Mercurial > hg > Members > kono > nitros9-code
view level2/modules/kernel/fchain.asm @ 2758:e4a0f58a5f9b
Found that people who do not have the envirornment variable NITROS9DIR set before building the project get a error missing file "/rules.mak". Found this is caused do to the fact that the code to set this envirornment variable is in the rules.mak which can't get loaded.
To fix this the code needed to set the envirornment variable that is in the rules.mak is now in the makefile(s) right before the include for the rules.mak file. This should fix the problem for those who do not have the NITROS9DIR envirornment variable preset.
author | drencor-xeen |
date | Mon, 14 Jan 2013 14:37:46 -0600 |
parents | 53c50c807d55 |
children | 039ddb7c8ad7 |
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************************************************** * System Call: F$Chain * * Function: Starts a new child process and terminates the calling process. * * Input: X = Address of module or filename * Y = Parameter area size (256 byte pages) * U = Address of parameter area * A = Language/Type code * B = Optional data area size (256 byte pages) * * Output: None * * Error: CC = C bit set; B = error code * FChain pshs u preserve register stack pointer lbsr AllPrc allocate a new process descriptor bcc L03B7 do the chain if no error puls u,pc return to caller with error * Copy Process Descriptor Data L03B7 ldx <D.Proc get pointer to current process pshs x,u save old & new descriptor pointers leax P$SP,x point to source leau P$SP,u point to destination IFNE H6309 ldw #$00fc get size (P$SP+$FC) tfm x+,u+ move it ELSE ldy #$00FC L03C3 ldd ,x++ copy bytes std ,u++ leay -2,y bne L03C3 ENDC L03CB ldu 2,s get new descriptor pointer leau <P$DATImg,u ldx ,s get old descriptor pointer lda P$Task,x get task # lsla 2 bytes per entry ldx <D.TskIpt get task image table pointer stu a,x save updated DAT image pointer for later * Question: are the previous 7 lines necessary? The F$AllTsk call, below * should take care of everything! ldx <D.Proc get process descriptor IFNE H6309 clrd Faster than 2 memory clears ELSE clra clrb ENDC stb P$Task,x old process has no task number std <P$SWI,x clear out all sorts of signals and vectors std <P$SWI2,x std <P$SWI3,x sta <P$Signal,x std <P$SigVec,x ldu <P$PModul,x os9 F$UnLink unlink from the primary module ldb P$PagCnt,x grab the page count addb #$1F round up to the nearest block lsrb lsrb lsrb lsrb lsrb get number of blocks used lda #$08 IFNE H6309 subr b,a A=number of blocks unused ELSE pshs b suba ,s+ ENDC leay <P$DATImg,x set up the initial DAT image lslb leay b,y go to the offset ldu #DAT.Free mark the blocks as free L040C stu ,y++ do all of them deca bne L040C ldu 2,s get new process descriptor pointer stu <D.Proc make it the new process ldu 4,s lbsr L04B1 link to new module & setup register stack IFNE H6309 bcs L04A1 ELSE lbcs L04A1 ENDC pshs d somehow D = memory size? Or parameter size? os9 F$AllTsk allocate a new task number * ignore errors here * Hmmm.. the code above FORCES the new process to have the same DAT image ptr * as the old process, not that it matters... IFNE H6309 fcb $24,$00 TODO: Identify this! ENDC ldu <D.Proc get nre process lda P$Task,u new task number ldb P$Task,x old task number leau >(P$Stack-R$Size),x set up the stack for the new process leax ,y ldu R$X,u where to copy from IFNE H6309 cmpr x,u check From/To addresses ELSE pshs x src ptr cmpu ,s++ dest ptr ENDC puls y size bhi L0471 To < From: do F$Move beq L0474 To == From, skip F$Move * To > From: do special copy leay ,y any bytes to move? beq L0474 no, skip ahead IFNE H6309 pshs x save address addr y,x add size to FROM address cmpr x,u is it puls