view level1/cmds/dirsort.asm @ 2786:e333ec1907ef lwtools-port

Updated makefile(s) so correct coco1 dw boot and files are used. Updated level1/coco1/modules/makefile so that boot_dw_coco1 and get created. Updated level1/coco1/bootfiles/makefile added detection of PORT status so if coco1 is detected then and boot_dw_coco1 are used in place of and boot_dw.
author drencor-xeen
date Sun, 27 Jan 2013 00:14:03 -0600
parents 0e6b61d99cac
line wrap: on
line source

* dirsort - Directory sorting utility
* This is an asm version of a Basic09 directory sort
* that was published in a Coco newsletter.
* Original and ml routine by Robert Gault, Nov. 2005
* The program uses a version of Shellsort published
* in a May 1983, BYTE article by Terry Barron and
* George Diehr (both at University of Washington)
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* -------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      2005/12/19  Robert Gault
* Very fast and fairly simple
*   2      2005/12/20  Robert Gault
* Minor change of use /dd/defs/defsfile to use defsfile. The first
* was for my OS-9 system. The current one is for the NitrOS-9
* project.

               NAM       dirsort
               TTL       Directory sorting utility

               USE       defsfile

* If you want built-in help change the next line.
HELP           SET       FALSE

TyLg           SET       Prgrm+Objct         program object code
* Re-entrant means multiple users possible
AtRev          SET       ReEnt+Rev           re-entrant, revision 1
Rev            SET       1

* Create module header, needed by all OS-9 modules
               MOD       Eom,Name,TyLg,AtRev,Start,Size
* Data area
DPptr          RMB       2                   pointer to our direct page
dirsize        RMB       2                   size of the directory less 64 bytes
count          RMB       2                   number of directory entries
entryI         RMB       2                   pointer to nameI
entryJ         RMB       2                   pointer to nameJ
entryID        RMB       2                   pointer to name(I+D)
Tx             RMB       32                  buffer for transfer
i              RMB       2                   index
j              RMB       2                   index
NminusD        RMB       2                   holds last value of FOR I/NEXT loop
path           RMB       1                   value for path to the directory
D              RMB       2                   shellsort constant
               RMB       40
stack          EQU       .
Size           EQU       .                   This initial data space will be increased as OS-9
* assigns space in pages of 256 bytes. Initially the stack will
* not be here.
buffer         EQU       .                   This will be the start of the data array in memory
* to be requested from OS-9 as needed.

Name           EQU       *
               FCS       /dirsort/
               FCB       1                   edition number
* Ego stroking :) identifier
               FCC       /Written by Robert Gault, 2005/

* Default directory name, dot, or current directory
default        FCB       C$PERD,C$CR

* Solutions for N,2^INT(LN(N)) -1
* We don't need general logs just specifc values so
* they were pre-calculated
Dtable         FDB       2,0
               FDB       7,1
               FDB       20,3
               FDB       54,7
               FDB       148,15
* If your directory has more entries than several hundred, you
* need to learn how to organize your disk/drive.
               FDB       403,31
               FDB       1096,63
* This next will exceed normal memory limits but is needed
* for values up to about 2000. We could just put $FFFF/32=
* 2047 but there are size checks in the code.
               FDB       2980,127
DTEnd          EQU       *

