
         lda   >$0101    msgstate.newline_char
         sta   $02,s     save original 
         lda   #'@       $40 load value for msgstate.newline_char
         sta   >$0101    save it
L3F31    ldd   #$0072
         pshs  d
         lbsr  L1C49
         leas  $02,s
         lbeq  L4040
         lda   >L41E5,pcr   FILE struct datablock ???
         bne   L3F86
         leau  >L3EE5,pcr   continue/cancel message
         pshs  u
L3F4C    leau  >L17E9,pcr   64 byte data block
L3F50    pshs  u
         leau  >L17CA,pcr   31 byte data block
         pshs  u
         leax  >L3E63,pcr   about to restore message
         leau  $09,s
         pshs  x
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $0A,s
         ldd   #$0000
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$0023
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$0000
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L3868         message_box_draw
         leas  $08,s
         lbsr  L1361
         cmpa  #$00
         lbeq  L4040
L3F86    lda   #$01
         leax  >L17E9,pcr   64 byte data block
         lbsr  L139A        Open path routine
         bcc   L3FB2
         leau  >L17E9,pcr   64 byte data block
         pshs  u
         leau  >L17CA,pcr   31 byte data block
         pshs  u
         leax  >L3EA2,pcr   can't open file message
         leau  $07,s
         pshs  x
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $08,s
         lbsr  L37F2
         lbra  L4040
L3FB2    sta   >L3F1A,pcr   data byte
         ldx   #$0000
         ldu   #$001F
         lbsr  L13E2
         ldd   #$01AD          state.block_state
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L4053
         leas  $02,s
         beq   L4003
         ldd   <u0030
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L4053
         leas  $02,s
         beq   L4003
         ldd   <u0038
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L4053
         leas  $02,s
         beq   L4003
         ldx   <u0038
         ldd   <u003A
         leau  d,x
         lbsr  L1061
         ldd   >$05AF
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L4053
         leas  $02,s
         beq   L4003
         ldd   #$0554
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L4053
         leas  $02,s
         bne   L401A
L4003    lda   >L3F1A,pcr   data byte
         lbsr  L13D6        Close path routine
         leau  >L3EB6,pcr   Error in restoring game message
         lbsr  L37F2
         lda   #$03         load offset to exit_agi()
         sta   <u0009       save offset
         ldx   <u0022       set up remap to sierra
         jsr   >$0659       mmu twiddle
L401A    lda   >L3F1A,pcr  data byte
         lbsr  L13D6       Close path routine
         lda   >$0553
         sta   >$044C
         lbsr  L4084
         lbsr  L0952       self contained call to clear 50 bytes 05BA
         lda   >$01B0
         ora   #$08
         sta   >$01B0 
         lbsr  L4BBA         volumes_close
         ldd   #$0000
         std   ,s
         lbsr  L2902
L4040    lbsr  L3997        cmd_close_window
         lda   $02,s        pull newline_org          
         sta   >$0101       save it in msgstate.newline_char
         clr   >X0102       clock_state = 0
         ldy   ,s           code_ret
         leas  >$00FD,s

L4053    leas  -$02,s
         lda   >L3F1A,pcr  data byte
         leax  ,s
         ldy   #$0002
         lbsr  L13A6       Read routine
         cmpd  #$0002
         bne   L4080
         ldy   ,x
         sty   ,s
         lda   >L3F1A,pcr  data byte
         ldx   $04,s
         lbsr  L13A6       Read routine
         cmpy  ,s
         bne   L4080
         lda   #$01
         bra   L4081
L4080    clra
L4081    leas  $02,s

L4084    leas  >-$0206,s
         leax  $06,s
         stx   $04,s
         lbsr  L229D
         clr   >$05B1
         ldu   <u0030
L4094    cmpu  <u0032
         bcc   L40B2
         ldd   <$25,u
         ldx   $04,s
         std   ,x++
         stx   $04,s
         bitb  #$40
         beq   L40AD
         andb  #$FE
         orb   #$10
         stb   <$26,u
L40AD    leau  <$2B,u
         bra   L4094
L40B2    lbsr  L057D
         lbsr  L2778
         clr   >X0100        pic_visible = 0 
         lbsr  L46E0
L40BE    lbsr  L46F5
         cmpu  #$0000
         beq   L4137
         ldd   ,u
         cmpa  #$00
         bne   L40D5
         lbsr  L2571
         lbsr  L26B4
         bra   L40BE
L40D5    cmpa  #$01
         bne   L40E0
         lda   #$01
         lbsr  L5D3C
         bra   L40BE
L40E0    cmpa  #$02
         bne   L40E9
         lbsr  L34F0
         bra   L40BE
L40E9    cmpa  #$03
         bne   L40F2
         lbsr  L508C
         bra   L40BE
L40F2    cmpa  #$04
         bne   L40FB
         lbsr  L3550
         bra   L40BE
L40FB    cmpa  #$05
         bne   L411C
         lbsr  L46F5
         ldd   ,u
         ldx   #$05B2
         std   ,x
         lbsr  L46F5
         ldd   ,u
         std   $02,x
         lbsr  L46F5
         ldd   ,u
         std   $04,x
         lbsr  L3431
         bra   L40BE
L411C    cmpa  #$06
         bne   L4125
         lbsr  L35F5
         bra   L40BE
L4125    cmpa  #$07
         bne   L412E
         lbsr  L5FA1
         bra   L40BE
L412E    cmpa  #$08
         bne   L40BE
         lbsr  L3597
         bra   L40BE
L4137    lda   #$01
         sta   >$05B1
         ldu   <u0032
L413E    leau  <-$2B,u
         cmpu  <u0030
         bcs   L418D
         ldx   $04,s
         ldd   ,--x
         stx   $04,s
         std   ,s
         stu   $02,s
         ldb   $05,u
         lbsr  L5D17
         leax  ,x
         beq   L415E
         ldb   $05,u
         lbsr  L5DD8
L415E    ldd   ,s
         bitb  #$40
         beq   L413E
         bitb  #$01
         beq   L4188
         lda   $02,u
         lbsr  L0F59
         ldu   $02,s
         lda   <$22,u
         cmpa  #$02
         bne   L417B
         lda   #$FF
         sta   <$29,u
L417B    ldd   ,s
         bitb  #$10
         bne   L4188
         lbsr  L05F8
         ldu   $02,s
         ldd   ,s
L4188    std   <$25,u
         bra   L413E
L418D    lbsr  L5B7A        input_edit_on
         lbsr  L5B26
         lbsr  L2C01  
         lda   #$01
         sta   >X0100      pic_visible = 1
         lbsr  L54F7
         lbsr  L5BAD
         leas  >$0206,s

L41A6    ldd   #$000E
         lbsr  L2730
         ldd   #$0000
         std   ,u
         std   $02,u
         stx   $04,u
         stu   <$16,x
         ldd   <$1C,x
         std   $08,u
         ldd   $03,x
         bita  #$01
         beq   L41C6
         inc   $08,u
L41C6    subb  <$1D,x
         std   $06,u
         ldd   $08,u
         bita  #$01
         beq   L41D5
         sta   $08,u
L41D5    mul
         tfr   u,x
         lbsr  L26FD
         lbsr  L279C
         std   $0C,x
         stu   $0A,x
         tfr   x,u

*  nagi has 50 bytes
L41E5    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00

L4204    fcc   'About to save the game'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'described as:'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcc   '%s'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcc   'in file:'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   '%s'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcc   '%s'
         fcb   C$NULL

L423E    fcc   'The directory'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   '%s'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'is full.'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'Press ENTER to continue.'
         fcb   C$NULL

L4271    fcc  'The disk is full.'
         fcb  C$LF
         fcc  'Press ENTER to continue.'
         fcb  C$NULL 

L429C    fcb   $00

L429D    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$28
         ldx   #X0252       state.string
         leax  d,x          from address
         leau  >L41E5,pcr   state_name_auto
         ldd   #$001F       load d with 31
         lbsr  L115D        copy routine
         rts                return 

L42B2    leas  >-$00FE,s
         sty   ,s
         clr   $02,s
         lda   #$01
         sta   >X0102
         lda   >$0101
         sta   $03,s
         lda   #$40
         sta   >$0101
         ldd   #$0073
         pshs  b,a
L42CF    lbsr  L1C49
         leas  $02,s
         lbeq  L43D9
L42D9    lda   >L41E5,pcr     FILE struct data block ???
         bne   L431F
L42DF    leau  >L3EE5,pcr     continue / cancel message
         pshs  u
         leau  >L17E9,pcr     64 byte data block
         pshs  u
         leau  >L17CA,pcr     31 byte data block
         pshs  u
         leax  >L4204,pcr     about to save game msg
         leau  $0A,s
         pshs  x
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $0A,s
         ldd   #$0000
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$0023
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$0000
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L3868         message_box_draw
         leas  $08,s
         lbsr  L1361
         cmpa  #$00
         lbeq  L43D9
L431F    lda   #$02
         ldb   #$03
         leax  >L17E9,pcr     64 byte data block
         lbsr  L1388          Create routine
         bcc   L4347
         leau  >L17AB,pcr     31 byte data block
         pshs  u
         leax  >L423E,pcr     dir is full msg
         leau  $06,s
         pshs  x
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $06,s
         lbsr  L37F2
         lbra  L43D9
L4347    sta   >L429C,pcr     data byte
         leax  >L17CA,pcr    31 byte data block
         ldy   #$001F
         lbsr  L13B8            Write routine
         cmpd  #$001F
         bne   L43BB
         ldd   #$0385
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$01AD          state.block_state
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L43F9
         leas  $04,s
         beq   L43BB
         ldd   <u0034
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   <u0030
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L43F9
         leas  $04,s
         beq   L43BB
         inc   $02,s
         ldx   <u0038
         ldd   <u003A
         leau  d,x
         lbsr  L1061
         ldd   <u003A
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   <u0038
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L43F9
         leas  $04,s
         beq   L43BB
         lda   >$0246
         ldb   #$02
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   >$05AF
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L43F9
         leas  $04,s
         beq   L43BB
         lbsr  L2691
         pshs  x
         ldd   #$0554
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L43F9
         leas  $04,s
         bne   L43D2
L43BB    lda   >L429C,pcr       data byte
         lbsr  L13D6            Close path routine
         leax  >L17E9,pcr       64 byte data block
         lbsr  L13CA            Delete routine
         leau  >L4271,pcr       the disk is full msg
         lbsr  L37F2
         bra   L43D9
L43D2    lda   >L429C,pcr       data byte
         lbsr  L13D6            Close path routine
L43D9    lda   $02,s
         beq   L43E6
         ldx   <u0038
         ldd   <u003A
         leau  d,x
         lbsr  L1061
L43E6    lbsr  L3997            cmd_close_window
         lda   $03,s
         sta   >$0101
         clr   >X0102
         ldy   ,s
         leas  >$00FE,s

