view level1/modules/scdwv.asm @ 3255:d0e8324af298

level3: nitro module: Use KrnBlk instead of hardcoded $3F Helps porting to non-CoCo3 platforms.
author Tormod Volden <>
date Wed, 29 Aug 2018 08:44:37 +0200 (2018-08-29)
parents 05b648103e78
line wrap: on
line source
* scdwv - DriveWire Virtual Channel Driver
* $Id$
* How this wildcard /N stuff works:
* A process interested in obtaining a path to a network device
* can open any /Nx descriptor but it may be in use by another process.
* The safest way to obtain a new network device is to open the wildcard
* descriptor /N. This works similarly to the way /W works in the CoCo 3
* VTIO driver.
* When /N is open, the INIT routine is called but most of it is bypassed
* because it detects the wildcard device (which has an address of $FFFF). 
* The SS.Open I$SetStat entry point is called. That routine also detects
* the wildcard is used, so the hunt is on for the next available /Nx
* descriptor (it does this by checking the DW static storage for each /Nx
* in the DW static storage page).  If it finds a free page, it notes the
* offset as a number, then builds a descriptor name (ex: /N4) and then
* F$Links to it.  It then takes the descriptor module address and sticks it
* in the device table entry for /N.  It also takes the V.PORT address and sticks
* it in the static storage memory allocated for /N.
* Afer that, SS.Open does something really sneaky: it branches into the
* Init routine which detects via the static storage that this is not a /N 
* descriptor but a /N4 descriptor.  Init then sends the SERINIT and initializes
* the DW static storage for /N4.  Control is returned to the SS.Open code which
* then advertises the SS.Open to the server.
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      2009/11/30  Aaron Wolfe
* Started
*          2009/12/28  Boisy G. Pitre
* Modified so that F$STime is called if we get an error on calling
* F$VIRQ (which means the clock module has not be initialized)
*          2009/12/31  Boisy G. Pitre
* Fixed crash in Init where F$Link failure would not clean up stack
*          2010/01/03  Boisy G. Pitre
* Moved IRQ stuff into DW3 subroutine module
*   2      2010/01/23  Boisy G. Pitre
* Added code in SS.Open to use /N wildcard device (tricky stuff!)
*		   2010/05/28  Aaron Wolfe	  
* Added FASTSERWRITE support
               nam       scdwv
               ttl       DriveWire Network Driver

               use       defsfile
               use       drivewire.d

tylg           set       Drivr+Objct
atrv           set       ReEnt+Rev
rev            set       $00
edition        set       2

* Note: driver memory defined in dwdefs.d
               mod       eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,SCFDrvMemSz

* module info         	
               fcb       UPDAT.+SHARE.       ;driver access modes
name           fcs       /scdwv/             ;driver name
               fcb       edition             ;driver edition 

* dispatch calls            
start          equ       *
               lbra      Init
               lbra      Read
               lbra      Write
               lbra      GetStat
               lbra      SetStat

* Term
* shut down the driver.
* should close only the correct port, tell server to close the port,
* and remove irq handler when no ports are left 
* Entry:
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code   
Term           equ       *
               lda       <V.PORT+1,u         get our port #
               bmi       termbye			if this is wildcard, skip TERM
               pshs      a                   port # on stack
* clear statics table entry
               ifgt      Level-1
               ldx       <D.DWStat
               ldx       >D.DWStat
               beq       tell
* cheat: we know DW.StatTbl is at offset $00 from D.DWStat, do not bother with leax
*	           leax      DW.StatTbl,x
               clr       a,x                 clear out

* tell server
               lda       #OP_SERTERM         load command
               pshs      a                   command store on stack
               leax      ,s                  point X to stack 
               ldy       #2                  2 bytes to send 

               pshs      u

               ifgt      Level-1
               ldu       <D.DWSubAddr
               ldu       >D.DWSubAddr
               beq       nosub
               jsr       6,u                 call DWrite

               puls      u
               leas      2,s                 clean 3 DWsub args from stack 
termbye        clrb      

* Init
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of device descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code