Start          EQU       *
               stu       <DPptr              save the direct page pointer
               leas      stack,u             put the stack where we want it or it will be
* inside the directory buffer and crash the program.
               cmpd      #0                  are there any parameters?
               beq       noprm
l1             lda       ,x+                 skip over spaces, if any
               cmpa      #C$SPAC
               beq       l1
               cmpa      #C$CR               if only spaces, same as noprm
               bne       a1
noprm          leax      default,pcr         point to default directory, dot
               bra       a9
               IFNE      HELP
a1             cmpa      #'?                 if "?" then show syntax
               lbeq      syntax
               cmpa      #'-                 if attempt at options, syntax
               lbeq      syntax
               leax      -1,x
a1             leax      -1,x                backstep to first character of directory
a9             lda       #%11000011          directory, single user access, update
               os9       I$Open              attempt to open a path to the directory
               lbcs      error
               sta       <path               save the path #
               ldb       #SS.Size            get the size of the directory
               os9       I$GetStt            size reported in regs X&U
               cmpx      #0                  MSB of size
               lbne      Tlarge              too big to sort
               tfr       u,d                 evaluate the size
               cmpd      #128                two entries other than .. and .
               lblo      getreal             can't sort 1 item or less
               subd      #64                 reduce size by 64 bytes for .. and .
               std       <dirsize            save size in bytes
               addd      #Size               we need current data + directory buffer
               os9       F$Mem               request space for the buffer
               lbcs      Tlarge              can't get enough memory
               lda       <path               recover path to the directory
               ldx       #0                  MSB position
               ldu       #64                 LSB, past the entries .. and .
               os9       I$Seek              skip over the entries
               ldu       <DPptr              recover DP pointer
               ldy       <dirsize            data size in bytes
               leax      buffer,u            point to our buffer
               os9       I$Read              transfer the directory information to buffer
* Calculate the number of directory entries
* Divide size by 32 bytes per entry. INT(size/32)must=size/32 or
* the directory is corrupted. So, ignore remainder.
               ldx       #0                  initialize counter
               ldd       <dirsize            this does not include . and ..
               IFNE      H6309
               std       <count
               leax      Dtable,pcr          precalculated constants
               leay      DTEnd,pcr
               pshs      y
l3             cmpd      ,x
               bls       a4                  if fewer or equal # of entries get D
               leax      4,x                 move to next table entry
               cmpx      ,s                  have we exhausted the table?
               bne       l3
               leas      2,s                 restore the stack
               lbra      Tlarge              should not be possible to get here in code
a4             leas      2,s                 restore the stack
               ldd       2,x                 get shellsort D from table
               std       <D                  save working value
* Sort starts here
* Directory entries can't have duplicate names or the directory
* is corrupted. That means a<b is as good as a<=b when testing.
s2             ldd       #1                  initialize FOR/NEXT loop
               std       <i
               ldd       <count              same as n in Basic09 program
               subd      <D
               std       <NminusD            save value
* calculated pointer for entryID
s6             ldd       <i                  FOR i=1 TO n-D STEP 1
               addd      <D                  get pointer for entry(i+D)
               lbsr      point               get the pointer value
               stx       <entryID
               tfr       x,y
* calculate pointer for entryI
               ldd       <i
               lbsr      point
               stx       <entryI
* Compare the entry pointed to by regX against that for regY
               lbsr      compare             is name(i) < name(i+D)
               bcs       s20
               ldx       <entryID
               leay      Tx,u                shellsort swap name holder
               lbsr      movexy              name(Tx)=name(i+D)
               ldx       <entryI
               ldy       <entryID
               bsr       movexy              name(i+D)=name(i)
               ldd       <i
               cmpd      <D
               bhi       s4                  this was a Basic09 IF/THEN
               ldy       <entryI             inside the IF/THEN
               leax      Tx,u
               bsr       movexy              name(i)=name(Tx)
               bra       s20                 ends the IF/THEN
s4             ldd       <i                  initialize FOR/NEXT loop
               subd      <D
               std       <j
s5             bsr       point               FOR j=i-D TO 1 STEP -D
               stx       <entryJ
               tfr       x,y
               leax      Tx,u
               lbsr      compare             is entry(Tx) > entry(j)
               bcc       s10
               ldd       <j
               addd      <D                  name(j+D)
               bsr       point
               tfr       x,y
               ldx       <entryJ
               bsr       movexy              name(j+D)=name(j)
               ldd       <j                  NEXT j
               subd      <D                  STEP -D
               std       <j
               cmpd      #1                  stop if less than 1
               bge       s5
s10            leay      Tx,u
               ldd       <j
               addd      <D
               bsr       point
               exg       x,y
               bsr       movexy              name(j+D)=name(Tx)
s20            ldd       <i                  NEXT i
               addd      #1                  STEP +1
               std       <i
               cmpd      <NminusD
               bls       s6                  stop if i>(n-D)
               ldd       <D                  D=D/2
               IFNE      H6309
               std       <D
               cmpd      #1
               lbhs      s2                  WHILE D>0
               lda       <path               rewind to just after .. & .
               ldx       #0
               ldu       #64
               os9       I$Seek
               lda       <path
               ldu       <DPptr
               leax      buffer,u            write out sorted directory
               ldy       <dirsize
               os9       I$Write
               os9       F$Exit              release memory, close paths, and return to OS-9

               IFNE      H6309
movexy         ldw       #32
               tfm       x+,y+
movexy         ldb       #16                 move the entry pointed to in regX to
               pshs      b
sw1            ldd       ,x++                that pointed to by regY
               std       ,y++
               dec       ,s                  if not finished, continue
               bne       sw1
               puls      b,pc

* Converts an index in regD to a memory offset in regX
* This could easily overflow but there are size checks
* in the above code so there is no overflow test.
point          leax      buffer,u
               subd      #1
               IFNE      H6309
               leax      d,x

compare        ldb       #29                 size of name field
               pshs      b                   save counter
cloop          ldb       ,y+                 get character
               lda       ,x+                 get character
               beq       c1                  if deleted go
               beq       c2                  if deleted go
               bmi       c5                  if last character go
               bmi       c6                  if last character go
               pshs      b
               cmpa      ,s+
               beq       c4                  if equal, test next character
               bra       cx
c1             clra      
               bra       cx                  return +
c2             coma      
               bra       cx                  return -
c3             anda      #$7f
               andb      #$7f
               pshs      b
               cmpa      ,s+
c5             bsr       c3
               beq       c2
               bra       cx
c6             bsr       c3
               beq       c1
               bra       cx                  return result
c4             dec       ,s
               bne       cloop
               clra                          should not be able to get here in code
cx             puls      b,pc                return result

error          leax      nodir,pcr
               ldy       #endnd-nodir
write          lda       #1                  screen
               os9       I$Write
               os9       F$Exit
nodir          EQU       *
               FCC       /Directory does not exist!/
               FCB       C$CR,C$LF
endnd          EQU       *

Tlarge         leax      big,pcr
               ldy       #endbig-big
               bra       write
big            EQU       *
               FCC       /Either the directory is too large or there is insufficient /
               FCC       /memory./
               FCB       C$CR,C$LF
endbig         EQU       *

getreal        leax      huh,pcr
               ldy       #endhuh-huh
               clr       ,-s
               bra       write
huh            EQU       *
               FCC       /Get real! You can't sort less than 2 items./
               FCB       C$CR,C$LF
endhuh         EQU       *

               IFNE      HELP
syntax         leax      usage,pcr
               ldy       #enduse-usage
               clr       ,-s
               lbra      write
usage          FCC       /USAGE: dirsort will sort any directory. If no directory/
               FCB       C$CR,C$LF
               FCC       /       name is given, the current directory will be sorted./
               FCB       C$CR,C$LF
               FCC       /EX:    dirsort    dirsort .    dirsort ../
               FCB       C$CR,C$LF
               FCC       "       dirsort /dd/cmds"
               FCB       C$CR,C$LF
enduse         EQU       *

Eom            EQU       *