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view 3rdparty/packages/sierra/objs_lsl/sierra.asm @ 2216:d096a278e068
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author | boisy |
date | Tue, 17 Mar 2009 02:52:57 +0000 |
parents | 1712fac2daac |
children | b8dc2c8bfa03 |
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******************************************************************** * sierra - Leisure Suit Larry setup module * * $Id$ * * Edt/Rev YYYY/MM/DD Modified by * Comment * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * 0 2003/01/31 Paul W. Zibaila * Disassembly of original distribution and merged in comments from * an earlier disasm dated 1992. * * 1 2003/03/10 Boisy G. Pitre * Monitor type bug now fixed. *Monitor defs #COMP equ 0 #RGB equ 1 #MONO equ 2 * I/O path definitions StdIn equ 0 StdOut equ 1 StdErr equ 2 nam sierra ttl Leisure Suit Larry setup module ifp1 use defsfile use scfdefs endc tylg set Prgrm+Objct atrv set ReEnt+rev rev set $01 edition set 1 mod eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size org 0 u0000 rmb 2 holds size of data area u0002 rmb 1 MMU block # mapped into block #2 -org u0003 rmb 1 MMU block # mapped into block #3 -org u0004 rmb 2 Hi res screen start address u0006 rmb 2 Hi res screen end address ????? u0008 rmb 1 disasm as u0008 rmb 2 u0009 rmb 1 MMU Block # SIERRA is in -org u000A rmb 1 double byte MMU Task 1 block 1 u000B rmb 1 value actually resides here u000C rmb 1 u000D rmb 1 u000E rmb 1 u000F rmb 1 u0010 rmb 1 u0011 rmb 3 u0014 rmb 2 Hi res screen start address u0016 rmb 2 Hi res screen end address ??? u0017 rmb 4 u001C rmb 2 u001E rmb 4 u0022 rmb 1 u0023 rmb 1 u0024 rmb 2 mnln remap value holder u0026 rmb 2 scrn remap value holder u0028 rmb 2 shdw remap value holder u002A rmb 2 saves stack pointer of caller to sub659 u002C rmb 2 u002E rmb 16 u003E rmb 1 u003F rmb 2 u0041 rmb 1 u0042 rmb 1 MMU Block # of SIERRA's dsc. u0043 rmb 2 u0045 rmb 1 flag after color table sets u0046 rmb 2 u0048 rmb 2 u004A rmb 5 u004F rmb 4 u0053 rmb 2 u0055 rmb 10 u005F rmb 163 u0102 rmb 112 mtf173 rmb 1 multitasking flag scr174 rmb 1 screen number? x01076 rmb 212 u0249 rmb 1 u024A rmb 1 u024B rmb 1 u024C rmb 497 u043D rmb 245 u0532 rmb 16 vol_handle_table (pointer to file structures) u0542 rmb 15 u0551 rmb 2 given_pic_data (pointer) u0553 rmb 1 monitor type V26_MONITORTYPE u0554 rmb 154 rmb 169 int5EE rmb 1 Signal Intercept routine from 452 - 4BD rmb 106 sub659 rmb 1 Slot to hold subroutine for others uses at 4DA - 54F rmb 116 u0xxx rmb 6281 size equ . name fcs /sierra/ fcb edition start equ * L0014 lbra L007D branch to entry process params L0017 lbra L00DB branch to clean up routines * Multi-tasking flag (0=No multitask, 1=multitask) L001A fcb $00 we store a value here * the "old self modifying code" trick * Text strings think this was probably an Info thing L001B fcc 'AGI (c) copyright 1988 SIERRA On-Line' fcc 'CoCo3 version by Chris Iden' fcb $00 Infosz equ *-L001B * Useage text string L005C fcc 'Usage: Sierra -Rgb -Multitasking' fcb C$CR Usgsz equ *-L005C L007D tfr s,d save stack ptr / start of param ptr into d * subd #$04FF start of stack/end of data mem ptr std <u0000 store this value in user var bsr L009C branch to input processer routine L0086 lbsr L011A relay call to L0140 L0089 ldd <u0000 load the data pointer beq L00DF if it is zero we have a problem ldd >$FFA9 ??? MMU task 1 block 1 ??? std <u000A save the task 1 block one value lda #$00 clear a to zero sta <u0011 save that value ldx <u0024 set up to jump to mnln and go for it jsr sub659 code at L04DA plays with mmu blocks rts * Process any command line args * See F$Fork description 8-15 for entry conditions L009C lda ,x+ get next char after name string cmpa #C$CR is it a CR? beq L00DA yes exit from routine cmpa #$2D is it a dash '- bne L009C not a dash go look again lda ,x+ was as dash get the next char ora #$20 apply mask to lower case cmpa #$72 is it a 'r ? beq L00C2 yep go set up for RGB monitor cmpa #$6D is it an 'm ? beq L00D2 if so go store a flag and continue * We've found something other than Mm or Rr after a dash * write usage message and Exit program lda #StdOut load path std out leax >L005C,pcr load address of message ldy #Usgsz $0021 load the size of the message os9 I$WritLn write it clrb clear the error code (unneeded branch to L00DE) bra L00DF and branch to exit! * found a "-r" L00C2 pshs x save x-reg since set stat call uses it lda #StdOut $01 set the path number ldb #SS.Montr code #$92 sets the monitor type ldx #RGB monitor type code $0001 os9 I$SetStt set it up puls x fetch our x back assumes call doesn't fail bra L009C go process the rest of the parms * found an "-m" L00D2 lda #$01 we have found a -m and load a flag sta >L001A,pcr and stow it in our code area (SELF MODIFYING) bra L009C check for next param L00DA rts return * This is just a relay call to L0336 L00DB lbsr L0133 L00DE clrb NOBODY USES ME ? L00DF os9 F$Exit time to check out * disassembler had a little problem here L00E2 fdb $000C another prog internal var * Are these all data bytes of some kind ??? * quirky assemblage of bytes L00E4 fcb $02,$2E,$06,$09,$04,$20,$10,$1B fcb $11,$3D,$17,$29,$33,$3F,$00,$08 fcb $14,$18,$20,$28,$22,$38,$07,$0B fcb $16,$1F,$27,$2D,$37,$3F * The disassembly gets confused here with text and the nulls * according to the partial disassembly I recieved these hold * Original MMU block image of second and third blocks of SIERRA * MORE SELF MODIFYING CODE L0102 fdb $0000 Orig MMU block image of 2nd blk of sierra L0104 fdb $0000 Orig MMU block image of 3nd blk of sierra * Name strings of other modules to load. L0106 fcc 'Shdw' fcb C$CR L010B fcc 'Scrn' fcb C$CR L0110 fcc 'MnLn' fcb C$CR * Internal variables for self modifying code L0115 fcb $00 Echo L0116 fcb $00 EOF L0117 fcb $00 INTerupt L0118 fcb $00 Quit L0119 fcb $00 Monitor type Coco set to when Sierra ran * L011A called by L0086 L011A lbsr L0140 Clears data area, sets up vars and saves montype lbsr L01AF Change our process image to dupe block 0 to 1-2 L0120 lbsr L01FA copies two subs to data area so others can use them lbsr L0419 load intercept routine and open /VI and allocate Ram bcs L0139 if errors occured close VIRQ device lbsr L0229 NMLoads the three other modules and sets up vals bcs L0136 problems then unload them lbsr L026B go set up screens bcs L0133 problems deallocate them rts * clean up and shut down L0133 lbsr L0336 go deallocate hi res screens L0136 lbsr L0370 unloads the three other modules L0139 lbsr L04BD Close VIRQ device lbsr L0388 restore the MMU blocks rts * at this point u0000 contains the value of s on entry minus $04FF * which should be the size of our initialized data * so we don't over write it but clear the rest of the data area L0140 