view level1/modules/ioman.asm @ 2183:d29be35a48bb

makefiles updated, opcode for printing updated
author boisy
date Sun, 08 Mar 2009 22:28:45 +0000
parents 6cd590fc076f
children f91dc5c378f6
line wrap: on
line source

* IOMan - OS-9 Level One V2 I/O Manager module
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*  11      ????/??/??
* From Tandy OS-9 Level One VR 02.00.00
*  12      2002/05/11  Boisy G. Pitre
* I/O Queue sort bug and I$Attach static storage premature deallocation
* bug fixed.

         nam   IOMan
         ttl   OS-9 Level One V2 I/O Manager module

         use   defsfile
         use   scfdefs

tylg     set   Systm+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
* edition 11 = Stock OS-9 Level One Vr. 2.00 IOMan
* edition 12 = IO Queue sort bug fixed, IAttach bug fixed
edition  equ   12

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,IOManEnt,size

size     equ   .

name     fcs   /IOMan/
         fcb   edition

* IOMan is called from OS9p2
IOManEnt equ   *
* allocate device and polling tables
         ldx   <D.Init			get pointer to init module
         lda   PollCnt,x		grab number of polling entries
         ldb   #POLSIZ			and size per entry
         mul				D = size of all entries in bytes
         pshs  b,a			save off
         lda   DevCnt,x			get device table count in init mod
         ldb   #DEVSIZ			get size per dev table entry
         mul				D = size of all entires in bytes
         pshs  b,a			save off
         addd  2,s			add devsize to polsiz
         addd  #$0018			add in ???
         addd  #$00FF			bring up to next page
         os9   F$SRqMem			ask for the memory
         bcs   Crash			crash if we can't get it
* clear allocated mem
         leax  ,u			point to dev table
L0033    clr   ,x+
         subd  #$0001
         bhi   L0033
         stu   <D.PolTbl		U = pointer to polling table
         ldd   ,s++			get dev table size
         leax  d,u			point X past polling table to dev table
         stx   <D.DevTbl		save off X to system vars
         addd  ,s++			grab poll table size
         leax  d,u
         stx   <D.CLTB
         ldx   <D.PthDBT
         os9   F$All64
         bcs   Crash
         stx   <D.PthDBT
         os9   F$Ret64
         leax  >DPoll,pcr		get address of IRQ poll routine
         stx   <D.Poll			save in statics
* install I/O system calls
         leay  <IOCalls,pcr		point to I/O calls
         os9   F$SSvc			install them
         rts				return to OS9p2

Crash    jmp   [>$FFFE]

IOCalls  fcb   $7F
         fdb   UsrIO-*-2

         fcb   F$Load
         fdb   FLoad-*-2

         fcb   F$PErr
         fdb   FPErr-*-2

         fcb   F$IOQu+$80
         fdb   FIOQu-*-2

         fcb   $FF
         fdb   SysIO-*-2

         fcb   F$IRQ+$80
         fdb   FIRQ-*-2

         fcb   F$IODel+$80
         fdb   FIODel-*-2

         fcb   $80

FIODel   ldx   R$X,u
         ldu   <D.Init
         ldb   DevCnt,u                get device count
         ldu   <D.DevTbl
L0083    ldy   V$DESC,u
         beq   L0094
         cmpx  V$DESC,u
         beq   L009B
         cmpx  V$DRIV,u
         beq   L009B
         cmpx  V$FMGR,u
         beq   L009B
L0094    leau  DEVSIZ,u
         bne   L0083
L009B    comb
         ldb   #E$ModBsy

UsrIODis fdb   IAttach-UsrIODis
         fdb   IDetach-UsrIODis
         fdb   IDup-UsrIODis
         fdb   IUsrCall-UsrIODis
         fdb   IUsrCall-UsrIODis
         fdb   IMakDir-UsrIODis
         fdb   IChgDir-UsrIODis
         fdb   IDelete-UsrIODis
         fdb   UISeek-UsrIODis
         fdb   UIRead-UsrIODis
         fdb   UIWrite-UsrIODis
         fdb   UIRead-UsrIODis
         fdb   UIWrite-UsrIODis
         fdb   UIGetStt-UsrIODis
         fdb   UISeek-UsrIODis
         fdb   UIClose-UsrIODis
         fdb   IDeletX-UsrIODis

