view level2/modules/krnp3_perr.asm @ 2758:e4a0f58a5f9b

Found that people who do not have the envirornment variable NITROS9DIR set before building the project get a error missing file "/rules.mak". Found this is caused do to the fact that the code to set this envirornment variable is in the rules.mak which can't get loaded. To fix this the code needed to set the envirornment variable that is in the rules.mak is now in the makefile(s) right before the include for the rules.mak file. This should fix the problem for those who do not have the NITROS9DIR envirornment variable preset.
author drencor-xeen
date Mon, 14 Jan 2013 14:37:46 -0600
parents 949d4df97cca
children 00dc1ef6a7aa
line wrap: on
line source

* krnp3 - Printerr functionality for Level 2
* $Id$
*    Peter E. Durham
*    The New Wentworth Timesharing System
*    summer: 6 Twin Brook Circle        school: Quincy House D-24
*            Andover, MA 01810                  58 Plympton St.
*            (617) 475-4243                     Cambridge, MA 02138
*                                               (617) 498-3209
*    cis:    73177,1215                 delphi: PEDXING
*    unix:   harvard!husc4!durham_2     intnet: 
*  COPYRIGHT (C) 1987 by Peter Durham
*    Permission is given to all members of the OS-9 community to use,
*    modify, and share this program for their personal enjoyment.
*    Commercial use of this program, which was written for fun to share with
*    the community, is prohibited without the consent of the author.
*    Please share any extensions or modifications with the author, who
*    would be interested in hearing about them.
*    Quick poll... how does the above sound as a copyright notice?  Clearly,
*    authors like to share their work while maintaining some control on it.
*    And it doesn't seem fair for someone else to make $ from something
*    someone else made for fun.  I think the above conditions are what most
*    people want.  Let me know what you think.
*    The inspiration for this utility was the os9p3 example in
*    the Tandy Level 2 manual.  Tandy deserves praise for
*    including examples such as this one in their manuals.
*    There is something funny about KrnP3 modules... some versions
*    are not liked, others are.  When developing this module, often
*    a version would fail... but if I added a "leas 0,s" right before
*    the "rts" in PrinBuf, it would work!  Probably the location and
*    operation are not significant.  This version here has never failed
*    to boot on my system; however, if it does on yours (or you change
*    it), try putting such things in.
*    For those people who just can't have enough... KrnP3 will look for
*    a module called KrnP4, and link to it, and execute it.  Thanks to
*    Kev for this idea.  Now we can keep additions to the kernel in nice
*    separate chunks.  (How long 'til KrnP11 comes around...?)
* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
* Comment
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
*   1      1987/06/23  Peter E. Durham
* First release.

         nam   krnp3
         ttl   Printerr functionality for Level 2

         use   defsfile

type     set   Systm      ;System module, 6809 object code
revs     set   0          ;
edition  set   1

         mod   eom,name,type,ReEnt+revs,entry,256

name     fcs   "KrnP3"
         fcb   edition

*  Initialization routine and table
Entry    equ   *
         leay  SvcTbl,pcr ;Get address of table
         os9   F$SSvc     ;Install services in table
         lda   #Type      ;Get system module type for KrnP4
         leax  P4Name,pcr ;Get name for KrnP4
         os9   F$Link     ;Try to link to it
         bcs   Exit       ;If not found, exit
         jsr   ,y         ;Go execute it!
Exit     rts              ;Return to KrnP2

SvcTbl   equ   *
         fcb   F$PErr     ;System call number
         fdb   PErr-*-2   ;Offset to code
         fcb   $80        ;End of table

*  The new F$Perr service call
*  Data (in user space!)
BufLen   equ   80
Buf      rmb   BufLen
HunDig   equ   Buf+7
TenDig   equ   Buf+8
OneDig   equ   Buf+9
DataMem  equ   .