ldx #$0002 Init data area from 2-end with 0's ldd #$0000 L0146 std ,x++ cmpx <u0000 should have the value $04FF bcs L0146 appears this zeros out memory somewhere * initialize some variables lda >L001A,pcr multitasking flag from startup parms sta mtf173 >$0173 store it ldd #$0776 why twice std <u0053 std <u0055 lda #$5C sta >$0101 lda #$17 sta >$01D7 lda #$0F sta >$023E ldd #$0000 std <u004F * get current montype * GetStat Function Code $92 * Allocates and maps high res screen * into application address space * entry: * a -> path number * b -> function code $92 (SS.Montr) * * exit: * x -> monitor type * * error: * CC -> Carry set on error * b -> error code (if any) * lda #StdOut $01 path number ldb #SS.Montr monitor type code (not listed for getstat $92 os9 I$GetStt make the call tfr x,d save in d appears he expects montype returned stb >L0119,pcr trim it to a byte and save it andb #$01 mask out mono type only RGB or COMP stb >$0553 save that value off * set current montype * SetStat Function Code $92 * Allocates and maps high res screen * into application address space * entry: * a -> path number * b -> function code $92 (SS.Montr) * x -> momitor type * 0 = color composite * 1 = analog RGB * 2 = monochrome composite * * error: * CC -> Carry set on error * b -> error code (if any) * ldx #RGB $0001 set type to RGB again as in L00C2 lda #StdOut $01 set the path ldb #SS.Montr Monitor type code $92 os9 I$SetStt make the call * initialize more variables lda #$32 sta >$0245 ldd #$6000 This is the start of high res screen memory std <u0046 lda #$15 sta >$0247 lda #$FF Init 15 bytes at u0532 to $FF sta $05EE ldb #$10 ldx #$0531 * Fill routine-one byte pattern * Entry: A=Byte to fill with * B=# bytes to fill * X=Start address of fill L01A3 sta ,x+ decb bne L01A3 rts * Fill routine-two byte pattern * Entry: U=2-Byte pattern to fill with * B=# bytes to fill * X=Start address of fill * NO BODY CALLS HERE ?? *L01A9 stu ,x++ * decb * bne L01A9 * rts * Raw disassembly of followin code *L01AF orcc #$50 * ldx #$0002 * stx <u0022 * lda >$FFAF * sta <u0008 * clr >$FFA9 * ldd >$2050 * anda #$1F * addd #$2043 * std <u0043 * ldb >$2050 * andb #$E0 * lsrb * lsrb * lsrb * lsrb * lsrb * ldx #$FFA0 * lda b,x * sta <u0042 * sta >$FFA9 * ldx <u0043 * ldd -$01,x * std >L0102,pcr * ldd $01,x * std >L0104,pcr * ldd -$03,x * std -$01,x * std $01,x * tfr b,a * std >$FFA9 * std <u0002 * andcc #$AF * rts ********************************************************** * COMMENTS FROM CODE RECIEVED * Change our process map: * Blocks 1-2 become duplicates of block 0 (data area... * changes actual MMU regs themselves & * changes them in our process descriptor * * NOTE: SHOULD CHANGE SO IT MAPS IN BLOCK 0 IN AN UNUSED BLOCK 1ST * TO GET PROCESS DESCRIPTOR DAT IMAGE FOR SIERRA. * THEN, CAN BUMP BLOCKS AROUND WITH THE ACTUAL BLOCK # * IN FULL 2 MB RANGE, INSTEAD OF JUST GIME 512K RANGE. L01AF orcc #IntMasks Shut interrupts off ldx #$0002 ??? stx <u0022 * As per above NOTE, should postpone this until we have DAT image * available for Sierra process lda >$FFAF Get MMU block # SIERRA is in sta <u0008 Save it clr >$FFA9 Map system block 0 into $2000-$3FFF ldd >D.Proc+$2000 Get SIERRA's process dsc. ptr anda #$1F Keep non-MMU dependent address * NOTE: OFFSET IS STUPID, SHOULD USE EVEN BYTE SO LDD'S BELOW * CAN USE FASTER LDD ,X INSTEAD OF OFFSET,X addd #$2000+P$DATImg+3 Set