view 3rdparty/packages/sierra/objs/tocgen.asm @ 1859:dc2597886264

rma/rlink compatible version of tee.asm
author boisy
date Sun, 24 Jul 2005 22:00:49 +0000
parents 2d67237cca33
line wrap: on
line source

* TOCGEN - Kings Quest III Table of Contents module
* $Id$
*        Module header for original tocgen
*        Header for : tocgen
*        Module size: $1678  #5752
*        Module CRC : $FD7921 (Good)
*        Hdr parity : $46
*        Exec. off  : $001D  #29
*        Data size  : $054F  #1359
*        Edition    : $01  #1
*        Ty/La At/Rv: $11 $81
*        Prog mod, 6809 Obj, re-ent, R/O
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      2003/01/31  Paul W. Zibaila
* Disassembly of original distribution; added comments from the
* C-modules from dev system disk; currently assembles to the
* duplicate of the original module.
*** See
***  Section 1 - The C Compiler system  
***  Section 2 - Characteristics of Compiled Programs
***  of the Microware C compiler user's guide
***  for interesting info 
***  Review the cstart.a  
*   Definitions from compiler user guide
*   labels defined in the linkage editor
*   used to establish the end addresses of the respective sections
*   etext  - executable text  
*   edata  - initialized data
*   end    - uninitialized data
*   where is btext defined ???

         nam   tocgen
         ttl   program module       

* Disassembled 03/01/07 13:59:26 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML

         use   defsfile

* Params
MAXARGS equ 30                   allow for 30 arguments
nfiles  equ 2                    stdin and stdout at least
Stk     equ nfiles*256+128+256   stdin,stdout,stderr and fudge

* These are probably defined in scfdefs
C$CR    equ $0D
C$SPC   equ $20
C$COMA  equ $2C
C$DQUt  equ $22
C$SQUT  equ $27

* These should be defined somewhere
stdin  equ 0
stdout equ 1
stderr equ 2

* These should be defined somewhere 
pmode   equ   $0b          r/w for owner, r for others
EPEXEC. equ   %00100100    mask for public and owner executes

* OS-9 Header info

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

*   From cstart.a
*   MAXARGS equ 30 allow for 30 arguments
*   rob the first dp byte so nothing gets assigned
*   here.  No valid pointer can point to byte zero.
* vsect dp
* __$$ fcb 0
* endsect
* pushzero is a rma macro not supported by asm used in cstart.a
* pushzero macro
*  clr ,-s clear a byte on the stack
* endm

btext    equ   .
u0000    rmb   1 I think this is the __$$ fcb 0 vsect.
dpsiz    rmb   1
u0002    rmb   2
u0004    rmb   2
u0006    rmb   2
u0008    rmb   2
u000A    rmb   1
u000B    rmb   2

u000D    rmb   2
u000F    rmb   2
u0011    rmb   1
u0012    rmb   2
u0014    rmb   335

*u0020    rmb   5
*u0025    rmb   2
*u0027    rmb   30
*u0043    rmb   2
*u0045    rmb   31
*u0064    rmb   132
*u00E8    rmb   123

*  if I understand how the vsects work in rma 
*  the following should be true
*  the following are globally known
*  vsect (from cstart.a)
*  pwz the did fall into place :-)

argv     rmb 2*MAXARGS pointers to args
argc     rmb 2
_sttop   rmb 2

memend   rmb 2 end of memory                      ($01a3)
_flacc:  rmb 8 floating point & longs accumulator ($01A5)
_mtop:   rmb 2 current non-stack memory top
_stbot:  rmb 2 current stack bottom limit
errno:   rmb 2 global error holder                ($01b1)

varnum1  rmb 2                                    ($01b3)
varnum2  rmb 10                                   ($01b5)
varnum3  rmb 10                                   ($01bf)
varnum4  rmb 2                                    ($01c9)
varnum5  rmb 2                                    ($01cb)
spare    rmb 2   from mem.a                       ($01CD)
end      equ .   End of unitialized data          ($01CF)

stack    rmb Stk
size     equ   .

name     equ   *
         fcs   /tocgen/ module name 
         fcb   $01      edition byte

*  Start of code from cstart.a file.
*  The movebytes routine
* move bytes (Y=From addr, U=To addr, X=Count)

movebytes lda  ,y+        get a byte
          sta  ,u+        put a byte
          leax  -1,x      dec the count
          bne  movebytes  and round again

start    equ   *          _cstart code
         pshs  y          save top of mem
         pshs  u          save the data beginning address

* This code segment initializes the first 256
* (possible) direct page bytes

         clra             set up to clear
         clrb             256 bytes
csta05   sta   ,u+        clear dp bytes
         bne   csta05

* This code segment sets up to move the
* initialized data from the code section
* to the data area.

csta10   ldx   ,s         get the beginning of data address
         leau  ,x         (tfr x,u)
	 leax  end,x      get the end of bss address
**       leax  >$01CF,x   absolute address of the operand ??
         pshs  x          save it
         leay  >etext,pcr point to dp-data count word

* now move the initialized direct-page
* data into position.

         ldx   ,y++       get count of dp-data to be moved
         beq   csta15     bra if none (L003E old label)
         bsr   movebytes  move dp data into position (L0014)

* now move the initialized non direct-page
* data into position.

         ldu   $02,s      get beginning address again
csta15   leau  >dpsiz,u   point to where non-dp should start
         ldx   ,y++       get count of non-dp data to be moved
         beq   clrbss     (L0049 old label)
         bsr   movebytes  move non-dp data into position 

*  clear the bss area - starts where the transferred data finishs
*  now clear out the rest of the uninitialized data area.

clrbss   cmpu  ,s         reached the end ??
         beq   reldt      if so branch to relocate 
         sta   ,u+        if not end clear it
         bra   clrbss     and then go again (L0049 old tag)

* The linker cannot know the final absolute
* addresses of any data in the data area that
* refers to other data or code.  The next section
* of code will add the base of the text area to
* data pointers pointing to text (data-text references)
* and add the base of the data area to data pointers
* pointing to other data (data-data references).
* The linker leaves a list of the offsets at the end
* object code module.

*  now relocate the data-text references

reldt    ldu   $02,s      restore to data bottom
         ldd   ,y++       get the data text ref count
         beq   reldd      (old tag L005F)

*  this is interesting
*  from the cstart.a code this line is as follows
*    this guy points back to line L0000 but where is it 
*    at offset zero of course`
*        leax  >L0000,pcr  point to text ??? line from disassembly

         leax btext,pcr   point to text. ---- line from cstart.a
         lbsr  patch      patch them in (L0162 old tag)

*  and now the data-data refs.
reldd    ldd   ,y++       get the count of the data refs
         beq   restack    branch if none (L0068 old tag)
         leax  ,u         u was already pointing there
         lbsr  patch      patch them in (L0162 old tag)

*  this restack is slightly diff from the root.a version in the 
*  c-compiler code.
*   restack leas 4,s return scratch
*    leay 0,u tfr u,y (base addr of data to y)
*    puls u high end of allocated data area
*    leax 0,s point to parameters

restack  leas  $04,s      reset stack
         puls  x          restore 'memend'
         stx   >memend,u

* process the params
* the stack pointer is back where it started so is
* pointing at the params
* the objective is to insert null chars at the end of each argument
* and fill in the argv vector with pointers to them

* first store the program name address
* (an extra name inserted here for just this purpose
* - undocumented as yet)

         sty   >argv,u  
         ldd   #$0001     at least one arg
         std   >argc,u
         leay  >argv+2,u  point y at second slot
         leax  ,s         point x at params
         lda   ,x+        initialize
aloop    ldb   >argc+1,u
         cmpb  #MAXARGS-1 about to overflow ??
         beq   final      branch out

aloop10  cmpa  #C$CR      is it the EOL?
         beq   final      yep - reached end of the list
         cmpa  #C$SPC     is it a space
         beq   aloop20    yep go for the next one
         cmpa  #C$COMA    is it a comma ?
         bne   aloop30    no - then a word has started

aloop20  lda   ,x+        yes it's a comma bump to next char
         bra   aloop10    and loop again

aloop30  cmpa  #C$DQUT    a quoted string (")
         beq   aloop40    yep - go process it
         cmpa  #C$SQUT    a quoted string (')
         bne   aloop60    not quotes double or single move on

aloop40  stx   ,y++       save the address in vector
         inc   >argc+1,u  bump up the arg count
         pshs  a          save the delim char

qloop    lda   ,x+        get the next char
         cmpa  #C$CR      EOL?
         beq   aloop50    go clean up
         cmpa  ,s         is it a delim char
         bne   qloop      no then lop to the next

aloop50  puls  b          clean up stack
         clr   -$01,x
         cmpa  #C$CR
         beq   final
         lda   ,x+
         bra   aloop

aloop60  leax  -$01,x     point at first char
         stx   ,y++       put address in vector
         leax  $01,x      bump it back
         inc   >argc+1,u  bump up the arg count

* at least one none space character has been seen
aloop70  cmpa  #C$CR      Have
         beq   loopend    we
         cmpa  #C$SPC     reached
         beq   loopend    the end
         cmpa  #C$COMA    comma?
         beq   loopend    look some more
         lda   ,x+
         bra   aloop70

loopend  clr   -$01,x
         bra   aloop

* Now put the pointers on the stack
final    leax  >argv,u    get the address of the arg vector  
         pshs  x          goes on the stack first
         ldd   >argc,u    get the arg count

         pshs  b,a
*        pshs  d          push it on the stack

         leay  0,u        C progs. assume data and bss offset from y
*                         see note above in restack
*    end of argv and argc processing
* Registers at this point:
*    X = Pointer to parameter area
*    U = Pointer to top of data allocated
*        by the linker.
*    Y = Pointer to bottom of data area
*   DP = Same as high byte of Y-reg
* The linker has adjusted
* all non-direct-page data references to reflect
* the data memory as we have set up here.  The
* data-index register choice here is arbitrary,
* but must be used consistently.  To maintain
* compatability with code produced by the C compiler,
* the Y register is used here as the data pointer.