L43F9    lda   >L429C,pcr       data byte
         leax  $04,s
         ldy   #$0002
         lbsr  L13B8            Write routine
         cmpd  #$0002
         bne   L4421
         lda   >L429C,pcr       data byte
         ldx   $02,s
         ldy   $04,s
         lbsr  L13B8            Write routine
         cmpd  $04,s
         bne   L4421
         lda   #$01
         bra   L4422
L4421    clra
L4422    rts

L4423    fcb   $00            drive number to hold working disk 

L4424    fcc   '%s%s'
L4428    fcc   '%ssg.%d'
         fcb   C$NULL

L4430    leas  -$05,s
         stx   ,s
         stb   $02,s
         ldd   #$0000
         std   $03,s
         leax  >L17AB,pcr   31 byte data block
         lbsr  L113E
         leax  b,x
         lda   #$2F
         cmpa  ,-x
         beq   L444D
         sta   $03,s
L444D    clra
         ldb   $02,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$01CF
         pshs  b,a
         leax  $07,s
         pshs  x
         leax  >L17AB,pcr   31 byte data block
         pshs  x
         leax  >L4424,pcr   %s%s
         ldu   $08,s
         pshs  x
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $0C,s
         lbsr  L1287       upper to lower string conversion
         tfr   u,x
         leas  $05,s

* (state_info.c)
L4478    leas  <-$45,s
         clr   ,s
         leau  ,s
         lbsr  L1486
         ldx   <$47,s
         lbsr  L157C         change dir routine
         bcs   L449E
         clr   <$40,s
         leau  <$40,s
         lbsr  L1464         lib_get_disk
L4493    ldb   <$43,s
         stb   >L4423,pcr    save_drive
         lda   #$01
         bra   L449F
L449E    clra
L449F    sta   <$44,s
         leax  ,s
         lbsr  L157C         change dir routine
         lda   <$44,s
         leas  <$45,s

L44AE    leas  -$02,s
         ldy   <u0062
         ldd   $04,y
         lbsr  L27AF
         ldy   $08,y
L44BB    ldb   ,y+
L44BD    tstb
         beq   L44D7
         cmpb  #$FF
         beq   L44D9
         cmpb  #$FE
         bne   L44D0
L44C8    ldb   ,y+
         lda   ,y+
         leay  d,y
         bra   L44BB
L44D0    lbsr  L0491
         leay  ,y
         bne   L44BD
L44D7    bra   L4549
L44D9    ldd   #$0000
         std   ,s
L44DE    lda   ,y+
         cmpa  #$FC
         bhi   L44EE
         bne   L4502
         lda   ,s
         bne   L4510
         inc   ,s
         bra   L44DE
L44EE    cmpa  #$FF
         bne   L44F6
         leay  $02,y
         bra   L44BB
L44F6    cmpa  #$FD
         bne   L4502
         lda   $01,s
         eora  #$01
         sta   $01,s
         bra   L44DE
L4502    lbsr  L0D6E   call into eval_table index calc
         eora  $01,s
         clr   $01,s
         bne   L4520
         lda   ,s
         bne   L44DE
L4510    clr   ,s
L4512    lda   ,y+
         cmpa  #$FF
         beq   L44C8
         cmpa  #$FC
         bcc   L4512
         bsr   L4532
         bra   L4512
L4520    lda   ,s
         beq   L44DE
         clr   ,s
L4526    lda   ,y+
         cmpa  #$FC
         bhi   L4526
         beq   L44DE
         bsr   L4532
         bra   L4526
L4532    cmpa  #$0E
         bne   L453C
         lda   ,y+
         leay  a,y

L453C    lsla
         adda  #$02
         leax  >L0D09,pcr     jump table 2 address
         lda   a,x
         leay  a,y

L4549    leas  $02,s

* same sequence of bytes at L00E2 in sierra

L454C    fcb   $00   composite
         fcb   $0C
         fcb   $02
         fcb   $2E
         fcb   $06
         fcb   $09
         fcb   $04
         fcb   $20
         fcb   $10
         fcb   $1B
         fcb   $11
         fcb   $3D
         fcb   $17
         fcb   $29
         fcb   $33
         fcb   $3F
         fcb   $00   rgb
         fcb   $08
         fcb   $14
         fcb   $18
         fcb   $20
         fcb   $28
         fcb   $22
         fcb   $38
         fcb   $07
         fcb   $0B
         fcb   $16
         fcb   $1F
         fcb   $27
         fcb   $2D
         fcb   $37
         fcb   $3F

L456C    lbsr  L5B7A        input_edit_on
         lda   #$01         make a 1
         sta   X05EC        stow it at chgen_textmode
         lda   #$15
         sta   <u0019       save the offset
         ldx   <u0026       set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659       mmu twiddler

L457E    lbsr  L5B7A        input_edit_on
         lbsr  L45D9

L4585    ldb   $02,y
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $01,y
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   ,y
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L47DE
         leas  $06,s
         leay  $03,y

L4599    ldb   $04,y
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $03,y
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $02,y
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $01,y
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   ,y
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L48A1
         leas  $0A,s
         leay  $05,y

L45B5    ldd   ,y++    load foreground and background in d
         bsr   L45BA   

* this routine takes the LSB value and copies it to the MSB also
L45BA    anda  #$0F     mask the MSB off of forground
         sta   >X024D   stow at state.text_fg
         lsla           shift left 4
         ora   >X024D   or that with state.text_fg
         sta   >X024D   and save it back 
         andb  #$0F     mask the MSB off of background
         stb   >X024E   stow it at
         lslb           shift left 4
         orb   >X024E   or it with state.text_bg
         stb   >X024E   save it back

L45D9    lda   #$00
         sta   >$05EC
         lda   #$09
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         lbsr  L54F7
         lbsr  L5BAD

L45EE    lda   ,y
         sta   >$0242
         adda  #$15
         sta   >$0240
         lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$08
         lda   #$A0
         std   <u002C
         lda   ,y+
         sta   >$01D8
         lda   ,y+
         sta   >$0248

L460D    leas  -$04,s
         pshs  y
         leax  >L454C,pcr  data table
         ldb   >$0553      display type
         eorb  #$01        change display type to the other
*                          will change the type from comp<->rbg         
         stb   >$0553      save that as display_type
         lda   #$10        16 times the type
         abx               add that back to x so we use the other palette set

* This loads up the control sequence to set the pallete 1B 31 PRN CTN
*  PRN palette register 0 - 15, CTN color table 0 - 63
         lda   #$1B        loading escape codes for writing to screen
         sta   $02,s       put on the stack
         lda   #$31        Palette code
         sta   $03,s       put on the stack
         clra              make a zero PRN value
         sta   $04,s       put it on the stack
         ldy   #$0004      number of bytes to write
L4630    ldb   ,x+         get color table value
         stb   $05,s       put it on stack
         pshs  x           push our x value
         lda   #StdOut     set path to stdout
         leax  $04,s       start of data to write
         os9   I$Write     send it
         bcs   L4649       error during write clean up stack and leave
         puls  x           retrieve or x
         inc   $04,s       bump the PRN value
         lda   $04,s       grab the PRN value
         cmpa  #$10        have we done all 16 ?
         blo   L4630       nope go again
L4649    puls  y
         leas  $04,s

L464E    ldb   >$0172
         cmpb  #$05
         bcc   L4662
         ldx   #$015D
         ldd   >X024D     state.text_fg/bg
         std   ,x
         inc   >$0172
L4662    rts

L4663    ldb   >$0172
         ble   L4675
         stb   >$0172
         ldx   #$015D
         ldd   b,x
         std   >X024D     state.text_fg/bg
L4675    rts

L4676    fdb   $0000
L4678    fdb   $0000

L467A    ldu   >$05AF
         bne   L4691
         lda   >$0246
         beq   L4691
         ldb   #$02
         lbsr  L2730
         stu   >$05AF
         ldd   <u0055
         std   <u0053
L4691    stu   >L4676,pcr   data word
         clr   >X0245       state.script_count

L4699    leas  -$02,s
         std   ,s
         lda   >$01AF
         anda  #$01
         bne   L46DD
         lda   >$05B1
         beq   L46CF
         ldb   >$0246
         addd  >$05AF
         cmpd  >L4676,pcr   data word
         bhi   L46C0
         lda   #$0B
         ldb   <u0058
         lbsr  L10CE
L46C0    ldu   >L4676,pcr   data word
         ldd   ,s
         std   ,u++
         stu   >L4676,pcr   data word
         inc   >X0245       state.script_count
L46CF    ldd   >L4676,pcr   data word
         subd  >$05AF
         cmpd  <u0057
         bls   L46DD
         std   <u0057
L46DD    leas  $02,s

L46E0    ldd   >$05AF
         std   >L4678,pcr   data word
         lda   >X0245       state.script_count
         ldb   #$02
         addd  >$05AF
         std   >L4676,pcr   data word

L46F5    ldu   #$0000
         ldd   >L4678,pcr   data word
         cmpd  >L4676,pcr   data word
         bcc   L470C
         tfr   d,u
         addd  #$0002
         std   >L4678,pcr   data word
L470C    rts

L470D    lda   ,y+
         sta   >$0246
         lbsr  L057D
         lbsr  L467A
         lbsr  L058A
L471C    lda   >X0245     state.script_count
         sta   >X0244     state.script_saved
L4723    clra
         ldb   >X0244     state.script_saved
         stb   >X0245     state.script_count
         addd  >$05AF
         std   >L4676,pcr   data word

* window_put_char cmd_input.c ???
L4734    leas  -$02,s
         pshs  u,x
         leau  $04,s
         beq   L47A5
         cmpa  #$08
         bne   L476C
         dec   <u0041
         bpl   L4756
         lda   #$00
         sta   <u0041
         lda   <u0040
         cmpa  #$15
         bls   L4756
         sta   <u0040
         lda   #$27
         sta   <u0041
L4756    ldd   #$2000
         std   ,u
         pshs  u
         lda   #$0F
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up stack
         dec   <u0041
         bra   L47A5
L476C    cmpa  #C$CR     $0D
         beq   L4774
         cmpa  #C$LF     $0A
         bne   L4784
L4774    lda   <u0040
         cmpa  #C$PAUS   $17
         bcc   L477D
         sta   <u0040
L477D    lda   >$017B
         sta   <u0041
         bra   L47A5
L4784    clrb
         cmpa  #$7F
         bls   L478C

         ldd   #$2000
L478C    std   ,u
         pshs  u
         lda   #$0F
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up stack
         lda   <u0041
         cmpa  #$27
         bls   L47A5
         lda   #$0D
         bsr   L4734
L47A5    puls  u,x
         leas  $02,s

