view 3rdparty/utils/sleuth3/cssinitz3.asm @ 3199:dd553bb32ebb

3rdparty: Changed the names of many disks for easier reading
author Bill Pierce <>
date Tue, 06 Jun 2017 23:59:39 +0200 (2017-06-06)
parents afd0f7d9b514
line wrap: on
line source

start equ * starting address
initz leax temps,u clear work area
 ldy #(tempe-temps)
clear clr ,x+
 leay -$01,y
 bne clear
 leax predef,pcr init data
 leay prermb,u
 ldb #prelen
cleard lda ,x+
 sta ,y+
 bne cleard
clears sts mystk,u beginning stack pointer
 leax -$0200,s table address limit
 stx alimit,u
 lbsr fixesc fix escape addr, pg 7
 lbsr initty initialize tty paras, pg 7
 lbsr inifil initialize file buffers, pg 8
 lda #$09 set 6809 mode
 lbsr setmoi set cpu mode, pg 10
 lbsr maprt fix addrs, pg 10
 inc confl,u set crt flag
 lbsr xcrlf print heading, pg 83
 leax clrscn,pcr
 lbsr outcur clear the screen, pg24
 leax idlin,pcr
 lbsr xpdat output logo, pg 83
 lda #$30+vn
 lbsr xoute output version, pg 83
 lbsr helpyu output rest of heading, pg 10
askin lds mystk,u look at input
 tst ttyswt,u check tty switch
 beq askin0
 bsr initty initialize tty params, pg 7
askin0 lbsr inrtty reset tty paras
 lbsr xcrlf ,pg 83 
 leax beeps,pcr beep bell
 lbsr xpdat , pg 83
 lda #$3f print a ?
 lbsr xoute , pg 83
askin1 lbsr xinee read command, pg 81
 cmpa #$20 chk cntrl char
 bgt askin2 its printable
 cmpa #$0d chk cr
 bne askin
 tst getfl,u chk get flag
 bne askin1 ignore if so
 bra askin
askin2 leax coman,pcr command table
 anda #$5f to upper case
 sta comand,u
 pshs a offset
 cmpa #'A A?
 blo rdjmp
 cmpa #'Z Z?
 bhi rdjmp
 tfr a,b
 subb #$40 sub ascii bias
 aslb dbl it
rdjmp ldd b,x jump to routine
 leax d,x
 puls a get offset back
 jsr ,x
 bra askin end of this routine
fixesc equ * fix escape action
 leax xcrlr,pcr interrupt handler
 os9 F$Icpt catch interrupts
initty ldd #$0000 set up tty paras
 leax scfolg,u point to scf orig area
 os9 I$GetStt get tty info
 ldd #$0100 set up tty paras
 leax scfolp,u point to scf orig area
 os9 I$GetStt get tty info
 lda scfolg+PD.PAU-PD.OPT,u
 ldb scfolp+PD.PAU-PD.OPT,u
 sta scfopg,u
 stb scfopp,u
 clr scfolg+PD.PAU-PD.OPT,u
 clr scfolp+PD.PAU-PD.OPT,u
 clr ttyswt,u clear tty switch
 bra inrtty set up tty paras
wtftty lda #write reset write paras
 sta toblok+iobfc,u
wlftty lda #wrln reset write paras
 sta toblok+iobfc,u
scstty lda #write reset write paras
 sta toblok+iobfc,u
 bra fcstty
csctty bsr ingtty copy tty paras
 clr scfwkg+PD.BSP-PD.OPT,u
 clr scfwkg+PD.DEL-PD.OPT,u
 clr scfwkg+PD.EOF-PD.OPT,u
 clr scfwkg+PD.RPR-PD.OPT,u
 clr scfwkg+PD.DUP-PD.OPT,u
 clr scfwkg+PD.INT-PD.OPT,u
 clr scfwkg+PD.QUT-PD.OPT,u
 clr scfwkg+PD.EKO-PD.OPT,u echo
 lda #wrln reset write paras
 sta toblok+iobfc,u
fcstty com scfwkg+PD.EKO-PD.OPT,u echo
instty ldd #$0000 set tty paras
 leax scfwkg,u point to scf work
 os9 I$SetStt set tty info
lastty lda scfopg,u restore pause
 ldb scfopp,u
 sta scfolg+PD.PAU-PD.OPT,u
 stb scfolp+PD.PAU-PD.OPT,u
 lda #$ff set tty switch
 sta ttyswt,u
inrtty lda #read reset read paras
 sta tiblok+iobfc,u
inftty lda #wrln reset write paras
 sta toblok+iobfc,u
fintty ldd #$0000 final reset tty paras
 leax scfolg,u point to scf orig area
 os9 I$SetStt set tty info
 ldd #$0100 reset tty paras
 leax scfolp,u point to scf orig
 os9 I$SetStt set tty info
ingtty ldd #$0000 get tty paras
 leax scfwkg,u point to scf work
 os9 I$GetStt get tty info
 ldd #$0100 get tty paras
 leax scfwkp,u point to scf work
 os9 I$GetStt get tty info
inbtty lda #rdln set tty paras for buffer
 sta tiblok+iobfc,u
 bra inftty
inifil lda #read set up i/o blocks
 sta inblok+iobfc,u
 sta tiblok+iobfc,u
 lda #write
 sta otblok+iobfc,u
 lda #wrln
 sta prblok+iobfc,u
 sta toblok+iobfc,u
 ldd #buftrm
 std tiblok+iobbl,u
 std toblok+iobbl,u
 std toblok+iobcc,u
 ldd #buflen
 std inblok+iobbl,u
 std otblok+iobbl,u
 std otblok+iobcc,u
 std prblok+iobbl,u
 std prblok+iobcc,u
 ldd #$0001
 std toblok+iobfd,u
 leax inbuff,u
 stx inblok+iobba,u
 stx inblok+iobca,u
 leax otbuff,u
 stx otblok+iobba,u
 stx otblok+iobca,u
 leax tibuff,u
 stx tiblok+iobba,u
 stx tiblok+iobca,u
 leax tobuff,u
 stx toblok+iobba,u
 stx toblok+iobca,u
 leax prbuff,u
 stx prblok+iobba,u
 stx prblok+iobca,u
 ldd #$0000
 std inlrec,u
 sta inlrec+2,u
 ldd #$ffff
 std curmod,u
 std nxtmod,u
 sta curmod+2,u
 sta nxtmod+2,u