view 3rdparty/packages/uucpbb/doc/ @ 2855:e126b9acab32 lwtools-port

rules.mak: Do not hardcode path for "echo" It is basically the only tool with full path here and I don't see any reason for it. We don't use special echo options that would fail on the shell built-in echo. Also don't hardcode path for losetup. sudo should make sure you have the relevant location in your path, and that the path is sanitized, otherwise your sudo setup is broken.
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 13 Jul 2013 11:30:31 +0200
parents e9380475f28e
line wrap: on
line source

     UUCICO                           UUCP                           UUCICO




       uucico [opts] -r | <sys> [<sys>...]  [opts]
             <sys>    - call remote system as MASTER
       opts: -r       - run as SLAVE
             -u       - do not run UUXQT at all
             -a       - run UUXQT after each call, default is after all calls
                          are completed
             -l       - use RAM disk for temporary "uulog"
             -o       - orphan UUXQT
             -pN      - fork UUXQT with a priority of N
             -q       - run quietly
             -wN      - use window size of N
             -xN      - set debug level to N (0-9), default is 0 (off), if
                          N > 5 additional info sent to 'uulog'
             -z       - send log info to screen if debug level is 1 to 5,
                          overrides -l
             -iN      - wait N minutes between call retries, default is 2
             -tN      - try to call remote up to N times, default is 1


          This program calls a remote UUCP node and exchanges UUCP 


          UUCICO operates in two modes: slave or master.  The default is to 
          run as the master.  

          As the master, UUCICO takes the active role.  It dials the remote 
          system, logs onto the remote system, and initiates a UUCP 

          This version of UUCICO allows multiple sites to be given on the 
          command line.  Each site will be tried in turn.  Any reasonable 
          number of remote names can given on the command line.  
          Microware's C compiler will allow up to 30 command line 
          arguments.  You probably won't be calling 30 different remotes.  
          If you do, you should be running more than a CoCo. :-) 

          A site will be tried a specific number of time, waiting a 
          specific number of minutes between attempts.  UUCICO repeats the 
          calling procedure for each remote given.  NOTE: The default 
          values can be altered by changing the values of NAPTIME in 
          uucico.h and MAXTRIES in uucico.c.  


     UUCICO                           UUCP                           UUCICO

          Normally, UUCICO is run as a background task by a task scheduler 
          such as CRON or Boisy Pitre's MCRON. UUCICO normally sends output 
          of the call's progress to the standard output.  If UUCICO is run 
          manually from the keyboard this output is sent to the screen.  
          There maybe times when such progress message are undesirable such 
          as if a BBS program starts up UUCICO. Messages on the standard 
          output may create problems.  In this case, the -q (quiet) option 
          should be used.  This will suppress all screen output.  Log 
          information will still be sent to the uulog file.  

          UUCICO will detect if the device (port) it is trying to call out 
          on is already in use.  If the device is busy, UUCICO will exit 
          with an error message.  In order to take advantage of this 
          feature, you must use Boisy Pitre's patch to make SCF devices 
          non-shareable.  The patch is included in the UUCPbb package.  

          The slave mode is enabled with -r. In slave mode, UUCICO 
          identifies itself to the remote system calling in and waits for 
          that system to respond.  If the system is allowed, a file 
          transfer is set up.  

          In order to be able to take or make calls, UUCICO needs 
          information in the files Systems, Parameters, Dialers and 
          Devices. All these files are located in the directory 
          /DD/SYS/UUCP. The Systems file contains the name of the system, 
          device to use and a chat script to tell it how to log on when 
          calling the remote.  If there is more than one phone number to 
          reach the same remote, the Systems file must have a separate line 
          for each number.  UUCICO will try dialing each line until it gets 
          through or times out.  The Devices files tells UUCICO which modem 
          goes with a particular port.  The Dialers file contains 
          information UUCICO needs in order to use that particular modem or 
          direct (physical) connection.  

          UUCICO logs all information about calls and file transfers to the 
          file /DD/LOG/uulog. With debug output turned off (0) (the 
          default) UUCICO normally logs date and time of the call, each 
          file sent/received, if the call ended normally and the call 
          duration in seconds.  

