view 3rdparty/packages/uucpbb/src/connect.c @ 2855:e126b9acab32 lwtools-port

rules.mak: Do not hardcode path for "echo" It is basically the only tool with full path here and I don't see any reason for it. We don't use special echo options that would fail on the shell built-in echo. Also don't hardcode path for losetup. sudo should make sure you have the relevant location in your path, and that the path is sanitized, otherwise your sudo setup is broken.
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 13 Jul 2013 11:30:31 +0200
parents 5ba8e711a1a3
line wrap: on
line source

/*  connect.c   Run the dial and login scripts when calling a remote.
    Copyright (C) 1990, 1993  Rick Adams and Bob Billson

    This file is part of the OS-9 UUCP package, UUCPbb.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

    The author of UUCPbb, Bob Billson, can be contacted at:  or  uunet!kc2wz!bob  or  by snail mail:
    21 Bates Way, Westfield, NJ 07090

#include "uucp.h"
#include "uucico.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sgstat.h>

#define WORDSIZE    30
#define SS_BREAK    0x1d                     /* send break signal out acia */

static char *nothing = "<NOTHING>";

/* connect()  --negotiate the dialscript to dial the remote system, then
                negotiate the chatscript to log into the remote system */

int connect (index)
int index;
     register flag status;

     fprintf (log, "%s %s %s Calling system %s (port %s)",
              sender, sysname, gtime(), sysname,
              *device != '\0' ? device : "unknown");

     if (index > 1)
          fprintf (log, " (line %d)", index);

     putc ('\n', log);

     /* do dialscript */
     if ((status = doscript (TRUE)) == OK)
          /* do chatscript */
          if ((status = doscript (FALSE)) != OK)
               return (ABORT);                    /* failed script */

     return ((int) status);

/* doscript --do a chat script to dial and log in to the remote */

int doscript (dialing) 
flag dialing;
     char *words[WORDSIZE];
     register int i;
     flag status;
     int n;

     /* parse chat script into expect/send pairs. */
     n = getargs (words, (dialing ? dialscript : chatscript), WORDSIZE);

     /* cycle through expect/send pairs */
     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
          if ((i & 1) == 0)
               status = waitfor (*(words + i), dialing);
               switch (status)
                    case OK:

                    case ABORT:
                         return ((int)status);

                         if (!dialing)
                              logerror ("chat script failed");
                              return (CHATERROR);
                              return ((int)status); 
               send (*(words + i));

     return (OK);           /* status okay */

int send (msg)
char *msg;
     register short i;
     flag crneeded;
     char c;
     int msglen = strlen (msg);

     if (debuglvl > 1)
          fputs ("sendthem: ", log);

     /* send nothing? */
     if (*msg == '|')
          if (debuglvl > 1)
               fprintf (log, "%s\n", nothing);

          return (OK);

     /* send line break? */
     if (*msg == 'B'  &&  strcmp (msg, "BREAK") == 0)
          return (OK);

     /* send end-of-transmission character? */
     if (*msg == 'E'  &&  strcmp (msg, "EOT") == 0)
          if (debuglvl > 1)
                fputs ("<EOT>", log);

          write (port, '\x04', 1);
          return (OK);

     for (tsleep (MODEMDELAY), crneeded = TRUE, i = 0; i < msglen; i++)
          c = *(msg + i);

          if (c != '\\')
               if (debuglvl > 1)
                    putc (c, log);

               write (port, &c, 1);
               switch (msg[i + 1])
                    case 'T':
                         if (debuglvl > 1)
                              fprintf (log, "%s", phone);
                         write (port, phone, strlen (phone));

                    case 's':
                         if (debuglvl > 1)
                              fputs ("<SPACE>", log);
                         write (port, " ", 1);

                    case 'r':
                         if (debuglvl > 1)
                              fputs ("<CR>", log);
                         write (port, "\x0D", 1);

                    case 'n':
                         if (debuglvl > 1)
                              fputs ("<LF>", log);
                         write (port, "\x0A", 1);

                    case '\\':
                         if (debuglvl > 1)
                              putc ('\\', log);
                         write (port, "\\", 1);

                    case 'd':                        /* 1 second delay */
                         if (debuglvl > 1)
                              fputs ("<DELAY>", log);
                         sleep (1);

                    case 'N':
                         if (debuglvl > 1)
                              fputs ("<NUL>", log);
                         write (port, "\0", 1);

                    case 't':
                         if (debuglvl > 1)
                              fputs ("<TAB>", log);
                         write (port, "\t", 1);

                    case 'b':                                /* back space */
                         if (debuglvl > 1)
                              fputs ("<BS>", log);
                         write (port, "\b", 1);

                    case 'c':                              /* don't send CR */
                         if (debuglvl > 1)
                              fputs ("<NO CR>", log);
                         crneeded = FALSE;

                    case '^':
                         c = toupper (msg[i + 2]) & 0x3f;
                         if (debuglvl > 1)
                              fprintf (log, "<CNTRL>-%c\n",
                                            toupper (msg[i + 2]));
                         write (port, &c, 1);
                         i += 2;

                    case 'K':                          /* send a line break */

                    case 'p':                 /* fraction of a second pause */
                         if (debuglvl > 1)
                              fputs ("<PAUSE>", log);

                         tsleep (PORTSLEEP);

                    case '[':                                /* send ESCAPE */
                         if (debuglvl > 1)
                              fputs ("<ESC>", log);

                         write (port, "\x1b", 1);

                    case '0':
                    case '1':
                    case '2':
                    case '3':
                    case '4':
                    case '5':
                    case '6':
                    case '7':
                         if (debuglvl > 1)
                              fprintf (log, "<%.4s>", &msg[i]);