*  FUNCTION     PErr
*  PURPOSE      Top level routine
*  REGISTERS    B = Error code (after Setup)
*               U = User memory area (after Setup)
*               Y = User process descriptor (after Setup)
*               A = Error file path number (after OpenFil)
*               X = Pointer to strings
PErr     equ   *
         bsr   Setup      ;Go set up registers
         leax  ErrMsg,pcr ;Get pointer to "Error #000"
         bsr   MoveBuf    ;Go copy it over
         bsr   WritNum    ;Go copy the number into it
         lbsr  PrinMsg    ;Go print the message
         bcs   PErrBye    ;If error, abort
         leax  FilNam,pcr ;Get pointer to "/dd/sys/errmsg"
         bsr   MoveBuf    ;Go copy it over
         lbsr  OpenFil    ;Go open the file
         bcs   PErrBye    ;If error, abort
Loop     lbsr  RdBuf      ;Go read a line from the file
         bcs   Error      ;If error, print CR, and abort
         pshs  b          ;Save error code
         pshs  b          ;Save error code again for compare
         bsr   CalcNum    ;What number is on this line?
         cmpb  ,s+        ;Is this line the right line?
         puls  b          ;Restore error code
         bne   Loop       ;If not right line, loop again
         lbsr  PrinBuf    ;If right line, write line out
         bra   Close      ;Done, so close the file
Error    lbsr  DoCR       ;Go print a carriage return
Close    lbsr  ClosFil    ;Go close the file
PErrBye  rts              ;Return from system call

*  FUNCTION     SetUp
*  PURPOSE      Sets up registers
*  GIVES        B = Error code
*               U = Pointer to data memory on user stack in user space
*               Y = Pointer to user process descriptor in system space
SetUp    equ   *
         ldb   R$B,u      ;Get error code
         ldy   D.Proc     ;Get user's process descriptor
         ldu   P$SP,y     ;Get user's stack pointer
         leau  -DataMem,u ;Reserve a little space

*  FUNCTION     MoveBuf
*  PURPOSE      Copies string to user space
*  TAKES        X = location of string in system space
MoveBuf  equ   *
         pshs  u,y,d      ;Save registers
         lda   D.SysTsk   ;Get system process task number
         ldb   P$Task,y   ;Get user process task number
         leau  Buf,u      ;Get pointer to destination buffer
         ldy   #BufLen    ;Copy BufLen characters over (extras, oh well)
         os9   F$Move     ;Move string to user space
         puls  d,y,u,pc   ;Restore registers and return

*  FUNCTION     WriteNum
*  PURPOSE      Puts the ASCII value of the error code in user space
*  TAKES        B = error code
WritNum  equ   *
         pshs  x,d        ;Save registers
         clra             ;Start A as 0
Huns     cmpb  #100       ;Is B >= 100?
         blo   HunDone    ;If not, go do Tens
         inca             ;Increment hundreds digit
         subb  #100       ;Subtract 100 from B
         bra   Huns       ;Go do again
HunDone  leax  HunDig,u   ;Where to put digit
         bsr   WritDig    ;Go put it there
         clra             ;Start A again as 0
Tens     cmpb  #10        ;Is B >= 10?
         blo   TenDone    ;If not, go do Ones
         inca             ;Increment hundreds digit
         subb  #10        ;Subtract 10 from B
         bra   Tens       ;Go do again
TenDone  leax  TenDig,u   ;Where to put digit
         bsr   WritDig    ;Go put it there
         tfr   b,a        ;Get ones digit
         leax  OneDig,u   ;Where to put digit
         bsr   WritDig    ;Go put it there
         puls  d,x,pc     ;Restore registers and return

*  FUNCTION     WritDig
*  PURPOSE      Copy digit into user space
*  TAKES        A = digit to copy (not in ASCII yet)
*               X = where to put digit
WritDig  equ   *
         pshs  d          ;Save registers
         adda  #'0        ;Convert A to ASCII
         ldb   P$Task,y   ;Get task number
         os9   F$StABX    ;Write that digit to user space
         puls  d,pc       ;Restore registers and return

