view level1/cmds/dir.asm @ 2196:d5b309f1983f

Updates by Bob
author boisy
date Sat, 14 Mar 2009 12:15:35 +0000
parents fc5761a685b6
line wrap: on
line source

* Dir - Show directory
* $Id$
* This dir initially started from the dir command that came with
* the OS-9 Level Two package, then incorporated Glenside's Y2K
* fix.
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*  10      1999/05/11  Boisy G. Pitre
* Incorporated Glenside Y2K fixes.
*  11      2003/01/14  Boisy G. Pitre
* Made option handling more flexible, now they must be preceeded
* by a dash.
*  11      2003/01/14  Boisy G. Pitre
* Made option handling more flexible, now they must be preceeded
* by a dash.
*  11r1    2005/04/19  Boisy G. Pitre
* Made column width code more robust.
*  12      2005/11/22  Boisy G. Pitre
* -e option now uses SS.FDInf for portability to other file managers

         nam   Dir
         ttl   Show directory

* Disassembled 99/04/11 16:36:40 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
edition  set   12

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

         org   0
nextdir  rmb   2
dircount rmb   1
dirpath  rmb   1
extended rmb   1
addmode  rmb   1	additional mode
u0006    rmb   2
colwidth rmb   1
lastcol  rmb   1
narrow   rmb   1
bufptr   rmb   2
date     rmb   3
time     rmb   3
dent     rmb   DIR.SZ
fdsect   rmb   FD.Creat-FD.ATT 
linebuff rmb   530
size     equ   .

colsize  equ   16

name     fcs   /Dir/
         fcb   edition

DirOf    fcb   C$LF
         fcs   " Directory of "
Dot      fcc   "."
         fcb   C$CR
WHeader  fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   "Owner  Last modified   Attributes Sector Bytecount Name"
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   "----- ---------------- ---------- ------ --------- ----"
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
WHeaderL equ   *-WHeader
NHeader  fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   "Modified on  Owner   Name"
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   "  Attr     Sector     Size"
         fcb   C$CR,C$LF
         fcc   "==============================="
         fcb   C$CR
         fcb   C$LF
NHeaderL equ   *-NHeader

start    leay  <linebuff,u	get ptr to line buffer
         sty   <bufptr		and save it
         clr   <addmode
         clr   <extended
         clr   <narrow
         clr   <dircount
         pshs  y,x,b,a
         ldd   #$01*256+SS.ScSiz standard output and screen size call
         os9   I$GetStt 	get it
         bcc   L0120		branch if gotten
         ldx   #80   
L0120    tfr   x,d
         cmpb  #51
         bgt   higher
         inc   <narrow
         lda   #10
         fcb   $8C
higher   lda   #16
         pshs  a
         subb  ,s+
         std   <colwidth	save new column width and last column
         puls  y,x,b,a
         pshs  x		save start of command line
         lbsr  GetOpts		parse for options
         puls  x		get start of command line
         lbsr  SkipSpcs		skip any spaces
         cmpa  #C$CR		any dir names?
         bne   opendir		branch if so
         leax  >Dot,pcr		else assume dot
opendir  stx   <nextdir
         lda   #DIR.+READ.
         ora   <addmode
         pshs  x,a		preserve mode, dir name
         os9   I$Open   
         sta   <dirpath
         puls  x,a		get mode, dir name
         lbcs  L0268
         os9   I$ChgDir 	change to dir
         lbcs  L0268		branch if error
         pshs  x		X now points just past name
         leay  >DirOf,pcr	point to "Dir of..."
         lbsr  PutStr		put it in buffer
         ldx   <nextdir		point to directory we are processing
L0161    lda   ,x+		get char
         lbsr  PutNBuf		put in buffer
         cmpx  ,s		at end of char string?
         bcs   L0161		branch if not
         leas  $02,s		else clean  up stack
         lbsr  PutSpace		and put a space
         lbsr  PutSpace		and another one
         leax  date,u		point to date buffer
         os9   F$Time   	get current time
         leax  <time,u		point to time
         lbsr  ShowDate		show it
         lbsr  CRnWrite
         tst   <extended
         beq   L01B3
         tst   <narrow
         bne   L01A6
         leax  >WHeader,pcr
         ldy   #WHeaderL
         bra   L01AE
L01A6    leax  >NHeader,pcr
         ldy   #NHeaderL
L01AE    lda   #$01
         os9   I$Write  
L01B3    lda   <dirpath
         ldx   #$0000
         pshs  u
         ldu   #DIR.SZ*2
         os9   I$Seek   
         puls  u
         lbra  L0253
L01C5    tst   <dent
         lbeq  L0253
         tst   <extended
         bne   L01E8
         leay  <dent,u
         lbsr  PutStr
L01D5    lbsr  PutSpace
         ldb   <bufptr+1
         subb  #64
         cmpb  <lastcol
         bhi   L022C
L01E0    subb  <colwidth
         bhi   L01E0
         bne   L01D5
         bra   L0253
* Use SS.FDInf to get the file descriptor sector
         pshs  u
         lda   <dent+DIR.FD
         ldb   #FD.Creat-FD.ATT
         tfr   d,y
         leax  <fdsect,u
         lda   <dirpath
         ldb   #SS.FDInf
         ldu   <dent+DIR.FD+1
         os9   I$GetStt
         puls  u
         bcs   L0268					branch if SS.FDInf fails
         tst   <narrow					are we on a narrow screen?
         bne   L0231					branch if so

