view level1/cmds/os9gen_d64.asm @ 2758:e4a0f58a5f9b

Found that people who do not have the envirornment variable NITROS9DIR set before building the project get a error missing file "/rules.mak". Found this is caused do to the fact that the code to set this envirornment variable is in the rules.mak which can't get loaded. To fix this the code needed to set the envirornment variable that is in the rules.mak is now in the makefile(s) right before the include for the rules.mak file. This should fix the problem for those who do not have the NITROS9DIR envirornment variable preset.
author drencor-xeen
date Mon, 14 Jan 2013 14:37:46 -0600
parents 636cabe76c6e
line wrap: on
line source

* OS9gen - Build and Link a Bootstrap File
* $Id$
* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   7    From Dragon OS-9 Level One VR 01.02.00
*   8    New os9gen saves from address $EF00 instead of $F000

* DragonDOS BOOT loads sectors (numbered from 0) 2-17 (4096 bytes) into
* RAM at location 9728. The first two bytes of sector 2 must be ASCII 'OS'
* for this to work. It then jumps to 9730 and begins execution.
* The boot code switches into RAM mode, and copies the entire section to
* $EF00 and jumps to $EF4F.
* The 4096 bytes contain a few bytes to do the RAM mode switch, then
* immediately after comes the kernel modules; OS9, OS9p2, Init and Boot
* The rest of the bootstrap is in the OS9Boot file. The disk head at LSN0
* contains the LSN of the bootstrap file in field DD.BT.

         nam   OS9gen
         ttl   Build and Link a Bootstrap File

* Disassembled 02/04/03 23:17:45 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML

         use   defsfile

tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $01
edition  set   8

         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size

         org   0
u0000    rmb   2
u0002    rmb   1
devfd    rmb   1
u0004    rmb   1
u0005    rmb   1
u0006    rmb   2
u0008    rmb   1
u0009    rmb   2
u000B    rmb   2
u000D    rmb   2
u000F    rmb   20
u0023    rmb   2
u0025    rmb   10
u002F    rmb   2
u0031    rmb   32
u0051    rmb   16
u0061    rmb   1
u0062    rmb   7
u0069    rmb   4522
size     equ   .

