view 3rdparty/drivers/burke/hdcmd.src @ 2216:d096a278e068

Added info targets
author boisy
date Tue, 17 Mar 2009 02:52:57 +0000
parents c10820aa211b
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line source

***                                     ***
***     HDCMD.SRC                       ***
***                                     ***
***     COPYRIGHT BURKE & BURKE 1987    ***
***     ALL RIGHTS RESERVED             ***
***                                     ***
***     COPYRIGHT BURKE & BURKE 1992    ***
***     ALL RIGHTS RESERVED             ***
***                                     ***

*   This is the routine that executes controller commands, and
*   its support routines.
*   Modification History
*   --------------------
*   Date        Who     Description
*   --------    ---     ------------------------------------
*   12/20/87    CJB     Modified GetDat and PutDat to call
*                        SNOOZE routine if not ready for data.
*                        This causes the driver to sleep 
*                        during disk seeks.
*                       Modified s25flg stuff for generic
*                        32x4x?? drives.
*   02/07/88    CJB     Added CMEXIN to process special drive
*                        parameters during formatting
*   04/17/88    cjb     Added WaitIdl, which waits for controller
*                        ready to receive a command.
*                       Added call to Snooze in WaitIdl.
*   04/21/88    cjb     Added code to OR RetryEn into step rate
*                        byte.  This allows retries to be disabled
*                        by RetryEn = $80.
*   05/18/88    cjb     Checked all paths for proper handling of
*                        premature command termination
*   06/12/88    cjb     Added WaitId2 to assure sleep for at least
*                        one tick.
*                       Fixed DrvCmd to check for WX$XIN opcode
*                        if formatting enabled.
*   07/01/88    cjb     Fixed bug in CMESTS -- changed "<" to ">"
*   10/10/88    cjb     Modified to save error track if format enabled
*   02/01/89    cjb     Fixed bug in error routine -- now dumps
*                        cache on any uncorrectable error
*                       Fixed bug in error routine to save
*                        error track # correctly
*   05/05/90    cjb     Added kludge for ST11R in WAIRDY
*                       Added support for drives in multiple slots
*   04/15/92    cjb     Fixed bug in location of DBLRDD - caused
*                       driver to hang up on an error message.
*                       Lenghtened a bit for speed, and to allow
*                       easy 6309E overlays.

*   Byte saver.
*   Call here to send command in Reg-A to drive in Reg-B,
*   with 0's as the rest of the command.  
*   Note that this command sets the step rate to 3 ms!
DrvCmd  pshs    y,x,a           ;Save registers same as CmExec
        sts     AbtStk,U        ;Save stack pointer for error recovery

*   Enter here to send WX$STS -- stack etc. already set up

DrvCm2  bsr     WAIRDY          ;Wait for ready for command -- preserves B
        lda     ,S              ; recover reg-A

    ifne    fmtflg
        bsr     ChkCmd          ; translate cmd. if necessary

    ifne    (Drives-1)          ;If multiple drives,
        andb    #$01            ; 2 drives per controller, different slots
        aslb                    ;convert drive # to controller's format
        clrb                    ;drive # is always 0

        bsr     PutCm2          ;Send command & drive #

*  Send the rest of the command as 0's (including step rate . . . 3ms)
*  Note that RetryEn is ignored here.

        bsr     PutCm2
        bsr     PutCm2          ;Send 4 zeros for rest of command

*  Pass control to dispatch routine, and wait for end when done

        bra     CmDisp

*   Put Reg-D to controller as command bytes
*   Assumes AbtStk is valid.
    ifne    icdflg              ;If ignoring C/D status bit

PutCm2  lbra    PutDt2


PutCm2  bsr     PutCmd
        tfr     B,A             ;Fall through to PutCm2


*   Wait for controller to indicate it is ready to receive
*   a command byte, then send it from Reg-A.
*   Assumes AbtStk,U has been set to the error recovery
*   stack pointer.
*   If the command aborts, the stack is cleaned and control
*   passed to CmdDun.
    ifne    icdflg              ;If ignoring C/D status bit

PutCmd  lbra    PutDat


PutCmd  pshs    A

PCM0    bsr     ChkAbt              ;Get status, check for abort
        cmpa    #%00001101          ;Check for command request
         bne    PCM0

