view level2/modules/kernel/fmove.asm @ 2758:e4a0f58a5f9b

Found that people who do not have the envirornment variable NITROS9DIR set before building the project get a error missing file "/rules.mak". Found this is caused do to the fact that the code to set this envirornment variable is in the rules.mak which can't get loaded. To fix this the code needed to set the envirornment variable that is in the rules.mak is now in the makefile(s) right before the include for the rules.mak file. This should fix the problem for those who do not have the NITROS9DIR envirornment variable preset.
author drencor-xeen
date Mon, 14 Jan 2013 14:37:46 -0600
parents 8900c6809408
children 039ddb7c8ad7
line wrap: on
line source

* System Call: F$Move
* Function: Move data (low bound first)
* Input:  A = Source task #
*         B = Destination task #
*         X = Source pointer
*         Y = Number of bytes to move
*         U = Destination pointer
* Output: None
* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
* 2009/12/31 - Modified 6809 version so that it does not use the stack
* while MMU is in used... this addresses a crash that occurred when the
* bootfile was too small, causing the process descriptor to be allocated
* in the $AXXX range, and as a result, the process stack pointer would get
* switched out when $FFA5-$FFA6 was written and the stack would disappear.
         IFEQ  H6309
L0A01    clrb

FMove    ldd   R$D,u        get source & destination task #'s
L0B25    ldy   R$Y,u        Get # bytes to move
         beq   L0A01        None, exit without error
         ldx   R$X,u        get source pointer
         ldu   R$U,u        get destination pointer