* Wide extended output
         ldd   <fdsect+FD.OWN
         clr   <u0006
         bsr   L0274
         lbsr  PutSpace
         lbsr  L030B
         lbsr  PutSpace
         lbsr  L02D3
         lbsr  PutSpace
         lbsr  PutSpace
         bsr   L026E
         bsr   L0280
         leay  <dent,u
         lbsr  PutStr
L022C    lbsr  CRnWrite
         bra   L0253

* Narrow extended output
L0231    lbsr  L030B
         ldd   <fdsect+FD.OWN
         clr   <u0006
         bsr   L0274
         bsr   PutSpace
         leay  <dent,u
         lbsr  PutStr
         lbsr  CRnWrite
         lbsr  L02D3
         bsr   PutSpace
         bsr   PutSpace
         bsr   L026E
         bsr   L0280
         lbsr  CRnWrite
L0253    leax  <dent,u
         ldy   #DIR.SZ
         lda   <dirpath
         os9   I$Read   
         lbcc  L01C5
         cmpb  #E$EOF
         bne   L0268
L0268    lbsr  CRnWrite
Exit     os9   F$Exit   
L026E    lda   <dent+DIR.FD
         bsr   L0298
         ldd   <dent+DIR.FD+1
L0274    bsr   L029A
         tfr   b,a
         bsr   L028E
         inc   <u0006
         bsr   L029C
         bra   PutSpace
L0280    ldd   <fdsect+FD.SIZ
         bsr   L0298
         tfr   b,a
         bsr   L029A
         bsr   PutSpace
         ldd   <fdsect+FD.SIZ+2
         bra   L0274
L028E    pshs  a
         bsr   L029E
         puls  pc,a
L0298    clr   <u0006
L029A    bsr   L028E
L029C    anda  #$0F
L029E    tsta  
         beq   L02A3
         sta   <u0006
L02A3    tst   <u0006
         bne   L02AB
         lda   #C$SPAC
         bra   PutNBuf
L02AB    adda  #'0
         cmpa  #'9
         bls   PutNBuf
         adda  #$07
         bra   PutNBuf
PutSpace lda   #C$SPAC

* Entry: A = char to put in buffer
PutNBuf  pshs  x		save caller's X
         ldx   <bufptr		get buffer next pointer
         cmpx  #$0090		past end?
         bne   PutOk		branch if not
         bsr   WriteBuf
         ldx   <bufptr		get pointer
PutOk    sta   ,x+		save A
         stx   <bufptr		and update pointer
         puls  pc,x		return