*  Ready.  Put the data

        puls    A
        sta     >HDDATA


*   Get status of hard disk controller, and abort command in
*   progress if controller says so.
*   Assumes AbtStk,U has been set to the error recovery
*   stack pointer.
*   If the command aborts, the stack is cleaned and control
*   passed to CmdDun.
ChkAbt  lda     >HDSTAT
        cmpa    >HDSTAT             ;Data must be stable
         bne    ChkAbt

        anda    #%00001111
        cmpa    #%00001111          ;Check for abort
         bne    CKA9

*  Well, the command is complete.  This normally means it
*  aborted.  Pass control to CmdDun

        lds     AbtStk,U            ;Clean stack
        bra     CmdDun

*  Not done yet.  Return current status to caller

CKA9    rts

    ifne    fmtflg          ;If formatting allowed,
*   Convert command op-code before transmission to controller
*   if necessary.
*   The special initialization code WX$XIN is not a real controller
*   op-code.
ChkCmd  cmpa    #WX$XIN         ;Check for bogus INITIALIZE PARAMETERS
         bne    CCM9
        lda     #WX$INI         ; convert to real INITIALIZE PARAMETERS
CCM9    rts

*   Wait for controller ready to receive a command, then
*   get its attention.  Blows away Reg-A.  
*   Does not time out.
WAIRDY  bsr     WaitIdl         ;Wait for controller idle
        clr     >HDATTN         ;Get attention of controller

*   Wait for controller ready to receive a command

WaitIdl lda     >HDSTAT
*        anda    #%00001111
        anda    #%00001001      ;Special mask works for ST11R, too
        cmpa    #%00000000      ; (all bits must be clear if ready)
         beq    WaitId9

*   Enter here to sleep for at least one tick.
*   Waste time while waiting for HD.

WaitId2 lbsr    Snooze          ;Give up slot, sleep.
        bra     WaitIdl

WaitId9 rts

*   Command execution module for CoCo XT.
*   Enter with:
*   Command op-code in Reg-A
*   Buffer pointer in Reg-X (points to buffer for data part of cmd)
*   Command image set up at IMAGE,U
*   Reg-Y points to real or bogus path descriptor (for drive # and
*   step rate).
*   Slot 3 is assumed to be selected, with interrupts disabled.
*   Exits w/ carry clear if success, otherwise carry set and
*   error code in Reg-B.
CMEXEC  pshs    y,x,a           ;Save caller's registers
        sts     AbtStk,U        ;Save stack pointer for error recovery

*   Wait for drive ready to accept a command

        bsr     WaiRdy

*   Point to the command block

        leax    IMAGE,U

*   Issue the command . . . op-code 1st
*   PutCmd and PutCm2 will automatically abort the command
*   if the controller indicates that this is necessary.

        lda     0,S             ;Recover command op-code

    ifne    fmtflg
        bsr     ChkCmd          ;Translate command op-code if needed

CMX1    bsr     PutCmd

        ldd     ,X++            ; (send head & sector)
        bsr     PutCm2

        ldd     ,X++            ; (send cylinder & block count)
        bsr     PutCm2

        lda     PD.STP,Y        ; (send step rate)
        ora     RetryEn,U       ; (and send retry flag)
        bsr     PutCmd

*   Now dispatch the command based on it's op-code.  If a command
*   isn't explicitly checked for in this loop, it is assumed that
*   the command has no data arguments and is now executing.

CmDisp  equ     *

*   Command in progress.  Dispatch to service routine.
*   Note that the service routine must check for premature
*   command termination via CHKABT.

        ldx     1,S             ;Recover possible data pointer
        lda     0,S             ;Recover op-code

        cmpa    #WX$RDD         ;READ SECTOR
         beq    CMERDD

        cmpa    #WX$WRT         ;WRITE SECTOR
         beq    CMEWRT

        cmpa    #WX$INI         ;SET DRIVE PARAMETERS
         lbeq   CMEINI

    ifne    fmtflg
        cmpa    #WX$WBF         ;WRITE SECTOR BUFFER (for format)
         lbeq   CMEWBF

        cmpa    #WX$XIN         ;Bogus SET DRIVE PARAMETERS
         lbeq   CMEXIN

        cmpa    #WX$STS         ;DETAILED STATUS REQUEST
         lbeq   CMESTS

*   Wait for end of command execution.  Then get completion status
*   byte and decode any errors encountered.