          More detailed information can be obtained by increasing the debug 
          level.  A number from 1 to 9 causes an increasing level of 

          Because higher debug levels create more information, the CoCo may 
          not be able to write it all to the hard drive fast enough.  This 
          can cause packet errors and possibly terminate the connection.  
          To get around this problem, at high debug levels UUCICO will 
          attempt to use the RAM disk /R0 for temporary storage of the log 
          information.  After the call is completed, UUCICO will move the 
          file to the permanent /DD/LOG/uulog file.  


     UUCICO                           UUCP                           UUCICO


          UUCICO will accept options with or without space between it and 
          its argument.  For example, either '-i3' or '-i 3' are 
          acceptable.  If the option requires an argument and none is 
          given, UUCICO will exit with an error.  

          "-r" tells UUCICO to run in slave mode.  In order to allow a 
          remote system to call in, an entry is needed in the 
          /DD/SYS/password file.  A sample entry in might look like this: 

          nuucp,000000,2,190,/h0/cmds,/h0/usr/spool/uucppublic,ex uucico -r

          This single entry would cover multiple systems calling in.  If 
          using the LOGIN utility included in the UUCPbb package, you need 
          to create an empty file named /DD/LOG/nuucp.login. Another choice 
          is to create a separate entry in the password file for each 
          system that calls in.  

          UUCICO compares the name each remote sends with those in the 
          Systems file.  If a match is found, UUCICO accepts the 
          connection.  If there is no match, the connection is shut down 

          The option "-z" tells UUCICO to send the debug level output to 
          the screen instead of the file 'uulog'. This option is only valid 
          if the debug level is set from 1 to 5. At higher debug levels 
          this option is ignored.  If the -l option is also on the command 
          line, it is ignore if the debug level is from 1 to 5.  

          The option "-u" tells UUCICO not to run UUXQT after the phone 
          call(s) is (are) completed.  Normally, if UUCICO receives any 
          files from the remote it will run UUXQT after all the calls are 
          completed to process the newly arrived mail.  There may be times 
          when you do not wish this to happen such as when memory may be 
          tight because of other processes running.  Or if the modem kill 
          switch is set on your system, UUXQT may not get run.  After modem 
          hangs up, OS-9 may kill the process and any children.  In this 
          case, you can set your task scheduler to run UUXQT at a later 

          The option "-a" tells UUCICO to fork UUXQT after each call is 
          made.  This only valid if you are polling more than one remote.  
          The default is to chain to UUXQT after all calls are made.  Since 
          "-a" forks UUXQT, memory could get tight on some systems since 
          UUCICO, UUXQT, RMAIL and RNEWS will all be loaded.  If this 
          happens, UUXQT will not be able to process the mail and/or news 


     UUCICO                           UUCP                           UUCICO

          The option "-p" tells UUCICO to fork UUXQT with a different 
          priority.  Normally UUXQT is forked with the same priority as 
          UUCICO. You may wish to change this so UUXQT does not hog the 
          system or you may want UUXQT to run a higher priority when their 
          is lot of news to process.  

          The option "-w" allows you to override the default window size 
          set in the /DD/SYS/UUCP/Parameters file by the parameter 'window 

          The option "-x" sets the debug level, 0 (off) to 9 (highest). 
          Each level gives progressively more information.  Because 5 and 
          up will often slow down transfers, possibly causing aborts on the 
          CoCo, UUCICO will attempt to use the RAM disk /R0 for a temporary 
          log file.  After the call, the log will be moved to the permanent 
          log file /DD/LOG/uulog. Because the debug level creates a lot of 
          information, it is really not a good idea to leave it on all the 
          time.  Doing so will make the uulog file grow quite large, quite 
          fast!  Also there is a limit to how fast the CoCo can go.  
          Writing lots of information to the log files is normally 
          unnecessary.  The default information written to uulog is 
          sufficient for normal use.  When using the RAM disk, you must be 
          sure it has sufficient room.  This depends on how many files are 
          to be transferred; 20K is probably enough for most situations.  
          If the RAM disk fills up, UUCICO will NOT warn you of the disk 
          full error.  

          The option "-l" (lower case L) tells UUCICO to use /R0 regardless 
          of the debug level.  After the call is completed, UUCICO will 
          move the temporary log to the permanent /DD/LOG/uulog file.  This 
          option is overridden by -z if the debug level is from 1 to 5.  

          The option "-o" tells UUCICO to orphan UUXQT when it runs it.  
          This option is only valid if "-a" is not used at the same time.  
          UUCICO forks a UUXQT without a parent.  This may prove useful on 
          systems where the modem kill switch is set.  Since UUXQT has no 
          parent, it will continue running.  This option has not been 
          thoroughly tested with the modem kill switch, so comments on it's 
          usefulness are welcome.  