SysIODis fdb   IAttach-SysIODis
         fdb   IDetach-SysIODis
         fdb   SIDup-SysIODis
         fdb   ISysCall-SysIODis
         fdb   ISysCall-SysIODis
         fdb   IMakDir-SysIODis
         fdb   IChgDir-SysIODis
         fdb   IDelete-SysIODis
         fdb   SISeek-SysIODis
         fdb   SIRead-SysIODis
         fdb   SIWrite-SysIODis
         fdb   SIRead-SysIODis
         fdb   SIWrite-SysIODis
         fdb   SIGetStt-SysIODis
         fdb   SISeek-SysIODis
         fdb   SIClose-SysIODis
         fdb   IDeletX-SysIODis

* Entry to User and System I/O dispatch table
* B = I/O system call code
UsrIO    leax  <UsrIODis,pcr
         bra   IODsptch
SysIO    leax  <SysIODis,pcr
IODsptch cmpb  #I$DeletX		compare with last I/O call
         bhi   L00FA			branch if greater
         pshs  b
         lslb				multiply by 2
         ldd   b,x			offset
         leax  d,x			get address of routine
         puls  b
         jmp   ,x			jump to it!
L00FA    comb				we get here if illegal I/O code
         ldb   #E$UnkSvc

IAttach  ldb   #$11
L0100    clr   ,-s
         bpl   L0100
         stu   <$10,s                  caller regs
         lda   R$A,u
         sta   $09,s                   device mode
         ldx   R$X,u
         lda   #Devic+0
         os9   F$Link                  link to device desc.
         bcs   L0139
         stu   $04,s                   address of mod hdr
         ldy   <$10,s                  get caller regs
         stx   R$X,y                   save updated ptr
         ldd   M$Port+1,u              get port addr
         std   $0C,s                   save on stack
         ldd   M$PDev,u                get driver name
         leax  d,u                     point X to driver name
         lda   #Drivr+0
         os9   F$Link                  link to driver
         bcs   L0139
         stu   ,s                      save driver addr on stack
         ldu   $04,s                   get addr of dev desc.
         ldd   M$FMgr,u                get file mgr name
         leax  d,u                     point X to fmgr name
         lda   #FlMgr+0
         os9   F$Link                  link to fmgr
L0139    bcc   L0149
* error on attach, so detach
L013B    stb   <$11,s                  save fmgr addr on stack
         leau  ,s                      point U to S
         os9   I$Detach
         leas  <$11,s                  clean up stack
         puls  pc,b                    return to caller
L0149    stu   $06,s                   save fmgr addr
         ldx   <D.Init
         ldb   DevCnt,x
         lda   DevCnt,x
         ldu   D.DevTbl
L0153    ldx   V$DESC,u                get desc addr
         beq   L0188
         cmpx  $04,s                   same?
         bne   L016E                   branch if not
         ldx   V$STAT,u                get stat
         bne   L016C                   branch if zero
         pshs  a
         lda   V$USRS,u                get user count
         beq   L0168
         os9   F$IOQu
L0168    puls  a
         bra   L0153
L016C    stu   $0E,s                   save dev entry on stack
L016E    ldx   V$DESC,u                get dev desc ptr
         ldy   M$Port+1,x
         cmpy  $0C,s                   compare to port addr on stack
         bne   L0188
         ldx   V$DRIV,u
         cmpx  ,s                      compare to driver addr on stack
         bne   L0188
         ldx   V$STAT,u                get static
         stx   $02,s                   save static on stack
         tst   V$USRS,u                test user count
         beq   L0188                   branch if zero
         sta   $0A,s                   store on stack
L0188    leau  DEVSIZ,u                go to next entry
         decb                          decrement count
         bne   L0153                   go back to loop if not zero
         ldu   $0E,s                   get dev entry off stack
         lbne  L01E6
         ldu   D.DevTbl
L0195    ldx   V$DESC,u                get dev desc ptr
         beq   L01A6                   branch if zero
         leau  DEVSIZ,u
         bne   L0195                   continue loop
         ldb   #E$DevOvf               device table overflow
         bra   L013B
L01A2    ldb   #E$BMode                bad mode
         bra   L013B
L01A6    ldx   $02,s                   get static storage off stack
         lbne  L01DD
         stu   $0E,s                   save off dev entry on stack
         ldx   ,s                      get driver addr off stack
         ldd   M$Mem,x                 get memory requirement
         addd  #$00FF                  round up to next page
         os9   F$SRqMem
         lbcs  L013B
         stu   $02,s                   save off on stack
L01BF    clr   ,u+                     clear static mem
         subd  #$0001
         bhi   L01BF
         ldd   $0C,s                   get port addr off stack
         ldu   $02,s                   get static storage ptr
         clr   V.PAGE,u
         std   V.PORT,u                save addr
         ldy   $04,s                   get dev desc addr
         ldx   ,s                      get driver addr
         ldd   M$Exec,x                get driver exec
         jsr   d,x                     call Init routine
         lbcs  L013B
         ldu   $0E,s                   get dev entry
L01DD    ldb   #$08                    copy 8 bytes from stack to dev entry
L01DF    lda   b,s
         sta   b,u
         bpl   L01DF
L01E6    ldx   V$DESC,u                get dev desc
         ldb   M$Revs,x
         lda   $09,s                   get device mode off stack
         anda  M$Mode,x                AND mode with desc mode
         ldx   V$DRIV,u                get driver ptr
         anda  M$Mode,x                AND mode with driver mode
         cmpa  $09,s                   compare with passed mode
         lbne  L01A2                   branch if error
         inc   V$USRS,u                else inc user count of dev entry
         bne   L01FE                   branch if not overflow from 255->0
         dec   V$USRS,u                else dec
L01FE    ldx   <$10,s                  get caller regs
         stu   R$U,x
         leas  <$12,s                  restore stack