WaiEnd  bsr     ewait           ;Wait for command done

*   Get completion status byte
*   Stack pointer and ABTSTK,U match

CmdDun  clrb                    ;Clear carry, assume no error

        lda     >HDDATA
        bita    #%00000010
         beq    NoErr

*   Error bit is set -- note this could still be a "null" error
*   or a correctable error, so we have to get the status packet.

        lda     0,S             ;Check op-code
        cmpa    #WX$STS         ;Was it an error status request?
         bne    GetErr

*   Unknown error, or error while trying to determine error.

NotRdy  comb
        ldb     #E$Read         ;Report it as a "read" error

*   Generic exit

NoErr   equ     *
CMEXIT  puls    a,x,y,pc

*   Issue command to read error from controller.  This command
*   will return the error code in Reg-B w/ carry set.

GetErr  lda     #WX$STS         ;Recurse to get detailed status (implicit bfr)

    ifne    Drives-1            ;If more than 1 drive,
        ldb     PD.DRV,Y

        lds     AbtStk,U        ;Recover stack pointer
        sta     0,S             ;Put command on stack
        lbra    DrvCm2          ;Go try again.

*   Wait for command to terminate

ewait   lda     >HDSTAT
        anda    #%00000111      ;NOTE:  IGNORE BUSY BIT
        cmpa    #%00000111      ; (all bits set for command completion byte)
         beq    ewx

*  Not done.  Sleep for the rest of this tick, then try again.

        lbsr    Snooze          ;Give up slot, sleep, get back slot
        bra     ewait

*   Exit

ewx     rts

*   Handle tail end of sector read.
*   Get the data to the caller's buffer.
CMERDD  lda     secnum,u
        bita    #1
         bne    CMRODD

*  Read even logical sector on track -- 1st half of physical sector
*  Save 2nd half if necessary.

        bsr keep256

    ifne    cchflg          ;If read cache supported,

        tst BFRFLG,U
         beq CMRE1

*  Copy 2nd half of sector to verify buffer (possible cache)
        leax    vrfbuf,U
        bsr     keep256
        bra     WaiEnd


*  Discard 2nd half of sector
CMRE1   bsr     dump256
        bra     WAIEND

*  Read odd logical sector on track -- 2nd half of physical sector
*  Throw away the 1st half
CMRODD  bsr     dump256
        bsr     keep256
        bra     WAIEND

*   Handle tail end of sector write.
*   Get the data from the caller's buffer.
CMEWRT  lda     secnum,u
        bita    #1
         bne    CMWODD

*  Write even lsn on track -- uses 1st half, get 2nd half from verify bfr
        bsr     writ256
        bsr     copy256
        bra     WAIEND

*  Write odd lsn on track -- uses 2nd half, get 1st half from verify bfr
CMWODD  bsr     copy256
        bsr     writ256
        bra     WAIEND

    ifne    fmtflg          ;If hard formatting enabled,

*  Process command to fill sector buffer with (A).
*  This is only used at the beginning of a FORMAT command.
CMEWBF  ldd     #$E600      ; ($00 -> 256 iterations)
        bsr     CMF0
        bsr     CMF0        ; Reg-B is still 0 from previous iteration
        lbra    WAIEND

CMF0    bsr     PutDat      ;Fill 256 bytes of sector buffer with (A)
        bne     CMF0



*  Copy 256 bytes from sector buffer to (X)

    ifne    fstflg              ;If fast transfers,

Keep256 bsr     GetDat          ;Full handshake on 1st byte
        sta     ,X+
    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD9
        bsr     GetDat          ;Get 2nd (quick move goes in pairs)
        sta     ,X+
        ldb     #$7F            ;pair count
        pshs    B

RDD1    lda     >HDDATA         ;Read the rest of the block w/o handshake
        ldb     >HDDATA
        std     ,X++
        dec     ,S
         bne    RDD1

    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD8

        puls    A,PC            ;Flush counter

    else                        ;If slow transfers,

Keep256 clrb                    ;Copy 256 bytes
    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD9

RDD1    bsr     GetDat          ;Full handshake on every byte
        sta     ,X+
         bne    RDD1

    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD8



*  Copy 256 bytes from sector buffer to bit bucket

    ifne    fstflg              ;If fast transfers,

Dump256 bsr     GetDat          ;Full handshake on 1st byte
    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD9
        bsr     GetDat          ;Quick dump goes in pairs
        ldb     #$7F

