view level1/modules/mc09clock.asm @ 3130:e0614e08fa5e

l1 boot modules: Expand documentation and clean up code Tidy up white-space and indentation. Expand documentation to show C flag is important on return from HWRead. Expand documentation to show how/why/when filler is needed at end of file. Delete dead code in some places. No functional changes.
author Neal Crook <>
date Sun, 04 Dec 2016 21:01:42 +0000
parents 174eb9eda7b1
line wrap: on
line source

* Clock - NitrOS-9 System Clock
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*          2015/09/09  Neal Crook
* Created from clock.asm version 9r8. This version for 50Hz timer on
* multicomp09.

* [NAC HACK 2015Sep09] Inherited behaviour: this just stomps into
* D.IRQ so I assume that nothing could have been there before (ie
* because it's the "owner" of this vector). If there is an interrupt
* that is NOT a timer interrupt we jump through D.SvcIRQ, which is
* the list of other devices that might want to claim the interrupt.
* At the end of the timer interrupt service routine (ISR) we don't
* jump through D.SvcIRQ. The assumption is that there is only one
* interruptor. If that assumption tests false, the interrupt will
* still be asserted and we'll come straight back into this ISR.
* The timer ISR checks something and considers dispatching through
* AltIRQ. What's that all about?

         nam   Clock
         ttl   NitrOS-9 System Clock

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Systm+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   8
edition  set   9

* For a detailed hardware description of the Multicomp09
* timer, refer to mc09.d

* Start of module
         mod   len,name,tylg,atrv,init,0

name     fcs   "Clock"
         fcb   edition

TkPerTS  equ   TkPerSec/10 ticks per time slice

* Table to set up Service Calls
NewSvc   fcb   F$Time
         fdb   FTime-*-2
         fcb   F$VIRQ
         fdb   FVIRQ-*-2
         fcb   F$STime
         fdb   FSTime-*-2
         fcb   $80        end of service call installation table

* Handle F$STime system call
* First, copy time packet from user address space to system time
* variables, then fall through to code to update RTC.
FSTime   equ   *
         ldx   R$X,u
         ldd   ,x
         std   <D.Year
         ldd   2,x
         std   <D.Day
         ldd   4,x
         std   <D.Min
         lda   #TkPerSec  reset to start of second
         sta   <D.Tick
         ldx   <D.Clock2  get entry point to Clock2
         clra             clear carry
         jmp   $06,x      and call SetTime entry point

* Clock Initialization
* This vector is called by the kernel to service the first F$STime
* call.  F$STime is usually called by SysGo (with a dummy argument)
* in order to initialize the clock.  F$STime is re-vectored to the
* service code above to handle future F$STime calls.

Clock2   fcs   "Clock2"

         pshs  dp,cc      save DP and CC
         tfr   a,dp       set DP to zero
         leax  <Clock2,pcr
         lda   #Sbrtn+Objct
         os9   F$Link
         bcc   LinkOk
         jmp   >$FFFE     level 1: jump to reset vector

         puls  cc,dp      ; Restore saved dp and cc
         sty   <D.Clock2  save entry point
* Do not need to explicitly read RTC during initialization
         ldd   #59*256+$01 last second and last tick
         std   <D.Sec     will prompt RTC read at next time slice
         ldb   #TkPerSec
         stb   <D.TSec    set ticks per second
         ldb   #TkPerTS   get ticks per time slice
         stb   <D.TSlice  set ticks per time slice
         stb   <D.Slice   set first time slice

         leax  SvcIRQ,pcr set IRQ handler
         stx   <D.IRQ

         leay  NewSvc,pcr insert syscalls
         os9   F$SSvc

* Call Clock2 init routine
         ldy   <D.Clock2  get entry point to Clock2
         jsr   ,y         call init entry point of Clock2

* Initialize clock hardware
         lda   #2         enable timer and its interrupt
         sta   TIMER

* Clock IRQ Entry Point
* For Multicomp09, called 50 times/s ie once every 20ms
         tfr   a,dp       set direct page to zero

