view level2/modules/kernel/ffork.asm @ 2758:e4a0f58a5f9b

Found that people who do not have the envirornment variable NITROS9DIR set before building the project get a error missing file "/rules.mak". Found this is caused do to the fact that the code to set this envirornment variable is in the rules.mak which can't get loaded. To fix this the code needed to set the envirornment variable that is in the rules.mak is now in the makefile(s) right before the include for the rules.mak file. This should fix the problem for those who do not have the NITROS9DIR envirornment variable preset.
author drencor-xeen
date Mon, 14 Jan 2013 14:37:46 -0600
parents 90bad6d8388c
children 039ddb7c8ad7
line wrap: on
line source

* System Call: F$Fork
* Function: Starts a new child process
* Input:  X = Address of module or filename
*         Y = Parameter area size (256 byte pages)
*         U = Address of parameter area
*         A = Language/Type code
*         B = Optional data area size (256 byte pages)
* Output: X = Updated past the name string
*         A = Child's process ID
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
FFork    pshs   u           preserve register stack pointer
         lbsr   AllPrc      setup a new process descriptor
         bcc    GotNPrc     went ok, keep going
         puls   u,pc        restore & return with error

* Copy user # & priority
GotNPrc  pshs   u           save pointer to new descriptor
         ldx    <D.Proc     get current process pointer
         IFNE   H6309
         ldq    P$User,x    Get user # & priority from forking process
         std    P$User,u    Save user # in new process
         ste    P$Prior,u   Save priority in new process
         ldd    P$User,x
         std    P$User,u
         lda    P$Prior,x
         sta    P$Prior,u
* Copy network I/O pointers to new descriptor
         IFEQ   Network-1
         pshs   x,u 
         leax   >P$NIO,x    point to current NIO pointers
         leau   >P$NIO,u    point to buffer for new ones
         IFNE   H6309
         ldw    #NefIOSiz   get size
         tfm    x+,u+       move 'em
         ldb    #NefIOSiz
L0250    lda    ,x+
         sta    ,u+
         bne    L0250
         puls   x,u         restore pointers to descriptors
* Copy I/O pointers to new descriptor
         leax   P$DIO,x    
         leau   P$DIO,u
         IFNE   H6309
         ldw    #DefIOSiz
         tfm    x+,u+
* Copy Standard paths to new descriptor
         lde    #3          get # paths
         ldb    #DefIOSiz
L0261    lda    ,x+
         sta    ,u+
         bne    L0261
         ldy    #3

* Duplicate 1st 3 paths
GetOPth  lda    ,x+         get a path #
         beq    SveNPth     don't exist, go on
         os9    I$Dup       dupe it
         bcc    SveNPth     no error, go on
         clra               clear it

* As std in/out/err
SveNPth  sta    ,u+         save new path #
         IFNE   H6309
         dece               done?
         leay   -1,y
         bne    GetOPth     no, keep going
* Link to new module & setup task map
         ldx    ,s          get pointer to new descriptor
         ldu    2,s         get pointer to register stack
         lbsr   L04B1       link to module & setup register stack
         bcs    L02CF       exit if error
         pshs   d
         os9    F$AllTsk    allocate the task & setup MMU
         bcs    L02CF       Error, skip ahead

* Copy parameters to new process
         lda    P$PagCnt,x  get memory page count
         subd   ,s          calculate destination
         tfr    d,u         set parameter destination pointer
         ldb    P$Task,x    get source task #
         ldx    <D.Proc     get destination task #
         lda    P$Task,x
         leax   ,y          point to parameters
         puls   y           restore parameter count
         os9    F$Move      move parameters to new process

* Setup the new stack
         ldx    ,s          get pointer to process descriptor
         lda    <D.SysTsk   get task #
         ldu    P$SP,x      get new stack pointer
         leax   >(P$Stack-R$Size),x point to register stack
         ldy    #R$Size     get size of register stack
         os9    F$Move      move the register stack over
         puls   u,x
         os9    F$DelTsk 
         ldy    <D.Proc
         lda    P$ID,x
         sta    R$A,u
         ldb    P$CID,y
         sta    P$CID,y
         lda    P$ID,y
         std    P$PID,x
         IFNE   H6309
         aim    #^SysState,P$State,x switch to non-system state
         lda    P$State,x
         anda   #^SysState
         sta    P$State,x
* Put date & time of creation into descriptor
*         pshs   x           preserve process pointer
*         leax   P$DatBeg,x  point to time buffer
*         os9    F$Time      put date/time into it
*         puls   x           restore pointer
         os9    F$AProc     and start the process
         rts                return

* Fork error goes here
L02CF    puls  x
         pshs  b		save error
         lbsr  L05A5		close paths & unlink mem
         lda   P$ID,x		get bad ID
         lbsr  L0386		delete proc desc & task #
         comb			set carry
         puls  pc,u,b		pull error code & u & return