IDetach  ldu   R$U,u
         ldx   V$DESC,u
         IFEQ  edition-11
* Note:  the following lines constitute a bug that can, in certain
*        circumstances, wipe out a device's static storage out from
*        underneath it.
         ldb   V$USRS,u                get user count
         bne   L0218                   branch if not zero
         pshs  u,b
         ldu   V$STAT,u
         pshs  u
         bra   L0254
         tst   V$USRS,u
         beq   IDetach2
L0218    lda   #255
         cmpa  V$USRS,u                255 users?
         lbeq  L0283                   branch if so
         dec   V$USRS,u                else dec user count
         lbne  L0271                   branch if dec not 0
         ldx   <D.Init
         ldb   DevCnt,x
         pshs  u,b
         ldx   V$STAT,u
         clr   V$STAT,u
         clr   V$STAT+1,u
         ldy   <D.DevTbl
L0235    cmpx  V$STAT,y
         beq   L0267
         leay  DEVSIZ,y
         bne   L0235
         ldy   <D.Proc
         ldb   P$ID,y
         stb   V$USRS,u
         ldy   V$DESC,u
         ldu   V$DRIV,u
         exg   x,u                     X pts to driver, U pts to static
         ldd   M$Exec,x
         leax  d,x
         pshs  u
         jsr   $0F,x                   call term routine
L0254    puls  u
         ldx   1,s                     get U from stack (dev entry to detach)
         ldx   V$DRIV,x
         ldd   M$Mem,x                 get memory requirements
         addd  #$00FF                  round up to next page
         os9   F$SRtMem                return mem
         ldx   1,s                     get U from stack (dev entry to detach)
         ldx   V$DESC,x                get dev desc ptr
L0267    puls  u,b                     get U,B
         ldx   V$DESC,u
         clr   V$DESC,u
         clr   V$DESC+1,u
         clr   V$USRS,u
L0271    ldy   V$DRIV,u
         ldu   V$FMGR,u
         os9   F$UnLink                unlink file manager
         leau  ,y
         os9   F$UnLink                unlink driver
         leau  ,x
         os9   F$UnLink                unlink descriptor
L0283    lbsr  L04D9