up ptr for what we want out of it std <u0043 Save it ldb >D.Proc+$2000 Get MSB of SIERRA's process dsc. ptr andb #$E0 Calculate which 8K block within * system task it's in lsrb lsrb lsrb lsrb lsrb * NOTE: HAVE TO CHANGE THIS TO GET BLOCK #'S FROM SYSTEM DAT IMAGE, * NOT RAW GIME REGS (TO WORK WITH >512K MACHINES) ldx #$FFA0 Point to base of System task DAT register set block 0 task 0 lda b,x Get block # that has process desc. for SIERRA sta <u0042 Save it sta >$FFA9 Map in block with process dsc. to $2000-$3FFF ldx <u0043 Get offset to 2nd 8K block in DAT map for SIERRA ldd -1,x Get MMU block # of current 2nd 8k block in SIERRA std >L0102,pc Save it ldd 1,x Get MMU block # of current 3rd 8k block in SIERRA std >L0104,pc Save it ldd -3,x Get data area block 3 from sierra (1st block) std -1,x Move 8k data area to 2nd block std 1,x And to 3rd block tfr b,a D=Raw MMU block # for both * HAVE TO CHANGE TO ALLOW FOR DISTO DAT EXTENSION std >$FFA9 Map data area block into both blocks 2&3 std <u0002 Save both block #'s andcc #^IntMasks Turn interrupts back on rts * NOTE: 6809/6309 MOD: STUPID. DO LEAX, AND THEN PSHS X * load first routine L01FA leas -2,s Make 2 word buffer on stack leax >L054F,pc Point to end of routine stx ,s Save ptr leax >L04DA,pc Point to routine * ldu #$0659 Point to place in data area to copy it ldu #sub659 L0209 lda ,x+ Copy routine sta ,u+ cmpx ,s Done whole routine yet? blo L0209 No, keep going * get next routine interrupt intecept routine leax >L04BD,pcr point to end of routine stx ,s save pointer leax >L0452,pcr point to routine ldu #int5EE point to place in data area to copy it L021E lda ,x+ copy routine sta ,u+ cmpx ,s Done whole routine yet? blo L021E No, keep going leas $02,s clean up stack rts return * Called from dispatch table at L0120 * The last op in the subroutine before this one * was a puls a,b after a puhs x and a setsatt call for process+path to VIRQ L0229 tfr b,a don't see what's going on here incb std <u001C but we save off a bunch of values addd #$0202 std <u001E addd #$0202 sta <u005F std <u000C std <u000E ldu #$001A stu <u0028 leax >L0106,pcr shdw lbsr L03D0 NMLoads named module bcs L026A return on error ldu #$0012 stu <u0026 leax >L010B,pcr scrn lbsr L03D0 NMLoads named module bcs L026A return on error ldu #$000A stu <u0024 leax >L0110,pcr mnln lbsr L03D0 NMLoads named module leau >$2000,u stu <u002E L026A rts ***************************************************** * * Set up screens * SetStat Function Code $8B * Allocates and maps high res screen * into application address space * entry: * a -> path number * b -> function code $8B (SS.AScrn) * x -> screen type * 0 = 640 x 192 x 2 colors (16K) * 1 = 320 x 192 x 4 colors (16K) * 2 = 160 x 192 x 16 colors (16K) * 3 = 640 x 192 x 4 colors (32K) * 4 = 320 x 192 x 16 colors (32K) * * exit: * x -> application address space of screen * y -> screen number (1-3) * * error: * CC -> Carry set on error * b -> error code (if any) * * Call use VDGINT allocates high res graphics for use with screens * updated by the process, does not clear the screens only allocates * See OS-9 Technical Reference 8-142 for more details * L026B leas -$04,s mamke room om stack 2 words lda #$01 Std out ldb #SS.AScrn Allocate & map in hi-res screen (VDGINT) ldx #$0004 320x192x16 screen os9 I$SetStt Map it in bcs L02E6 Error, Restore stack & exit tfr y,d Move screen # returned to D * stb >$0174 Save screen # stb scr174 Save screen # * call with application address of screen in x * returns with values in u lbsr L03B6 twiddle addresses stu <u0004 stow it two places stu <u0014 leax >$4000,x end address ??? lbsr L03B6 twiddle addresses stu <u0006 stow it in two places stu <u0016 * TFM for 6309 ldu #$D800 Clear hi-res screen to color 0 ldx #$7800 Screen is from $6000 to $D800 ldd #$0000 (U will end up pointing to beginning of screen) L0299 std ,--u writes 0000 to screen address and decrements leax -2,x decrement x loop counter bne L0299 keep going till all of screen is cleared * Display a screen allocated by SS.AScrn * SetStat Function Code $8C * * entry: * a -> path number * b -> function code $8C (SS.DScrn) * y -> screen numbe * 0 = text screen (32 x 16) * 1-3 = high resolution screen * * error: * CC -> Carry set on error * b -> error code (if any) clra Get screen # to display ldb scr174 tfr d,y Y=screen # to display lda #StdOut $01 Std out path ldb #SS.DScrn Display 320x192x16 screen os9 I$SetStt make the call bcs L02E6 leax >L00E2,pc values initialized to is $000C ldb >$0553 monitor type lda #$10 mul abx add b to x and stow at x * This loads up the control sequence to set the pallete 1B 31 PRN CTN * PRN palette register 0 - 15, CTN color table 0 - 63 lda #$1B Escape code sta ,s push on stack lda #$31 Palette code sta $01,s push on stack clra make a zero palette reg value sta $02,s push it ` ldy #$0004 sets up # of bytes to write L02C8 ldb ,x+ get value computed above for color table and bump it stb $03,s push it pshs x save it lda #StdOut $01 Std Out path leax $02,s start of data to write os9 I$Write write it bcs L02E6 error during write clean up stack and leave puls x retrieve our x inc $02,s this is our palette register value lda $02,s we bumped it by one cmpa #$10 we loop 15 times to set them all bcs L02C8 loop clr <u0045 clear a flag in memory lbsr L02E9 go disable keyboard interrupts L02E6 leas $04,s clean up stack rts return * Raw disassembly of following section *L02E9 leas <-$20,s * lda #$00 * ldb #$00 * leax ,s * os9 I$GetStt * bcs L0332 * lda >L0115,pcr * ldb $04,x * sta $04,x * stb >L0115,pcr * lda >L0116,pcr * ldb $0C,x * sta $0C,x * stb >L0116,pcr * lda >L0117,pcr * ldb <$10,x * sta <$10,x * stb >L0117,pcr * lda >L0118,pcr * ldb <$11,x * sta <$11,x * stb >L0118,pcr * lda #$00 * ldb #$00 * os9 I$SetStt *L0332 leas <$20,s * rts * Kills the echo, eof, int and quit signals * get current options packet * GetStat Function Code $00 * Reads the options section of the path descriptor and * copies it into the 32 byte area pointed to by reg X` * entry: * a -> path number * b -> function code $00 (SS.OPT) * x -> address to recieve status packet * * error: * CC -> Carry set on error * b -> error code (if any) * L02E9 leas <-$20,s Make temp buffer to hold PD.OPT data lda #StdIn $00 Get 32 byte PD.OPT from Std In ldb #SS.OPT $00 leax ,s point to our temp buffer os9 I$GetStt make the call bcs L0332 error goto exit sub * NOTE: make sure following lines assemble into 5 bit, not 8 bit * These appear to be loading the echo EOF, INT and QUIT with * null values and saving the original ones back to vars * since L0115 - L0118 were initialized with $00 lda >L0115,pc ldb PD.EKO-PD.OPT,x Get echo option sta PD.EKO-PD.OPT,x change echo option no echo stb >L0115,pc Save original echo option lda >L0116,pc