name     fcs   /OS9gen/
         fcb   edition

L0014    fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "Use (caution): os9gen </devname>"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   " ..reads (std input) pathnames until eof,"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "   merging paths into new OS9Boot file."
         fcb   C$CR 
         fcc   "Can't find: "
L0094    fcb   C$LF
         fcc   "Error writing kernel track"
         fcb   C$CR 
L00B0    fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "Warning - Kernel track has"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "not been allocated properly."
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   "Track not written."
         fcb   C$CR 
L00FC    fcb   C$LF
         fcc   "Error - OS9boot file fragmented"
         fcb   C$LF 
         fcc   " This disk will not bootstrap."
         fcb   C$CR 
L013C    fcc   "RENAME "
L0143    fcc   "TempBoot "
         fcb   $FF
L014D    fcc   "OS9Boot"
         fcb   C$CR
         fcb   $FF
start    equ   *
         stb   <u0005
         stu   <u0000
         lda   #$2F
         cmpa  ,x
         lbne  L035B
         os9   F$PrsNam 
         lbcs  L035B
         lda   #$2F
         cmpa  ,y
         lbeq  L035B
         leay  <u0031,u
L0175    sta   ,y+
         lda   ,x+
         bpl   L0175
         sty   <u002F
         lda   #'@
         ldb   #$20
         std   ,y++
         leax  <u0031,u
         lda   #$03
         os9   I$Open   
         sta   <devfd
         lbcs  L035B
         ldx   <u002F
         leay  >L0143,pcr
         lda   #$2F
L019B    sta   ,x+
         lda   ,y+
         bpl   L019B
         leay  >L014D,pcr
L01A5    lda   ,y+
         sta   ,x+
         bpl   L01A5
         tfr   x,d
         leax  <u0031,u
         pshs  x
         subd  ,s++
         std   <u000D
         lda   #$02
         ldb   #$03
         os9   I$Create 
         sta   <u0002
         lbcs  L036C
         ldx   #$0000
         stx   <u0006
         ldu   #$4000
         ldb   #SS.Size
         os9   I$SetStt 
         lbcs  L036C
         ldu   <u0000
L01D6    clra  
         leax  <u0051,u
         ldy   #$1000
         os9   I$ReadLn 
         bcs   L022E
         lda   ,x
         ldb   #$D3
         cmpa  #C$CR
         beq   L022E
         lda   #$01
         os9   I$Open   
         bcs   L021D
         sta   <u0004
L01F4    lda   <u0004
         leax  <u0051,u
         ldy   #$1000
         os9   I$Read   
         bcs   L0212
         tfr   y,d
         addd  <u0006
         std   <u0006
         lda   <u0002
         os9   I$Write  
         bcc   L01F4
         lbra  L036C
L0212    cmpb  #$D3
         lbne  L036C
         os9   I$Close  
         bra   L01D6
L021D    pshs  b
         leax  <u0051,u
         ldy   #$0100
         lda   #$02
         os9   I$WritLn 
L022B    lbra  L036C
L022E    cmpb  #$D3
         bne   L022B
         leax  u000F,u
         ldb   #$00
         lda   <u0002
         os9   I$GetStt 
         lbcs  L036C
         lda   <u0002
         ldx   #$0000
         ldu   <u0006
         ldb   #SS.Size
         os9   I$SetStt 
         lbcs  L036C
         ldu   <u0000
         os9   I$Close  
         lbcs  L035B
         ldx   <u0023,u
         lda   <u0025,u
         tfr   d,u
         lda   <devfd
         os9   I$Seek   
         ldu   <u0000
         lbcs  L036C
         leax  <u0051,u
         ldy   #$0100
         os9   I$Read   
         lbcs  L036C
         ldd   <u0069,u
         lbne  L036F
         lda   <devfd
         ldx   #$0000
         ldu   #$0015
         os9   I$Seek   
         ldu   <u0000
         lbcs  L036C
         leax  u0008,u
         ldy   #$0005
         os9   I$Read   
         lbcs  L036C
         ldd   <u000B
         beq   L02C5
         ldx   <u002F
         leay  >L014D,pcr
         lda   #$2F
L02AB    sta   ,x+
         lda   ,y+
         bpl   L02AB
         leax  <u0031,u
         os9   I$Delete 
         ldx   <u002F
         leay  >L0143,pcr
         lda   #$2F
L02BF    sta   ,x+
         lda   ,y+
         bpl   L02BF
L02C5    lda   #$01
         leax  >L013C,pcr
         ldy   <u000D
         leau  <u0031,u
         os9   F$Fork   
         lbcs  L036C
         os9   F$Wait   
         lbcs  L036C
         lbne  L036C
         ldu   <u0000
         ldb   <u0061,u
         stb   <u0008
         ldd   <u0062,u
         std   <u0009
         ldd   <u0006
         std   <u000B
         ldx   #$0000
         ldu   #$0015
         lda   <devfd
         os9   I$Seek   
         ldu   <u0000
         lbcs  L036C
         leax  u0008,u
         ldy   #$0005
         os9   I$Write  
         lbcs  L036C
         lbsr  SkLSN1
         leax  <u0051,u
         ldy   #$0100
         os9   I$Read   
         bcs   L035F
         lda   ,x
         anda  #$3F
         eora  #$3F
         lbne  L0385
         lda   $01,x
         eora  #$FF
         lbne  L0385
         lda   $02,x
         anda  #$90
         eora  #$90
         lbne  L0385
         ldx   #Bt.Start    Address of kernel in RAM
         ldy   #Bt.Size     Amount to write
         lda   <devfd
         os9   I$Write  
         bcs   L0354
         os9   I$Close  
         bcs   L036C
         bra   L036C
L0354    leax  >L0094,pcr
         bra   L035F
L035B    leax  >L0014,pcr
L035F    pshs  b
         lda   #$02
         ldy   #$0100
         os9   I$WritLn 
         puls  b
L036C    os9   F$Exit   
L036F    leax  >L00FC,pcr
         bra   L035F

SkLSN1   pshs  u
         lda   <devfd
         ldx   #$0000
         ldu   #$0100
         os9   I$Seek   Seek to allocation map at LSN 1
         puls  pc,u

L0385    leax  >L00B0,pcr
         bra   L035F
eom      equ   *