Init           equ       *

; link to subroutine module
; has the link already been done?
               ifgt      Level-1
               ldx       <D.DWSubAddr
               ldx       >D.DWSubAddr
               bne       already             ; if so, do not bother

               pshs      u                   ; preserve u since os9 link is coming up

               ifgt      Level-1
               ldx       <D.Proc
               pshs      x
               ldx       <D.SysPrc
               stx       <D.Proc

               leax      dwioname,pcr
               os9       F$Link
               ifgt      Level-1
               puls      x
               stx       <D.Proc
               bcs       InitEx2
               ifgt      Level-1
               sty       <D.DWSubAddr
               sty       >D.DWSubAddr
               jsr       ,y                  ; call DW init routine

               puls      u                   ; restore u

; tell DW we have a new port opening (port mode already on stack)
               ldb       <V.PORT+1,u         ; get our port #	
* if /N wildcard, skip advertising via SERINIT
               bmi       initEx
               lda       #OP_SERINIT         ; command 
               pshs      d                   ; command + port # on stack
               leax      ,s                  ; point X to stack 
               ldy       #2                  ; # of bytes to send

               pshs      u
               ifgt      Level-1
               ldu       <D.DWSubAddr
               ldu       >D.DWSubAddr
               jsr       6,u                 ; call DWrite
               puls      u

; set up local buffer
               ldb       #RxBufDSz           ; default Rx buffer size
               leax      RxBuff,u            ; default Rx buffer address
               stb       RxBufSiz,u          ; save Rx buffer size
               stx       RxBufPtr,u          ; save Rx buffer address
               stx       RxBufGet,u          ; set initial Rx buffer input address
               stx       RxBufPut,u          ; set initial Rx buffer output address
               abx                           ; add buffer size to buffer start..
               stx       RxBufEnd,u          ; save Rx buffer end address

               tfr       u,d                 ; (A = high page of statics)
               puls      b
               puls      b                   ; (B = port number)
               ifgt      Level-1
               ldx       <D.DWStat
               ldx       >D.DWStat
; cheat: we know DW.StatTbl is at offset $00 from D.DWStat, do not bother with leax
;		leax      DW.StatTbl,x
               sta       b,x
InitEx         equ       *
               puls      u

; drivewire info
dwioname       fcs       /dwio/

* Write
* Entry:
*    A  = character to write
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
Write          equ       *
               pshs      a                   ; character to send on stack
               lda       <V.PORT+1,u         ; port number into a
               adda      #128    ; add base of command into A
               pshs      a
               leax      ,s
               ldy       #$0002              ; 3 bytes to send.. ugh.  need WRITEM (data mode)
               ifgt      Level-1
               ldu       <D.DWSubAddr
               ldu       >D.DWSubAddr
               jsr       6,u
WriteOK        clrb      
WriteExit      puls      x,pc              ; clean stack, return

NotReady       comb      
               ldb       #E$NotRdy

* Read
* Entry:
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    A  = character read
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code
Read           equ       *
* Check to see if there is a signal-on-data-ready set for this path.
* If so, we return a Not Ready error.
               lda       <SSigID,u           data ready signal trap set up?
               bne       NotReady            yes, exit with not ready error
               pshs      cc,dp               ; save IRQ/Carry status, system DP

ReadChr        orcc      #IntMasks           ; mask interrupts

               lda       RxDatLen,u          ; get our Rx buffer count
               beq       ReadSlp             ; no data, go sleep while waiting for new Rx data...

          ; we have data waiting
               deca                          ; one less byte in buffer
               sta       RxDatLen,u          ; save new Rx data count

               ldx       RxBufGet,u          ; current Rx buffer pickup position
               lda       ,x+                 ; get Rx character, set up next pickup position

               cmpx      RxBufEnd,u          ; end of Rx buffer?
               blo       ReadChr1            ; no, keep pickup pointer
               ldx       RxBufPtr,u          ; get Rx buffer start address
ReadChr1       stx       RxBufGet,u          ; set new Rx data pickup pointer

          ; return to caller
               puls      cc,dp,pc            ; recover IRQ/Carry status, system DP, return with character in A

ReadSlp        equ       *

               ifeq      Level-1
ReadSlp2       lda       <V.BUSY,u
               sta       <V.WAKE,u           ; store process id in this port's entry in the waiter table
               lbsr      Sleep0              ; sleep level 1 style
ReadSlp2       lda       >D.Proc             ; process descriptor address MSB
               sta       <V.WAKE,u           ; save MSB in V.WAKE
               tfr       d,x                 ; process descriptor address
               ifne      H6309
               oim       #Suspend,P$State,x  ; suspend
               ldb       P$State,x
               orb       #Suspend
               stb       P$State,x           ; suspend
               bsr       Sleep1              ; sleep level 2 style

          ; we have been awakened..

          ; check for signals
               ldx       >D.Proc             ; process descriptor address
               ldb       P$Signal,x          ; pending signal for this process?
               beq       ChkState            ; no, go check process state...
               cmpb      #S$HUP              ; (S$HUP or lower)
               bls       ErrExit             ; yes, go do it...

ChkState       equ       *
          ; have we been condemned to die?
               ifne      H6309
               tim       #Condem,P$State,x
               ldb       P$State,x
               bitb      #Condem
               bne       PrAbtErr            ; yes, go do it...