*    go set up variables for stack size and such
         bsr   _fixtop    set various variables

*    go to the main event
         lbsr  main       call our program

*  clean up and bit and out we go

         clr   ,-s        pushzero clear a byte on the stack
         clr   ,-s        pushzero clear a byte on the stack
         lbsr  exit       and a dummy return address
*  should never return here


_fixtop  leax  end,y      get the initial memeory end 
*                         (unitilaized data "bss"address)
         stx   _mtop,y    its the current memory top
         sts   _sttop,y   this is really two bytes short
         sts   _stbot,y
         ldd   #-126      give ourselfs some breathing space

*        stx   >$01AD,y   ---- disassembly
*        sts   >$01A1,y   ---- disassembly
*        sts   >$01AF,y   ---- disassembly
*        ldd   #$FF82     ---- disassembly

         leax  d,s        calculate the requested size
         cmpx  _stbot,y   is it lower than already reserved?
*        bcc   stk10      ---- disassembly     
         bhs   stk10      no -return
         cmpx  _mtop,y    is it lower than possible?
*        bcs   ftserr     ---- disassembly
         blo   fsterr     yes - can't cope
         stx   _stbot,y   no - reserve it
stk10    rts   

*  Stackover flow string
fixserr  fcc   %**** STACK OVERFLOW ****%
         fcb   $0D

*  Stackover flow error processing
* entry:
*       a -> path to write 
*       b -> mem full error
*       x -> address of data to be written
*       y -> maximum #of bytes message length
*       s -> b pushed to preserve the mem full error
*            since the I$WritLn returns it error code in b
* exit:
*       u - unchanged
*       y - number of bytes written
*       s-> popped back to prior to entry
* error: (I$writLn)
*       CC -> Carry set
*       b  -> error code

fsterr   leax  <fixserr,pcr  load x wit address of error strin
         ldb   #E$MEMFUL     load b with the error code number

erexit   pshs  b             stack the error number
         lda   #stderr       set path to standard error output
         ldy   #$0064        set size more than needed
         os9   I$WritLn      write it
*                            pop the error code back 
         clr   ,-s           pushzero clear MSB of status
         lbsr  _exit         and out
* no return here
* stacksize()
* returns the extent of stack requested
* can be used by programmer for guidance
* in sizing memory at compile time

         ldd _sttop,y        top of stack on entry
         subd _stbot,y       subtract current reserved limit

* freemem()
* returns the current size of the free memory area

        ldd _stbot,y
        subd _mtop,y

* patch - adjust initialised data which refer to memory locations.
* entry:
*       y -> list of offsets in the data area to be patched
*       u -> base of data
*       x -> base of either text or data area as appropriate
*       d =  count of offsets in the list
* exit:
*       u - unchanged
*       y - past the last entry in the list
*       x and d mangled

patch   pshs x           save the base
        leax d,y         half way up the list
        leax d,x         top of list
        pshs x           save it as place to stop

* we do not come to this routine with
* a zero count (check!) so a test at the loop top
* is unnecessary

patch10 ldd ,y++         get the offset
        leax d,u         point to location
        ldd 0,x          get the relative reference
        addd 2,s         add in the base
        std 0,x          store the absolute reference
        cmpy 0,s         reached the top?
        bne patch10      no - round again

        leas 4,s         reset the stack
        rts              and return

main    pshs  u
         ldd   #$FD57
         lbsr  _stkcheck:   check for sufficient stack available:

         leas  >-$025D,s
         ldd   >$0261,s     
         cmpd  #$0002       looks like we check for two args
         beq   gotargs      if good number go
         ldd   [>$0263,s]
         pshs  b,a
         leax  >usemsg,pcr  load address of usage message
         pshs  x            push it on the stack

         lbsr  L07EF
         leas  $04,s        clean up stack
         clra               clear the exit codes
         clrb               from d
         pshs  b,a          push it on the stack
         lbsr  exit     

         leas  $02,s

gotargs  leax  >L04C8,pcr   Load address data after usage message
         pshs  x
         ldx   >$0265,s
         ldd   $02,x
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L06CF
         leas  $04,s
         std   >$025B,s
         bne   L01E1
         ldx   >$0263,s
         ldd   $02,x
         pshs  b,a
         leax  >cntread,pcr  Load address can't open for reading message 
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L07EF
         leas  $04,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  exit

         leas  $02,s
L01E1    clra  
         std   >$0082,s
         leax  ,s
         leax  d,x
         std   ,x
         leax  >$0084,s
         stx   >$0255,s
         lbra  L0396

L01FC    ldd   >$0257,s
         addd  #$0001
         std   >$0257,s
L0207    ldb   [>$0257,s]
         cmpb  #C$CR
         beq   L021F
         ldb   [>$0257,s]
         cmpb  #$64        'd 
         beq   L021F
         ldb   [>$0257,s]
         cmpb  #$44        'D
         bne   L01FC
L021F    ldb   [>$0257,s]
         cmpb  #C$CR
         beq   L0247
         ldd   >$0257,s
         addd  #$0001
         std   >$0257,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L11C2
         leas  $02,s
         ldx   >$0255,s
         leax  $01,x
         stx   >$0255,s
         stb   -$01,x
         bra   L026E

L0247    leax  >$0204,s
         pshs  x
         leax  >dsknmsg,pcr    Load address of disk number ?? mising
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L07EF
         leas  $04,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  exit
         leas  $02,s
         bra   L026E
L0263    ldd   >$0257,s
         addd  #$0001
         std   >$0257,s
L026E    ldb   [>$0257,s]
         cmpb  #C$CR
         beq   L0286
         ldb   [>$0257,s]
         cmpb  #$73        's
         beq   L0286
         ldb   [>$0257,s]
         cmpb  #$53        'S
         bne   L0263
L0286    ldb   [>$0257,s]
         cmpb  #C$CR
         beq   L02CE
         ldd   >$0257,s
         addd  #$0001
         std   >$0257,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L11C2
         leas  $02,s
         stb   >$025A,s
         cmpb  #$01
         beq   L02B0
         ldb   >$025A,s
         cmpb  #$02
         bne   L02C2
L02B0    ldb   >$025A,s
         ldx   >$0255,s
         leax  $01,x
         stx   >$0255,s
         stb   -$01,x
         bra   L02E8
L02C2    leax  >$0204,s
         pshs  x
         leax  >invside,pcr   load address of the invalid side message
         bra   L02D8
L02CE    leax  >$0204,s
         pshs  x
         leax  >snmiss,pcr    load address of side number missing mesg
L02D8    pshs  x
         lbsr  L07EF
         leas  $04,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  exit
         leas  $02,s
L02E8    clra  
         stb   >$0259,s
         bra   L0342
L02F0    ldd   >$0257,s
         addd  #$0001
         std   >$0257,s
L02FB    ldb   [>$0257,s]
         cmpb  #C$CR
         beq   L0313
         ldb   [>$0257,s]
         cmpb  #$76         's
         beq   L0313
         ldb   [>$0257,s]
         cmpb  #$56         'S
         bne   L02F0
L0313    ldb   [>$0257,s]
         cmpb  #C$CR
         beq   L034A
         ldd   >$0257,s
         addd  #$0001
         std   >$0257,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L11C2
         leas  $02,s
         ldx   >$0255,s
         leax  $01,x
         stx   >$0255,s
         stb   -$01,x
         ldd   #$0001
         stb   >$0259,s
         bra   L0342
L0342    ldb   [>$0257,s]
         cmpb  #C$CR
         bne   L02FB
L034A    ldb   >$0259,s
         bne   L036A
         leax  >$0204,s
         pshs  x
         leax  >vnmiss,pcr    load address of volume missing mesg 
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L07EF
         leas  $04,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  exit           head out

