view 3rdparty/utils/view/view_io.a @ 1859:dc2597886264

rma/rlink compatible version of tee.asm
author boisy
date Sun, 24 Jul 2005 22:00:49 +0000
parents b7fb6a9aead4
children 37fd74e6fad8
line wrap: on
line source

* Buffered input routines
* I_Open    - Opens file.  X -> filename, A has permissions
* I_Read    - Read Y bytes from file into [X]
* I_GetByte - Returns one byte from file in A.
* I_Close   - Closes file.
* I_Size    - returns file size, truncated to $FFFF
* Terminal output routines
* O_Write   - Uses I$WritLn to output null-terminated string.
* Note: as with OS9 I$ system calls, all calls return Carry clear if
*   no error.  If there is an error, Carry is set, and the error code is in B
* Global var:
*    FilePos:  2-byte total number of bytes returned by I_Read or I_GetByte

 use os9defs.a

StdIn  equ 0
StdOut equ 1
StdErr equ 2

 psect View_IO_a,0,0,0,0,0

 vsect dp
FilePos:  rmb 2   Current File position
Buffsize  rmb 2   Size of buffer area
Buffer    rmb 2   Start of buffer
Buffstart rmb 2   Start of data in buffer
Buffend   rmb 2   End of data in buffer
Path      rmb 1   Path number of file
errorno   rmb 1   Last error number.

* Open file, initialize buffering
 pshs x,a,b
 clr  errorno
 ldd  <MemSiz     Use as much memory as is free.
 cmpd <MaxBuff    But in no case use more than MaxBuff space.
 blo  IO1
 ldd  <MaxBuff
 std  Buffsize
 ldx  <MemTop    Buffer starts at MemTop
 stx  Buffer
 stx  Buffend
 stx  Buffstart
 leax d,x
 stx  <MemTop    Move MemTop up
 pshs d
 ldd  <MemSiz    Decrease MemSiz accordingly
 subd ,s++
 std  <MemSiz
 puls x,a,b
 cmpx #0000
 bne  IO2
 lda  #StdIn
 bra  IO3
 os9  I$Open
 bcs  IOexit
 sta  Path

* Return Y bytes from input file, to [X]
 cmpy #0
 beq  _I_R_quit
 tst  errorno   If there's an error from the last operation,
 beq  _I_Read     return that as an error code.
 ldb  errorno
 orcc #Carry    Set carry.

 pshs a,b,x,u
 pshs x        Extra copy of initial pointer, for final calculation
 ldu  Buffstart  Get start of data
 cmpu Buffend   Is this the end?
 bne  IR_go
 bsr  fillBuff  Yes, fill buffer from file
 bcc  IR_Again
 stb  errorno   store error if any
 andcc #^Carry  clear carry
 bra  IR_exit   return
 lda  ,u+       move one byte
 sta  ,x+
 leay -1,y      Does this fill the request?
 bne  IR_Loop   No, keep going.
 andcc #^Carry
 pshs cc        Save condition codes, especially Carry
 stu  Buffstart Save new start of buffer
 tfr  x,d       Calculate number of bytes copied.
 subd 1,s
 tfr  d,y       Y has number of bytes copied
 addd FilePos   Update FilePos counter.
 std  FilePos
 puls cc        Restore CC
 puls d         Clean up stack.
 puls a,b,x,u,pc

* Return a single byte from input file, return in A
 tst  errorno   If there's an error from the last operation,
 beq  _I_GetByte     return that as an error code.
 ldb  errorno
 orcc #Carry    Set carry.
 pshs x,b
 ldx  Buffstart  Get start of data
 cmpx Buffend   Is this the end?
 bne  IG_go
 bsr  fillBuff  Yes, fill buffer from file
 bcc  IG_go
 stb  errorno   store error if any
 andcc #^Carry  clear carry
 bra  IG_exit   return
 ldx  Buffstart
 lda  ,x+       move one byte
 stx  Buffstart
 ldx  FilePos
 leax 1,x
 stx  FilePos
 andcc #^Carry
 puls b,x,pc

 pshs a,x,y
 lda  Path
 ldy  Buffsize  Maximum number of characters we can buffer
 ldx  Buffer    Location of buffer
 stx  Buffstart First char in buffer
 os9  I$Read
 bcs  fillexit
 pshs b
 tfr  y,d
 leax d,x
 stx  Buffend  Set end of buffer
 puls b
 andcc #^Carry
 puls a,x,y,pc

* Close input file
  pshs a
  lda  Path
  os9  I$Close
  puls a,pc

* Return size of file in D  (truncated to $ffff)
  pshs x,u
  lda  Path
  ldb  #SS.Size
  os9  I$GetStt
  bcs  ISexit
  tfr  u,d
  cmpx #0000    Is top 16 bits = 0000 ??
  beq  ISexit
  ldd  #$ffff   No, return file size = $ffff
  puls x,u,pc

* Input: X points to null-terminated string, possibly containing embedded
*    CR characters.
* String is output to StdOut, with full line editing a la I$WritLn
  pshs a,x,y
  pshs x
  ldy  #0
  lda  ,x+
  beq  OWexit
  leay 1,y
  lda  ,x+
  bne  OWloop
  ldx  ,s

  sty  ,s
  lda  #StdOut
  os9  I$WritLn
  bcs  OWexit    
  pshs y
  ldd  ,s
  leax d,x
  ldd  2,s
  subd ,s++
  tfr  d,y
  bne  OWloop1

  andcc #^Carry
  puls x
  puls a,x,y,pc