* user state I$Dup
IDup     bsr   FindPath			look for a free path
         bcs   IDupRTS			branch if error
         pshs  x,a			else save of
         lda   R$A,u			get path to dup
         lda   a,x			point to path to dup
         bsr   L02A1
         bcs   L029D
         puls  x,b
         stb   R$A,u			save off new path to caller's A
         sta   b,x
L029D    puls  pc,x,a

* system state I$Dup
SIDup    lda   R$A,u
L02A1    lbsr  FindPDsc			find path descriptor
         bcs   IDupRTS			exit if error
         inc   PD.CNT,y			else increment path count
IDupRTS  rts

* Find next free path position in current proc
* Exit:	X = Ptr to proc's path table
*	A = Free path number (valid if carry clear)
FindPath ldx   <D.Proc			get ptr to current proc desc
         leax  <P$PATH,x		point X to proc's path table
         clra				start from 0
L02AF    tst   a,x			this path free?
         beq   L02BC			branch if so...
         inca				else try next path...
         cmpa  #NumPaths		are we at the end?
         bcs   L02AF			branch if not
         comb				else path table is full
         ldb   #E$PthFul
L02BC    andcc #^Carry

IUsrCall bsr   FindPath
         bcs   L02D1
         pshs  u,x,a
         bsr   ISysCall
         puls  u,x,a
         bcs   L02D1
         ldb   R$A,u
         stb   a,x
         sta   R$A,u
L02D1    rts

ISysCall pshs  b
         ldb   R$A,u
         bsr   L0349
         bcs   L02E6
         puls  b
         lbsr  CallFMgr
         bcs   L02F5
         lda   PD.PD,y
         sta   R$A,u
L02E6    puls  pc,a

* make directory
IMakDir  pshs  b
         ldb   #DIR.+WRITE.
L02EC    bsr   L0349
         bcs   L02E6
         puls  b
         lbsr  CallFMgr
L02F5    pshs  b,cc
         ldu   PD.DEV,y
         os9   I$Detach
         lda   PD.PD,y
         ldx   <D.PthDBT
         os9   F$Ret64
         puls  pc,b,cc

* change directory
IChgDir  pshs  b
         ldb   R$A,u
         orb   #DIR.
         bsr   L0349
         bcs   L02E6
         puls  b
         lbsr  CallFMgr
         bcs   L02F5
         ldu   <D.Proc
         ldb   PD.MOD,y
         bitb  #PWRIT.+PREAD.+UPDAT.
         beq   L0329
         ldx   PD.DEV,y
         stx   <P$DIO,u
         inc   V$USRS,x
         bne   L0329
         dec   V$USRS,x
L0329    bitb  #PEXEC.+EXEC.
         beq   L0338
         ldx   PD.DEV,y
         stx   <P$DIO+6,u
         inc   V$USRS,x
         bne   L0338
         dec   V$USRS,x
L0338    clrb
         bra   L02F5

IDelete  pshs  b
         ldb   #$02
         bra   L02EC

IDeletX  ldb   #$87
         pshs  b
         ldb   $01,u
         bra   L02EC

* create path descriptor and initialize
* Entry:
*   B  = path mode
L0349    pshs  u
         ldx   <D.PthDBT
         os9   F$All64
         bcs   L03A8
         inc   PD.CNT,y
         stb   PD.MOD,y
         ldx   R$X,u
L0358    lda   ,x+
         cmpa  #$20
         beq   L0358
         leax  -1,x
         stx   R$X,u
         ldb   PD.MOD,y
         cmpa  #PDELIM
         beq   L037E
         ldx   <D.Proc
         bitb  #PEXEC.+EXEC.
         beq   L0373
         ldx   <P$DIO+6,x
         bra   L0376
L0373    ldx   <P$DIO,x
L0376    beq   L03AA
         ldx   V$DESC,x
         ldd   M$Name,x
         leax  d,x
L037E    pshs  y
         os9   F$PrsNam
         puls  y
         bcs   L03AA
         lda   PD.MOD,y
         os9   I$Attach
         stu   PD.DEV,y
         bcs   L03AC
         ldx   V$DESC,u
         leax  <M$Opt,x
         ldb   ,x+
         leau  <PD.DTP,y
         cmpb  #$20
         bls   L03A4
         ldb   #$1F
L03A0    lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
L03A4    decb
         bpl   L03A0
L03A8    puls  pc,u
L03AA    ldb   #E$BPNam
L03AC    pshs  b
         lda   ,y
         ldx   <D.PthDBT
         os9   F$Ret64
         puls  b
         bra   L03A8
L03BA    lda   $01,u
         cmpa  #$10
         bcc   L03CB
         ldx   <D.Proc
         leax  <$26,x
         andcc #^Carry
         lda   a,x
         bne   L03CE
L03CB    comb
         ldb   #E$BPNum
L03CE    rts