ldb PD.EOF-PD.OPT,x Change EOF char sta PD.EOF-PD.OPT,x stb >L0116,pc lda >L0117,pc ldb <PD.INT-PD.OPT,x Change INTerrupt char (normally CTRL-C) sta <PD.INT-PD.OPT,x stb >L0117,pc lda >L0118,pc ldb <PD.QUT-PD.OPT,x Change QUIT char (normally CTRL-E) sta <PD.QUT-PD.OPT,x stb >L0118,pc * set current options packet * SetStat Function Code $00 * Writes the options section of the path descriptor * from the 32 byte area pointed to by reg X` * entry: * a -> path number * b -> function code $00 (SS.OPT) * x -> address holding the status packet * * error: * CC -> Carry set on error * b -> error code (if any) * * x is still pointing to our temp buff lda #StdIn $00 Set VDG screen to new options ldb #SS.OPT $00 os9 I$SetStt set them to be our new values L0332 leas <$20,s Eat temp stack & return rts * raw disassembly *L0336 leas -$02,s * tst >$0174 * beq L036D * lbsr L02E9 * bcs L036D ** lda #$1B * sta ,s * lda #$30 * sta $01,s * ldy #$0002 * lda #$01 * leax ,s * os9 I$Write * bcs L036D * ldb #$8C * ldy #$0000 * os9 I$SetStt * clra * ldb >$0174 * tfr d,y * lda #$01 * ldb #$8D * os9 I$SetStt *L036D leas $02,s * rts * Return the screen to default text sreen and its values * deallocate and free memory of high res screen created L0336 leas -2,s Make temp buffer to hold write data * tst >$0174 Any hi-res screen # allocated? tst scr174 Any hi-res screen # allocated? beq L036D No, restore stack & return lbsr L02E9 go change the echo,eof,int and quit settings bcs L036D had an error restore stack and return lda #$1B Setup DefColr sequence in temp buffer sta ,s lda #$30 Sets palettes back to default color sta 1,s ldy #$0002 number of bytes to write lda #StdOut path to write to $01 leax ,s point x a buffer os9 I$Write write bcs L036D we have an error clean stack and leave * Display a screen allocated by SS.AScrn * SetStat Function Code $8C * * entry: * a -> path number * b -> function code $8C (SS.DScrn) * y -> screen numbe * 0 = text screen (32 x 16) * 1-3 = high resolution screen * * error: * CC -> Carry set on error * b -> error code (if any) * a is still set to stdout from above ldb #SS.DScrn Display screen function code ldy #$0000 Display screen #0 (lo-res or 32x16 text) os9 I$SetStt make the call * Frees the memory of a screen allocated by SS.AScrn * SetStat Function Code $8C * * entry: * a -> path number * b -> function code $8D (SS.FScrn) * y -> screen number 1-3 = high resolution screen * * error: * CC -> Carry set on error * b -> error code (if any) clra clear high byte ldb scr174 Get hi-res screen # again tfr d,y move it to Y=screen # lda #StdOut set the path $01 ldb #SS.FSCrn Return screen memory to system os9 I$SetStt amke the call L036D leas 2,s Eat stack & return rts * Unload the other modules L0370 leax >L0106,pcr shdw name string lda #Prgrm+Objct #$11 module type lbsr L040B unload it leax >L010B,pcr scrn name string lbsr L040B unload it leax >L0110,pcr mnln name string lbsr L040B unload it rts *L0388 orcc #$50 * lda <u0042 * sta >$FFA9 * ldx <u0043 * ldd >L0104,pcr * std $01,x * stb >$FFAA * ldd >L0102,pcr * std -$01,x * stb >$FFA9 * andcc #$AF * clra * ldb >L0119,pcr * andb #$03 * tfr d,x * lda #$01 * ldb #$92 * os9 I$SetStt * rts ** *L03B6 tfr x,d * exg a,b * lsrb * lsrb * lsrb * lsrb * lsrb * pshs b * ldu #$FFA8 * lda b,u * incb * andb #$07 * ldb b,u * tfr d,u * puls a * rts * Restore original MMU block numbers L0388 orcc #IntMasks Shut off interrupts lda <u0042 get MMU Block # sta >$FFA9 Restore original block 0 onto MMU ldx <u0043 ldd >L0104,pc Origanl 3rd block of MMU std 1,x stb >$FFAA Restore original block 1 onto MMU ldd >L0102,pc Original 2nd block of MMU std -1,x stb >$FFA9 Restore block 0 again andcc #^IntMasks Turn interrupts back on * return monitor type to original value clra ldb >L0119,pc Get original monitor type andb #$03 Force to only legit values tfr d,x Move to proper register lda #StdOut set path $01 ldb #SS.Montr Restore original monitor type os9 I$SetStt make the call rts * twiddles address * called with value to be twiddled in X * returns block # in a * ????? in u L03B6 tfr x,d Move address to D exg a,b Swap MSB/LSB lsrb Divide MSB by 32 (calculate 8k block # in proc map) lsrb lsrb lsrb lsrb pshs b Save block # in process map ldu #$FFA8 Point to start of user DAT image lda b,u incb andb #$07 ldb b,u tfr d,u puls a rts ************************************************************* * Called from within sub at L0229 * entry: * x -> is loaded with the address of the name string to load * u -> contains some arbitrary value * L03D0 leas -$08,s Make a little scratch on the stack stu ,s pointer to our buffer * Loads one or more modules from a file but does not map the module * into user's address space F$NMLoad * entry: * a -> type/language byte * x -> address of the path list * with out path list default path is current execution dir * * exit: * a -> type/language * b -> module revision * x -> address of the last byte in the pathlist + 1 * y -> storageb requirements of the module * * error: * b -> error code if any * cc -> carry set on error stx $02,s pointer module name lda #Prgrm+Objct $11 module type os9 F$NMLoad Load it but don't map it in bcs L0408 exit on error * Links to a memory module that has the specified name, language and type * entry: * a -> type/language byte * x -> address of the module name * * exit: * a -> type/language * b -> attributes/module revision * x -> address of the last byte in the modulename + 1 * y -> module entry point absolute address * u -> module header abosolute address * * error: * cc -> set on error ldx $02,s get our name string again os9 F$Link link it bcs L0408 exit on error stu $06,s store module header address tfr u,x L03E8 stx $04,s lbsr L03B6 Go twiddle with address` ldx ,s leax a,x exg d,u sta ,x exg d,u cmpa #$06 beq L0403 ldx $04,s leax >$2000,x bra L03E8 L0403 ldu $06,s os9 F$UnLink L0408 leas $08,s rts L040B os9 F$UnLoad Unlink a module by name bcc L040B clrb rts L0412 fcc '/VI' L0415 fcb C$CR L0416 fdb $0000 address of the device table entry L0418 fcb $00 path number to device ************************************************************** * * subroutine entry is L0419 * sets up Sig Intercept * verifies /VI device is loaded links to it * and allocates ram for it * called from dispatch table around L0120 * Set signal intercept trap * entry: * x -> address of intercept routine * u -> starting adress of routines memory area * exit: * Signals sent to the process cause the intercept to be * called instead of the process being killed L0419 ldu #$0000 start of Sierra memory area ldx #int5EE Intercept rourtine copied to mem area os9 F$Icpt install the trap * Attach to the vrt memory descriptor * Attaches and verifies loaded the VI descriptor * entry: * a -> access mode * 0 = use any special