L47AA    ldb   >$0167
         cmpb  #$05
         bcc   L47BD
         ldx   #$0168
         ldd   <u0040
         std   ,x
         inc   >$0167
L47BD    rts

L47BE    ldb   >$0167
         ble   L47CF
         stb   >$0167
         ldx   #$0168
         ldd   b,x
         std   <u0040
L47CF    rts

L47D0    pshs  b,a
         tfr   a,b
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L47DE
         leas  $06,s

L47DE    ldb   $07,s
         pshs  b,a
         lda   $07,s
         ldb   #$27
         pshs  b,a
         lda   $07,s
         ldb   #$00
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L48A1
         leas  $06,s

L47F4    leas  <-$2A,s
         lda   #$17
         cmpa  <$2D,s
         lbcs  L489D
         cmpa  <$2F,s
         bcc   L4814
         sta   <$2F,s
         suba  <$2D,s
         cmpa  <$37,s
         bcc   L4814
         sta   <$37,s
L4814    ldb   <$37,s
         beq   L4845
         addb  <$2F,s
         subb  <$2D,s
         bhi   L4828
         clr   <$37,s
         bra   L4845
L4828    lda   <$37,s
         pshs  d
         lda   <$37,s
         ldb   <$35,s
         pshs  d
         ldb   <$31,s
         pshs  d
         lda   #$12
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $06,s       clean up sthe stack
L4845    lda   <$35,s
         suba  <$33,s
         leau  ,s
         ldb   #$20
L4850    stb   ,u+
         bne   L4850
         sta   ,u
         ldd   >X024D     state.text_fg/bg
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   <$33,s
         lbsr  L45BA
         lda   <$39,s
         bne   L4876
         lda   <$2F,s
         sta   <u0040
         adda  <$31,s
         sta   <$39,s
         bra   L487D
L4876    nega
         adda  <$31,s
         sta   <u0040
L487D    lda   <$35,s
         sta   <u0041
         leau  $02,s
         pshs  u
         lda   #$0F
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up the stack
         inc   <u0040
         dec   <$39,s
         bne   L487D
         puls  b,a
         std   >X024D     state.text_fg/bg
L489D    leas  <$2A,s

L48A1    ldd   <u0040
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$0000
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $09,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $09,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $0F,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $0E,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $0E,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L47F4
         leas  $0C,s
         puls  b,a
         std   <u0040

L48C8    fcc   'Please insert disk %d, side %d'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'and press ENTER.'
         fcb   C$NULL

L48F8    fcc   'Please turn over the disk'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   'and press ENTER.'
         fcb   C$NULL

L4923    fcc   'That is the wrong disk.'
         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
         fcb   C$NULL

L493D    fcc   '%s%s'
         fcb   C$LF
         fcc   '%s'
         fcb   C$NULL

L4945    fcc   'vol.%d'
         fcb   C$NULL

L494C    fcc   "Can't find %s.%s%s"
         fcb   C$NULL

L495F    fcb   $01
L4960    fcb   $01
L4961    fcb   $01
L4962    fcb   $00
L4963    fcb   $00
L4964    fcb   $00
L4965    fcb   $00

L4966    leas  -$06,s
         std   ,s
         stu   $02,s
         stx   $04,s
L496E    bsr   L498C
         cmpu  #$0000
L4974    bne   L4989
         lda   >L4962,pcr    data byte
         cmpa  #$05
         beq   L4989
         ldd   ,s
L4980    lbsr  L27AF
         ldu   $02,s
         ldx   $04,s
L4987    bra   L496E
L4989    leas  $06,s

L498C    leas  -$0E,s
         stu   ,s
         stx   $02,s
         pshs  y
         ldu   <u004F
         stu   $06,s
         lda   >$0532       vol_handle_table
         cmpa  #$FF
         bne   L49BC
         ldd   >L4963,pcr    data byte
         bne   L49B9
         ldx   [>$0089]
         stx   >L4963,pcr    data byte
         ldd   ,x
         cmpd  #$0101
         beq   L49B9
         lbsr  L4AC7
L49B9    lbsr  L4B58
L49BC    ldu   $02,s
         lda   ,u
         sta   $08,s
         ldx   #$0532       vol_handle_table
         ldb   a,x
         cmpb  #$FF
         bne   L4A0A
         lbsr  L4BBA         volumes_close
         ldb   $08,s
         beq   L49DB
         cmpb  >$05ED
         bls   L49E1
L49DB    ldb   >L495F,pcr     data byte
         stb   $08,s
L49E1    decb
         ldx   <u0089
         ldx   b,x
         stx   >L4963,pcr    data byte
         ldd   ,x
         cmpa  >L4960,pcr     data byte
         bne   L49F9
         cmpb  >L4961,pcr    data byte
         beq   L4A04
L49F9    lda   #$01
         sta   >L4962,pcr    data byte
         ldb   $08,s
         lbsr  L4AC7
L4A04    lbsr  L4B58
         lbra  L4AB9
L4A0A    stb   >L4965,pcr    data byte
         ldb   ,u
         andb  #$0F
         tfr   d,x
         ldu   $01,u
         lda   >L4965,pcr    data byte
         lbsr  L13E2
         bcs   L4A36
         lda   >L4965,pcr    data byte
         leax  $09,s
         ldy   #$0005
         lbsr  L13A6       Read routine
         bcs   L4A36
         cmpd  #$0005
         beq   L4A46
L4A36    lbsr  L10E4
         lbne  L4AB9
         lda   #$03         load offset to exit_agi()
         sta   <u0009       save offset
         ldx   <u0022       set up remap to sierra
         jsr   >$0659       mmu twiddle
L4A46    ldd   $09,s
         cmpd  #$1234
         bne   L4A54
         lda   $0B,s
         cmpa  $08,s
         beq   L4A73
L4A54    lbsr  L4BBA         volumes_close
         lda   #$01
         sta   >L4962,pcr    data byte
         ldb   $08,s
         lbsr  L4B1E
         bne   L4A6E
         lda   #$03         load offset to exit_agi()
         sta   <u0009       save offset
         ldx   <u0022       set up remap to sierra
         jsr   >$0659       mmu twiddle
L4A6E    lbsr  L4B58
         bra   L4AB9
L4A73    ldb   $0C,s
         lda   $0D,s
         std   <u0066
         ldu   $04,s
         bne   L4AA1
         lda   >$05B8
         beq   L4A92
         lbsr  L2786
         cmpd  <u0066
         bcc   L4A92
         lda   #$05
         sta   >L4962,pcr    data byte
         bra   L4AB9
L4A92    ldd   <u0066
         lbsr  L26FD
         lbsr  L279C
         stu   $04,s
         std   $0E,s
         lbsr  L27AF
L4AA1    lda   >L4965,pcr    data byte
         ldx   $04,s
         ldy   <u0066
         lbsr  L13A6       Read routine
         bcs   L4A36
         ldu   $04,s
         cmpd  <u0066
         beq   L4AC0
         lbra  L4A36
L4AB9    ldd   $06,s
         std   <u004F
         ldu   #$0000
L4AC0    ldd   $0E,s
         puls  y
         leas  $0E,s

L4AC7    leas  <-$64,s
         leau  ,s
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L4ADC
         leas  $04,s
         lbsr  L37F2
         leas  <$64,s

L4ADC    ldx   >L4963,pcr    data byte
         ldb   $05,s
         beq   L4AF4
         cmpb  >$05ED
         bhi   L4AF4
         stb   >L495F,pcr     data byte
         ldx   <u0089
         ldx   b,x
L4AF4    ldb   $01,x
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   ,x
         pshs  b,a
         leax  >L48C8,pcr    please insert disk
         cmpb  >L4960,pcr     data byte
         bne   L4B12
         ldb   $01,x
         cmpb  >L4961,pcr    data byte
         beq   L4B12
         leax  >L48F8,pcr    please turn over the disk
L4B12    ldu   $06,s
         pshs  x
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $08,s

L4B1E    leas  >-$012C,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L1118
         leau  $02,s
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L4ADC
         leas  $04,s
         leau  >L1082,pcr    quit msg
         pshs  u
         leau  $02,s
         pshs  u
         leau  >L4923,pcr    this is the wrong disk msg
         pshs  u
         leax  >L493D,pcr    %s%s
         leau  <$6A,s
         pshs  x
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $0A,s
         lbsr  L37F2
         leas  >$012C,s

L4B58    leas  -$0D,s
         ldx   >L4963,pcr    data byte
         leax  $02,x
         ldb   ,x
L4B62    clra
         stx   ,s
         andb  #$7F
         stb   $02,s
         leax  >L4945,pcr    vol %d
         leau  $03,s
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  x
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $06,s
L4B7A    lda   #$01
         leax  $03,s
         lbsr  L139A       Open path routine
         bcc   L4B9C
         bne   L4B8C
         clr   >L4960,pcr     data byte
         bra   L4BB7
L4B8C    lbsr  L10E4
         cmpa  #$00
         bne   L4B7A
         lda   #$03         load offset to exit_agi()
         sta   <u0009       save offset
         ldx   <u0022       set up remap to sierra
         jsr   >$0659       mmu twiddle

L4B9C    ldu   #$0532       vol_handle_table
         ldb   $02,s
         sta   b,u
         ldx   ,s
         ldb   ,x+
         bmi   L4BAD
         ldb   ,x
         bra   L4B62
L4BAD    ldx   >L4963,pcr    data byte
         ldd   ,x
         std   >L4960,pcr     data byte
L4BB7    leas  $0D,s

* volumes_close (res_vol.c)
L4BBA    leas  -$01,s
         ldx   #$0532      vol_handle_table
L4BC0    cmpb  #$0F        There are 15 vols in kq3 (0-14)
         bhs   L4BD8       >= 15 were finished so leave
         stb   ,s          save the offset
         lda   ,x          get the val of the vol_handle
         cmpa  #$FF        is it flagged closed ??
         beq   L4BD1       if so no need to close it but 
*                          store stow FF there so we can inc the x
         lbsr  L13D6       Close path routine
         lda   #$FF        we had a good close so set the close flag
L4BD1    sta   ,x+         stow it in the table and bump the pointer
         ldb   ,s          grab our index back again
         incb              bump it
         bra   L4BC0       go again
L4BD8    leas  $01,s       clean up stack and were 
         rts               back at ya