         leas  $02,s
L036A    ldx   >$0255,s
         ldb   -$01,x
         orb   #$80
         stb   -$01,x
         ldd   >$0082,s
         addd  #$0001
         std   >$0082,s
         leax  ,s
         leax  d,x
         pshs  x
         leax  >$0086,s
         pshs  x
         ldd   >$0259,s
         subd  ,s++
         std   [,s++]
L0396    ldd   >$025B,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$0051
         pshs  b,a
         leax  >$0208,s
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L075C
         leas  $06,s
         std   >$0257,s
         lbne  L0207
         bra   L03D7
L03B8    ldd   >$0080,s
         leax  ,s
         leax  d,x
         ldd   ,x
         pshs  x,b,a
         ldd   >$0086,s
         addd  ,s++
         std   [,s++]
         ldd   >$0080,s
         addd  #$0001
L03D7    std   >$0080,s
         ldd   >$0080,s
         cmpd  >$0082,s
         bcs   L03B8
         ldd   >$025B,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L0DE4
         leas  $02,s
         leax  >L0548,pcr
         pshs  x
         leax  >dpsiz,y
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L06CF
         leas  $04,s
         std   >$025B,s
         bne   L0422

         leax  >dpsiz,y  
         pshs  x
         leax  >cntwrit,pcr   load address of can't write mesg
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L07EF
         leas  $04,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  exit

         leas  $02,s
L0422    ldd   >$025B,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   >$0084,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  egg2
         leas  $04,s
         cmpd  #$FFFF
         beq   L0481
         ldd   >$025B,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$0001
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   >$0086,s
         pshs  b,a
         leax  $06,s
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L07A5
         leas  $08,s
         std   -$02,s
         beq   L0481
         ldd   >$025B,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$0001
         pshs  b,a
         leax  >$0088,s
         pshs  x
         ldd   >$025B,s
         subd  ,s++
         pshs  b,a
         leax  >$008A,s
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L07A5
         leas  $08,s
         std   -$02,s
         bne   L049B
L0481    leax  >dpsiz,y
         pshs  x
         leax  errwrit,pcr    load address of error writing mesg  
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L07EF
         leas  $04,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  exit

         leas  $02,s
L049B    ldd   >$025B,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L0DE4
         leas  $02,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  exit
         leas  $02,s
         leas  >$025D,s
         puls  pc,u

usemsg   fcc   /Usage: %s pathlist/          c-string
         fcb   $00                           null terminator c-string

L04C8    fcb   $72,$00                       what am I                         

cntread  fcc   /Can't open %s for reading./  c-string
         fcb   C$CR,$00                      cr and null term       

dsknmsg  fcc   /Disk number missing:/        c-string
         fcb   C$CR                          with a cr embedded
         fcc   /%s/                          c-string 
         fcb   $00                           null terminator c-string
invside  fcc   /Invalid side number:/        
         fcb   C$CR                          
         fcc   /%s/                          
         fcb   $00                           

snmiss   fcc   /Side number missing:/
         fcb   C$CR                          
         fcc   /%s/                          
         fcb   $00                           

vnmiss   fcc   /Volume number missing:/
         fcb   C$CR                          
         fcc   /%s/                          
         fcb   $00                           
L0548    fcb   $77,$00                       what am i

cntwrit  fcc   /Can't open %s for writing./
         fcb   C$CR,$00                      

errwrit  fcc   /Error writing %s./
         fcb   C$CR                                                
         fcb   $00     

*                      the null actually terminates the above string
*L0578    fcb   $00    same code frag as egg2 calls into
*L0579    fcb   $34
*         neg   <u0034 dis assembled as "3440" disassembled as 
*         nega  

egg1     pshs u    ***  pshs u incorrectly decoded

L057B    leau  >u0012,y
L057F    ldd   u0006,u
         andb  #$03
         lbeq  L05F0
         leau  u000D,u
         pshs  u
         leax  >$00E2,y
         cmpx  ,s++
         bhi   L057F
         ldd   #E$PthFul    $00C8
         std   >errno,y      01b1
         lbra  L05F4
         puls  pc,u

L05A0    pshs  u
         ldu   $08,s
         bne   L05AA
         bsr   egg1   ***  pshs u incorrectly decoded
         tfr   d,u
L05AA    stu   -$02,s
         beq   L05F4
         ldd   $04,s
         std   u0008,u
         ldx   $06,s
         ldb   $01,x     
         cmpb  #$2B      '+   ?????
         beq   L05C2
         ldx   $06,s
         ldb   $02,x
         cmpb  #$2B      '+   ??????
         bne   L05C8
L05C2    ldd   u0006,u
         orb   #$03
         bra   L05E6
L05C8    ldd   u0006,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   [<$08,s]
         cmpb  #$72       'r
         beq   L05DA
         ldb   [<$08,s]
         cmpb  #$64       'd      
         bne   L05DF
L05DA    ldd   #$0001
         bra   L05E2
L05DF    ldd   #$0002
L05E2    ora   ,s+
L05E4    orb   ,s+
L05E6    std   u0006,u
         ldd   u0002,u
         addd  u000B,u
         std   u0004,u
         std   ,u
L05F0    tfr   u,d
         puls  pc,u

L05F4    clra  
         puls  pc,u

L05F8    pshs  u
         ldu   $04,s
         leas  -$04,s
         std   ,s
         ldx   $0A,s
         ldb   $01,x
         tfr   d,x
         bra   L0629
L060B    ldx   $0A,s
         ldb   $02,x
         cmpb  #$2B     '+
         bne   L0618
         ldd   #$0007
         bra   L0620
L0618    ldd   #$0004
         bra   L0620
L061D    ldd   #$0003
L0620    std   ,s
         bra   L0639
L0624    leax  $04,s
         lbra  L0691
L0629    stx   -$02,s
         beq   L0639
         cmpx  #$0078
         beq   L060B
         cmpx  #$002B
         beq   L061D
         bra   L0624
L0639    ldb   [<$0A,s]
         tfr   d,x
         lbra  L069E
L0642    ldd   ,s
         orb   #$01
         bra   L0684
L0648    ldd   ,s
         orb   #$02
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         lbsr  open:
         leas  $04,s
         std   $02,s
         cmpd  #$FFFF
         beq   L0673
         ldd   #$0002
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $08,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  lseek:
         leas  $08,s
         bra   L06B8
L0673    ldd   ,s
         orb   #$02
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         lbsr  creat:
         bra   L068B
L0680    ldd   ,s
         orb   #$81
L0684    pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         lbsr  open:
L068B    leas  $04,s
         std   $02,s
         bra   L06B8
L0691    leas  -$04,x
L0693    ldd   #$00CB
         std   >errno,y  01b1
         bra   L06BA
L069E    cmpx  #$0072
         lbeq  L0642
         cmpx  #$0061
         lbeq  L0648
         cmpx  #$0077
         beq   L0673
         cmpx  #$0064
         beq   L0680
         bra   L0693
L06B8    ldd   $02,s
L06BA    leas  $04,s
         puls  pc,u
         pshs  u
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $08,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $08,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbra  L071A
L06CF    pshs  u
         ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L05F8
         leas  $04,s
         tfr   d,u
         cmpu  #$FFFF
         bne   L06EA
         bra   L071F
L06EA    clra  
         bra   L0712
         pshs  u
         ldd   $08,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L0DE4
         leas  $02,s
         ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L05F8
         leas  $04,s
         tfr   d,u
         stu   -$02,s
         bge   L0710
         bra   L071F
L0710    ldd   $08,s
L0712    pshs  b,a
         ldd   $08,s
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
L071A    lbsr  L05A0
         leas  $06,s
L071F    puls  pc,u
         pshs  u,b,a
         ldu   $06,s
         bra   L072B
L0727    ldd   ,s
         stb   ,u+
L072B    leax  >u0012,y
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L0F0E
         leas  $02,s
         std   ,s
         cmpd  #$000D
         beq   L0746
         ldd   ,s
         cmpd  #$FFFF
         bne   L0727
L0746    ldd   ,s
         cmpd  #$FFFF
         bne   L0752
         bra   L0758
L0752    clra  
         stb   ,u
         ldd   $06,s
L0758    leas  $02,s
         puls  pc,u

L075C    pshs  u
         ldu   $06,s
         leas  -$04,s
         ldd   $08,s
         std   ,s
         bra   L0776
L0768    ldd   $02,s
         ldx   ,s
         leax  $01,x
         stx   ,s
         stb   -$01,x
         cmpb  #C$CR
         beq   L078F
L0776    tfr   u,d
         leau  -dpsiz,u
         std   -$02,s
         ble   L078F
         ldd   $0C,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L0F0E
         leas  $02,s
         std   $02,s
         cmpd  #$FFFF
         bne   L0768
L078F    clra  
         stb   [,s]
         ldd   $02,s
         cmpd  #$FFFF
         bne   L079F
         bra   L07A1
L079F    ldd   $08,s
L07A1    leas  $04,s
         puls  pc,u

