view level2/modules/kernel/ffmodul.asm @ 1859:dc2597886264

rma/rlink compatible version of tee.asm
author boisy
date Sun, 24 Jul 2005 22:00:49 +0000
parents 3e5e54b2a01a
children 039ddb7c8ad7
line wrap: on
line source

* System Call: F$FModul
* Function: Find module directory entry
* Input:  A = Module type
*         X = Module name string pointer
*         Y = Name string DAT image pointer
* Output: A = Module type
*         B = Module revision
*         X = Updated past name string
*         U = Module directory entry pointer
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
FFModul  pshs  u            preserve register stack pointer
         lda   R$A,u        get module type
         ldx   R$X,u        get pointer to name
         ldy   R$Y,u        get pointer to DAT image of name (from caller)
         bsr   L068D        go find it
         puls  y            restore register stack pointer
         std   R$D,y        save type & revision
         stx   R$X,y        save updated name pointer
         stu   R$U,y        save pointer to directory entry
         rts                return

* Find module in module directory
* Entry: A=Module type
*        X=Pointer to module name
*        Y=DAT image pointer for module name
L068D    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         tfr   0,u          init directory pointer to nothing
         ldu   #$0000
         pshs  d,u          preserve (Why B?)
         bsr   L0712        Go find 1st char of module name requested
         cmpa  #PDELIM      Is it a '/'?
         beq   L070B        yes, exit with error
         lbsr  ParseNam     parse the name to find the end & length
         bcs   L070E        error (illegal name), exit
         ldu   <D.ModEnd    get module directory end pointer
         bra   L0700        start looking for it

* Main module directory search
* Entry: A=Module type
*        B=Module name length
*        X=Logical address of name in Caller's 64k space
*        Y=DAT image of caller (for module name)
*        U=Module directory Entry ptr (current module being checked)
L06A1    pshs  d,x,y        Preserve Mod type/nm len, Log. Addr, DAT Img ptr
         pshs  x,y          Preserve Log. addr & DAT Img ptr
         ldy   MD$MPDAT,u   Does the module have a DAT Image ptr?
         beq   L06F6        no, skip module
         ldx   MD$MPtr,u    get module pointer
         pshs  x,y          Save module ptr & DAT Img ptr of module
         ldd   #M$Name      # bytes to go in to get module name ptr
         lbsr  L0B02        Go get the module name ptr
         IFNE  H6309
         addr  d,x          add it to module start
         leax  d,x
         pshs  x,y          preserve module name ptr & DAT pointer
         leax  8,s          Point to addr of name we are searching for
         ldb   13,s         get name length
         leay  ,s           point to module name name ptr within module DAT
* Stack:
* 0-1,s = Ptr to module name within Module DAT Img
* 2-3,s = Ptr to module's DAT Img
* 4-5,s = Ptr to module start
* 6-7,s = Ptr to module's DAT Img
* 8-9,s = Ptr to name we are looking for in caller's 64K space
* A-B,s = Ptr to caller's DAT Img
* C,s   = Module type we are looking for (0=don't care)
* D,s   = Length of module name
* E-F,s = Ptr to name we are looking for in caller's 64K space
* 10-11,s = Ptr to caller's DAT Img
* 12,s  = Module type looking for
* 13,s  = ??? (B from entry)
* 14-15,s = Module directory ptr (inited to 0)
         lbsr  L07DE        compare the names
         leas  4,s          purge stack
         puls  y,x          restore module pointer & DAT image
         leas  4,s          purge stack
         bcs   L06FE        name didn't match, skip ahead
         ldd   #M$Type
         lbsr  L0B02
         sta   ,s
         stb   $07,s
         lda   $06,s
         beq   L06ED
         anda  #TypeMask
         beq   L06E1
         eora  ,s
         anda  #TypeMask
         bne   L06FE
L06E1    lda   $06,s
         anda  #LangMask
         beq   L06ED
         eora  ,s
         anda  #LangMask
         bne   L06FE
L06ED    puls  y,x,d
         ldb   1,s
         leas  4,s

L06F6    leas  4,s          purge stack
         ldd   8,s          do we have a directory pointer?
         bne   L06FE        yes, skip ahead
         stu   8,s          save directory entry pointer
L06FE    puls  d,x,y        restore pointers
L0700    leau  -MD$ESize,u  move back 1 entry in module table
         cmpu  <D.ModDir    at the beginning?
         bhs   L06A1        no, check entry
         ldb   #E$MNF       get error code (module not found)
         fcb   $8C        skip 2 bytes

L070B    ldb   #E$BNam      get error code
         coma             set carry for error
L070E    stb   1,s          save error code for caller
         puls  d,u,pc       return

* Skip spaces in name string & return first character of name
* Entry: X=Pointer to name
*        Y=DAT image pointer
* Exit : A=First character of name
*        B=DAT image block offset
*        X=Logical address of name
L0712    pshs  y            preserve DAT image pointer
L0714    lbsr  AdjBlk0      adjust pointer to offset for mapping in
         lbsr  L0AC8        map in block
         leax  1,x
         cmpa  #C$SPAC      space?
         beq   L0714        yes, eat it
         leax  -1,x         move back to first character
L0720    pshs  d,cc         preserve char
         tfr   y,d          copy DAT pointer to D
         subd  3,s          calculate DAT image offset
         asrb               divide it by 2
         lbsr  CmpLBlk        convert X to logical address in 64k map
         puls  cc,d,y,pc    restore & return