* file_load(u8 *name u8 *buff)  res_vol.c
L4BDB    leas  <-$65,s
         pshs  y
L4BE0    lda   #$01
         ldx   <$69,s
         lbsr  L139A       Open path routine
         bcc   L4C1D
         lda   #$40
         sta   >$0101
         leau  >L1082,pcr    quit msg
         pshs  u
         leau  >L109D,pcr    try again message
         pshs  u
         ldd   <$6D,s
         pshs  b,a
         leax  >L494C,pcr    can't find msg
         leau  $09,s
         pshs  x
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $0A,s
         lbsr  L37F2
         bne   L4BE0
         lda   #$03         load offset to exit_agi()
         sta   <u0009       save offset
         ldx   <u0022       set up remap to sierra
         jsr   >$0659       mmu twiddle

L4C1D    sta   $02,s
         ldu   #$0000
         tfr   u,x
         ldb   #$02
         lbsr  L13E2
         stu   <u0066
         ldu   #$0000
         lbsr  L13E2
         ldx   <$6B,s
         bne   L4C57
         ldd   <u0066
         ldu   <$6F,s
         beq   L4C4F
         lbsr  L26FD
         lbsr  L279C
         stu   [<$6D,s]
         std   [<$6F,s]
         lbsr  L27AF
         bra   L4C55
L4C4F    lbsr  L2730
         stu   [<$6D,s]
L4C55    tfr   u,x
L4C57    lda   $02,s
         ldy   <u0066
         lbsr  L13A6       Read routine
         cmpd  <u0066
         beq   L4C74
         lbsr  L10E4
         cmpb  #$00
         bne   L4C74
         lda   #$03         load offset to exit_agi()
         sta   <u0009       save offset
         ldx   <u0022       set up remap to sierra
         jsr   >$0659       mmu twiddle
L4C74    lda   $02,s
         lbsr  L13D6       Close path routine
         puls  y
         leas  <$65,s

L4C7F    fcc   'Logics'
         fcb    C$NULL

L4C86    fcc   'View'
         fcb    C$NULL

L4C8B    fcc   'Picture'
         fcb    C$NULL

L4C93    fcc   'Sound'
         fcb    C$NULL

L4C99    fcc   'logDir'
         fcb    C$NULL

L4CA0    fcc   'viewDir'
         fcb    C$NULL

L4CA8    fcc   'picDir'
         fcb    C$NULL

L4CAF    fcc   'sndDir'
         fcb    C$NULL

L4CB6    fcc   '%s #%d not found.'
         fcb   C$NULL

L4CC8    fdb   $0000
L4CCA    fdb   $0000
L4CCC    fdb   $0000
L4CCE    fdb   $0000 
L4CD0    fdb   $0000
L4CD2    fdb   $0000
L4CD4    fdb   $0000
L4CD6    fdb   $0000 

L4CD8    leau  >L4CCA,pcr   data word 
         pshs  u
         leau  >L4CC8,pcr  data word
         leax  >L4C99,pcr  logDir
         pshs  u
         ldd   #$0000
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L4BDB
         leas  $08,s
         leau  >L4CD2,pcr   data word
         pshs  u
         leau  >L4CD0,pcr   data word
         leax  >L4CA8,pcr   picDir
         pshs  u
         ldd   #$0000
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L4BDB
         leas  $08,s
         leau  >L4CCE,pcr   data word
         pshs  u
         leau  >L4CCC,pcr   data word
         leax  >L4CA0,pcr   viewDir
         pshs  u
L4D20    ldd   #$0000
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L4BDB
         leas  $08,s
L4D2C    leau  >L4CD6,pcr   data word
         pshs  u
         leau  >L4CD4,pcr   data word
         leax  >L4CAF,pcr   sndDir
         pshs  u
         ldd   #$0000
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L4BDB
         leas  $08,s

L4D49    lda   ,u
         anda  #$F0
         cmpa  #$F0
         bne   L4D54
         ldu   #$0000
L4D54    rts

L4D55    leas  -$01,s
         stb   ,s
         ldd   >L4CCA,pcr    data word
         lbsr  L27AF
         lda   ,s
         ldb   #$03
         ldu   >L4CC8,pcr    data word
         leau  d,u
         bsr   L4D49
         bne   L4D78
         leax  >L4C7F,pcr      logistics
         ldb   ,s
         lbsr  L4DFB
L4D78    ldd   >L4CCA,pcr    data word
         leas  $01,s

L4D7F    leas  -$01,s
         stb   ,s
         ldd   >L4CCE,pcr    data word
         lbsr  L27AF
         lda   ,s
         ldb   #$03
         ldu   >L4CCC,pcr    data word
         leau  d,u
         bsr   L4D49
         bne   L4DA1
         leax  >L4C86,pcr     view
         ldb   ,s
         bsr   L4DFB
L4DA1    ldd   >L4CCE,pcr    data word
         leas  $01,s

L4DA8    leas  -$01,s
         stb   ,s
         ldd   >L4CD2,pcr    data word
         lbsr  L27AF
         lda   ,s
         ldb   #$03
         ldu   >L4CD0,pcr    data word
         leau  d,u
         bsr   L4D49
         bne   L4DCA
         leax  >L4C8B,pcr   picture
         ldb   ,s
         bsr   L4DFB
L4DCA    ldd   >L4CD2,pcr    data word
         leas  $01,s

L4DD1    leas  -$01,s
         stb   ,s
         ldd   >L4CD6,pcr    data word
         lbsr  L27AF
         lda   ,s
         ldb   #$03
         ldu   >L4CD4,pcr    data word
         leau  d,u
         lbsr  L4D49
         bne   L4DF4
         leax  >L4C93,pcr    sound
         ldb   ,s
         bsr   L4DFB
L4DF4    ldd   >L4CD6,pcr    data word
         leas  $01,s

L4DFB    leas  <-$64,s     make room on the stack
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  x
         leax  >L4CB6,pcr     not found msg
         leau  $04,s
         pshs  x
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L3C21
         leas  $08,s
         lbsr  L37F2

         lda   #$03         load offset to exit_agi()
         sta   <u0009       save offset
         ldx   <u0022       set up remap to sierra
         jsr   >$0659       mmu twiddle

         leas  <$64,s       clean up stack and leave

L4E22    fdb  $0000
         fdb  $0000

L4E26    leau  >L4E26,pcr   load our own address
         ldd   ,s
         pshu  u,b,a

L4E2F    leau  >L4E22,pcr      2 data words
         pulu  u,b,a
         std   ,s

L4E38    fcc   'Not now.'
L4E40    fcb   C$NULL
L4E41    ldx   #$0432     resolve state.var[] addr
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   ,x         load b with data to be passed
         bsr   L4E51

L4E4C    ldb   ,y+        load b with the data to be passed
         bsr   L4E51      go do it to it at obj_show

* obj_show(u16 view_num) passed a view_num to show
L4E51    leas  <-$36,s   make room on the stack
         stb   $02,s     save our arg passed in
         clra            make a zero
         sta   >X05B1    stow at obj_displayed
         sta   $04,s     store on the stack too
         sta   $03,s     store on the stack too
         lbsr  L5D17     view_find()
         leax  ,x
         beq   L4E6B
         stx   $05,s
         inc   $04,s
         bra   L4E87
L4E6B    lda   #$01
         sta   >$05B8
         ldb   $02,s
         lbsr  L5D3C
         clr   >$05B8
         stu   $05,s
         bne   L4E87
         leau  >L4E38,pcr    not now msg
         lbsr  L37F2
         lbra  L4F54
L4E87    ldd   <u000A
         std   <$34,s
         ldu   $05,s
         ldd   $05,u
         leau  $07,s
         std   $08,u
         sta   $0A,u
         sta   $0E,u
         ldb   $02,s
         lbsr  L5DD8
         ldd   <$10,u
         std   <$12,u
         lda   #$9F
         suba  <$1C,u
         ldb   #$A7
         std   $03,u
         std   <$1A,u
         lda   #$0F
         sta   <$24,u
         lda   <$26,u
         ora   #$04
         sta   <$26,u
         lda   #$FF
         sta   $02,u
         ldd   <$1C,u
         addd  #$000E
         std   <$32,s
         lbsr  L2786
         cmpd  <$32,s
         bcs   L4F09
         inc   $03,s
         tfr   u,x
         lbsr  L41A6
         stu   ,s
         pshs  u
         lda   #$15        blit_save
         sta   <u0021      save offset
         ldx   <u0028      set up remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up stack
         leau  $07,s
         pshs  u
         lda   #$0C        obj_blit()
         sta   <u0021      save offset
         ldx   <u0028      set up remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up stack
         leau  $07,s
         pshs  u
         lda   #$1B     
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up the stack    
L4F09    ldu   $05,s
         ldu   $03,u
         ldb   $03,u
         lda   $04,u
         leau  d,u
         lbsr  L37F2
         lda   $03,s
         beq   L4F45
         ldu   ,s
         pshs  u
         lda   #$12        blit_restore()
         sta   <u0021      save the offset
         ldx   <u0028      setup remap to shdw
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up the stack
         leau  $07,s
         pshs  u
         lda   #$1B
         sta   <u0019      save  the index
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $02,s       clean up the stack
         ldx   ,s
         lda   $0C,x
         ldu   $0A,x
         lbsr  L278F
         stu   <u004F
         stx   <u0055
L4F45    ldd   <$34,s
         lbsr  L27AF
         lda   $04,s
         bne   L4F54
         ldb   $02,s
         lbsr  L5FA1
L4F54    lda   #$01
         sta   >$05B1
         leas  <$36,s