UISeek   bsr   L03BA
         bcc   GetPDsc

SISeek   lda   R$A,u
GetPDsc  bsr   FindPDsc
         lbcc  CallFMgr

UIRead   bsr   L03BA
         bcc   L03E4

SIRead   lda   R$A,u
L03E4    pshs  b
         ldb   #$05
L03E8    bsr   FindPDsc
         bcs   L040B
         bitb  $01,y
         beq   L0409
         ldd   $06,u
         beq   L03F8
         addd  $04,u
         bcs   L03FD
L03F8    puls  b
         lbra  CallFMgr
L03FD    ldb   #$F4
         lda   ,s
         bita  #$02
         beq   L040B
         ldb   #$F5
         bra   L040B
L0409    ldb   #E$BMode
L040B    com   ,s+

UIWrite  bsr   L03BA
         bcc   L0415

SIWrite  lda   R$A,u
L0415    pshs  b
         ldb   #$02
         bra   L03E8

* Find path descriptor of path passed in A
* Entry:
*	A = path to find
* Exit:
*	Y  = addr of path desc (if no error)
FindPDsc pshs  x
         ldx   <D.PthDBT
         os9   F$Find64
         puls  x
         lbcs  L03CB
L0428    rts

UIGetStt lbsr  L03BA
         bcc   L0431

SIGetStt lda   R$A,u
L0431    pshs  b,a
         lda   R$B,u
         sta   1,s                     place in B on stack
         puls  a                       get A
         bsr   GetPDsc
         puls  a                       A holds func code
         pshs  b,cc
         ldb   <PD.DTP,y
         cmpb  #DT.NFM
         beq   L044D
         tsta                          test func code
         beq   GSOpt
         cmpa  #SS.DevNm
         beq   GSDevNm
L044D    puls  pc,b,cc
GSOpt    leax  <PD.DTP,y
L0452    ldy   R$X,u
         ldb   #32
L0457    lda   ,x+                     copy 32 bytes from X to Y
         sta   ,y+
         bne   L0457
         leas  2,s                     fix stack
* get device name
GSDevNm  ldx   PD.DEV,y
         ldx   V$DESC,x
         ldd   M$Name,x
         leax  d,x
         bra   L0452

UIClose  lbsr  L03BA
         bcs   L0428
         pshs  b
         ldb   R$A,u
         clr   b,x
         puls  b
         bra   L047D

SIClose  lda   R$A,u
L047D    bsr   FindPDsc
         bcs   L0428
         dec   PD.CNT,y
         tst   PD.CPR,y
         bne   L0489
         bsr   CallFMgr
L0489    tst   PD.CNT,y
         bne   L0428
         lbra  L02F5

L0490    os9   F$IOQu
         ldb   <P$Signal,x
         bne   L04A4
L0499    ldx   <D.Proc
         ldb   P$ID,x
         lda   PD.CPR,y
         bne   L0490
         stb   PD.CPR,y
L04A4    rts

* B = entry point into FMgr
* Y = path desc
CallFMgr pshs  u,y,x,b
         bsr   L0499
         bcs   L04C1
         stu   PD.RGS,y
         lda   <PD.DTP,y
         ldx   PD.DEV,y
         ldx   V$FMGR,x
         ldd   M$Exec,x
         leax  d,x
         ldb   ,s
         subb  #$83                    subtract offset from B
         lda   #$03                    size of one entry
         mul                           compute
         jsr   d,x                     branch into file manager
L04C1    pshs  b,cc
         bsr   L04D9
         ldy   $05,s                   get path desc off stack
         lda   <PD.DTP,y
         ldx   <D.Proc
         lda   P$ID,x
         cmpa  PD.CPR,y
         bne   L04D5
         clr   PD.CPR,y
L04D5    puls  b,cc
         puls  pc,u,y,x,a