x ELSE pshs d,x tfr y,d leax d,x pshs x cmpu ,s++ puls d,x ENDC bls L0471 end of FROM <= start of TO: do F$Move * The areas to copy overlap: do special move routine pshs d,x,y,u save regs IFNE H6309 addr y,x go to the END of the area to copy FROM addr y,u end of area to copy TO ELSE tfr y,d leax d,x leau d,u ENDC * This all appears to be doing a copy where destination <= source, * in the same address space. L0457 ldb ,s grab ?? leax -1,x back up one os9 F$LDABX exg x,u ldb 1,s leax -1,x back up another one os9 F$STABX exg x,u leay -1,y bne L0457 puls d,x,y,u restore regs bra L0474 skip over F$Move L0471 os9 F$Move move data over? L0474 lda <D.SysTsk get system task number ldx ,s old process dsc ptr ldu P$SP,x leax >(P$Stack-R$Size),x ldy #R$Size os9 F$Move move the stack over puls u,x restore new, old process dsc's lda P$ID,u lbsr L0386 check alarms os9 F$DelTsk delete the old task orcc #IntMasks ldd <D.SysPrc std <D.Proc IFNE H6309 aim #^SysState,P$State,x ELSE lda P$State,x anda #^SysState sta P$State,x ENDC os9 F$AProc activate the process os9 F$NProc go to it * comes here on error with link to new module L04A1 puls u,x stx <D.Proc pshs b lda ,u lbsr L0386 kill signals puls b os9 F$Exit exit from the process with error condition * Setup new process DAT image with module L04B1 pshs d,x,y,u preserve everything ldd <D.Proc get pointer to current process pshs d save it stx <D.Proc save pointer to new process lda R$A,u get module type ldx R$X,u get pointer to module name ldy ,s get pointer to current process leay P$DATImg,y point to DAT image os9 F$SLink map it into new process DAT image bcc L04D7 no error, keep going ldd ,s restore to current process std <D.Proc ldu 4,s get pointer to new process os9 F$Load try & load it bcc L04D7 no error, keep going leas 4,s purge stack puls x,y,u,pc restore & return * L04D7 stu 2,s save pointer to module pshs a,y save module type & entry point ldu $0B,s restore register stack pointer stx R$X,u save updated name pointer ldx $07,s restore process pointer stx <D.Proc make it current ldd 5,s get pointer to new module std P$PModul,x save it into process descriptor puls a restore module type cmpa #Prgrm+Objct regular module? beq L04FB yes, go cmpa #Systm+Objct system module? beq L04FB IFNE H6309 *--- these lines added to allow 6309 native mode modules to be executed cmpa #Prgrm+Obj6309 regular module? beq L04FB yes, go cmpa #Systm+Obj6309 system module? beq L04FB *--- ENDC ldb #E$NEMod return unknown module L04F4 leas 2,s purge stack stb 3,s save error comb set carry bra L053E return * Setup up data memory L04FB ldd #M$Mem get offset to module memory size leay P$DATImg,x get pointer to DAT image ldx P$PModul,x get pointer to module header os9 F$LDDDXY get module memory size cmpa R$B,u bigger or smaller than callers request? bcc L050E bigger, use it instead lda R$B,u get callers memory size instead clrb clear LSB of mem size L050E os9 F$Mem try & get the data memory bcs L04F4 can't do it, exit with error ldx 6,s restore process pointer leay (P$Stack-R$Size),x point to new register stack pshs d preserve memory size subd R$Y,u take off size of paramater area std R$X,y save pointer to parameter area subd #R$Size take off size of register stack std P$SP,x save new SP ldd R$Y,u get parameter count std R$A,y save it to new process std 6,s save it for myself to puls d,x restore top of mem & program entry point std R$Y,y set top of mem pointer ldd R$U,u get pointer to parameters std 6,s lda #Entire sta R$CC,y save condition code clra sta R$DP,y save direct page clrb std R$U,y save data area start stx R$PC,y save program entry point L053E puls d restore process pointer std <D.Proc save it as current puls d,x,y,u,pc