L4F5D    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00

L4F66    fdb   $0000
L4F68    fcb   $00
L4F69    fcb   $00
L4F6A    fcb   $00

L4F6B    fcb   $07,$78
         fcb   $07,$0C
         fcb   $06,$A8
         fcb   $06,$48
         fcb   $05,$EC
         fcb   $05,$98
         fcb   $05,$48
         fcb   $04,$FC
         fcb   $04,$B4
         fcb   $04,$70
         fcb   $04,$30
         fcb   $03,$F4
         fcb   $03,$BC
         fcb   $03,$86
         fcb   $03,$54
         fcb   $03,$24
         fcb   $02,$F6
         fcb   $02,$CC
         fcb   $02,$A4
         fcb   $02,$7E
         fcb   $02,$5A
         fcb   $02,$38
         fcb   $02,$18
         fcb   $01,$FA
         fcb   $01,$DE
         fcb   $01,$C2
         fcb   $01,$AA
         fcb   $01,$92
         fcb   $01,$7A
         fcb   $01,$66
         fcb   $01,$52
         fcb   $01,$3E
         fcb   $01,$2C
         fcb   $01,$1C
         fcb   $01,$0C
         fcb   $00,$FC
         fcb   $00,$EE
         fcb   $00,$E2
         fcb   $00,$D4
         fcb   $00,$C8
         fcb   $00,$BE
         fcb   $00,$B2
         fcb   $00,$A8
         fcb   $00,$9C
         fcb   $00,$96
         fcb   $00,$8E
         fcb   $00,$86
         fcb   $00,$7E
         fcb   $00,$78
         fcb   $00,$70
         fcb   $00,$6A
         fcb   $00,$64
         fcb   $00,$5E
         fcb   $00,$5A
         fcb   $00,$54
         fcb   $00,$50
         fcb   $00,$4C
         fcb   $00,$46
         fcb   $00,$42
         fcb   $00,$3E
         fcb   $00,$3C
         fcb   $00,$0A
         fcb   $00,$0C
         fcb   $00,$0C
         fcb   $00,$0E
         fcb   $00,$0E
         fcb   $00,$0E
         fcb   $00,$10
         fcb   $00,$10
         fcb   $00,$12
         fcb   $00,$12
         fcb   $00,$14
         fcb   $00,$16
         fcb   $00,$16
         fcb   $00,$18
         fcb   $00,$1A
         fcb   $00,$1C
         fcb   $00,$1C
         fcb   $00,$1E
         fcb   $00,$20
         fcb   $00,$22
         fcb   $00,$24
         fcb   $00,$26
         fcb   $00,$28
         fcb   $00,$2C
         fcb   $00,$2E
         fcb   $00,$30
         fcb   $00,$34
         fcb   $00,$36
         fcb   $00,$3A
         fcb   $00,$3E
         fcb   $00,$40
         fcb   $00,$44
         fcb   $00,$48
         fcb   $00,$4C
         fcb   $00,$52
         fcb   $00,$56
         fcb   $00,$5C
         fcb   $00,$60
         fcb   $00,$66
         fcb   $00,$6C
         fcb   $00,$72
         fcb   $00,$7A
         fcb   $00,$80
         fcb   $00,$8A
         fcb   $00,$8E
         fcb   $00,$96
         fcb   $00,$9E
         fcb   $00,$A8
         fcb   $01,$BA
         fcb   $01,$D6
         fcb   $01,$F0
         fcb   $02,$0A
         fcb   $02,$2A
         fcb   $02,$40
         fcb   $02,$64
         fcb   $02,$80
         fcb   $02,$9E
         fcb   $02,$D2
         fcb   $02,$F8
         fcb   $03,$22
         fcb   $03,$3A

L505F    fcb   $00
         fcb   $1F,$1C
         fcb   $1F,$1E
         fcb   $1F,$1E
         fcb   $1F,$1F
         fcb   $1E,$1F
         fcb   $1E,$1F

L506C    leau  >L4F5D,pcr     9 byte table
         ldd   #$0000
         std   ,u

L5076    leau  >L4F5D,pcr     9 byte table
L507A    stu   >L4F66,pcr     data word
         ldu   ,u
         beq   L5086
         cmpb  $02,u
         bne   L507A
L5086    rts

L5087    ldb   ,y+
         bsr   L508C

L508C    leas  -$05,s
         stb   ,s
         bsr   L5076
         cmpu  #$0000
         bne   L50E0
         ldd   <u000A
         std   $03,s
         lbsr  L057D
         lda   #$03
         ldb   ,s
         lbsr  L4699
         leau  >L4F5D,pcr     9 byte table
         ldx   >L4F66,pcr     data word
         beq   L50BD
         ldd   #$0009
         lbsr  L2730
         stu   ,x
         ldd   #$0000
         std   ,u
L50BD    ldb   ,s
         stb   $02,u
         stu   $01,s
         lbsr  L4DD1
         ldx   #$0000
         lbsr  L4966
         beq   L50D6
         ldx   $01,s
         std   $05,x
         stu   $03,x
         std   $07,x
L50D6    lbsr  L058A
         ldd   $03,s
         lbsr  L27AF
         ldu   $01,s
L50E0    leas  $05,s

L50E3    leas  -$0B,s
         ldb   ,y+
         stb   ,s
         lbsr  L5076
         cmpu  #$0000
         bne   L50F9
         lda   #$09
         ldb   ,s
L50F6    lbsr  L10CE
L50F9    lda   >$01B0
         anda  #$40
         lbeq  L51D4
         lda   >$0173
         lbne  L51D4
         ldd   <u000A
         std   $03,s
         stu   $01,s
         ldd   $05,u
         lbsr  L27AF

* Time - gets the system time and date
* entry:
*       x -> address to store the time and date packet
* exit:
*      x ->  address of the stored time and date packet
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

         leax  $05,s
         os9   F$Time
         ldu   $01,s
         lbsr  L51DC
         cmpd  #$0000
         lbeq  L51D4
         pshs  b,a
         addb  $0C,s
         bcc   L512D
L512D    ldu   #$003C
         lbsr  L11FA
         stb   $0C,s
         tfr   u,d
         cmpd  #$0000
         beq   L518C
         addb  $0B,s
         bcc   L5142
L5142    ldu   #$003C
         lbsr  L11FA
         stb   $0B,s
         tfr   u,d
         beq   L518C
         addb  $0A,s
         lda   #$17
         lbsr  L5CEF
         sta   $0A,s
         beq   L518C
         inc   $09,s
         ldd   $08,s
         leax  >L505F,pcr   13 byte data table
         cmpb  a,x
         bls   L518C
         ldb   a,x
         cmpa  #$02
         bne   L517B
         ldb   $07,s
         beq   L517B
         bitb  #$03
         bne   L517B
         ldb   $09,s
         cmpb  #$1D
         beq   L518C
L517B    ldb   #$01
         stb   $09,s
         cmpa  #$0C
         bls   L518A
         stb   $08,s
         inc   $07,s
         bra   L518C
L518A    sta   $08,s

* Set time - sets the system time and date
* entry:
*       x -> relative address of the time packet
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

L518C    leax  $07,s
         os9   F$STime
         puls  b,a
         addb  >$043D
         bcc   L5199
L5199    ldu   #$003C
         lbsr  L11FA
         stb   >$043D
         tfr   u,d
         cmpd  #$0000
         beq   L51CF
         addb  >$043E
         bcc   L51B0
L51B0    ldu   #$003C
         lbsr  L11FA
         stb   >$043E
         tfr   u,d
         beq   L51CF
         addb  >$043F
         lda   #$17
         lbsr  L5CEF
         sta   >$043F
         beq   L51CF
         inc   >$0440
L51CF    ldd   $03,s
         lbsr  L27AF
L51D4    lda   ,y+
         lbsr  L16D5
         leas  $0B,s

L51DC    pshs  y
         ldu   $03,u
         bsr   L523B
L51E3    ldb   ,u+
         cmpb  #$FF
         beq   L5234

*         lda   ,u+
*         sta   >$FF20
         jsr    fxsnd1,pcr

         ldy   ,u++
         leax  >L4F6B,pcr     data table
         ldd   ,x
         std   <u008E
         leax  >$007A,x
         ldd   ,x
         std   <u0090

*         tst   >$FF20
         tst   -3,u

         beq   L521E
L5208    ldx   <u0090
L520A    ldd   <u008E
L520C    subd  #$0001
         bne   L520C

*         com   >$FF20
*         leax  -$01,x
         jsr   fxsnd2,pcr

         bne   L520A
         leay  -$01,y
         bne   L5208
         bra   L51E3
L521E    ldx   <u0090
L5220    ldd   <u008E
L5222    subd  #$0001
         bne   L5222
         tst   >$FF20
         leax  -$01,x
         bne   L5220
         leay  -$01,y
         bne   L521E
         bra   L51E3
L5234    bsr   L5265
         ldd   ,u
         puls  y

*        read keyboard & joystick pias
L523B    jsr   fxsnd3,pcr
*         orcc  #IntMasks         $50
*         clr   >$FF20
         lda   >$FF01
         sta   >L4F68,pcr        data byte
         anda  #$F7
         sta   >$FF01
         lda   >$FF03
         sta   >L4F69,pcr        data byte
         anda  #$F7
         sta   >$FF03
         lda   >$FF23
         sta   >L4F6A,pcr        data byte
         ora   #$08		enable sound flag
         sta   >$FF23		tell hardware to do it

L5265    lda   >L4F68,pcr        data byte
         sta   >$FF01
         lda   >L4F69,pcr        data byte
         sta   >$FF03
         lda   >L4F6A,pcr        data byte
         sta   >$FF23
*         clr   >$FF20
*         lda   >$FF02
         jsr   fxsnd4,pcr
         lda   >$FF22
         andcc #^IntMasks        $AF

L5286    fcc   'nothing'
         fcb   C$NULL

L528E    fcc   'You are carrying:'
         fcb    C$NULL

L52A0    fcc   'ENTER to select / CTRL-BREAK to cancel'
         fcb   C$NULL

L52C7    fcc   'Press a key to return to the game'
         fcb   C$NULL

L52E9    fcc   'Score:%d of %d  '
         fcb   C$NULL

L52FA    fcc   'Sound: %s'
         fcb   C$NULL,C$NULL,C$NULL,C$NULL

L5307    fcc   'on '
         fcb   C$NULL

L530B    fcc   'off'
         fcb   C$NULL

L530F    lbsr  L5B7A        input_edit_on
         lbsr  L464E
         ldb   #$0F
         lbsr  L45BA
L531B    lbsr  L456C
         bsr   L5327
         lbsr  L4663
         lbsr  L45D9

L5327    leas  >-$0105,s
         lda   #$02
         sta   ,s
L532F    leax  $04,s
         stx   $02,s
         stx   >$00FE,s
         ldu   <u0038
         sta   $01,s
L533C    sta   >$0100,s
         stu   >$0101,s
         cmpu  <u003C
         bcc   L538F
         ldb   $02,u
         cmpb  #$FF
         bne   L5386
         sta   ,x
         cmpa  >$044B
         bne   L535A
         stx   >$00FE,s
L535A    ldd   ,u
         std   $01,x
         lda   ,s
         sta   $03,x
         ldb   $01,s
         bitb  #$01
         bne   L536E
         lda   #$01
         sta   $04,x
         bra   L5381
L536E    inca
         sta   ,s
         stx   $02,s
         ldx   $01,x
         lbsr  L113E
         ldx   $02,s
         addb  #$27
         stb   $04,x
         ldb   $01,s
L5381    incb
         stb   $01,s
         leax  $05,x
L5386    leau  $03,u
         lda   >$0100,s
         bra   L533C
L538F    lda   $01,s
         bne   L53A5
         sta   ,x
         leau  >L5286,pcr   nothing string
         stu   $01,x
         lda   ,s
         sta   $03,x
         lda   #$10
         sta   $04,x
         leax  $05,x
L53A5    leax  -$05,x
         stx   >$0103,s
         pshs  x
         leax  $06,s
         pshs  x
         ldx   >$0102,s
         stx   $06,s
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L540F
         leas  $06,s
L53BE    lbsr  L12F0
         lda   >$01B0
         anda  #$04
         beq   L5403
         ldd   ,x
         cmpa  #$01
         bne   L53E6
         cmpb  #$0D
         bne   L53DB
         ldx   $02,s
         lda   ,x
         sta   >$044B
         bra   L5403
L53DB    cmpb  #$1B
         bne   L53BE
         lda   #$FF
         sta   >$044B
         bra   L5403
L53E6    cmpa  #$02
         bne   L53BE
         leax  $04,s
         pshs  x
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   >$0109,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L5490
         leas  $08,s
         stx   $02,s
         bra   L53BE
L5403    clra
         sta   >X0154       flag for extended table lookup
         sta   >$0547
         leas  >$0105,s