* The increment sets N depending upon whether the timer interrupted
         inc   TIMER
         bmi   TimInt
         jmp   [>D.SvcIRQ] else service other possible IRQ
         dec   <D.Tick    decrement tick counter
         bne   L007F      go around if not zero
         ldb   <D.Sec     get minutes/seconds
* Seconds increment
         incb             increment seconds
         cmpb  #60        full minute?
         bcs   L0079      nope...
* Call GetTime entry point in Clock2
         ldx   <D.Clock2  get entry point to Clock2
         jsr   $03,x      call GetTime entry point
         fcb   $8C        skip next 2 bytes
L0079    stb   <D.Sec     update sec
L007B    lda   <D.TSec    get ticks per second value
         sta   <D.Tick    and repopulate tick decrement counter
L007F    clra             clear A
         pshs  a          and save it on the stack
         ldy   <D.CLTb    get pointer to VIRQ Polling Entries
         bra   L009E      go to the processing portion of the loop
L0087    ldd   Vi.Cnt,x   get count down counter
         subd  #$0001     subtract tick count
         bne   L009C      branch if not at terminal count ($0000)
         lda   #$01
         sta   ,s         set flag on stack to 1
         lda   Vi.Stat,x  get status byte
         beq   DelEntry   branch if zero (one shot, so delete)
L0096    ora   #Vi.IFlag  set interrupted flag
         sta   Vi.Stat,x  save in packet
         ldd   Vi.Rst,x   get reset count
L009C    std   Vi.Cnt,x   save tick count back
L009E    ldx   ,y++       get two bytes at Y
         bne   L0087      if not zero, branch
         lda   ,s+        else get byte off stack
         beq   GoAltIRQ   branch if zero
         ldx   <D.Proc    else get pointer to current process descriptor
         beq   L00AE      branch if none
         tst   P$State,x  test process state
         bpl   UsrPoll    branch if system state not set
L00AE    jsr   [>D.Poll]  poll ISRs
         bcc   L00AE      keep polling until carry set
         jmp   [>D.AltIRQ] jump into an alternate IRQ if available
         bsr   DelVIRQ    delete the VIRQ entry
         bra   L0096

UsrPoll  leay  >up@,pcr   point to routine to execute
         jmp   [>D.URtoSs] User to System
up@      jsr   [>D.Poll]  call polling routine
         bcc   up@        keep polling until carry set
         ldx   <D.Proc    get current process descriptor
         ldb   P$State,x  and its state
         andb  #^SysState turn off sysstate bit
         stb   P$State,x  save new state
         ldd   <P$SWI2,x
         std   <D.SWI2
         ldd   <D.UsrIRQ
         std   <D.SvcIRQ
         bra   GoAltIRQ

DelVIRQ  pshs  y,x        save off Y,X
dl@      ldx   ,y++       get next entry
         stx   -$04,y     move up
         bne   dl@        continue until all are moved
         puls  y,x        restore
         leay  -2,y       move back 2 from Y (points to last entry)
         rts              return

* Install or Remove VIRQ Entry
FVIRQ    pshs  cc
         orcc  #IntMasks  mask all interrupts
         ldy   <D.CLTb    get pointer to VIRQ polling table
         ldx   <D.Init    get pointer to init module
         ldb   PollCnt,x  get poll count
         ldx   R$X,u      get pointer to caller's X
         beq   L0118      branch if removing
         tst   ,y         entry available?
         beq   L010C
         subb  #$02
         leay  b,y
         tst   ,y
         bne   PTblFul    polling table full
L0106    tst   ,--y
         beq   L0106
         leay  $02,y
L010C    ldx   R$Y,u
         stx   ,y
         ldy   R$D,u
         sty   ,x
         bra   L0124
L0118    leax  R$Y,u      X = caller's Y
L011A    tst   ,y         end of VIRQ table
         beq   L0124      branch if so
         cmpx  ,y++       else compare to current VIRQ entry and inc Y
         bne   L011A      continue searching if not matched
         bsr   DelVIRQ    else delete entry
L0124    puls  cc
PTblFul  puls  cc
         ldb   #E$Poll

* F$Time system call code
FTime    ldx   R$X,u
         ldd   <D.Year
         std   ,x
         ldd   <D.Day
         std   2,x
         ldd   <D.Min
         std   4,x

len      equ   *