RDD2    lda     >HDDATA         ;Read the rest of the block w/o handshake
        lda     >HDDATA
         bne    RDD2

    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD8

    else                        ;If slow transfers,

Dump256  clrb                   ;Copy 256 bytes
    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD9

RDD2    bsr     GetDat          ;Full handshake on every byte
         bne    RDD2

    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD8


*   Wait for controller to indicate it is ready to transmit
*   a data byte, then get it to Reg-A.
*   Assumes AbtStk,U has been set to the error recovery
*   stack pointer.
*   If the command aborts, the stack is cleaned and control
*   passed to CmdDun.
GetDat  equ     *

GDT0    lbsr    ChkAbt              ;Get status, check for abort
    ifne    icdflg                  ;If ignoring C/D bit,
        anda    #%00001011
        cmpa    #%00001011          ;Check for data request
         beq    GDT1                ; (branch if request present)

*   New -- sleep if controller not ready (D.DMAReq only)

        lbsr    Snooze
        bra     GDT0

*  Ready.  Get the data

GDT1    lda     >HDDATA

*  Copy 256 bytes from (X) to sector buffer

    ifne    fstflg              ;If fast transfers,

Writ256 ldd     ,X++
        bsr     PutDt2          ;Full handshake on 1st byte pair
    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD9
        ldb     #$7F
        pshs    B

WRT1    ldd     ,X++
        sta     >HDDATA         ;Write the rest of the block w/o handshake
        stb     >HDDATA
        dec     ,S
         bne    WRT1

    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD8
        puls    A,PC            ;clean up counter

    else                        ;If slow transfers,

Writ256  clrb                    ;Copy 256 bytes
    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD9

WRT1    lda     ,X+
        bsr     PutDat          ;Full handshake on every byte
         bne    WRT1

    ifne    tboflg              ;If 2 MHz for transfers,
        clr     >$FFD8


*  Copy 256 bytes from verify buffer to sector buffer

copy256 pshs    X

        leax    vrfbuf,u        ;Get verify buffer pointer
        bsr     writ256

        puls    X,PC

*   Put Reg-D to controller as data bytes
*   Assumes AbtStk is valid.
PutDt2  bsr     PutDat
        tfr     B,A             ;Fall through to PutCm2

*   Wait for controller to indicate it is ready to receive
*   a data byte, then send it from Reg-A.
*   Assumes AbtStk,U has been set to the error recovery
*   stack pointer.
*   If the command aborts, the stack is cleaned and control
*   passed to CmdDun.
PutDat  pshs    A

PDT0    lbsr    ChkAbt              ;Get status, check for abort
    ifne    icdflg                  ;If ignoring C/D bit,
        anda    #%00001011
        cmpa    #%00001001          ;Check for data request
         beq    PDT1                ; (branch if request present)

*   New -- sleep if controller not ready (D.DMAReq only)

        lbsr    Snooze
        bra     PDT0

*  Ready.  Put the data

PDT1    puls    A
        sta     >HDDATA

*   Process detailed status request command.
*   This routine performs the status request, then
*   translates the controller's error code and returns
*   it as the error status of the operation w/ C-bit set.
*   "Null" and correctable errors do not cause C-bit set.
CMESTS  equ     *

*  Recover error status from controller

        bsr     GetDat      ;Read result of last disk command
        pshs    a           ; (save)

    ifne    FMTFLG
        bsr     GetDat      ; (dump head #)
        bsr     GetDat      ;Get shifted cyl # MS byte
        tfr     A,B
        bsr     GetDat      ;Get shifted cyl # LS byte
        exg     A,B
        std     ERRHCYL,U   ;Save cylinder # of error for FORMAT
        bsr     DBLRDD      ;Dump last 3 response bytes
        bsr     GetDat      ; (dump last response byte)

        lbsr    ewait       ; Wait for command complete
        lda     >HDDATA     ;  and dump completion byte

        puls    a           ; (recover error code)

*  Look up error code in Reg-A -> Reg-B

        anda    #$3F        ;Keep only error bits
         beq    NULERR

        cmpa    #WE$CER     ;Correctable error
         bne    EL0

*   Special processing for correctable errors.
*   If formatting (RetryEn,U != 0), report these

        tst     RetryEn,U       ;If retries disabled, error out.
         beq    NULERR          ; (retries enabled -- ignore error)

EL0     equ     *

    ifne    cchflg          ;If read cache supported,
        clr     BFRFLG,U        ;Dump cache on any error
    ifne    errflg      ;If good error messages enabled,

        leax    ERRTBL,PCR     ;Point to lookup table

*  Search error list.  Error code is in Reg-A

EL1     tst     ,X
         bmi    XXXERR
        cmpa    ,X++
         bne    EL1

*  Found error code
        comb                ;Set carry
        ldb     -1,X            ;Fetch error code
        bra     XCMXIT


*  Didn't find error code.  Note that errors that translate
*  to E$Read are not in the table -- we just let them default
*  to here.