PermMask fcc   "dsewrewr"
         fcb    $FF

L02D3    ldb   <fdsect+FD.ATT
         leax  <PermMask,pcr
         lda   ,x+
L02DA    lslb  
         bcs   L02DF
         lda   #'-
L02DF    bsr   PutNBuf
         lda   ,x+
         bpl   L02DA

* Put hi-bit terminated string at Y into line buffer
PutStr   lda   ,y		get char in A from Y
         anda  #$7F		strip off hi-bit
         bsr   PutNBuf		put in buffer
         lda   ,y+		get char again
         bpl   PutStr		if hi-bit not set, continue

WriteBuf pshs  y,x,b,a
         bra   DoWrite
CRnWrite pshs  y,x,b,a
         lda   #C$CR
         bsr   PutNBuf
DoWrite  leax  <linebuff,u
         stx   <bufptr
         ldy   #80
         lda   #$01
         os9   I$WritLn 
         puls  pc,y,x,b,a
L030B    leax  <fdsect+FD.DAT,u
L030E    bsr   L0338
         bsr   L0324
         bsr   L0324
         bsr   PutSpace
         bsr   Byte2ASC
         tst   <narrow
         beq   L0320
         bsr   Byte2ASC
         bra   PutSpace
L0320    bsr   DoColon
         bra   PutSpace
L0324    lda   #'/
         bra   L0334

ShowDate tst   <narrow		are we on a narrow screen?
         bne   ShowTime		branch if we are
         leax  date,u		else point to date buffer
         bra   L030E		and show date and time
ShowTime bsr   Byte2ASC		show hours
DoColon  lda   #':		put up colon
L0334    bsr   PutNBuf		put in buffer
         bra   Byte2ASC		show minutes

L0338    lda   #'.+128
         ldb   ,x
L033C    inca  
         subb  #100
         bcc   L033C
         stb   ,x
         tfr   a,b
         tst   <narrow
         bne   L034B
         bsr   L035F
L034B    ldb   ,x+
         bra   L035F

* Get byte at X and put ASCII value in buffer
Byte2ASC ldb   ,x+
         lda   #$2F
L0353    inca  
         subb  #100
         bcc   L0353
         cmpa  #'0
         beq   L035F
         lbsr  PutNBuf
L035F    lda   #$3A
L0361    deca  
         addb  #10
         bcc   L0361
         lbsr  PutNBuf
         tfr   b,a
         adda  #'0
         lbra  PutNBuf

* Entry: X = ptr to line to start parsing
GetOpts  lda   ,x+		get next char on cmd line
         cmpa  #C$CR		CR?
         beq   L039A		yep, return
         cmpa  #'-		option?
         beq   GetDash		branch if not
* Must be dir name, skip
         inc   <dircount
         bsr   SkipNSpc		skip spaces
ChkDash  bsr   SkipSpcs		skip spaces
         bra   GetOpts		and resart parsing
L039A    rts   

GetDash  lda   #C$SPAC
         sta   -1,x
GetDash2 ldd   ,x+
         ora   #$20		make lowercase
IsItE    cmpa  #'e		extended dir?
         bne   IsItX
         sta   <extended
         bra   FixCmdLn
IsItX    cmpa  #'x
         beq   ItIsX
         ldb   #E$IllArg
         lbra  Exit		bad option, just exit
ItIsX    lda   #EXEC.
         sta   <addmode
FixCmdLn lda   #C$SPAC
         sta   -1,x
         cmpb  #'0
         lblt  ChkDash
         bra   GetDash

SkipSpcs lda   ,x+
         cmpa  #C$SPAC
         beq   SkipSpcs
         leax  -1,x
SkipNSpc lda   ,x+
         cmpa  #C$SPAC
         beq   SkipNRTS
         cmpa  #C$CR
         bne   SkipNSpc
SkipNRTS leax  -1,x
eom      equ   *