*  FUNCTION     CalcNum
*  PURPOSE      Converts ASCII number in user space to binary
*  TAKES        Buf (in user space) = ASCII number
*  GIVES        B = number converted
*               X = points to first nonnumeric character
CalcNum  equ   *
         pshs  a          ;Save register
         leax  Buf,u      ;Get pointer to buffer
         clrb             ;Set accumulator to zero
NextDig  bsr   LoadDig    ;Get digit from user space
         suba  #'0        ;Convert to binary; is it less than zero?
         bmi   CalcBye    ;If so, return
         cmpa  #9         ;Is the digit more than nine?
         bhi   CalcBye    ;If so, return
         pshs  a          ;Save the digit while we multiply
         lda   #10        ;Multiply current number by 10
         mul              ;Do it
         addb  ,s+        ;Add new digit to number
         leax  1,x        ;Advance X to next digit
         bra   NextDig    ;Go get the next digit
CalcBye  puls  a,pc       ;Restore register and return

*  FUNCTION     LoadDig
*  PURPOSE      Get digit from user space
*  TAKES        X = pointer to digit in user space
*  GIVES        A = digit in user space
LoadDig  equ   *
         pshs  b          ;Save register
         ldb   P$Task,y   ;Get user process task number
         os9   F$LdABX    ;Get digit
         puls  b,pc       ;Restore register and return

*  FUNCTION     PrinMsg
*  PURPOSE      Prints out the Error #xxx message
PrinMsg  equ   *
         pshs  y,x,a      ;Save registers
         lda   P$Path+2,y ;Get StdErr path number
         leax  Buf,u      ;Get pointer to message
         ldy   #ErrLen    ;Maximum ErrLen characters to print
         os9   I$Write    ;Write out error message
         puls  a,x,y,pc   ;Restore registers and return

*  PURPOSE      Prints a carriage return
DoCR     equ   *
         pshs  x,d        ;Save registers
         ldb   P$Task,y   ;Get user task number
         lda   #C$CR      ;Load A with a CR
         leax  Buf,u      ;Get pointer to buffer
         os9   F$StABX    ;Move the CR to the buffer
         bsr   PrinBuf    ;Go print it
         puls  d,x,pc     ;Restore registers and return

*  FUNCTION     PrinBuf
*  PURPOSE      Prints out the string from user space
*  TAKES        X (in user space) = String to print
PrinBuf  equ   *
         pshs  y,a        ;Save registers
         lda   P$Path+2,y ;Get StdErr path number
         ldy   #BufLen    ;Maximum BufLen characters to print
         os9   I$WritLn   ;Write out message
         puls  a,y,pc     ;Restore registers and return

*  FUNCTION     RdBuf
*  PURPOSE      Reads in a string from file to user space
*  TAKES        A = path number
*  GIVES        Buf (in user space) = String read in
RdBuf    equ   *
         pshs  y,x        ;Save registers
         leax  Buf,u      ;Get pointer to buffer
         ldy   #BufLen    ;Maximum BufLen characters to read
         os9   I$ReadLn   ;Read in line from file
         puls  x,y,pc     ;Restore registers and return

*  FUNCTION     OpenFil
*  PURPOSE      Open path to error message file
*  TAKES        Buf (in user space) = name of file
*  GIVES        A = Path number
OpenFil  equ   *
         pshs  x          ;Save register
         lda   #READ.     ;Open path for read access
         leax  Buf,u      ;Get pointer to string
         os9   I$Open     ;Open path
         puls  x,pc       ;Restore registers and return A

*  FUNCTION     ClosFil
*  PURPOSE      Close path to error message file
*  TAKES        A = Path number
ClosFil  equ   *
         os9   I$Close    ;Close file
         rts              ;Return
P4Name   fcc   "krnp4"
         fcb   C$CR
ErrMsg   fcc   "Error #000"
ErrLen   equ   *-ErrMsg
FilNam   fcc   "/dd/sys/errmsg"
         fcb   C$CR
FilLen   equ   *-FilNam

eom      equ   *