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view level2/modules/kernel/fsleep.asm @ 2738:d25fd78e727a
Updated rules.mak to correct for non booting dw3 and becker disk images.
author | drencor-xeen |
date | Thu, 03 Jan 2013 22:47:46 -0600 |
parents | 1aae5bde55a0 |
children | 039ddb7c8ad7 |
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************************************************** * System Call: F$Sleep * * Function: Put the calling process to sleep * * Input: X = Sleep time in ticks (0 = forever) * * Output: X = Decremented by the number of ticks that the process slept * * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code * FSleep pshs cc preserve interupt status ldx <D.Proc Get current process pointer * F$Sleep bug fix. Check if we're in system state. If so return because you * should never sleep in system state. cmpx <D.SysPrc is it system process? beq SkpSleep skip sleep call orcc #IntMasks disable interupts lda P$Signal,x get pending signal beq L0722 none there, skip ahead deca wakeup signal? bne L0715 no, skip ahead sta P$Signal,x clear pending signal so we can wake up process L0715 IFNE H6309 aim #^Suspend,P$State,x ELSE lda P$State,x anda #^Suspend sta P$State,x ENDC L071B puls cc os9 F$AProc activate the process bra L0780 L0722 ldd R$X,u get callers X (contains sleep tick count) beq L076D done, wake it up IFNE H6309 decd subtract 1 from tick count ELSE subd #$0001 ENDC std R$X,u save it back beq L071B zero, wake up process pshs x,y ldx #(D.SProcQ-P$Queue) L0732 std R$X,u stx 2,s ldx P$Queue,x beq L074F IFNE H6309 tim #TimSleep,P$State,x ELSE lda P$State,x bita #TimSleep ENDC beq L074F ldy P$SP,x get process stack pointer ldd R$X,u subd R$X,y bcc L0732 IFNE H6309 negd ELSE nega negb sbca #0 ENDC std R$X,y L074F puls y,x IFNE H6309 oim #TimSleep,P$State,x ELSE lda P$State,x ora #TimSleep sta P$State,x ENDC ldd P$Queue,y stx P$Queue,y std P$Queue,x ldx R$X,u bsr L0780 stx R$X,u ldx <D.Proc IFNE H6309 aim #^TimSleep,P$State,x ELSE lda P$State,x anda #^TimSleep sta P$State,x ENDC SkpSleep puls cc,pc L076D ldx #D.SProcQ-P$Queue L0770 leay ,x ldx P$Queue,x bne L0770 ldx <D.Proc clra clrb stx P$Queue,y std P$Queue,x puls cc L0780 pshs dp,x,y,u,pc L0782 leax <L079C,pc stx 7,s ldx <D.Proc ldb P$Task,x This is related to the 'one-byte hack' cmpb <D.SysTsk that stops OS9p1 from doing an F$AllTsk on beq L0792 _every_ system call. os9 F$DelTsk L0792 ldd P$SP,x IFNE H6309 pshsw ENDC pshs cc,d sts P$SP,x os9 F$NProc L079C pshs x ldx <D.Proc std P$SP,x clrb puls x,pc