view defs/rbsuper.d @ 3274:d80acb6d104b

os9gen: Fix bitmap check/update where boot sector is non-zero And on builds where the boot track is zero, most likely for Dragon, don't check or update the bitmap because the boot track should be reserved already. Ideally all this should be a run-time checks of the disk parameters and not depend on the build target. Later.
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 07 Mar 2020 21:32:30 +0100
parents 6bd6e348665d
line wrap: on
line source

            IFNE      RBSUPER.D-1
RBSUPER.D   SET       1

* rbsuper.d - rbsuper definitions
* $Id$
* (C) 2004 Boisy G. Pitre - Licensed to Cloud-9
* These definitions make up the static storage environment for the
* rbsuper driver.  Low level drivers share these variables with
* rbsuper, and also have an area reserved exclusively for their use.
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          2004/04/10  Boisy G. Pitre
* Created.
*          2005/11/27  Boisy G. Pitre
* Moved SCSI base addresses and I/O offsets to here.
*          2005/12/13  Boisy G. Pitre
* Employed a "trick" whereby driver's U is pointed UOFFSET bytes
* into the static storage for faster, smaller code generation.
*          2005/12/13  Boisy G. Pitre
* Rearranged order of driver statics for smaller code size

* Interface Address
SDAddr         SET       $FF00
SDMPI          SET       $FF

* IT.DNS Definitions for all Low Level Drivers
DNS.HDB        EQU       %00001000

* IT.DNS Definitions for Low Level SCSI Driver
DNS.TURBO      EQU       %00010000

maxcache       SET       2048
DrvCount       EQU       8
llreserve      EQU       64

UOFFSET        EQU       DRVBEG+(DRVMEM*DrvCount)

               ORG       0
V.LLSema       RMB       1                   low-level semaphore variable
V.LastDrv      RMB       1                   last drive to access cache
V.PhysSect     RMB       3                   physical (HW) sector
V.LogSect      RMB       3                   logical (256 byte) sector
V.SectSize     RMB       1                   sector size
V.SectCnt      RMB       1                   number of hw sectors to read from interface
V.Log2Phys     RMB       1                   number of logical (256) byte sectors to 1 physical sector
V.CchAddr      RMB       2                   address of cache in system memory
V.CchSize      RMB       2                   size of cache in bytes
V.CchPSpot     RMB       2                   pointer to target physical sector in cache
V.CchLSpot     RMB       2                   pointer to target logical sector in cache
V.CchDirty     RMB       1                   cache dirty flag (0 = cache is stable, !0 = cache is dirty)
V.CchBase      RMB       3                   logical sector at start of cache
V.HDBDrive     RMB       1                   IT.STP (used as HDB-DOS drive number if HDB-DOS partition)
V.HDBPart      RMB       1                   HDB-DOS partition flag (0 = not HDB-DOS partition, !0 = is)
V.SSCache      RMB       DrvCount            sector size cache table for each drive
V.LLAddr       RMB       2                   low level module address
V.LLInit       RMB       2                   low level init entry point
V.LLRead       RMB       2                   low level read entry point
V.LLWrite      RMB       2                   low level write entry point
V.LLGtSt       RMB       2                   low level getstat entry point
V.LLStSt       RMB       2                   low level setstat entry point
V.LLTerm       RMB       2                   low level term entry point
* Low Level Driver Memory starts here
V.LLMem        EQU       .                   start of low level driver memory
               RMB       llreserve           reserved area... low level driver uses this as it wants
V.LLMemSz      EQU       .-V.LLMem
* Note: we trick rbsuper too so that it thinks its static storage starts at
* zero when it really starts beyond DRVBEG+(DRVMEM*DrvCount).
               RMB       UOFFSET
V.RBSuper      EQU       .                   end of RBSuper's (and ll driver's) memory requirements