                         c = (msg[i + 1] - '0') & 0x07;
                         c <<= 3;
                         c |= (msg[i + 2] - '0') & 0x07;
                         c <<= 3;
                         c |= (msg[i + 3] - '0') & 0x07;
                         write (port, &c, 1);
                         i += 2;


     if (crneeded)
          write (port, "\n", 1);

     if (debuglvl > 1)
          putc ('\n', log);

     return (OK);

int waitfor (msg, dialing)
char *msg;
flag dialing;
     register char *p;
     flag result;
     char c, *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4, *p5;
     char *nocarrier = "NO CARRIER",
          *busy = "BUSY",
          *noanswer = "NO ANSWER",
          *nodialtone = "NO DIALTONE",      /* for real Hayes compatable */
          *notone2 = "NO DIAL TONE";        /* and not so compatible modems */

     p = msg;
     p1 = busy;
     p2 = nocarrier;
     p3 = noanswer;
     p4 = nodialtone;
     p5 = notone2;

     if (debuglvl > 1)
          fprintf (log, "expect: %s\n", *msg != '|' ? msg : nothing);

     /* expect nothing? */
     if (*msg == '|')
          return (OK);

     while (*p && *p1 && *p2 && *p3 && *p4 && *p5)
          if (readport (&c, dialing  ? CNCTIME : LOGTIME,
                            dialing  ? 1 : MAXLOGTRY) == TIMEDOUT)
               return (ABORT);

          c &= 0x7F;                                 /* strip parity */
                                                     /* check for...       */
          p  = (c == *p)  ? ++p  : msg;              /*    expected string */
          p1 = (c == *p1) ? ++p1 : busy;             /*    BUSY            */
          p2 = (c == *p2) ? ++p2 : nocarrier;        /*    NO CARRIER      */
          p3 = (c == *p3) ? ++p3 : noanswer;         /*    NO ANSWER       */
          p4 = (c == *p4) ? ++p4 : nodialtone;       /*    NO DIALTONE     */
          p5 = (c == *p5) ? ++p5 : notone2;          /*    NO DIAL TONE    */

     if (debuglvl > 1)
          fputs ("got: ", log);
     if (*p1 == '\0')                        /* BUSY */
          if (debuglvl > 1)
               fputs (busy, log);
               logerror ("line is BUSY");

          result = BUSY; 
     else if (*p2 == '\0')                   /* NO CARRIER */
          if (debuglvl > 1)
               fputs (nocarrier, log);
               logerror (nocarrier);

          result = NOCARRIER;
     else if (*p3 == '\0')                   /* NO ANSWER */
          if (debuglvl > 1)
               fputs (noanswer, log);
               logerror ("Remote not answering");

          result = NOANSWER;
     else if (*p4 == '\0' || *p5 == '\0')    /* NO DIALTONE */
          if (debuglvl > 1)
               fputs (nodialtone, log);
               logerror (nodialtone);

          result = NODIALTONE;
          if (debuglvl > 1)
               fputs (msg, log);

          result = OK;                       /* status okay */

     if (debuglvl > 1)
          putc ('\n', log);

     return ((int) result);

/* Send a line break.  First try using a system call to send a true line
   break.  If that fails, fake it by setting the port to its lowest baud
   rate, send a NUL character and return the port to its original baud rate.
   This will cause a framing error on the receiving end which will act the
   same as a line break.  This method will work on many but not all systems.

int sendbreak()
     struct sgbuf options;
     int oldbaud;
     /* try sending break via setstat */
     if (_ss_sbreak (port) < 0)
          /* could not do it, so fake one */
          _gs_opt (port, &options);
          oldbaud = options.sg_baud;
          options.sg_baud = 0;
          _ss_opt (port, &options);

          /* send a nul */
          write (port, "\0", 1);

          /* put port back the way we found it */
          options.sg_baud = oldbaud;
          _ss_opt (port, &options);

/* Try sending a true line break */

int _ss_sbreak (path)
int path;
     return (setstat (SS_BREAK, path));

/* Read one byte from the port.  Returns TRUE if successful, TIMEDOUT if we
   timed out. */

int readport (c, seconds, retries)
char *c;
unsigned seconds;                /* timeout in seconds */
int retries;
     register int i;

     /* wait for data available */
     for (i = 0;  i < retries;  ++i)
          if ( !timeout (seconds) )             /* something is waiting */
               read (port, c, 1);
               return (TRUE);

     /* we timed out, tell the caller */
     logerror ("readport: timed out");
     return (TIMEDOUT);

/* Read 'count' characters into buffer 'p'.  Return # chars read (less than
   'count' only if timeout). */

int readfill (p, count)
register char *p;
int  count;
     int rdy, byte_count = 0;

     while (byte_count < count  &&  timeout (1) != TIMEDOUT)
          if ((rdy = min (_gs_rdy (port), count-byte_count)) < 1)

          /* Handle I/O Error! */
          if ((rdy = read (port, p, rdy)) == ERROR)

          p += rdy;
          byte_count += rdy;
     return (byte_count);

/* Timeout will sleep for 'secs' seconds or until there's input ready
   Return:  TIMEDOUT  - if we timed out
            FALSE - if data is waiting */

int timeout (secs)
int secs;
     register int i;
     int count;

     /* if input waiting, return */
     if (_gs_rdy (port) > 0)
          return (FALSE);

     /* count *= 4 because we wake up 4 times / second */
     for (count = secs << 2, i = 0; i < count; i++)
          if (_gs_rdy (port) > 0)
               return (FALSE);
               _ss_ssig (port, SIGWAKE);
               tsleep (PORTSLEEP);
               _ss_rel (port);
     return (TIMEDOUT);