L540F    leas  -$04,s
         lda   #$00
         ldb   #$0B
         std   <u0040
         leau  >L528E,pcr   you are carrying string
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $02,s
         ldx   $08,s
L5424    stx   ,s
         cmpx  $0A,s
         bhi   L5459
         ldd   $03,x
         std   <u0040
         ldb   #$0F
         std   $02,s
         cmpx  $06,s
         bne   L5443
         lda   >$01B0
         anda  #$04
         beq   L5443
         lda   #$0F
         std   $02,s
L5443    ldd   $02,s
         lbsr  L45BA
         ldx   ,s
         ldx   $01,x
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $02,s
         ldx   ,s
         leax  $05,x
         bra   L5424
L5459    clra
         ldb   #$0F
         lbsr  L45BA
         lda   >$01B0
         anda  #$04
         beq   L547C
         lda   #$01
         sta   >X0154       flag for extended table lookup
         lda   #$03
         sta   >$0547
         lda   #$17
         ldb   #$01
         std   <u0040
         leax  >L52A0,pcr  Enter to select string
         bra   L5486
L547C    lda   #$17
         ldb   #$04
         std   <u0040
         leax  >L52C7,pcr press a key to return to the game
L5486    pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $02,s
         leas  $04,s

L5490    ldu   $04,s
         tfr   u,x
         lda   $07,s
         cmpa  #$01
         bne   L549E
         leax  -$0A,x
         bra   L54B4
L549E    cmpa  #$03
         bne   L54A6
         leax  $05,x
         bra   L54B4
L54A6    cmpa  #$05
         bne   L54AE
         leax  $0A,x
         bra   L54B4
L54AE    cmpa  #$07
         bne   L54C9
         leax  -$05,x
L54B4    cmpx  $08,s
         bcs   L54BC
         cmpx  $02,s
         bls   L54C0
L54BC    tfr   u,x
         bra   L54C9
L54C0    pshs  x
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L54CA
         leas  $04,s
L54C9    rts

L54CA    lda   #$0F
         lbsr  L45BA
         ldu   $04,s
         ldd   $03,u
         std   <u0040
         ldd   $01,u
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $02,s
         ldb   #$0F
         lbsr  L45BA
         ldu   $02,s
         ldd   $03,u
         std   <u0040
         ldd   $01,u
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $02,s
         ldx   $04,s

L54F7    lda   >X0247       state.status_state
         beq   L5558
         lbsr  L47AA
         lbsr  L464E
         lda   >$0248
         ldb   #$0F
         lbsr  L47D0
         ldb   #$0F
         lbsr  L45BA
         lda   >$0248
         ldb   #$01
         std   <u0040
         ldb   >$0439
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   >$0435
         leax  >L52E9,pcr   Score string
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $06,s
         ldb   #$1E
         stb   <u0041
         leau  >L530B,pcr   off
         lda   >$01B0
         anda  #$40
         beq   L5545
         lda   >$0173
         bne   L5545
         leau  >L5307,pcr   on
L5545    leax  >L52FA,pcr   Sound 
         pshs  u
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $04,s
         lbsr  L4663
         lbsr  L47BE
L5558    rts

L5559    lda   #$01
         sta   >X0247        state.status_state = 1
         bsr   L54F7         status_line_write()
L5561    clr   >X0247        state.status_state = 0
         lda   >$0248        state.status_line_row ??
         lbsr  L47D0

* Junk filler string ?
L556C     fcc   / .,;:'!-/
          fcb  C$NULL

L5575    leas  >-$0197,s
         lda   >$05B9
         sta   ,s
         lbsr  L47AA
         lbsr  L5B7A        input_edit_on
         lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$28
         ldx   #X0252       state.string
         leax  d,x
         stx   $01,s
         lda   ,y+
         sta   $05,s
L5594    ldd   ,y++
         std   $03,s
         lda   ,y+
         cmpa  #$28
         bls   L55A1
         lda   #$28
L55A1    sta   >$0196,s
         clr   ,x
         ldd   $03,s
         cmpa  #$18
L55AB    bcc   L55AF
         std   <u0040
L55AF    ldb   $05,s
         lbsr  L3B58
         leax  $06,s
         ldd   #$0028
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L39B5
         leas  $06,s
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $02,s
         ldb   >$0196,s
         ldx   $01,s
         bsr   L5613
         lbsr  L47BE
         lda   ,s
         beq   L55DD
         lbsr  L5B69
L55DD    leas  >$0197,s

L55E2    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$28
         ldx   #X0252    state.string
         leax  d,x
         ldb   ,y+
         lbsr  L3B58
         exg   u,x       x is from u is to
         ldd   #$0028    number of bytes to copy (40)
         lbsr  L115D     copy routine

L55FA    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$28
         ldu   #X0252    state.string
         leau  d,u       u is to address
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0181
         ldx   b,x       x is from address
         ldd   #$0028    number of bytes to copy
         lbsr  L115D     copy routine

L5613    leas  <-$2F,s
         stx   ,s
         cmpb  #$28      number of bytes to copy in d
         bls   L561E
         ldb   #$28      number of bytes to copy in d
L561E    leax  $06,s
         stx   $04,s
         clra            number of bytes to copy in d
         ldx   ,s        from address
         leau  $07,s     to address
         lbsr  L115D     copy routine
         lbsr  L113E
         beq   L563C
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $02,s
         leax  $07,s
         lbsr  L113E
L563C    abx
         stx   $02,s
         lbsr  L5B69
L5642    lbsr  L1345
         sta   $06,s
         lbsr  L5B7A        input_edit_on
         lda   $06,s
         cmpa  #$08
         bne   L5668
L5650    leau  $07,s
         cmpu  $02,s
         bcc   L5693
         ldu   $02,s
         leau  -$01,u
         stu   $02,s
         lbsr  L4734
         lda   #$08
         cmpa  $06,s
         beq   L5693
         bra   L5650
L5668    cmpa  #$03
         bne   L5670
         lda   #$08
         bra   L5650
L5670    cmpa  #$0D
         bne   L5681
         ldu   $02,s
         clr   ,u
         leax  $07,s
         ldu   ,s
         lbsr  L1152
         bra   L5698
L5681    cmpa  #$1B
         beq   L5698
         ldu   $02,s
         cmpu  $04,s
         bcc   L5693
         sta   ,u+
         stu   $02,s
         lbsr  L4734
L5693    lbsr  L5B69
         bra   L5642
L5698    lda   $06,s
         leas  <$2F,s
L569E    ldb   ,y+
         lbsr  L3B58
         tfr   u,x         x is from address
         ldu   #$01CF      destination address
         ldd   #$0007      number of bytes to copy  ID_SIZE ??? is 20
         lbsr  L115D       copy routine

L56AF    leas  <-$53,s
         stb   ,s
         leau  $01,s
         bsr   L56D9
         lda   ,s
         leau  <$2A,s
         bsr   L56D9
         leau  $01,s
         leax  <$2A,s
L56C4    lda   ,u+
         beq   L56CE
         cmpa  ,x+
         beq   L56C4
         bra   L56D4
L56CE    lda   #$01
         ldb   ,x
         beq   L56D5
L56D4    clra
L56D5    leas  <$53,s

L56D9    leas  -$02,s
         stu   ,s
         ldb   #$28
         ldu   #X0252      state.string
         leau  d,u
L56E5    lda   ,u+
         beq   L56FD
         leax  >L556C,pcr  punc string
         lbsr  L1277
         bne   L56E5
         lbsr  L1250      single char upper to lower case conversion
         ldx   ,s
         sta   ,x+
         stx   ,s
         bra   L56E5
L56FD    ldx   ,s
         clr   ,x
         leas  $02,s

L5704    lda  ,y+
         lda  ,y+

L5708    lda  ,y+

L570A    lda  ,y+

L570c    rts          

L570D    fcc   '=========================='
         fcb  C$NULL

L5728    fcc   '%d: %d'
         fcb   C$NULL

L572F    fcc   '%d: %s'
         fcb   C$NULL

L5736    fcc   ' :%c'
         fcb   C$NULL

L573B    fcc   '%d'
         fcb   C$NULL

L573E    fcc   'return'
         fcb   C$NULL

L5745    fcb   $00
L5746    fcb   $01
L5747    fcb   $0F
L5748    fcb   $00
L5749    fcb   $00
L574A    fcb   $00
L574B    fcb   $00
L574C    fcb   $00
L574D    fcb   $00
L574E    fcb   $00
L574F    fcb   $00

L5750    lda   <u0068
         beq   L5756
         bsr   L5757
L5756    rts

L5757    lda   <u0068
L5759    bne   L57CE
         lda   >$01B0
         anda  #$20
         lda   #$01
         sta   <u0068
         lda   >$0242
         adda  >L5746,pcr     data byte
         sta   >L574E,pcr     data byte
         adda  >L5747,pcr     data byte
         sta   >L574F,pcr     data byte
         lda   #$02
         sta   >L574A,pcr     data byte
         adda  #$23
         sta   >L574D,pcr     data byte
         lda   >L574A,pcr     data byte
         ldb   #$04
         subb  #$05
         stb   >L574B,pcr     data byte
         lda   >L574F,pcr     data byte
         ldb   #$08
         addb  #$05
         stb   >L574C,pcr     data byte
         lda   >L5747,pcr     data byte
         ldb   #$08
         addb  #$0A
         stb   >L5748,pcr     data byte
         ldb   #$9A
         stb   >L5749,pcr     data byte
         ldd   #$040F
         pshs  d
         ldd   >L5748,pcr     data byte
         pshs  d
         ldd   >L574B,pcr     data byte
         pshs  d
         lda   #$0C
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $06,s       clean up the stack
L57CE    rts