L04D9    pshs  y,x
         ldy   <D.Proc
         lda   <P$IOQN,y
         beq   L04F3
         clr   <P$IOQN,y
         ldb   #S$Wake
         os9   F$Send
         ldx   <D.PrcDBT
         os9   F$Find64
         clr   <P$IOQP,y
L04F3    clrb
         puls  pc,y,x

* IRQ install routine
FIRQ     ldx   R$X,u
         ldb   ,x                      B = flip byte
         ldx   1,x                     X = mask/priority
         pshs  cc
         pshs  x,b
         ldx   <D.Init
         ldb   PollCnt,x
         ldx   <D.PolTbl
         ldy   R$X,u
         beq   RmvIRQEn
         tst   1,s                     mask byte
         beq   L0572
         decb                          dec poll table count
         lda   #POLSIZ
         leax  d,x                     point to last entry in table
         lda   Q$MASK,x
         bne   L0572
         orcc  #FIRQMask+IRQMask
L051C    ldb   2,s                     get priority byte
         cmpb  -1,x                    compare with prev entry's prior
         bcs   L052F
         ldb   #POLSIZ                 else copy prev entry
L0524    lda   ,-x
         sta   POLSIZ,x
         bne   L0524
         cmpx  <D.PolTbl
         bhi   L051C
L052F    ldd   R$D,u                   get dev stat reg
         std   Q$POLL,x                save it
         ldd   ,s++                    get flip/mask
         sta   Q$FLIP,x                save flip
         stb   Q$MASK,x                save mask
         ldb   ,s+                     get priority
         stb   Q$PRTY,x                save priority
         ldd   R$Y,u                   get IRQ svc addr
         std   Q$SERV,x                save
         ldd   R$U,u                   get IRQ svc mem ptr
         std   Q$STAT,x                save
         puls  pc,cc
* remove IRQ poll entry
RmvIRQEn leas  4,s                     clean stack
         ldy   R$U,u
L054C    cmpy  Q$STAT,x
         beq   L0558
         leax  POLSIZ,x
         bne   L054C
L0558    pshs  b,cc
         orcc  #FIRQMask+IRQMask
         bra   L0565
L055E    ldb   POLSIZ,x
         stb   ,x+
         bne   L055E
L0565    lda   #POLSIZ
         dec   1,s                     dec count
         bne   L055E
L056B    clr   ,x+
         bne   L056B
         puls  pc,a,cc
L0572    leas  4,s                     clean stack
L0574    comb
         ldb   #E$Poll

* IRQ polling routine
DPoll    ldy   <D.PolTbl
         ldx   <D.Init
         ldb   PollCnt,x
         bra   L0586
L0581    leay  POLSIZ,y
         beq   L0574
L0586    lda   [Q$POLL,y]
         eora  Q$FLIP,y
         bita  Q$MASK,y
         beq   L0581
         ldu   Q$STAT,y
         pshs  y,b
         jsr   [<Q$SERV,y]
         puls  y,b
         bcs   L0581

* load a module
FLoad    pshs  u
         ldx   R$X,u
         bsr   L05BC
         bcs   L05BA
         inc   $02,u                   increment link count
         ldy   ,u                      get mod header addr
         ldu   ,s                      get caller regs
         stx   R$X,u
         sty   R$U,u
         lda   M$Type,y
         ldb   M$Revs,y
         std   R$D,u
         ldd   M$Exec,y
         leax  d,y
         stx   R$Y,u
L05BA    puls  pc,u