L07A5    pshs  u
         ldu   $04,s
         leas  -$04,s
         bra   L07E0
L07AF    clra  
         std   ,s
         bra   L07CC
L07B5    ldd   $0E,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   ,u+
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  egg2
         leas  $04,s
         ldx   $0E,s
         ldd   $06,x
         andb  #C$SPC
         bne   L07E9
L07CC    ldd   ,s
         addd  #$0001
         std   ,s
         subd  #$0001
         cmpd  $0A,s
         blt   L07B5
         ldd   $02,s
         addd  #$0001
L07E0    std   $02,s
         ldd   $02,s
         cmpd  $0C,s
         blt   L07AF
L07E9    ldd   $02,s
         leas  $04,s
         puls  pc,u

L07EF    pshs  u
         leax  >$001F,y
         stx   >varnum1,y    $01B3,y
         leax  $06,s
         pshs  x
         ldd   $06,s
         bra   L080F
         pshs  u
         ldd   $04,s
         std   >varnum1,y
         leax  $08,s
         pshs  x
         ldd   $08,s
L080F    pshs  b,a
         leax  >L0CC7,pcr
         pshs  x
         bsr   L0841
         leas  $06,s
         puls  pc,u
         pshs  u
         ldd   $04,s
         std   >varnum1,y
         leax  $08,s
         pshs  x
         ldd   $08,s
         pshs  b,a
         leax  >L0CDA,pcr
         pshs  x
         bsr   L0841
         leas  $06,s
         stb   [>varnum1,y]
         ldd   $04,s
         puls  pc,u
L0841    pshs  u
         ldu   $06,s
         leas  -$0B,s
         bra   L0859
L0849    ldb   $08,s
         lbeq  L0A8A
         ldb   $08,s
         pshs  b,a
         jsr   [<$11,s]
         leas  $02,s
L0859    ldb   ,u+
         stb   $08,s
         cmpb  #$25   '%
         bne   L0849
         ldb   ,u+
         stb   $08,s
         std   $02,s
         std   $06,s
         ldb   $08,s
         cmpb  #$2D   '-
         bne   L087E
         ldd   #$0001
         std   >varnum4,y
         ldb   ,u+
         stb   $08,s
         bra   L0884
L087E    clra  
         std   >varnum4,y
L0884    ldb   $08,s
         cmpb  #$30      '0
         bne   L088F
         ldd   #$0030
         bra   L0892
L088F    ldd   #$0020
L0892    std   >varnum5,y
         bra   L08B2
L0898    ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$000A
         lbsr  L1235
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $0A,s
         addd  #$FFD0
         addd  ,s++
         std   $06,s
         ldb   ,u+
         stb   $08,s
L08B2    ldb   $08,s
         leax  >$00E3,y
         leax  d,x
         ldb   ,x
         andb  #$08
         bne   L0898
         ldb   $08,s
         cmpb  #$2E    '. period
         bne   L08FB
         ldd   #$0001
         std   $04,s
         bra   L08E5
L08CF    ldd   $02,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$000A
         lbsr  L1235
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $0A,s
         addd  #$FFD0
         addd  ,s++
         std   $02,s
L08E5    ldb   ,u+
         stb   $08,s
         ldb   $08,s
         leax  >$00E3,y
         leax  d,x
         ldb   ,x
         andb  #$08
         bne   L08CF
         bra   L08FF
L08FB    clra  
         std   $04,s
L08FF    ldb   $08,s
         tfr   d,x
         lbra  L0A2D
L0907    ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldx   <$15,s
         leax  $02,x
         stx   <$15,s
         ldd   -$02,x
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L0A8E
         bra   L092F
L091C    ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldx   <$15,s
         leax  $02,x
         stx   <$15,s
         ldd   -$02,x
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L0B4B
L092F    std   ,s
         lbra  L0A13
L0934    ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $0A,s
         leax  >$00E3,y
         leax  d,x
         ldb   ,x
         andb  #$02
         pshs  b,a
         ldx   <$17,s
         leax  $02,x
         stx   <$17,s
         ldd   -$02,x
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L0B93
         lbra  L0A0F
L095A    ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldx   <$15,s
         leax  $02,x
         stx   <$15,s
         ldd   -$02,x
         pshs  b,a
         leax  >varnum2,y
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L0AD2
         lbra  L0A0F
L0976    ldd   $04,s
         bne   L097F
         ldd   #$0006
         std   $02,s
L097F    ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         leax  <$15,s
         pshs  x
         ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $0E,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  egg3
         leas  $06,s
         lbra  L0A11
L0999    ldx   <$13,s
         leax  $02,x
         stx   <$13,s
         ldd   -$02,x
         lbra  L0A23
L09A6    ldx   <$13,s
         leax  $02,x
         stx   <$13,s
         ldd   -$02,x
         std   $09,s
         ldd   $04,s
         beq   L09EE
         ldd   $09,s
         std   $04,s
         bra   L09C8
L09BC    ldb   [<$09,s]
         beq   L09D4
         ldd   $09,s
         addd  #$0001
         std   $09,s
L09C8    ldd   $02,s
         addd  #$FFFF
         std   $02,s
         subd  #$FFFF
         bne   L09BC
L09D4    ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $0B,s
         subd  $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $08,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   <$15,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L0BFE
         leas  $08,s
         bra   L0A1D
L09EE    ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $0B,s
         bra   L0A11
L09F6    ldb   ,u+
         stb   $08,s
         bra   L09FE
         leas  -$0B,x
L09FE    ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         leax  <$15,s
         pshs  x
         ldb   $0C,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L10F2
L0A0F    leas  $04,s
L0A11    pshs  b,a
L0A13    ldd   <$13,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  L0C60
         leas  $06,s
L0A1D    lbra  L0859

L0A20    ldb   $08,s
L0A23    pshs  b,a
         jsr   [<$11,s]
         leas  $02,s
         lbra  L0859

L0A2D    cmpx  #$0064   'd
         lbeq  L0907
         cmpx  #$006F   'o
         lbeq  L091C
         cmpx  #$0078   'x
         lbeq  L0934
         cmpx  #$0058   'X
         lbeq  L0934
         cmpx  #$0075   'u
         lbeq  L095A
         cmpx  #$0066   'f
         lbeq  L0976
         cmpx  #$0065   'e
         lbeq  L0976
         cmpx  #$0067   'g
         lbeq  L0976
         cmpx  #$0045   'E
         lbeq  L0976
         cmpx  #$0047   'G   
         lbeq  L0976
         cmpx  #$0063   'c
         lbeq  L0999
         cmpx  #$0073   's
         lbeq  L09A6
         cmpx  #$006C   'l
         lbeq  L09F6
         bra   L0A20