L57CF    lda   ,y+
         lda   ,y+
         sta   >L5746,pcr     data byte
         lda   ,y+
         cmpa  #$02
         bcc   L57DF
         lda   #$02
L57DF    sta   >L5747,pcr     data byte

L57E4    lda   <u0068
         beq   L5801
         clr   <u0068
         ldd   >L5748,pcr     data byte
         pshs  d
         ldd   >L574B,pcr     data byte
         pshs  d
         lda   #$03
         sta   <u0019      save the offset
         ldx   <u0026      set up remap to scrn
         jsr   >$0659      mmu twiddler
         leas  $04,s       clean up the stack
L5801    rts

L5802    leas  -$02,s
         stb   $01,s
         clr   >L5745,pcr     data byte
         leax  >L01B0,pcr     big jump table address
         ldd   #$FFFF
         pshs  d
         ldd   #$0000
         pshs  d
         pshs  y
         pshs  x
         ldd   $08,s
         pshs  d
         lbsr  L585A
         leas  $0A,s
         ldb   $01,s
         leas  $02,s

L582A    leas  -$03,s
         sta   $02,s
         lda   #$01
         ldb   ,u+
         stb   $01,s
         cmpb  #$0E
         beq   L5839
L5839    sta   >L5745,pcr     data byte
         leax  >L0D09,pcr     jump table 2 address
         ldd   $02,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$00DC
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         pshs  x
         ldd   $08,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L585A
         leas  $0A,s
         leas  $03,s

L585A    leas  -$04,s
         clr   $06,s
         lda   $07,s
         ldb   #$04
         ldx   $08,s
         leax  d,x
         stx   $08,s
         lbsr  L47AA
         lbsr  L464E
         ldd   #$000F
         lbsr  L45BA

*    this bizarre little fragment is interesting
*    bytes are $17 $01 $82
*    next instruction loads "a" with the second byte 
*    in the first pass its $01 and gets cleared
*    any pass after that it will be
*    $17 $00 $82
*    which branches to L58F9
*    that is one byte into leax >L5736.pcr below
*    and that instruct decodes to the following
*    L58F9  bsr L5859
*           abx
*           ... continues 
*    what am I missing in all of this or is my math off

L5875    lbsr  L59FA

         lda   <L5875+1,pcr  
         beq   L588E
         clr   <L5875+1,pcr 

         leax  >L570D,pcr  ======= header
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $02,s
         lbsr  L59FA

L588E    ldy   <u0062
         sty   ,s
         ldb   <u006A
         beq   L58A1
         lbsr  L2542
         cmpu  #$0000
         bne   L58AC
L58A1    ldu   $06,s
         ldb   $02,y
         leax  >L5728,pcr   "%d: %d"
         bra   L58C6
L58AC    leax  >L573E,pcr    return
         ldb   $07,s
         beq   L58B9
         addb  $0D,s
         lbsr  L3B58
L58B9    clra
         ldb   $02,y
         leax  >L572F,pcr  "%d: %s"
         ldy   ,s
         sty   <u0062
L58C6    pshs  u
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $06,s
         ldd   $0A,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $0A,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L5940
         leas  $04,s
         ldb   $0E,s
         bmi   L590A
         lda   >L574F,pcr     data byte
         ldb   >L574D,pcr     data byte
         subb  #$02
         std   <u0040
         ldb   #$54
         ldb   $0E,s
         bne   L58F6
         ldb   #$46
L58F6    pshs  b,a
         leax  >L5736,pcr   " %c:"
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $06,s
         ldd   >$024B
         std   $02,s
L590A    lda   <u0068
         beq   L5937
         lbsr  L12CE
         leax  ,x
         beq   L591B
         lda   ,x
         cmpa  #$01
         beq   L592D
L591B    ldd   $02,s
         cmpd  >$024B
         beq   L591B
         lbsr  L12A8
         ldd   >$024B
         std   $02,s
         bra   L590A
L592D    lda   $01,x
         cmpa  #$2B
         bne   L5937
         lda   #$02
         sta   <u0068
L5937    lbsr  L47BE
         lbsr  L4663
         leas  $04,s

L5940    leas  -$06,s
         lbsr  L47AA
         ldu   $08,s
         ldx   $0A,s
         lda   $02,u
         ldb   >L5745,pcr     data byte
         beq   L5955
         lda   ,x+
         stx   $0A,s
L5955    ldb   $03,u
         std   ,s
         lda   #$28
         lbsr  L4734
         lda   ,s
         beq   L5988
         clr   $02,s
         leax  >L573B,pcr  "%d"
L5968    ldb   $02,s
         ldu   $0A,s
         lbsr  L59E8
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $04,s
         ldb   $02,s
         cmpb  ,s
         bcc   L5988
         stb   $02,s
         lda   #$2C
         lbsr  L4734
         bra   L5968
L5988    lda   #$29
         lbsr  L4734
         ldb   $01,s
         beq   L5994
         lbsr  L59FA
L5994    lbsr  L47BE
         ldb   $01,s
         beq   L59E5
         lda   #$28
         lbsr  L4734
         lda   #$80
         clr   $02,s
L59A4    sta   $03,s
         ldb   $02,s
         ldu   $0A,s
         lbsr  L59E8
         std   $04,s
         lda   $01,s
         anda  $03,s
         beq   L59BE
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,x
         std   $04,s
L59BE    leax  >L573B,pcr  "%d"
         ldd   $04,s
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $04,s
         ldb   $02,s
         cmpb  ,s
         bcc   L59E0
         stb   $02,s
         lda   #$2C
         lbsr  L4734
         lda   $03,s
         bra   L59A4
L59E0    lda   #$29
         lbsr  L4734
L59E5    leas  $06,s

L59E8    lda   >L5745,pcr     data byte
         bne   L59F2
         ldb   b,u
         bra   L59F9
L59F2    lslb
         leau  b,u
         ldb   ,u+
         lda   ,u
L59F9    rts

L59FA    ldd   #$0001
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   >L574D,pcr     data byte
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   >L574A,pcr     data byte
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$000F
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   >L574F,pcr     data byte
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   >L574E,pcr     data byte
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L47F4
         leas  $0C,s

L5A22    fcb   $00
L5A23    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00

L5A4C    clra
         sta   >$0445
         sta   >$043B
         lda   >$05AE
         beq   L5A5B
         lbsr  L295E
L5A5B    lbsr  L12CE
         lbsr  L1310
         leax  ,x
         beq   L5A9B
         ldd   ,x
         cmpa  #$01
         bne   L5A77
         stb   >$0445
         lda   >$01D6
         beq   L5A5B
         bsr   L5A9C
         bra   L5A5B
L5A77    cmpa  #$02
         bne   L5A92
         ldu   <u0030
         cmpb  <$21,u
         bne   L5A83
L5A83    stb   >$0438
         lda   >$0251      state.ego_control_state
         beq   L5A5B
         lda   #$00
         sta   <$22,u
         bra   L5A5B
L5A92    ldu   #$05BA
         lda   #$01
         sta   b,u
         bra   L5A5B
L5A9B    rts

L5A9C    leas  -$02,s
         stb   ,s
         ldx   #X0252      state.string
         lbsr  L113E
         addb  #$28
         lda   >X01AE      state.cursor
         beq   L5AAF
L5AAF    cmpb  >$044A
         bls   L5AB7
         ldb   >$044A
L5AB7    stb   $01,s
         lbsr  L5B7A        input_edit_on
         lda   ,s
         cmpa  #$0A
         beq   L5B21
         cmpa  #$0D
         bne   L5AEB
         lda   >L5A22,pcr   data byte
         beq   L5B21
         ldx   #$012B
         leau  >L5A23,pcr   41 byte block
         lbsr  L1152
         ldx   #$012B
         lbsr  L31F8
         sta   >L5A22,pcr   data byte
         ldx   #$012B
         sta   ,x
         lbsr  L5BAD
         bra   L5B21
L5AEB    cmpa  #$08
         bne   L5B06
         lda   >L5A22,pcr   data byte
         beq   L5B21
         sta   >L5A22,pcr   data byte
         ldu   #$012B
         clr   a,u
         lda   ,s
         lbsr  L4734
         bra   L5B21
L5B06    ldb   >L5A22,pcr   data byte
         cmpb  $01,s
         bcc   L5B21
         lda   ,s
         beq   L5B21
         ldu   #$012B
         sta   b,u
         stb   >L5A22,pcr   data byte
         clr   b,u
         lbsr  L4734
L5B21    bsr   L5B69
         leas  $02,s

L5B26    lda   >L5A22,pcr   data byte
         beq   L5B33
         ldb   #$08
         lbsr  L5A9C
         bra   L5B26
L5B33    rts

L5B34    lda   >$01D6     state.input_state
         beq   L5B3B      equal zero were done
         bsr   L5B3C      otherwise input_echo()
L5B3B    rts

L5B3C    leax  >L5A23,pcr   41 byte block
         lbsr  L113E
         cmpb  >L5A22,pcr   data byte
         bls   L5B68
         bsr   L5B7A        input_edit_on
L5B4B    ldb   >L5A22,pcr   data byte
         ldu   #$012B
         leax  >L5A23,pcr   41 byte block
         lda   b,x
         sta   b,u
         beq   L5B66
         stb   >L5A22,pcr   data byte
         lbsr  L4734
         bra   L5B4B
L5B66    bsr   L5B69
L5B68    rts

L5B69    lda   >$05B9
         bne   L5B79
         com   >$05B9
         lda   >X01AE       state.cursor
         beq   L5B79
         lbsr  L4734
L5B79    rts

* input_edit_on 
L5B7A    lda   >X05B9    load input_edit_disabled flag
         beq   L5B8C     is it zero ?? good edit is on were done
         com   >X05B9    not zero make it so
         lda   >X01AE    state.cursor
         beq   L5B8C     if it's clear were out a here
         lda   #$08      otherwise load arg to window_put_char
         lbsr  L4734     and go for it
L5B8C    rts

L5B8D    bsr   L5B7A    input_edit_on
         lda   >$01D8
         stb   >$01D6
         lbsr  L47D0

L5B9A    lda   #$01
         sta   >$01D6
         bsr   L5BAD

L5BA2    ldb   ,y+
         lbsr  L3B58
         lda   ,u
         sta   >X01AE       state.cursor

L5BAD    leas  <-$50,s
         lda   >$01D6
         beq   L5BED
         bsr   L5B7A        input_edit_on
         lda   >$01D8
         ldb   >X024E
         lbsr  L47D0
         lda   >$01D8
         std   <u0040
         ldx   #X0252       state.string
         leau  ,s
         ldd   #$0028       set to 40
         pshs  d
         pshs  x
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L39B5
         leas  $06,s
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $02,s
         ldd   #$012B
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L3C34
         leas  $02,s
         lbsr  L5B69
L5BED    leas  <$50,s