L05BC    lda   #EXEC.
         os9   I$Open
         bcs   L0632
         leas  -$0A,s                  make room on stack
         ldu   #$0000
         pshs  u,y,x
         sta   6,s                     save path
L05CC    ldd   4,s                     get U (caller regs) from stack
         bne   L05D2
         stu   4,s
L05D2    lda   6,s                     get path
         leax  7,s                     point to place on stack
         ldy   #M$IDSize               read M$IDSize bytes
         os9   I$Read
         bcs   L061E
         ldd   ,x
         cmpd  #M$ID12
         bne   L061C
         ldd   $09,s                   get module size
         os9   F$SRqMem                allocate mem
         bcs   L061E
         ldb   #M$IDSize
L05F0    lda   ,x+                     copy over first M$IDSize bytes
         sta   ,u+
         bne   L05F0
         lda   $06,s                   get path
         leax  ,u                      point X at updated U
         ldu   $09,s                   get module size
         leay  -M$IDSize,u             subtract count
         os9   I$Read
         leax  -M$IDSize,x
         bcs   L060B
         os9   F$VModul                validate module
         bcc   L05CC
L060B    pshs  u,b
         leau  ,x                      point U at memory allocated
         ldd   M$Size,x
         os9   F$SRtMem                return mem
         puls  u,b
         cmpb  #E$KwnMod
         beq   L05CC
         bra   L061E
L061C    ldb   #E$BMID
L061E    puls  u,y,x
         lda   ,s                      get path
         stb   ,s                      save error code
         os9   I$Close                 close path
         ldb   ,s
         leas  $0A,s                   clear up stack
         cmpu  #$0000
         bne   L0632
L0632    rts

ErrHead  fcc   /ERROR #/
ErrNum   equ   *-ErrHead
         fcb   $2F,$3A,$30,C$CR
ErrLen   equ   *-ErrHead

FPErr    ldx   <D.Proc
         lda   <P$PATH+2,x             get stderr path
         beq   L0674
         leas  -ErrLen,s               make room on stack
* copy error message to stack
         leax  <ErrHead,pcr
         leay  ,s
L064C    lda   ,x+
         sta   ,y+
         cmpa  #C$CR
         bne   L064C
         ldb   R$B,u                   get error #
L0656    inc   ErrNum+0,s
         subb  #$64
         bcc   L0656
L065C    dec   ErrNum+1,s
         addb  #$0A
         bcc   L065C
         addb  #$30
         stb   ErrNum+2,s
         ldx   <D.Proc
         leax  ,s                      point to error message
         ldu   <D.Proc
         lda   <P$PATH+2,u
         os9   I$WritLn                write message
         leas  ErrLen,s                fix up stack
L0674    rts

FIOQu    ldy   <D.Proc
L0678    lda   <P$IOQN,y
         beq   L06A0
         cmpa  R$A,u
         bne   L0699
         clr   <P$IOQN,y
         ldx   <D.PrcDBT
         os9   F$Find64
         lbcs  L070F
         clr   <P$IOQP,y
         ldb   #S$Wake
         os9   F$Send
         ldu   <D.Proc
         bra   L06AB
L0699    ldx   <D.PrcDBT
         os9   F$Find64
         bcc   L0678
L06A0    lda   R$A,u
         ldu   <D.Proc
         ldx   <D.PrcDBT
         os9   F$Find64
         bcs   L070F
L06AB    leax  ,y                      X = proc desc
         lda   <P$IOQN,y
         beq   L06D1
         ldx   <D.PrcDBT
         os9   F$Find64
         bcs   L070F
         ldb   P$Age,u

         ifeq  edition-11

* Note:  the following line is a bug
         cmpd  P$Age,y


         cmpb  P$Age,y


         bls   L06AB
         ldb   ,u
         stb   <P$IOQN,x
         ldb   P$ID,x
         stb   <P$IOQP,u
         clr   <P$IOQP,y
         exg   y,u
         bra   L06AB
L06D1    lda   P$ID,u
         sta   <P$IOQN,y
         lda   P$ID,y
         sta   <P$IOQP,u
         ldx   #$0000
         os9   F$Sleep
         ldu   <D.Proc
         lda   <P$IOQP,u
         beq   L070C
         ldx   <D.PrcDBT
         os9   F$Find64
         bcs   L070C
         lda   <P$IOQN,y
         beq   L070C
         lda   <P$IOQN,u
         sta   <P$IOQN,y
         beq   L070C
         clr   <P$IOQN,u
         ldx   <D.PrcDBT
         os9   F$Find64
         bcs   L070C
         lda   <P$IOQP,u
         sta   <P$IOQP,y
L070C    clr   <P$IOQP,u
L070F    rts

eom      equ   *