L0A8A    leas  $0B,s
         puls  pc,u
L0A8E    pshs  u,b,a
         leax  >varnum2,y
         stx   ,s
         ldd   $06,s
         bge   L0AC3
         ldd   $06,s
         sbca  #$00
         std   $06,s
         bge   L0AB8
         leax  >L0CEC,pcr
         pshs  x
         leax  >varnum2,y
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L114C
         leas  $04,s
         lbra  L0B8F
L0AB8    ldd   #$002D
         ldx   ,s
         leax  $01,x
         stx   ,s
         stb   -$01,x
L0AC3    ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $02,s
         pshs  b,a
         bsr   L0AD2
         leas  $04,s
         lbra  L0B89
L0AD2    pshs  u,y,x,b,a
         ldu   $0A,s
         std   $02,s
         std   ,s
         bra   L0AEF
L0AE0    ldd   ,s
         addd  #$0001
         std   ,s
         ldd   $0C,s
         subd  >$0005,y
         std   $0C,s
L0AEF    ldd   $0C,s
         blt   L0AE0
         leax  >$0005,y
         stx   $04,s
         bra   L0B31
L0AFB    ldd   ,s
         addd  #$0001
         std   ,s
L0B02    ldd   $0C,s
         subd  [<$04,s]
         std   $0C,s
         bge   L0AFB
         ldd   $0C,s
         addd  [<$04,s]
         std   $0C,s
         ldd   ,s
         beq   L0B1B
         ldd   #$0001
         std   $02,s
L0B1B    ldd   $02,s
         beq   L0B26
         ldd   ,s
         addd  #$0030
         stb   ,u+
L0B26    clra  
         std   ,s
         ldd   $04,s
         addd  #$0002
         std   $04,s
L0B31    ldd   $04,s
         cmpd  >$000D,y
         bne   L0B02
         ldd   $0C,s
         addd  #$0030
         stb   ,u+
         stb   ,u
         ldd   $0A,s
         leas  $06,s
         puls  pc,u
L0B4B    pshs  u,b,a
         leax  >varnum2,y
         stx   ,s
         leau  >varnum3,y
L0B57    ldd   $06,s
         andb  #$07
         addd  #$0030
         stb   ,u+
         ldd   $06,s
         std   $06,s
         bne   L0B57
         bra   L0B79
L0B6F    ldb   ,u
         ldx   ,s
         leax  $01,x
         stx   ,s
         stb   -$01,x
L0B79    leau  -dpsiz,u
         pshs  u
         leax  >varnum3,y
         cmpx  ,s++
         bls   L0B6F
         stb   [,s]
L0B89    leax  >varnum2,y
         tfr   x,d
L0B8F    leas  $02,s
         puls  pc,u
L0B93    pshs  u,x,b,a
         leax  >varnum2,y
         stx   $02,s
         leau  >varnum3,y
L0B9F    ldd   $08,s
         andb  #$0F
         std   ,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $02,s
         cmpd  #$0009
         ble   L0BC1
         ldd   $0C,s
         beq   L0BB9
         ldd   #$0041
         bra   L0BBC
L0BB9    ldd   #$0061
L0BBC    addd  #$FFF6
         bra   L0BC4
L0BC1    ldd   #$0030
L0BC4    addd  ,s++
         stb   ,u+
         ldd   $08,s
         anda  #$0F
         std   $08,s
         bne   L0B9F
         bra   L0BE4
L0BDA    ldb   ,u
         ldx   $02,s
         leax  $01,x
         stx   $02,s
         stb   -$01,x
L0BE4    leau  -dpsiz,u
         pshs  u
         leax  >varnum3,y
         cmpx  ,s++
         bls   L0BDA
         stb   [<$02,s]
         leax  >varnum2,y
         tfr   x,d
         lbra  L0CD6
L0BFE    pshs  u
         ldu   $06,s
         ldd   $0A,s
         subd  $08,s
         std   $0A,s
         ldd   >varnum4,y
         bne   L0C33
         bra   L0C1B
L0C10    ldd   >varnum5,y
         pshs  b,a
         jsr   [<$06,s]
         leas  $02,s
L0C1B    ldd   $0A,s
         addd  #$FFFF
         std   $0A,s
         subd  #$FFFF
         bgt   L0C10
         bra   L0C33
L0C29    ldb   ,u+
         pshs  b,a
         jsr   [<$06,s]
         leas  $02,s
L0C33    ldd   $08,s
         addd  #$FFFF
         std   $08,s
         subd  #$FFFF
         bne   L0C29
         ldd   >varnum4,y
         beq   L0C5E
         bra   L0C52
L0C47    ldd   >varnum5,y
         pshs  b,a
         jsr   [<$06,s]
         leas  $02,s
L0C52    ldd   $0A,s
         addd  #$FFFF
         std   $0A,s
         subd  #$FFFF
         bgt   L0C47
L0C5E    puls  pc,u
L0C60    pshs  u
         ldu   $06,s
         ldd   $08,s
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         lbsr  egg4
         leas  $02,s
         sbca  #$00
         addd  ,s++
         std   $08,s
         ldd   >varnum4,y
         bne   L0CA2
         bra   L0C8A
L0C7F    ldd   >varnum5,y
         pshs  b,a
         jsr   [<$06,s]
         leas  $02,s
L0C8A    ldd   $08,s
         addd  #$FFFF
         std   $08,s
         subd  #$FFFF
         bgt   L0C7F
         bra   L0CA2
L0C98    ldb   ,u+
         pshs  b,a
         jsr   [<$06,s]
         leas  $02,s
L0CA2    ldb   ,u
         bne   L0C98
         ldd   >varnum4,y
         beq   L0CC5
         bra   L0CB9
L0CAE    ldd   >varnum5,y
         pshs  b,a
         jsr   [<$06,s]
         leas  $02,s
L0CB9    ldd   $08,s
         addd  #$FFFF
         std   $08,s
         subd  #$FFFF
         bgt   L0CAE
L0CC5    puls  pc,u

L0CC7    pshs  u
         ldd   >varnum1,y
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  egg2
L0CD6    leas  $04,s
         puls  pc,u
L0CDA    pshs  u
         ldd   $04,s
         ldx   >varnum1,y
         leax  $01,x
         stx   >varnum1,y
         stb   -$01,x
         puls  pc,u
L0CEC    blt   L0D21
         leas  -$09,y
         pshu  y,x,dp

*         neg   <u0034  branch to middle of instruct? 
*L0CF2    fcb    $00
*L0CF3    fcb    $34
*         nega 

         fcb   $00       what function in life do I have
egg2     pshs  u         disassembled as neg <u0034 then neg 
         ldu   $06,s
         ldd   u0006,u
         anda  #$80
         andb  #$22
         cmpd  #$8002
         beq   L0D17
         ldd   u0006,u
         andb  #$22
         cmpd  #$0002
         lbne  L0E2F
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L1062
         leas  $02,s
L0D17    ldd   u0006,u
         andb  #$04
         beq   L0D53
         ldd   #$0001
L0D21    pshs  b,a
         leax  $07,s
         pshs  x
         ldd   u0008,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   u0006,u
         andb  #$40
         beq   L0D38
         leax  >L13EC,pcr    writeln: ??
         bra   L0D3C
L0D38    leax  >L13D3,pcr    write:  ??
L0D3C    tfr   x,d
         tfr   d,x
         jsr   ,x
         leas  $06,s
         cmpd  #$FFFF
         bne   L0D94
         ldd   u0006,u
         orb   #C$SPC
         std   u0006,u
         lbra  L0E2F
L0D53    ldd   u0006,u
         anda  #$01
         std   -$02,s
         bne   L0D63
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L0E4C
         leas  $02,s
L0D63    ldd   ,u
         addd  #$0001
         std   ,u
         subd  #$0001
         tfr   d,x
         ldd   $04,s
         stb   ,x
         ldd   ,u
         cmpd  u0004,u
         bcc   L0D89
         ldd   u0006,u
         andb  #$40
         beq   L0D94
         ldd   $04,s
         cmpd  #$000D
         bne   L0D94
L0D89    pshs  u
         lbsr  L0E4C
         std   ,s++
         lbne  L0E2F
L0D94    ldd   $04,s
         puls  pc,u
         pshs  u
         ldu   $04,s
         ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         ldd   #$0008
         lbsr  L1294
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  egg2
         leas  $04,s
         ldd   $06,s
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         lbsr  egg2
         lbra  L0F06
L0DBB    pshs  u,b,a
         leau  >u0012,y
         std   ,s
         bra   L0DD1
L0DC7    tfr   u,d
         leau  u000D,u
         pshs  b,a
         bsr   L0DE4
         leas  $02,s
L0DD1    ldd   ,s
         addd  #$0001
         std   ,s
         subd  #$0001
         cmpd  #$0010
         blt   L0DC7
         lbra  L0E48
L0DE4    pshs  u
         ldu   $04,s
         leas  -$02,s
         cmpu  #$0000
         beq   L0DF4
         ldd   u0006,u
         bne   L0DFA
L0DF4    ldd   #$FFFF
         lbra  L0E48
L0DFA    ldd   u0006,u
         andb  #$02
         beq   L0E09
         pshs  u
         bsr   L0E1E
         leas  $02,s
         bra   L0E0B
L0E09    clra  
L0E0B    std   ,s
         ldd   u0008,u
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  close:
         leas  $02,s
         std   u0006,u
         ldd   ,s
         bra   L0E48
L0E1E    pshs  u
         ldu   $04,s
         beq   L0E2F
         ldd   u0006,u
         andb  #$22
         cmpd  #$0002
         beq   L0E34
L0E2F    ldd   #$FFFF
         puls  pc,u

L0E34    ldd   u0006,u
         anda  #$80
         std   -$02,s
         bne   L0E44
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L1062
         leas  $02,s
L0E44    pshs  u
         bsr   L0E4C
L0E48    leas  $02,s
         puls  pc,u     return

