view level1/cmds/cmp.asm @ 2786:e333ec1907ef lwtools-port

Updated makefile(s) so correct coco1 dw boot and files are used. Updated level1/coco1/modules/makefile so that boot_dw_coco1 and get created. Updated level1/coco1/bootfiles/makefile added detection of PORT status so if coco1 is detected then and boot_dw_coco1 are used in place of and boot_dw.
author drencor-xeen
date Sun, 27 Jan 2013 00:14:03 -0600
parents 20841f236e32
line wrap: on
line source

* Cmp - Binary file comparison utility
* $Id$
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      2003/01/20  Boisy G. Pitre
* Rewritten in assembly for size.

         nam   Cmp
         ttl   Binary file comparison utility

         use   defsfile

* Here are some tweakable options
DOHELP   set   0	1 = include help info
CMPBUFSZ set   1024
STACKSZ  set   128	estimated stack size in bytes
PARMSZ   set   256	estimated parameter size in bytes

* Module header definitions
tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $00
edition  set   1

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

         org   0
headdone rmb   1	if 1, means byte  #1 #2 header shown
noneflag rmb   1	if 1, means there were differences
f1path   rmb   1	file 1 path
f2path   rmb   1	file 2 path
f1read   rmb   2
f2read   rmb   2
f1namptr rmb   2
f2namptr rmb   2
f1namsiz rmb   2
f2namsiz rmb   2
cmpbytes rmb   4	bytes compared
difbytes rmb   4	bytes different
cleartop equ   .	everything up to here gets cleared at start
diffbuff rmb   32
f1buff   rmb   CMPBUFSZ
f2buff   rmb   CMPBUFSZ
* Finally the stack for any PSHS/PULS/BSR/LBSRs that we might do
         rmb   STACKSZ+PARMSZ
size     equ   .

* The utility name and edition goes here
name     fcs   /Cmp/
         fcb   edition

* Place constant strings here
         IFNE  DOHELP
HlpMsg   fcb   C$LF
         fcc   /Use: Cmp <file1> <file2>/
         fcb   C$CR
HlpMsgL  equ   *-HlpMsg
CmpHead  fcb   C$LF
         fcc   " Differences"
         fcb   C$LF
CrRtn    fcb   C$CR
None     fcc   "   None ..."
         fcb   C$CR
CmpHead2 fcc   "byte      #1 #2"
         fcb   C$CR
CmpHead3 fcc   "========  == =="
         fcb   C$CR
ByteCmp  fcb   C$LF
         fcc   "Bytes compared:   "
ByteCmpL equ   *-ByteCmp
ByteDif  fcc   "Bytes different:  "
ByteDifL equ   *-ByteDif
IsLonger fcc   " is longer"
         fcb   C$CR

* Here's how registers are set when this process is forked:
*   +-----------------+  <--  Y          (highest address)
*   !   Parameter     !
*   !     Area        !
*   +-----------------+  <-- X, SP
*   !   Data Area     !
*   +-----------------+
*   !   Direct Page   !
*   +-----------------+  <-- U, DP       (lowest address)
*   D = parameter area size
*  PC = module entry point abs. address
*  CC = F=0, I=0, others undefined

* This routine skip over spaces and commas
* Entry:
*   X = ptr to data to parse
* Exit:
*   X = ptr to first non-whitespace char
*   A = non-whitespace char
SkipSpcs lda   ,x+
         cmpa  #C$SPAC
         beq   SkipSpcs
         leax  -1,x

* This routine counts the number of non-whitespace characters
* starting at X
* Entry:
*   X = ptr to string (space, comma or CR terminated)
* Exit:
*   Y = length of string
*   X = ptr to byte after string
StrLen   pshs  a
         ldy   #$0000
StrLenLp lda   ,x+
         cmpa  #C$SPAC
         beq   StrLenEx
         cmpa  #C$CR
         beq   StrLenEx
         leay  1,y
         bra   StrLenLp
StrLenEx puls  a,pc

* The start of the program is here.
* Before any command line processing is done, we clear out
* our static memory from U to cleartop, then determine the
* size of our data area (minus the stack).
start    pshs  u,x		save registers for later
         leax  <cleartop,u	point to end of area to zero out
         IFNE  H6309
         subr  u,x		subtract U from X
         tfr   x,w		and put X in W
         clr   ,-s		put a zero on the stack
         tfm   s,u+		and use TFM to clear starting at U
         leas  1,s		clean up the stack
         pshs   x		save end pointer on stack
clrnxt   clr   ,u+		clear out
         cmpu  ,s		done?
         bne   clrnxt		branch if not
         leas  2,s		else clear stack
         puls  x,u		and restore our earlier saved registers

         lda   ,x         	get first char
         cmpa  #C$CR		CR?
         lbeq  ShowHelp		if so, no parameters... show help and exit
* Open first file on command line
         bsr   SkipSpcs
         stx   f1namptr,u
         bsr   StrLen
         sty   f1namsiz
         ldx   f1namptr,u
         lda   #READ.
         os9   I$Open
         lbcs  ShutDown
         sta   <f1path
* Open second file on command line
         bsr   SkipSpcs
         stx   f2namptr,u
         bsr   StrLen
         sty   f2namsiz
         ldx   f2namptr,u
         lda   #READ.
         os9   I$Open
         lbcs  ShutDown
         sta   <f2path

* Write "Differences" to standard output
         lda   #$01
         leax  CmpHead,pcr
         ldy   #128
         os9   I$WritLn