L0B2C    pshs  d,x,y,u      preserve it all
         pshs  d,y          save task #'s & byte count
         tfr   a,b          copy source task to B
         lbsr  L0BF5        calculate block offset of source
         leay  a,u          point to block
         pshs  x,y          save source pointer & DAT pointer of source
         ldb   9,s          get destination task #
         ldx   14,s         get destination pointer
         lbsr  L0BF5        calculate block offset
         leay  a,u          point to block
         pshs  x,y          save dest. pointer & DAT pointer to dest.
* try ldq #$20002000/ subr x,w / pshsw (+3), take out ldd (-3)
         ldd   #DAT.BlSz    get block size
         subd  ,s           take off offset
         pshs  d            preserve
         ldd   #DAT.BlSz    init offset in block
         subd  6,s
         pshs  d            save distance to end??
         ldx   8,s          get source pointer
         leax  -$6000,x     make X point to where we'll map block ($a000)
         ldu   4,s          get destination pointer
         leau  -$4000,u     make U point to where we'll map block ($c000)
         ldy   <D.SysDAT    Get ptr to system DAT image
         lda   11,y         Get MMU block #5
         ldb   13,y         Get MMU block #6
         tfr   d,y          Move to Y since unused in loop below
* Main move loop
* Stack:  0,s=distance to end of source block
*         2,s=distance to end of destination block
*         4,s=pointer to destination
*         6,s=pointer to destination DAT image
*         8,s=pointer to source
*        10,s=pointer to source DAT image
*        12,s=task # of source
*        13,s=task # of destination
*        14,s=total byte count of move
* Registers: X=Source pointer
*            U=Destination pointer
L0B6A    equ   *
         IFNE  H6309
         ldd   [<6,s]       [B]=Block # of source
         ldw   [<10,s]      [A]=Block # of destination
         tfr   f,a
* Calculate move length for this pass
         ldw   14,s         get full byte count
         cmpw  ,s           we gonna overlap source?
         bls   L0B82        no, skip ahead
         ldw   ,s           get remaining bytes in source block
L0B82    cmpw  2,s          we gonna overlap destination?
         bls   L0B89        no, skip ahead
         ldw   2,s          get remaining bytes in destination block
L0B89    cmpw  #$0100       less than 128 bytes?
         bls   L0B92        yes, skip ahead
         ldw   #$0100       force to 128 bytes
L0B92    stw   12,s         save count
         orcc  #IntMasks    Shut off interrupts
         std   >$FFA5       map in the blocks
         tfm   x+,u+        Copy up to 128 bytes
         sty   >$FFA5       Restore system blocks 5&6 to normal
         andcc #^IntMasks
         ldd   14,s         get full count
         subd  12,s         done?
         beq   L0BEF        yes, return
         std   14,s         save updated count
         ldd   ,s           get current offset in block
         subd  12,s         need to switch source block?
         bne   L0BD7        no, skip ahead
         lda   #$20       B=0 from 'bne' above
         subr  d,x          reset source back to begining of block
         inc   11,s         add 2 to source DAT pointer
         inc   11,s
L0BD7    std   ,s           save updated source offset in block
         ldd   2,s          get destination offset
         subd  12,s         need to switch destination block?
         bne   L0BEA        no, skip ahead
         lda   #$20       B=0 from 'bne', above
         subr  d,u          reset destination back to beginning of block
         inc   7,s          add 2 to destination DAT pointer
         inc   7,s
L0BEA    std   2,s          save updated destination offset in block
         bra   L0B6A        go do next block
* Block move done, return
L0BEF    leas  16,s         purge stack
L0BF2    clrb               clear errors
         puls  d,x,y,u,pc   return
* Main move loop
* Stack:  0,s=distance to end of source block
*         2,s=distance to end of destination block
*         4,s=pointer to destination
*         6,s=pointer to destination DAT image
*         8,s=pointer to source
*        10,s=pointer to source DAT image
*        12,s=task # of source
*        13,s=task # of destination
*        14,s=total byte count of move
* Registers: X=Source pointer
*            U=Destination pointer
L0BXA    pshs  cc         
         ldd   [<$07,s]    
         pshs  b  
         ldd   [<$0C,s]    
         pshs  b  
         ldd   <$11,s
         cmpd  $03,s
         bls   L0B82
         ldd   $03,s
L0B82    cmpd  $05,s
         bls   L0B89
         ldd   $05,s
L0B89    cmpd  #$0040
         bls   L0B84
         ldd   #$0040
L0B84    std   $0F,s
         puls  y
         orcc  #IntMasks
         lda   $0E,s  +++
         sty   >$FFA5
		 tfr   d,y    +++
         andb  #$07
         beq   L0B99
L0B92    lda   ,x+
         sta   ,u+
         bne   L0B92       
         tfr   y,d    +++
*         ldb   $0E,s  ---
*         lsrb        ---
*         lsrb        ---
*         lsrb        ---
         lsra        +++
         lsra        +++
         lsra        +++
         beq   L0BBC
*         pshs  b      ---  
         exg   x,u  
*         pulu  y,b,a  ---
*         std   ,x     ---
*         sty   $02,x  ---
*         pulu  y,b,a  ---
*         std   $04,x  ---
*         sty   $06,x  ---
*         leax  $08,x  ---
*         dec   ,s     ---
*         bne   L0BA4  ---
*         leas  $01,s  ---
		 pulu  y      +++
		 sty   ,x++   +++ 
		 pulu  y      +++
		 sty   ,x++   +++
		 pulu  y      +++
 		 sty   ,x++   +++
		 pulu  y      +++
		 sty   ,x++   +++
		 deca         +++
		 bne   L0BA4  +++
         exg   x,u
L0BBC    ldy   <D.SysDAT
         lda   $0B,y
         ldb   $0D,y       
         std   >$FFA5
***** AND HERE...........
         puls  cc   
         ldd   $0E,s 
         subd  $0C,s
         beq   L0BEF       
         std   $0E,s
         ldd   ,s   
         subd  $0C,s
         bne   L0BD7 
         ldd   #DAT.BlSz
         leax  >-DAT.BlSz,x
         inc   $0B,s
         inc   $0B,s
L0BD7    std   ,s       
         ldd   $02,s 
         subd  $0C,s
         bne   L0BEA
         ldd   #DAT.BlSz
         leau  >-DAT.BlSz,u
         inc   $07,s
         inc   $07,s       
L0BEA    std   $02,s 
         lbra  L0BXA
L0BEF    leas  <$10,s
L0BF2    clrb       
         puls  pc,u,y,x,b,a
L0BF3    tfr   u,y        save a copy of U for later
* Calculate offset within DAT image
* Entry: B=Task #
*        X=Pointer to data
* Exit : A=Offset into DAT image
*        X=Offset within block from original pointer
* Possible bug:  No one ever checks if the DAT image, in fact, exists.
L0BF5    ldu   <D.TskIPt  get task image ptr table
         ldu   b,u        get ptr to this task's DAT image
         tfr   x,d          copy logical address to D
         anda  #%11100000   Keep only which 8K bank it's in
         beq   L0C07        Bank 0, no further calcs needed
         clrb             force it to start on an 8K boundary
         IFNE  H6309
         subr  d,x        now X=offset into the block
         pshs  d
         tfr   x,d
         subd  ,s
         tfr   d,x
         puls  d
         lsra               Calculate offset into DAT image to get proper
         lsra               8K bank (remember that each entry in a DAT image
         lsra               is 2 bytes)
L0C07    rts