          ; check that our waiter byte was cleared by ISR instance
               tst       <V.WAKE,u           ; our waiter byte
               beq       ReadChr             ; 0 = its our turn, go get a character 
               bra       ReadSlp             ; false alarm, go back to sleep

PrAbtErr       ldb       #E$PrcAbt           ; set error code

ErrExit        equ       *
               ifne      H6309
               oim       #Carry,,s           ; set carry
               lda       ,s
               ora       #Carry
               sta       ,s
               puls      cc,dp,pc            ; restore CC, system DP, return

               ifeq      Level-1
Sleep0         ldx       #$0                 ; sleep till ISR wakes us
               bra       TimedSlp

Sleep1         ldx       #$1                 ; just sleep till end of slice, we are suspended (level 2)             
TimedSlp       andcc     #^Intmasks          ; enable IRQs
               os9       F$Sleep
               clr       <V.WAKE,u
               rts                           ; return

* GetStat - heavily borrowed from sc6551
* Entry:
*    A  = function code
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code 
               clrb                          ; default to no error...
               pshs      cc,dp               ; save IRQ/Carry status,system DP

               ldx       PD.RGS,y            ; caller's register stack pointer
               cmpa      #SS.EOF
               beq       GSExitOK            ; SCF devices never return EOF

               cmpa      #SS.Ready
               bne       Advertise           ; next check

        	; SS.Ready
               lda       RxDatLen,u          ; get Rx data length
               beq       NRdyErr             ; none, go report error
               sta       R$B,x               ; set Rx data available in caller's [B]
GSExitOK       puls      cc,dp,pc            ; restore Carry status, system DP, return         

NRdyErr        ldb       #E$NotRdy
               bra       ErrExit             ; return error code 

UnSvcErr       ldb       #E$UnkSvc
               bra       ErrExit             ; return error code			

; We advertise all of our SERGETSTAT calls (except SS.Ready) to the server
               ldb       #OP_SERGETSTAT
               bsr       SendStat

; Note: Here we could somehow obtain the size of the terminal window from the server
GetScSiz       cmpa      #SS.ScSiz
               bne       GetComSt            ; next check
               ldu       PD.DEV,y
               ldu       V$DESC,u            ; device descriptor
               ldb       IT.COL,u            ; return screen size
               std       R$X,x
               ldb       IT.ROW,u
               std       R$Y,x
               puls      cc,dp,pc            ; restore Carry status, system DP, return

GetComSt       cmpa      #SS.ComSt
               bne       GetKySns            ; no, we have no more answers, report error
               ldd       #$0000              ; not used, return $0000
               std       R$Y,x
               sta       R$B,x
               puls      cc,dp,pc            ; restore Carry status, system DP, return			

               cmpa      #SS.KySns
               bne       GetSSMntr           ; no, we have no more answers, report error
* Get key sense byte from server and return to caller
               pshs      a,x,u
               leax      ,s
               ldy       #$001
               ifgt      Level-1
               ldu       <D.DWSubAddr
               ldu       >D.DWSubAddr
               jsr       DW$Read,u
               puls      a,x,u
               sta       R$A,x
               puls      cc,dp,pc            ; restore Carry status, system DP, return			

GetSSMntr      cmpa      #SS.Montr
               bne       UnSvcErr            ; no, we have no more answers, report error
               ldd       #$0001
               std       R$X,x
               puls      cc,dp,pc            ; restore Carry status, system DP, return			

* Advertise Stat Code to server
* A = Function Code
; advertise our GetStt code to the server
               pshs      a,y,x,u
               leas      -3,s
               leax      ,s
               stb       ,x
               sta       2,x
               ldb       V.PORT+1,u
               stb       1,x
               ldy       #$0003
               ifgt      LEVEL-1
               ldu       <D.DWSubAddr
               ldu       >D.DWSubAddr
               jsr       DW$Write,u
               leas      3,s
               puls      a,y,x,u,pc