* these commands are found in arithmetic.c in nagi
* they all have the form of 
* u8 cmd_xyz(u8 *code)
* increments state.var[] pointed to by offset held in y
L5BF1    ldb   ,y+         get the offset of the first byte in y and bump y     
         ldx   #$0432      address of the state.var[] 
         abx               add the offset value to x
         lda   ,x          get the byte pointed to by that address
         inca              increment it by one
         beq   L5BFE       if it rolls over FF to 00 don't save it
         sta   ,x          otherwise stow it back
L5BFE    rts               return

L5BFF    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         beq   L5C0C       if it's zero don't do anything
         deca              otherwsie decrement it
         sta   ,x          stow it back
L5C0C    rts

L5C0D    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,y+        get the value of the second byte
         sta   ,x         stow it as the value of the first

L5C18    ldb   $01,y      get offset of the second byte
         ldx   #$0432     load the address of state.var[]
         abx              add em
         lda   ,x         grab the value out
         ldb   ,y++       get the offset of first byte bump past second byte
         ldx   #$0432     load the address of state.var[]
         abx              add em
         sta   ,x         store byte2 value at byte1

L5C29    ldb   ,y+        
         ldx   #$0432 
         lda   ,x         get the value of the first byte
         adda  ,y+        add in the value of the second and bump the pointer
         sta   ,x         store the sum in the first byte

L5C36    ldb   $01,y      
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         ldb   ,y++
         ldx   #$0432
         adda  ,x
         sta   ,x

L5C49    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         suba  ,y+
         sta   ,x

L5C56    ldb   $01,y
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         ldb   ,y++
         ldx   #$0432
         adda  ,x
         sta   ,x

L5C6A    ldb   $01,y
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         ldb   ,y++
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,x
         ldx   #$0432
         sta   ,x

L5C81    lda   $01,y
         ldb   ,y++
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,x
         ldx   #$0432
         sta   ,x

L5C92    ldb   $01,y
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,x
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         ldb   ,y++
         ldx   #$0432
         sta   ,x

L5CA9    ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         lda   ,x
         ldb   ,y+
         stb   ,x

L5CB7    ldb   $01,y
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         ldb   ,y++
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,x
         stb   ,x

L5CCB    ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,y+
         ldb   ,x
         lda   ,y+
         bsr   L5CEF
         stb   ,x

L5CDC    ldb   $01,y
         ldx   #$0432
         lda   ,x
         ldb   ,y++
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,x
         bsr   L5CEF
         stb   ,x

L5CEF    sta   <u0088
         lda   #$08
         sta   <u008D
L5CF6    lslb
         cmpa  <u0088
         bcs   L5CFF
         suba  <u0088
L5CFF    dec   <u008D
         bne   L5CF6

* list struct
*	NODE *head;
*	NODE *tail;
*	// private
*	int contents_size;
L5D04    fdb   $0000
         fdb   $0000
         fcb   $00,$00,$00

L5D0B    fdb   $0000

L5D0D    leau  >L5D04,pcr     LIST structure
         ldd   #$0000         set up clear head & tail
         std   ,u             zero them

L5D17    leax  >L5D04,pcr     
L5D1B    stx   >L5D0B,pcr     data word
         ldx   ,x
         beq   L5D27
         cmpb  $02,x
         bne   L5D1B
L5D27    rts

L5D28    lda   #$00         clear MSB
         ldb   ,y+          get the arg passed in (passed in d)
         bsr   L5D3C        call view_load

L5D2F    lda   #$00         clear MSB
         ldb   ,y+          resolve state.var[] addr
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,x           get the arg passed in (passed in d)
         bsr   L5D3C        call view_load

L5D3C    leas  -$06,s
         std   ,s
         bsr   L5D17
         leax  ,x
         beq   L5D4E
         ldb   ,s
         bne   L5D4E
         tfr   x,u
         bra   L5D99
L5D4E    stx   $02,s
         ldd   <u000A
         std   $04,s
         lbsr  L057D
         ldu   $02,s
         bne   L5D7B
         lda   #$01
         ldb   $01,s
         lbsr  L4699
         ldd   #$0007
         lbsr  L2730
         stu   $02,s
         ldx   >L5D0B,pcr     data word
         stu   ,x
         ldd   #$0000
         std   ,u
         std   $03,u
         ldb   $01,s
         stb   $02,u
L5D7B    ldb   $02,u
         lbsr  L4D7F
         ldx   $02,s
         ldx   $03,x
         lbsr  L4966
         beq   L5D8F
         ldx   $02,s
         std   $05,x
         stu   $03,x
L5D8F    lbsr  L058A
         ldd   $04,s
         lbsr  L27AF
         ldu   $02,s
L5D99    leas  $06,s

L5D9C    leas  -$02,s
         ldd   <u000A
         std   ,s
         lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldb   ,y+
         bsr   L5DD8
         ldd   ,s
         lbsr  L27AF
         leas  $02,s

L5DB7    leas  -$02,s
         ldd   <u000A
         std   ,s
         lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,x
         bsr   L5DD8
         ldd   ,s
         lbsr  L27AF
         leas  $02,s

L5DD8    lbsr  L5D17
         leax  ,x
         bne   L5DE4
         lda   #$03
         lbsr  L10CE
L5DE4    stb   $05,u
         ldd   $05,x
         std   $08,u
         ldx   $03,x
         stx   $06,u
         lbsr  L27AF
         ldx   $06,u
         lda   $02,x
         sta   $0B,u
         ldb   $0A,u
         cmpb  $0B,u
         bcs   L5DFE
L5DFE    bsr   L5E3D

L5E01    leas  -$02,s
         ldd   <u000A
         std   ,s
         lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldb   ,y+
         bsr   L5E3D
         ldd   ,s
         lbsr  L27AF
         leas  $02,s

L5E1C    leas  -$02,s
         ldd   <u000A
         std   ,s
         lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,x
         bsr   L5E3D
         ldd   ,s
         lbsr  L27AF
         leas  $02,s

L5E3D    leas  -$01,s
         ldx   $06,u
         bne   L5E47
         ldb   #$06
         bra   L5E4D
L5E47    cmpb  $0B,u
         bcs   L5E58
         ldb   #$05
L5E4D    stb   ,s
         tfr   u,d
         subd  <u0030
         lda   ,s
         lbsr  L10CE
L5E58    stb   $0A,u
         ldd   $08,u
         lbsr  L27AF
         ldb   $0A,u
         addb  #$06
         ldx   $06,u
         lda   b,x
         ldb   b,x
         leax  d,x
         stx   $0C,u
         lda   ,x
         sta   $0F,u
         ldb   $0E,u
         cmpb  $0F,u
         bcs   L5E7A
L5E7A    bsr   L5EBB
         leas  $01,s

L5E7F    leas  -$02,s
         ldd   <u000A
         std   ,s
         lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldb   ,y+
         bsr   L5EBB
         ldd   ,s
         lbsr  L27AF
         leas  $02,s

L5E9A    leas  -$02,s
         ldd   <u000A
         std   ,s
         lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,x
         bsr   L5EBB
         ldd   ,s
         lbsr  L27AF
         leas  $02,s

L5EBB    leas  -$01,s
         ldx   $06,u
         bne   L5EC5
         ldb   #$0A
         bra   L5ECB
L5EC5    cmpb  $0F,u
         bcs   L5ED6
         ldb   #$08
L5ECB    stb   ,s
         tfr   u,d
         subd  <u0030
         lda   ,s
         lbsr  L10CE
L5ED6    stb   $0E,u
         ldd   $08,u
         lbsr  L27AF
         ldb   $0E,u
         addb  #$02
         ldx   $0C,u
         lda   b,x
         ldb   b,x
         leax  d,x
         stx   <$10,u
         ldd   ,x
         std   <$1C,u
         adda  $03,u
         cmpa  #$A0
         bls   L5F08
         lda   <$25,u
         ora   #$04
         sta   <$25,u
         lda   #$A0
         suba  <$1C,u
         sta   $03,u
L5F08    decb
         cmpb  $04,u
         bls   L5F29
         lda   <$25,u
         ora   #$04
         sta   <$25,u
         stb   $04,u
         cmpb  >$01D7
         bhi   L5F29
         lda   <$26,u
         bita  #$08
         bne   L5F29
         ldb   >$01D7
         stb   $04,u
L5F29    leas  $01,s

L5F2C    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   $0F,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         sta   ,x

L5F41    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   $0E,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         sta   ,x

L5F55    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   $0A,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         sta   ,x

L5F69    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   $05,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         sta   ,x
L5F7D    lda   ,y+
         ldb   #$2B
         addd  <u0030
         tfr   d,u
         lda   $0B,u
         ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         sta   ,x

L5F91    ldb   ,y+
         bsr   L5FA1

L5F96    ldb   ,y+
         ldx   #$0432
         ldb   ,x
         bsr   L5FA1

L5FA1    leas  -$05,s
         stb   ,s
         lbsr  L5D17
         leax  ,x
         bne   L5FB3
         lda   #$01
         ldb   ,s
         lbsr  L10CE
L5FB3    stx   $01,s
         ldd   <u000A
         std   $03,s
         lda   #$07
         ldb   ,s
         lbsr  L4699
         ldu   >L5D0B,pcr     data word
         ldd   #$0000
         std   ,u
         lbsr  L057D
         ldx   $01,s
         ldu   $03,x
         lda   $05,x
         lbsr  L278F
         stu   <u004F
         stx   <u0055
         lbsr  L058A
         lbsr  L2786
         ldd   $03,s
         lbsr  L27AF
         leas  $05,s

L5FE7    lda   <$27,u
         beq   L5FF6
         dec   <$27,u
         lda   <$25,u
         bita  #$40
         beq   L601D
L5FF6    lbsr  L3D7D
         lda   #$09
         lbsr  L5CEF
         sta   <$21,u
         cmpu  <u0030
         bne   L6009
         sta   >$0438
L6009    lda   <$27,u
L600C    cmpa  #$06
         bcc   L601D
         lbsr  L3D7D
         lda   #$33
         lbsr  L5CEF
         sta   <$27,u
         bra   L600C
L601D    rts

L601E    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
         fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00
L6026    fcc   'mnln'
         fcb   C$NULL

fxsnd1   lda   ,u+
fxsnd    ora   #2
         sta   $ff20

fxsnd2   lda   $ff20
         bsr   fxsnd
         leax  -1,x

fxsnd3   orcc  #$50
fxsnd4   lda   #2
         sta   $ff02

eom      equ   *