L0E4C    pshs  u
         ldu   $04,s
         leas  -$04,s
         ldd   u0006,u
         anda  #$01
         std   -$02,s
         bne   L0E7E
         ldd   ,u
         cmpd  u0004,u
         beq   L0E7E
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L0F0A
         leas  $02,s
         ldd   $02,x
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   ,x
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   u0008,u
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  lseek:
         leas  $08,s
L0E7E    ldd   ,u
         subd  u0002,u
         std   $02,s
         lbeq  L0EF6
         ldd   u0006,u
         anda  #$01
         std   -$02,s
         lbeq  L0EF6
         ldd   u0006,u
         andb  #$40
         beq   L0ECD
         ldd   u0002,u
         bra   L0EC5
L0E9E    ldd   $02,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   ,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   u0008,u
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  writeln
         leas  $06,s
         std   ,s
         cmpd  #$FFFF
         bne   L0EBB
         leax  $04,s
         bra   L0EE5
L0EBB    ldd   $02,s
         subd  ,s
         std   $02,s
         ldd   ,u
         addd  ,s
L0EC5    std   ,u
         ldd   $02,s
         bne   L0E9E
         bra   L0EF6
L0ECD    ldd   $02,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   u0002,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   u0008,u
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  write:      was L13D3
         leas  $06,s
         cmpd  $02,s
         beq   L0EF6
         bra   L0EE7
L0EE5    leas  -$04,x
L0EE7    ldd   u0006,u
         orb   #C$SPC
         std   u0006,u
         ldd   u0004,u
         std   ,u
         ldd   #$FFFF
         bra   L0F06
L0EF6    ldd   u0006,u
         ora   #$01
         std   u0006,u
         ldd   u0002,u
         std   ,u
         addd  u000B,u
         std   u0004,u
L0F06    leas  $04,s
         puls  pc,u
L0F0A    pshs  u
         puls  pc,u
L0F0E    pshs  u
         ldu   $04,s
         beq   L0F5A
         ldd   u0006,u
         anda  #$01
         std   -$02,s
         bne   L0F5A
         ldd   ,u
         cmpd  u0004,u
         bcc   L0F36
         ldd   ,u
         addd  #$0001
         std   ,u
         subd  #$0001
         tfr   d,x
         ldb   ,x
         lbra  L1060
L0F36    pshs  u
         lbsr  L0FA9
         lbra  L105E
         pshs  u
         ldu   $06,s
         beq   L0F5A
         ldd   u0006,u
         andb  #$01
         beq   L0F5A
         ldd   $04,s
         cmpd  #$FFFF
         beq   L0F5A
         ldd   ,u
         cmpd  u0002,u
         bhi   L0F5F
L0F5A    ldd   #$FFFF
         puls  pc,u
L0F5F    ldd   ,u
         addd  #$FFFF
         std   ,u
         tfr   d,x
         ldd   $04,s
         stb   ,x
         ldd   $04,s
         puls  pc,u
         pshs  u
         ldu   $04,s
         leas  -$04,s
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L0F0E
         leas  $02,s
         std   $02,s
         cmpd  #$FFFF
         beq   L0F94
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L0F0E
         leas  $02,s
         std   ,s
         cmpd  #$FFFF
         bne   L0F99
L0F94    ldd   #$FFFF
         bra   L0FA5
L0F99    ldd   $02,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$0008
         lbsr  L12AB
         addd  ,s
L0FA5    leas  $04,s
         puls  pc,u
L0FA9    pshs  u
         ldu   $04,s
         leas  -$02,s
         ldd   u0006,u
         anda  #$80
         andb  #$31
         cmpd  #$8001
         beq   L0FCF
         ldd   u0006,u
         andb  #$31
         cmpd  #$0001
         lbne  L1048
         pshs  u
         lbsr  L1062
         leas  $02,s
L0FCF    leax  >u0012,y
         pshs  x
         cmpu  ,s++
         bne   L0FEC
         ldd   u0006,u
         andb  #$40
         beq   L0FEC
         leax  >$001F,y
         pshs  x
         lbsr  L0E1E
         leas  $02,s
L0FEC    ldd   u0006,u
         andb  #$08
         beq   L1018
         ldd   u000B,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   u0002,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   u0008,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   u0006,u
         andb  #$40
         beq   L100C
         leax  >L13C3,pcr  readln:
         bra   L1010
L100C    leax  >L13A2,pcr  compiler dosent like "read:" label
L1010    tfr   x,d
         tfr   d,x
         jsr   ,x
         bra   L102A
L1018    ldd   #$0001
         pshs  b,a
         leax  u000A,u
         stx   u0002,u
         pshs  x
         ldd   u0008,u
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  read:

L102A    leas  $06,s
         std   ,s
         ldd   ,s
         bgt   L104D
         ldd   u0006,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $02,s
         beq   L103F
         ldd   #$0020
         bra   L1042
L103F    ldd   #$0010
L1042    ora   ,s+
         orb   ,s+
         std   u0006,u
L1048    ldd   #$FFFF
         bra   L105E
L104D    ldd   u0002,u
         addd  #$0001
         std   ,u
         ldd   u0002,u
         addd  ,s
         std   u0004,u
         ldb   [<u0002,u]
L105E    leas  $02,s
L1060    puls  pc,u
L1062    pshs  u
         ldu   $04,s
         ldd   u0006,u
         andb  #$C0
         bne   L109A
         leas  <-$20,s
         leax  ,s
         pshs  x
         ldd   u0008,u
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  getstat:
         leas  $06,s
         ldd   u0006,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $02,s
         bne   L108E
         ldd   #$0040
         bra   L1091
L108E    ldd   #$0080
L1091    ora   ,s+
         orb   ,s+
         std   u0006,u
         leas  <$20,s
L109A    ldd   u0006,u
         ora   #$80
         std   u0006,u
         andb  #$0C
         beq   L10A7
         puls  pc,u

L10A7    ldd   u000B,u
         bne   L10BC
         ldd   u0006,u
         andb  #$40
         beq   L10B7
         ldd   #$0080
         bra   L10BA
L10B7    ldd   #$0100
L10BA    std   u000B,u
L10BC    ldd   u0002,u
         bne   L10D1
         ldd   u000B,u
         pshs  b,a
         lbsr  ibrk     L14BA
         leas  $02,s
         std   u0002,u
         cmpd  #$FFFF
         beq   L10D9
L10D1    ldd   u0006,u
         orb   #$08
         std   u0006,u
         bra   L10E8
L10D9    ldd   u0006,u
         orb   #$04
         std   u0006,u
         leax  u000A,u
         stx   u0002,u
         ldd   #$0001
         std   u000B,u
L10E8    ldd   u0002,u
         addd  u000B,u
         std   u0004,u
         std   ,u
         puls  pc,u

L10F2    pshs  u
         ldb   $05,s
         tfr   d,x
         bra   L1118
L10FB    ldd   [<$06,s]
         addd  #$0004
         std   [<$06,s]
         leax  >L112F,pcr
         bra   L1114
L110A    ldb   $05,s
         stb   >$0010,y
         leax  >$000F,y
L1114    tfr   x,d
         puls  pc,u
L1118    cmpx  #$0064   'd
         beq   L10FB
         cmpx  #$006F   'o
         lbeq  L10FB
         cmpx  #$0078   'x
         lbeq  L10FB
         bra   L110A
         puls  pc,u

*L112F    neg   <u0034 branch in here ?
*L112F    fcb $00
*L1130    fcb $34
*         nega  
L112F    fcb $00         used above
egg3     pshs  u         disassembled as neg <u0034 then neg 

         leax  >L113A,pcr
         tfr   x,d
         puls  pc,u
* L113A    neg   <u0034 same story here except somebody jumps 
*                        to the front byte too

L113A    fcb  $00        what do i do?
egg4     pshs  u         disassembled as neg <u0034 then neg 
         ldu   $04,s
L113F    ldb   ,u+
         bne   L113F
         tfr   u,d
         subd  $04,s
         addd  #$FFFF
         puls  pc,u

L114C    pshs  u
         ldu   $06,s
         leas  -$02,s
         ldd   $06,s
         std   ,s
L1156    ldb   ,u+
         ldx   ,s
         leax  $01,x
         stx   ,s
         stb   -$01,x
         bne   L1156
         bra   L118B

         pshs  u
         ldu   $06,s
         leas  -$02,s
         ldd   $06,s
         std   ,s
L116E    ldx   ,s
         leax  $01,x
         stx   ,s
         ldb   -$01,x
         bne   L116E
         ldd   ,s
         addd  #$FFFF
         std   ,s

L117F    ldb   ,u+
         ldx   ,s
         leax  $01,x
         stx   ,s
         stb   -$01,x
         bne   L117F

L118B    ldd   $06,s
         leas  $02,s
         puls  pc,u     return

         pshs  u
         ldu   $04,s
         bra   L11A7
L1197    ldx   $06,s
         leax  $01,x
         stx   $06,s
         ldb   -$01,x
         bne   L11A5
         puls  pc,u      return

L11A5    leau  dpsiz,u
L11A7    ldb   ,u
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   [<$08,s]
         cmpd  ,s++
         beq   L1197
         ldb   [<$06,s]
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   ,u
         subd  ,s++
         puls  pc,u    return

L11C2    pshs  u
         ldu   $04,s
         leas  -$05,s
         std   $01,s
L11CC    ldb   ,u+
         stb   ,s
         cmpb  #C$SPC
         beq   L11CC
         ldb   ,s
         cmpb  #$09
         lbeq  L11CC
         ldb   ,s
         cmpb  #$2D    '-
         bne   L11E7
         ldd   #$0001
         bra   L11E9
L11E7    clra  
L11E9    std   $03,s
         ldb   ,s
         cmpb  #$2D  '-
         beq   L120F
         ldb   ,s
         cmpb  #$2B  '+
         bne   L1213
         bra   L120F
L11F9    ldd   $01,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$000A
         lbsr  L1235
         pshs  b,a
         ldb   $02,s
         addd  ,s++
         addd  #$FFD0
         std   $01,s
L120F    ldb   ,u+
         stb   ,s
L1213    ldb   ,s
         leax  >$00E3,y
         leax  d,x
         ldb   ,x
         andb  #$08
         bne   L11F9
         ldd   $03,s
         beq   L122F
         ldd   $01,s
         sbca  #$00
         bra   L1231
L122F    ldd   $01,s
L1231    leas  $05,s
         puls  pc,u    return