* SetStat
* Entry:
*    A  = function code
*    Y  = address of path descriptor
*    U  = address of device memory area
* Exit:
*    CC = carry set on error
*    B  = error code 
               cmpa      #SS.Open
               bne       isitcomst
               bsr       open
               bcs       ssbye
               ldd       #SS.Open*256+OP_SERSETSTAT
               bra       SendStat
               ldb       #OP_SERSETSTAT
               bsr       SendStat
               cmpa      #SS.ComSt
               beq       comst
               cmpa      #SS.Close
               beq       ex
               cmpa      #SS.SSig
               beq       ssig
               cmpa      #SS.Montr
               beq       ex
               cmpa      #SS.Relea
               bne       donebad
relea          lda       PD.CPR,y            get curr proc #
               cmpa      <SSigID,u           same?
               bne       ex
               clr       <SSigID,u           clear process id
ex             rts       
ssig           pshs      cc
               orcc      #IntMasks
               lda       PD.CPR,y            ; get curr proc #
               ldx       PD.RGS,y
               ldb       R$X+1,x             ; get user signal code
               tst       RxDatLen,u          ; get Rx data length
               beq       ssigsetup           ; branch if no data in buffer
* if here, we have data so send signal immediately
               os9       F$Send
               puls      cc,pc
ssigsetup      std       <SSigID,u           ; save process ID & signal
               puls      cc,pc

donebad        comb      
               ldb       #E$UnkSvc

comst          leax      PD.OPT,y
               ldy       #OPTCNT
               ifgt      LEVEL-1
               ldu       <D.DWSubAddr
               ldu       >D.DWSubAddr
               jsr       DW$Write,u
ssbye          rts       

* SS.Open processor
* Entry: X=Register stack pointer
*        U=Static memory pointer
*        Y=Path descriptor pointer
open           tst       <V.PORT+1,u         check if this is $FFFF (wildcard)
               bpl       ssbye               if not, we have nothing to do
               pshs      u,y                 preserve registers
               ldx       PD.DEV,y            get pointer to device table entry
               ldx       V$DESC,x            get pointer to /N descriptor
               pshs      x                   save device descriptor pointer
* start at /N1
               ldb       #1
L0B58          equ       *
               ifgt      Level-1
               ldx       <D.DWStat
               ldx       >D.DWStat
; cheat: we know DW.StatTbl is at offset $00 from D.DWStat, do not bother with leax
;		leax      DW.StatTbl,x
next           cmpb      #DW.StatCnt
               bge       opexer
               tst       b,x
               beq       found
               bra       next
opexer         comb                          set carry
               ldb       #E$MNF              get module not found error
               puls      x,y,u,pc            purge stack and return

* Found a free spot
found          pshs      b                   save # of free entry
               leas      -5,s
               leay      ,s
               ldb       #'N                 get netdev name prefix
               stb       ,y+                 put it in buffer
               ldb       5,s                 get netdev # that was free
* Convert netdev # in B to ASCII eqivalent with high bit set

               ifne      H6309
               divd      #10                 divide it by 10
               lda       #-1
L0B87b         inca      
               subb      #10
               bcc       L0B87b
               addb      #10
               exg       a,b
               cmpb      #0
               beq       L0B87               if answer is 0 there is only 1 digit, skip ahead 
               orb       #$30                make first digit ASCII
               stb       ,y+                 put it in buffer
L0B87          ora       #$B0                make remainder ASCII with high bit set
               sta       ,y+                 put it in buffer
L0B92          leas      -2,s                make a buffer for process decriptor pointer
               ifgt      Level-1
               lbsr      L0238               switch to system process descriptor
               leax      2,s                 Point to calculated dsc. name
               lda       #Devic+Objct        get module type
               os9       F$Link              try & link it
               ifgt      Level-1
               lbsr      L0244               switch back to current process
               leas      7,s                 purge stack
               bcc       L0BAB               it's linked, skip ahead
L0BA7          puls      b                   get original number
               bra       L0B58               go find another free space

               ifgt      Level-1
* Switch to system process descriptor
L0238          pshs      d                   Preserve D
               ldd       <D.Proc             Get current process dsc. ptr
               std       4,s                 Preserve on stack
               ldd       <D.SysPrc           Get system process dsc. ptr
               std       <D.Proc             Make it the current process
               puls      d,pc                Restore D & return

* Switch back to current process
L0244          pshs      d                   Preserve D
               ldd       4,s                 Get current process ptr
               std       <D.Proc             Make it the current process
               puls      d,pc                Restore D & return

* Got a device descriptor, put into device table & save netdev # into static
               lda       M$PORT+2,u          get MSB of port byte of newly linked /N? descriptor
               ldy       3,s                 get path descriptor pointer
               ldx       PD.DEV,y            get pointer to device table
               stu       V$DESC,x            save pointer to descriptor into it
               ldu       1,s                 get pointer to /N descriptor
               os9       F$UnLink            unlink it from system map
               ldu       5,s                 get static mem pointer
               sta       V.PORT+1,u
               leas      7,s                 purge stack
* Load Y with address of descriptor and U with address of memory area
               ldy       V$DESC,x
               pshs      x,y,u
               lbsr      Init                call Init to setup dw statics
               puls      x,y,u,pc

eom            equ       *