DoCmp    lda   f1path
         leax  f1buff,u
         ldy   #CMPBUFSZ
         os9   I$Read
         lbcs  ShutDown
         sty   <f1read

         lda   f2path
         leax  f2buff,u
         ldy   #CMPBUFSZ
         os9   I$Read
         lbcs  ShutDown
         sty   <f2read

* Actual compare is done here
         ldd   f1read,u			get read amount for file 1
         cmpd  f2read,u			compare against read amount for file2
         ble   Compare			branch if f1read less than or equal
         ldd   f2read,u			else get f2read size
Compare  leax  f1buff,u			point X to f1 buff
         leay  f2buff,u			point Y to f2 buff
CmpLoop  pshs  d
         lda   ,x			get f1 byte in A
         cmpa  ,y			compare against f2 byte at Y
         beq   CmpOk			if same, go on
         bsr   ShowDiff			else show diff
CmpOk    leax  1,x
         leay  1,y
         ldd   <cmpbytes+2		get lo 16 bits
         addd  #$0001
         std   <cmpbytes+2
         bcc   CmpFwd
         ldd   <cmpbytes
         addd  #$0001
         std   <cmpbytes
CmpFwd   ldd   ,s++
         subd  #$0001
         bne   CmpLoop
         bra   DoCmp			else read more

ShowDiff pshs  x,y
         tst   <headdone		did we already show header?
         bne   ShowDif1			branch if so
         lda   #$01			stdout
         sta   <noneflag		we won't be showing none when done!
         sta   <headdone		set head done flag
         leax  CmpHead2,pcr		print header 2
         ldy   #128
         os9   I$WritLn
         leax  CmpHead3,pcr		and header 3
         os9   I$WritLn
ShowDif1 leax  diffbuff,u
         ldd   <cmpbytes
         bsr   MkHexWrd
         ldd   <cmpbytes+2
         bsr   MkHexWrd
         ldd   #C$SPAC*256+C$SPAC
         std   ,x++
         ldb   [,s]
         bsr   MkHexByt
         lda   #C$SPAC
         sta   ,x+
         ldb   [2,s]
         bsr   MkHexByt
         lda   #C$CR
         sta   ,x
         leax  diffbuff,u
         lda   #$01
         ldy   #128
         os9   I$WritLn

* Increment diff count
         ldd   <difbytes+2		get lo 16 bits
         addd  #$0001
         std   <difbytes+2
         bcc   ShowDif2
         ldd   <difbytes
         addd  #$0001
         std   <difbytes
         puls  x,y,pc

* Entry: X = buffer to place 4 byte Hex char in
*        D = word to convert to Hex
* Exit : X = ptr to location after 4 byte Hex
MkHexWrd exg  a,b
         bsr  MkHexByt
         exg  a,b
         bsr  MkHexByt

* Entry: X = buffer to place 2 byte Hex char in
*        B = byte to convert to Hex
* Exit : X = ptr to location after 2 byte Hex
MkHexByt pshs  d
         tfr   b,a
         lsrb				shift upper nibble to lower
         bsr   MakeChar
         tfr   a,b
         andb  #$0F
         bsr   MakeChar
         puls  d,pc
MakeChar cmpb  #$09
         bhi   IsLetter
         addb  #'0
         fcb   $8C			skip next two bytes
IsLetter addb  #55 
         stb   ,x+

ShutDown lda   <f1path			get file 1 path number
         beq   CloseF2			if empty, close file 2
         os9   I$Close
CloseF2  lda   <f2path			get file 2 path number
         lbeq  ExitOk
         os9   I$Close
         lda   #$01			stdout for later
         tst   <noneflag		any differences?
         bne   Summary1
         leax  None,pcr
         ldy   #128
         os9   I$WritLn
Summary1 leax  ByteCmp,pcr
         ldy   #ByteCmpL
         os9   I$Write
         leax  diffbuff,u
         ldd   <cmpbytes
         bsr   MkHexWrd
         ldd   <cmpbytes+2
         bsr   MkHexWrd
         ldb   #C$CR
         stb   ,x
         leax  diffbuff,u
         lda   #$01
         ldy   #128
         os9   I$WritLn
Summary2 leax  ByteDif,pcr
         ldy   #ByteDifL
         os9   I$Write
         leax  diffbuff,u
         ldd   <difbytes
         bsr   MkHexWrd
         ldd   <difbytes+2
         lbsr  MkHexWrd
         ldb   #C$CR
         stb   ,x
         leax  diffbuff,u
         lda   #$01
         ldy   #128
         os9   I$WritLn

* See if one file is longer than other
         ldd   <f1read
         cmpd  <f2read
         beq   ExitOk		if same, go on
* Write CR
         lda   #1
         leax  CrRtn,pcr
         ldy   #1
         os9   I$WritLn
         ldx   <f1namptr
         ldy   <f1namsiz
* Assume file 1 is longer
         ldd   <f1read
         cmpd  <f2read
         bgt   ShowLong
* Otherwise file 2 is longer
         ldx   <f2namptr
         ldy   <f2namsiz
ShowLong lda   #1
         os9   I$Write
         leax  IsLonger,pcr
         ldy   #128
         os9   I$WritLn
ExitOk   clrb
Exit     os9   F$Exit

ShowHelp equ   *
         IFNE  DOHELP
         leax  >HlpMsg,pcr	point to help message
         ldy   #HlpMsgL		get length
         lda   #$02		std error
         os9   I$WritLn 	write it
         bra   ExitOk

eom      equ   *