L1235    tsta  
         bne   L124A
         tst   $02,s
         bne   L124A
         lda   $03,s
         ldx   ,s
         stx   $02,s
         ldx   #$0000
         std   ,s
         puls  pc,b,a    return

L124A    pshs  b,a
         ldd   #$0000
         pshs  b,a
         pshs  b,a
         lda   $05,s
         ldb   $09,s
         std   $02,s
         lda   $05,s
         ldb   $08,s
         addd  $01,s
         std   $01,s
         bcc   L1267
         inc   ,s
L1267    lda   $04,s
         ldb   $09,s
         addd  $01,s
         std   $01,s
         bcc   L1274
         inc   ,s
L1274    lda   $04,s
         ldb   $08,s
         addd  ,s
         std   ,s
         ldx   $06,s
         stx   $08,s
         ldx   ,s
         ldd   $02,s
         leas  $08,s

         beq   L129E

L128B    asr   $02,s
         ror   $03,s
         bne   L128B
         bra   L129E

L1294    tstb  
         beq   L129E

L1297    lsr   $02,s
         ror   $03,s
         bne   L1297

L129E    ldd   $02,s
         pshs  b,a
         ldd   $02,s
         std   $04,s
         ldd   ,s
         leas  $04,s

L12AB    tstb  
         beq   L129E
L12AE    lsl   $03,s
         rol   $02,s
         bne   L12AE
         bra   L129E

*  Found in stat.a c-compiler sources
*  getstat code (code,path,buffer) 
*** See
***  Section 3 - C System Calls page 3-16
***  of the Microware C compiler user's guide
***  for interesting info on "Code" meanings

*  Get status - Returns the status of a file or device
*               Wildcard call exit status differs based on cal code
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       b -> function code
* exit:
*       exit status differs based on cal code
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error (usually)
*       b  -> error code

getstat: lda   $05,s      get the path number
         ldb   $03,s      get the code
         beq   getst30    code is 0 ? Buffer (SS.Opt)
         cmpb  #SS.Ready   
         beq   getst40    data available scf dev
         cmpb  #SS.EOF
         beq   getst40    EOF & error check
         cmpb  #SS.Size
         beq   getst10
         cmpb  #SS.Pos    file position 
         beq   getst10

*  can't do other codes
         ldb   #E$UnkSvc  load error unknow service code
         lbra  _os9err:   head for error routine

* Code 2
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       b -> function code 2 (SS.Size)
* exit:
*       x -> most significant 16 bits of the current file size 
*       u -> least significant 16 bits of the current file size 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)
* Code 5    
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       b -> function code 5 (SS.Pos)
* exit:
*       x -> most significant 16 bits of the current file position 
*       u -> least significant 16 bits of the current file position
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

getst10  pshs  u         stack u since getstt modifies it
         os9   I$GetStt 
         bcc   getst20   successful ?? go store info
         puls  u         otherwise pop our u
         lbra  _os9err:  head for error procesing

getst20  stx   [<$08,s]  store MSW
         ldx   $08,s     get address of destination
         stu   $02,x     store LSW
         puls  u         restore register variable
         clra            clear d
         rts             return to caller   

* Code 0  - 32 bytes into buffer                
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       b -> function code 2 (SS.opt)
*       x -> address to receive the status packet
* exit:
*      none 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

getst30  ldx   $06,s     load address to receive status packet

* Code 6  - End of file                
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       b -> function code 6 (SS.eof)
* exit:
*      If there is NO end of file
*       CC -> carry clear
*       b  -> $00 (zeroed)
*      If there IS an end of file
*       CC -> carry set
*       b  -> $D3 (E$EOF)
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

getst40  os9   I$GetStt  make the cal
         lbra  _sysret

*  Found in stat.a c-compiler sources
*  setstat(code,failname,buffer) 
*  setstat(code,failname,size) 
*** See
***  Section 3 - C System Calls page 3-37
***  of the Microware C compiler user's guide
***  for interesting info on "Code" meanings
* Set status - Returns the status of a file or device
*               Wildcard call exit status differs based on cal code
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       b -> function code
* exit:
*       exit status differs based on cal code
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error (usually)
*       b  -> error code
* setstat(code,path,buffer) or
* setstat(code,path,offset)

         lda   $05,s      get the path number
         ldb   $03,s      get the code
         beq   setst10    code is 0
         cmpb  #SS.Size   code is 2
         beq   setst20
*                         No other codes permitted
         ldb   #E$UnkSvc  unknow service code
         lbra  _os9err:

* Code 0
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       b -> function code 0 (SS.opt)
*       x -> address to receive the status packet
* exit:
*      none 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

setst10  ldx   $06,s      x gets the address of the status packet
         os9   I$SetStt 
         lbra  _sysret

* Code 2
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       b -> function code 2 (SS.Size)
* exit:
*       x -> most significant 16 bits of the desired file size 
*       u -> least significant 16 bits of the desired file size 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

setst20  pshs  u          stack the u since setstat modifies it 
         ldx   $08,s      get MSW
         ldu   $0A,s      get LSW
         os9   I$SetStt   make the call
         puls  u          bring back the orig u
         lbra  _sysret    return
*  end of getstat & setstat
*  Found in access.a c-compiler sources
*  access(fname,perm)
*** See
***  Section 3 - C System Calls page 3-4
***  of the Microware C compiler user's guide
***  for interesting info 

* Open Path - Opens a path to the an existing file or device
*             as specified by the path list
* entry:
*       a -> access mode (D S PE PW PR E W R) 
*       x -> address of the path list 
* exit:
*       a -> path number 
*       x -> address of the last btye of the path list + 1 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)
* Close Path - Terminates I/O path
*              (performs an impledd I$Detach call)
* entry:
*       a -> path number
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

* access test
          ldx   $02,s    get address of path list
          lda   $05,s    get access mode (permissions)
          os9   I$Open   attempt to open
          bcs   access10 didn't open ? no need to 
          os9   I$Close  Close it
access10 lbra  _sysret   return

* open a path
open:    ldx   $02,s    get address of the path list
         lda   $05,s    get access mode permisions
         os9   I$Open   attempt the opoen
         lbcs  _os9err: didn't open go to error handler
         tfr   a,b      path is open put a in b
         clra           clear a
         rts            return

* close a path
close:   lda   $03,s    get path number
         os9   I$Close  go close it
         lbra  _sysret  return

* mknod (name,mode)
* Make Directory - Creates an initializes a dircectory
* entry:
*       b -> directory attributes
*       x -> address of the path list 
* exit:
*       x -> address of the last btye of the path list + 1 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

mknod:   ldx   $02,s     get address of the path list
         ldb   $05,s     get access mode permission
         os9   I$MakDir  make the call
         lbra  _sysret   return

* create (fname,mode)
* Create File - Creates and opens a disk file
* entry:
*       a -> access mode (write or update)
*       b -> file attributes
*       x -> address of the path list 
* exit:
*       a -> path number
*       x -> address of the last btye of the path list + 1;
*            trailing blanks are skipped. 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

creat:   ldx   $02,s    get address of the path list
         lda   $05,s    get access modes
         tfr   a,b      proto attr
         andb  #EPEXEC. save exec bits public and owner
         orb   #pmode   now add the default modes
         os9   I$Create go make the file
         bcs   creat10  failed creation ?
ccret    tfr   a,b      move path to b
         clra           clear a
         rts            return

creat10  cmpb  #E$CEF   already there ?    
         lbne  _os9err: no a different error bail out

*  is it a directory although we want a file instead?
         lda   $05,s    get the mode
         bita  #$80     trying to create a directrory?
         lbne  _os9err: yes - bail out

*  if already there attempt to open with proper access rights
         anda  #$07     access mode bits
         ldx   $02,s    get the name again
         os9   I$Open   try and open it 
         lbcs  _os9err: still fails - bail out

* Set Stat Code 2 (SS.SIZE)
* entry:
*       a -> path number 
*       b -> function code 2 (SS.Size)
* exit:
*       x -> most significant 16 bits of the desired file size 
*       u -> least significant 16 bits of the desired file size 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)
         pshs  u,a      we got it open Yippee
         ldx   #$0000   set file size
         leau  ,x       to zero
         ldb   #SS.Size set function code
*                       path number of open file is in a from I$Iopen
         os9   I$SetStt make the call  
         puls  u,a      pop u and a back
         bcc   ccret    contine as we have created the file

         pshs  b        set stat fail ? save error code
         os9   I$Close  call close on file
         puls  b        pop the setstat error code
         lbra  _os9err: head for error handler