device capabilities * 1 = read only * 2 = write only * 3 = update (read and write) * x -> address of device name string * * exit: * x -> updated past device name * u -> address of device table entry * * error: * b -> error code (if any) * cc -> carry set on error lda #$01 attach for read leax >L0412+1,pcr skip the slash Load VI only os9 I$Attach make the call bcs L0451 didn't work exit stu >L0416,pcr did work save address * Open a path to the device /VI * entry: * a -> access mode (D S PE PW PR E W R) * x -> address of the path list * * exit: * a -> path number * x -> address of the last byte if the pathlist + 1 * * error: * b -> error code(if any) * cc -> carry set on error * * a still contains $01 read leax >L0412,pcr load with device name including / os9 I$Open make the call bcs L0451 didn't work exit sta >L0418,pcr did work save path # * Allocate process+path RAM blocks ldb #SS.ARAM $CA function code for VIRQ ldx #$000D os9 I$SetStt make the call bcs L0451 pshs x * Set process+path VIRQ KQ3 ldb #SS.KSet $C8 function code for VIRQ os9 I$SetStt puls b,a L0451 rts * Signal Intercept processing gets copied to int5EE mem slot L0452 cmpb #$80 b gets the signal code if not $80 ignore bne L0464 $80 is user defined tfr u,d tfr a,dp dec <u004A bne L0464 bsr L0465 lda #$03 sta <u004A L0464 rti L0465 inc >u024C,u bne L047B inc >u024B,u bne L047B inc >u024A,u bne L047B inc >u0249,u L047B tst >u0102,u bne L04BC inc <u003F bne L0487 inc <u003E L0487 ldd <u0048 addd #$0001 std <u0048 cmpd #$0014 bcs L04BC subd #$0014 std <u0048 ldd #$003C leax >u043D,u inc ,x cmpb ,x bhi L04BC sta ,x+ inc ,x cmpb ,x bhi L04BC sta ,x+ inc ,x ldb #$18 cmpb ,x bhi L04BC sta ,x+ inc ,x L04BC rts * deallocates the VIRQ device L04BD lda >L0418,pcr load path number to /VI device beq L04D0 no path open check for device table addr ldb #SS.KClr $C9 Clear KQ3 VIRQ os9 I$SetStt make the call ldb #SS.DRAM $CB deallocate the ram os9 I$SetStt make the call os9 I$Close close the path to /VI L04D0 ldu >L0416,pcr load device table address for VI beq L04D9 don't have one leave now os9 I$Detach else detach it L04D9 rts * Twiddles with MMU blocks for us * This sub gets copied into $0659 and executed there from this and * the other modules this one loads (sub659) * * s and x loaded by calling routine L04DA ldd ,s++ load d with current stack pointer and bump it * from mnln we come in with $4040 std <u002A save the calling stack pointer in u002A orcc #IntMasks mask the interrupts lda <u0042 sta ,x x is loaded with value from u0028 in mnln sta >$FFA9 task 1 block 2 x2000 - x3FFF ldu <u0043 lda $06,x sta u000C,u sta >$FFAF task 1 block 8 xE000 - xFFFF lda $05,x sta u000A,u sta >$FFAE task 1 block 7 xC000 - xDFFF lda $04,x sta u0008,u sta >$FFAD task 1 block 6 xA000 - xBFFF lda $03,x sta u0006,u sta >$FFAC task 1 block 5 x8000 - x9FFF lda $02,x sta u0004,u sta >$FFAB task 1 block 4 x6000 - x7FFF andcc #^IntMasks unmask interrupts lda $07,x ldu <u002E adda u000A,u jsr a,u orcc #IntMasks lda <u0042 sta >$FFA9 ldu <u0043 lda <u0010 sta u000C,u sta >$FFAF lda <u000F sta u000A,u sta >$FFAE lda <u000E sta u0008,u sta >$FFAD lda <u000D sta u0006,u sta >$FFAC lda <u000B sta u0002,u sta >$FFAA lda <u000A sta ,u sta >$FFA9 andcc #^IntMasks jmp [>$002A] L054F fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ........ L0557 fcb $73,$69,$65,$72,$72,$61,$00 sierra. emod eom equ * end