XXXERR  comb
        ldb     #E$Read
        bra     XCMXIT          ;Return status to caller

NULERR  clrb                    ;Force carry clear
XCMXIT  lbra    CMEXIT          ;Return status to caller

*  Byte saver

DBLRDD  lbsr    GetDat          ;Read 1 byte
        lbra    GetDat

    ifne    fmtflg      ;If formatting allowed,
*   Process special drive parameters command.
*   This command sends the legal track count rather
*   than the park track count.
CMEXIN  ldd     PD.CYL,Y        ;get track count
        bra     CMIN01

*   Process command to send drive parameters to controller.
*   Assumes Reg-Y points to real or bogus *PATH* descriptor.
*   This routine fetches the drive parameters from the descriptor,
*   and sends them to the controller.
CMEINI  equ     *

*   Send # of cylinders.  We send the park track, since it
*   is the largest track # that will be used.

    ifne    (Drives-1)      ;if 2 drives,
     ifne   trsflg          ; if optimized for 32 SPT, 4 heads,
        bsr     GtPkLSN         ;Get park LSN to B:X
        pshs    X,B
        ldd     ,S
        addd    ,S
        leas    3,S             ;Convert to track by dividing by 128
        bsr     GtPkLSN         ;Get park LSN to B:X
        lbsr    LSNDIV
        tfr     X,D             ;Calculate track and get to D
    else                    ;if 1 drive,
     ifne   trsflg          ; if optimized for 32 SPT, 4 heads,
        ldd     PRKLSN,U
        addd    PRKLSN,U        ;park track = park LSN/128
        ldb     (PRKLSN+0),U
        ldx     (PRKLSN+1),U    ;get park LSN
        lbsr    LSNDIV
        tfr     X,D             ;Calculate track and get to D

*   Enter here w/ track count in Reg-D

CMIN01  addd    #1              ; (advance track count by 1)
        bsr     PutDt2          ;Send last legal track to controller

*  Send # of heads

        lda     PD.SID,Y
        bsr     PutDat

*  Send (bogus) reduced write current cylinder

        ldd     PD.CYL,Y
        lbsr    PutDt2

*  Send write pre-comp cylinder (DD had wpc/4)

    ifne    (Drives-1)         ;if 2 drives,
        pshs    Y
        ldb     PD.DRV,Y        ;Get drive #
        lbsr    GOBPtr          ;Get option pointer for this drive
        ldb     (PCCYL-OBSTART),Y
        puls    Y
        ldb     PCCYL,U         ;Get precomp cylinder / 4
        lda     #4
        mul                     ;Convert to real cyl # in D
        lbsr    PutDt2

*   Send maximum error correction burst length (WD recommends 4)

        lda     #4
        lbsr    PutDat

*   Wait for end of command, etc.

        lbra    WaiEnd

    ifne    (Drives-1)
*   Utility to get park lsn to B:X for systems with 2 drives.
GtPkLSN pshs    Y
        ldb     PD.DRV,Y        ;Get drive #
        lbsr    GOBPtr          ;Get option pointer for this drive
        ldb     (PRKLSN+0-OBSTART),Y
        ldx     (PRKLSN+1-OBSTART),Y
        puls    Y,PC

    ifne    errflg      ;If good errors enabled,
*   Table of error code followed by OS9 error code
*   This translation is somewhat arbitrary.
*   Remember, E$Read errors are not in the table.

ERRTBL  fcb     WE$NSC,E$Seek,WE$WRF,E$Write,WE$NRD,E$NotRdy,WE$NT0,E$Seek
        fcb     WE$DSS,E$Seek,WE$SIK,E$Seek,WE$BTK,E$Read,WE$CMD,E$Unit
        fcb     WE$ISA,E$Sect
        fcb     -1


*   End of hdcmd.src