* unlink(fname)
* Delete File - Deletes a specified disk file
* entry:
*       x -> address of the path list
* exit:
*       x -> address of the last btye of the path list + 1;
*            trailing blanks are skipped. 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

unlink:  ldx   $02,s     get address of the path list      
         os9   I$Delete  make the call 
         lbra  _sysret   return

* dup(fildes)
* Duplicate Path - Returns a synonymous path number
* entry:
*       a -> old path number (number of path to duplicate)
* exit:
*       a -> new path number if NO error
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

dup:     lda   $03,s    get path number
         os9   I$Dup    make the call
         lbcs  _os9err: didn't dup go to error handler
         tfr   a,b      move the new path num into b
         clra           clear a
         rts            return

*  end of access code
*  Found in io.a c-compiler sources
*** See
***  Section 3 - C System Calls
***  of the Microware C compiler user's guide
***  for interesting info 
* Read  - Reads n bytes from the specified path
* entry:
*       a -> path number
*       x -> address in which to stor the data
*       y -> is the number of bytes to read
* exit:
*       y -> number of bytes read 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

L13A2    pshs  y       stack current y 
         ldx   $06,s   get address to store at
         lda   $05,s   get path number
         ldy   $08,s   get number of bytes to read
         pshs  y       stack the number of to read also 
         os9   I$Read  make the call

read1    bcc   rdexit  no problem if carry clear
         cmpb  #E$EOF  is it end of file ??
         bne   read10  nope then head for error handler
         clra          was the end of the file
         clrb          then clear a & b
         puls  pc,y,x  pop the stacked values (cheap rts)

read10   puls  y,x
         lbra  _os9err:
rdexit   tfr   y,d
         puls  pc,y,x

* Read Line with Editing  - Reads text line with editting
* entry:
*       a -> path number
*       x -> address in which to stor the data
*       y -> is the max number of bytes to read
* exit:
*       y -> number of bytes read 
* error:
*       CC -> Carry set on error
*       b  -> error code (if any)

L13C3    pshs  y        save data pointer
         lda   $05,s    get the path number
         ldx   $06,s    get the buffer address
         ldy   $08,s    get the number to read
         pshs  y        save request for later
         os9   I$ReadLn read it 
         bra   read1    always go back test for eof

L13D3    pshs  y        save data pointer 
         ldy   $08,s    get count
         beq   write10    
         lda   $05,s    get file number
         ldx   $06,s    get buffer address
         os9   I$Write  write it

write1   bcc   write10  good write head out
         puls  y        error in writing ? get data pointer
         lbra  _os9err: head for error handler

write10  tfr   y,d      good write
         puls  pc,y     return 

L13EC    pshs  y        save data pointer
         ldy   $08,s    get the count 
         beq   write10  count zero ??  go to return
         lda   $05,s    something to write get path number 
         ldx   $06,s    get buffer address
         os9   I$WritLn write it
         bra   write1   goto return

*  lseek(fd, offset, type)
lseek:   pshs  u        save the register variable
         ldd   10,s     get type
*        ldd   $0A,s    get type 
         bne   lseek10
         ldu   #$0000
         ldx   #$0000
         bra   doseek

lseek10  cmpd  #$0001  from here?
         beq   here
         cmpd  #$0002  from the end?
         beq   frmend
*                      otherwise it was passed a bad type
*        ldb   #$F7
         ldb   #E$SEEK

lserr    clra            seek error routine 
         std   >errno,y  was $01b1
         ldd   #-1           $FFFF
         leax  >_flacc,y     $01a5
         std   ,x
         std   $02,x
         puls  pc,u       return 

* from the end
frmend   lda   $05,s      get the path number
         ldb   #SS.size   $02 file size code
         os9   I$GetStt   get the file size
         bcs   lserr      if error go to error code

         bra   doseek     if not seek to position

here     lda   $05,s      get path number
         ldb   #SS.pos    $05 file position
         os9   I$GetStt   get the postion
         bcs   lserr      if error go to error code

doseek   tfr   u,d        work on the LSW first
         addd  $08,s
         std   _flacc+2,y
         tfr   d,u
         tfr   x,d
         adcb  $07,s
         adca  $06,s
         bmi   lserr     seek is before the beginning of the file
         tfr   d,x
         std   _flacc,y

         lda   $05,s     get the path number
         os9   I$Seek   
         bcs   lserr     if error go to error code

         leax  _flacc,y
         puls  pc,u      return

sbrk:    ldd   memend,y  get hi bound   
*         ldd   >$01a3,y  disassembly
*         pshs  b,a       disassembly
         pshs  d         save it
         ldd   $04,s     get required size
         cmpd  spare,y   any spare left
*         bcs   L1497     disassembly
         blo    sbrk20

*  have to get some from the system         
         addd  memend,y   add current size
         pshs  y          save data pointer
         subd  ,s         adjust for base
         os9   F$Mem      re-size memory
         tfr   y,d        save the high bound
         puls  y          restore the data paointer
         bcc   sbrk10     branch if NO error
         ldd   #-1        return error code
         leas  $02,s      junk scratch

sbrk10   std   memend,y   save new memory address
         addd  spare,y    add in spare bytes ($01CD)
         subd  ,s         less old base
         std   spare,y    is new spare value ($01CD)  

*  now spare is big enough
sbrk20   leas  $02,s      junk scratch    L1497
         ldd   spare,y    get spare count 
         pshs  d 
*        pshs  b,a
         subd  $04,s      less size
         std   spare,y    update value
         ldd   memend,y   get hi bound
         subd  ,s++       base of free memeory
         pshs  d          save it
*        pshs  b,a       

         ldx   ,s
sbrk30   sta   ,x+       clear new memory
         cmpx  memend,y 
         bcs   sbrk30
*        puls  pc,b,a
         puls  pc,d      return

*   get memory within data allocation
ibrk:    ldd   $02,s     get the size
         addd  _mtop,y   add in the current top
         bcs   ibrk20    if it wraps round - error
         cmpd  _stbot,y  overlap stack
         bcc   ibrk20    yes error
*        pshs  b,a
         pshs  d         no save top
         ldx   _mtop,y   reset to the bottom

sbloop   cmpx  ,s        reached the end
         bcc   ibrk10    yes - done
         sta   ,x+       nope clear and bump
         bra   sbloop

ibrk10   ldd   _mtop,y     return value
         puls  x           restore new top
         stx   _mtop,y     save for next time

ibrk20   ldd   #-1         return memory full

*   stat.a code

_os9err: clra  
         std    >errno,y  indicate in system error indicator
         ldd   #-1       error condition

*        std   >$01B1,y  
*        ldd   #$FFFF

_sysret: bcs   _os9err
         clra  clear "d"
         clrb  to return 0

* normal exit - buffers flushed if there are any
exit    lbsr  L1500

        lbsr  L0DBB  What do I do ???

* abnormal exit - no buffer flushing
* the argument to either exit entry is taken to be the
* F$EXIT status

_exit    ldd   $02,s   get the exit status
         os9   F$Exit  toodle-loo  

L1500    rts   

* end of executable text

etext    equ   *
L1501    fcb   $00,$01,$00,$01,$62,$74,$4F       ....btO
L1508    fcb   $43,$00,$27,$10,$03,$E8,$00,$64   C.'..h.d
L1510    fcb   $00,$0A,$00,$0D,$6C,$78,$00,$00   ....lx..
L1518    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$00   ........
L1520    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L1528    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$02,$00,$01,$00,$00   ........
L1530    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L1538    fcb   $42,$00,$02,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   B.......
L1540    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L1548    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L1550    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L1558    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L1560    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L1568    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L1570    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L1578    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L1580    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L1588    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L1590    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L1598    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L15A0    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L15A8    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L15B0    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L15B8    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L15C0    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L15C8    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L15D0    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L15D8    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L15E0    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00   ........
L15E8    fcb   $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01   ........
L15F0    fcb   $01,$11,$11,$01,$11,$11,$01,$01   ........
L15F8    fcb   $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01   ........
L1600    fcb   $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01   ........
L1608    fcb   $30,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20   0       
L1610    fcb   $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20           
L1618    fcb   $48,$48,$48,$48,$48,$48,$48,$48   HHHHHHHH
L1620    fcb   $48,$48,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20   HH      
L1628    fcb   $20,$42,$42,$42,$42,$42,$42,$02    BBBBBB.
L1630    fcb   $02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02   ........
L1638    fcb   $02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02   ........
L1640    fcb   $02,$02,$02,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20   ...     
L1648    fcb   $20,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$04    DDDDDD.
L1650    fcb   $04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04   ........
L1658    fcb   $04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04   ........
L1660    fcb   $04,$04,$04,$20,$20,$20,$20,$01   ...    .
L1668    fcb   $00,$00,$00,$01,$00,$0D,$74,$6F
L1670    fcb   $63,$67,$65,$6E,$00               cgen.

eom      equ   *