          Any command line argument which is not part of an option is 
          assumed to be the name of a remote system to call.  

          UUCICO keeps track of whether not any incoming work was 
          received.  If no work arrived, UUXQT will not be run.  


     UUCICO                           UUCP                           UUCICO


               uucico sandstorm
               uucico -t3 sandstorm ccentral
               uucico sandstorm -t3 ccentral -i 5
               uucico sandstorm ccentral -aq
               uucico -t3 -p255 sandstorm ccentral
               uucico -u sandstorm ccentral

          In the first example, UUCICO will attempt to connect to the 
          remote system 'sandstorm'. It will make the one attempt (the 

          In the second example, UUCICO will try to first to call 
          'sandstorm' up to three times waiting one minute (the default) 
          between each try.  Then it will move on to 'ccentral'.  

          The third example is the same as the second except UUCICO will 
          wait five minutes between attempts.  No messages will be sent to 
          the screen.  

          The default times can be changed by changing the values in the 
          uucico.h and uucico.c source file and recompiling.  MAXTRIES is 
          the default number of retries.  NAPTIME is the default waiting 

          The fourth example, says to call 'sandstorm' and 'ccentral' the 
          default number of attempts, waiting the default interval between 
          each attempt.  However, before trying to call 'ccentral', UUXQT 
          will be run to process the mail, if there was any.  After the 
          call to 'ccentral', UUXQT will be run again.  

          The fifth example is similar to the second.  In this case, UUXQT 
          will be run after all calls are completed at a priority of 255.  

          The last example tells UUCICO to make the calls but don't run 
          UUXQT at all.  UUXQT will either have to be run manually or the 
          mail will be processed the next time UUCICO runs, receives and 
          does not have the "-u" option used.  


     UUCICO                           UUCP                           UUCICO


          UUCICO has not been thoroughly tested with incoming calls.  
          Connections between a CoCo and an MM/1 (both running UUCPbb) and 
          two System IV & V OS-9/68K machines have been verified to work.  
          Tests between two CoCo's have not been fully carried out.  
          Reports of problems or lack of them :-) are most welcome.  

          UUCICO has no problems making outgoing calls.  The 'g' protocol 
          in the UUCPbb package has been tested with Sun uucico, Taylor 
          (GNU) uucico, whatever UUNET Technologies uses, Ultrix (v4.2) 
          uucico, HoneyDanBer (HDB) uucico, UUPC (MS-DOS UUCP program) and 
          itself.  Tests with the MS-DOS UUCP program, FSUUCP not been 
          done.  Reports of success or failures with MS-DOS boxes are 

          HOWEVER, it has been discovered that not all uucicos are coded to 
          "spec". In order to "fix" [read that as support] those uucicos, 
          we need a bit of information.  In order to send a bug report, you 
          need to: 

               1) Compile gproto.c with DEBUG defined, e.g.: 

                  For the 6809: 
                      cc -s -dOS9 -dm6809 -dDEBUG -T=/r0 -r=RELS gproto.c
                       important parts--> ^^^^^^^        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

                  For the 6309: 
                      cc -s -dOS9 -dm6309 -dDEBUG -T=/r0 -r=RELS gproto.c
                       important parts--> ^^^^^^^        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

               2) Run MAKE to recompile uucico.  

               3) Try to get the following logs: 

                     a) Your site has work, the remote site doesn't.
                     b) Your site has no work, the remote site has work.
                     c) Your site has no work, the remote site has no work.
                     d) Both your site and the remote site have work.

               4) The type and version of uucico the remote site is using, 
                  i.e.  Taylor, HDB, etc.  If you do not know this 
                  information, please supply an email address for the 
                  system administrator so s/he can be contacted.  

       We DO NOT need to see the login name or password for the remote 
       account.  Email the log as one clearly marked file to: 


       Make sure your valid email return address is also provided.  Don't 
       depend on systems along the way not to mung the From: line in your 
       mail header.  Phone numbers and snail mail addresses are nice, but 
       not required.  


     UUCICO                           UUCP                           UUCICO

       The logs will be looked at and we will try to find a solution to 
       your particular problem.  We will also accept fixes to gproto.c.  



     SEE ALSO 

          parameters.example, systems.example, devices.example,